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Belgrade Media Report 7 June 2023



Vucic tells Lajcak, Escobar time for Pristina to fulfil its obligations (Beta/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that "it is time for Pristina to finally meet its commitments, above all the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities" and called on the international community to exert pressure on Pristina. After a meeting with EU special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak and US special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in Belgrade, Vucic posted on Instagram that "I want to believe that the part of the international community that has the most influence on Pristina, has the mechanisms that can lead to the final realization of the obligations that Pristina agreed to and signed over a decade ago." "From day one Serbia has been a constructive, consistent and reliable partner in all processes leading to the preservation of the stability of the entire region. I noted that it was time for Pristina to finally realize its obligations, above all the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities in accordance with the Brussels agreement," Vucic said. The meeting was also attended by the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret and US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. It addressed the present situation in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, ways to reduce tensions on the ground, implementation of agreements reached to date and possibilities for progress of the EU-facilitated dialogue, the presidential press office said in a statement. "Vucic reiterated the full commitment of Serbia to the process of dialogue with Pristina, reaching of compromise and sustainable solutions for the sake of better life and relations between Serbs and Albanians, and underlined the safety of our people in Kosovo and Metohija as the key demand," the statement notes. Vucic also reiterated the insistence on full implementation of agreements reached and signed in Brussels, primarily, the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, and called on the international community to engage more with Pristina in that direction. The EU and US officials reiterated a joint demand for an urgent halt to tensions and violence on the ground, holding of new elections with participation from Kosovo Serbs and a return to dialogue on normalisation. The parties agreed that de-escalation and a return to dialogue were necessary for better life of all citizens and progress on the EU integration path, as well as for stability across the region, the statement added.


Escobar speaks from Belgrade: Immediate de-escalation (B92)


Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar addresses the media in Belgrade. At the beginning of the address, Escobar said that he is not visiting the region only because of the crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but also because of the numerous issues and cooperation that the US has with the region. He said that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is within the competence of the EU and that the US respects that. It is necessary to immediately de-escalate the situation, for the Kosovo police to move away from the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo, but also for the protesting Serbs to move away. He also said that he hopes that there will be new local elections in Kosovo, as well as that the president of Serbia told him that he will use his influence to convince Serbs to participate in repeated elections. He then pointed out that in the conversation with President Vucic, he clearly indicated that turning his back on the agreement means turning his back on Europe, with all the consequences in terms of the failure of further integrations and closer cooperation with Europe, which, as he pointed out, is a serious consequence in itself. "First of all, we have to immediately calm the tensions, which means that we hope that the mayors will not try to use those municipal buildings and that the Kosovo police will withdraw from the buildings, but also that the Serbian demonstrators will leave those locations. And if there are new elections, and when there are new elections, Serbs should participate in them without any preconditions,'' said Escobar. He pointed out that President Vucic said that he will do everything to use his influence so that the Serbs participate again in the elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Escobar stated that he expects the dialogue between the EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, and the government in Pristina to continue after he leaves Belgrade. "I hope that they will recognize that there is one consequence, which I indicated, which is that, as I said, turning your back on the European proposal means turning your back on the EU, including the United Kingdom and the USA. We, as their friends, encourage them to harmonize with us and achieve regional stability,'' Escobar said. He added that "if Pristina does not want a partnership, then it will move away from the alliance with NATO, which in itself is a big consequence".


Vucic, Hokanson discuss regional peace, stability (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received US National Guard Bureau Chief Gen Daniel R Hokanson on Wednesday, noting that, while maintaining its military neutrality, Serbia was ready to advance its partnership cooperation with the US military with a view to maintaining peace and stability in the region and beyond. Speaking about the latest developments in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic informed Hokanson in detail about the causes of an escalation of violence and thanked the US side for its engagement and clear messages aimed at calming tensions caused by unilateral acts by the Pristina authorities, the presidential press office said in a statement. Thanking Vucic for his leadership in a difficult situation, Hokanson said peace and stability in the region would be jeopardised without it. He also noted the Serbian Armed Forces' great contribution to peacekeeping missions worldwide. The parties also discussed various concrete forms of Serbia-US defence cooperation, the statement added.


