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Belgrade Media Report 25 May 2023



Vucic to US senators: Establishment of Community now a priority (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received US Senators Chris Murphy and Gary Peters on Thursday, and noted that Serbia was committed to develop closer cooperation with the US in all areas of mutual interest. The senators extended condolences over the recent tragic events in Serbia and, in light of Murphy's gun control initiative that followed a mass school shooting in Connecticut, US, the parties exchanged views on measures the Serbian authorities were taking. A part of the discussion was dedicated to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, and Vucic noted that the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities was now a priority, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic especially noted that Belgrade had been demonstrating seriousness and responsibility since the beginning of the dialogue despite constant provocations and numerous unilateral moves by Pristina that obstructed the process of seeking a compromise and sustainable solution. Speaking about the present global geopolitical and security situation, Vucic reiterated that Serbia remained committed to a consistent policy of protecting national and state interests as well as to respect of the principle of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states. Serbia's key interest is the maintaining of stability in the region, a positive agenda and a strengthening of regional cooperation in all areas, especially in the economy, Vucic said. In that way, through initiatives such as Open Balkans, Serbia is promoting a policy oriented to the future in a consistent and persevering manner, putting the emphasis on mutually beneficial cooperation, he said.


Vucic with Theophylactou: Mutual support for territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday received a farewell visit from Cypriot Ambassador Demetrios Theophylactou, thanking him for his successful tenure in Belgrade, which made a major contribution to the strengthening of the ties between the two countries. The parties discussed bilateral relations, which are based on firm friendship, mutual trust and a historical closeness and solidarity between the people of Serbia and Cyprus, as also confirmed by mutual support for the territorial integrity of the two countries. Vucic especially thanked Cyprus for its firm position on that issue in international organisations, the presidential press office said in a statement. Theophylactou thanked Vucic for the exceptional cooperation during his work in Serbia and said he was leaving the country with the most beautiful memories.


Mojsilovic thanks Theophylactou for Cyprus's firm support to Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic met with Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia Demetrios Theophylactou on Wednesday to discuss the political and security situation in the region and prospects for development of bilateral military-to-military cooperation. During the meeting, held in the SAF General Staff building, they confirmed a commitment to further development of cooperation between the SAF and the National Guard of Cyprus and said military-to-military cooperation represented a significant part of overall relations between the two countries, historically always characterised by closeness and friendship, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Mojsilovic thanked Theophylactou for Cyprus's firm support to Serbia when it comes to the preservation of its territorial integrity and to the EU integration process.


Vucevic: Serbia will not comply with attempts of Pristina authorities to establish Community (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday with a delegation of the US Senate and Senators Chris Murphy and Gary Peters who are visiting the Western Balkans region.

During the talks on regional security, Vucevic pointed out the constant lack of readiness from representatives of provisional self-government institutions in Pristina to discuss the matter of the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which is an obligation that Pristina accepted back in 2015, the guarantor of which is the EU. He noted that by such conduct Pristina unilaterally diminishes the possibility for the establishment of a constructive commencement of a dialogue that would contribute to the final reconciliation in the Western Balkans, continuation of talks on the normalisation of relations, and creation of mutual confidence. He stressed that Serbia will not comply with the attempts of Pristina authorities to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities disregarding previously agreed principles. On that occasion, he stated that Serbia closely follows the tragic events in Ukraine thus modelling its foreign policy in the spirit of the declared military neutrality, fully adhering to international law as regards the territorial integrity of Ukraine. In that way Serbia defends its national interests and the status in the international community, and it is steadfastly oriented towards remaining a promoter of dialogue and a stability factor in the region. At the meeting, the interlocutors discussed possibilities to achieve a stronger partnership between Serbia and the US in the field of defence, and they underlined the importance of creating opportunities for the intensification of further cooperation. Vucevic highlighted clearly visible indicators of a significant progress made in mutual relations that are being achieved in the field of defence. In addition, he emphasised the diversity of areas of mutual interest where the cooperation is carried out, stressing the newly established field of joint participation in multinational peacekeeping operations. Members of the US Senate delegation expressed their satisfaction with the meeting with the representatives of Defense Ministry, and they conveyed hope that defence cooperation between the two states would be intensified in the period to come. Also, they concurred that the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities is an obligation undertaken by Pristina which needs to be fulfilled.


Drecun: They are preparing for the occupation. It's all Kurti's plan (TV Pink)


The Chair of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said initiative to open the bridge on the Ibar is part of the preparations for occupying the north of Kosovo and Metohija. This is the plan of the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti. "A police-military operation in the north is certainly planned if the Western countries allow it. Serious preparations are being made and participation in this military exercise in which Kosovo forces are taking part, that's all preparation. When you practice offensive actions, that tells you that they are preparing something," Drecun said being hosted on TV Pink. "They want to divide the Serbs and break up those Serbs who would oppose something - in several directions. They could go in as many as four directions in one mobile action and the Serbs would not be able to protest. I see the opening of the bridge on the Ibar as the main direction of the attack, that is the main street that leads to the center of Kosovska Mitrovica," said Drecun. He said that the attitude of the West towards the Serb people in the north of Kosovo is such that they do not respect the Serbs at all, they do not respect their electoral will. "They treat Serbs as second-class citizens, they don't care about survival and their perspective. Serbs would have nothing to do with them. It's a relationship without any respect and that's why Kurti behaves like that. You have over 330 ethnically motivated attacks on Serbian people and then you have the US report - Kosovo is progressing," Drecun said. Drecun emphasized that President Aleksandar Vucic, sent a clear message in Ohrid, and at a rally in Pancevo a few days ago: "I will not give Kosovo and Metohija" and that this is not just the position of the president, but of the people of Serbia. "The message of the president and the entire Serbian people is - I will not give Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia will remain politically stable, although it would suit others if it collapses and does not have the capacity to save Kosovo," Drecun said. According to him, Kurti's goal is not to participate in negotiations and dialogue, but to carry out "another action", to continue to put pressure on Belgrade by terrorizing the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. "They lacked air support, now with the acquisition of these drones, that has been ensured. Now, in addition to the training they are undergoing, they are training 1,300 people to be operational with NATO. They are obviously preparing to do something by force in the north of Kosovo," Drecun said. "Their goal is to carry out another action, not to participate in dialogue and negotiations. This is all an integral part of the pressure on Belgrade. When someone terrorizes the Serbian people, takes away their property, destroys the economic perspective - this is where Belgrade is very sensitive," Drecun concluded.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija links Kurti policies to threats (Beta)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said on Thursday that there is a direct link between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s policies and threats to Serb children. A press release said that the letters OVK were carved into the props on a children’s playground in the village of Ugljare outside Kosova Polje. It said that this is the “worst and most shameless form of threat”. According to the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, only people who turn a blind eye don’t see the links between Kurti’s policies and the threats to Serb children. It said that the international community bears full responsibility for what it said was a very precarious situation on the ground. The press release recalled that shots were fired at children near the school in Ugljare “confirming that the threats to Serbs in that village are not imagined or exaggerated and demand immediate action”.


