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Belgrade Media Report 5 September



Dacic: Good job done for Serbia in Jakarta (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday a good job for Serbia had been done in Jakarta, where he on Monday signed a document on Serbia's accession to the ASEAN treaty. After attending the official opening ceremony of the 43rd ASEAN summit in Jakarta, Dacic said ASEAN had been in existence for over 50 years. Signing the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia does not make Serbia an ASEAN member state, Dacic said, noting that Serbia had acceded to the treaty. "It (the ASEAN region) is a territory with a population of over 600 million and a GDP worth thousands of billions of dollars that, as they themselves say, represents the epicentre of economic growth. That is important for our country because we now have an external trade volume of around 700 million Dollars and we expect it to possibly exceed 1 billion Dollars this year," Dacic told Serbian reporters. "We are the 52nd state or international organisation to accede to the treaty and it has nothing to do with our European integration... Like Serbia, the EU itself has acceded to the treaty and so have the US, Canada, China and Russia. For us, that is also important for strengthening bilateral relations with those (ASEAN) countries," Dacic said, noting that ASEAN member states were friendly countries and that the majority of them did not recognise the so-called Kosovo. "I had an opportunity to speak with colleagues from those countries," he said. When asked if he had spoken with officials of states that recognised the so-called Kosovo, Dacic said Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore were the recognisers among ASEAN states. "I have spoken with representatives of Singapore and Brunei and I can say it is partly our fault because we were not present in this region at the time they were making their decisions about recognising Kosovo, and their question was 'Where were you at the time?'" Dacic noted. He said Serbia would speak with those countries despite their decisions to recognise the so-called Kosovo to ensure they respected Serbia's position and did not support Pristina's bids to join international organisations. It is important that Indonesia, which has a population of over 270 million, maintains a firm position on respect of international law, Dacic also said.


Bilateral meetings of Dacic on sidelines of ASEAN Summit (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday, on the sidelines of the 43rd Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Jakarta, with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brunei Darussalam Erywan Yusof. The two officials discussed the intensification of the political dialogue between Serbia and Brunei, along with the realisation of visits at a high and highest level in order to strengthen quality and mutually beneficial cooperation in bilateral and multilateral frameworks. The Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his gratitude to Minister Yusof for the support provided by Brunei in Serbia’s multi-year efforts to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), along with interest in further strengthening cooperation within those frameworks. The interlocutors expressed interest in encouraging and developing economic cooperation, including increasing the volume of trade exchange, as well as developing cooperation in other areas of mutual interest, such as agriculture, education, sports, police, IT. Dacic also met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore Vivian Balakrishnan, to whom he expressed his gratitude for the support that friendly Singapore provided to Serbia during the process of joining TAC, which will further strengthen the relations between the two countries. The interlocutors stated that the bilateral political relations between Serbia and Singapore are traditionally friendly and are on an upward trajectory, with the expectation that the political dialogue will further intensify in the coming period. Strong interest was expressed in the further all-round development of economic cooperation and in the continuation of mutual support in international organisations, as well as satisfaction with cooperation on the multilateral level. Dacic congratulated Sophea on taking office as Cambodia’s deputy PM and FM and expressed readiness to work on strengthening Serbia-Cambodia relations as well as on boosting Serbia’s cooperation with ASEAN member states. The parties agreed that bilateral political relations between Serbia and Cambodia were traditionally friendly and on an upward trajectory. The ministers signed a MoU between the two countries' diplomatic academies to take diplomatic cooperation to a higher level through cooperation in training for diplomatic staff. They said they expected political dialogue to be stepped up further in the period to come through exchanges of bilateral visits at high and the highest level, and discussed advancement of economic cooperation through direct cooperation between economic institutions and chambers of commerce of the two countries and advancement of cooperation in agriculture and the ICT sector. Dacic thanked Cambodia for its principled and consistent support to the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and said he hoped it would be continued in the future as well. The Ministers said they were pleased with the successful cooperation at multilateral level and expressed interest in continued mutual support in international organisations and institutions. Dacic thanked Cambodia for backing Serbia’s efforts to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. Dacic met with the Philippines' FM Enrique Manalo on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN summit in Jakarta on Tuesday. The Ministers discussed advancement of bilateral relations, to be boosted further by Monday's signing of an instrument on Serbia's accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. Bilaterally, the discussion focused on strengthening of political dialogue at high and the highest level through exchanging visits and signing a MoU on bilateral political consultations - which is under preparation - as well as through further development of economic, cultural, educational and scientific and technical cooperation. The parties discussed mechanisms and modalities ensured by ASEAN through advancement of political, trade and economic ties with member states as well as within broader multilateral frameworks. Dacic thanked the Philippines for its principled and consistent support to preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, also reflected in its support in international organisations, and expressed the hope it would be continued in the future, the statement said.


