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Belgrade Media Report 18 July 2023



Brnabic participates in informal meeting of Western Balkan leaders in Tirana (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated yesterday in Tirana, after an informal meeting of the leaders of the Western Balkans, that the meeting discussed the development plan for the Western Balkans announced by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen at the GLOBSEC Summit in May this year, as well as about the first drafts and projects that Serbia as a country should prepare. Brnabic, who attended the aforementioned meeting at the invitation of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, said that they also discussed the initiatives that exist within the Open Balkans, as well as the summit within the Berlin Process, which will be hosted by Albania this year. At this moment, Albania is completely focused on that summit and on what we can do additionally after the last summit that was in Berlin. We also discussed the initiatives we have within the Open Balkans, which are quite complementary with the Berlin Process summit, the Prime Minister said. She emphasised that the Open Balkans continues to exist, that it continues with joint initiatives, recalling that just three days ago, a joint exhibition of OB was opened in the Serbian Cultural Centre in Paris. The working lunch in Tirana was also attended by the prime ministers of Montenegro and North Macedonia, Dritan Abazovic and Dimitar Kovacevski, as well as European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. Brnabic expressed her hope that the development plan for the Western Balkans will come to life by the end of this year, so that from next year, in 2024, we will try to attract more funds from the EU partners for the economic growth and development of Serbia, and at the same time a new driving mechanism for European integration and bringing the Western Balkans closer to the EU.


Vucevic: Arming of Kosovo does not change balance of powers, but does change situation on ground (TV B92/RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Monday that, while NATO members' recent arming of Kosovo did not change the balance of powers, it did change "the situation on the ground." "These are far more serious security challenges and risks for our state. We are absolutely not just considering, but implementing everything that would constitute a countermeasure, so the Army of Serbia can respond to that risk," Vucevic told TV B92. The minister said Kosovo was indisputably being armed "much more seriously" by certain NATO members recently, stressing that it was not the entire alliance. "Not only are they performing training and education of their enlisted men, non-commissioned and commissioned officers, they are now making serious deliveries of weapons and munitions, in absolute violation of Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council, absolutely acting against the Kumanovo military technical agreement," Vucevic said. The Minister told RTS that a Turkish general would head KFOR from the fall, which would be the first time Ankara would run the NATO peace mission in Kosovo.


Starovic: Turkey's intensive arming of Pristina escalates risks (RTS)


State Secretary Nemanja Starovic said on Tuesday Turkey was working intensively on arming and training the so-called Kosovo's security forces. Speaking to Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), Starovic said this was contrary to UNSCR 1244, the Brussels agreement and all other relevant agreements. "Of course, we have been monitoring all those processes intensively. For months, our relevant agencies have been informing the state leadership in great detail of what is going on and, of course, through diplomatic channels, we have warned Turkish representatives that what is going on is absolutely unacceptable," Starovic said. "They, of course, say this is about some kind of commercial arrangements and sales," he added, noting that the so-called Kosovo Security Force was not allowed to have the arms provided by Turkey. "From what we know, considering the budget set aside for the so-called Kosovo Security Force, they do not have the funds for such things and those cannot be commercial arrangements, and it is quite certain the arms are Turkish donations," Starovic said. He said the arms included not only Bayraktar UAVs but also sophisticated OMTAS anti-tank systems, mortars and RPG launchers. "Therefore, that escalates the risks and threats, especially to the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as to the Republic of Serbia as a whole," Starovic said. There is no reason for panic, but this is a breach of international law, Starovic said, noting that Belgrade had adequate answers to that.


Dacic: We have good cooperation with SNS, it will stay that way (Tanjug/Politika/Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said on Monday his party maintained very good cooperation with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) - the main party in Serbia's ruling coalition - and added that it would stay that way in the future. Responding to questions from reporters before a ceremonial session of the SPS Head Committee that marked the party's 33rd anniversary, Dacic said he cooperated with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on a daily basis and that recent votes in the parliament had demonstrated there was no political crisis of government. "This is about objectives we have committed to and we have achieved very good results, so why would we have any problems in our relationship at all?" he added. Asked what form of cooperation was acceptable to the SPS as part of the to-be-established People's Movement, Dacic said he would discuss the issue with Vucic but that the SPS was ready for joint activities. Dacic said that he would propose that Marko Milosevic, grandson to former president of Yugoslavia and the party Slobodan Milosevic, be grandfathered into the party Steering Committee. Ahead of a ceremonial Socialist Party session to mark 33 years since its inception, Dacic said Marko Milosevic had expressed the desire to join the SPS and become politically active, while the former Yugoslav president's grandson said that he "always" wanted to do something in society and was happy to be among party comrades. "For me this idea is eternal and I'm glad it has continued this long. I will do my best to contribute as much as possible to this party and this society," Milosevic said. Commenting on demands by certain parties for early elections, Dacic said there was no reason to hold a snap parliamentary vote.