Orlic receives Cypriot Ambassador in farewell visit (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic received Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia Demetrios Theophylactou in farewell visit, thanking him for his personal contribution to the further advancement of bilateral relations and strengthening of the traditional friendship between the two countries and the two peoples. The officials praised the dynamic political and parliamentary dialogue, as well as the firm partnership between the two people, evidenced in the constant advancement of cooperation in all areas of common interest. They reaffirmed that Serbia and Cyprus cultivate a strong trust founded above all in the reciprocal support in the vital national interests of preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity. Orlic conveyed gratitude to the departing Ambassador for the principled stance of Cyprus viz. non-recognition of so-called “Kosovo”, as well as for the support for our country yet again confirmed by the vote in the Council of Europe. He took the opportunity to inform the Ambassador of the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the daily threats to the security of the Serbian people. “We are faced with the dangerous moves of Albin Kurti, who now openly wishes for an armed conflict, as well as the usurpation of the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija where Serbs live and their transformation into an occupied zone by the establishment of so-called “local authorities” - with no legitimacy. Anyone who recognizes this “authority” openly supports the breakout of a big conflict. Along with all of the abovementioned, it is a fact that the Serbian people no longer accept Pristina’s lies about the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities, ignoring and avoidance of the unquestionably established and signed obligation”, said Orlic, adding that it is clear to everyone that the preservation of peace and stability in the region is owed primarily to President Aleksandar Vucic, which the Ambassador agreed with. Ambassador Theophylactou reaffirmed that the position of Cyprus on Kosovo and Metohija would not change and that the two countries would continue to defend international law, their national interests and red lines. Finally, the Ambassador expressed satisfaction for the trust given to him by Serbia and its institutions during his mandate, saying that he is leaving our country grateful for its hospitality and carrying the most wonderful memories.


Political messages of Pristina's military drill pessimistic for Serbia – expert (Tanjug)


The political messages of Pristina's ongoing "Defender Europe 2023" military drill with NATO and the US' partner countries are pessimistic for Serbia, a military intelligence expert told Tanjug on Wednesday. "The messages are very pessimistic for us - they sound approximately like 'you will either join us or we will consider you an enemy and solve this in another way,' said Tomislav Djurin, a former colonel of Serbia's Military Intelligence Agency. "The fact that the so-called Kosovo is involved in the exercise through its 'Kosovo Protection Corps' is a particularly negative message that has been sent to us," he said. In conflicts between small warring parties, the one with the stronger ally, which "supplies it, supports it politically and media-wise and diplomatically in the UN and, ultimately, arms it," is the winner, Djurin said. He said Serbia was surrounded by NATO countries that were working on harmonising their activities towards Serbia. Djurin added that most military exercises evolved into an aggression or an armed conflict.


Dveri suggests new opposition deal to topple SNS government (Beta)


In a 24 May “open letter to the opposition peers,” the Dveri Movement’s leader Bosko Obradovic offered “a new three-point opposition agreement” to facilitate cooperation between “nation-building and pro-Western opposition parties”, in order to topple the Serbian Progressive Party’s authorities. Obradovic said in the letter delivered to the media that Dveri wanted to “upgrade the existing demands” voiced during the “Serbia Against Violence” protests with a request “that the government of Serbia should resign and be replaced with a transitional cabinet until new elections, which would be tasked with securing the freedom of the media and free elections”. The next point of Dveri’s opposition deal is “a new social contract for a post-Vucic Serbia, and the last suggests “two or three election lines, like in Montenegro, which would enter into a non-aggression and cooperation agreement to protect election results, and secure the freedom of ideological alignment”.


Opposition: Next protest to include ring around RTS (Beta)


Members of parliament from the opposition parties organizing the “Serbia Against Violence” protests have announced that the rally on 27 May would include the forming of a symbolic ring around the head office of RTS, because it is “the information service of all citizens, who have to be truthfully informed about events in Serbia”. The protest is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m. and last until 10:00 p.m., and the holding of such rallies will go on until the fulfillment of the demands that the people announced earlier, it was stated during a news conference in the Serbian parliament building. The participants of the protest have been invited to bring a flower each, to mourn the victims of the recent mass killings of school children and youths, and advised to “resist provocateurs, because the authorities infiltrate such people into the protests”.


Freedom House: Democracy in Serbia at standstill (Beta)


Serbia has achieved no progress in democracy in the past twelve months, while its people’s scepticism regarding EU membership is the result of the regime’s hold over the media and public discourse, the NGO Freedom House stated in its annual report titled “Nations in Transit 2023”. According to the document, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “has maintained his grip on power in part by positioning himself as the key to both domestic stability and regional security, using various self-serving crises to distract from his government’s ongoing capture of the media and silencing of critical voices in civil society.” In its section on Serbia, the NGO further maintains that although the opposition “returned to the political playing field after a 2020 electoral boycott,” the presidential and parliamentary elections of April 2022 “were once again marred by irregularities, resulting in victories for incumbent president Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive Party”.