Dacic meets with Indonesian Foreign Minister: Indonesia will not change its position not to recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, regardless of constant pressure to change this decision (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met today with his Indonesian counterpart and Chairperson of ASEAN Retno Marsudi, at whose invitation he participated in the ceremony of signing the Instrument of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, as well as in the opening ceremony of the 43rd ASEAN Summit. The interlocutors discussed the possibilities for further intensifying political dialogue, including visits at the top level, with the aim of strengthening cooperation between our two countries in bilateral and multilateral frameworks. The two Foreign Ministers agreed that there is significant potential for development of cooperation in a number of areas, and expressed interest in further development and encouragement of economic cooperation while strengthening the volume of trade exchange, investment, agriculture and cooperation in the field of tourism and ICT. Dacic expressed his gratitude to Indonesia for the support and assistance it provided to us during the decision-making process within ASEAN regarding Serbia’s request to join to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. He also reiterated his gratitude for Indonesia’s support in preserving Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Minister Marsudi confirmed once again that Indonesia will not change its position not to recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, regardless of constant pressure to change this decision.


Petkovic: Osmani's transparent attempts to portray Serbia as destabilizing factor in Western Balkans (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic has said that Vjosa Osmani's attempts to portray Serbia as a destabilizing factor in the Western Balkans by making inappropriate and artificial parallels between our region and the situation in Ukraine are futile and transparent, because Belgrade's responsible and peace-making policy is precisely the strongest obstacle to the realization of Albin Kurti's arsonist ambitions. "It is clear that Kurti wants to become a Balkan war leader, so that he can finally wear an olive green uniform, instead of the prison one he wore during the armed conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija, but no one wants to participate in his plans to destabilize the region, nor does anyone want to help his boyhood warrior and Greater Albania dreams come true," Petkovic stressed. He added that Serbia is desperately trying to, by peaceful means, neutralize the potentially disastrous consequences of Kurti's policy. "With every act, both domestically and internationally, Serbia is desperately trying, by peaceful means, to prevent and neutralize the potentially disastrous consequences of Kurti's policy of inciting hatred and conflict in the Western Balkans, and this is obvious to everyone. With daily demonstrations of force, violations of the Serbs' human rights, the usurping of land and buildings in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and now with a blitzkrieg against fishermen on Lake Gazivode, Pristina wants to drag Serbia into conflicts with NATO, but today nobody, except Kurti and Vjosa Osmani, is at war, and therefore any hysterical attempt to present Serbia negatively will inevitably return as a political boomerang to the warmongers from Pristina," said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. He added that instead of constantly sabotaging the process of normalization of relations, among other things, with incoherent slanderous attacks on Belgrade, political extremists from Pristina should finally ask themselves what good the constant creation of an atmosphere of war is bringing to the Albanian people in Kosovo and Metohija, and what kind of social and economic consequences will be felt by ordinary people who just want to build personal and collective prosperity in peace.


Office for KiM: New raid of Serb buildings, Pristina continues its reign of terror (Beta/Politika)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija on Monday condemned an incursion by Radoica Radomirovic, deputy minister in Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti's cabinet, into buildings where Serbs reside. The Office described this as "a continuation of Pristina's reign of terror, masterminded by Kurti, who wants to seize Serb buildings in the north and cast Serbs out from their centuries' old hearths." According to the press release, the buildings were built using funds provided by the Serbian government through the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and local governments, and have nothing to do with Pristina nor does Pristina have any claim to their use. "The residents of those buildings, who have documents on housing, are disturbed by such actions by Kurti's envoys and there is no doubt that any attempt to evict them would lead to new tension and crisis in northern [Kosovo and Metohija] and escalation, which Belgrade and Serbs do not want by any means, but of which Pristina dreams every day," the press release read. The statement went on to say that the same group had entered a vacant building, also built using Office for Kosovo and Metohija funds, in Leposavic the previous night, changed the locks and seized property, and that international representatives and EU dialogue mediator Miroslav Lajcak had been notified.


