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Belgrade Media Report 24 April



Elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija were held without the participation of Serbs - the demands remain the same, and the political problems remain unresolved (RTS)


Extraordinary local elections were held in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). They were organized by Pristina after Serbs submitted their collective resignations in institutions under its patronage in November. In the race for mayors of municipalities in the north, there was one candidate from the Serbian community and nine Albanians. Only Albanians voted. Only Albanians voted. There are a few percent of them in the voter lists in the northern municipalities of KiM, so the turnout is accordingly the same.


The director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic, said that 1,566 Albanians and 13 persons of Serbian nationality voted in the local elections in the north of KiM. 449 Albanians voted less than in the previous elections, it is obvious that Albanians also boycotted the elections, Petkovic stated.


According to the data of the Pristina Central Election Commission, 1,567 voters voted out of a total of 45,095, or 3.47 percent. The Central Election Commission in Pristina themselves stated that the figures show that there are more staff and police than voters at the polling stations, made out of containers.


From the Albanian non-governmental organizations that follow the election processes, they stated, considering the small number of those who voted, that the elections were more of an improvisation, than a process that guarantees fair standards and free participation of communities.


In Zvecan, Sladjana Pantovic, a candidate for the president of that municipality, who arrived at the polling station accompanied by the police, voted. Serbs ignored the voting in containers, surrounded by policemen and cameras. They expressed a collective boycott and thus, they say, sent a message that they do not agree to imposed solutions. They stand by their demands - the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and the withdrawal of all special police units from the north.


The presence of the police was more than obvious. In fact, it is not remembered that so many policemen were brought to their feet for some elections. And there were about a thousand of them in the north of KiM. When everything is over, the question remains what to do next. Unsolved political problems also remain. They admit that in Pristina as well. They say that the extraordinary elections are legal, but that they will not bring demographic and political legitimacy. Voting with the police will only strengthen the already bad relations between the Serbs in the north and the central institutions in Pristina. Political problems remain and require dialogue.


Self-determination declared victory in North Mitrovica and Leposavic 


The Self-Determination Movement announced the victory of its candidate Erden Atic for the president of the municipality of North Mitrovica, in the extraordinary local elections held in the north of KiM. Addressing the media in front of the headquarters of Self-Determination in Bosnjacka Mahala in the northern part of Mitrovica, Atic said that he received more than 65 percent of the total of 837 votes. Apart from North Mitrovica, Self-Determination declared victory in Leposavic as well. According to the preliminary results published by the CEC, Erden Atic won 519 votes or 66.5 percent in North Mitrovica. In Leposavic, Ljuljzim Hetemi has 100 votes or 73.5 percent. In Zubin Potok, Izmir Zeciri received 196 votes or 52.1 percent, while in Zvecan Iljir Peci won 114 votes or 60 percent.


On the occasion of the elections held, the embassies of the USA and France in Pristina announced their regret that certain parties did not participate in the elections. "We will continue to work with all relevant parties on next steps," the US embassy said. The Ambassador of France in Pristina, Olivier Gero, assessed that elections with so few voters do not contribute to a political solution.


Petkovic: 1,566 Albanians and 13 Serbs voted, a complete fiasco of the authorities in Pristina (RTS)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, said that 1,566 Albanians and 13 persons of Serbian nationality voted in the local elections in the north of KiM, which were organized by Pristina. 449 Albanians voted less than in the previous elections, it is obvious that Albanians also boycotted the elections, Petkovic stated. Petar Petkovic, at the press conference regarding the local elections in the north of KiM organized by Pristina, said that it was an anti-democratic election that was held in containers, and which was guarded by the Kosovo police with long pipes.


"In the previous days, they absolutely tried in every possible way to force the Serbian people to vote in these elections and to actually occupy the entire north of KiM with this electoral process," Petkovic pointed out. The director of the Office for KiM, based on the data he has, announced that 3.47 percent of voters voted - 1,566 Albanians and 13 persons of Serbian nationality, which is 0.029 percent of registered Serbian voters in the north of KiM. Petkovic specified that in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica, two persons of Serbian nationality voted, seven in Leposavic, four in Zvecan, and none in Zubin Potok. The number of registered voters in the North is 45,095, Petkovic stated, noting that Pristina added 1,345 voters compared to the previous local elections. "449 fewer Albanians voted compared to the previous elections. It is obvious that Albanians also boycotted the elections," Petkovic pointed out. He assessed that it represented a "complete fiasco" of the prime minister and the president of the temporary Pristina institutions, Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani.


"The real winner are the Serbian people, who completely boycotted the elections, because they do not want the occupation of the north. This is a defeat for the international community, which supported Kurti. Now I want to see the representatives of the international community congratulating those who voted in the containers," said Petkovic. As very important, he pointed out that there were no incidents, although for days one could hear that there would certainly be, because the Serbian people are violent. On the contrary, they stayed in their homes, said Petkovic.


"We won't go any further until the ZSO is formed" 


According to him, the Serbs clearly showed Kurti that the land they live on is Serbian and will remain so. "Without the Serbian people, without Belgrade, it is impossible to normalize all relations, while respecting all previous agreements," said Petkovic and added that today everyone who said that one thing is the Serbian List and the other thing are the Serbian people, could see their unity. "We will not go any further until the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is formed," said Petkovic. As he says, the normalization of relations is important to us, but without the ZSO we cannot move forward, not because we do not want it, but because it is a principle. In Brussels, he added, concrete steps should be discussed, for the Management Team to present the draft statute that was drafted in 2018 and sent to the European Union, and which is awaiting an invitation to be presented. "Five years have passed since then, and the EU did not remember to respond to that email. I hope that it will be a topic at the first next round of talks, as it was agreed in the last round of technical talks," said Petkovic. The Director of the Office said that the representatives of the OSCE and the international community who allowed the election process to take place in empty containers and empty streets should be especially ashamed.


"This is truly unprecedented" 


When asked what is happening the day after, Petkovic says that the Serbs are where they were yesterday, and where they will be tomorrow and years, decades and centuries ahead.

"The bottom line is that with this election process and the fact that Albanians are now the ones who will lead four Serbian municipalities, where they will govern 98 percent of the Serbian population in the north of KiM, and that the Serbian people have completely withdrawn - this shows a new reality that is emerging, it shows that the Serbs emphasized and underlined that there is no further normalization of relations without the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, in fact that there is no further progress until Pristina fulfils its most important obligation," said Petkovic.


He states that Kurti wanted to force the Serbian people to vote in containers, but also that he wanted to use this election process to expel an entire nation. "It's really unprecedented. Now all those who supported these elections and who said they would recognize the results of the elections - now let's see how they will congratulate," said Petkovic.


"The Serbian people responded and showed that they are against the occupation" 


He emphasizes that all this shows that Kurti no longer knows what to do, and neither does the international community. "They now recognize the results of completely illegitimate elections, and on the other hand, when Kurti banned the Serbian referendum and the Serbian elections in KiM - they did not worry and exerted the necessary pressure on Pristina to organize those elections, and now we see how they announce that the issue of elections is a basic democratic right and the issue of freedoms - why didn't you say that when they banned Serbian elections," added Petkovic.


"ZSO is a prerequisite for any further order in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina" 


The dialogue in Brussels is scheduled for May 2, and the topic will be these elections, as well as the ZSO. "ZSO is something that is necessary, something that is a prerequisite for any further order in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but everything that the West is doing, I guess, trying to punish Belgrade or Srpska Lista because they did not participate in these elections, and they had a lot the right not to go out because every day Kurti violates their basic human rights," said Petkovic. He points out that with their unity the Serbs showed yesterday that "they will no longer suffer the terror of Aljbin Kurti". "The West can reward Kurti as much as it wants with decisions on visa liberalization, which we have nothing against, and decisions on the beginning of the so-called membership process of Kosovo in the Council of Europe, but the Serbian people gave their answer," said Petkovic.


"Should the so-called Kosovo become a member of the Council of Europe where democracy flourishes" 


The meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, where Pristina's request will be considered, will be held today, and Petkovic asks what it should show. "Should the so-called Kosovo become a member of the Council of Europe where democracy flourishes? Where in the north of KiM 13 Serbs come out and vote? Is this the democracy that should become an example for many others in the world? Is this what the OSCE itself should now promote in other countries, where it should take into account, among other things, election processes," asked Petkovic. He also says that they withdrew from this election, leaving ROSU policemen with long barrels to guard the ballot boxes and count the ballots.