Dodik takes part at security forum in Moscow, meets Lavrov; Putin: Russia will do everything to prevent the Western hegemony, Dodik: B&H has become experiment, colony (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik took part at the 11th meeting of senior security officials in Moscow on Wednesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the forum via video link. Addressing the event, Putin said that the security issue is now the most important global issue and together with its partners, Russia will do everything to prevent the Western hegemony. Putin underlined that the US and countries of the West undermine global security wanting to hold domination on the world map. Putin also warned of methods of the West aimed to monopolize the world, i.e. ignoring sovereignty, national interests and tradition of other countries and reporter argued that this is precisely what the West is trying to take away from the RS. During the forum that gathered representatives of over 100 countries, Dodik was a special guest of the forum, and he addressed attendees and said that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has become an experiment and colony after the war, without acknowledging history and international law. Dodik reminded that the NATO performed the first aggression against the RS and after that, on the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, arguing that this was an experiment for all other attacks on sovereign countries. Dodik also emphasized the importance of the fact that the RS was recognized as sovereign through the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and that it is very significant that – as a guarantor of the DPA – Russia does not give up on respect for the DPA. Dodik informed attendees that as of the 1990s, the Serb people has been a victim of hegemonic concept of the US and the NATO. Dodik said: “For already 30 years, they rule with colonial methods, and they impose solutions via non-elected foreigner, they constantly impose laws and even these days. This is an ideology of evil that caused the World War II, and it is silently accepted by the West as an instrument of fight against Russia. Western introduction of sanctions against Russia has totally endangered the European energy safety. European countries are forced to follow the policy of the US although they have no alternative for the Russian oil and gas, and they directly cause damage to their economic systems.” Dodik said that participation of the RS in the event confirms that as a guarantor of the DPA, Russia respects its sovereignty. He added that unlike the West, Russia does not find this disputable at all. During the event, Dodik met Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. Lavrov said that the West chose an adequate moment, i.e. the Russian-Ukrainian conflict for spreading of neo-colonialism. He argued that Washington accuses Russia of leading a cold war while behind the curtain, they destroy the system of the international law. Dodik also stressed at the forum that the US is still a dominant military force but is no longer a center of political and financial power. Dodik also talked about pressures that are being exerted for B&H to join the NATO alliance. He reminded that the RS leads the policy of military neutrality, and it will never support B&H joining the NATO. Dodik said the RS believes that the only way for a post-conflict society, like B&H, to survive is to remain militarily neutral. Dodik said the stance of the RS and Serbia, regarding military neutrality, is being viewed by the NATO in a way that says – ‘whoever is not with us, is against us. Dodik also said that Serbs know very well what the hegemony of Western powers means, and that small countries expect a fairer era in world politics. He reminded that NATO first attacked the RS in 1995, and then Serbia in 1999, and created the artificial state of B&H, which is currently governed and whose laws are imposed by an illegitimate foreigner. Dodik also spoke about the security challenges facing the world. He pointed out the threat of the expansion of NATO to the east and the revolutions, for which he cited Ukraine as an example. Dodik said that in 1999, the first major expansion of the NATO pact to Eastern Europe, that is, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, took place, and he said that this expansion represents the biggest disturbance to the security situation after the Cold War. Then, said Dodik, NATO expanded in 2008 to include Georgia and Ukraine. Putin also addressed the audience via video link. Putin emphasized that the world is in a major crisis, and that at every corner some conflict is simmering or has developed into a serious conflict.


Dodik: I am not the one who will be leading the US’ wars against Russia; RS will remain committed to the policy not to introduce sanctions against Russia (FTV)


RS President Milorad Dodik stressed that he is not one who will be leading the US’ wars against Russia and that the RS will remain committed to the policy not to introduce sanctions against Russia. During the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dodik stated that this is why the RS has been exposed to many pressures, adding that despite of it, they did not allow passing of a formal decision to introduce sanctions against Russia. Reporter commented that Putin commended relations of this entity with Russia in a courtesy manner.  He also thanked the RS for neutral position in regard to developments in Ukraine. Following this meeting, Dodik used opportunity to criticize US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. The RS President accused the US Ambassador of being anti-Serb and of coming to B&H just to destroy the RS. During Dodik’s meeting with Putin, it was said that relations between the RS and Russia are successfully being developed, and the trade between them in 2022 has increased. It was said that such trend should continue. Dodik gave Putin the medal with which he decorated the Russian President on the occasion of marking January 9. The medal was presented for Putin’s support to the RS and its development. Dodik stated after his meeting with Putin that he informed Putin about the pressure the RS is facing and the attempts to take away RS’s property. “I told him that this is the D Day for us and that RS, if something like this happens, will have no other choice but to make the decision on its status. I asked him for advice on this matter. I received the reply from Putin that Russia will continue to respect the Dayton Agreement”, said Dodik.


State Department: No government at any level should be extending cooperation with Russia while this country is carrying out aggression against Ukraine (FTV)


The US State Department issued a statement reading that no government at any level should be extending cooperation with Russia while this country is carrying out aggression against Ukraine. They underlined that the decision of RS President Milorad Dodik to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, while Russia openly violates grounds and laws of international order, as well as Dodik’s earlier decision to award Putin are short-sighted acts that do not serve to interests of citizens of the RS. The US State Department deems that Dodik’s path is counterproductive and detrimental. The State Department stated that no government at any level should extend cooperation with Russia at this moment. Reporter noted that in this way, the US confirmed what Dodik told Putin and that is that the RS is exposed to many pressures from the West. The US Department of State stated that a path that leads to democratic, prosperous and safe future – to which all B&H citizens aspire – is going through Brussels and not through Moscow. The US Department of State also stated that the US observes Dodik’s trip counter-productive and most of all, harmful.


US Embassy to B&H: Allegations of Dodik are absurd and malicious; US and West do not represent threat for the RS (ATV)


The US Embassy to B&H commented on the meeting between the RS President Milorad Dodik and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The Embassy stated that at a time when Russia is conducting the aggression against Ukraine, no government at any level should expand cooperation with Russia. The US Embassy to B&H stated on Wednesday that allegations of Dodik are absurd and malicious, adding that the US and the West do not represent a threat for the RS or for aspirations of its residents to have peaceful, democratic and prosperous future. The US Embassy to B&H said that the threats come from Dodik and those in power in the RS who aspire to take away basic rights and freedoms to residents of the entity. “These threats are coming from Milorad Dodik and those RS authorities who are seeking to take away fundamental rights and freedoms of the entity’s residents; enriching themselves rather than working for the prosperity of those they claim to represent; undermining the state of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement; and making destabilizing, delusional, and dangerous promises of RS independence.  The United States has been and remains a friend and partner to all the people of B&H.  Our policy here is clear and straightforward and has been for 28 years:  The United States supports B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character as well as its integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions”, reads Embassy’s statement, posted on Twitter.


Russian Embassy to B&H: Being friends with America is the same as buying a ticket for the 'Titanic' (ATV/RTRS)


The US Embassy to B&H commented on the meeting between RS President Milorad Dodik and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The Embassy stated that at a time when Russia is conducting the aggression against Ukraine, no government at any level should expand cooperation with Russia. The Russian Embassy to B&H replied that Americans like to teach others what principles they should live by. They pointed out that being friends with America is the same as buying a ticket for the 'Titanic', if you show independence, you get sanctions and embargoes, and if you defend international law then you are an autocrat and a totalitarian. A financial charity has been prepared for the submissive and obedient, the source of which is the same obedient ones, only they do not understand it, stated the Russian Embassy in B&H. The Russian Embassy to B&H told RTRS that Americans love to teach others how to live and which rules they should follow. Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated that pressure is without a precedent, but it will not hinder cooperation of the RS and Russia. She said: “We understand how much efforts the West exerts in order to make our Serb friends to put an end on cooperation with Russia. The pressure is without a precedent, and, in historical context, there has not been such pressure so far. For this reason exactly, we appreciate even more the decision of the RS not to give up on the cooperation with Russia.”


