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Belgrade Media Report 24 July 2023




Brnabic: Suriname is the first country to have suspended recognition of unilaterally declared Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of the Republic of Suriname Albert Ramchand Ramdin. In a friendly and cordial conversation, Brnabic underlined that Serbia and Suriname are tied by close diplomatic and political relations and that the work is currently being done on strengthening the contractual regulations that will enable better economic, trade, scientific, health, agricultural and other forms of cooperation between the two countries. She reiterated that Serbia highly appreciates and respects the fact that Suriname is the first country to have suspended the recognition of the unilaterally declared Kosovo, which set an important standard that was later applied by many other countries. She particularly thanked her interlocutor for the fact that the Surinamese government supported Serbia in its candidacy for the organisation of the world’s fair EXPO 2027 in Belgrade and underlined that she hopes for an outstanding participation of Suriname in this event. Ramdin emphasised that there is significant potential for cooperation in the field of introduction of new technologies and the creation of a system of sustainable agriculture, in which Serbia achieved enviable success and has valuable experiences.


Dacic: Redefinition of decisions by certain countries on unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo began with de-recognition by Suriname (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received Surinamese counterpart Albert Ramdin on Monday. He said Suriname was extremely friendly to Serbia and noted that the two countries had expressed readiness to develop cooperation at the highest level in all fields. At a joint press conference with Ramdin, Dacic thanked Suriname for de-recognising the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo in 2017 and added that de-recognitions by 27 other countries had taken place since. "In fact, the whole organised action by the state leadership when it comes to a redefinition of the decisions by certain countries on the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo began with the de-recognition by Suriname. Besides, Suriname has also voted against Kosovo's applications for admission to Unesco and Interpol - they voted against the admission in both cases, which was of capital importance to us," said Dacic, who visited Suriname in 2018. "We are ready to develop our cooperation at the highest level and in all areas, which means bilaterally when it comes to visits at the highest level, by forming a joint committee or a commission for cooperation, by holding political consultations between our two ministries," Dacic said. He also thanked the government of Suriname for supporting Serbia's successful bid to host EXPO 2027 and added that ways of presenting Suriname at the expo would be discussed. Ramdin said Suriname respected the territorial integrity of Serbia and would continue to support Serbia in that regard. He added that there were great opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the economy and business.


Vucic receives farewell visit from UAE Ambassador (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a farewell visit from UAE Ambassador to Serbia Mubarak Al Dhaheri on Monday, thanking him for making an immeasurable contribution to a strong upward trajectory of overall Serbia-UAE relations through his vast diplomatic experience and personal commitment. Recapping the results of the bilateral cooperation, Vucic noted that successful implementation of every joint project, including the Belgrade Waterfront, had at the same time become a unique symbol of not only Serbia's progress but also of a strengthening of its strategic partnership with the UAE as one of the most successful and most respectable countries in the world, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic expressed special gratitude to Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, a sincere friend of Serbia, for his personal engagement on strengthening the Serbia-UAE partnership, as well as for his great commitment to numerous future projects of capital significance to Serbia that will further contribute to Serbia's economic rise. The parties agreed that intensive contacts between top officials of the two countries would be continued after the arrival of a new UAE ambassador and that cooperation in all areas - in particular in infrastructure, agriculture, the pharmaceuticals industry, tourism and the ICT sector - would be stepped up. Al Dhaheri thanked Vucic and the Serbian government for the support provided to him during his tenure in Belgrade, and noted that Serbia had been his second home and that he had the most beautiful memories from Belgrade.


