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Belgrade Media Report 10 May



Vucic: We will organize “the largest gathering ever in Serbia” (Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he will organize on 26 May “the largest gathering ever held in Serbia” outside the Serbian parliament building or at the Republic Square. In a video message Vucic told the people that “the sadness, grief and pain are not going away”. “Sadness for the lost children, sorrow for the lost people, wonderful people who were not guilty of anything. Following a heavy blow we had to launch an operation and we collected almost 3,000 pieces of weapons today alone and proved that we are capable of fighting for peace, saving human lives and changing many things,” said Vucic, reported Novosti. He accused his political rivals of “brutally abusing the tragedy” and of “scheduling their political gatherings during the days of mourning with one goal only, and that is to use violence and grab power through violence”. “They made no effort to hide it, they just showed their true face to everyone, one that we once often used to talk about. In spite of everything we again said we stand at their disposal, we are prepared to talk about big and important changes in the state. They did not want to hear us, they wouldn’t listen because they think that now is the time for them to come to power without elections and the people’s will, knowing that the people in Serbia never wanted them and never will,” said Vucic. He added that he is prepared to discuss “all topics, the media, reality shows, police participation, police non-participation, resignation of various officials or not, and for this also to be discussed in the parliament”. “None of this sufficed, and will never suffice. Their only goal is to violently seize power and to lead Serbia into chaos, instability, unrest and riots. This is precisely why we reached an agreement this evening and we invite all Serbian citizens to come on 26 May, a day before major and important decisions for Serbia, to the largest gathering ever held in Serbia. It will take place outside the parliament building or at the Republic Square,” said Vucic.


Vucic with Power: Consistent readiness of Serbia for dialogue, but non-acceptance of unilateral decisions (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received today the administrator of USAID Samantha Power. On this occasion, Vucic emphasized Serbia’s commitment to strengthening comprehensive relations with the US and especially thanked for the assistance that USAID provided to our country through its programs in the areas of strengthening the competitiveness of the economy, better functioning of public administration, as well as through current projects that are dealt with at the municipal level by improving the use of renewable energy sources and environmental protection. Speaking about the situation in the region and the continuation of the dialogue with Pristina, Vucic reiterated Belgrade’s commitment to this process and readiness to work on the implementation of the concept of the European proposal, with certain limitations in accordance with the principles of international law, which were presented to European and American mediators on various occasions and officials. Vucic emphasized that the continuation of the normalization process at this moment depends on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as an obligation that Pristina undertook ten years ago by signing the Brussels agreement, announced the service for Media Cooperation of the President. We are ready to discuss a number of open issues, but we are not ready to accept any unilateral decisions, which did not result from an agreement in the dialogue, and which directly threaten the rights of members of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija, said Vucic and reiterated Serbia’s position that security and better life of people in Kosovo and Metohija are priorities for which we consistently advocate.


Vucic: Rubin an official Albanian lobbyist (TV Happy)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday evening US special envoy James Rubin was an official, paid Albanian lobbyist who had been purposely sent to Kosovo and Metohija during recent elections there to boost Pristina's campaign. In an appearance on a TV Happy talk show, Vucic noted that, unlike Rubin, many US State Department officials and members of Congress were fair and had a different approach to the Kosovo issue. "Rubin was particularly glad about a New York Times article written against me but the fact it said I was brave scared him a little bit," Vucic added. He said current US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill always had a fair approach to Serbia despite a difference in views. "He also has a personality of his own, he does not need to take orders from just everyone. He views the situation from his own angle. He is enough of an intellectual and he knows things sufficiently well, despite the fact he will always stand with an independent Kosovo, but he will have a different approach that is slightly more favourable to us," Vucic said. We must not forget that Pristina always has the support of the world's biggest powers, even though it is differently nuanced now, Vucic said. "Essentially, you must always bear in mind that big Western powers will support an independent Kosovo and stand with it," he underscored.


Maldivian side confirmed its support for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives Abdulla Shahid, who is on his second official visit to the Republic of Serbia in the last six months. The Ministers expressed their firm commitment to further comprehensive improvement of overall relations and cooperation between Serbia and Maldives, two geographically distant countries that are connected by traditional friendship and important common goals based on the essential values of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries. The importance of further strengthening the dialogue at the high and highest level was emphasised, and the two ministers examined the modalities for strengthening cooperation in all areas where there is potential, especially on the economic level, with a special focus on the fact that in two years Serbia and the Maldives will mark an important and great jubilee – the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. In accordance with the consistent observance of the Charter of the United Nations and its basic principles, the Maldivian side confirmed its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia on this occasion too. Dacic particularly pointed out the importance of the issue of climate change and appreciation of the challenges that many, especially island states, including the Maldives, are facing today. An agreement was reached on further intensive cooperation on the multilateral level, in connection with which we especially expressed our gratitude for the Maldives' support to Belgrade's candidacy as the host of the specialised Expo 2027. Five very important documents were signed with Maldives, which will create a strong foundation and greatly contribute to the further strengthening of cooperation in some of the key areas. The documents signed are the Agreement on trade, investment and economic cooperation, Agreement on air transport, Agreement on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and official travel documents, Memorandum of understanding in the field of sports, as well as the Memorandum on cooperation in the field of diplomatic education.