Chief of Staff in Ground Safety Zone (N1)


Serbian Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic toured units deployed in the Ground Safety Zone along the administrative line with Kosovo, the Defense Ministry said. Mojsilovic was on reconnaissance of the Zone to review the situation and meet with the commanders of military units. “The Chief of Staff concluded that all key conditions have been created for the constant performance of duties in securing the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and control of the Ground Safety Zone and gave instructions on further promoting the capabilities of the forces engaged,” the press release said. It quoted the general as saying that the military forces engaged in the Zone are highly professional and committed to their job “contributing to making the Army of Serbia fully in the function of maintaining peace and security for the citizens of Serbia”.


Serbia’s exports to Kosovo drop by 50 million Euros compared to last year (Beta/Politika)


The Customs of Kosovo confirmed that the inflow of Serbian products into the territory had dropped significantly, and that the value of Serbian exports in June and July was around 20 million Euros, or 50 million Euros below last year’s figures. The Kosovo customs service explained that Serbia continued to export to Kosovo raw materials and semi-finished products needed for final products. Before a ban on Serbian exports, the market presence of Serbian products was among the highest in Kosovo, and the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce says that local companies had already replaced them with products from other states. North Macedonia is Kosovo’s leading trade partner, as the value of Macedonian products that entered Kosovo exceeded 30 million Euros, nearly eight million euros more than in the same period last year.


Opposition demands immediate parliamentary and Belgrade elections (N1)


We demand the immediate calling of parliamentary and Belgrade elections by the end of the year so the opposition could meet the citizens’ demands as its first step following the change of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) regime, said Serbian MPs and representatives of the Serbia Against Violence protest organizers. Democratic Party (DS) leader Zoran Lutovac said the protesters’ demands have not been met. “We will demand parliamentary elections, along with those in Belgrade. By achieving success in the parliamentary elections we can fulfill the protest demands. We are asking for the citizens’ backing so we can get support in the parliamentary vote, meet those demands and stabilize social conditions,” said Lutovac. MP Radomir Lazovic said the opposition will block the parliament session until they get a reply regarding their request for the calling of elections. “Instead of meeting the demands of the Serbia Against Violence protest, the Progressives’ government chose to convince us that the system has not failed and so only deepened the crisis we are all in,” said Lazovic. Co-leader of the Together party Aleksandar “Cuta” Jovanovic also announced elections, stressing that “is it our obligation to say ‘no’ to those who have turned this country into Colombia”. “This is a place where all possible laws are most brutally violated and violence is directed against the MPs who think differently from these Aleksandar Vucic’s slaves,” said Jovanovic.


Orlic: We are delighted with opposition’s initiative for elections (N1)


Following the Serbian opposition’s request for immediate elections and its announcement that it would block the Parliament’s work on Tuesday, Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic said that he is “delighted with this initiative” but stressed that the Serbian parliament will continue work. “Budget revision is on the agenda of today’s session, this revision will enable us to again increase pensions and salaries, to provide assistance and give aid to mothers and their children in Serbia, provide what farmers need, allocate funds for the treatment of rare diseases and for the continuation of infrastructure projects,” Orlic told a media conference in the parliament hallway. Reacting to the opposition’s announcement of the parliament’s blockage, Orlic said: “They say they will do that because they are demanding elections. The SNS is delighted to accept this initiative of theirs. We will make sure they get an answer as soon as possible. I need to inform the government, the President of the Republic, we will ask for a reply in a relatively short period of time, say within the next 30 days,” said Orlic. When the opposition talked about elections and blockage of the Parliament it was actually making threats, said Orlic. “Threats that you won’t allow the Parliament to work is a threat of violence,” he said, stressing that the session will be held, whether or not the opposition MPs attend. Orlic opened the session on Tuesday, said that 189 MPs were present and that the parliament can thus continue work.