EUD condemns Dodik’s meeting with Putin: B&H belongs to the EU, and it is expected from B&H to align its policies with those of the Union (Nova BH/N1)


RS President Milorad Dodik took part at the 11th meeting of senior security officials in Moscow on Wednesday. Dodik accused the West of a difficult geopolitical position of the RS. A response came immediately from Brussels, and it said whoever wants to be part of the EU must align its policies with those in the Union. Nova BH noted that messages from Russia did not go unnoticed. Representatives of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H reacted and said that B&H belongs to the EU, and it is expected from B&H to align its policies with those of the Union. “We invite the leaders in B&H to take advantage of the opportunity that represents a new momentum in the EU enlargement, to take steps that would enable B&H to make progress on the way to the EU and to refrain from actions that contradict not only the values of the EU, but also of the entire democratic world which is united in condemning Russia's illegal, brutal, unjustified, unprovoked and immoral war in Ukraine”, the EU Delegation said in its statement. The EUD told N1 that maintaining close ties with Russia is not in line with the European path of B&H. The EUD added that the Russian aggression against Ukraine represents harsh violation of international law, and that it caused suffering of Ukrainian people, undermined European and global security and stability. High-ranking EU officials underlined that B&H belongs to the EU, and B&H is expected to comply with this bloc’s policies on its path to membership, including all decisions on joint foreign and security policy. EUD statement reminded that following FAC session, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that maintaining of close relations with Russia is not in line with EU path, while Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi clearly stated last week in Sarajevo that “our allies to not travel to Russia”. EU spokesman Peter Stano said after the visit of RS President Dodik to Russia: "The EU wants to count on all candidate countries as a reliable EU partner for common principles, values, security and prosperity." The EU has been crystal clear with our partners: relations with Russia cannot be normal while Putin is at the helm and in the shadow of Russia's unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. Let's not forget that Putin is the one who orders and oversees the massive violation of the UN Charter and human rights in Ukraine, where Russia commits crimes by indiscriminately targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, looting Ukrainian property and territories, or kidnapping children."


Becirovic meets Ambassador Kyrylych; Becirovic condemns Russian aggression against Ukraine (BHT1/Avaz/RTRS)


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic met with Ukrainian Ambassador to B&H Vasyl Kyrylych in Sarajevo on Wednesday. On the occasion, Kyrylych thanked Becirovic for continued support to Ukraine, noting that Ukrainians are encouraged by his open support in their fight for freedom. Becirovic condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and expressed his support to the people of independent and sovereign Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Dnevni avaz reported about the meeting and notes that Becirovic underlined that together with free and democratic world, B&H has to stand by the side of people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom. He stressed that he would continue to insist on respecting of fundamental principles of international law and UN Charter. Becirovic also reminded Ambassador that he on several occasions, criticized RS President Milorad Dodik’s awarding of medal to President Vladimir Putin. RTRS concluded by saying that RS President Milorad Dodik is actually the one who prevents B&H to introduce sanctions against Russia, reporting that Becirovic was probably counting only Bosniak votes when he told the Ambassador of Ukraine on Wednesday that B&H introduced sanctions against Russia.


NATO HQ SA hosts press conference dedicated to partnership between NATO and B&H (BHT1)


The NATO HQ Sarajevo hosted on Wednesday a press conference dedicated to NATO- B&H partnership. BHT1 reports that Commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo, Brigadier General Pamela McGaha said that NATO team in Sarajevo has worked together with the B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the B&H Ministry of Security of B&H for 20 years in order to help build the security network that citizens of B&H can trust. “Cooperation with NATO should remain the priority in the work of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to improve and maintain the security situation thanks to experience and support from 31 countries in this Alliance’’, said McGaha. BHT1 reports that German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitschen, Norwegian Ambassador to B&H Olav Reinersten and UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly said they encourage NATO support to B&H and to Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, and notes that numerous partnerships with NATO have shown that one country cannot find the best solutions on its own. Addressing the press conference, Reinersten said: “As for the financial situation, we are very concerned about limitations AF B&H face, and we are looking forward to the capacity expansion package. We are working on making that package as strong as possible.” Reilly said: “Partnership is very important for NATO. It is in the interest of security concept outside NATO territory. Advantage of our partners is that NATO can provide support.” Fitschen said: “B&H is a sovereign state and will make decision as it likes, but it has the right to choose its future. We support its future on the Euro-Atlantic path’’. B&H Deputy Foreign Minister and Chair of Commission for cooperation with NATO Josip Brkic said that B&H has become the country that contributes to global security, which AF B&H have proven in missions around the world. “I know that B&H has the experience in NATO-led missions in the world. Truly, we received the highest marks from all our partners in the context of interoperability, and that even indicates we are taking our part of responsibility in the global security order,” said Brkic. It was stated at the press conference that NATO not only provides security, but also economic progress, which is necessary for B&H. McGaha stated that B&H needs strong and secure foundations, “on which we are working.” “It is clear that there are several external actors who want to block the progress of B&H, as well as other countries in the Western Balkans. These actors actively undermine state authorities in order to weaken the security of institutions and citizens. It is for this reason that the Alliance promised additional assistance to B&H, in order to strengthen its security network and to enable strong security foundations in B&H and the entire region and strengthen investments, economic growth and development of the country,” McGaha underlined. Hayat noted that Brkic did not seem to like the question about pro-Russian influence. “It cannot be that it is news to us that Russia opposes NATO expansion,” Brkic said. Brkic pointed out that he believes that B&H belongs to the EU and NATO once the conditions are created for that, “but that will be our internal decision.” The Ambassadors of the UK, Norway and Germany expressed their firm determination to help B&H on the Euro-Atlantic path. “Your candidate status that is in force is something that is important. We see that the authorities have been formed, from the Presidency of B&H to cantonal governments and that there is new energy and commitment on the path to the EU. To me, this is proof of political stability and proof that the political system works and is moving towards a concrete goal. Everything looks good and promising,” Ambassador Fitschen said.