Petkovic: Kurti continuing expropriation of Serbian land (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said that with today’s decision of the so-called government in Pristina to continue the expropriation of Serbian land in the municipalities of Leposavic and Zubin Potok, Albin Kurti has taken a new step in order to destabilize the situation on the ground and for the umpteenth time has shown that he wants conflicts and war. “It is obvious that Kurti is not looking for the calming of tensions, dialogue and normalization of relations, but with new institutional pressures and threats to the survival and survival of the Serb people, he wants to expel the Serbs from their centuries-old hearths. By adopting a unilateral, unlawful and illegal decision on the expropriation of Serbian land in Leposavic and Zubin Potok, Kurti continues to expropriate the land of Serbian hosts, in order to illegally build his so-called military and police bases and fortifications in the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” said Petkovic. According to him, it is now clear as day that the belated public discussions organized in these two municipalities in the north at the beginning of the year were only a charade directed by Pristina for the international community and an attempt to satisfy the form, and not any concern for the rule of law and the rights of the Serbs living in these areas. “It is clear to everyone that the people whose land is under attack by the occupiers from Pristina will oppose such actions with all peaceful and legitimate means and will not silently watch their heritage being stolen,” said Petkovic. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija, together with our representatives on the ground, the people, legal representatives, the civil sector will continue to fight for the legitimate interests of our people, and we will inform all relevant international representatives and missions acting on this new unilateral and illegal move by Kurti, as well as the mediator in the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, in order to prevent this kind of legal violence and usurpation by Kurti, said the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Dacic: SPS will respond to the President's call and participate in large people's rally on 26 May (Tanjug)


Leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Ivica Dacic said last night that he personally, as well as the SPS and their coalition partners United Serbia and Greens of Serbia, will respond to the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and participate in a large people's rally announced for 26 May. Dacic told Tanjug that all those who wish well to Serbia and all its citizens will show up at that gathering. "In these difficult moments, Serbia needs national unity and political stability, contrary to the wishes of all the enemies of Serbia, who promote conflicts and violence and would like to turn Serbia back. Nobody can defeat a united Serbia," said Dacic.


Bozic: Next parliamentary and local elections will be held simultaneously (TV Prva)


The next parliamentary and local elections in Serbia will be held on the same day, the Serbian parliament deputy speaker and an official of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party Sandra Bozic said yesterday. Bozic said that all the demands voiced by the opposition at a rally held in Belgrade in the evening on 8 May would be fulfilled, but that the government would decide on how they would be realized. “Everything they were demanding in relation to elections, even before this tragedy, will be absolutely at their disposal. But they will not choose how and when the elections will be held,” Bozic told TV Prva. She also said that the goal of the 8 May protest titled “Serbia Against Violence” was not to pay tribute to the victims of the recent mass shootings, but rather to help the organizers from certain opposition parties to get hold of official positions. Asked when the measures to end violence, which President Aleksandar Vucic had spoken about, would be adopted, Bozic replied that she was expecting their adoption in urgent procedure, adding that the parliament could convene on the matter only after it received a draft document from the government.


Opposition requests parliament session on security situation (FoNet)


MPs of a number of opposition parties submitted Tuesday an initiative to the parliament speaker for an urgent session of the parliament to discuss the Serbian government report on the security situation in the country following the tragedies in Belgrade’s Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school and in the town of Mladenovac. Heads of MP caucuses of the People’s Party, Democratic Party, the Green Left Front, Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own – We Must and United assembled outside parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic’s office to hand in the initiative, which, they say, was signed by 84 MPs, including representatives of the Dveri movement, Hope and Oathkeepers. People’s Party MP Miroslav Aleksic said Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic refused to receive them in his office so they could discuss scheduling the session. “He wouldn’t receive us and he set up a security cordon that would not let us in,” said Aleksic, adding that the deadline for the holding of the session is 12 May. Prior to the media conference the opposition MPs pasted their request on the wall outside Orlic’s office.

Aleksic called on the people to attend in large numbers the Serbia Against Violence protest scheduled for Friday, 12 May, if the protest organizers’ demands are not met.


Djedovic, Hristov discuss cooperation on natural gas supplies (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic met with Bulgarian Energy Minister Rosen Hristov on Tuesday to discuss the progress of works to build a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnection as well as opportunities for further advancement of regional cooperation when it comes to natural gas supplies. Djedovic said Serbia had completed 43 percent of the works on its stretch of the interconnection, from Nis to Dimitrovgrad, and noted that this was ahead of schedule, the ministry said in a statement. "The interconnector is one of the priority projects for Serbia because, besides additional supply sources, it brings us an opportunity to strengthen our position as a transit country for gas supplies to countries in the region and central Europe. We expect the works to be completed in the autumn, which is why we have officially opened talks with Azerbaijan about procuring gas from the Caspian region," Djedovic said. Hristov said Bulgaria, too, fully complied with its part of the plan to build the gas interconnector and invited Djedovic to a joint visit to the construction sites on both sides of the Serbia-Bulgaria border in the period to come. Continued control and constant support are very important for ensuring the construction of the gas interconnector goes according to plan, he said. "We are fully committed to expanding the cooperation between Bulgaria and Serbia in the energy sector while relying on joint interests," Hristov said. He said expanding the interconnector's capacities as well as coal supplies were some of the fields where an advancement of the cooperation could be considered.


Victory Day marked in Belgrade (Beta)


Victory over Fascism Day was marked in Belgrade on 9 May with wreath laying. Defense Minister Milos Vucevic laid a wreath on the Monument to the Unknown Hero atop Mt. Avala and wrote in a memorial book: "Eternal glory and thanks to immortal heroes, all of you regardless of your ideological differences, and all fallen allies for the sacred freedom of our people." Belgrade Assembly speaker Nikola Nikodijevic laid wreaths at the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade and the Monument to the Red Army Soldier, saying that Serbia proudly stressed on 9 May its historical role in the victory over fascism each year, because it had made a huge sacrifice to make Europe free. Wreaths were also laid by Minister of Labor Nikola Selakovic, Serbian army representatives, representatives of the Union of Veterans of the War for Liberation, and diplomatic representatives.


