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Belgrade Media Report 25 Ju



Vucic: Serbia appreciates Suriname's de-recognition of so-called Kosovo (RTS/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Surinamese Foreign Minister Albert Ramdin on Monday, and noted that Serbia highly valued Suriname for its decision to de-recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo. This confirms Suriname's friendship with Serbia and a commitment to the fundamental principles of international law and the UN Charter, he said. In a statement, the presidential press office said Vucic and Ramdin had exchanged views on directions for further development of the traditionally friendly ties between Serbia and Suriname and advancement of overall bilateral cooperation. Vucic proposed the formation of a joint commission on cooperation to facilitate the process of defining areas offering opportunities to establish stronger cooperation, including health care, education and sports, the statement said. Ramdin said Suriname's decision to de-recognise the so-called Kosovo was unquestionable and that Suriname remained committed to respect of Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty.


Brnabic: There have never been plans to privatise EPS (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Monday there had never been any plans to privatise the national power company EPS, but that the plan was to professionalise it in the best interest of employees. A new supervisory board comprised of some of Europe's best experts has been appointed, and the new EPS director will be selected in a competition to fill the position, to be announced as soon as possible, Brnabic said at a press briefing hosted by her government at the Palace of Serbia to clarify dilemmas about a bill on management of state-owned enterprises. She said she expected EPS to be managed more professionally in the future to enable it to compete with Europe's top energy companies and noted that, to Serbians, this would mean secure power supplies and long-term sustainability. "At no time have we planned to privatise EPS. The plan is to professionalise EPS and I think that is in the best interest of the employees and that it will ensure higher wages to them," she said.


Orlic in Tehran at meetings with Iranian Ministers (RTV/Tanjug)


As part of his official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met yesterday with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. On this occasion, Orlic expressed his satisfaction with meeting Minister Abdollahian again, as well as his gratitude for Iran’s firm and principled position of non-recognition of so-called "Kosovo". The head of Iranian diplomacy welcomed the close ties between the two countries, saying that Iran considers Serbia to be its most important partner in the Balkans, with which there are no borders for cooperation. He also stressed that Iran maintains a consistent position of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, welcoming the firm, free and sovereign state policy of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. "Serbia and its people are lucky to have a leader like yours," Abdollahian said. Orlic informed the Minister about the extremely difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the daily terror against Serbs and Pristina's attempts to provoke a war. "We are trying in every way possible to preserve peace and stability and we are asking that security be ensured for the Serbian people in Kosovo-Metohija, as well as for Pristina to finally fulfil its obligations, first of all to form the Community of Serb Municipalities - as it was signed and agreed upon," said Orlic. In the course of his official visit to Tehran, Orlic had separate meetings with the Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Abbas Aliabadi and Minister of Agriculture Mohammad Ali Nikbakht, with whom he discussed the possibilities for further development of cooperation in the areas within their respective ministries’ purview. Orlic confirmed the readiness of the Serbian parliament to, by ratifying the agreements signed between the two governments and pursuing activities at all levels, contribute to the strengthening of the economy, improvement of trade and above all strengthening of the friendship between Serbia and Iran. The officials expressed satisfaction with the decision to make the cooperation between the two countries more concrete through the work of the Joint Commission on Trade, whose next session is expected in October this year. "We will strive to jointly contribute to achieving success and better results in the future in all spheres of interest to our two countries and our two peoples", was the central message from the meeting between Orlic and the Iranian Ministers. In the course of his visit to Tehran, Orlic visited the National Museum of Iran, as well as the National Library with its recently opened "Serbian Corner". On the occasion, Orlic donated a replica of the Sretenje Constitution, Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, a monograph of the Serbian parliament, as well as other titles that will bring the history, art and culture of the Serbian people closer to Iranian readers.