Orlic in Tehran with Iranian President: Principled stand on non-recognition of Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug)


As part of his official visit to Tehran, the Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met with the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. He said that the two countries share a sincere friendship, proven by Iran's principled position of non-recognition of so-called "Kosovo". President Raisi stressed that his country will remain consistent on this issue. "Rest assured that Iran will continue to support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbi,a, said President Raisi, confirming Iran's determination to develop comprehensive relations with Serbia. He took the opportunity to thank the parliament speaker for his visit, as well as his involvement in the development of bilateral cooperation. They confirmed their readiness to improve cooperation in all areas that allow space and mutual interest for it, primarily in the sphere of economy, stressing that a Joint Commission and the parliaments’ activities could greatly contribute to said cooperation. In the course of the meeting, the officials also discussed the current difficult situation in the southern Serbian province. Orlic said that Serbia highly appreciates Iran's understanding and support in this matter, stressing that the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija are facing terror and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is making daily efforts to preserve peace. Raisi restated that Serbia can count on Iran's support on all important issues in the future, which Orlic thanked him for, wishing every success and progress to friendly Iran and its people. The meeting between them was also attended by the Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Iran Jasmina Karanac and the Serbian Ambassador in Tehran H.E. Dragan Todorovic.


Orlic with Iranian speaker (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic is in an official visit to Tehran, where, after a ceremonial reception in the Iranian parliament, he met with the speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf. In the course of the meeting, the officials expressed their mutual satisfaction with the visit of Orlic, declaring it valuable for the continuation of discussions on the improvement of traditionally friendly relations between the two states and two peoples and the strengthening of all-round cooperation. They chiefly focused on areas with great but underutilised opportunities for cooperation, expressing their readiness to use the excellent political relations to work on with more dedication. Discussing the key spheres that offer opportunities for further joint work, the two parliament speakers emphasised cooperation in the fields of trade, agriculture and energy. Speakers Ghalibaf and Orlic agreed in the assessment that the two national parliaments already maintain dynamic and regular contacts, as well as in their commitment to further contributing to the strengthening of bilateral relations and cooperation, especially at the level of parliamentary committees. Ghalibaf once again confirmed Iran's firm commitment to continue strengthening ties with Serbia, stressing that the relations between the two countries are based on mutual respect and understanding, as well as mutual support in international organisations. He said that Serbia is a key country in the Western Balkans region, as well as an important partner in Iran's foreign policy. He reiterated that his country unequivocally respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and that this attitude would remain unchanged, which Orlic thanked him for. "By deciding not to recognise so-called "Kosovo", you have proven that you are not only on the side of Serbia, but on the side of international public law, UN principles and on the side of peace as well," said Orlic. In the course of the meeting, he informed Ghalibaf about the extremely difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the terror faced by the Serb people and Pristina's intentions to drag everyone into war. He also briefed him on the efforts made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to preserve peace and stability, saying that our country remains committed to comprehensive progress and achieving historic results in the economy, infrastructure and other areas. In the open and substantive meeting, the heads of parliaments also discussed current regional and geopolitical developments. Orlic used the opportunity to invite the speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in a return visit, which Ghalibaf gladly accepted. In the course of the two-day visit, the Serbian Assembly Speaker also met with the deputy speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Mojtabe Zavalnouri, with whom he confirmed the excellent cooperation between the two parliaments, as well as the potential for an even stronger partnership between Serbia and Iran.


Office for KiM: Pristina bans Petkovic to attend commemoration of anniversary of murder in Staro Gracko (RTS)


The authorities of the provisional institutions in Pristina, headed by Albin Kurti, banned the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic to attend the commemoration of the 24th anniversary of the brutal murder of 14 Serbian reapers in Stari Gracko, the Office announced. Although Petar Petkovic sent the announcement that he plans to attend the memorial service for the Serbian martyrs in Stari Gracko on Sunday and in accordance with all valid agreements, today he was notified that his visit is prohibited without any explanation, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. “One thing is certain - no matter how many times Pristina forbids Petkovic’s visits, they cannot, nor will they ever be able to silence and forbid the truth about the suffering of the Serb people at the hands of Albanian extremists, because as long as he is the last Serb, he will bear witness to the sufferings and torments of the suffering Serb people in the area of Kosovo and Metohija! The innocent Serbian blood spilled on the field of death in Stari Gracko for which no one was held accountable and the tears of mothers who lost their loved ones will never dry, all until the perpetrators of this monstrous act are brought to justice,” the statement said. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija assesses that, by banning Petkovic from attending the memorial service in Stari Gracko, the authorities in Pristina once again demonstrated that, in addition to violating all agreements reached, they are using Serbian victims and sufferings solely for the sake of feeding their petty political interests. It is obvious that Kurti is not interested in any normalization of relations, calming of tensions and de-escalation, but only how to terrorize and harass Serbs, because that is what he is building his political career on, the statement concludes.