Jeremic: Differences exist in People’s Party over Kosovo, Serbia’s EU accession (Nova S)


The president of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremic said on Monday that, if there were any differences within the party, they pertained to the party’s policy on Kosovo and Serbia’s accession to the EU. The People’s Party quoted Jeremic as saying during an interview with Nova S that at the next party convention, scheduled to take place on 22 October, he would present the policy adopted at the last session of the party’s steering committee. “It means not only that the Franco-German plan for Kosovo’s independence should be rejected, but also that the People’s Party would no longer advocate Serbia’s EU accession if the plan was officially made an integral part of Europe’s accession process, which might happen as early as September or October,” Jeremic said. The People’s Party leader also explained that initial differences emerged last April, when an action was launched to collect signatures for a new referendum to reject the Franco-German proposal. Jeremic also described the relationship with his vice-president and the People’s Party whip Miroslav Aleksic as “functional” adding that Aleksic enjoyed his confidence in performing the two offices, but that it would be a conflict of interest if Aleksic decided to run simultaneously for the leading party post and chairmanship of the party’s executive committee, which organizes and conducts the party’s elections. When asked about the mass protests Serbia Against Violence, Jeremic said that “we are still far away from the unity necessary for the protests to succeed,” and that it would be good to think about “extending a hand to those who haven’t had an opportunity to take part in the organization of the protests so far”, including right-wing parties as well.


Arrested Kosovska Mitrovica Serb released on bail (Tanjug/RTS)


Serb Dalibor Spasic, a medical technician from Kosovska Mitrovica arrested by Pristina's police at the Jarinje administrative crossing a month ago, was released on bail on Monday, his lawyer told Tanjug. "We proposed bail and the judge accepted the proposal of the defence," Srdjan Mitrovic said, adding that the prosecutor's office had requested that Spasic's custody be extended by two months. "He (the judge) issued an order to the Podujevo prison, after which we posted the bail to get Spasic released immediately," Mitrovic said. The investigation continues and once it is complete, the judge will decide whether to file charges against Spasic, Mitrovic added. Spasic was arrested at Jarinje on 17 June as he and his wife and underage daughter were returning to Kosovska Mitrovica from central Serbia.


Stano: Chief negotiators to meet in Brussels on Wednesday (N1)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano confirmed on Tuesday that chief negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina would meet with EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels on Wednesday. “Miroslav Lajcak will host Chief negotiators of both sides in the context of the EU facilitated Dialogue in Brussels. Focus is on the full implementation of the 27 Feb Agreement and steps towards de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo,” Stano wrote in a Twitter post. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a press release that its Head and Belgrade’s chief negotiator Petar Petkovic was in Brussels to take part in a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue at technical level with his counterpart Kosovo deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi.


Oric threatens with war, Becirovic is hallucinating about ‘Great Serbia’ (Politika, by Dusanka Stanisic)


The President of the Assembly of the RS Association of Families of Imprisoned and Killed Soldiers and Missing Civilians Branimir Kojic told Politika that wartime Srebrenica commander Naser Oric “under whose command numerous attacks were carried out and hundreds of Serbs were killed in Srebrenica, Bratunac and many neighboring villages” is again rattling with weapons. Kojic explained that Oric recently delivered a speech in Nezuk, on which occasion he said “everything started on Drina River and everything will end on Drina River. We, the people of Podrinje, were born to either die or win. God’s will, we shall win”. Kojic noted that Oric is not the only one who has been presenting threatening messages lately and reminded that wartime commander of 5th Corps of the Army of the Republic of B&H Atif Dudakovic recently presented threats with a war, B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic often comments on the current crisis and warns that it could lead to a dissolution of B&H and war, while Minister of Defense of B&H Zukan Helez “recently scared people with some kind of plans ‘A’ and ‘B’ as well”. In addition to this, Becirovic also claimed that there are again politicians who are working on the realization of the project of ‘Greater Serbia’ and called to strengthening of the defense system of B&H and “joint journey to the future in NATO and EU”. Kojic argued that all lines have been crossed and he called competent judicial institutions in Sarajevo to react immediately as well as the Ministry of Interior of the RS to “raise alertness to the highest possible level”. Kojic also conveyed a message to Oric and Becirovic that Serb people only want peace and coexistence with other peoples in BiH. President of the RS Veterans’ Association Radan Ostojic said that Oric is a war criminal for Serb people from Podrinje area although he was not sentenced as such because of various obstructions during the trial. Ostojic argued that, because of this, Oric has no right to lecture anyone and he especially has no right to threaten anyone.