Petkovic: Kurti must be stopped in his aim to cause fire in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic pointed out today, in a conversation with the Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luka Gori that Albin Kurti must be stopped from trying to cause a fire in the province and the entire region, and that Serbia remains in favor of dialogue and talks as a mechanism for solving problems and creating a safe environment for the stay and survival of the Serb people in the province. Petkovic informed the Italian Ambassador about the threatened security of the Serb people in the province and the latest unilateral moves by Kurti, who violently and illegally brought illegitimate mayors and special units to Serbian facilities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which led to new tensions and a crisis on the ground that does not answer to anyone but to the authorities in Pristina, which in this way wants to avoid the obligation to form the ZSO, for which the Serbs have been waiting for 3700 days. He pointed out that Kurti’s daily threats and targeting of people are nothing more than continuation of terror and pressure on Serbs, and in this sense he recalled the groundless arrest of Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic even though there is irrefutable evidence of their innocence, as well as the brutal wounding of Dragisa Galjak by ROSU special forces, which, as he said, is a continuation of violence of the Pristina regime against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic also expressed his regret for the injured KFOR soldiers, to whom he wished a speedy recovery. He pointed out that the Serb people will persist in their legitimate demands that the fake mayors have to leave the facilities in the north of Kosovo, as well as Kurti’s special forces, and that Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic be released from custody. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that he was encouraged that for the first time the countries of the Quint condemned the behavior of the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions regarding the violence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and emphasized that Kurti must be stopped in his aim to cause a fire in the province and the entire region. Despite serious obstructions and violent actions by Pristina, Belgrade will continue to work for peace and stability in Kosovo and Metohija, but will not allow the lives of our people to be endangered. We remain committed to dialogue and conversation as a mechanism for solving problems and creating a safe environment for the stay and survival of the Serb people in the province, and we will do everything to preserve our people in the province, Petkovic concluded.


Osmani submits to OSCE plan for normalization of situation in northern Kosovo (Beta/TV Telma)


OSCE Chairman-in-Office Bujar Osmani said that his roadmap for the de-escalation and normalization of the situation in northern Kosovo has been submitted to the OSCE missions in Belgrade and Pristina, “which are to communicate and operationalize it”. He said the nine-step roadmap, which he published over the weekend, “is not an OSCE plan, because this international organization makes decisions by consensus, but a plan by the Republic of North Macedonia and him as the OSCE Chairman-in-Office”. “My role as OSCE chairman is to offer a solution for de-escalation. OSCE is basically a platform for dialogue, communication, for conflict management. We have two large operations, one in Pristina and the other in Belgrade,” Osmani said in an interview with TV Telma. He said his proposal is a complementary attempt, in addition to those of other international organizations and bodies, to de-escalate and normalize the situation in northern Kosovo and for the two sides, Belgrade and Pristina, to “return to the dialogue established in Ohrid”.


Zakharova: Comparing Belgrade-Pristina agreements with Minsk agreement is wrong (Beta/RIA Novosti)


Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti that comparing the Serbia-Kosovo agreements with the Minsk agreement on Ukraine is fundamentally wrong. “This comparison is fundamentally wrong because, unlike the Minsk agreement, the agreements reached in February-March between Belgrade and Pristina are exclusively verbal,” said Zakharova. She said the EU plan for normalization that is being forced on Serbia is nothing but „a political declaration that does not impose legal obligations on the parties”. She said “the problem is not in Belgrade’s stubbornness” but in the shortcomings of the approach that neglects Serbia’s national interests and promotes Kosovo’s independence, while UN Security Council Resolution 1244 is being ignored. “Despite the obvious failure of their mediation in the dialogue on Kosovo, Brussels keeps insisting that the EU is necessary in order to resolve the problems in the region. At the same time, they are burying, with their own hands, the 2013 and 2015 Brussels agreements between Belgrade and Pristina, which the European officials are trying not to mention out loud, as if they never existed,” she added.




RS parliament discusses Proposal of Resolution on Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Serbia; Stevanovic: RS parliament sent clear message to leadership of Serbia that it has full support of the RS in protecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (RTRS)