Brnabic: Inquiry Committee abolished based on request from victims’ families (N1)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that the main motive for the government to abolish the Inquiry Committee was the request coming from the victims' families on behalf of their children. “It is incomprehensible that you are not interested in that request and that you continue to insist that they do not have a right to their pain. Although, you didn’t listen to them even when they begged for the school year to end,” she stated on Twitter in response to criticism from the opposition. The comment comes after the parliament previously announced that it had accepted the request of the families of the victims and their lawyers in the tragedy that occurred at the Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School, in which they asked the Assembly to suspend the work of the Inquiry Committee. The body was tasked with determining the facts and circumstances that led to the massacre at that school in Belgrade and near Mladenovac in early May. The opposition argued that stopping the work of the Inquiry Committee this way is unconstitutional, because the decision supported by 193 deputies at the plenum can only be changed by the majority of the deputies in the parliament.


Lajcak compares April elections north of Kosovo to ‘land mine’ (Kurier/FoNet)


EU special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak compared in an interview with the Vienna-based daily Kurier the elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo in April to a "landmine", arguing that this is why the focus in relations between the two sides is not on normalization, but on solving the crisis. Lajcak said that the willingness to reach an agreement that the sides expressed in Brussels on 27 February, and then in Ohrid on 18 March, was a historic moment, but added that the path to its implementation has been undermined. “The extraordinary elections in April in the northern municipalities were one of these landmines and unfortunately we stepped on it. At the moment, our focus is not on normalization, but on crisis management,” said Lajcak. Lajcak stressed that the priority in his approach to the issue is impartiality. “Relations between the EU and Serbia are complex, as are the relations between the EU and Kosovo, and impartial work is my priority,” said Lajcak, adding that five EU countries that do not recognize Kosovo’s independence, including his own, Slovakia, are closely monitoring the situation in regard to the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue.


Boskovic: Formation, arming of army of Kosovo a consequence of Brussels agreement (Beta)


Military analyst Petar Boskovic said on 21 July that the formation and arming of the Army of Kosovo was a consequence of the first Brussels agreement signed in 2013, whereas MP Ljubinko Djurkovic believes the primary goal of the army's creation is for Kosovo to enter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Boskovic told Beta that after the Brussels agreement was signed, all Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija were submitted to Pristina, and that by the Kosovo authorities' decision to establish the Army of Kosovo was not unexpected. “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic surrendered to Pristina the judiciary, police and local self-governments, whereby Serbia lost all influence in Kosovo. The establishment of the Army of Kosovo, and the purchasing of powerful weapons, will now further diminish Serbia’s influence over the territory, and Kosovo will become even more independent,” Boskovic said. Serbian MP and retired colonel Ljubinko Djurkovic told Beta that the Army of Kosovo, including the army reserve, had about 20,000 soldiers. “It is too late now for Serbia to react to the establishment of the so-called Army of Kosovo. We have allowed the army to grow to 20,000 troops, the reserve included, and to obtain plenty of sophisticated, high-quality weapons. The army and its command have been trained by instructors from Croatia and Turkey over the past few years,” Djurkovic explained. Djurkovic was one of the commanders in the 1999 Battle of Kosare.