Drecun: Pristina laying groundwork for further escalation (TV Pink)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Tuesday the Pristina provisional authorities were laying the groundwork for further escalation in Kosovo and Metohija and that their ultimate goal was to make it impossible for Serbs to survive in the territory and to complete an ethnic cleansing of Serbs. Speaking to TV Pink, Drecun said a full de-escalation would be thwarted by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti's policy and added that the fact a spell of arrests had stopped did not mean there would be no more arrests in the period to come. "The groundwork is being laid for further escalation, I do not see at all that they are ready to make some moves... Kurti should not be expected to form a Community of Serb Municipalities or fully withdraw special parapolice troops from the north, or stop arresting Serbs, because he has created the conditions for all that to continue," Drecun said. He said Pristina was also avoiding holding new elections in the north and was making decisions detrimental to the interests, survival and life of Kosovo Serbs. "Those are decisions such as halting the construction of social housing and schools for underprivileged children and renovations of the university building. Decisions are also being made with regards to the main bridge across the Ibar River. All those decisions are contrary to the interests of the Serbs and some people have been arrested - some of them have been released, but some have not," Drecun said. He said the acquisition of arms and equipment by the so-called Kosovo Security Force was a part of a broader process aimed at "completing the unilaterally declared independence - the statehood of self-declared Kosovo", and at giving it full capacity in terms of international law. "It is in Washington's and Brussels's interest to finish the job. Escobar speaks about that very openly - recently, he even issued a very harsh warning to Belgrade by saying that it must reconcile to the fact the false state of Kosovo will become a member of transatlantic organisations, including NATO, and that it will become a UN member state," Drecun said.


Vucevic thanks Angola for its firm position regarding Serbia’s territorial integrity (Beta/Politika)


Serbian Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic said on Monday, opening the 7th session of the Joint Serbian-Angolan Committee for Cooperation in the Defense Sector, that both states were interested in expanding and stepping up military-economic cooperation. Minister Vucevic said that Serbia was committed to cooperation in the defense sector, exploring economic, educational, medical and traditional military aspects of the sector, recollecting also that Angola’s high-ranking officials visited Serbia, Vucevic was quoted as saying by his ministry. “I wish to extend special thanks to Angola for its firm position regarding the territorial integrity of Serbia, that is, refusal to recognize the so-called independence of Kosovo, an inalienable part of Serbia,” he said.


Office for KiM: Erden Atic continues to behave as occupation manager (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


The false mayor of North Mitrovica Erden Atic continues to behave as an occupation manager, putting a lock on projects aimed at helping socially vulnerable families, just because the future beneficiaries are Serbs, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced tonight. “Before the local government was usurped by Albin Kurti’s supporters, the implementation of numerous important infrastructure projects, as well as projects with a pronounced social component, were in progress, and there is no rational reason for something from which the citizens have an unequivocal benefit to be prohibited by political diktat,” the announcement states. It is clear that Pristina will try to use all available levers to make normal life impossible in the four municipalities north of the Ibar and that, as the Office adds, it will continue to provoke and harass Serbs in the province under the guise of establishing some kind of false legality. “The only task of Atic and the other imposed mayors in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is to block life in every way and force the Serbs to leave those areas, and that is why it is necessary for international civil and military representatives in the province to put an end to Albin Kurti’s reign of terror,” it added. “The intention of occupying the north of Kosovo and Metohija is not a metaphor, but a harsh reality, and no nation or social group in modern Europe should be exposed to this kind of torture and manifestations of undisguised chauvinism. Our compatriots in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are restrained and patient, because they know very well that the occupation of Kurti’s thugs has an end, and the municipalities with a Serb majority will continue to develop with the selfless help and support of Serbia and its citizens,'” the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija added.


Djuric: Kurti politically unwelcome in Washington (TV Happy)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said on Monday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti enjoyed no credibility in a considerable part of the Western public and was no longer able to monopolise US support, and added that, politically and practically, Kurti was unwelcome in Washington. Speaking to TV Happy, Djuric said he had not noticed any visits to the US by ministers of the so-called Kosovo in recent months. "As opposed to that, in the past three weeks, we had a business forum with PM Ana Brnabic, as well as an excellent visit by Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic. A visit by Minister of Science Jelena Begovic concluded yesterday, and she discussed advancement of scientific cooperation with the US," he said. Many in Pristina are nervous because of Serbian lobbying in Washington, he said, adding that a differing opinion on Kosovo and Metohija had been heard in US Congress last week. "Questions were asked about the position of Serbs, and a congressman insisted on an answer to the question when US officials will visit Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and when a Community of Serb Municipalities will be formed," Djuric noted. He said people in the US who had "last heard of Serbia in the 1990s" were surprised by facts about the country's economic growth. "I am fortunate to be serving in Washington in a time when Serbia is investing the most effort in changing its image and in building new relationships," Djuric said. The sanctions imposed by the US Treasury over Security Information Agency (BIA) chief Aleksadar Vulin’s involvement in corruption and organized crime are political in nature, Djuric told TV Happy. According to the ambassador, Belgrade’s reaction was moderate when it requested proof of the accusations from Washington. “We are a people who have suffered a lot because of sanctions. We want to talk in the language of cooperation not sanctions,” Djuric said.