Representatives in the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament discussed a Proposal of a Resolution on the Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Serbia on Tuesday. The resolution welcomes the right of Serbia to defend the survival of Serb people in Kosovo if Kosovo Albanians and their authorities decide to use violence. The resolution, which was put forward by RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic, calls on the international community to prosecute those responsible for the violence in the north of Kosovo. The resolution also calls on the EU and the US to exert pressure on Pristina to form the community of Serb municipalities. At Tuesday’s session of the RS parliament, the parliamentary majority proposed several conclusions in connection with the Resolution on the Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Serbia, confirming that the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo is not accepted. The conclusions proposed by the parliamentary majority also call on the members of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the EU, which recognized independence of Kosovo, to annul their decisions. The conclusions further state that the RS supports the protection of the rights and freedoms of the Serb people and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and condemns the terrorist activities of the Kosovo Albanians and their authorities, which represent a threat to international peace and security. The conclusions require all representatives of the RS in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to initiate decision-making procedures that will condemn violation of human rights and freedoms and continuation of ethnic cleansing of Kosovo by the Kosovo Albanians and their authorities. The representatives of the ruling parties stated that they will forward these conclusions to the UN Security Council, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and representatives of the RS in B&H institutions. Stevandic said that the proposed Resolution on the Protection of Serbs in Kosovo contains messages of peace and de-escalation of conflict, but also gives support to Serbia. Stevandic said that the Serb people in Kosovo have been put in a position where they have to have a very smart strategy and tactic, and that is to never give up on Kosovo. “The strategy is to never give up and, regardless of the pressures and this Franco-German plan, not to sign anything that disturbs our ownership of Kosovo according to Resolution 1244. The tactic is to wait for the chance. In these geopolitical circumstances, you know that Serbia cannot put itself in a position where all those who cannot prove themselves on Russia prove themselves on Serbia,” Stevandic told the MPs in the RS parliament on Tuesday. The majority of representatives in the RS parliament had a unified position on the proposed resolution which, as it was stated, represents a message to the international community that besides verbal disagreement with the latest moves of the interim institutions in Pristina, it should begin sanctioning those who jeopardize the rights and freedoms of the Serb people. RS DEMOS MP Spomenka Stevanovic said that it is necessary to send a message that if the international community is honest, they need to act much more decisively and more concretely.


SDS submits amendments to Resolution on Kosovo; Part of RS opposition argues that Kosovo issue was discussed in the RS parliament because of the vote in the CoE by which Kosovo received support of B&H (BN TV)


Representatives in the RS parliament discussed a Proposal of a Resolution on the Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Serbia on Tuesday.  BNTV reports that SDS submitted amendments to the Resolution, which will be voted on, on Thursday. Although they said they will probably support the proposed resolution, the representatives of the RS opposition had complaints regarding the RS authorities and said that they are playing a hypocritical game. RS PDP representative Igor Crnadak claimed that the RS authorities are trying to decrease their responsibility when it comes to B&H’s recent vote in the Council of Europe regarding the beginning of Kosovo’s accession to the Council of Europe. RS SDS representative Maja Dragojevic Stojic said that abstaining from voting on such an issue is the same as voting in favor of Kosovo’s accession to the Council of Europe. RS independent representative Radislav Doncic asked why was B&H’s representative not called to the RS parliament to explain why B&H abstained during the vote and at whose orders. RS SDS representative Ognjen Bodiroga talked about the importance of Kosovo for him and his family, and that he was raised in such a way, as all Serbs are, according to Bodiroga. RS SDS representative Vukota Govedarica commented on the amendments of the resolution on protection of Serbs in Kosovo and said that these amendments refer to adding the word ‘Metohija’ to the name of the Resolution, defining what “Kosovo and Metohija represent for the RS”, and calling on the most responsible big forces, that have final authority when it comes to the Kosovo Albanians, to stop the violence caused by the Kosovo Albanians. Govedarica said these are countries of the Quint and they need to view them differently from the rest of the international community because they have a special authority. The third amendment refers to the definition of the condemnation and call for stopping the violence in the north of Kosovo. Stevandic said that he would consider the amendments of the SDS.


Putin awards Dodik for contribution to development of cultural and humanitarian ties between Russian Federation and B&H (RTRS/ATV)


President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a decree awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky to RS President Milorad Dodik. The decree signed by Putin states that Dodik was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky for great contribution to the development of cooperation between Russia and B&H and to the strengthening of the partnership with the RS. Hayat carries that Putin awarded Dodik for his contribution to the development of cultural and humanitarian ties between the peoples of the Russian Federation and B&H, while Dodik awarded Putin for his patriotic concern and love for the RS. ATV reminds that in 2019, Putin awarded the same order to the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.