Joseph: Sanctions against Vulin turning point (Demostat/Beta)


A recent decision by US President Joseph Biden's administration to impose sanctions against Aleksandar Vulin could be a turning point indicating that the US has decided to call Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to account for his internal, regional and international agendas, US expert on foreign policy Edward P. Joseph told Demostat in an interview. Permitting Vucic and his proxies, like Vulin, to be irresponsible is not the way to make progress in policies concerning Russia, Kosovo, Serbian democracy or other important matters in Serbian-US relations. I think the US has more than shown that it wants friendly relations with Serbia, said Joseph, a lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington. He said it was of essential importance for the EU and US to effect an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on a firm sequence for implementing the Ohrid Agreement and for each side to have guarantees that the other will carry out what was agreed. On the topic of possible progress, Joseph reiterated that Serbia had a lever in negotiations thanks to countries that do not recognize Kosovo. This removes the incentive for Serbia to close the Kosovo issue, unless Belgrade gets some form of "compensation". As long as the Kosovo issue is open, Belgrade has no motivation to finally pick a strategic orientation be that the West or something else. That means that not only are Kosovo Serbs pawns - all Serbian citizens are hostages of this conflict, he said.


Arrested Kosovo Serb released from detention (Tanjug/RTV)


Pristina's police confirmed to Tanjug on Friday a Kosovo Serb arrested at the Jarinje administrative crossing earlier in the day had been released from detention. Previously, the deputy chief of the so-called Kosovo Police for Region North said the arrestee, a man identified by the initials B L, had been detained for "possession of narcotics." Earlier in the day, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said Serb Boris Lesevic, a resident of Leposavic, had been arrested at Jarinje for no reason and without any grounds. In a statement, it said 34-year-old Lesevic had used the crossing several times in the past few days, only to be held without an explanation on Friday and interrogated for a long period of time and then taken to the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.


12th Serbia Against Violence protest held in Belgrade (Beta)


Journalist and writer Biljana Lukic said at the latest Serbia against Violence protest on 22 July that the people of Serbia were living in a country where the state did not defend them and where the "regime persecutes the best police officers, prosecutors, judges, artists and professors, and promotes nobodies, drug dealers, murderers, and brags about its trolls who come up with the worst drivel and have been ruining people's lives for a decade". Speaking from an improvised podium in front of the building of RTS, Lukic said that, meanwhile, the public broadcaster "has been painting, with its eyes firmly shut, a picture of Serbia where everyone buy meat and where there is no violence". "We cannot hear anything from the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation's reporters about the victims of the regime, about raspberries being sold for ten times what suppliers are paid, inflation being higher than in Ukraine, wages being among the lowest in the region and Europe. You cannot hear that gas here is the most expensive in the region, that every kilometer of highway costs ten times more than it should," Lukic said. Journalist Smiljan Banjac also addressed the crowd, saying that RTS general manager Dragan Bujosevic was at the helm of the media outlet even though he had long ago met the conditions for retirement, while the main criticisms were directed at the news program. At the end of the protest, Banjac read the demands, which include the sacking of Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Security and Information Agency Director Aleksandar Vulin.




Cvijanovic says she suspects that B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in falsification of document sent to her by Guterres (RTRS)


The Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic characterized the manipulations with her letter and the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ response, which she expected from New York, as diplomatic fraud directed by Bosniak personnel. Cvijanovic received an answer, but only after she presented the facts to the media about the kind of deceits being used in the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic-consular network of B&H, noted the presenter. Cvijanovic announced that she will write to Guterres again. These are blockades and political games directed by B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic and Head of the B&H Mission to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija, added the reporter. They tried, but failed, to stop Cvijanovic’s request to Guterres to deliver the relevant UN Security Council resolution that confirms Christian Schmidt as the High Representative. Cvijanovic sent the letter to three addresses, following all procedures, apart from Konakovic and Lagumdzija, knowing what could happen, and Guterres himself. Cvijanovic said that they received confirmation from the UN Secretariat that they received the letter and are waiting through diplomatic channels. Cvijanovic stated that they responded to the UN by saying that it would be delivered to them through diplomatic channels because they regularly sent it to the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was supposed to forward it to the Mission, but that did not happen. The only version that arrived there was a copy of that letter that was sent directly, said Cvijanovic. Guterres' answer arrived to Cvijanovic’s address only in the afternoon, after Cvijanovic’s press conference. With its games, political Sarajevo, in addition to making fun of Guterres and the UN, seriously violates the law, said Cvijanovic. She informed the representatives of the UN in Sarajevo about everything, that they are playing with the letters of the UN Secretary General. Cvijanovic stated: “It cannot happen that a word that does not exist in the original letter is inserted in the translation of the letter. This is a serious violation of all diplomatic practices, this is a serious violation of the law, here they resorted to falsifying a letter from a high-ranking official of a global organization. Now I have to ask the Secretary General again, and if the Mission and Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not want to do it, I have to ask the man again directly, what to do when they blocked me here with criminal activities, to ask him, does your letter say 'only' or it does not say 'only'”. The Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic also recently tried, as the reporter said, to manipulate the reaction of foreigners with a set of conclusions accusing the RS of anti-constitutional actions. Some media reported that the conclusions of the B&H Presidency session were adopted even though Cvijanovic was outvoted and they said Cvijanovic did not have the right of veto, which is not true, according to Cvijanovic. If at the repeated session of the B&H Presidency there is the same epilogue of voting, the RS parliament will make the final decision. Cvijanovic said: “There will be a second round of voting, but also, after that second round of voting, I assume that such an outcome as it was at the previous session will be repeated, two to one, so if I am outvoted, I will initiate the veto procedure within the prescribed deadlines and address the parliament. I have already held preliminary, preparatory discussions with the leadership of the parliament”.


Media in RS carried comments to ‘diplomatic scandal’ and failure to deliver Guterres’ letter to Cvijanovic; Carried comments of RS politicians and analysts (RTRS)


The Permanent Mission of B&H to the UN falsified the letter of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres with the intention of forcibly, bypassing the procedures, granting legitimacy to (High Representative) Christian Schmidt and the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), according to the professional and political public of the RS. The UN, on the other hand, confirmed in their response that Schmidt's mandate did not pass the procedure in the UN Security Council, noted the presenter. Legal experts warned that there is a new attempt to overthrow the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the RS, which the RS has thwarted. Before the original, the BiH Mission to the UN provided the FB&H media with a translation of the letter sent by Guterres to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. Part of its content reads: “The UN is not a signatory to the DPA, nor is it a member of the PIC, the only relevant body for the appointment of the High Representative to B&H”. Then the FB&H media translated this translation into English and created a false image in public that they were quoting parts of Guterres' letter, added the reporter. Lawyer Ognjen Tadic noticed that it was a hoax of the Head of the B&H Mission to the UN, Zlatko Lagumdzija. Comparing the original text with the translation, Tadic determined that the word 'only' was written in the translation, which is not in the original. Tadic said that the B&H Mission to the UN tried to spread a false version, from which it would allegedly turn out that the PIC Steering Board is the only relevant body for the appointment of the High Representative instead of the UN Security Council. The fact is that the PIC is a political body without international legal recognition, and it was created in London, immediately after the signing of the DPA, in order for the political leaders of the strongest countries to seize the right to run for High Representative, according to the RS Minister of Interior and Professor of Constitutional Law Sinisa Karan.  It remains the practice that the PIC nominates the High Representative, added the reporter. The norm for High Representative’s appointment is prescribed by the DPA, Annex 10, where it is written that the High Representative must be appointed in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. The RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said they can challenge them, but they cannot defeat them and refute the legal facts that there was no resolution regarding Schmidt and that Guterres could not deliver it. Karan called on Lagumdzija to answer for the destruction of the constitutional order. Karan stated: “When they said whole Bosnia, 100 percent Bosnia, they destroyed the constitutional order”. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac stated: “The repetition of falsifications, the repetition of notorious falsehoods, is part of the mental structure of those who represent Muslims in the institutions of B&H. We do not do that”.