Russian Foreign Intelligence Service calls US sanctions against Vulin act of aggression against Serbia (RIA Novosti/Beta)


The US placing Serbian Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin on its sanctions list should be considered a new act of US aggression against Serbia, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service said in a press release on Monday. RIA Novosti quoted a press release from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service as reading that this was another attempt by Washington to interfere in the affairs of an independent state, adding that anyone who defended national interests and declined to dance to the American tune was automatically placed under sanctions. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service stated that the illegal sanctions the US used to attempt to intimidate geopolitical opponents were a gesture of weakness and confusion, not strength, and that the sanctions against Vulin were evidence of his character, bravery and national commitment.




Meeting of B&H ruling coalition held (RTRS/BHT1)


A meeting of SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’ delegations began on Monday afternoon to discuss how to overcome the political crisis caused by the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) “unconstitutional” decisions and (High Representative) Christian Schmidt’s “brokerage’’. The meeting was attended by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic and ‘Our Party’ (NS) leader Edin Forto. The reporter notes that the RS has already presented its plan on how to overcome the crisis, which was presented in Brussels last week, i.e. willingness to resolve the 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) in addition of the adoption of the law on the B&H CC. The reporter goes on to say that the Croat party also presented their proposal insisting on the electoral reform. At the same time, instead of proposing concrete solutions, ‘The Troika’ was only attacking the RS and further raising tensions due to which Srdjan Amidzic’s appointment as the B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury is still on hold. According to unofficial information, ‘The Troika’ did submit their proposal ahead the meeting and their first requirement is appointment of two B&H CC judges from the F&H and the RS. RTRS reports that Dodik said ahead the meeting that B&H needs minimal trust through institutional balance established by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Addressing the media, Dodik said that the issue of the B&H Minister of Finance is not the issue “that can be auctioned in any way”, noting that it was earlier agreed when the B&H CoM composition was discussed. “This is a purely technical issue. I think they are wrong to try to condition that. Secondly, there is no conditioning here, just like I understand that those from ‘The Troika’ are doing their job, the same way we are doing ours. I did not come here to condition anyone. If I were to choose, I would never come here. But in any case, I am doing my job and I think that is important, and not to condition someone. Another thing, commotion created here in the FB&H about someone violating this or that. Things have taken their legal course, there are investigations. What do they have to do with it? That is not a topic for them. I have already given a statement to SIPA about allegedly undermining the constitutional order. Thirdly, if they want the fast path to the EU, I am ready. Although I do not believe in the EU or in that intention. They are clearing their conscious, so they are trying to say that a fast road is possible, i.e. now we have to be chubs and fall for that. In any case, beware of the Greeks even when they bear gifts. So, the B&H Constitution exists. I clearly position B&H as a country composed of two entities, three peoples, territorial distribution ‘49:51’, corrected on the Brcko District. All that is fine. The most important thing here is to maintain minimal trust through institutional balance established by the Dayton Agreement, and nothing more,” said Dodik for the media. RTRS reports that representatives of political parties from the FB&H did not address the media before the meeting, Niksic conveyed via social media that talks are the only right path for B&H. On the other hand, Konakovic said for the Sarajevo-based media that it is necessary to relax the situation regarding the B&H CC, the B&H CC judges from the RS and the FB&H should be appointed and several reform laws, requested by the EU should be adopted to support Amidzic’s appointment. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Covic said that mutual trust means having the B&H CoM in its full capacity, “that we can adopt new laws” and that members of the parliamentary majority “follow each other in the parliamentary procedure”. Niksic said: “This would also be a quality message to our partners in the European Commission and the EU that the authorities in B&H want to work on fulfilling the 14 priorities.” coalition at the B&H level managed to agree on a set of European laws which should be discussed at the next session of the B&H HoR. Niksic stressed that if this set of laws is adopted, B&H will make a huge step forward on the path to the EU. “Of course, it would not be the first time that we agreed on something and it was not fulfilled. We will do everything, at least that is what we promised each other, and that is why, as Mrs. Kristo announced, we will have another meeting before the session of the House of Representatives,” Niksic pointed out. Covic told the press conference in Sarajevo that he hopes that on 22 August, the B&H CoM will be completed and at least three or four laws that were discussed at Monday’s meeting will be adopted. Covic said that mutual trust means that there is a B&H CoM in full convocation, which can work and pass new laws. B&H CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo said: “I am confident that we will make a strong step forward when it comes to our European path’’. The state-level coalition partners will hold another meeting before the B&H HoR session, that will be hosted by Dodik. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, Kristo stated that the meeting participants managed to agree on several laws which are of great importance for the European path of BiH. Kristo announced that a session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) will be scheduled for 22 August where the laws will go into procedure. Kristo stated that leaders of the ruling coalition at the B&H level are continuing the talks, and that a meeting at this level will follow, which will be hosted by Dodik, and that this meeting will be held before the B&H HoR’s session in August. “I can tell you that at this meeting we agreed on a good part, that is, I would say a large set of European laws that are in the parliamentary procedure, which went from the Council of Ministers to the B&H parliament. We agreed to schedule a session of the House of Representatives of B&H for 22 August, where those laws that are already in the parliamentary procedure would be discussed. We also agreed to form certain working groups that should work on a set of laws concerning the rule of law, i.e. laws from the field of judiciary in a broader sense,” Kristo underlined.