Situation in HNC regarding formation of new government becomes more complicated after DF’s decision to leave bloc with SDP and NiP and remain in opposition (Nova BH)


The reporter notes that even eight months after elections, a new government in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) has not been formed. Nova BH reports that Head of HDZ B&H Cantonal Board Stjepan Boskovic said on Tuesday morning that HDZ B&H is waiting for future partners to submit their signatures and reminds that 20 votes in the HNC Assembly are needed to form a new government and political bloc gathered around HDZ B&H has 11 representatives and is unavoidable in authority formation. The reporter notes that although HDZ B&H announced they expected to have 20 signatures, that did not happen. Instead of a discussion on distribution of ministries, the situation has become more complicated after DF decided to leave political bloc with SDP B&H and NiP. DF officials in the HNC also said they would not be a partner with SDA and will remain in opposition in that canton. “The Collegium of DF, at the session attended by representatives of the cantonal boards, decided that DF in the HNC will not form the authority with ‘The Troika’ political parties and HDZ B&H. Furthermore, it was decided that a coalition with SDA is out of question’’, reads the statement by DF. The reporter notes that DF’s decision reduced the capacity of the bloc that had six representatives and with HDZ B&H 11 representatives, they could have formed the new government. The reporter goes on to say that the question remains who will now form the government, i.e. 20 votes are necessary to form it, but at the moment none of the political options has that capacity. HDZ B&H also did not exclude the possibility of coalition with SDA, however even if the two political parties reach an agreement, they will need two more votes, one probably from NES representative. The reporter notes that HDZ 1990 “is still in the game’’, whilst HRS said they do not want to be part of any authority, and concludes by saying whatever the case, with constant delays the HNC Government continues to work in technical mandate.


PIC SB starts two-day session in Sarajevo (Hayat)


A two-day session of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) commenced in Sarajevo on Tuesday and political directors of member states will discuss the current situation in B&H. Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo, B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez and B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Zoran Tegeltija are supposed to discuss the political situation in B&H with the ambassadors. The High Representative Christian Schmidt will address the public on Wednesday. The PIC SB Political Directors discussed the situation in the last half a year, concluding that the political situation has considerably stabilized after HR Schmidt’s decisions, which unblocked processes in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), which contributed to improving relations among the peoples and which are already giving results at the state level. According to the daily, the remaining priorities include the state property because of which the HR has formed a working body that should try to identify solution between completely opposite positions in RS and the FB&H. According to the daily, the PIC SB stressed the importance of electoral reform, in other words limited changes to the Constitution of B&H and the Election Law of B&H.


Von der Leyen tells authorities in B&H and highest elected officials of B&H that she insists on implementation of reforms they committed themselves to when B&H received status of candidate for EU membership at end of 2022 (O Kanal)


President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula Von der Leyen sent a letter to members of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic, Zeljko Komsic and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. Thus, she responded to Becirovic’s letter and said that B&H has begun 2023 with strong and positive encouragements, adding that after granting B&H the status of the EU candidate and after appointment of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), the country has a new chance to turn a new page and speed up work on the EU agenda. She underlined that the status of the EU candidate is a clear message to B&H citizens that B&H is part of the EU family, and this comes with big expectations. She mentioned that the EU path is open and it demands from the country to carry out executive reforms oriented towards the EU, while the EC counts on the CoM to reach decisive decisions in order to undertake steps emphasized in recommendations of the EC for the status of the candidate and in the 14 priorities of the EC. Von der Leyen said that B&H can be sure in full and unwavering commitment of the EU to B&H as a single, united and sovereign state to achieve its goal and that is to become an EU member state. Von der Leyen also expressed gratitude to the entire B&H Presidency for harmonization of B&H’s foreign policy with the EU’s foreign policy, a year after the unprovoked and unfair Russian aggression on Ukraine. She underlined: “I really appreciate your commitment to the international order based on rules and I count on B&H to continue standing on the side of Ukraine and the EU.”


Cvijanovic: Von der Leyen's letter was sent to wrong address (Srna/RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated on Tuesday that the B&H Presidency demonstrated numerous disagreements regarding B&H's foreign policy, but, unfortunately, the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs often ignored this, and therefore gave instructions that did not reflect the views of the Presidency. Asked by Srna to comment on the letter from President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen addressed to the B&H Presidency, in which she thanked for, as she stated, the alignment of B&H's foreign policy with EU policy, Cvijanovic said that the letter was sent to the wrong address. “If someone should be thanked for the usurpation of competences and non-implementation of the positions of the Presidency, then it would certainly be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying.