Dodik, Petkovic claim DPA stipulates there are borders between entities (Novosti)


Representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) reacted to the statement of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt that “the inter-entity boundary line (IEBL) is not a border between the RS and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) but only an administrative line”. Representatives of the RS argued that there is a border between the RS and FB&H and added that this was also defined by the Annex 2 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), so any attempt to use a different name for it or dispute its existence would represent a denial and violation of the DPA. The daily cited the Annex 2 of the DPA, which stipulated in its Article 1 that “the border between the FB&H and RS (‘the inter-entity boundary line’) shall be as it was mapped on the attached geographical map”. RS President Milorad Dodik claimed that Schmidt has the task to derogate the RS and added that Schmidt’s claims that the borders between the entities do not exist are not true. Dodik added that the RS will not succumb to pressures and noted: “The Annex 2 of the DPA reads that there is a line of demarcation – demarcation is crucial here. Someone deemed that it is normal to demarcate this. Some, like Schmidt, are trying to unite something at the cost of destroying everything that belongs to one people. There are always those in Sarajevo who applaud his nonsense and lies and who are willing to accept a foreigner to impose a law on them”. Dodik also argued that those “who applaud Schmidt” expect Serbs to have problems. “Schmidt was brought here as false, and his task is to lie. He does not hesitate to lie. His task is to bring the RS to pointlessness, to take away its property and to lock down its President. However, it will not succumb to pressures. You can talk about separation or secession all you want, but the RS must be respected”, Dodik concluded. MP and Deputy Chair of Constitutional-Legal Affairs Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) parliament Milan Petkovic told the daily that there is obviously ongoing annulment of all rights of the entities, primarily of the RS, and that there is a desire to create a unitary B&H “which was a dream of the wartime leadership of the Republic of B&H and part of the international community”. Petkovic claimed that the DPA clearly defined that there are borders between the entities, i.e. between the RS and FB&H, because if there were no borders, then there would have been no RS either. “Any kind of denial of existence of the borders is also a denial of existence of the entities, i.e. denial of the DPA”, Petkovic concluded.




Michel to Kristo: Status of EU candidate member comes with great expectations (


President of the European Council Charles Michel has sent Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Borjana Kristo a letter, in which he thanked her for the recent visit and a letter from 9 May about the progress achieved in the first 100 days work of the CoM. President Michel congratulated on the achievements, saying that her engagement is securing positive working environment is important, which will lead to a functional B&H that makes progress on the road to the EU. According to Michel, status of an EU candidate member, which the Council awarded to B&H last December, comes with great expectations. He welcomed the fact the CoM has already undertaken important steps in the ongoing reforms, arguing it is now crucial that the country uses the opportunity on its road to the EU, by quick implementation of 14 key priorities. According to the letter, which Fena news agency had an insight into, the forthcoming reforms for strengthening of the rule of law, fight against crime and corruption, migration management and fundamental rights must be adopted quickly and be aligned with the EU standards. Michel welcomed the significant improvement in alignment of B&H with EU’s foreign policy decisions and restrictive measures. He underlined that B&H needs to use the opportunity to make progress on the path to the EU. According to the daily, even if B&H were to open the accession negotiations, which would be a considerable achievement, only then ‘the real game’ would start i.e. alignment with the EU acquis.