Pristina court extends house arrest for Serb Dejan Pantic (Tanjug)


A Pristina basic court has extended a house arrest for former police officer Dejan Pantic by another two months, his lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic told Tanjug on Tuesday. "Dejan Pantic's house arrest has been extended until 9 July," Pantovic said briefly. Pantic, a Serb from Kosovska Mitrovica, was arrested by Pristina's police on 10 December at the Jarinje administrative crossing on allegations of plotting a terror attack. Following the arrest, Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija put up barricades that remained in place until 28 December, when Pantic was placed under house arrest after undergoing a medical examination conducted by the EULEX mission.




OHR publishes HR Schmidt’s report to UN Secretary General (BHT1)


The Office of High Representative (OHR) has published the latest semiannual report of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to the Secretary General of the UN Antonio Guterres on Tuesday. To remind, it is the 63rd such report and it covers the period from mid-October of 2022 to mid-April of 2023. According to the reporter, HR Schmidt wrote in his report that the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities continue to undermine the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), while RS President Milorad Dodik and his rhetoric are poisoning political climate in the RS and entire B&H.  The report reads that the RS authorities categorically reject the authority of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) and this is indicated in several initiatives to reinstate certain constitutional competences from the state level to B&H. Schmidt reminded that certain levels of the authorities in B&H were formed in record-breaking period but political standstill and inability to reach an agreement was quite obvious at the Federation of B&H level and this has impeded B&H’s path to join the EU. Schmidt stressed that fierce statements made by certain religious leaders have additionally raised tensions, but he commended quick adoption of the budget at almost all levels in B&H, as well as quick formation of the Council of Ministers of B&H (B&H CoM). The UN Security Council (UN SC) will discuss the report at a session on Wednesday and Chairwoman of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic will address the UN SC during the session. However, it is unclear if the report will be presented to the UNSC by Schmidt himself or someone else. Schmidt emphasized in the report that B&H still faces challenges when it comes to state property. Schmidt's report also criticized the aggressive rhetoric of some religious leaders in B&H. The statements of Metropolitan Hrizostom and the Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Husein Kavazovic were cited in the report. Schmidt emphasized that on 24 April, the parties of the ruling coalition in the RS signed a joint statement containing concrete steps towards secession. “This is a dangerous development. Redirecting, suspension or conditioning of funding are the tools which international partners hold in their hands in order to respond to such development of events, and they must remain on the table”, Schmidt noted in his report. Schmidt also wrote that the RS authorities continue to claim for the RS constitutional and legal competencies which belong to the state. He reminded that in February 2022, he suspended the RS law on immovable property. He also highlighted authoritarian tendencies in the RS which limit the space for civil society and free media. Report noted that Dodik’s secessionist rhetoric strengthened during the reporting period. “It poisons the political climate in the entity and the entire country. RS authorities categorically reject the authority of the Constitutional Court of B&H, the OHR and they pursue a confrontationist attitude towards Western partners. On 24 April, the RS ruling parties signed a joint statement with concrete steps toward secession. This is a dangerous development. The re-direction, suspension or conditioning of funding are tools which international partners have at hand to respond to this development, and which must remain on the table”, reads the Report.


Dodik: The biggest security threat in B&H is Christian Schmidt (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that the biggest threat to security in B&H is Christian Schmidt, who is falsely representing himself, adding that it is good that Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic, will address the UN Security Council (UN SC) session on Wednesday. Commenting on Schmidt’s report to the UN Security Council, Dodik said that he defends the constitutional order, and that he was mentioned in Schmidt’s report more than 50 times in a negative context. “Everyone knows they are lying. The RS has been peaceful, stable and focused on development since I have been leading it. There is no violence in the RS, as they portray it”, Dodik told members of the press. He repeated that Schmidt was not appointed in the UN Security Council. Dodik commented that sometimes it is good to be mentioned, even in a negative context, at such a high level, because everyone knows those are lies. When it comes to the rhetoric the report complained about, Dodik said that Schmidt falsely represents himself and that something like that cannot happen there. Dodik stated: “Of course, B&H is unacceptable if it is not constitutional. And of course, we will not remain in B&H if it is not constitutional. What is rhetorically problematic about that?”.


Swiss Ambassador Hunn: Switzerland will try to ensure good conditions for a constructive discussion on B&H at UN Security Council (Dnevni list)


Swiss Ambassador to B&H Daniel Hunn said that on 10 May, B&H will be in the focus of the United Nations (UN) Security Council under the presidency of Switzerland. According to the Ambassador, this is the first time that Switzerland presides over this important body. Ambassador Hunn further wrote, among other issues: “Switzerland will try to ensure good conditions for a constructive discussion on B&H. At the same time, it has the ambition to ensure the smooth running of the Council’s work during her one-month presidency in May and use the opportunity to highlight the priorities defined for her mandate”. Hunn reminded that on 1 January 2023, Switzerland assumed the mandate of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and that in 2023 and 2024, Switzerland will use this role to promote peace and security, act as an independent bridge builder and enter into direct talks with key actors on the international stage. “To do this, we have set four priorities for our mandate: building sustainable peace, protecting civilians, increasing efficiency and addressing climate security. We also intend to use our two-year engagement in the Security Council to promote our national values and interests at a time when democracy, human rights and the rule of law are under increasing pressure around the world,” said Ambassador Hunn.


EUD hosts second consultative meeting of experts on issue of state property (N1)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H hosted in Sarajevo on Monday the second consultative meeting of experts on the issue of the state property.  As said in the statement of the Office of the High Representative (OHR), the experts spoke about technical and legal aspects of ownership, as well as usage and management over the agricultural land, bearing in mind the current situation in B&H and the solutions that are applied in other systems, as well as other criteria such as agricultural production and environment protection. Due to this, the task of the Working Group – which was formed by the OHR, with the support of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB) – is to gather a set of expert opinions and information, so that they would be able to provide help to the B&H Parliament in solving the matter of state property. The OHR stated that an acceptable and sustainable solution on distribution of property between the state and other levels of power is the first goal of the program ‘5+2’ and obligation of B&H authorities the realization of which people wait for a very long time.