Chairwoman Kristo with EEAS’ Makovec: Compromise and consensus are key to further progress of integration process (Dnevni list)


Chairwomen of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Borjana Kristo met with Deputy Director General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and Director for the countries of Western Europe, the Western Balkans, Turkey and Great Britain Marko Makovec in Sarajevo to talk about the European path of B&H. The meeting was also attended by Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler. Kristo thanked the EEAS for its wholehearted assistance to the institutions of B&H, as well as for its support and understanding of the situation in B&H. She said that the status of (EU) candidate encouraged all political stakeholders in B&H to work together in favor of the Europeanization and transformation of B&H society. The CoM Chairwoman announced that the priorities and focus of the work of the institutions of B&H will be aimed at fulfilling 14 key priorities from the EC’s Opinion. She added that compromise and consensus are key to the further progress of the integration process, as well as to ensure the long-term stability of B&H in the process of limited changes to the Constitution of B&H and a thorough reform of the electoral legislation. Kristo further stated that the B&H CoM is working seriously and dynamically to speed up the reform processes and, in addition to the adopted budget for 2023, the Program of Economic Reforms of B&H for the period 2023 – 2025 and the Agreement on financing the Annual Action Plan in support of the Package for energy support for the Western Balkans in favor of B&H for 2023 have been adopted. Chairwoman Kristo also conveyed the commitment of the B&H CoM to cooperation with the EU, and to regional and European initiatives based on good neighborly relations, strengthening dialogue, peace and stability, emphasizing the unquestionability of harmonizing the foreign policy of B&H with the common foreign and security policy of the EU.


Rise in APT cyber-attacks on Croatia’s infrastructure detected (Hina)


In the first five months of 2023, there were 15 cases of advanced persistent threat (APT) campaigns against Croatia, which means a rise in such cyber-attacks, the Croatian Security-Intelligence Agency (SOA) head, Daniel Markic, said at the SK@UT conference in Zagreb on Tuesday. The first SK@UT conference was organized by SOA to bring together representatives of institutions and companies specialized in cyber security and professors and experts in this field. In his keynote speech, Markic said that the event shows “the strategic importance which Croatia’s state leadership attaches to cyber security.” He recalled that in 2019, the government gave a nod to SOA to build, in cooperation with other agencies in the security and intelligence system, a centre for cyber security of SOA. The construction of the centre was the first step and the fending the cyber space against threats and attacks requires active and permanent cooperation of state bodies, the academic community and the private sector. He added that the most visible project of the protection of the national cyber space represents SK@UT – “cyber umbrella that shields over 60 state bodies, agencies and entities from cyber-attacks.” The government’s decision in April 2021 enabled the broadening of this protection outside the government sector to shield operators of key utilities in the energy and transport sectors and to other elements n the critical infrastructure, according to Markic. The primary task of this “cyber umbrella” is to fend off advanced persistent threat (APT) campaigns and ransomware. We manage to detect such attack at the initial stage, Markic said. In 2021, SK@UT detected 14 state-sponsored cyber-attacks, in 2022, it detected 19 such attacks, and year to date, we have already detected 15  state-sponsored cyber-attacks, he informed the conference. The targets of such campaigns are all the data the state has at its disposal, he said adding that NATO and EU member-stats are in particular “attractive” targets for such attacks, Markic said adding that APT and similar attacks come from Russia and groups associated with Russia. A key to the success in the fight against those attacks is to share information between the stakeholders concerned, he added. In this sense, he mentioned a pilot-project of the European Commission for cyber crises management which SOA is coordinating with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). As part of this project, a grant of €1.5 million was awarded for upgrading the resistance of SK@UT community. I this project, Croatia is among three most successful EU member-states, Markic said.


More and more APT cyber threats

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at the conference that his cabinet full supported SOA plans. Following Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, European countries have been facing an increased activity in APT cyber threats. This is a serious challenge, and we are supposed to respond to it efficiently, he said.


Milatovic with Popa: Through dialogue with political subjects, I showed neutrality, necessary appointments in the judiciary (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic met with the Ambassador of the EU to Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa. As announced by the president's office, the topic of discussion was Montenegro's European path, Milatovic's recent visit to Brussels and participation in the European Political Community Summit in Moldova. "This meeting as well as my trip to Brussels for the first official visit in the mandate of the President of the country are a symbol of the importance of the European agenda for our country. At the Summit in Moldova, I met with more than 30 European leaders, where I emphasized the importance of political changes in Montenegro in order to speed up the accession negotiations," said Milatovic. In the conversation, he pointed out that appointments in the judiciary are necessary, which is why a dialogue was initiated with representatives of political entities participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections. "I started that process before the elections in order to show my neutrality and make sure that the dialogue was started with all political actors. 12 out of a total of 15 electoral lists responded to the invitation, which showed a constructive relationship. Immediately after the election, we will continue that dialogue, because I believe that one of the priorities is the election of the holders of judicial positions in the Parliament", said the President of the country. He said that he expects the parliamentary elections held on Sunday to take place in a peaceful and democratic atmosphere. Milatovic stated on Twitter that he talked with Popa about the European future of Montenegro. "Once again, I emphasized the readiness of our country for an accelerated process of reforms that would lead us to full membership in the EU in the next five years," Milatovic said on Twitter.