"But they had nothing to count, because the people did not come out, the people did not support them - the people want freedom, the people want to live on their Serbian land, and the Serbs showed that yesterday. I congratulate them for remaining calm, dignified and for showing full responsibility towards themselves and their future," Petkovic concluded.


Kosovo elections: What Belgrade and the Serbs say (N1)


Officials in Belgrade and Kosovo Serb politicians spoke out against the local elections in four Serb-majority municipalities, calling them illegitimate and a fiasco.


The leader of the Serb List said the elections were both illegitimate and illegal. He said that the Serbs boycotted them over broken promises, arrests of Serbs, lies by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti as well as what he called daily repression against the Serbs. He added that the Kosovo Serbs and their political representatives did not take part in the elections in Zvecan, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Mitrovica North because the authorities in Pristina are not implementing agreements, including the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).


Serb List deputy leader Milan Radoicic expressed his personal gratitude to Serbs in the four northern municipalities for their “proven patriotism, dignity, honour and unity”. “I have to tell the people who think they can lead the northern municipalities with just one or two percent of the vote that the Serb people will never allow them to do that,” he said in a written statement, adding that he hopes the everyone understands the message sent by the Serbs.


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in a Twitter post that the elections legalized the last ghetto in Europe. “Remember this day. This is the day when the last European ghetto gets legalized and legitimized. These are the images that truly depict the “rule of law” and the true meaning of “democratic elections” in Kosovo and Metohija as supported by the EU and the Quint,” she wrote adding … “Elections – free & fair, with armed forces and armoured vehicles! This is Europe, in the 21st century”.


Vucic: We don't really have a dialogue, we get imposed papers that are always in favor of Pristina (RTS)


Yesterday there was a peaceful political uprising of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in his address to the public, and added that the Serbs showed that they are looking for a real dialogue, not the imposition of a solution. He pointed out that the most important message to us and to the world is that we do not have an essential dialogue, we do not talk, but we receive imposed papers that are always in favor of Pristina. We will vote against the membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe, emphasizes Vucic.


President Aleksandar Vucic said that yesterday the Serbian people showed that they are looking for a completely different approach, above all from the international community, that they are looking for greater respect and real dialogue, rather than imposing a solution.


"As of April 23, 2023, you have 1,345 more people on the voter list than in the previous local elections. A total of 13 Serbs came out and voted, while two say they came out by mistake. Those 13 are 0.029 percent of the votes. No Serb in Zubin Potok took participation. None of the Serbian settlements went to the polls. Two voted in Kosovska Mitrovica, seven in Leposavic, four in Zvecan," stated Vucic. He adds, a significantly smaller number of Albanians came out than in 2021. "Nine Albanian candidates and one Serbian woman participated," said Vucic. The President of Serbia said that no one voted at several polling stations. He also says that the OSCE, as well as the European Monitoring Mission, did not monitor the elections in the north of KiM.


Vucic also summarized the results of yesterday's elections. In the first place, he said that it was the election debacle of Kurti and Quint, all those who encouraged Kurti and lied to themselves that "the problem is in the criminal Serbian structures in the north of KiM". "Secondly, this is a historic result, because this has never happened on European soil, because you organized elections for only one party, and then you have a result of 0.029 percent," said Vucic. As a third result, the President of Serbia pointed out that the Serbian people showed responsibility and discipline. "Serbs behaved not only in a nationally conscious way, but also as a responsible people ready to show their readiness and will to oppose the occupation," said the Serbian president. As the most important message of yesterday, the president of Serbia points out that there is no substantive dialogue. "What is perhaps the most important message to us and to the whole world is that there is no essential dialogue. We do not talk, we receive imposed papers that are always in favor of the Albanian side, because Quint supports them," said Vucic.


Vucic stated that the Serbs showed determination in the percentage of 99.97 percent. "They didn't show that they just won't participate in Kurti's elections and that Serbia is more important to them than to be on power. They clearly pointed the finger at the fact that no one from the West was listening to them. And that we in Belgrade did not understand them enough in how difficult position they are in. Our people said in a referendum in which country they live, who they don't want in the north of KiM, but also showed the world that they didn't understand anything except the fact that they didn't even want to listen to anyone but themselves. I hope they learn some lesson from it. I hope that we will take a deeper look at the results of the plebiscite decision of our people on KiM," said Vucic.


According to him, yesterday's results represent a completely new political reality. "We will have to behave differently, and some others will have to understand it. Mr. Kurti did not understand it. He thinks that with 400 votes he will govern North Mitrovica. Anything is possible, just don't ask the Serbs for anything after that." said the president. He states that Peter Stano said to speed up the dialogue between the Kosovo Serbs and the Pristina authorities.


"That is exactly what Serbs don't want, you didn't understand anything from what happened yesterday. The Serbs asked you to listen to them, you didn't want to hear them. You never wanted to hear about anything. When they raised the barricades, they thought they were being raised by idle people. You didn't understand the unique message of the Serbian people from yesterday. That message is that our voice is heard, and you will not be able to work without us," Vucic points out. None of the Serbs, he adds, wants to return to the institutions. "I will fight for them to return to the institutions when you form the ZSO and withdraw the special forces from the north of KiM. Will I succeed - hardly. You haven't heard the Serbs for ten years," said Vucic.


President Vucic pointed out that yesterday there was a peaceful political uprising of the Serbian people in KiM, who will not tolerate imposed solutions, cruelty, injury, just to receive praise from Brussels and Washington. "I am afraid that many did not understand it. Then Kurti will say that he wants the ZSO, but that Severna Mitrovica and Leposavic don’t want to be in the ZSO, and the leadership is Albin Kurti. A difficult period is ahead of us, we do not need any conflict with NATO. Of course, nothing will be resolved on May 2. They will see to it that it is diluted, that it lasts for 100 years and that they blame the Serbs for whatever they can think of," emphasized Vucic.


"Everything they were saying about the Council of Europe, these elections, they lied to us all. They made up every word. They have no idea, they are waiting for the Pristina government's proposal on the ZSO. The Serbs clearly said that the ZSO is being formed, but only in in accordance with the principle that I signed with Issa Mustafa and the withdrawal of special forces from the north of KiM. If you don’t want, then continue with the occupation. We are supposed vote for something, and they have not fulfilled anything, we will not. Vucic said no! That's it, replace me," said Vucic. Vucic emphasized that we will vote "against the membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe". "Don't lie and deceive us anymore, that's all I have to say to you, to those from Europe and the world who think they have the right to deceive us and to interpret things as they see fit, not as it is written or as it is agreed," stated Vucic.


"I haven't made a decision yet, but I will probably go to Brussels on May 2," said the President of Serbia. President Vucic pointed out that we need to be on the European path, but also that we need real dialogue. "I'm afraid that this is the prelude to a much deeper crisis and that those who never wanted to hear Belgrade or what we told them, that the Serbs were feeling, are to blame," Vucic pointed out.


EU Spokesman say Kosovo elections not business as usual (N1)


European Union spokesman Peter Stano said on Monday that the local elections in northern Kosovo cannot be considered business as usual because of the low turnout. He said that the EU recognizes that the elections were held in line with the legal framework of Kosovo but regrets the fact that all parties and communities failed to take part in them. “The very low turnout, in particular among Kosovo Serb citizens, shows that this process is not and cannot be considered business as usual,” a press release quoted him as saying.


“Participation in electoral processes has the aim to ensure that the voices of the communities the elected leaders represent, will be heard. These elections do not offer a long-term political solution for these municipalities. This can only happen through permanent return of Kosovo Serbs to the institutions, and for Kosovo to enable this return. The work on the establishment of the Union of Serb majority Municipalities (ZSO) needs to be finalised as soon as possible,” he added. Stano said that the Kosovo Serbs need to urgently return to actively participating in local government, policing and the judiciary in northern Kosovo. “There is an urgent need for a serious dialogue between the Government of Kosovo and Kosovo Serbs in the north to this end… we need both sides to play their role and fulfil their commitments,” he said. The EU welcomes the professionalism of the Kosovo Police, its Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), and KFOR in ensuring a secure environment for the elections.


Lajcak: At the meeting in Brussels, the main topics were the first draft of the ZSO statute and the issue of the missing persons (Tanjug)


The EU's special envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak announced that at the meeting on May 2 in Brussels, in which President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions Albin Kurti should participate, the main topics will be the first draft of the statute of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and the issue of missing persons.