Proposed Law on Freedom of Access to Information in B&H Institutions causes heated debate at B&H HoR’s session (O Kanal)


O Kanal reports that at its session held on Monday the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) did not adopt the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H and the Law on Freedom of Access to Information in B&H Institutions because there was no necessary entity majority. The proposal of the Law on Freedom of Access to Information has caused a heated debate during the B&H HoR’s session and it all started with the information that the EU Delegation to B&H has different public and “secret” instructions on supporting the law. According to the claims of a part of the civil society, but also the official position of the EU, there are points in the draft law that are not in accordance with European regulations. The official position in the letter is that the law should be adopted together with the amendment. Unofficially, the MPs received messages to adopt the law even if the amendment was not accepted. SDA representative in the B&H parliament, Serif Spago, proposed an amendment which, as he himself said, was actually proposed by the EU Delegation to B&H. That amendment envisages that the Institution of the Ombudsman of B&H will be competent to act as a second instance appeal body. Spago told a press conference that a stance of SDA, as well as of other opposition parties, is that if the stance of the Head of the EU Delegation to B&H was sent in a written form to all the caucuses, then SDA will not support a law that does not fulfill the European standards, i.e. a law that is not in line with the opinion of the EU Delegation. Spago believes there was time for the law to be harmonized by other institutions like the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM). Apparently, MPs of the ruling coalition were called directly from the EU Delegation, since they make claims contrary to what we received in the official documentation, said PDP MP Branislav Borenovic. Borenovic notes that the ruling structures are “confused or deliberately confusing the public, especially when it comes to the European path of B&H”. “I have a feeling that some people in the ruling coalition do not want to adopt European laws, or they adopt them only in name, and that the content is an empty shell and that we have European laws that are nice to read, but the content does not correspond to real needs”, Borenovic assessed. I have a feeling that a part of the authorities does not want to harmonize our legislation with the EU acquis, he added. Borenovic asked whether it is necessary to launch an investigation into how and who communicated with whom, that is, whether this proposed law corresponds to European standards or whether it needs to be changed by an amendment of the EU. SDP B&H MP Sasa Magazinovic said that the EU Delegation to B&H invited the representatives to vote for the proposed law in its current form, even if this amendment does not receive the necessary support. HDZ B&H MP Marinko Cavara believes that the law on freedom of access to information has nothing controversial. Cavara explains that the proposed solution is actually applied in eight EU member states, which is why no one can say that this is not in line with EU standards. “It completely fits into the legal system of B&H”, Cavara adds. The draft law on freedom of access to information at the level of B&H institutions was adopted in the first reading at the last session. The draft of this law was still in public debate in 2021 and there were over 200 comments from civil society organizations, journalists' associations, international organizations, but none of that was taken into account.