Murphy, Sattler sent letter to FB&H government leadership last week suggesting steps that should be taken in future (FTV)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and Head of the EUD to B&H Johann Sattler sent a letter to the FB&H government leadership last week suggesting steps that should be taken in the future. The letter stresses that the adoption of a new law on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism is one of priorities, reminding that financial stability and reputation of B&H depend on compliance with the international standards in the field of prevention of money abuses. The letter warns that unless B&H authorities meet this condition by February 2024, B&H will be under threat to be again put on the list of jurisdictions of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Group on Money Laundering, as well as on the EU list for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. “The placement on these lists will have political, economic and financial consequences for the country. A crucial step in fulfilling international requirements is the adoption of a new law on anti-money laundering / countering the financing of terrorism aligned with the EU acquis and FATF recommendations. The designation of oversight bodies in the FB&H remains pending preventing finalization of the law and negatively affecting B&H compliance with the anti-money laundering / countering the financing of terrorism standards”, Murphy and Sattler noted in the letter. They also said in the letter that assigning concessions for airports should not be delayed, as well as that it is necessary to establish legal framework for significant economic investment in order to enable public-private partnership and concessions. They added that it is necessary to speed up energy transition and the reform of state-owned companies. They welcomed the recent adoption of reform laws that demonstrates the commitment to the EU path of B&H and the implementation of reforms. “We welcome the recent positive actions taken by the FB&H legislative and executive bodies. In particular, we comment the adoption by the Parliament of three important energy laws aimed at enabling better strategic planning and providing an improved legislative framework for the energy sector. Equally, we welcome the adoption of the law on protection of civilian victims of war, as well as the common platform for public administration reform”, the letter reads. Murphy and Sattler emphasized that one of priorities is the implementation of the law on suppression of organized crime and corruption as well, in which the FB&H government can count on support of the US Embassy to B&H and the EU, as well as that the FB&H government and the parliament should immediately adopt a new laws on contributions and income tax and ensure the development of private sector that is supposed to become a drive for development of the FB&H itself.


Dodik: Murphy’s letter to Niksic, in which he dictates agenda of government in which Niksic is still prime minister, is caricature of sad B&H reality (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on his Twitter profile on Monday that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy’s letter to FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic, in which he dictates the agenda of the government in which Niksic is still the prime minister, is a caricature of the sad B&H reality. “You give him an agreement, and in a month or two he is giving you lessons, setting the government's agenda, criticizing everything and everyone, behaving, to say the least, like at home. Even if it is from Murphy – it is too much. Or we should abolish all institutions in B&H and leave only the American Embassy. I think that in that case, Murphy would start arguing publicly with his staff,” Dodik wrote on Twitter.


Lagumdzija sends letter to OHR, warns that amendments to Law on HJPC do not reflect necessary reforms (Oslobodjenje)


President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) Halil Lagumdzija sent a letter to the OHR, warning that the amendments to the Law on HJPC which were adopted in the first reading do not reflect the necessary reforms which were the main reason for adoption of amendments. Lagumdzija warned that if adopted, the new amendments will not allow HJPC to conduct more efficient control of assets owned by judicial office holders. Lagumdzija stated in his letter that the text of the proposed amendments contains provisions which were not harmonized with the stances of the HJPC or the opinion of the Venice Commission, and which do not enjoy the support of the international community which monitored the reform process. Lagumdzija emphasized that bad legislative solutions should be abandoned and that the version of the proposal for amendments to the Law on HJPC harmonized by HJPC and B&H Ministry of Justice should be sent to the legislative procedure instead. Otherwise, he warned, the planned reform processes will not be possible.


Covic, Plenkovic meet in Zagreb on B&H -Croatia bilateral relations, EU path of B&H (FTV)


President of the Croat People’s Assembly and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Monday. They discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries and the EU path of B&H. Covic reminded of progress recently achieved in B&H by adoption of a set of reform laws, stressing that the election law of B&H and the protection of legitimate representation remain priority. Plenkovic said that the continuation of the reform process is a key for B&H to launch the accession negotiations with the EU, adding that Croatia extends excellent support to B&H on this path. He stated that talks on the electoral reform in B&H should continue for the sake of functionality and equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H. Covic stressed the progress achieved in terms of reforms on the European path, led by new convocation of the Council of Ministers of B&H. Covic stressed that the recently adopted reform laws are a strong step for the European B&H.


Montenegro’s President says he wants to accelerate EU accession for his country (HRT/N1)


Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic arrived in Croatia Monday for his first official visit to an EU member state since he took office in May. Milatovic met with his host, President Zoran Milanovic in Zagreb on Monday. The key messages the two leaders conveyed in addressing reporters after their meeting were that the two countries were good neighbors and partners and that Zagreb strongly supported Montenegro's road to EU membership. President Milanovic reiterated that the accession process must be accelerated for the countries of the Western Balkans, especially the ones that are already members of NATO. "Countries that joined NATO, namely, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia, on whose accession negotiations the EU is dragging its feet, are countries that are being consciously and irresponsibly sacrificed,” Milanovic said. All of the unresolved issues between the two countries are ones that were inherited, said Milatovic, adding that they must be resolved through dialogue. This also applies to the case of the training ship Jadran, a large sailboat of practical and historical significance to Croatia that happened to be in Montenegro for repairs when war broke out in 1990 and which Croatia wants Montenegro to return. "I would like to see dialogue between the Croatian and Montenegrin governments to continue in the upcoming period when it comes to resolving all of our issues. With respect to the training ship Jadran, it is currently owned by Montenegro. It is also important how we approach solving problems and I think we just agreed that it has to be in the spirit of good neighbors and friends,” he said. President Milatovic also spoke about political stability in his country, at a time when the new government has not yet been formed. He said that those who allowed the rule of law to be eroded in his country could not be part of the solution or part of a government that wants to reform the judiciary. As far as his own policies go, he said he was firmly committed to accelerating Montenegro's path toward EU accession.


Montenegro at a crossroads

Milatovic said that Montenegro “is at a crossroads as to whether it will become fully governed by the rule of law”, noting that he advocates the formation of a broad coalition government. “I am not sure how much those who have made Montenegro a lawless country can help it return to the path of rule of law and in that sense, I am advocating a broad government,” the Montenegrin President said. Asked by reporters if he owed something to the pro-Serbian coalition “For the future of Montenegro”, which has won 13 seats in the parliament, Milatovic said that there was no connection whatsoever between him and that coalition and that his only goal “is a stable government that will ensure the necessary judicial reforms”. Since the last parliamentary election in Montenegro, ethnic Croats in that country have their representative in the parliament – Croat Civic Initiative leader Adrijan Vuksanovic, and Milatovic expressed hope Vuksanovic, too, would become a member of the new government. President Milanovic said he expected a stable and functional Montenegrin government that would pursue the country’s European course, as the previous one had. “We will help as much as we can,” Milanovic said, warning Podgorica that “not everything is good that comes from Brussels” and advising it to look for its own solutions where possible, ones that are appropriate to Montenegro’s geography and society.


Bauer: North Macedonia undertaking important steps to implement defense reforms (MIA)


Since joining NATO, North Macedonia has undertaken important steps to implement its defense reforms. In three years, the country has reached an impressive level of military integration in the Alliance, said Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, in Skopje on Monday. Admiral Bauer told a joint press conference with Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska and Army Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Vasko Gjurchinovski, that North Macedonia's contribution to the Alliance, such as the support to the battle groups in Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania and Kosovo, is complemented by the serving of troops in peacekeeping missions. "You are also contributing to the NATO response force that guarantee the security and defense of all allies. Since joining NATO, North Macedonia has undertaken important steps to implement its defense reforms. In three years, the country has reached an impressive level of military integration in the Alliance, adapting your structures and forces to NATO's needs and requirements while increasing your interoperability," said Bauer. Minister Petrovska said North Macedonia and its allies have reaffirmed the pledge for investments of at least two percent of the GDP for defense purposes, which has been fully realized. "North Macedonia is a pillar of regional security. We will continue to contribute with our forces to the NATO mission in Kosovo because we are convinced that regional security and stability must come before everything. This is the only way to create a prosperous region that will continue to leave in peace and democracy," said Petrovska. General Gjurchinovski said he briefed Admiral Bauer over the ongoing processes involving the armed forces, as well as reforms and transformation of the Army, its operations in the country and within NATO.


Pendarovski - Bauer: NATO to resume support for Ukraine for stabilization of Euro-Atlantic area (MIA)


Process of transformation, equipment and modernization of the Macedonian Army and its participation in international operations and exercises were in the focus of Monday's meeting of President Stevo Pendarovski with Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, who is paying an official visit to North Macedonia. Pendarovski and Bauer discussed the cooperation between North Macedonia and NATO, current regional and security developments, Ukraine and the Alliance's role in defending the country's people from the Russian aggression. In this regard, the President reaffirmed North Macedonia's support for Ukraine and its people through military, humanitarian and diplomatic assistance, the end goal being cessation of the military aggression, the President's Office said in a press release. Interlocutors also agreed that the Alliance should continue with its efforts to support Ukraine leading to stabilization of the situation in the entire Euro-Atlantic area. President Pendarovski voiced readiness for further enhancement of cooperation and strengthening of the unity within NATO, for the purpose of meeting the common objectives for collective security and peace on the European continent, reads the press release.