Summing up the past week, Miroslav Lajcak said that this is a time of intensive preparations and that, after Ohrid, this will be the first high-level meeting between Belgrade and Pristina. "We expect that both sides will come to Brussels well prepared and that they are fully committed to the implementation phase," Lajcak said on Facebook. He added that earlier this week in Brussels, he met with KFOR Commander Angelo Ristuccia to inform each other of their areas of responsibility. "I appreciate our close cooperation and his valuable insight into the security situation in Kosovo, specifically in the north. I also met with the President of the External Relations Department of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Dimitris Dimitriadis. I am grateful for his interest and support for the dialogue, and I appreciate the practical efforts of the EESC in encouraging dialogue and cooperation in achieving the progress of our common goals in the Western Balkans," said Lajcak.


Head of Spanish diplomacy: We do not accept Kosovo passports (Tanjug)


The head of Spanish diplomacy, Jose Manuel Albares, confirmed that Spain will be the only country in the Schengen area that will not accept passports of the so-called state of Kosovo, despite the liberalization of the visa regime. Albares, after meeting with the head of German diplomacy in Berlin, said that Spain has its own policy of non-recognition of Kosovo, and that includes the non-recognition of passports. "Spain has its own policy of not recognizing Kosovo, and that includes not recognizing the Kosovo passport, as we have consistently done until now," Albares said.


Brussels announced on Friday that the Spanish government will be the only one in the Schengen area that will not apply the visa exemption for the so-called the state of Kosovo, a regulation that was ratified by the European Parliament last week and should enter into force on January 1, 2024. Recognition of travel documents is a national competence, and Spain does not recognize Kosovo travel documents.


Djurovic: We will fight until the end so that Pristina's request is not on the agenda of the Council of Europe (RTS)


Serbia will fight to the end against the decision to include Pristina's request for membership in the Council of Europe (CoE) on the agenda of the session of the Committee of Ministers of that body, said the ambassador of the Mission of Serbia to the Council of Europe, Aleksandra Djurovic. "Serbia will fight to the end against this decision", said Djurovic when asked how Serbia will react to the decision to include Pristina's request in the agenda of the session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. As previously published on the website of the Council of Europe, the request of the so-called Kosovo for membership in the Council of Europe (CoE) was included in the agenda of the session of the Committee of Ministers. The session starts at 2:30 p.m., and according to the draft agenda, published on the website, in the second point under the heading "current political issues", it says "membership application".


Pristina applied for membership in May last year, and it is the only application that has been submitted to the Council of Europe recently. Vjosa Osmani advisor's advisor, Rejhan Vuniqi, stated that today in Strasbourg, at the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the request of Pristina for admission to this organization will be discussed.


Vucic: "When a Serb gets fed up, there is no going back" (B92, Tanjug)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, attended commemoration of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Genocide of the NDH in Jasenovac concentration camp. Vucic said that by killing a man, a woman, a child, the name was also killed, intentionally, just as their religion and their nation were also intentionally killed.


"I am grateful to President (of Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad) Dodik that for 9 years we have jointly commemorated the suffering of our people, and all our holidays, we commemorate the most important dates from our history. This is important precisely because I am not a Belgrade Serb, and my father is not a Bosnian Serb, we are both just Serbs. Just like other members of our people, no matter where they are from. We are a unique nation, and no one will ever be able to change that. What has changed is a lot in our attitude towards external events and the emotions of our people have changed. Our people cannot accept that we are always the state's culprits. Today, Serbs know how to react to every kind of pressure in every way and almost uniquely. When a Serb gets sick of it, there is no going back. A Serb just wants to be on his own and nothing more than that," said Vucic.


Vucic said that the Serb will not tolerate either yoke or oppression. The President of Serbia stated that the Government of Serbia and RS are signing an agreement on the construction of a Memorial Center in Gradina. "The Memorial Center is important, that we can always come and visit it. And that everyone who comes can visit it and know what happened in Jasenovac. It is important that we behave wisely, responsibly and seriously in the coming period. We had wars in the last century, but we also know what is ours and we are not giving up on what is ours," said Vucic.


Vucic stated that Serbia always adheres to the international law. "Serbia, just like RS, cannot be strong for some, in order to satisfy all of them, we have to be weak. We will never be so weak, in order for them to be satisfied, that's why we will be stronger and stronger in every sense," Vucic said. "There is a difficult time ahead of us and a great burden before our people," said Vucic.


Vucic laid a wreath on the "Topola" burial field during his visit to Donja Gradina on the occasion of commemorating the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the NDH crime-genocide in the Jasenovac concentration camp and its largest execution ground in Donja Gradina. President of RS Milorad Dodik also attended the commemoration of the Day of Remembrance.


Speaking at the commemoration event Dodik, said that the RS and Serbia will one day “be one country” as now is the “century of Serb unification.” “We are here from the RS and Serbia because we belong to one nation, one day we will be one state. No one will prevent us from doing so because it is our right and our history. The last century was the century of Serb suffering, and this is the century of Serb unification.” said Dodik. “Serbs cannot live without freedom and a state. State is the keyword of our freedom. We want to make it clear that it is no illusion or threat when the RS expresses its will, the will of the people for the formation of its own state because we cannot live in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which oppresses us and threatens our freedoms,” he said.


Dodik once again denied the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica and argued that “the crime in Srebrenica cannot be equated with the suffering in Jasenovac.” He also attacked the international community for not classifying the crimes in Jasenovac as genocide.


“The idea we have to declare the RS a state and unite it with Serbia must belong to every person here. Regardless of the threats, this is about us. We are not building a state on someone else’s territory. This is our country, freedom and property. We need a state and we want freedom. Without the state, we have no freedom. That’s why we want a state. We don’t want anything bad for Bosniaks or Croats, but I tell them to leave us alone. We can’t live together,” said Dodik.


He also mentioned crimes from the First World War, the Second World War and the previous war, arguing that the Serbs were the biggest victims and suffered the most. He also again stressed how he does not agree with the term “Bosnian Serbs” and that he does not understand why anyone would be offended when someone says, “Serb Muslims”, they say, it is a politically incorrect speech. The Serb people are unique in their suffering. That’s why we from RS and Serbia are here because we belong to one people. One day we will be one country. No one will prevent us from doing so, because it is our right and history,” said Dodik. “We have to live in harmony, obviously we can’t live together. If we could, Yugoslavia would not have fallen apart. Muslims want us to be gone and to rule everything,” said Dodik. “The only smart thing is to go separate ways. No war or calls for war. Long live Serbia, RS, the Serb people and eternal memory of all the Serbs who died here and in other places”, said Dodik.


"United in grief and a permanent obligation to save the victims from oblivion" 


The commemoration of the Jasenovac victims began, and the prayer was read by Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka together with the top officials of RS and Serbia, who said that they were united in grief and a permanent obligation to save the victims from oblivion. The Donja Gradina camp was established in 1942 in the system of the Jasenovac Ustasha camp and was active until the end of the Second World War in 1945 and the collapse of the NDH. It spread over 116 hectares, with almost 65,000 square meters of mass graves, and 360,000 people, mostly Serbs, were killed in it.



Vucic: They want a referendum? Let’s have it! (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that if the opposition is asking for his legitimacy to be tested in a referendum, he is ready for it. Asked for his comment on some opposition parties’ request for him to address the Serbian Parliament again, Vucic said: “Some of them want my legitimacy to be tested, they should agree on it, I am ready for anything. They want a referendum, do I have support or not – let’s have a referendum. They want me in the Parliament? Not a problem. So long as they don’t produce violence again, I am always ready for everything, we just need to find a time slot,” he said. Several opposition parties have asked for a referendum in which the citizens would vote on the European agreement on Kosovo. The opposition has also requested a Parliament sitting for a discussion on the issue of Kosovo.


EP Report to urge Serbia to award 5th national broadcasting license (N1)


Amendments to the European Parliament Report on Serbia include calls toward the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) to decide on awarding the fifth national broadcasting license “through a transparent and impartial process without unnecessary delay and in compliance with international media freedom standards.” The documents notes that the REM awarded four national frequencies to channels that “have a history of violating journalistic standards, including the use of hate speech, and misleading the public”, as well as “spreading disinformation and supporting Kremlin’s narrative on Russia’s war in Ukraine.”


In amended report “deplores Serbia’s continued close relationship and partnership with Russia, raising questions about Serbia’s strategic direction and hindering the economic and political development” and is “concerned about the degree to which Russian officials influence some decisions of Serbian public institutions; condemns state officials and influential media’s campaign attempting to undermine the EU integration process.”