State-level coalition partners fail to hold meeting on Monday; ‘Troika’ leaders hold meeting without partners (Nova BH/N1)


The reporter notes that although it was expected, there is still no solution for the political crisis in BiH. State-level coalition partners failed to submit their possible solutions for the crisis, which was requested from them by the EU officials. The reporter goes on to say that representatives of political parties within ‘The Troika’ held a meeting on Monday, without their coalition partners, primarily SNSD that seems to be crucial to improve tense relations. ‘The Troika’ representatives reiterated they will not give in with regard to appointment of the new B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury (Note: Candidate for the post is SNSD’s Srdjan Amidzic), while the attack on the constitutional order is ongoing. Addressing the media, SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic said: “We have said countless times that we cannot play dead, we cannot pretend that nothing is happening while we are having a clear attack on the constitutional order of B&H. It is difficult to talk about normal issues and resolve something that should be a standard issue in every democratic society.” The reporter reminds that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will hold a new session on Tuesday, described by ‘The Troika’ as crucial for further actions, to discuss a set of reform laws, but it is not certain how SNSD will act during the voting. The reporter notes that although it was said during the day that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik should come to one of the meetings, or send a delegation, that did not happen. Commenting on this, NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said there was no strict agreement on a meeting, “there were no spectacular cancellations. We did not set a precise time. We talked about teams potentially meeting today to draft proposals and (political party) leaders meeting later, or to do it in writing. We decided to communicate it today via SMS and e-mails”. Nova BH reports that the opposition in the FB&H said that Dodik is “the main generator’’ of the constitutional crisis, and called on ‘The Troika’ not to succumb and agree to compromises. The reporter notes that the EU representatives requested solutions for de-escalation of the crisis in B&H to be submitted, but political officials said on Monday the deadline for that was not specified. They also announced new talks in the upcoming days, but their positions clearly remain the same so it will be difficult to find common ground without compromises which are currently not possible. N1 reports that the meeting of ‘The Troika’ was held at the SDP B&H headquarters (HQ) in Sarajevo. Niksic stated that this is their regular activity of analyzing the work and future steps. Niksic said that the meeting of the presidents of the coalition parties at the state level was not precisely agreed, but that the working groups were supposed to meet on Monday to work on bringing the stances closer together and fulfilling conditions and obligations on the European path. “We have a stance of our own which is completely clear. We must return to the framework of the Constitution and laws of B&H and continue our European path, and from the joint agreement we signed, implement everything, not just partial parts”, Konakovic stated. Konakovic added that they are waiting to see if there is a mood to hold a telephone session of the B&H CoM on Tuesday, extraordinary or otherwise, in order to adopt some laws. Among them, he mentioned the possibility of laws regarding courts or coordinators for the IPA. However, due to the latest moves by the authorities in the RS, he points out that the situation is tense. “There is still no trust that was there before. It is not easy to find some compromise solutions when there is an obvious attack on the constitutional order. We are doing this because of the short deadlines in which the EU expects us to be efficient, to deliver part of our obligations so that the people who are advocating for BiH to be side by side with Ukraine and other countries in the accession process show us that we have done something”, Konakovic said, adding: “Sometimes we are surprised positively and sometimes negatively by the reactions of our partners.” He added that there was no spectacular cancellation of the meeting.


Meeting of highest officials of RS with heads of all institutions, administrative organizations, public companies and ministries held in Banja Luka (Nova BH/ATV)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic invited officials from public institutions, companies, administrative organizations and ministries from the RS to the meeting held in Banja Luka on Monday to discuss the political situation. The meeting was also attended by RS President Milorad Dodik, B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic. The meeting was held in the situation after the RS parliament adopted and Dodik signed decrees on laws on non-implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) and High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt’s decisions in the RS.  Nova BH reports that RS Civil Protection Administration (RSUCZ) Director Milan Novitovic said that none of prosecutors will feel comfortable to come to the RS after the RS parliament’s decisions. Addressing the media after the meeting, Novitovic said: “It is not that I am threatening to someone. It will be a personal feeling of each one of them after the RS parliament’s decisions. The parliament is a legitimately elected institution. Each MP underwent electoral procedure, citizens of the RS voted for them. The MPs have the right and obligation to work in the interest of the RS citizens and to protect the RS in any possible way. The parliament has done that by adopting the laws, Mr. President, Mr. Dodik signed decrees published in the (RS) Official Gazette. I do not know what anyone else, except the RS institutions, will be able to do on the RS’ territory.” The conclusion from the meeting was that the RS remains a stable and functional community, in which people have a free and safe life. The RS officials issued a statement after the meeting. Dodik emphasized that the fight for the state property is important for preservation of the constitutional position of the RS. Dodik said there must be a unified response of politicians to the growing attacks on the RS, which come from a part of the international community. He added that if the RS is able to defend from these attacks, then that is a guarantee that it will remain stable, functional and prosperous in the future. Cvijanovic pointed out that the RS is faced with daily pressures, which is why the RS officials must be more responsible and be aware of their actions and decisions. Stevandic said it is important, at this moment, for the RS to lead a unified policy. The statement emphasized that the RS and its institutions are stable, in every way, regardless of the political challenges faced by the RS.