Zvizdic sends parliamentary initiative requesting establishment of Supreme Court of B&H (FTV)


Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Denis Zvizdic submitted on Monday a parliamentary initiative requesting that the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) prepare and submit the Law on the Supreme Court of B&H to the parliamentary procedure. “Today, I submitted a parliamentary initiative requesting that the B&H Council of Ministers prepares and submits to the parliamentary procedure the Law on the Supreme Court of B&H, which will implement one of the 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission on B&H's application for EU membership”, Zvizdic said. “I believe that this law is necessary for us, because for the sake of legal security it is necessary to establish a body that will ensure a consistent interpretation of the law on the territory of the entire country”, Zvizdic elaborated on his Twitter account.


Dodik, Cvijanovic meet newly-appointed ambassadors and consuls generals of B&H from RS (RTRS/Glas Srpske)


B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS President Milorad Dodik met with newly appointed B&H ambassadors and consuls generals from the RS in Banja Luka on Monday. RTRS reports that on the occasion, they said they are confident that the Serb diplomats will advocate the RS’ interests and foreign policy positions in accordance with the “original postulates’’ of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Cvijanovic and Dodik informed the diplomats of the complexity of the current situation, different mechanisms of pressure and attempts to delegitimize the RS. Newly appointed ambassadors and consul generals presented their plans for their upcoming diplomatic engagement and emphasized that they will give their full contribution to improvement of all forms of cooperation between the RS and the countries they are appointed in. B&H Ambassador to UN in Brussels Obrad Kesic said that they agreed in the meeting there was a joint and clear stance on all crucial matters for RS in B&H. The ambassadors were also assured they will have the support of the Serb member of B&H Presidency as well as the RS President. Cvijanovic and Dodik met with Ambassadors and General Consuls Milorad Zivkovic (Romania), Sinisa Berjan (China), Kesic (UN Brussels), Bojan Vujic (UN Geneva), Dragan Vukovic (Greece), Bojan Djukic (UAE) Vera Sajic (Stuttgart) and Tatjana Telic (Chicago).


Martinovic: Veljovic suspected of having given information to Aleksandar Mrkic (CdM)


Veselin Veljovic’s lawyer Nikola Martinovic has told CdM that the Special State Prosecutor’s Office (SDT) suspects the former head of the Police Directorate of abuse of office, and not of any kind of smuggling. Martinovic says that Veljovic’s houses in Zabljak and Mojkovac, as well as an apartment in Podgorica, were searched, but that the police officers, although they were looking for money, documents… found nothing, and that they confiscated three pictures that Veljovic had received as a gift. After the hearing at the SDT, Veljovic was detained for up to 72 hours due to the possibility of influencing accomplices and witnesses and the risk of escape.


Montenegro in the EU: View through a window (which is about to close) (CdM)


By Dr. Ivan Vukovic, Vice President of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences 