The document points out the “recent decreasing trend in public support for EU membership in Serbia” and “growing support for the Russian regime,” arguing that this is a result of a long-standing anti-EU/pro-Russian political rhetoric “widely spread via government-controlled media as well as by government officials.” It says that many media outlets are “strongly biased against the EU and in favour of Russia in their reporting” and that “publicly financed media outlets, often quoting office-holders, contribute to the dissemination of anti-EU rhetoric in Serbia.”


The amended report criticises the “stagnation and further deterioration on freedom of expression, the cases of hate speech and smear campaigns and the increasing number of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) in the country,” reiterates that pressure, including intimidation, harassment, hate speech and attacks on activists, journalists and media outlets are unacceptable and urges authorities to investigate and prosecute all such offences, including those against the investigative outlet KRIK and the daily newspaper Danas.


The report also notes the “continuing impunity” in the cases of the murder of Slavko Curuvija, the attack against Milan Jovanovic and on a TV crew and journalists covering environmental issues as well as attacks against local media. It also expresses concerns about reports on the abuse of public money to acquire ownership of media outlets and allegedly using them “as a tool for media capture in Serbia.”


According to the report, the state of freedom of expression and media independence remain a serious concern which needs to be addressed as a matter of utmost priority. It welcomes the establishment of the working group for the protection of journalists under the Prime Minister’s Office, but notes the imbalance between government and opposition members in the reporting of national television channels outside the period of the election campaign. The document urges Serbia to “improve and protect media professionalism, diversity and media pluralism and to promote quality investigative journalism and media literacy”, calls for increased transparency of media public financing and its distribution based on merit and for “immediately stopping all public funds for media generating disinformation.”


The report warns about the “misuse of the media by the governing majority to gain an unfair political advantage, attack political opponents and spread disinformation”, calls for greater transparency of media ownership and media financing, including making it available to the public, as well as for the creation of an environment that allows independent and investigative media to access funding and operate safely.


It also condemns the opening of an RT (formerly Russia Today) office in Belgrade and the launch of its online news service in Serbian in addition to the already available international English broadcast, urging authorities to “counter hybrid threats and fully align with the Council’s decision on the suspension of the broadcasting activities of Sputnik and RT.”


The amended report expressed concern about the “spread of disinformation about Russian war of aggression against Ukraine” and calls on authorities to “take an active stand against the disinformation and not to contribute to the spread of disinformation as well as to fight back the most circulated fake news.” It mentioned that the EU accession countries in the Western Balkans are “being hit particularly hard by attacks in the form of foreign interference and disinformation campaigns stemming from Russia and China” and notes that “Hungary and Serbia are helping China and Russia with their geopolitical objectives.”


According to the amendments, the Committee urges the authorities to “address the lack of political pluralism in the public service broadcaster, as well as across the media spectrum” and urges the government to “increase the transparency of media ownership and financing and ensure the independence of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM).”


Thus, it underlines the importance of “improving the functioning and independence of the REM as per the Inter-Party Dialogue” and calls on the Serbian National Assembly to ensure that “independent regulatory bodies are empowered to exercise their oversight roles effectively by supporting and monitoring the implementation of independent regulatory bodies’ findings and recommendations.”


It notes the fact that the REM awarded four national frequencies to channels that “have a history of violating journalistic standards, including the use of hate speech, and misleading the public, in particular by Happy TV, non-compliance with warnings issued by the REM, and spreading disinformation and supporting Kremlin’s narrative on Russia’s war in Ukraine.”


It also notes the new open call for the allocation of national television frequencies and licences and “calls for the fifth licence to be awarded through a transparent and impartial process without unnecessary delay and in compliance with international media freedom standards.”


It stresses concerns about “the dominant market position of Telekom Srbija, where the majority stakeholder is the state and about the allegations that the ruling party is using it to increase its influence over the media market in Serbia.” It also underlines the importance of advances in the area of EU competition policy, as well as concerns about any possible state financing of Telekom Srbija, “which gives the company an unfair competitive advantage and contributes to the declining state of independent media in Serbia.” The body thus urges the European Commission to look into the European Investment Bank’s loan of EUR 70 million to Telekom Srbija “in view of the alleged abuse of its dominant market position.”


Vucic draws connection between lack of decision on 5th TV frequency and Kosovo (N1)


President Aleksandar Vucic drew a connection between the situation in Kosovo and the fact that a fifth national TV broadcasting license has still not been awarded in Serbia. This is one of the issues mentioned in the compromise amendments to the European Parliament's report on Serbia's progress.


Speaking about the ten-year wait for the formation of the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) as one of the reasons why the Serb List will not participate in the local elections in four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo, Vucic stressed that the European Union is the guarantor of the Brussels Agreement yet is complaining about certain deadlines in its report on the country. He said that the 10-year-long wait is not only Pristina’s fault but also that of the EU, which is the guarantor of the Brussels Agreement. Vucic noted that former High Representative of the European Union Catherine Ashton signed it, but “they didn’t implement it.”


“And the Serbs, after nine and a half years of mistreatment, shooting, bullying, say no, we will not do what you signed 10 years ago. Again, they blame the Serbs. They say there was time to do it from December to January. Time for what? For shooting two children, almost killing two children not far from Strpci. For the attempted murder of Jovanovic the other day. And then someone organises an election under such conditions? That’s what those who interfere here tell us: “You have to give the fifth national TV frequency to someone,” said Vucic at a press conference on the demonstration of the military capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces in Batajnica.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 



Dodik again denies Srebrenica genocide, speaks about merging of RS, Serbia; Vucic: Serbs must be united, to be proud of who they are and to be only Serbs (FTV)


FTV reports that speaking at Sunday’s commemoration of the day of remembrance for the victims of crimes in Jasenovac concentration camp in Donja Gradina, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik again denied the genocide in Srebrenica, saying that the crime in Srebrenica cannot be equated with the suffering in Jasenovac. Dodik continued with threats of secession, saying that Serbia and the RS will one day be one country. "The Serb people are united, they are also united in their suffering, and that is why here today is the President of Serbia, who represents Serbia together with his associates and his team, and we from the RS are united here because we belong to one people and one day we will be one country, and no one will prevent us from doing so. We cannot live in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which oppresses us like this and threatens our freedoms. You cannot equate the crime in Srebrenica with this kind of suffering here in Jasenovac, it is not the same. It is not and can never be the same. And you from Europe and America have never made an effort to say that genocide was committed here against the Serbs, but you are ready to use everything you can, from NATO bombs and everything you have, to justify your wrongdoing that you did here in the 1990s by disintegrating former Yugoslavia, to persecute anyone who says something similar that it did not happen where you want it to be. And here I am saying that it did not. Since these 100 indictments are not enough for me, let me say that it was not genocide in Srebrenica, but it was a crime for which those who committed it were individually held accountable," Dodik said.


Addressing the event, Dodik said the silence of Jasenovac is becoming a part of the soul and the body of the Serb people, and that we must remember every day how our ancestors suffered. Dodik reminded that Serbs are the “biggest victims of the past century”. Due to this, he says it is important for Serbs to be united, as that is the only way in which they can survive. Dodik said this current century will be a “century of Serb unification”.


President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said Serbs must be united, to be proud of who they are and to be only Serbs. Serbs must help each other, he pointed out, because “we are almost alone in these parts” and “all others wish to take something that is ours”. “And we are a unified nation, and that is something that will never be taken away from us”, Vucic stressed, adding that many tried to take this unity away from Serbs in the past 200 years, but they were never successful. In 1941, property of Serbs was taken away by threatening with tanks, and 82 years later, in the light of democracy and freedom, a similar scenario could happen in the RS.


Dodik said that once again someone is trying to take away the property of the Serbs and the RS. “Serbs cannot live without freedom and without a state. The state is the key word of our freedom, and that is why we want to clearly say that it is no kind of illusion, or a threat to anyone, that the RS presents its will – the people’s will, for forming its own state, because we cannot live in B&H that squeezes us this way, and endangers our freedoms”, Dodik underlined.


Dodik sent a message by saying that by the end of his life, he will fight for freedom of every Serb child no matter where he/she is. Dodik stated that the victims in the Jasenovac must not be forgotten and that a Serb state is the only guarantor of survival of the Serb people. According to Dodik, the past century was the century of killing of Serbs while this century is a century of Serb unity. Dodik said: “The idea that we have, to form and to declare the RS a state and to unite it with Serbia, must be in ownership of every person here regardless of threats that we get here. This is about us. We are not building a state on someone else’s territory. We are not defending our freedom at someone else’s territory. This is our state, and this is our freedom.”  Dodik stated that those who committed war crimes in Srebrenica were individually prosecuted and convicted, as they should be, but dirty attempt of the UK to label Serbs as a genocidal people did not succeed.