Dodik: Guterres is not competent to interpret Dayton Agreement, but his answer confirmed that Schmidt was not appointed as High Representative (RTRS/BHT1)


RS President Milorad Dodik commented answer of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to letter of member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. Dodik stated that Guterres is not competent to interpret the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), adding that answer of the UN Secretary General confirmed that Christian Schmidt has not been appointed High Representative. Dodik underlined that Guterres has been ignoring facts. “First, I was surprised and later I was resentful and, in the end, I was in phase of cursing. However, it is necessary to notice that serious activity carried out against the RS reached highest level of this world organization. This does not mean we are not right. We asked him to say whether he (High Representative) was appointed, and not lesson. He is not one to interpret the DPA”, explained RS President. He added that everyone knows that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) is artificial body, underlining that this body also does not have any competences. Dodik stressed that this is just attempt to save something that cannot be saved. “We asked him to say whether (High Representative) was or was not appointed and he said he was not appointed”, emphasized RS President. Dodik went on to saying that this only created additional confusion. He stressed that the only true claim is that the UN is not side in the DPA. Dodik underlined that Americans have been attempting for entire time to avoid situation where the UN would be competent for the DPA, because they were afraid of development of situation with Russia and China. Dodik pointed out that the Dayton Agreement clearly states that the UN Security Council appoints the High Representative with a relevant resolution, asking why the UN discusses B&H twice a year if they are not competent. Dodik added that if what Guterres says is true, the RS will seek compensation, and that according to this, all the High Representative's previous decisions are illegal.


Dodik: B&H must return to DPA’s foundation (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik posted a statement on his official Instagram account following his meeting with Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic and the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirije in which he stated that B&H must return to the foundation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. In the post Dodik stated: “B&H will have to return to the original Dayton settings, and we only want what was given to the RS by that International Peace Agreement and what is written in the Constitution of B&H. We will do nothing else. But if you continue to take it away from us, of course we will fight politically. How are they supposed to make decisions at the B&H level, without us from the RS? Why do they think we have to vote for what they propose? The leadership of the RS is trying to maintain what is important for its subjectivity and our people must be sure of what the leadership is doing.”


RS opposition leaders announce they will continue united and strong political struggle against RS regime (BNTV)


The leaders of the RS opposition announced after the meeting of the SDS, PDP and Movement for Justice and Order leadership that they will continue a united and strong political struggle against the RS regime. They emphasized that they will fight for technical changes to the B&H Election Law in order to prevent election theft. SDS leader Milan Milicevic said this is also a message to the public that they are together and that they form a strong opposition bloc that can only get stronger towards the next local elections. Milicevic stated: “Therefore, many topics, from the Election Law to those laws that are the so-called European laws that make up those 14 priorities. We are making a serious strategy, we have quality people in our caucus and they can really responsibly represent the RS as they did in the previous period”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that the RS suffers very damaging consequences of actions of SNSD and SNSD’s political partners from ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H. Borenovic pointed out that today the RS lacks one minister in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), and that there is a lack of two Serb judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. Borenovic added: “The RS does not receive any more grant funds from European funds. We know that last time not a single BAM of BAM 600 Million went to the RS, and at the same time abnormally high loans are taken every week”. The leader of the List for Justice and Order Nebojsa Vukanovic said it is clear that there needs to be pressure to make technical changes to the Election Law in 2023, because local elections will be held in 2024.