Knezevic: We extend a hand to Bosniaks and Albanians, we are ready to put a moratorium on the issues that divide us (TV Adria)


There are points on which we could cooperate with the Bosniak Party and the Albanian parties and there are points on which we could not, I suppose it is a matter of our attitude towards Kosovo. But we are ready to put a moratorium on the issues that divide us and to work on the future of Montenegro regarding internal issues, which should mean the progress of the country and its preparation for joining the EU, said for TV Adria, holder of the electoral list "For the future of Montenegro" Milan Knezevic. He believes that every stable government should have minorities in it. "If we decide to a significant extent, and I believe we will, a hand will be extended to both Bosniaks and Albanians," said the DNP leader.


DPS: Serbian leadership harms Montenegro’s sovereignty (CdM)


The leadership of Serbia is constantly trying to, by various methods, harm the sovereignty of Montenegro, stated, on Tuesday, the head of the list of the Montenegrin Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Danijel Zivkovic, which will at the elections, on 11 June, appear together with the list of the Democratic Union of Albanians and other pro-independence parties such as the Social-Democrats and the Liberal Party. “Serbia is our neighbor, we are connected by many things, and separated by the constant attempts of its leadership to, with different methods, harm the sovereignty of our country. I do not understand this need to constantly, in various forms, and most often during election processes, try and artificially influence the voters’ election will. No country would tolerate this, and such behavior of the Serbian leadership has to stop”, he said.  As he said, it was additionally irritating the constant denial of such illegitimate activity.  He said that he did not see the interest of Montenegro in entering the Open Balkans project. “We believe that this is primarily a political and marketing initiative and that it does not contribute to a faster entry of Montenegro to the EU. I believe that the goal of the region is a stabile Balkans. For it to be ‘open’ it first has to become stabilized, since it is now very unstable. And this cannot be achieved by any kind of initiatives, but rather by internal democratic reforms of the regional countries, which will recommend us for a full-fledged membership in the EU”, he said.


EP calls for national consensus on EU integration towards goal of meeting criteria for EU membership by 2030 (MIA)


The European Parliament has released a draft report by MEP and Rapporteur Ilhan Kyuchyuk, in motion for a European Parliament resolution on the 2022 Commission report on North Macedonia, welcoming the country's consistent commitment to EU integration and calling for calm, dignity and maturity in bilateral relations. The document mentions 2030 as a date when the country should meet the criteria for EU membership. 320 amendments have been tabled to the motion for a resolution, which will be discussed by the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs next week. The document points out that enlargement is the most effective EU foreign policy instrument and is a geostrategic investment in long-term peace, whereas North Macedonia has established itself as a reliable partner and has delivered sustained reforms. It also welcomes North Macedonia’s consistent commitment to EU integration, which has been underpinned by steady progress on guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights, while moving towards cross-cutting policy alignment. The European Parliament commends North Macedonia’s full alignment with the EU’s foreign and security policy, including its clear-cut response to the aggression against Ukraine by aligning with the EU’s restrictive measures against Russia and Belarus. In addition, EP urges decision-makers to foster a national consensus on EU integration, building upon a successful start to the screening process, to work towards the ambitious goal of meeting the criteria for EU membership by 2030. Concern is expressed about the unjustified delays in the accession process, stressing the need to strengthen the process’s transparency, accountability and inclusiveness, including its parliamentary dimension. The document further commends North Macedonia’s well-established inter-community harmony and urges the country to sustain its long-standing commitment to multiculturalism and inclusion. The motion notes North Macedonia’s commitment to positive diplomacy and good neighborly relations, reiterating full support for a consistent mutual implementation of the Treaty of Friendship with Bulgaria and the Prespa Agreement with Greece. Warning is expressed against attempts to undermine peaceful inter-community and bilateral relations, deploring all internal and external actions that endanger stability and jeopardise regional reconciliation. The European Parliament calls for calm, dignity and maturity in bilateral relations, urging regional partners to restore trust and cooperate with mutual respect and in the spirit of good neighborliness. Also, it invites policymakers and the societies of Bulgaria and North Macedonia to assume joint responsibility and to restore the positive agenda between the two countries in the spirit of the Treaty of Friendship, expressing support for continued diplomatic and societal dialogue to resolve bilateral grievances. In the document, EP notes that it supports efforts to reach an agreement on constitutional changes that would include additional communities in the preamble of North Macedonia’s constitution in good faith.  As many as 320 amendments on 161 pages have been submitted to the ten-page report, which will be debated by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in which the Bulgarian MEPs will try to insert their criticisms of North Macedonia.