Also, Dodik described B&H as a special case where several special representatives are operating. Dodik also described B&H is an impossible country and criticized the international community, saying that he will never give up on unification of the RS and Serbia. Dodik claims that the idea of the RS seceding and unifying with Serbia belongs to all Serbs because they will be creating a state on their own territory with their own property. Dodik stressed that he does not want conflicts and he will achieve his goals through a legal battle. Dodik argued that peaceful dissolution of B&H is the right way to go, not armed conflicts.



Member of B&H Presidency Becirovic: Dodik publicly admitted that criminal project ‘Greater Serbia’ is not dead; Becirovic calls on EU, Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to react (Dnevni avaz)


Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic reacted to recent “scandalous, anti-Dayton statements” of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, who during his speech in Donja Gradina said that “RS and Serbia will be one state”. “Milorad Dodik’s public admission that he is working on implementation of Greater-Serbia project should not be ignored. He publicly admitted and published key anti-Dayton project tasks which many in the international community have been underestimating for years: 1) That criminal project of ‘Greater Serbia’, which in the 1990s resulted in an aggression of neighboring states and genocide against Bosnaiks, is not dead; 2) That planned greater-state project exists, which is being implemented with a goal of ‘declaring the RS a state and merging it with Serbia’; 3) That President of B&H entity, RS Milord Dodik is publicly working on destroying of a full-pledged member of the UN – state of B&H and undermining of a peace process”, Becirovic stated.


He noted that Dodik’s public admission that reincarnation of criminal Greater-Serbia project is back on the scene inevitably demands public answers to the question why Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is not publicly distancing from the criminal project directed against independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of state of B&H. “Why Dodik, every time after returning from Belgrade, is intensifying undermining of fundamental principles of international and national law? Why key EU member states do not react promptly and concretely? Why the EU does not join the US and UK policy in sanctioning of the policy of endangering of peace and stability in South-East Europe”, said Becirovic. He added that he publicly calls on all B&H political leaders to stop ignoring threats of undermining of the peace process and state of B&H and said that policy of silence and avoiding of resentment is what encouraged Dodik. “I also demand an urgent reaction of judiciary. Gentlemen from the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H you either start doing the job you are paid to do or resign your posts. It is time for the people who will responsibly carry out their legal obligations”, said Becirovic.


Konakovic tells Dodik and all those who want conflicts to stop making such statements: Instead of constant polemics with Dodik, I chose the concept of work and concrete activities (O kanal)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and leader of People and Justice (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic has commented on Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s threats calling for secession. “Everyone in B&H, and beyond, knows that any violent process of secession or violent process of changing the reached internal arrangement would lead to a conflict. Neither mine nor Dodik's dreams can be realized unilaterally, only what we agree on can be done in this country. Instead of everyday polemics, I chose the concept of strengthening B&H institutions and improving relations with friends of B&H who would be ready to react in cases of new crises that may occur,” Konakovic was quoted as saying. Konakovic told Dodik and all those who want conflicts to stop making such statements. Konakovic said that instead of constant polemics with Dodik, he chose the concept of work and concrete activities. “I invite those who use the rhetoric of conflict to a paintball fight in one of our mountains, for about 15 days of fighting, we do not need longer than that. To feel what it is like to spend one night in the forests where they would send other people's children,” Konakovic was quoted as saying. Konakovic also said that he does not respond to everything Dodik says but Dodik has once again reiterated his wish for secession of the RS and unification with Serbia whereas his wish is to turn B&H into civil society without cantons and entities, with one President and with the authorities at local and state level only.


Komsic criticizes statements of both Dodik and Konakovic (FTV)


FTV carries that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s speech at Sunday’s commemoration of the day of remembrance for the victims of crimes in Jasenovac concentration camp which was held in Donja Gradina sparked reactions. Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic assessed Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister Elemedin Konakovic's statement as an attempt to silence all those who want to oppose Dodik. Komsic said that denying genocide and insulting the victims of the genocide confirms readiness for a new crime. “The tactic of burying your head in the sand and forcing yourself to believe that the problem will disappear if we pretend long enough that it does not exist is disastrous! I am afraid a paintball competition cannot solve this situation,” Komsic was quoted as saying. “Dodik did not say anything new, he continues on the old path, towards the final goal, and today (Sunday) he very openly said that the goal is to annex part of B&H to Serbia,” Komsic was quoted as saying.


SDA’s Osmanovic on Dodik’s statements: Reaction of B&H judiciary and IC is long overdue (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s speech at Sunday’s commemoration of the day of remembrance for the victims of crimes in Jasenovac concentration camp which was held in Donja Gradina sparked reactions. SDA warned of consequences for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the whole region in case Dodik is not stopped on time. SDA’s Adil Osmanovic said that the reaction of B&H judiciary and the international community is long overdue. “It is a direct re-attempt to implement the SDS policy from the period 1992-1995. His statement that a border and some police forces should be set up on the border line between the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the entity of the RS remind us of the statements of the former prime minister of the RS (Gojko) Klickovic who requested that the borders between the two entities are established as well”, Osmanovic.


Political parties from the RS attend meeting in Banja Luka called by RS RSNA to discuss withdrawal of B&H CC judges from the RS; Statements of officials (BHT1)


Representatives of political parties from Republika Srpska (RS) attended the meeting on Friday in Banja Luka, called by RS President Milorad Dodik, in regards to taking a unified position on the state property as a response to the joint statement on the state property signed by political officials from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). Participants in the meeting agreed on a draft statement that will be signed in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) on Monday.


Dodik conveyed after the meeting the joint position that the issue of the property has been resolved and that the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (CC) “has acted above and outside the (B&H) Constitution”, noting that the text of the statement will be also delivered to political parties that did not attend the meeting. Dodik also said that the RSNA session will be scheduled for next week to discuss withdrawal of the B&H CC judges appointed from the RS. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Dodik said: “The RS is determined, and these political parties have agreed on that, that the issue of the property will not be discussed at the level of the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliament- as it is suggested – because that would mean acceptance by automatism that the title holder is at the level of B&H, which is not the case”.


SP leader Petar Djokic said it is necessary to have a decisive and unified response from the RS “to the ultimatum” given to the RS and some of the institutions in B&H in the statement signed by political officials from the FB&H. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Djokic said: “Reaffirmation of the RS’ unity on these issues is of great national and state importance. The issue of the property is a basic issue of the RS existence. It is being disputed, thus the future existence of the RS is being disputed”.


“We agreed that, if all that does not yield results, that we will, when we again jointly estimate that, offer the FB&H an agreement on disengagement, because it is obvious that things are not functioning in this way”, Dodik told a press conference. Dodik assessed that such moves from the FB&H are attempts of Muslims imposing their own will first onto the Croats, and then onto Serbs and the RS. Dodik believes that Muslims in the FB&H are also “using the international momentum, regarding the conflict in Ukraine”.


Dodik noted that it was also agreed to form a special service within the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) that will deal with the issue of the border between the two entities and supervision at that border. “We agreed that if all this does not bear fruit, at some point when we evaluate everything together again, we will offer the FB&H an agreement on break up," Dodik said. N1 stressed that the fact that nothing was signed can be interpreted as the result of a kind of pressure from SDS, whose acting leader announced before the meeting in Banja Luka that he would not put his signature on any document that was not previously agreed upon by SDS bodies. "Something that is a supra-party issue, and a supra-party issue is every interest of the RS, in this case state property, I think that I can very creatively and constructively contribute to the RS giving a strong response to the seizing attempt," SDS acting leader Milan Milicevic underlined. N1 noted that the weekend seems to be the deadline given to PDP and the List for Justice and Order to consider their decision and the document that should be decided on and signed on Monday. PDP representatives did not want to attend Friday’s meeting in the RS Palace not because of the topic, but because of the location and the fact that they do not recognize Dodik's election result. Leader of the List for Justice and Order Nebojsa Vukanovic also skipped the meeting because of the location, but also because of the host. “We never want to participate in any of Dodik's shows. You cannot criticize him in the morning and sit with him in the afternoon in any way," Vukanovic said.