Dodik: RS authorities are not against southern interconnection as long is it not set as condition for eastern interconnection (O Kanal)


Commenting on the issue of the southern and the new eastern interconnection, RS President Milorad Dodik stated: “I see no reason for someone to prevent any development project. Just like we are not ready to prevent any kind of a project in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) or we were ready not to do this and we expect the same from the other side. This only speaks about disability of B&H. This will not be tolerated much. All this is a little bit weird. The public here knows that we have been trying for already 12 years (…) to get this consent but in formal and legal sense of the word, they made a fetish, a myth out of that and this is simply a technical decision. Why not construct a gas pipeline? We could have constructed it by now. Do you know how much loss we suffer for not having the gas pipeline for the economy, for the people? Do you know what the gas pipeline means for energy stability? We did nothing about that because someone in Sarajevo is constantly making up some reasons.” Dodik also said: “So, we have absolutely nothing against that so-called southern connection, except if that is connected to us and that it is conditioned (by something). When it comes to the daily agenda (of the B&H Council of Ministers), we will vote for it, without any hesitation”, Dodik promised. The law on gas at the B&H level is not possible because energy is under the competence of the entities, the conditions of B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic only speak about B&H and this will not be tolerated for long, Dodik stated. Dodik emphasized the importance of the gas pipeline for stability of the energy sector of any country and accused individuals in political Sarajevo of constantly coming up with new reasons not to launch the procedures pertaining construction of the eastern interconnection. Dodik stressed that the RS authorities are not against the construction of the southern interconnection as long is it not set as a condition for the eastern interconnection.


Nesic on Komsic’s announcement to deprive consent for gas interconnections without state law on gas: This is blackmail and conditioning (O Kanal)


In an open letter, B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic commented on the announcement of member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic that he will not give consent for projects of the eastern and the southern gas inter-connections without adoption of a state law on gas. Nesic commented on Komsic’s announcement as a blackmail and conditioning. Nesic accused Komsic of not taking care of citizens but about interests of sponsors of the political party that he follows, adding that blackmails in B&H have never brought anything to anyone. He called on Komsic to present at least one evidence on the Russian influence via gas by saying that he did not see that citizens of Sarajevo became Russophiles due to Russian gas that they use for heating. Nesic also stated that Komsic has a problem with Russian gas through the ‘Turk Stream’, but also with Azerbaijan gas that comes from ‘Trans Adriatic Stream’. He asked Komsic what he has proposed, and how B&H would be able to get gas and avoid its neighbors. Nesic says Komsic probably thinks B&H can get gas from Alaska, Qatar or Iran. Nesic asked Komsic why he is blocking projects that will reduce environmental pollution and allow children to breathe clean air during winter. “Komsic apparently continues to use the language of blackmail. Komsic obviously wants to prevent the development of B&H and stops all economic projects and once again shows that B&H neither can nor wants to function in this way”, Nesic said. In the end, Nesic points out that by blocking gas agreements with Serbia and Croatia, Komsic is protecting the interests of pellet producers, because they profit the most from the absence of gasification.


CoE requests from B&H a statement on adoption of proposal to establish register of material damage caused in conflict in Ukraine; Cvijanovic’s Cabinet is against CoE’s request (Srpska info/RTRS)


The Council of Europe (CoE) asked B&H for a statement on the adoption of the proposal to establish a registry of material damage caused in the Ukrainian conflict. As Srpska info news portal learns, the establishment of the Registry is proposed by the Council of Europe, and all member countries need to express their opinion on it. The Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic has already informed the Permanent Mission of B&H to the Council of Europe that B&H should not join the founding countries of the registry. “The Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency also informed the Permanent Mission of B&H to the Council of Europe that the representative of B&H to the Council of Europe should not support the Resolution on the establishment of the registry”, says Srpska info news portal. The Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency explained its position by saying that the Council of Europe, as a regional organization, is not authorized to establish such a registry, and that something like this could possibly be established by the United Nations on the basis of its Charter.


Scholz says EU decided to continue with enlargement that will include Western Balkans countries, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia (Oslobodjenje)


On the occasion of Europe Day, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held a speech in the European Parliament. Scholz strongly advocated enlargement and creation of a geo-political union turned towards the future. “The EU must change itself. We need a geo-political EU, enlarged and reformed and turned towards the future”, Scholz noted in his speech. He noted that an important decision on formation of the geo-political Europe was made last year by granting the candidate status for several countries and by launching accession talks with several of those countries. “We told citizens of the Western Balkans countries, Ukraine, Moldova and in perspective Georgia as well: ‘You belong to us, we want you to become a part of the EU’”. Scholz also said that this is not about altruism but there are economic reasons for this and added that this is about the credibility of Europe. Scholz added that this is about peace in Europe as well, especially after the turning point following Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Scholz said that normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is needed for the success of the enlargement policy as well as continuation of implementation of reforms in candidate countries. As for relations with China, Scholz said that he supports the approach of President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen who said that it is necessary to reduce the risk of dependence on China and not make a distance from China. Scholz said that a decision was made to continue with the enlargement of the EU, which will include all six countries of the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. “We made a decision. We will create a big Europe. This is not about altruism. This is about credibility of the EU, economic sense but also securing of peace in Europe”, Scholz said. Scholz pointed out that it is important for the EU to keep its promise, but it is also important for countries that want to join the EU to carry out necessary reforms.