Kristo meets McGaha; They discuss cooperation and modernization of B&H AF (Oslobodjenje)


Chairwoman of Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo met on Wednesday with Commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo, Brigadier General Pamela McGaha. Kristo underlined that NATO is not only military, but also political alliance, which shares values of freedom, democracy, pluralism and consensus. Both officials underlined importance of continuation of programs of development and modernization of B&H Armed Forces, as well as further participation in joint peacekeeping operations.


Becirovic, Peach discuss B&H-UK cooperation, transfer of knowledge and technology (N1/RTRS)


Member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic met UK Special Representative for Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach in Sarajevo on Wednesday. They discussed improvement of economic cooperation of the two countries with a special accent to the importance of attracting investments from the UK to B&H and transfer of knowledge and technology. Peach said that his country stays an ally and a friend of B&H and that the UK is ready to continue offering B&H support with reform processes. He said that the UK will continue investing in infrastructure of B&H and the Western Balkans, which is expected to contribute to increase energy independence, employment and extension of production capacities and thus, increase of economic competition. RTRS reported that members of the B&H Presidency were supposed to meet Peach on Wednesday but only Bosniak member of the Presidency Becirovic met him. Peach’s visit comes in moment important for B&H. Peach congratulated for swift formation of authorities and encouraged them to focus on development of B&H. UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly met with Peach in Sarajevo. “We are looking at three days of activities and many issues to discuss with officials, civic society and youth”, Ambassador Reilly wrote on Twitter.


Peach: Security of B&H is European security; Kremlin does not want to see secure and stable Western Balkans, on the contrary (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list carries an interview with UK Prime Minister’s Special Representative for Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach who was asked, among other issues, when there will be final stability in the Western Balkans because wounds of war are still open and because politicians still use inflammatory rhetoric. Peach replied by saying that each country in the Western Balkans faces their own challenges, arguing that the divisive rhetoric and attempts to deepen differences between communities endanger short and long-term security. According to Peach, ‘we’ strongly condemn divisive rhetoric, which has become a routine language of many politicians in the region, stressing that in order to have peace and stability in the region, there need to be independent media, strong and reliable rule of law, bigger responsibility and more active civil society. Asked to comment on the issue of B&H joining NATO in light of Dodik’s statements that he will never support it, Peach said the UK strongly supports the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H and that he believes the path offers B&H development and security, which will bring benefits to the citizens. “We cannot allow that the progress is taken hostage by people who have interest in keeping B&H in state of political crisis and economic stagnation”, added Peach. Asked if B&H can count on NATO’s assistance in case of security challenges, Peach said: “Security of B&H is the European security. Like the United Kingdom and our partners said many times, we cannot and will not allow hostile stakeholders to divide the country, to annul or undermine the hard-fought progress from the past decades.” Asked to comment on the Russian aggression of Ukraine and Russia’s influence in B&H and Serbia and how to deal with all the dangers the influence brings, Peach replied by saying, among other issues: “You are right to point out the danger. The Kremlin does not want to see secure and stable Western Balkans, on the contrary. Under Putin, Russia uses its influence to block reforms and looks for ways to undermine countries who have chosen the Euro-Atlantic path. Russia is not a reliable friend to people in the region. They do not invest into the region and into the future but count on failure and divisions. We and our partners have different approach: we invest in the future of the Western Balkans and point at Russia’s interference”. Asked if the Russia-Ukraine conflict can ‘overspill’ into B&H, Peach said: “We are determined to see progressive and secure Western Balkans as exporter of security to Europe. I firmly believe that B&H, together with others in the Western Balkans, has the potential to be a center for the European energy security. It can use its huge potential for renewable sources in order to provide clean energy to Europe and others”. Asked to comment on recent use of the Bonn powers by the High Representative (HR), namely enacting of changes to the Election Law, which were criticized by SDA and DF, and how he see the HR’s moves and the reactions that followed, Peach said, among other issues, that the HR has a demanding job, which is necessary because most local politicians do not act responsibly in interest of their voters. According to Peach the fact that this institution (OHR) is necessary 28 years later is ‘very sad’. He went on to say that the international community has its role. Namely, it cannot accept unacceptable anymore, and cannot allow politicians to play games with democracy and blame others for their failures.


Grlic Radman meets Schmidt, Sattler, Murphy: Croatia is the most important partner and country that strongly supports B&H and its further development and progress (HRT/N1)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman met High Representative Christian Schmidt in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The OHR stated on the Twitter that they thanked Grlic-Radman for engagement of Croatia for obtaining the EU candidate of B&H and for their performance related to B&H in the UN. HRT1 reports that Grlic Radman met the HR and Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler. Sattler and Schmidt said Croatia is the most important partner and a country that strongly supports B&H and its further development and progress. They added that Croatia fully supports B&H’s path towards the EU. Grlic Radman also met with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, who wrote on Twitter that they talked about regional stability and security in the Western Balkans.


Milanovic: Borrell rejected Croatia’s request to join EUFOR Althea Mission in B&H (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic gave a speech in Europe House in Zagreb on Wednesday and among other issues, he stated that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell rejected Croatia’s request for participation in EUFOR Althea Mission. “Borrell rejected Croatia’s request to participate in military mission ‘Althea’ in B&H”, said Milanovic. Milanovic said that his memo and response to these issues “is full of lies” and he added that the “EU suffers from chronical deficiency of democracy and responsibility, which is hardly curable”. “Borrell is burdened with such affairs that he could not be a Minister in my government, I do not know for Plenkovic’s. the same goes for Ursula Von der Leyen”, said Milanovic. Article reminded that Milanovic has earlier, on several occasions insisted that Croatia, as a full-pledged NATO member, has right to be part of such a mission in B&H. Milanovic said: “We are turning to the European Commission, i.e. Foreign Service, for Croatia’s participation in mission in B&H, Althea. It is a trivial issue. Ten years ago, we ‘pulled the handbrake’ because we had just joined the European Union and said: We will not push ourselves into B&H. There is no point of insisting on that now, we just joined. Let us look around, but we have all basis and even obligation to declare the troops and then not to deploy anyone, which would probably be the choice.”