Minister Nesic to Minister Helez: You are fascinated by Dodik, if you want to wage war go to Afghanistan, Syria (Dnevni list)


DNS leader and Minister of Security of B&H Nenad Nesic has stated that if (B&H Minister of Defense) Zukan Helez wants to wage war, he can go to Afghanistan, Syria “let him choose, we will not stop him”. “Other people’s children will not be his canon fodder. He especially cannot threaten with the use of the Armed Forces of B&H, the SIPA, the DGS (Border Police), because the institutions in question have one third or Serbs from the Republika Srpska as their part”, said Nesic. He further stated that Helez, like any other small-time politician, wants to fascinate SDP voters by threatening Serbia. Nesic advised Helez to go and visit Novi Pazar, Sjenica, Tutin and to see roads, schools, hospitals “that President Vucic has built and to learn on the spot how Serbia takes care of each of its citizen”. Nesic further said that Helez has been pre-occupied with brawls in recent years, so he (Helez) probably did not have the time to read the Constitution of B&H, namely article 3.2, which stipulates that the entities have the right to establish special, parallel relations with neighboring countries “and nobody can take away that right, including Helez”. Nesic went on to say that, behind the cameras, Helez is fascinated by Milorad Dodik and he (Helez) claims that Dodik is the leader in the region and that he feels sorry Bosniaks do not have such a leader. “(…) And when the cameras are on, we see different Helez. It does not come as a surprise from a man who was convicted of lying in court. One who lies to the state, it is easy for him to lie to the people”, said Nesic.


Veselin Veljovic arrested (TV Vijesti/CdM)


On the order of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, members of the Special Police Department (SPO) arrested the former head of the Police Directorate Veselin Veljovic this morning. There are more arrestees in this SPO operation. As TV Vijesti reported, Veljovic was arrested in cooperation with the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL). SPO, by court order and at the request of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, and in cooperation with EUROPOL, is carrying out searches of the apartments and other premises of several people in Podgorica, Niksic, Zabljak and Mojkovac, on suspicion that they committed crimes of the creation of a criminal organization, abuse of office and smuggling, State Prosecutor and spokesperson of Special State Prosecutor’s Office Vukas Radonjic has told CdM. Veljovic held the post of the head of the Police Directorate twice – from 2007 to 2011, and from 30 July 2018 to 17 December 2020. After the end of his first term, Veljovic was an advisor to the then president of Montenegro Filip Vujanovic, in charge of security and defense, and during the time of the government of Milo Djukanovic (from 2014), he was also the secretary of the National Security Council. When he left the Police Directorate in December 2020 after a conversation with the then Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, he found employment again in the cabinet of former president Milo Djukanovic.


Radonjic: Veljovic and three other people suspected of creating criminal organization, abuse of office and smuggling (CdM)


In this morning’s operation of the Special Police Department, on the order of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, the former head of the Police Directorate Veselin Veljovic was arrested. Apart from him, Mujo Nikocevic was arrested as well. The police are looking for A.M. and N.M. The evidence against them was collected in cooperation with EUROPOL, Radonjic has said. He adds that the activities of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office and the police in this case will continue in the coming days. Earlier, Veljovic’s lawyer, Nikola Martinovic, told the media that his client was not arrested, but that he was undergoing the searches. On this occasion, Minister of Internal Affairs Filip Adzic has also spoken out, saying that there are no untouchable individuals and invincible mafia strongholds, and that the state is winning. Caretake PM Dritan Abazovic has pointed out that “the hand of justice has finally reached Veselin Veljovic”.


Begovic: Election of supreme state prosecutor with full term in office crucial for continuation of reforms (Dan/MINA)


In order to continue with started reforms, which are obvious and which gave concrete results, the prosecution needs a long-term solution, that is, election of supreme state prosecutor in his/her full term in office, the Acting Supreme State Prosecutor Tatjana Begovic considers.

In an interview for Dan daily, she reminds that the parliament hasn’t elected supreme state prosecutor since 2019, while four public calls have been announced so far. “When it comes to the latest, 5th public call from January this year, the Prosecutorial Council again did its part of job. After the public call ended and all the necessary procedures were carried out, the proposal for the selection of a supreme state prosecutor was sent to the parliament of Montenegro”. The parliament’s feedback on the proposal has been on hold since May.