Lajcak: B&H is complex issue (Dnevni list)


EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues Miroslav Lajcak reminded it has been 20 years since the EU and the Western Balkans countries mentioned for the first time that the future of Balkans is in the EU. “I do not want to talk about somebody’s guilt, but there were factors on the side of the EU and on the side of the Balkans, which bring us to the situation in which we speak about the future of the EU but without progress”, said Lajcak. In light of the fact that B&H was granted the status of EU candidate in December of 2022, Lajcak said the situation in B&H is very complex. “The fundamental thing is where the legitimacy comes from, what should be the difference in responsibility and competence between the state level and the entity ones. We see different interpretations in Sarajevo and Banja Luka and many disagreements based on differences in these interpretations”, said Lajcak. “Functionality of the country should be touched upon. We see positive elements as well. The Council of Ministers was formed very quickly, much faster than after previous elections. It is important that all three constituent peoples pass decisions. B&H also has to find a role for those people, who are not constituent, to secure that nobody is discriminated against based on their ethnic affiliation.”


Ambassador Sattler gives speech on occasion of Europe Day: Elected officials have to demonstrate determination and lead B&H toward EU (Dnevni avaz)


Head of EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler gave a speech on occasion of Europe Day in the new ‘Europe House’ which will be open for public in June. “This is a symbolic place. Here the Eternal Flame burns, commemorating all those who died as a result of the inhumanity of fascism and Europe’s descent into the savagery of World War II. It is therefore fitting that it should also be the home of Sarajevo’s new Europe House”, said Sattler. He noted that after the WWII the ambition of ‘never again’ was not realized across Europe, reminding of events during the nineties and current situation in Ukraine. “On Europe Day, we remember the importance of choosing partnership over enmity, diversity over intolerance, compromise over stalemate, and alliance over isolation. We must fight a more secure future, a more just future, a more united future. A future for B&H and the Western Balkans in the EU,” said Sattler. He added that EU membership is still an attractive perspective with the EU remaining a beacon of values, of hope, of inspiration. “Your elected leaders and many of them are here with us today, now need to be an example, to prove their determination, to show their commitment, and to lead Bosnia and Herzegovina into our community. We have seen promising developments at the State level, and we are optimistic that the new FB&H and RS governments will be partners on the European path”, said Sattler. He underlined that they expect from authorities adoption of new regulations and reforms in line with EU values and international standards. According to Sattler, after years of hard work, difficulties and political crises, awarding the candidate status to B&H is confirmation of B&H’s aspiration, and the call to political leaders and institutions to act. Ambassador Sattler underlined by saying that the EU expects from the authorities to adopt new regulations and reforms in line with the European values and international standards.


B&H marks Europe Day as official EU membership candidate for first time in history (Nezavisne)


This year, B&H is marking its first Europe Day as an official EU membership candidate. On that occasion, a series of events across B&H are planned. “Together, the richness of our continent’s culture, tradition and heritage will be celebrated, as well as our common goals to improve the quality of life for people across Europe,” the EU Delegation stated on this occasion. In Sarajevo, the Europe Day was marked by a concert performed by various artists outside the Eternal Flame building, the future Europe House. The Europe House will be officially opened in June. Following the events in Sarajevo, Europe Day 2023 activities will move to Travnik and Jajce, with events to celebrate the achievements of young people, civil society and entrepreneurs. In Banja Luka on 13 May, to celebrate both Europe Day and European Night of Museums, there will be an open-air concert outside the Museum of Contemporary Art of the RS. For children, treasure hunts will be organized in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and Brcko. The events will also be held in Tuzla and Mostar.


Various events and activities in Sarajevo on occasion of marking Europe Day, Victory Day (N1)


On the occasion of marking May 9 – the Day of Victory over Fascism (or Victory Day), the Europe Day, and the Day of ‘Zlatni ljiljani’ (Golden lilies unit) – delegations from different levels of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have laid flowers and paid their respects at the Eternal Flame Monument in Sarajevo, and at other monuments. Marking will be continued on Tuesday evening as well. On the occasion of Europe Day, the EU Delegation to B&H organized a reception in Sarajevo on Tuesday evening. Many domestic and foreign officials were invited to the reception. Amongst the first to arrive to the event were Federation of B&H President Lidija Bradara, FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic and Sarajevo Mayor Benjamina Karic. N1 reporter noted that this is the first time that B&H is celebrating Europe Day as a candidate state. May 9 is also the Day of Victory over Fascism, which is why the day started on Tuesday with laying of wreaths at the Eternal Flame Monument. After placing the flowers, B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic congratulated the citizens on Victory Day, saying that being an anti-fascist today means being a civilized man. “Anti-fascism is not any kind of ideological category. Anti-fascism is a civilizational achievement. And it should be understood and accepted as such. And in that sense, maybe precisely in these times – in which we live – it is very important to affirm anti-fascism as humanistic and civilizational value, because being an anti-fascist means being a civilized man, to fight for democracy, to fight for human rights and civil liberties of all people”, Becirovic emphasized. He said it is very important to send this kind of message today. Becirovic said anti-fascism also has an integration factor in B&H, and that dimension makes it very important in this country. On Victory in Europe Day, or V-E Day, Germany unconditionally surrendered its military forces to the Allies, including the United States. On May 8, 1945 - known as Victory in Europe Day or V-E Day - celebrations erupted around the world to mark the end of World War II in Europe. At the City Hall building, a solemn concert of the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra was organized, and many delegations and individuals attended. On Tuesday evening at 8 p.m., in front of the Eternal Flame Monument, a concert will be held under the title ‘Oduvijek u srcu Europe’ (Always in the Heart of Europe) and several B&H bands will sing for the gathered citizens.