Freedom House report: Croatia stagnating for 6th year in a row (Hina)


The state of democracy in Croatia has been stagnating for the sixth year in a row, the US organization for human rights and political freedoms Freedom House said in its "Nations in Transit 2023" report, categorizing Croatia as a semi-consolidated democracy. For the sixth year in a row, Freedom House gave Croatia a democracy score of 4.25 out of a maximum 7, ranking it below Romania (4.36), Bulgaria (4.5), and Poland (4.54). With a democracy percentage of 54 on a scale of 0-100, Croatia is a semi-consolidated democracy, according to Freedom House. Semi-consolidated democracies, with a democracy score between 4.01 and 5, are considered to have high standards in electing national leaderships, but show weaknesses in defending political rights and civil liberties. Croatia received the highest score for civil society (5.25) and the lowest regarding corruption and the judiciary (3.50). The electoral process was given 5.00, independent media 3.75 and local democratic governance 4.5. As for Croatia’s neighbors, B&H fared the worst in the region, with a democracy score of 3.21 and a democratic percentage of 37. B&H has been falling in the report for years. Serbia has a democracy score of 3.79, and a democracy percentage of 46. It has also been declining for years. Montenegro has the same score and percentage as Serbia. Slovenia improved in the latest report, with a score of 5.75 and a percentage of 79, while Hungary was given a democratic score of 3.57, recording the second worst deterioration after Russia.


Milatovic: There’s room for deepening economic relations between Montenegro and USA; Murphy: Montenegro a success story, but there’s still a lot of work to be done (CdM)


“The American state shows a strong partnership with Montenegro. Montenegro is grateful to the USA for its support. There is room for deepening economic relations between Montenegro and the USA”, the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic has stated after the meeting with US Senators Chris Murphy and Gary Peters. Senator Murphy points out that Montenegro is a success story, but that it still has a lot of work to do. Milatovic says that they discussed the situation in Europe and security challenges. “Strategic partnership with the USA is especially important at this moment, with the important political changes taking place in Montenegro. We are trying to create a different system of values in Montenegro. We have agreed that the EU integration process is additionally important. Montenegro has room for additional acceleration of that process. That process will require the acceleration of all reform processes”, he has added. “We bring the greetings of the entire senate. One of the votes that I am most humbled by as a member of the Senate is the vote of support for Montenegro’s membership in NATO. Supporting your vision of EU membership. The EU will be strengthened when Montenegro joins it. We are here to hear from you how we can support your economic and security vision. Montenegro is a success story. There is still work to be done in the fight against corruption, organized crime and press protection. But no democracy is perfect, not even us in the US. We are enthusiastic about deepening cooperation and partnership,” Murphy has stressed. He has congratulated Milatovic on, as he said, “an impressive victory in the presidential elections.” “We in the USA cannot expect such a difference in percentages between the candidates”, he points out. Ambassador Peters has said that they appreciate the conversations they had. “There is a very large Albanian community in the USA, and many of them come from Montenegro and love Montenegro very much. My voters say that we should invest in Montenegro. We need to fight against corruption. We will strengthen economic prosperity for the citizens of Montenegro. My focus is on security. Montenegro is committed to NATO and that is important. I commend people for investing in security and for contributing to NATO across Europe. It is important that we strengthen cyber security. An attack on one is an attack on all of us,” Peters has pointed out.


Milatovic: Dialogue with list holders starts on Monday (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic has announced that a political dialogue at the highest level will begin on Monday. “Tomorrow, all list holders will receive an invitation to a meeting with me, where we will send a message that Montenegro is finally a mature society that has democratic elections. I will start that dialogue as early as Monday, and I will continue it after that,” Milatovic has told reporters after a meeting with US senators Chris Murphy and Gary Peters. According to him, in the conversation they will have the opportunity to send a message to the citizens and strategic partners of Montenegro that Montenegro is finally a mature society to have elections that will take place in a democratic environment.


Spajic meets German Finance Minister: Fiscal stability a prerequisite for economic progress, as well as sustainable growth of salaries and pensions (CdM)


Fiscal stability is a prerequisite for economic growth – i.e., sustainable growth of wages and pensions, it was stated during the meeting between the leader of the Europe Now movement, Milojko Spajic, and the Minister of Finance of Germany Christian Lindner. “Digitalization of public administration is the best way to increase the productivity of workers, as well as to make public administration not a bogeyman but an efficient and simple service to citizens”, Europe Now’s statement says. It is pointed out that at the Wirtschaftrat economic forum, one of the most prestigious in Germany, a voice was also heard from Montenegro with interest in the Europe Now program. “It was a great discussion about the need to increase the competitiveness of the European economy and reduce bureaucracy in order to accelerate economic growth and increase the number of high-quality jobs”, the statement concludes.


Maddocks: Government and citizens decide on the Open Balkans (TVCG)


Montenegro has come a long way as a country in 17 years, and the large number of political parties that ran for the upcoming extraordinary parliamentary elections represent great progress in the development of democracy, said the Ambassador of Great Britain to Montenegro Karen Maddocks for TVCG. "My current view of the election is that Montenegro has become a beautiful democracy. It went from a situation where you didn't have so many parties to a multi-political scene, and that's a big step forward in the development of democracy. Now citizens have more options when voting, but parties must be clear in their programs about their priorities, so that citizens can best choose what they need. My message would be to clearly show what each political party stands for, so that citizens know what they will vote for," said Maddocks. She referred to the inauguration and assumption of office of the new president of the state, Jakov Milatovic, and said that we witnessed a peaceful transition of power. "I was present at the inauguration, which was a dignified and inclusive ceremony. I think it is a sign that Montenegro has matured as a democracy, and for that we have the merits of both the former and the new head of state. "Montenegro has come a long way as a country in 17 years," Maddocks said. The presence of so many leaders from the region, as well as international partners, sent, as she says, the message that Montenegro has important partnerships and alliances. "For us, NATO is a very important alliance, and this shapes our friendship with Montenegro. But the presence of internal partners is a message that we are with Montenegro, that we share values and that we hope to continue such a relationship in the future", said Maddocks.


By strengthening institutions to increase resistance to external influences

Responding to potential meddling by outside actors in the electoral process, Maddocks says the idea of outside actors meddling in democratic processes is troubling. "It is very important to strengthen democratic institutions, so that they are resistant to such pressures. We support the Government to strengthen institutions. And we supported the process of monitoring regularity during the presidential elections, and we also supported CEMI in monitoring and counting votes, implementing their results, and we will implement the same in June," said Maddocks and ordered that they do everything in their power to reduce the risk of interference in elections. She noted that the OSCE mission and other embassies have the same goal.