Dodik files report against Schmidt for false presentation, unlawful work; District Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka forms case (RTRS)


RTRS received a confirmation from the District Public Prosecutor's Office of Banja Luka that, on 7 July, it received the report filed by RS President Milorad Dodik against Christian Schmidt, who the RS does not recognize as the High Representative (HR) in B&H since his appointment was not confirmed in the UN Security Council (UN SC). Upon receipt of the report, the prosecutor’s office formed a case and assigned it to a prosecutor. Dodik filed criminal reports against Schmidt and Director of the Official Gazette of B&H Dragan Prusina. On the occasion of filing the reports, Dodik specified: “I filed a criminal report against Schmidt to the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Banja Luka because he has been dealing with the affairs of the High Representative for a long time without authorization and for which there is no UN SC decision. Schmidt is falsely presenting himself as an official. By doing so, he has committed criminal acts of unauthorized dealing with certain occupation and false representation.”


Trisic Babic: Konakovic violates Constitution and principles of B&H's foreign policy (ATV)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic directly violates the Constitution of B&H and his competences in conducting foreign policy, warned adviser to the RS President, Ana Trisic Babic. She said this in reaction to Konakovic’s move on not forwarding letter of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic to the UN Secretary General. According to her, the fact that the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not deliver letters from officials of the RS is nothing new, but this time the Minister of Foreign Affairs confirms it and goes a step further to determine what goes and what does not. “Of particular concern is the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives information concerning B&H, security, economic, political, which should be distributed to the authorities in B&H and in the entities. If the Minister censors that too, then we are in big trouble”, Trisic Babic pointed out.


HR Schmidt urges authorities to ensure uninterrupted work of B&H Constitutional Court in line with B&H Constitution and DPA (FTV)


The High Representative in B&H (HR) Christian Schmidt called on the B&H authorities to ensure the uninterrupted work of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC). The statement was published on the OHR official website, and stated: “In reference to recent public discussions on the vacant seats in the B&H CC, as well as the regrettable early retirement of the Court’s Vice President, Judge Zlatko Knezevic, HR Christian Schmidt wishes to remind the decision-makers on all levels of government of their obligation to ensure the uninterrupted work of the B&H CC in full capacity, in line with the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement. Decisions of the B&H CC are final and binding and therefore need to be enforced by all authorities in B&H. Furthermore, no court or individual judge, regardless of whether someone is pleased with their decisions or not, shall be exposed to pressure compromising their independence. Judges are appointed for a full term and have security of tenure. The foundations for their decisions are the Constitution and the law. Any forced reduction of their time in the office fundamentally contradicts the democratic and international standards on the independence of the judiciary. An independent and impartial judicial system is a fundamental guarantee of the rule of law and democracy in any country. No institution or individual should try or be allowed to influence or in any way subvert the authority of any court in B&H or any court official, concluded the HR.”


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H orders investigation against Dodik and Lukic (FTV)


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H issued an order on conducting the investigation against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic. The investigation against Dodik will be conducted for the signing of the decree on the Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) on the RS Territory and the decree on the Law on the Publishing of Laws and Other Regulations in RS, which dictated that decisions of the High Representative in B&H (HR) Christian Schmidt will not be published in the RS Official Gazette. The investigation against Lukic will be conducted because he gave the order for the publishing of the two laws in the RS Official Gazette, despite the HR repealing the laws. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H issued an order to interview Dodik and Lukic. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H responded to FTV inquiries about the subject stating that they are not responsible to provide information to the public about every case that they are working on.