Osmani meets Admiral Bauer (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Monday with the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, who is paying an official visit to North Macedonia. Interlocutors discussed current security challenges, with a focus on the war in Ukraine and its consequences, the measures NATO is taking in order to adapt to the new security reality, deal with challenges and strengthen defense and deterrence. In that context, they also touched upon the NATO Summit in Vilnius and the important decisions adopted by the leaders of the member states, which reaffirmed their unity of the Alliance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Osmani stressed that North Macedonia, as a credible ally, will remain committed to its decision to contribute to global peace, collective security and stability across the region, further emphasizing the country’s contribution to NATO's missions and battle groups, as well as the decision to set aside two percent of GDP for defense. According to the MFA, Osmani and Bauer also discussed the current situation in the Western Balkans. "The Alliance remains committed and focused on our region, which is of strategic importance for NATO. The security and prosperity of the Western Balkans is one of our foreign policy priorities and because of that, we are taking a proactive role to advance the Euro-Atlantic integration process and preserve stability and prosperity," Osmani said.


Press Conference Begaj-Osmani/Begaj: Albania supports Kosovo's aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration (Radio Tirana)


The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani started her two-day visit to Albania. The official welcome ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Albanian President at 10:00, followed by a tête-à-tête meeting between the two presidents. President Bajram Begaj declared in a press conference that "Albania strongly supports Kosovo's aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration and no one should wonder why Kosovo is a national priority of Albania". "This has been and remains the motto of every citizen in Albania, so I once again reaffirmed the Albanian state's support for Kosovo everywhere, in every regional and international forum", said Begaj. "During the meeting with President Osmani, the main attention was focused on strengthening the further deepening of the strategic partnership in all aspects. I underlined that Albania-Kosovo relations should always be good, and we should be guided by the national interest to boost cooperation at all levels, political, economic, social and cultural, as well as to advance in the Euro-Atlantic integration progress", underlined Begaj. The head of state said that "the strategic character between our two states is of inalienable importance and with a unique role for stability, security, sustainable development and the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the entire region". "We paid more attention to the further development of economic cooperation between the two countries. I expressed my satisfaction that Kosovo has gradually and naturally become a very important partner for Albania,"Begaj was quoted as saying.


Rama meets Osmani (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama received in a meeting the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani. After the meeting that the latter held with the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, Osmani met the head of the government. Rama received Osmani in the office together with her accompanying delegation. Albania's ambassador to Kosovo, Qemal Minxhozi, was also present at this meeting. Meanwhile, earlier Osmani stated in the joint conference with President Begaj, Kosovo's need for Albania's support, to be its voice in instances where Kosovo is not yet represented. "Our state and strategic goal remains membership in NATO and the EU, as well as in all other organizations where we have a state interest. Strengthening continuous coordination in foreign policy is to the benefit not only of our countries, but also of the wider region. Therefore, the key word of my visit is coordination for a unified foreign policy strategy and action," Osmani declared.


Nikolla receives Osmani: Kosovo, Albania's national priority (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla received the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, who is conducting an official visit to Albania. President Nikolla underlined that Kosovo is a national priority of Albania and Albania-Kosovo cooperation is strategic, with a unique role for stability, security, development and the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the region. The intensification of cooperation between the Assembly of Albania and the Assembly of Kosovo is contributing to the acceleration of the integration of both countries in the EU, of Kosovo in NATO and its representation in international organizations. Albania will continue to support and lobby for Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe and other international organizations. Dialogue supported by the US and the EU is the only path to peace. Albania welcomes the decision to resume the dialogue mediated by the EU. In partnership with our strategic allies USA and EU, Kosovo won the war and with this partnership it will also win peace. The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, thanked President Nikola for the warm reception and congratulated her for the very close and productive cooperation with the Assembly of Kosovo. The cooperation between the institutions of the two countries must increase especially in the field of foreign policy, for which we must define concrete objectives. Kosovo needs the support of Albania and the coordination of the two countries makes us a stronger voice in the region and more reliable of our partners and friends. Kosovo has been and will be for the continuation of the dialogue, based on the recommendations of our strategic partners, the USA and the EU, whose support facilitates and brings closer the realization of our national objectives.