Banja Luka marks Victory over Fascism Day, Dodik, Russian Ambassador to B&H attend ceremony (RTRS)


RTRS carries that RS celebrates the end of the bloodiest war chapter in the history of mankind, on 9 May. Victory Day was marked in Banja Luka with the march of the ‘Immortal Regiment’ and the laying of wreaths on the Fallen Fighters Square at the Monument to the Victims of Fascism. RS President Milorad Dodik, speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic, the RS government ministers, Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, representatives of the City of Banja Luka, the Third Infantry (RS) Regiment of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, organizations that emerged from the Patriotic War, and the National Liberation Movement and numerous citizens participated in the march. Our history, the history of the Serb people is a history of suffering and honor, a history of national victory, said Dodik at the commemoration of the Day of Victory over Fascism in Banja Luka. He pointed out that the People's Liberation Army was undoubtedly anti-fascist, but the Serbs also had a patriotic movement. The Day of Victory over Fascism is a historic day for the fate of the whole world, said Ambassador Kalabukhov after laying wreaths at the Monument to the Victims of Fascism at the Square of Fallen Fighters in Banja Luka. Kalabukhov said that “today this is a sign of memory and remembrance, respect and unification”. “This is a holiday that unites the Russian and the Serb people who made the most sacrifices in the World War II, the peoples who nationally resisted fascism the most”, Kalabukhov stated. Eighty percent of the partisans were Serbs, and the RS is an anti-fascist project, said Dodik in his speech. “Even at the beginning of the World War II, where Serbs were dominant, uprisings against fascism arose, and other nations at the beginning of the war sided with Quisling organizations such as the Ustashas. Mass participation of Muslims and Croats was recorded there”, Dodik said. He stated that at that time Sarajevo had three Muslim mayors who deported Serbs and Jews by trains to the Jasenovac camp. Serbs and Russians have given immeasurable contribution to the fight against fascism, said Kalabukhov. He criticized the West for “Russophobia”. He also justified Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by saying Russia defended itself from potential invasion of its territory. “Russia preemptively rejected the aggression. We are fighting not only against fascism in Ukraine, but against the unipolar world”, concluded the Russian Ambassador, justifying the attack on Ukraine. Dodik said that Serbs are a nation that has suffered throughout history, and he called RS an anti-fascist state. He pointed out that the honorable struggle in Serbia gathered fighters for national freedom. Kalabukhov pointed out that now they are not only fighting against fascism, but against totalitarianism and invented rules. He pointed out that he is extremely grateful for the support of Serb people. Dodik also said that although the communist party organized the people’s liberation movement, it was not exclusively an ideological communist movement. Kalabukhov said that on Tuesday, they marked the day that was of huge importance for destiny of the entire world adding that countries of the West decided to abolish values of the victory. He stated that such moral degradation has become a basis for cynical forgery of the history of the WWII, spreading of Russophobia, glorification of traitors, mocking to the memory of their victims, erasing the courage of those who conquered the victory. Kalabukhov said that everyone has the duty to remember those ruined the Nazism. Commenting on the current aggression on Ukraine, he argued that Russians are now fighting not just against fascism in Ukraine, but also against totalitarian and unipolar world. Dodik also commented the current political situation in B&H: “B&H is not a hierarchically arranged complex state. It is a community with a clear association of elements called two entities and three constituent peoples. They are now trying to destroy this through the looting that they are organizing in relation to property. I have to gather you around the idea of the RS as an independent state, if they do not guarantee us a constitutional position in the complex B&H, as it is written there”. Kalabukhov said that this is a holiday that united the Russian and Serb people, not only as peoples who suffered the greatest casualties in the Second World War, but as peoples who put up an independent resistance to fascism at the national level.


Plenkovic: Russian aggression threatens the legacy of the European project (HRT)


Russian aggression against Ukraine threatens the security of the entire continent and the legacy of the European project built over the past 73 years, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday, Europe Day. “Therefore, it is important that Europe, the European Union, all its members, as well as those countries that have the ambition to become part of Europe, are fully aware of the threat we are facing today. It requires strength, resilience, investments, political leadership, and determination in order to face the enormous challenge that lies before us,” said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. On this day, 9 May, 1950, the then French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Schuman, proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which was founded less than a year later, on 18 April 1951, thus starting the process of European integration. That event was commemorated today at the European Square in Zagreb. He also referred to the fact that this year marks the 10th anniversary of Croatia's membership in the EU, saying that "politically, we are at the table among those who most concretely decide the destinies of our lives, our economic status and economic development". “We will pass on our experience to our neighbors, especially in South-east Europe, but also to our friends in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, who have the same ambition,” Plenkovic added. The director of the European Parliament's offices in the member states, Stephen Clark, said that the Union is the desired destination for many who are beyond its borders and that its flag is "a symbol of hope, a symbol of peace and a symbol of democracy." “This democracy must be nurtured and protected because it must not be taken for granted. We live in a world where democracy is brutally attacked, with bombs and rockets and guns and is attacked insidiously with misinformation, lies and playing with our base instincts. But in order to defend it, we all have to participate,” said Clark. Diana Helen Madunic, ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden in Croatia, recalled the Schuman Declaration and the establishment of political cooperation aimed at making war in Europe "unthinkable". “But unfortunately, Europe is once again facing war due to Russia's illegal attack on Ukraine. That is why it is important to be united in support for Ukraine and against Russian aggression,” said Madunic.


Komsic: The Berlin process is the optimal model of progress towards the EU, not the Open Balkans, which is associated with grater-state projects (


The Berlin process is an optimal model of progress towards the European Union, and not the Open Balkans, which is associated with grater-state projects that caused Yugoslavia to fall apart in bloodshed, said Zeljko Komsic, a member of the Presidency of B&H, for Montenegrin Television. Komsic said this after the head of diplomacy, Elmedin Konakovic, supported that initiative and called “the Serbian world” label an intrigue. Konakovic is the first official from Sarajevo to support the Open Balkans, which is supported by Serbia and Albania. Komsic emphasizes that he would like it to be only about Konakovic's ignorance and misunderstanding of geopolitics and events in the Western Balkans. "That idea has support in the politics that comes from RS and in no other political option. As far as I know, this idea has no support in B&H, with the exception of Konakovic, again his ties are specific to Belgrade itself, but you have to ask him about that," he says. Komsic points out that it is clear that great pressure is being exerted on Montenegro to join the initiative, which is supported by three centers. "On one side Greater Albania, on the other Greater Serbia, on the third Greater Croatia, not through border changes but through the realization of the influence of Zagreb, Belgrade and Tirana on the surrounding countries, and by using primarily members of ethnic groups living in countries like B&H, of Montenegro and North Macedonia," warns Komsic. As he says, B&H sees no interest in becoming part of the Open Balkans and will oppose it.