Although many people who follow events on the Montenegrin political scene often think otherwise, there is no more important issue for the political future of our country than the EU integration process. Its long-term political stability, economic development, overall progress, and possibly its very survival as a multi-ethnic democracy will most directly depend on whether Montenegro will secure membership in this prestigious political club in time. That is why, regardless of daily political preoccupations, those who have been given the mandate to choose the right – therefore, European – path for Montenegro at the political crossroads we are approaching, should be aware of their responsibility for the future of our country and society. After running the governments that are responsible for the overall progress achieved so far in terms of EU integration, the Democratic Party of Socialists, in April 2022, provided support to the minority government that had the task of bringing our country to the threshold of the Union through the implementation of obligations from the European agenda. On the contrary, fully aware of the political consequences that this will produce, Prime Minister Abazovic prioritized the adoption of the so-called fundamental contract with the Serbian Orthodox Church. Instead of his own, Abazovic – in all probability much earlier – chose to serve the interests of another state, namely one whose leadership does not want a European future for our region, and therefore not for Montenegro either. Epilogue: a vote of no confidence in his government and instead of early elections soon after – we witness political dragging of the country with increasingly more democratic regression, i.e. authoritarian practices (abuse of other public bodies, continuous attacks on critically-oriented media and NGOs) most other public officials and, finally, a lost year for Montenegro. And yet, opened by the Russian aggression against Ukraine in February 2022, the “window of opportunity” for the accelerated completion of Montenegro’s accession negotiations with the EU is still open. Despite the astonishing state irresponsibility of the current prime minister and those political structures thanks to which his government has lasted almost a year in a technical mandate, Montenegro is still the only country in the region that has a real chance to become part of the EU in the foreseeable future. Whether this will actually happen largely depends on the outcome of the process of negotiations on the formation of the next government. In order for Montenegro to do its “homework” on time, it is necessary that, in the shortest possible time, it gets a truly pro-European, efficient government that, relying on the “institutional memory” of those who managed the EU integration process until 2020, would put all its capacities into fulfilling temporary criteria in key chapters by the middle of next year. This is the only way to recommend Montenegro strongly enough for full membership in the European Union, while there is still a possibility. For now, given the composition and way of communication of potential future partners in the executive power, we do not have too much reason for optimism. It is clear that the government that would include the remnants of the pro-Putin Democratic Front, with over 20 ministries, among which those of the greatest importance for the EU accession process were perceived as “political change”, has no chance to take advantage of the mentioned opportunity. Also, even a government that could not at any moment ensure support of at least 49 MPs, would not be able to quickly and efficiently meet the remaining obligations on the path to EU membership. All that, it seems, does not worry much those whose decisions may affect the European future of Montenegro. Moreover, in an emphatically provincial political manner, hopelessly looking at the political past, with an emphasized sense of their own political importance and a message deprived of any meaning, most key actors in the process of negotiations on the formation of the government seem completely inadequate for the historical opportunity that our country still has. So, instead of specific obligations, the future government already on the first day after its formation, is evaluating the degree of acceptability of “principles” such as the independence and international recognition of Montenegro, its multi-ethnic character, membership in NATO… What, I guess, should provide a note of seriousness to the political market we are witnessing, actually speaks of the fact that, viewed from their point of view, the very existence of Montenegro and everything that makes up its value foundation is still not a matter of political facticity, but the “food for thought”. What you should really think about is the following. In short, Montenegro has a little less than a year to convince its European partners that it is worthy of membership in the Union. Elections for the European Parliament will be held in June next year. The structure of the future European Commission, which will begin work in December 2024, will depend on their outcome. The political climate throughout the European Union is such that it is realistic to expect far-right parties to win in a number of member states and, in general, achieve the best results since 1979, when the first European elections were held. If we’re familiar with the attitude of the majority of them towards the idea of European integration and, especially, the further expansion of the EU, it is clear that this will represent an aggravating circumstance for all states-aspirants for membership in the Union. In addition, the further strengthening of far-right populists will, without a doubt, push the political pendulum in the observed countries to the right, making it increasingly difficult for parties of the ideological center to defend traditional positions in relation to the most important political issues, including – generally unpopular – European policies. This is evidenced, among other things, by the recent downfall of the Dutch government caused by divisions within the ruling coalition regarding the treatment of asylum seekers, as well as the statement by the leader of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Friedrich Merz, in which he opens space for cooperation at the local level with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). For the same reason, fearing that the extreme right in the form of the “Vox” party could be in power for the first time after the introduction of democracy in Spain, the whole of Europe closely followed the recent parliamentary elections in this country. In Austria, which is expected to hold parliamentary elections in just over a year, the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) is by far the most popular political party. Finally, the development of events in Ukraine could push the Western Balkan region into the background when it comes to the European integration process. Namely, those who, at the most important European political addresses, are advocating the earliest possible admission of this country into full membership are getting louder. The logic is as follows: in a situation where the admission of Ukraine to NATO would represent, for quite obvious reasons, too great a security risk, joining the EU could be considered an adequate and, potentially, generally acceptable “reward” for the heroic defense against Russian aggression and the necessary guarantee of the democratic development of Ukraine in the post-war period. In other words, the next European Commission could thoroughly redefine the priorities regarding the enlargement policy, which, when it comes to Montenegro, would result in significantly less – and possibly a complete absence – of enthusiasm on the part of our European partners. Therefore, if we truly want to make Montenegro a part of the European Union and, in this way, enable this and future generations to live a European quality of life, we must do our best to take advantage of the chance we still have! It is done with concrete actions, not with empty phraseology, which, unfortunately for Montenegro, many political actors participating in the process of negotiations on the future government perceive as the essence of political activity. We have very little time to, as a country, do what is necessary to irreversibly trace the path to the door of the EU. In essence, with valuable accomplishments during the decade before the political changes of 2020, our performance in terms of European integration in the future period should be such that those on whose political will the assessment of what has been done will depend “before the deed”. That is, the results of the work of the next government must be such that even those European politicians who do not necessarily have too much sensitivity when it comes to the enlargement process will not be able to deny or ignore them. For the sake of comparison, Montenegro’s accession to NATO was successfully completed also because, thanks to responsible state policy, most of the work was completed in the years before the start of the presidential mandate of Donald Trump, who, according to the later testimonies of his closest allies, even considered the possibility of the United States withdrawing from the North Atlantic Alliance. In order to succeed in the historic mission of making Montenegro a part of the EU, it is necessary that the state policy in the coming period is shaped by people who sincerely believe in the European value system and who possess the knowledge and experience necessary to meet the obligations on our European path. If we do not succeed in this, the window of opportunity for Montenegro will, by all accounts, be permanently closed. In that case, for that pro-European majority in our country, which survives despite the aforementioned, it will be completely unimportant who will “turn off the light” at the end of the day.