Covic: It is completely unnecessary to sign any kind of documents that burden B&H (Nova BH)


Leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic commented on the joint statement signed by two members of B&H Presidency and seven pro-Bosnian political parties reading that state property belongs exclusively to state of B&H. Covic also commented reactions from Republika Srpska (RS) to the abovementioned joint statement. The leader of HDZ B&H underlined that one group of political parties that likes to describe itself as patriotic and pro-Bosnian adopted a set of conclusions that looks like a national project. “It cannot be done, this is B&H, we need to make sure the Constitution is functional as well as there is full representation of constituent peoples”, explained Covic. He concluded that it should be done through institutions of B&H.


Covic also said that mono-ethnic projects are doomed to failure. Continuous attacks on the competence of the RS over its land, forests and waters are the reason why the property has become a red line that could rule on the independence of the RS, according to Dodik. “It is completely unnecessary to sign any kind of documents that burden B&H”, said Covic. He added that focus must be maintained on forming the authorities at all levels, and to start implementing what was previously agreed. Covic fears that if that focus is lost, “then we will once again deal with ourselves”. “What you are saying, I am almost certain that that will not happen. But we must work quickly. It is unacceptable for us to wait for the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government for four months, and we could have, really, agreed on all that, we were supposed to complete that at the end of last year”, Covic told reporters. “So, we do not need any kind of consigning of documents that should solve any matter that burdens B&H – whether it is state property or any other (matter)”, Covic said, adding that whenever such steps are made, responses follow.


RS President Dodik says issue of property permanently resolved through DPA, Constitution of B&H and will not be discussed at B&H HoR (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has said that the issue of property was permanently resolved through the Dayton Peace Accords and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), stressing that it will not be discussed at the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). He assessed that the joint statement on property signed by representatives of political parties from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) represents a political ultimatum to the RS and the international community.


Commenting on the events from the past week, Dodik reminded on his Instagram account that representatives of the RS government bodies, joint institutions at the level of B&H, the leaders of the SNSD-led ruling coalition in the RS and representatives of SDS agreed that they will sign a statement on property at the RS National Assembly (RSNA) on Monday, as a reaction to “growing pressure on the RS.” “B&H only has a border, it does not have property on its territory. According to the Constitution, B&H is made up of the two entities that are statehood holders. What has been given to B&H exclusively belongs to entities. We will stick to that and agree on our actions in the upcoming period”, Dodik emphasized.


Commenting on the issue, RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic stated that the story about property was finalized on November 21, 1995, adding that “something that belongs to us cannot be negotiated and this cannot be changed no matter what anyone thinks about it, starting from the international representatives to the FB&H public.”


Analysts deem that the planned statement of the Serb politicians reflects what is stipulated by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Bojan Solaja of the Center for International and Security Studies Banja Luka stated that the international community that has supported the DPA should back all the efforts that lead to agreement. He stressed that the Constitutional Court of B&H derogates the genuine Dayton-based legislation of B&H that gives room for certain interpretations on certain issues, which is reflected through the current situation on the issue of property.


Nova BH carries that representatives of the majority of parliamentary parties from the RS are expected to sign a joint statement regarding the state property. To remind, the statement in question was defined at the meeting organized by Dodik on Friday and it reads that the parties from the RS do not accept to discuss the issue of state property at the House of Representatives of B&H (B&H HoR) as this would automatically mean that B&H holds the ownership of state property, which is not true. Following the previous meeting, it was announced that the RS might withdraw its judges from the Constitutional Court of B&H while the RS Ministry of Interior might form a new unit for control over the Inter-Entity Boundary Line. In response, Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic warned Dodik not to play with fire and no one is above the state of B&H.



Helez, Becirovic strongly criticize RS draft statement stipulating establishment of special police unit for control of IEBL; SNSD’s Vulic says Becirovic must accept fact that there will never be ‘Islamic B&H’ (Vecernje Novosti)


Political leaders from Republika Srpska (RS) agreed on a draft statement which defined future steps for protection of the RS property, and it is expected that the statement will be signed in Banja Luka on Monday. The daily noted that, immediately after the draft statement was agreed upon, threatening messages started coming from Sarajevo because Sarajevo politicians were bothered with the part of the statement which tasked the RS Government to continue negotiations with the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government in order to define the inter-entity boundary line (IEBL) in line with the Annex 2 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and tasked the RS Ministry of Interior to establish a special unit that will control the IEBL.


Minister of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zukan Helez said that in case (SNSD leader and RS President Milorad) Dodik takes the police to the IEBL, then they will be clay pigeons: “I pray to God that he does not do that, they would be clay pigeons. We would establish, very fast, the constitutional-legal order”. The daily added that Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic added to those threats by publicly sending a message to Dodik “not to play with fire”. Becirovic also noted that B&H will survive, and vast majority of people is willing to defend the state. “We also have much more friends outside of the state and I am telling him one more time not to play with the state of B&H”, Becirovic said. Dodik replied to Becirovic by telling him not to play with the RS and Serbs: “We are not willing to sacrifice peace for anything, not even for the RS, but we are also not willing to sacrifice the RS for unconstitutional B&H. If Becirovic accepts the DPA, then we have no problem but if he, like other Muslim politicians, thinks that he will be saying one thing and doing another, then he must know that this will not pass”. Dodik added that the RS will protect itself by laws and in peace, because it has enough mechanisms to protect itself. Dodik noted that there will be either constitutional B&H or no B&H at all, which is something Becirovic and those encouraging him must understand: “I would like to tell him not to play with big words and threaten with someone else’s weapons. We defended our country once and we will defend it every time”.


Chair of SNSD Caucus in the Parliament of B&H Sanja Vulic conveyed a message to Becirovic to “accept the reality and fact that the RS will always exist and that there will never be Islamic B&H”. “The only truth is that a part of the international community and certain Bosniaks are working on extermination of Serbs and Croats in B&H”, Vulic stated.


US Ambassador in B&H: Dodik is going down a dangerous path; Dodik: Murphy has no right to comment on constitutional position of the RS or its property (ATV, RTRS)


The US Ambassador Michael Murphy commented on the recent actions of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, stating: “The policy of the US towards Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has not changed. We fully support sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. We will never negotiate the future of B&H and give up on the citizens of this country.” Murphy also added that Dodik’s recent threats are irresponsible, his rhetoric is flammable and that it is impossible that the RS secede from B&H.


Dodik said that Murphy has no right to comment on the constitutional position of the RS or its property. Dodik said that Murphy is constantly interfering in the internal affairs of B&H. In response to the US Ambassador, Dodik said that Murphy sided with the Bosniaks, reducing the Embassy to the level of an opposition party. Dodik pointed out that Murphy “is the one who is walking a dangerous path, not I.” Dodik pointed out that Murphy is interfering in the internal affairs of B&H, “which he has no right to according to the international convention on diplomatic relations.” “He is not the one who can decide what the Dayton Agreement is, he is not the one who can comment on the constitutional position of the RS, nor its property,” Dodik underlined.


However, as RTRS said, the US Ambassador to B&H is doing that in a way that he is openly advocating that B&H has its own property, although, as RTRS noted, according to the Constitution it does not. RTRS added that Murphy also said without hesitation who should form the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government, and laid wreaths in Donja Gradina ignoring the authorities of the RS, and then he accused Russia of malign influence and Dodik of secession. “His (Dodik’s) threats of secession are really extremely irresponsible, because secession is impossible. He denies genocide. He threatens to take away the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly. He is trying to divert attention from his own failures in the RS and the impossibility to avoid putting the RS under financial mortgage,” Murphy said in an interview for N1, which was broadcast Thursday evening. Dodik, however, said, that Murphy is not the one who can comment or interfere with what are or are not the financial positions of the RS. “Of course, he is doing everything to destabilize the RS in the financial sense as well, and we know what he is doing,” Dodik said. “He is behaving like a bull in a China shop– he breaks everything around him that he does not like…”, Dodik said while commenting on Murphy’s statement. He added that they defined their stance on Murphy through a decision of the RS Government, when they saw that he was crossing all possible lines, and Dodik says “we will not meet with such a boring person like him”.