Djukanovic: I hope that Montenegro, just like Europe, would find strength to foster unity and encourage European values (CdM)


On behalf of the citizens of Montenegro and his own behalf, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic congratulated the President of the European Council Charles Michel Europe Day (9 May), wishing the EU prosperity as well as well-being of all European peoples and citizens. “Europe Day always awakens in us the most positive emotions of joy, richness of diversity and togetherness on which we built the foundations of our European home, won freedoms and new values. Even today, during the war, we confirm that the right to live freely and choose our future must never be taken for granted, but that we have to fight for them and cherish them on a daily basis,” said Djukanovic. Montenegro, according to him, celebrates Europe Day while being faced with the internal challenges in an attempt to restore the political stability which would restore reform processes and respond to the European commitment of its citizens.


Abazovic: I am in favor of full demilitarization of the population, I believe that children in Montenegro are safe (Adria TV/CdM)


I am personally in favor of the full demilitarization of the population, said Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic for Adria TV. He said that he believes that children in Montenegro are safe. He expressed his condolences to the families of the victims regarding the tragic events in Serbia. "It is a great warning for the entire region and all countries. I hope that we will take it seriously and take all necessary measures, and they must be inclusive, to do more to promote good education, and as little as possible to promote any form of violence or content that can lead to such deviations," he said. Abazovic. Abazovic pointed out that we live in a time of general globalization. "Like all other countries in the world, we live in a time of general globalization - the availability of various media content, on social networks... I have not met a single person who does not agree with the view that something must be done in this regard as well. We definitely have too much violence, too much speech that refers to these things, content that leads to deviant phenomena. We and the Ministry of Interior are doing everything we can in this complex moment. We have strengthened controls in all schools in Montenegro, and professors also contribute to this. I hope that the parents will also show solidarity", he pointed out. Abazovic pointed out that the perception and reflection of some content on social networks or in the media is not the same for adults and children. "People perceive it differently. When children are fed with such content, it seems that they are more inclined to take it seriously enough or to make fun of these situations. We have to understand that it is about a different age, unlike older people who are horrified by it and have a completely different perception," Abazovic pointed out. He believes that children in Montenegro are safe, but we "cannot be silent" "We have to see what we are going to do with the weapons... Serbia proposed some measures. We should not copy the same measures, but some are meaningful. I am personally in favor of full demilitarization of the population," said Abazovic. He does not support, he says, anyone owning any weapon. "We need to have more rigorous penalties," he added. He expects, he says, that new measures can be introduced before the start of the new school year.


Police in the fight against peer-on-peer abuse: Inspectors dressed in civilian clothing visit schools, monitoring of social media accounts intensified… (CdM)


Peer-on-peer abuse has been on the rise recently in Montenegro. Only yesterday, two incidents happened in two schools in the towns of Bar and Bijelo Polje. According to official data, a total of 238 cases of peer-on-peer abuse in elementary schools have been recorded in two years, and 118 in high schools. The situation is pretty alarming. Both the National Police and the Ministry of Education point out that it’s about the systemic problem, adding that they’re doing everything in their power to deal with it. In this sense, the National Police told CdM that they had undertaken some concrete steps. Some of them are: police officers dressed in civilian clothing are visiting schools apart from their fellow colleagues in uniforms, the number of police officers at the crossroads near schools has risen particularly before the start of the lectures, during the break and after all classes are finished… the police also monitor social media in an attempt to discover organized fights among pupils… The police have made concrete plans of measures and activities concerning the everyday preventive intensified activities by police officers in all municipalities at the state level, whose main holders are officers of the Sector for the Fight Against Crime.


Kovachevski hosts US administration and Congress representatives in N. Macedonia’s Washington Embassy (MIA)


As part of his visit to Washington, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski attended a reception at the Embassy of North Macedonia in Washington, which was attended by high representatives of the United States administration and Congress, including Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar, former US ambassador Philip Reeker and current US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Aggeler and others, said the Government in a press release Tuesday. In the press release, the Government said the PM, in conversation with Deputy Assistant Secretary Escobar, assessed that North Macedonia and the United States continuously nurture productive political dialogue and have a strong strategic partnership. Kovachevski voiced conviction that with the help of the United States, all open disputes in the region will be solved through dialogue, which would lead to a faster EU integration of the Western Balkan countries. The PM stressed that North Macedonia will continue to be a factor of stability in the region, practicing policies of dialogue and nurturing good-neighborly relations in the future as well. “At the reception it was reaffirmed that the future of the Western Balkans is inside the EU, and the countries should remain committed to working on the reform processes, nurturing good-neighborly relations, protection of human rights and freedoms,” said the press release. In his conversation with Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, the PM voiced his gratitude to the United States for the support and encouragement provided to North Macedonia in all processes important for its progress and prosperity, both on an internal and international level.


Kovachevski — Rubin: North Macedonia and US to tackle disinformation together (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, as part of his working visit to Washington, met with James P. Rubin, Special Envoy and Coordinator of the State Department's Global Engagement Center, and signed a memorandum of cooperation in the fight against disinformation. According to a government press release, the memorandum signed between the United States and North Macedonia will create "a strategic partnership to combat disinformation, which will make it possible for the two countries to actively cooperate in combating the information manipulation". North Macedonia and the USA are building their lasting relationship on common values and principles such as freedom, democracy, justice and the rule of law, according to the press release. "The Prime Minister voiced his gratitude for the cooperation and stressed the importance of the memorandum, saying this represented enormous help for North Macedonia in building a solid democracy," the release adds. The government notes that the friendship between North Macedonia and the US guarantees the stability and prosperity of the country as well as the entire Western Balkans.