Xhaferi: Future solution can only be worse, to conclude constitutional changes for future generations (MRT/MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi said Friday that without the constitutional amendments the country will not be able to progress in the Euro-integration process, and he said the country does not need to look for others’ experiences over what failure to adopt them would mean, since it has its own experience with the 2008 NATO Summit in Bucharest and the events that followed afterwards. “We don’t have to look for others’ experiences, even though there are a lot, we have our own experience from 2008. And of course, the experience shows that as much as there is a dilemma in terms of the current solution, the future solution can only be worse. In 2008 the entire state leadership went to the NATO Summit in Bucharest with the expectation the country would become a NATO member the same evening, but the position there changed overnight and ten years later, now that we have all the information since then, the conclusion is that the subsequent solution was… The idea is to conclude the process with an optimal solution, to add them [the Bulgarian community] to the Constitution and to continue forward, not because of us, as the political structure in power currently, but because of the future,” Xhaferi told MRT in an interview. Regarding the Committee on Constitutional Issues, Xhaferi said as chair of the Committee he has to provide the required timeframe for debate, but, he said, the pace depends on the debate itself. “If the debate,” he said, “is exhausted, it does not have to last until 9 August, as projected.” Asked about the opposition’s demand for early elections, Xhaferi urged them to submit a proposal for it in parliament and dissolve it if there are 61 votes in favor. “It is implicit that for early elections it is necessary first for Parliament to be dissolved, and then elections to be held. It is a political statement to claim that you want elections, while not initiating, because you are probably not confident over the number. Which is why I say that the priority should be placed on our future, and not on the future elections,” said Xhaferi.


President Begaj visits Pustec together with Pendarovski (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj, together with the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, paid a visit to Pustec. The two Presidents, accompanied by the First Ladies and the authorities of the Municipality of Pustec and the District of Korca, carried out a series of activities. During their stay in Pustec, the Presidents had also a bilateral meeting, focused on the very good relations between the two countries. At the end of the meeting, President Begaj said in a statement to the media: "It is a pleasure for me to welcome the President of North Macedonia, my friend Pendarovski, together with the First Lady on this visit to the Municipality of Pustec. It was not without reason that we chose the Municipality of Pustec to show that the relations between our two countries are the relations of two friendly countries, of two NATO partner countries, countries that have a common journey for membership in the European Union". The Head of State underlined in his speech that: "The Albanians in North Macedonia and the Macedonian minority in the Municipality of Pustec, are important in the relationship between the two countries. The Albanians in North Macedonia are very well integrated, have contributed to the formation of the state of North Macedonia, and are undoubtedly active in political and economic life." According to President Begaj, the challenges between the two countries are great, so they must be faced together. For the Head of State, this visit will serve to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. Asked about the Open Balkans, President Begaj said: "Undoubtedly, like any other regional initiative, they are good. Political executive decision-makers think about whether to continue an initiative or not". Both Presidents visited some of Pustec's tourist attractions, such as the Church of Saint Michael, located in the center of Pustec, dating from 1754, rebuilt after the 90s. Afterwards, the two presidents also stopped in the village of Gollomboc, where they visited the House Museum of the well-known writer Sterjo Spasse. Part of the agenda was also the trip by boat to the island of Maligrad, located in Lake Prespa. The picturesque island is known for the Church of Saint Mary, dating from the 14th century, which was also visited by the two presidents.


UK Home Secretary congratulates Balla on his new role as Interior Minister. Focus, boosting cooperation on illegal immigrants (Radio Tirana)


The Secretary of the Interior of Britain, Suella Braverman, through a post on social media, writes that she communicated with the new Albanian Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, and congratulated him on his new position.  Braverman writes that the focus of the conversation was the strengthening of relations with Albania, mainly for illegal immigration and organized crime. "I am pleased to speak with the new Albanian Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, and I congratulate him on his new role. We agreed to intensify our close working relationship to achieve our common goals, including tackling illegal migration, corruption and organized crime," she writes. The issue of Albanian immigrants in Great Britain has often been distorted by Suela Braverman, who has been "crucified" from time to time because of her attitude towards Albanians, which has been described as racist.