Ambassador Murphy calls for ending of blockades in FB&H (Dnevni avaz)


In an interview for N1, US Ambassador Michael Murphy said that pro-Bosnian activities do not mean controlling of public institutions and companies in narrow-partisan interests. Murphy said that the parties which became undesirable partners should look themselves in the mirror: “They need to see themselves in the mirror and ask why nobody wants to be a partner with them and they should focus on establishing of their own credibility”. Commenting the political relations in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), Ambassador said: “The FB&H has an important role as an engine for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration. The FB&H has resources which are not fully used. We have not had elected authority in 2018 and citizens suffered”, said Murphy. The Ambassador called for ending of blockades: “We need to return to responsible authority in the Federation and this will create necessary conditions for solving of difficult issues and reforms. There is no progress without this. We do not have this now because one party is blocking the authority formation. How you solve the problem? Stop the blockades”, said Murphy.




Jasenovac Commemoration marked by unity for first time in years (HRT)


Hundreds of people came to commemorate the thousands of victims of the Jasenovac concentration camp on Sunday by laying wreaths and small stones at the foot of the Stone Flower memorial. On April 22, 1945, 600 prisoners interned at Jasenovac, the largest Ustasa-run concentration camp in Croatia during WWII, attempted a prison break. Only about a hundred of them survived.


This year, after many years of political turmoil and separate commemorations, Croatia's leadership, representatives of minority groups, and anti-fascist veterans came together to participate in a memorial procession to mark the 78th anniversary of the historic event. The commemoration has become mired in political discourse, which this year focused on the changes to legislation regulating misdemeanour offences related to public order adopted by the Sabor on Friday. The changes increased fines for the display and use of symbols and language that incite hatred. The use of the Ustase salute, for example, is not qualified as a criminal offence, which has been strongly criticized by the opposition on the left.


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic believes the existing legislation is enough to regulate this matter. "I think this is a ban. We've just increased the fines, which I think will significantly deter those who would use this salute,” said Plenkovic. He added that there was a need for a new culture of dialogue on this issue as well as clear condemnation of all totalitarian regimes.


Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said that what mattered most was that there were fewer divisions surrounding the event this year. "It is important that we were united. It is important that all went well. And I hope this is the way we can remember the victims of Jasenovac every year,” he said.


The head of the Croatian Jewish Community, Ognjen Knauss, said he would continue to insist on tougher sanctions for the use of the Ustasha salute. Police have made progress on this issue but the courts have not, he said. "If I do not have the support of those who are supposed to work with us on this law, that is, the representatives of the other minorities who perished here under the racial codes, the Serb and Roma minorities, then I feel like Don Quixote,” said Knaus, alluding to the fact that minority MPs are part of the HDZ-led coalition government.


Serb minority MP Milorad Pupovac rejected the implication that minority MPs had been too soft on this issue. Franjo Habulin, who represents anti-fascist WWII veterans, said his organization was not satisfied that the Ustasha salute was not a criminal offence. "If something goes against the Constitution it cannot be just a misdemeanour. It is a crime,” said Habulin.


Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomasevic of the WeCan! Party says the treatment of such language and symbols as a misdemeanour gives judges extensive leeway to interpret whether they are hate speech or not. "To me, it is clear as day. The use of the Ustasha salute must be treated as hate speech and should be punished under both the Misdemeanour Act and the Criminal Code,” said Tomasevic. SDP leader Pedja Grbin said that lawmakers missed a major opportunity on Friday to properly regulate this matter, which he also believes should be qualified as a criminal offense.


PM says no NATO consensus on Ukraine membership yet (HRT)


Ukraine's path to NATO membership will take some time because the alliance is not united on the matter, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Sunday. "If Ukraine were in NATO, what is happening today probably wouldn’t be happening," he said on Sunday. Ukraine’s path to NATO membership "will take some more time" because it requires the consensus of all the member states, and an "accelerated procedure" is not possible for any organisation, Plenkovic said. "The position of the entire alliance, including Croatia, is the one that sticks to the open-door policy and meets the criteria." There are different opinions on this issue within NATO at the moment, he said.


This comes just three days after Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited the Ukrainian capital and expressed the alliance's unwavering support for the Zelensky regime. Plenkovic said Croatia’s position on Ukraine was clear. "Croatia strongly supports it as a victim of Russian aggression, which is in its 15th month. We were among those who strongly pushed for awarding Ukraine candidate status for European Union membership."




Zivkovic: Montenegro won’t be some kind of Belarus but a modern country (CDM)


In an interview for the Zagreb daily ‘Jutarnji List’, the Acting Leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Danijel Zivkovic, talked about the responsibility and obligation of the position he had taken over, the forthcoming parliamentary elections, perspective of our country and its relations with the neighbouring countries, as well as other popular political topics both in the country and region.


Commenting on the win of Jakov Milatovic in the recently held presidential election, Mr Zivkovic said that “the result of the presidential election is only a reflection of the 2020 election result. We live in a time, not only in Montenegro, but throughout Europe, when politics has significantly lost its quality. Such a trend contributed to the fact that one such wave swept over Montenegro. This is not something that, when it comes to politics, is happening for the first time. It’s about the season of political opportunists who perceive politics as a means of manipulation that serves them to reach positions of power. This is what Montenegro is currently experiencing. However, it’s a trend that is transient and citizens sooner or later return to seriousness, consistency and a policy that has a vision of development. Therefore, I have no doubts that the citizens of Montenegro will quickly see through the frivolous manipulators who are a seasonal phenomenon on the political market of Montenegro.”


On the belief of certain addresses that Milatovic is a “project” of the Western embassies, he noted: “As I said in one of the answers to your previous question – I think that Milatovic is first of all a product of the times we live in, not a product of any embassy whose influence on domestic political circumstances is traditionally exaggerated. I believe that such conclusion of some analysts is a consequence of the unconcealed ambitions of our international partners to change the Montenegrin government on 30 August.”


Asked whether the pro-Montenegrin parties are going to unite in the forthcoming elections, Zivkovic said: “We’re proud of the unity of the sovereign bloc, which we managed to maintain over the previous three years, while ethnic minority parties provided special contribution to it and once again showed that they’re a reliable pillar of civic Montenegro. The form of election participation will depend on a joint agreement that will be exclusively reached on the basis of a joint assessment of the optimal model – that is, the model that will bring the largest number of seats to the bloc. Public opinion surveys are underway, we will carefully examine it and then make an appropriate decision with our partners.”


Milatovic: It’s better to be part of the Open than the closed Balkans, friendly relations with Vucic (RTCG)


The new President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, says that the issue of accession to the Open Balkans will be dealt with by the future government and the Parliament, and that his political position is clear – “it is better to be part of the Open Balkans than a closed Balkans”. “The idea of the European Union (EU) was created as an idea of regional economic cooperation between Benelux, Germany, France and Italy. And in the Balkans, when we talk about European integration, we often forget the importance of our regional economic integration. Improving relations and regional cooperation is something I have always stood for as an economist,” says Milatovic for NIN, talking about the Open Balkan initiative. He states that the priority of all priorities is membership in the EU, and “as long as that is our main goal, I see no problem in improving regional economic cooperation at the same time.” “Furthermore, I think it is an integral part of our EU integrations,” Milatovic has stressed.


When asked if he knew Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and whether Vucic congratulated him after winning the presidential election in Montenegro, Milatovic said that he had not had the opportunity to meet him directly.


"Cooperation with Serbia is very important both because of the economy and because of the fact that we have lived in a common state for a long time, that we are united by centuries of history and culture, family and friendly relations. That's why I often say that Serbia is more than the economy for Montenegro. I said that shortly after my visit to Brussels, I would like to officially visit Belgrade as well, to further normalize relations between Montenegro and Serbia, to finally restore full diplomatic relations, to work together on important infrastructure projects, to complete the highway to Serbia, to act together as a unique tourist destination towards distant markets such as Asian, to ultimately be part of a common European family", said Milatovic.


As he said, he wants the official relations between Podgorica and Belgrade to be the same as the daily relations between the citizens of our two countries, good-neighborly and friendly.

He also spoke about the relationship between the current and some future authorities with the current president, Milo Djukanovic. "I am convinced that Montenegro will have a fair attitude towards everyone, but also the capacity and will to face all possible abuses of the current president. It was mine to win a political victory, now it is up to other state bodies to determine possible abuses. That's why I expect that all judicial bodies freed from the influence of the former regime will act effectively and preventively", stated Milatovic.



Spajic meets Escobar in Washington: Joint forces should transform and economically develop Montenegro (CDM)


The leader of the Europe Now movement, Milojko Spajic, met with the Special Envoy of the United States of America for the Western Balkans, Gabriel  . During his visit to Washington, in addition to American officials, Spajic also spoke to numerous leaders of American funds and corporations, and on that occasion, it was noted that the key support on this journey was from partners from the USA, who will be economically active more than ever, and who are ready to jointly transform and economically develop Montenegro.