Geer: With vision, unity and perseverance N. Macedonia will assume its place as EU member state (MIA)


Europe Day is about looking forward, renewing the commitments to the kind of EU we want to build. A Europe of values, of innovation, that engages young people, a Europe that meets the challenges of our age. Today, North Macedonia is well-placed to be a part of this vision, after having opened accession negotiations last July. The way is open, and the tasks ahead are clear, said the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia David Geer in his address at the event marking 9 May – Victory over Fascism Day and Europe day. “I am convinced that with vision, unity and determination. North Macedonia will be able to assume its place as an EU member state. We want you to join us, our vision is a future together,” stressed the EU Ambassador. Geer said that the role of the EU has become even more important in face of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. “The European Union and like-minded partners,” he said, “have responded with extraordinary determination and unity.” “North Macedonia has also shown leadership in its exemplary support for Ukraine. We commend it, as we salute the exceptional courage and determination of the Ukrainian people and as we pay tribute to all those women and men who gave their lives to defeat fascism in World War II,” said Geer. The Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States Embassy in North Macedonia Eric Meyer touched upon the Russian aggression on Ukraine, stressing that such a callous disregard for human lives cannot be justified. “To suggest that what Russia is doing today in Ukraine has anything in the slightest to do with defeating fascism is a lie. It is a gross distortion of history, and it is a disgraceful insult to the people we are honoring today. Unfortunately, the Russian leadership chooses to continue on this misguided, illegal and destructive path, and Europe will continue to be steadfast in its defense of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the right to choose a future inside the community of peace-loving democratic nations. The resolve of those who fought and ultimately defeated fascism 78 years ago was the catalyst that forged a stable, European community, a strong NATO alliance and security for hundreds of millions of people, including the two million people here in North Macedonia,” said Meyer in his address. “This is why,” he added, “we pay tribute to them today and why we must continue to honor their legacy by refusing to yield when faced with threats to democratic principles and self-determination.” The Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs Bojan Marichikj sent a message of unity over the real European values as the sole prerequisite for the future. “We proudly remember and pay our respects to the fighters who defended their countries and the world from the greatest evil of the past century, fascism… Their legacy obliges us to remain on the side of the European and the real values, nurturing freedom, tolerance, democracy and dialogue as holy. This keeps us close to our European partners, strategic allies with whom we jointly affirm that North Macedonia’s EU path is the best way to protect the values that placed us on the side of justice and victory,” said Marichikj. It is no coincidence, he said, that we celebrate Europe Day alongside Victory Day as a successful project for long-term peace between the countries in Europe. “Today, after more than eight decades, we need solidarity and courage to extend a hand over the topics and issues important for the citizens such as peace, stability, democracy, social and economic development. We have a good foundation and a right to continue forward, and by overcoming the challenges in this process to give a chance to make the vision of membership by 2030 a reality. It is our duty to fulfill the idea of our ancestors and to transfer it to future generations, to create, to progress, to accept the European standards and to live the European values. Europe belongs to our region and our regions belongs to Europe,” said Marichikj. The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi stressed that the country has a chance to demonstrate courage and leadership and unite behind the country’s EU membership. “Our government has leaders who are prepared to talk about reconciliation for the future of our country. We should all unite, reconcile and work together for the future of our country,” said Grubi.


Rama congratulations on 9 May: Europe is here (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama congratulated on 9 May, Europe Day. In a post on social networks, he has published a table in which it is written: "Europe is here. Albania is Europe". Europe Day is the date when the first step towards the creation of what is now known as the EU was taken. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman read a statement calling on France, Germany and other European countries to pool their coal and steel industries, which would be the first concrete foundation for a future of European federation. The countries to which the call was addressed had emerged materially and morally ruined by conflicts with each other. What Schuman proposed was the creation of a supranational institution that would administer the coal and steel industry, the sector which at the time was the basis of military power. Years later, at the Milan Summit in 1985, EU leaders decided that May 9th would be declared and celebrated as Europe Day.


Begaj: Albania belongs to the EU (Radio Tirana)


On the occasion of 9 May, Europe Day, the President of the Republic Bajram Begaj appreciated that, "on Europe Day we celebrate unity and peace, values that Albania shares with all European countries". Begaj said that "Albania belongs to Europe". "As we look towards the future, it is clear that Albania belongs to the EU because of its cultural, historical and political ties with Europe", said Begaj. Europe Day is celebrated today, 73 years since the declaration of Robert Shuman, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, who presented his idea for a new form of political cooperation.


Xhacka: More committed than ever to Albania becoming a member of the EU (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka said that, "today we are more committed than ever to do everything necessary for our country to take its rightful place as a member of the EU". In a message on Europe Day, Xhacka emphasized that this day unites us all. "Today we celebrate Europe Day, a day that unites us all, in a dream for a future of union and common values". She emphasized that, after more than 3 decades of work and sacrifice, Albania is today closer than ever to the realization of this historical dream of the Albanian people.


Nikolla: Europe, synonymous with peace and unity (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the parliament Lindita Nikolla, through a message for Europe Day, said that "9 May embodies the ideal, which over the course of seven decades turned into the most emancipating and civilizing political, economic and cultural project of the modern world". "The big European family, this reality for the citizens of Europe, has become today the democratic ideal, the dream that affects Albanians and an inspiration for all nations that aspire for freedom, liberal democracy, Western values", she emphasized. Nikolla said that Europe and the United States of America are synonymous with peace, union, westernization, modernization, and well-being. "Europe is the beacon that orients today's troubled world, it is the compass that shows the movement of nations towards development and progress, it is the road map towards unity, security and peace. We, the Albanians, are proud of our roots, identity, vision, values, and our secure European future," writes Nikolla.