Kovachevski to elaborate proposal for constitutional changes before Committee on Constitutional Affairs (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi met Monday with coordinators of MP groups, except for VMRO-DPMNE, ahead of tomorrow's start of the session of the parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs focused on the proposal for constitutional changes. MIA learns that Xhaferi reiterated the procedure on the course of the session and is expected to communicate with VMRO-DPMNE whip Nikola Micevski in the meantime. According to the parliament's Rules of Procedures, the committee discussion can last for up to ten working days. After adoption of the session agenda, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski will elaborate the proposal, followed by discussion by committee members. VMRO-DPMNE MPs are expected to take part and explain their position against the constitutional revision. The Committee discussion is expected to finish between 7 and 9 August, followed by a plenary parliament session that can last for another ten working days. The parliament will adopt a decision on commencing the constitutional changes through a two-thirds majority, i.e. 80 votes. Otherwise, the procedure cannot move forward. If the decision is adopted, the parliament will forward the conclusion to the government, identifying the deadline within which the petitioner, namely the government, drafts a text of the constitutional amendments that is submitted to the parliament speaker, which marks the start of the second stage of the procedure. At least 30 days must pass from the submission of the draft-constitutional amendments to the parliament until a plenary session takes place. Discussion on each draft-amendment can last up to three days in the Committee and during the plenary session. Once the parliament confirms the draft-amendments through a simple majority (61 'yes' votes), they are forwarded for a public discussion. Afterwards, the government compiles the draft-amendments, and again submits them to the parliament, where a plenary session is again scheduled after at least 30 days. The final decision on the adoption of the amendments is taken by at least 80 'yes' votes, including a Badinter majority. Considering the shortest possible deadlines, the three stages require a minimum of three and a half months.


Position against constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate supported, says Mickoski after meeting MP group (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski met Monday with the MP group of VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition, which "has provided support to the position against constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate". "Meeting with the MP group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition. Support for the position against constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate. Committed to the people and interests of Macedonia!", Mickoski wrote in a Facebook post. The meeting took place ahead of Tuesday's start of the discussion on the proposal for constitutional changes in the parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs.


Grubi: DUI to leave government once constitutional amendments adopted (Kanal 5)


There will be no early elections, only regular ones. If the vote on the constitutional amendments fails, so does the European future of our country, says First Deputy PM Artan Grubi ahead of Tuesday's session of the parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs. Deputy PM Grubi told Kanal 5 that no one, not even VMRO-DPMNE, would allow for this to happen, since "it is a European-oriented party". He says the constitutional revision is a technical change, and no one other than the opposition has reacted to the text of the constitutional amendments. "This was a reaction for daily political purposes, not related to the content of the constitutional amendments," says Grubi. Asked if DUI is prepared to leave the government, he says they are even prepared to give up on the first ethnic Albanian PM and the so-called 'Przhino government'. "We give up on all of this and have early elections right after the vote on the constitutional elections, or have regular elections. Once the constitutional amendments are adopted, DUI will leave the government and let them govern until the end of the term," says Grubi.