Dodik: No activity from RS institutions was challenge to peace and stability of B&H or the region, which cannot be said for actions of part of the international community led by Escobar (Srna)


In a statement for Srna on Monday, RS President Milorad Dodik said that the RS has no secessionist activities, but is determined to defend its autonomy from all those who destroy the Dayton Agreement, whether they are from B&H or abroad. “If our autonomy is challenged in any way, we will turn it into something more”, Dodik noted. Commenting on the address of the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar announced for Tuesday before the Subcommittee of the US Foreign Affairs Committee in Washington - published by Dnevni Avaz and in which it was stated that the US will continue to sanction anyone who undermines Dayton Agreement and threatens stability B&H, Dodik replied that, if the document is authentic, then he can only state that the values about which the US teaches the whole world have disappeared in the US itself, or that lying before the Foreign Policy Subcommittee is a new value. “No activity from the institutions of the RS was a challenge to the peace and stability of B&H or the region, which cannot be said for the actions of part of the international community, led by Escobar”, stressed Dodik. The RS President presented an opinion that, if he wants to truthfully inform the Subcommittee on Foreign Policy, Escobar should certainly say how much “the disastrous activities” of US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy have brought challenges to B&H. He concluded: “Supporting a person who falsely presents himself as a high representative is an attack on the Dayton Agreement and sovereignty of B&H, to which all those who would completely destroy it swear by. By supporting a fake High Representative, Escobar violates the Dayton Peace Agreement or did not read the provisions of its Annex 10, which defines the method of appointing the high representative.”


Association of Victims of War and Witnesses of Genocide welcomes EP’s resolution and condemnation of war criminal Kordic (Dnevni list)


The Association of Victims of War and Witnesses of Genocide welcomed the resolution of the European Parliament (EP) and the condemnation of a recent statement of convicted war criminal Dario Kordic who said that he would do the same again. The Association noted that the amendment (regarding Kordic) received overwhelming support of 526 MEPs, 43 MEPs were against and there were 62 MEPs who abstained from voting. The Association added it also addressed other EU and international institutions from which it expects to follow the example of the EP. The Association also called on B&H judicial authorities to take necessary legal actions. In regards to this, the Association called on High Representative Christian Schmidt once again to remove FB&H President Lidija Bradara and FB&H Minister of Culture and Sport Sanja Vlaisavlevic who support war criminal Kordic.


Varhelyi meets Western Balkan leaders in Tirana to discuss new strategy for growth of Western Balkans (AJB)


An informal meeting of the leaders of the Western Balkans is being held in Tirana on Monday, as part of the preparations for the Berlin Process summit, which will be held in October, also in the capital of Albania. As announced by the Cabinet of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Oliver Varhelyi is also coming to the meeting. Almost all prime ministers from the region arrived in Tirana, as well as Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Borjana Kristo. The Berlin Process began in 2014, at the initiative of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the connection and European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans. Commissioner Varhelyi and leaders of the Western Balkans countries spoke on Monday in Tirana about a new economic and financial package that the European Commission prepared for the Western Balkans countries, worth over EUR 2 billion. They also spoke about models on how these countries can efficiently access the IPA funds. It was said that the Balkans countries must accelerate all those processes and fulfill all the obligations expected from them on the European integration path. That is one of the conditions for them to be able to access the large EU funds. Topic of the Berlin Process future was discussed. Informal meeting in Tirana was organized ten days after Rama completed his Balkans tour. During that tour, Rama spoke of ‘Open Balkans’ initiative – that is considered controversial by some. Rama said this initiative has fulfilled its mission, adding that now the Western Balkans countries should focus on the Berlin Process.


New round of negotiations on formation of the government (CdM)


The Europe Now movement (PES), Democrats and minority parties are leading a new round of informal negotiations on the formation of the government. For now, it is speculated that the new government should have 21 departments, and that the leader of the Democrats, Aleksa Becic, will most likely be the parliament speaker. In the elections held on 11 June, the PES has now won 24 mandates, the Democrats have seven, and the minority parties together have ten mandates. PES announced that they will also talk with the coalition For the Future of Montenegro, with whom there have been no negotiations so far. As CdM wrote earlier, PES wants economic ministries, in order to implement the Europe Now 2 program, while the Democrats want control over the energy sector and the security sector, as well as a leading position in the parliament.


Milatovic: Talks on prime minister designate to begin following constitution of parliament (RTCG)


Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic stated that as soon as the new convocation of the parliament of Montenegro is constituted, he will begin formal consultations with all political subjects in order to give a mandate for the formation of a new Montenegrin government. Milatovic told this to reporters in Bijelo Polje. “Finally, we received the announcement of the election results. Now there is a deadline of 15 days to constitute a new convocation. When that is done, and I believe it will be in the next few days, I will start formal consultations,” said Milatovic. He said that he expects a good, constructive conversation with all political subjects. “With an explanation from their side about what that government should look like, what its program would be, that is, everything that is an integral part of those talks. The talks are being conducted with the aim of making sure to whom I should give the mandate to form the government,” stated Milatovic.