Osmani: Decade of EU membership of Western Balkans, namely certain countries including North Macedonia (MIA)


This is the decade of EU membership of the Western Balkans, namely certain countries including North Macedonia. That means plus, minus flexibility depending on internal, regional and geopolitical dynamics, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Tuesday. Commenting on yesterday's statement by the leader of DUI Ali Ahmeti that North Macedonia will become a member of the EU in three to four years, Osmani told TV Telma that the candidate countries would have all the benefits of EU membership even prior to accession, and the new approach and fast-track procedure, according to him, gives a solid basis to what Ahmeti is saying. “I think that Mr. Ahmeti has an excellent understanding of the geopolitical context and regional dynamics, hence his predictions should be taken seriously,” Osmani said. Regarding the proposed constitutional amendments, Osmani said that this proposed constitutional amendment showed that our positions are protected in the best way in relation to the minority Bulgarian community in the country in relation to other communities. “We have a majority of Macedonian people, and we have parts of other peoples who live here in equal conditions, including the Bulgarian community, Osmani said. When asked whether they will wait for the outcome of tomorrow's leaders’ meeting for the constitutional amendments to be passed by the government and then sent to the Parliament, he said that it would be good if that meeting to have a positive outcome, otherwise, he said, “the opposition would miss a historic opportunity at least once in the recent history of this country to contribute to important state processes that bring stability and future.” He pointed out that for the first time he heard the idea of including Bulgarians in the Constitution from a high VMRO - DPMNE official and "that's how the idea of resolving relations with Bulgaria was born", without revealing who it was. He said that the proposal is still on the table, if the opposition approves the constitutional amendments on the same day, early parliamentary elections will be called. Osmani also added that Bulgaria cannot add conditions to the negotiating framework because, as he said, “no one can negotiate a negotiating framework.” “I guarantee that Bulgaria will not be able to add any other request than what is in the negotiating framework,” Osmani noted.


Marichikj: EU chance definitely missed if constitutional amendments not adopted (MIA)


Our goal is to push for sooner EU accession, said Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj on Tuesday. "We started the negotiations last year, they last 4-5 years on average. We have to be optimists but also realists. The government has targeted 2030 as the year of our EU membership. Three-four years is very soon but we can advance a lot during that time if we work hard and if the EU puts an agenda in place," Deputy PM Marichikj told reporters when asked about the optimism of DUI leader Ali Ahmeti that North Macedonia would join the EU in 3-4 years. Asked what would the VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski be offered at the meeting with Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski, Marichikj said he could not answer on behalf of the PM. "I expect all aspects of the constitutional amendments to be set on the table, the text of the amendments and the process of their faster adoption so that we continue the negotiations and remove the possible blockade. I believe dialogue is the best solution and it is best if leaders of the largest political parties sit down and talk prior to the start of the parliamentary procedure. The government will be constructive as always," said Marichikj. He added it is important that the opposition perceived its responsibility in taking these decisions. "They missed the chance with NATO and the Prespa Agreement. They now have another opportunity, with the current text of the constitutional revision carrying less weight, in a way, causing fewer problems than the case before," said Marichikj and added there was nothing disputable in the fact that several communities are included in the Constitution. The Deputy PM was adamant that the chance to join the EU would be missed if the constitutional amendments failed to materialize. "I have a feeling that a section of the opposition believes it is not important when the changes are made and think this could be done in 3-4 years from now. This is, simply put, time-wasting that we cannot bring back and that might lead to another decade in the waiting room," said Marichikj. He said the messages coming from Brussels and all allies is that the EU path is opening. "That is why I said the opposition's responsibility is enormous and cannot be avoided. I know what they want most is for someone else to solve the problems for them but some of them will have to take part in this decision. I believe we will come to that point and this chance will not be missed," noted Marichikj. On Mickoski's offer for unification of the political parties of the Macedonian bloc in order to put DUI in opposition, Marichikj said it was a maneuver aimed to buy time and collect political points. "The responsibility of one party cannot be removed by commenting and attacking another. It is time for Mickoski and all others in VMRO-DPMNE to face the fact that we now have a chance to take this decision together. No one will be blamed because the concept of our Constitution, our country and our identity is not violated," said Marichikj.