We will continue cooperation with any government elected by the will of the citizens

Referring to possible support for political parties, Karen Maddocks claims that the British embassy will cooperate with any government that is elected by the citizens, but that the scope of cooperation depends on the extent to which they share common values. "We believe that the Government should be elected by the citizens. The UK works with states, not governments, so whichever political entity comes to power, we will continue to work together and develop relationships. But the scope of cooperation depends on how much we share common interests and values. I think that Montenegro is a NATO ally like the United Kingdom, so we already share Euro-Atlantic values," Maddocks said. She points out that she is pleased with the statement of the newly elected president, Jakov Milatovic, who supports Montenegro's membership in NATO. "I think that Milatovic has set a positive tone for the next government, if it follows the direction given by the new president. Whoever continues that direction in the government, we will have excellent cooperation", said Maddocks.


Citizens to decide on the Open Balkans

She says that she does not have clearly expressed views on the Open Balkans, and that the government and the citizens must decide on this issue. "The upcoming elections are an excellent opportunity for the government to support the Open Balkans, or not. You can ask the people directly, and let them decide on it," Maddocks said, noting that Montenegro is already part of the Berlin process. "I think that with any other initiative, the Open Balkans or similar, we would have to be careful not to jeopardize the Berlin process," Maddocks stated.


Freedom House: Montenegro regressed in field of democracy, generational change a potential (VoA/CdM)


In the report of the organization Freedom House on Countries in Transition 2023, when it comes to the state of democracy, Serbia remained at the same level, small improvements were noted in Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia, and regression was recorded in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Freedom House’s report on Countries in Transition 2023 states that political polarization in Montenegro, mostly relating to the issue of national identity, led to the fall of two governments. In addition, the parliament adopted laws that undermine basic human rights, while the Constitutional Court does not have a quorum to review disputed acts, the report states. However, the recent defeat of Milo Djukanovic, who led the country for more than three decades, in the presidential elections in April 2023 raises hopes that there will be a change of generations, according to Freedom House. Aleksandra Karpi, an expert at Freedom House, states that the change of generations is, for now, a potential. “I say potential, because as you know, the presidential office in Montenegro does not have many responsibilities. I think it will become clearer when the parliamentary elections scheduled for June take place, and when we see how the Europe Now party will be positioned, as well as other political options. I think there is a real potential for Montenegro to return to the right path, not only in the reform process, but also towards the EU, which will of course be key, to strengthen the reforms and move the country forward from a very difficult year”, states Karpi. Whether the change of generation will be enough to solve the issues of political polarization and national identity, she does not want to speculate much.


AFET postpones vote on North Macedonia report (MIA)


European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) has postponed the vote for the North Macedonia Report, drafted by rapporteur Ilhan Kyuchyuk following the European Commission Progress Report on the country. "The vote has been postponed and there is no need to discuss on this now", said AFET chair David McAllister at the session. In the report, Bulgarian Member of European Parliament (MEP) Kyuchyuk welcomes North Macedonia's continued commitment to EU integration while urging for calm, dignity and maturity in bilateral relations. About 320 amendments, of which 50 from Bulgarian MEPs, have been filed for the document, which puts 2030 as the date when the country would meet Union membership criteria. In their amendments, the Bulgarian MEPs attempt to incorporate their positions in the report related to "hate speech against Bulgaria and Bulgarians", as well as "discrimination, harassment, intimidation and violence against members of the Bulgarian minority". In addition, the amendments attempt to eliminate the part that calls for the negotiating process to not be abused for settlement of bilateral disputes, putting the implementation of the Bulgaria Friendship Treaty as a criterion for North Macedonia's EU accession instead.


Osmani: New path emerging for Western Balkans (MIA/TV24)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Tuesday there is a new path emerging for the Western Balkans, primarily related to the geopolitical situation and Ukraine. The FM says it is up to North Macedonia whether it will take that path or isolate itself, staying behind with B&H and Kosovo, rather than joining Serbia and Montenegro. FM Osmani met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels on Monday.

"I believe what Varhelyi said is shared by everyone in Brussels - a new path is definitely emerging for the Western Balkans, primarily related to the geopolitical situation and Ukraine. It is obvious that Ukraine will see a new moment this year regarding its European perspective. That path cannot be enabled while bypassing the Western Balkans. It is in our hands whether we take that path or isolate ourselves. In that case, Albania will join Serbia and Montenegro and we will stay behind with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo," FM Osmani told TV24. On Sofia's claims of "state-sponsored hate speech", the FM says there is no such thing in North Macedonia and that he would be the first to apologize if evidence of this was found. "European Union member-states have their embassies here, international organizations have their missions here. If any of these embassies or missions find evidence of state-sponsored discrimination towards any community, including the Bulgarian, I will be the one to apologize. And this coming from a person who himself is not coming from a majority community," notes Osmani.


Xhaferi has audience with Pope Francis on St. Cyril and Methodius Day (MIA)


On occasion of the Day of Pan-Slavic Educators St. Cyril and Methodius, parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi had Wednesday an audience with Pope Francis, at which he expressed hope that North Macedonia would soon start the EU accession negotiations. "The screening process is ongoing, and we are heading for constitutional changes that require a two-thirds majority. Unfortunately, we have been waiting for a long time in front of EU's doors and this has weakened the citizens' support for Union integration. Nevertheless, we will not give up on reaching this strategic objective," said Xhaferi. Xhaferi reiterated North Macedonia's support to Ukraine and condemned the unjust and unprovoked Russian aggression. He referred to the cooperation between North Macedonia and the Holy See, saying both countries have unbreakable historic ties based on common historic, cultural and religious traditions. "There is broad potential for enhancement of this partnership, both in bilateral and international terms, especially through the National and University Library "St. Clement of Ohrid" in Skopje and the Vatican Library, the countries' archives, as well as by signing a bilateral agreement in the field of university education," said Xhaferi. He added that North Macedonia is a multiethnic, multicultural and multi-confessional country with a long tradition of interreligious tolerance and fostering of confessional freedoms, whereas religious communities and groups enjoy a high degree of mutual cooperation. On his part, Pope Francis highlighted the importance of unity in the efforts to bring Europe together. Xhaferi also met with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, and Secretary for Relations with States Paul Gallagher, referring to the importance of dynamizing bilateral cooperation between North Macedonia and the Holy See. "I believe diplomatic ties, which mark their 30th anniversary in 2024, would further intensify if an apostolic nunciature opened in North Macedonia," said Xhaferi. After the meetings, the Parliament delegation is set to attend a service in the San Clemente Basilica.