“The launch of the program, and then the establishment of the Europe Now movement corresponds to the issues that the citizens of Montenegro are dealing with today – the issues of the civilized, developed world such as living standards, the rule of law, education, health and overall social progress, unlike decades of missed opportunities and wasted time”, said Spajic. Spajic stated that the vision of the Europe Now Movement guaranteed acceleration on the path of reforms needed for EU accession, as well as the exponential economic development of our country.


North Macedonia 


The working group for constitutional amendments is expected to start work on Wednesday or Thursday (Alsat-M)


The working group for constitutional amendments is expected to hold its first session on Wednesday or Thursday, the Ministry of Justice announced. The expert working group, as informed by the Ministry of Justice, will consist of Sally Murati - former president of the Constitutional Court, Margarita Tsatsa Nikolovska - former judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, Bajram Polozhani - former constitutional judge and professor of constitutional law, Branko Naumovski - former president of the Constitutional Court, Jeton Shasivari - professor at the University of SEE, Ana Chupeska - professor at the " Iustinianus Primus" Faculty of Law, Elena Mihajlova Stratilati - professor at the "Iustinianus Primus" Faculty of Law, Besa Arifi - professor at the University of SEE, Jagoda Mitrevska – professor at the International Slavic University and Marija Pandevska – professor at the Institute of National History. The parties proposed Cvetanka Ivanova from SDSM, Arbr Ademi from DUI, Remzi Mehmedi from Alliance of Albanians, Sonja Mirakovska from NSDP, Nano Ruzhin from LDP, Hrista Najdanov from DoM, Temelko Risteski from the Party of Pensioners, Rametula Kuchi from DPA, Eran Kurtis from the Movement Party of Turks and Beycan Ilyas from the Democratic Party of Turks. Among the institutions proposed are Aleksandar Spasov from the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Dragan Tilev from the Secretariat for European Affairs and Shpend Sadiki from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The list of the Working Group will be supplemented in the coming period with other members who will contribute to the preparation of the constitutional amendments. This working body was established by the Ministry of Justice, which is tasked by the Government to prepare the initiative proposal for the need for constitutional amendments. The government is the proposer of the constitutional amendments. After the amendments are prepared, the proposal will pass all working bodies within the Parliament. At the same time, expert public hearings will be held, where experts, parties, civil society organizations and other institutions will be able to express their views.  


Mickoski: The government, through former VMRO-DPMNE officials, is blackmailing MPs for the constitutional amendments (Sitel)


Neither the amnesty of former VMRO-DPMNE officials, nor blackmail from former party structures will change the minds of the opposition MPs to vote for constitutional amendments. The parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE is unique, party leader Mickoski claims. He also reveals that despite the Government's attempts to blackmail and threaten, today's leadership of the party is not the same as the previous one. 2 However, Mickoski remains of the opinion that if there is a consensus for the complete adoption of the Croatian preamble in the Macedonian constitution, the party will immediately support constitutional changes. For the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, the expert composition of the working group for constitutional amendments is also disputed, especially because it includes people who are Putin's first supporters, as well as family ties with the leaders of DUI and SDSM. They are anathematizing the Russian Federation and Putin anyway, at least in public, but you see in action they are nominating fans in the image and part of the Russian Federation and Mr. Putin, we will have to pay those experts... Also the family trees, here are one family tree that is vertically connected with DUI, another family tree that belongs to the SDSM, or is a constitutional judge or is a mayor, or is a director, or is in some commission and takes thousands of euros of people's money... On the other hand, from the ruling SDSM, they say that Mickoski cannot speak about responsibility because his party does not participate in the working group for constitutional amendments. "The question is when Hristijan Mickoski, before talking about any responsibility, will bear the moral responsibility for not participating in the realization of the strategic goals", commented Bihacka and added that the leader of VMRO-DPMNE is in a panic because there were people from his ranks who they support the constitutional amendments. "The information that MPs and even mayors of VMRO-DPMNE will support the constitutional amendments is getting louder. This is where all these manipulations of threats and blackmail come from, something that is specific only to VMRO-DPMNE and you yourself saw how they forced their MPs to sign notarized statements that were also legally questioned," said SDSM.




Albania restores the visa regime for Russian citizens (Radio Tirana)


Albania has restored the visa regime for Russian citizens. The decision was taken on Thursday (April 20) by the Council of Ministers, while the Albanian Embassy in Moscow writes that Russian citizens will have to apply for a visa at the Albanian embassy, in accordance with the purpose of the trip.


"The Embassy of the Republic of Albania in the Russian Federation informs that in accordance with the changes dated April 20, 2023 in the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania no. 858, dated 29.12.2021, cancels the visa-free regime for citizens of the Russian Federation (every year from May 1 to September 30). To visit the Republic of Albania, it is necessary to apply for a visa in accordance with the purpose of the trip", the Embassy's announcement states. We remind you that since the beginning of the Russian occupation of Ukraine, Albania has condemned Moscow's actions, while joining all the sanctions imposed by Western countries.


Contribution and close cooperation with NATO structures (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj received on Saturday in a meeting the NATO Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security, David Cattler. President Begaj appreciated NATO’s intelligence structures contribution in dealing with complex security challenges. President Begaj underlined that the cooperation between the intelligence structures of Albania and NATO is essential to prevent the malicious influences. President Begaj also discussed with Cattler the situation in the region, where, despite the progress made, there are attempts by actors with geopolitical ambitions to expand their influence and hinder the European integration processes.


The head of state emphasized that the agreement reached for the normalization of relations between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia is a positive step and should advance with the achievement of concrete results. The normalization of relations should be cantered towards mutual recognition and Kosovo's membership in international organizations such as the UN and NATO. President Begaj emphasized that Albania's intelligence and security structures will continue to contribute and cooperate closely with NATO structures.


Italy committed to the integration of the Balkans in the EU; Craxi for RTSH: Albania, leader for peace in the region (Radio Tirana)


Italy will continue to support the European integration of Albania and the Western Balkans and has no other agenda than the European future of the region. The Chair of the Foreign and Defense Committee of the Italian Senate, Stefania Craxi, in an exclusive interview for RTSH, said that Italy wants to play "a facilitating role" in all the integration processes of the Western Balkans.


"For Italy, Albania is a country with which we have very important relations, from a political, economic and cultural point of view, but above all we are connected by a great feeling of friendship between the two peoples, so it was a way to reaffirm Italy's readiness to support Albania for its people, a support that has never failed and it is a support of a country that stands side by side with another friendly country, even in difficult times. Italy will continue to support the European integration of Albania and the Western Balkans and has no other agenda than the European future of the region. We are on the side of Albania, on the side of the Western Balkans in this process, which in our opinion has lasted too long, I believe that the conflict in Ukraine should also be a lesson for us, we should speed up this process with all those countries that have the same vision for the West in terms of values for freedom and democracy, respect for human rights and therefore Albania and the countries of the Western Balkans will find Italy on their side.


Italy appreciates Albania's leading role in the region, supports the regional cooperation initiative between Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and encourages other countries to join this initiative. Albania and Italy, apart from being traditionally and historically close friends, are partners in dealing with and resolving difficult geopolitical conflicts between democratic and peaceful countries and warmongering and autocratic regimes. Italy supports the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. For Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe and other international organizations, Italy will also promote parallel diplomacy".


Senator Craxi, Italian Ambassador to Albania Fabrizio Bucci and other Italian parliamentary friends and diplomats were received in a meeting by the Speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla, Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi, and representatives of the Foreign Policy Commission.  In the centre of the meetings, the strong ties between Albania and Italy were discussed, as well as the challenges facing the region and reaffirmed Albania's commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo.


Gjiknuri meets Glover: Discussions on the conduct of the elections (Radio Tirana)


The General Secretary of the Socialist Party (SP), Damian Gjiknuri held a meeting with the head of the OSCE-ODHIR observation mission, Audrey Glover, in the context of the May 14 local elections. The meeting took place at the headquarters of the SP, while in a communication to the media at the end of the meeting, Gjiknuri said that the progress of the electoral campaign was the focus of the meeting. "They do not give messages but listen to the views of all political parties on the smooth running of the elections. They did not present any concerns. Their finding seems to be of no concern. The campaign was smooth, there were no problems. We had questions about the voter list. Technical, administrative matters and do not call into question the smooth running of the elections in Albania," SP General Secretary was quoted as saying.