Tabaku, meetings in North Macedonia with a focus on the European integration of the region (Radio Tirana)


Members of the commission for European Integration paid a visit to North Macedonia to participate in the first meeting between the three commissions on European Integration issues. In the capacity of the chairperson of the Commission, Jorida Tabaku held a meeting with the mayor of Tetovo municipality and at the same time the chairman of the Besa Movement, Bilal Kasami, to continue the tour of meetings in Skopje. At the center of the agenda were the meetings with the Albanian political factor, where the focus was on the process of European integration and the connection between the countries where Albanians live. During the meeting held in the parliament of North Macedonia, Tabaku spoke about the importance of the integration process, while emphasizing the fact that the integration process is truly transformative when citizens benefit from it. The delegation also held meetings with the speaker of the Assembly, Talat Xhaferri and Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, with whom the infrastructural links between Albania and North Macedonia were discussed. Tabaku emphasized that in the field of foreign investments, North Macedonia is ahead of Albania, absorbing more investments. With the head of DUI, Ali Ahmet, the meeting focused on the requested constitutional changes of North Macedonia and the interest of the region in the integration process. Both sides agreed that regional integration is vital and necessary given the Russian threat that has been created in the region since the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Tabaku also met with the deputies of VRMNO with whom he discussed issues on constitutional changes and integration processes.


Albania, Germany and France sign financial agreement to support electricity sector in Albania (Radio Tirana)


Albania, Germany and France signed today the financial cooperation agreement that will contribute to the second phase of supporting the Albanian electricity sector. The Deputy Minister, at the same time the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku said in her speech that "today we are about to sign a financial agreement that will contribute to the second phase of supporting the Albanian electricity sector, which in the last year has faced the economic crisis, as a result of the energy crisis, taking into account the Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2022 and the fact that Albania produces 100% renewable energy, which is dependent on hydropower plants". Minister Balluku said that "this meeting today is a good moment to reflect, to make a real balance of the reform of the Albanian electricity sector that has undergone a radical transformation over the recent years with the support of Germany and France through their financial institutions here in Albania KFW and AFD, but also with the support of all the efforts of the ambassadors of Germany and France". "This reform has opened the way for the implementation of new policies and projects, which I would call innovative in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and remodeling of the domestic market. The reform in the electricity sector has been one of the most challenging. The help of foreign partners has been valuable and not without purpose for the realization of this reform, the instrument of borrowing was chosen based on policies", said Balluku. According to her, one of the main objectives of the reform was the separation of the Electricity Distribution Operator. Balluku further said that "the Albanian energy exchange will be a guarantor of energy development and of course the free, transparent and fair trading of electricity in Albania". "Today ALPEX (Albanian Power Exchange Market) counts 9 operators registered as members of the stock exchange, while 16 operators are in the evaluation phase and 4 banking institutions have expressed interest in becoming members", said Balluku. The liberalization of the electricity market, continued Balluku, has been another main request of the partners based on the European directives, but also the agreement on the reform of the sector. Balluku also announced that "16 foreign companies participated in the first wind power production auction, 6 of which qualified for the second stage of the financial offer. Tomorrow we will have the opening of 6 envelopes where we will have the winner of the first wind power auction in Albania". "We have had interest from local and foreign investors to develop private photovoltaic projects with funds financed by various banks and to sell energy on the free market. For 2022, the number of applications in total reaches 1.7 gigawatts," said Balluku. Minister Balluku said that "I believe that the second phase of this reform will be an optimization of what we have started to turn the Albanian electricity sector into a sector that meets the criteria and operating conditions of the EU".


Cuci signs the agreement with the head of FRONTEX for border operations: We guarantee human rights (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of the Interior Bledi Cuci received the head of FRONTEX, Hans Leijtens, with whom he signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and the Ministry of the Interior on Complaints Mechanisms for the actions performed by members of the teams of this mission in our country. "Border management and respect for human rights are not mutually exclusive. We are maximally determined to guarantee full respect for human rights", Cuci said about the agreement. He added that FRONTEX is a success story in our country. "Albania, as a transit country, plays an important role in cutting off migratory flows from Africa and the Middle East and actively contributes to the security of the EU's own borders," Minister Cuci said. The Agency's Complaints Mechanism will handle complaints filed against alleged violations of fundamental rights committed by members of police teams during operations in border areas to prevent migratory flows and combat cross-border crime.