Freedom House: Democracy in Macedonia slightly improved, but there is "political dysfunction" (Sloboden pecat/VoA)


In a new Freedom House report, States in Transition in 2023, the state of democracy in the US The situation on North Macedonia was assessed as slightly improved compared to last year, as well as in Albania and Kosovo, Serbia remained at the same level, and deterioration was observed in Montenegro and B&H, the VoA ​​reported. Macedonia received a score of 3.86 for democratic progress, as opposed to 3.82 in the previous report, on a scale of 1 to 7. In the region, the best ranked is Croatia with 4,25, and the worst – B&H with 3,21. Albania and Montenegro were rated 3,79, the same as Serbia. Most countries from the Balkans are in the "transitional or hybrid regimes" category. The report states that the protracted European Union accession process in the Western Balkans is increasing disillusionment with the Union and weakening its power to drive reforms. In the report, North Macedonia achieved a score of 48 points out of a possible hundred, and last year it had 47 points. The report also notes that North Macedonia and Montenegro experienced "acute political dysfunction" during 2022, but their results in democratic development moved in opposite directions.


Albania is an important geopolitical ally and a trustworthy partner (Radio Tirana)


Foreign Affairs Committee of European Parliament welcome the start of accession negotiations with Albania and call on the country to maintain its focus on the EU reform agenda. In a report adopted today, Foreign Affairs Committee of European Parliament welcome Albania’s steadfast commitment to EU integration, noting that it is a reflection of the consensus among political parties and the overwhelming support among citizens. Albania is a reliable foreign policy partner and remains an important geopolitical ally thanks to its efforts to advance regional cooperation and good neighborly relations, states the report. The report welcomes the fact that the government has kept its focus on EU-related reforms, reinforced its coordination structure for European integration and the parliament’s role in the EU integration process by amending the relevant law, and urge decision-makers to work jointly towards meeting the membership criteria by no later than 2030. The report stresses that the government needs to further advance the EU reform agenda in cooperation with the opposition and all segments of society. The report deplores the enduring political confrontation, disruptive actions and inflammatory rhetoric by high-level politicians and officials, stressing the importance of building a constructive parliamentary culture by fostering consensus between all political actors. The reports regret that the main political parties failed to reach an agreement on the electoral reform and call on the Albanian authorities to urgently implement the outstanding changes to the electoral and party financing framework well ahead of the 2025 parliamentary elections. Foreign affairs committee report points out that more structured and consistent efforts are necessary to fight corruption, including at high-level, and stress the need to tackle the culture of impunity. They call for additional results in countering cybercrime, trafficking in human beings and money laundering. The report regrets the lack of progress on achieving institutional transparency and the deteriorating situation of freedom of expression and media freedom and calls on the authorities to adopt a legal framework that protects journalists, human rights defenders and other stakeholders from Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation. Finally, the report notes that Albania has been heavily targeted by Russian disinformation and other hybrid attacks, and should strengthen protection of its critical infrastructure, cyber-security, counter-disinformation and energy transition measures.


Implementation of Albania-Great Britain agreement on the transfer of prisoners kicks off (Radio Tirana)


Implementation of Albania-Great Britain agreement on the transfer of prisoners kicks off

The Ministry of Justice announces that the implementation of the agreement between Great Britain and Albania regarding the transfer of Albanian prisoners located in the United Kingdom to kick off soon. In the official announcement, the Ministry of Justice states that 200 Albanian prisoners in prisons in England and Wales serving sentences of four years or more will return in the next two years to serve the remainder of their sentences in Albanian prisons. Thanks to the agreement, the British side will pay the costs of housing the prisoners for the entire duration of their sentence in our country and Albania will be able to increase investments for the further improvement of conditions in the prison system. "While we give Albanian convicts in Great Britain the opportunity to serve out the remaining part of their sentence with their families, Albania will be able to further strengthen the capacities of the penitentiary system," the press release states. The implementation of the agreement comes into force after the signing by Prime Minister Edi Rama and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in December 2022, as well as after the discussions that the two leaders held in London in March 2023.


Albania-Montenegro, a new border crossing point in Pulaj as part of the bridge project over River Buna (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Montenegro will also have a new joint border crossing point. The Albanian government sent to the Assembly the draft law for the ratification of the agreement, between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albanian and the Government of Montenegro for the opening of the joint border crossing point of the Saint Nikolla-Pulaj for international traffic and performing joint border check activities. The opening of the Pulaj border crossing point is part of the plan between Albania and Montenegro to jointly build a bridge over the Buna River by 2024, which will connect Ulcinj in Montenegro with Velipoja in Albania. The project was presented months ago by the Prime Ministers of Montenegro and Albania, Dritan Abazovic and Edi Rama during the "Open Balkans" Summit in Ohrid. The opening of the joint border point that the Albanian government has sent to the Assembly is in function of this project. The bridge will be 310 meters long with two traffic lanes, sidewalks and bicycle paths.


Freedom House report: SPAK, a promising sign in the fight against corruption (Radio Tirana)


From democracy to corruption, incinerators, the 6 March elections, threats to the media and journalists, were some of the points addressed in the Freedom House report on countries in transit. The report, which classifies Albania among countries with hybrid democracies, states, among other things, that our country has made steady progress towards becoming a full liberal democracy. "Albania made slight progress during 2022 in terms of democracy, thanks to the increased evaluation in the fight against corruption, but it still remains a country in transition", it is emphasized in the report of the Freedom House Organization, in which it is stated that, despite this, fundamental problems continue. Freedom House says that the impact of the war in Ukraine, as a result of Russian aggression, was felt last year in the 29 countries from Central Europe to Central Asia that are analyzed in its report "Countries in Transition". In this year's report titled "War deepens regional divisions" that analyzes developments in 2022 and was made public on Wednesday, it is said that instead of strengthening ties in the region, "security threats, the historic refugee crisis and problems economic problems related to the conflict have deepened the gap between autocracies and democracies and caused disruptive changes in the foreign policies of individual governments". As for Albania, the report emphasizes that "the rating for the fight against corruption increased from 2.75 to 3.00 points, thanks to a series of indictments and high-profile convictions of former officials from the Special Structure Against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK), as well as its proactive role in promoting the fight against corruption and organized crime". This caused the overall rating to increase from 3.75 to 3.79, on a rating scale of 1 to 7 points, where 1 is the lowest level of democracy and 7 is the highest. However, other indicators of democracy remained unchanged, and the report says that Albania's democratic institutions are challenged by clientelist party politics, the procrastination of the vetting process in justice and rampant corruption, says the chapter on Albania in the "Countries in Transition 2023" report. The report emphasizes that new law enforcement agencies such as SPAK, established in 2019, show promising signs in the fight against corruption and organized crime at the highest levels, political influence on the judiciary in corruption cases still remains a concern".