Kovachevski in Tirana: Promoting Western Balkan cooperation on EU path (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, alongside Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs Fatmir Bytyqi, participated in an informal meeting Monday between the prime ministers of the Western Balkan countries and the EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, in Tirana. According to a government press release, the meeting which was also attended by the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, of Serbia Ana Brnabic, and of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic, focused on topics in preparation of the meeting of the Berlin Process set to be held in October in Tirana, since Albania chairs the Berlin Process in 2023. “The key topic we discussed was the EU’s plan for accelerated integration with the Western Balkan countries, which relies on several basic pillars: first, faster nearing of the Western Balkan countries to the EU’s common market. Second, an increase in funds for the financing of important regional projects. Third, an increase in economic cooperation and integration between the Western Balkan countries, and fourth, acceleration of key reforms in each of the countries,” stressed Kovachevski. The Prime Minister emphasized that this is an ambitious plan and an ambitious agenda which the countries will work on together. Additionally, according to the press release, the countries will work on the ratification and entry into force in the period until October and after, of the agreements signed at the meeting in Berlin, concerning the mutual recognition of university degrees, as well as other agreements signed as part of the Berlin Process.


Osmani on OSCE cooperation with Asian partners: Mutual security challenges require joint response (MIA)


Europe and Asia are facing mutual security challenges. Russia's war against Ukraine has a negative impact on global developments and that is why the contribution of our Asian partners to the security of the OSCE region is of enormous significance, said OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in his video-address at the conference organized within the OSCE-Asian Partnership for Cooperation in Vienna on Monday. "There is a close and unbreakable bond between security in the OSCE region and security of its neighbors. In fact, the challenges are increasingly becoming mutual across the globe. Therefore, it is of key importance that we work together, learn from one another and ultimately revitalize multilateralism," said Osmani. He said that enhancement of people's security is a key element of OSCE and North Macedonia's OSCE Chairmanship, which can be achieved through strengthened dialogue, sharing of commitments, exchange of expertise, joint identification of areas of mutual interest and generating ideas for joint management of security challenges, leading to strengthened ties and security between Europe and Asia. Osmani referred to the key priorities of North Macedonia's OSCE Chairmanship - security, with a special focus on cybersecurity, climate change, human rights, democracy and rule of law. "Effective cooperation in managing the security threats between OSCE and our Asian partners can yield benefits for the entire OSCE region," underlined Osmani.


President Pendarovski meets Weimar Triangle ministers (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Monday with ministers of the Weimar Triangle, namely France's Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, discussing North Macedonia’s EU accession negotiations, implementation of the tasks arising from the Negotiating Framework, as well as possibilities for acceleration of the country’s Euro-integration. President Pendarovski said the country remains committed to the initiated negotiating process and implementation of required reforms, saying EU membership is North Macedonia’s strategic interest, whereas strong political will is needed from all political stakeholders in order to meet the undertaken tasks. Besides the constitutional amendments, interlocutors also highlighted the importance of the rule of law, a functional legal state and a more effective fight against organized crime and corruption, the President’s Office said in a press release.


PM Kovachevski meets Weimar Triangle ministers: Germany, France and Poland provide strong support (MIA)


Weimar Triangle ministers, namely France's Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, who are paying a two-day official visit to North Macedonia, provided clear and strong to the continuation of the country's EU accession negotiations and swift Euro-integration process at a meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Monday. Meeting participants assessed that North Macedonia has a unique opportunity to make the crucial step forward in the European integration process and secure its European perspective, with the possibility of EU membership by 2030, the government said in a press release. They also agreed that Union enlargement, especially in the current context, is not merely a technical procedure but a geopolitical priority of the EU. Therefore, all political stakeholders in the country are expected to reaffirm their European orientation by giving their support in Parliament to the coming decisions, which are part of the Negotiating Framework of the Republic of North Macedonia with the EU. PM Kovachevski thanked the Weimar Triangle ministers for their enormous support to the Euro-integration process and their encouragement extended to all parliamentary parties to work on building an interparty consensus for the next step in the negotiating process. Kovachevski highlighted the support provided by France, Germany and Poland, the three engines of enlargement among EU member-states, seen through the German Bundestag resolution that recognizes the Macedonian language, identity and culture, the enhanced French support at a European level, and the continued vocal support by Poland within the EU. "Your support gives the much-needed credibility for the European perspective of North Macedonia, and your visit comes at a very important moment. The government is focused on unity around the Euro-integration progress in the Parliament, which is essential for further promotion of European standards in the country. By adding other ethnic communities in the Constitution, we are sending an important message to the region and Europe - that we belong to the EU," said Kovachevski.


Szynkowski: Poland, France and Germany want to actively support North Macedonia on EU accession path (MIA)


Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, who is part of the visiting 'Weimar Triangle', also including France's Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone and Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann, said Monday the three countries want to actively support North Macedonia on its EU accession path and welcome the country into the Union. "We know that the process can sometimes be difficult but we have done a lot to open the process of accession negotiations," Szynkowski told a joint press conference with Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj. He said everything is now in the hands of the Macedonian political stakeholders. "Constitutional amendments have been agreed between North Macedonia and the EU, which will ensure your advancement to the next crucial step towards EU membership. This is a serious decision for North Macedonia," said the Polish Minister. He referred to Poland's friendship, first with the 14,000 refugees it took after the Civil War in Greece and the aid given after the 1963 Skopje devastating earthquake. "Today we are NATO allies, we cooperate closely within the OSCE Troika and we want you to join the EU as soon as possible. We will continue to support North Macedonia on its EU membership path, not only politically but also through important projects," said Szynkowski. According to him, Europe is currently facing the most serious challenge to its security architecture after World War II as a result of the unprovoked Russian aggression in Ukraine. "It is important to note that we are working together with North Macedonia in the support to Ukraine and the fight against the negative effects of the Russian aggression. North Macedonia has proved itself as a reliable ally, with which we share the same values," said Szynkowski and added that the joint visit is a sign of France, Germany and Poland's commitment to North Macedonia's future in the EU.


Luhrmann: Time is now for country's prosperous future in EU (MIA)


The opportunity for EU enlargement is wide open. Seeking this opportunity through commitment and leadership shows a high sense of responsibility for the future of the Macedonian people. I urge you to continue on the path of reforms, which benefit the Macedonian citizens. They enhance the rule of law, uproot corruption, promote prosperity and investments, and improve life in North Macedonia, said Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann on Monday. The 'Weimar Triangle', i.e. France's Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone, Luhrmann, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, who are paying a two-day official visit to Skopje, held a joint press conference with Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj. Luhrmann said it is important to continue on the path and the constitutional amendments will reaffirm North Macedonia as a model of multiethnic society. "Protection of minorities is the foundation of the European rights and obligations. Changes to the Macedonian Constitution will strengthen North Macedonia's commitment to the European values. I strongly urge all political forces in North Macedonia to support the constitutional changes and support a better and more prosperous future for North Macedonia and the Macedonian people. Anything else will harm the EU membership ambitions," said the German Minister. Luhrmann made it clear that now is the time to take political responsibility and act, say "yes" to a better future, future in the EU. "The North Macedonia-EU agreement is a fair one, there will not be a better deal for sure. North Macedonia's future is in your hands. We want to encourage you to join the European family and demonstrate your commitment to the EU perspective. We will support you on the EU path whenever we can," she said. According to her, the government of North Macedonia is committed to the future and the Weimar Triangle urges all people and political stakeholders in the country to support the authorities in taking "this crucial step towards the EU and adopting the constitutional amendments". "We want to give all the necessary support so that you complete the integration process," she added. On the meeting of the 'Weimar Triangle' ministers with VMRO-DPMNE, Luhrmann said her message is "crystal clear". "If you want a prosperous future for the country, if you want a future in the EU, the time is now, because the window of opportunity is here, a new dynamics in the accession process has emerged through the candidate status for Ukraine and Moldova, further steps in the accession process are on the horizon this fall, the screening process of Albania and North Macedonia will be completed later this year, so now is the time for the next steps in the accession process. There is no time to wait," said the German Minister. Luhrmann said she would ask the opposition what is their idea about the country's future. "Do you really want to miss out on this unique opportunity of joining the EU community of prosperity? It is clear that the accession and enlargement train is moving fast and if North Macedonia does not pass the constitutional amendments, it will miss this train. We know how committed people in this country have been to the accession process, and therefore my argument is very clear. I am a committed European and convinced that North Macedonia will become even stronger in the EU," underlined Luhrmann.


Boone assures no new demands from Bulgaria or other countries after constitutional changes (MIA)


North Macedonia belongs in the EU family, the decision is in your hands, now the step has to be made, said the French Minister of State for Europe, Laurence Boone, at a joint press conference Monday with Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs, Bojan Marichikj, and the other representatives of the Weimar Triangle – Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek. The French Minister noted that the discussion over the Constitution will not result in new demands from Bulgaria, but instead, she said, North Macedonia will then automatically reach its accession track. “There are no additional demands from any other country, but there are demands for a revision of the Constitution,” said Boone. According to Boone, 2030 is a realistic target for North Macedonia’s EU accession. Her assessment is that the country has everything it needs to make progress and join the Union soon. “I have three messages for you. The first is that North Macedonia belongs in the EU family. The second is that the decision now is in the hands of North Macedonia, and the third message is that now is the time for North Macedonia to take the step, due to the dynamic in the EU enlargement. Maybe another thing I want to say is that this discussion over the Constitution will not result in new demands from Bulgaria, North Macedonia will automatically find its accession track afterwards. So, there won’t be any additional demands from any other country. However, there are demands for the revision of the Constitution, and then North Macedonia will again automatically enter the next phase of the accession process,” said Boone. She recalled the 1990s and the case with Poland’s accession. “In the 1990s my predecessors wanted to help Poland with its EU accession, and now you can see how successful Poland is, and we believe that this is also possible for North Macedonia, as well. North Macedonia has absolutely everything it takes to make progress in the EU and join the EU soon, and this has benefits both for us and for you, such as new jobs, free movement, as well as the security and stability of the EU,” said Boone. he French Minister touched upon the First Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels. “A year ago, the First Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels was held, where I was glad to meet the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister for the first time, and there was a lot of enthusiasm, and we want to see such enthusiasm again, so we are here to express this and to express our support. The world has changed. The geopolitical tensions and the events in our continent make enlargement a necessity for the EU. There is a new enlargement methodology which will make enlargement more dynamic and, we hope, faster. I think this is important. And, regarding the deadline, I said this at the beginning and I will say it again clearly, we want it to be as soon as possible. The French President said in Bratislava that the issue of enlargement isn’t if, nor when, it is now and as soon as possible, but also how. Again, 2030 as a target is quite realistic, and we are here to send a message of friendship above all, a message of support and a message of assurance that we believe North Macedonia will succeed. The three countries, including France, believe that this is as important to the European family as it is to you, and we will give everything to help you on the path to the EU,” underlined Minister Boone.


Meeting with the leaders of the Western Balkans, Rama: A new economic support plan for the Western Balkans is being prepared (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, while speaking after the informal meeting within the frame of preparations for the Berlin Summit to be held on 16 October in Tirana stated that the informal meeting with the enlargement commissioner and the leaders of the Western Balkans confirms the support that the EU is expected to provide for these countries. "A new economic support plan for the Western Balkans is being prepared. That's why we held this meeting about how the countries of the Western Balkans, how some paths of economic development can be opened for them without being integrated into the EU," Rama emphasized. He added that currently it is not possible to talk about the concrete areas of financial support from the EU, but there is a clear signal in this direction to the Western Balkans. "We cannot talk about concrete things yet because this plan is still under discussion. The President of the European Commission in Bratislava gave a clear signal about the objectives of this plan. While we are too early how much and what a given country will benefit receive. But we must see the region as a whole,", he emphasized. The meeting with the prime ministers of the countries of the Western Balkans and the commissioner of the EU for Enlargement was held within the framework of the Berlin Process Summit that will take place in Albania on 16 October. The Prime Minister of Kosova, Albin Kurti was absent at the meeting with the leaders of the Western Balkans, who participated in another activity in Greece. The Berlin Process Initiative aims to increase regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. This is a 2015 initiative to support the integration into the EU of the countries of the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosova, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Introduced on 28 August 2014 by Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Berlin Process is being developed with the support of the European Commission, international financial institutions and EU member states.


Meeting with leaders of the Western Balkans/Rama: The countries will have financial support from the EU (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, while speaking after the informal meeting within the framework of the Berlin Summit to be held on 16 October, the head of the government responded to journalists' questions. Rama stated that the informal meeting with the enlargement commissioner and the leaders of the Western Balkans confirms the support that the EU is expected to provide for these countries. "A new economic support plan for the Western Balkans is being prepared. That's why we held this meeting about how the countries of the Western Balkans, how some paths of economic development can be opened for them without being integrated into the EU", Rama emphasized. He added that currently it is not possible to talk about the concrete areas of financial support from the EU, but there is a clear signal in this direction against the Western Balkans. "We cannot talk about concrete things yet because this plan is still under discussion. The President of the European Commission in Bratislava gave a clear signal about the objectives of this plan. While we are too early how much and why another country will receive. But we must see the region as a whole", he emphasized.


Varhelyi: Committed to the rapid implementation of the new strategy for the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


The Commissioner of the European Union for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varheyli, said on Monday that he spoke with the prime ministers of the five countries of the Western Balkans about the commitment of the EU towards the rapid implementation of the strategy for the development of the economy sector in the region. They talked in the framework of an informal meeting of the leaders of the Western Balkans, held in Tirana. The meeting was organized by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, as part of the preparations for the Berlin Process summit, which will be held in the Albanian capital on 16 October. Part of the meeting were: the Prime Minister of Montenegro with a technical mandate, Dritan Abazovic, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, and the President of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia, Borjana Kristo. The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, did not participate in the meeting. The news was announced by the government's spokesperson, Perparim Kryeziu, who said that the prime minister has other commitments in Greece. The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, whose country is leading the Berlin Process this year, announced the informal meeting during his tour of the Western Balkan states, a few days ago. This meeting has been said to have the purpose of discussion and coordination, to draft common requests, to present them at the October summit, where the leaders of the EU countries are expected to participate.