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Belgrade Media Report 8 September



Vucic: Pristina shows that their power has no limits and that they can do whatever they want (RTS)


Serbian President Vucic said, on the occasion of the upcoming high-level negotiations in Brussels, that the problems are piling up. A day after Jens Stoltenberg said that he expects significant consultations from Pristina when it comes to issues that can affect security, Albanian police officers stormed a factory in Zubin Potok to show that their power has no limits and that they can do whatever they want, noted Vucic. Since Kurti came to power, the President said, 401 attacks on Serbs have been recorded, including 15 attacks on Serbian children.

Vucic said that there were discussions with the representatives of the Serbs to accept the holding of the elections in Kosovo and Metohija, but the thing about which there is no compromise is to leave their country. “They also tried yesterday, before they were pressured by the US and the EU, to bring in their police officers, to push them out. Every day, Kurti regime deals with nothing but mistreatment of Serbs,” said Vucic. According to him, we are trying to make our response moderate, but also strong, so that our people in Kosovo and Metohija can understand the message of their country. He mentioned that our hands are pretty much tied. “The moving out of institutions will probably continue, but our people will see how to oppose it in a peaceful way,” says Vucic and points out that the agreements that were signed do not include bases for the accommodation of police in the north of Kosovo.


There is mood for elections in the ruling parties, it is important that the talks on Kosovo and Metohija and the session of the UN Security Council take place

Regarding the demand of part of the opposition to hold extraordinary parliamentary elections, he says that he spoke with representatives of political parties in power and that there is a mood to fulfil the demands of “representatives of the former regime”. “The technical details of how and at what point to carry it out remain,” adds Vucic. However, he points out that it is important that the talks on Kosovo and Metohija and the session of the UN Security Council take place. He adds, he will hold joint meetings with the representatives of the authorities to ask them to take into account all the “demands and threats of the representatives of the former regime”, and to make a decision accordingly. It is important for democracy in Serbia, he emphasizes, that we are ready to respect the rights of the minority.


Petkovic: Pristina’s alibi cannot pass any further, Stoltenberg lectured Osmani (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced that Vjosa Osmani obviously did not have a good time in the conversation with the NATO representatives in Brussels, so in a fit of panic and helplessness she once again resorted to lies and conspiracy theories, accusing Belgrade of everything and anything, which is why she once again failed and frivolous and funny. “Guided by the conviction that one should lie as blatantly as possible in order for a lie to pass as the truth, Osmani deceived herself because she allowed herself to think that in Brussels she was talking to uninformed and gullible people who, however, clearly see the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and recognize without hesitation in Pristina the culprit for destabilization on the field,” Petkovic points out. Pristina’s attempt, he assessed, to find an alibi for the attempted ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija in some kind of malign influence of Belgrade, cannot pass anywhere anymore, and Osmani found out about it in an immediate way - by being told by NATO Secretary General at the press conference, where she was introduced as “Ms. Osmani from Kosovo” and where she was clearly told that the so-called KBS cannot go to the north of the province. “NATO witnessed the cruelty and unscrupulousness of Greater Albanian chauvinism in Kosovo and Metohija in March 2004, and I am convinced that no one, not even in Brussels, looks with sympathy on the attempts of Kurti and his ideological associates to provoke a repeat of the March pogrom and a new war on Western Balkans,” adds Petkovic. Serbia, he notes, based on UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement from Kumanovo, consistently cooperates with NATO forces in Kosovo and Metohija, and this cooperation takes place in an institutionalized way and in good faith, because it is in the mutual interest that in the southern there be peace in the Serbian province, and let the Serb people be protected from the cruelty and arbitrariness of Albin Kurti. “Belgrade will continue to be an honest and reliable partner of the international community in efforts to ensure lasting peace and stability in the Western Balkans, so that the people of this region, in cooperation and in common interest, will turn a new page of history, and on that page there will be no room for Kurti, neither for the Osmani, nor for other arsonists,” concluded the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Mojsilovic receives Ohio National Guard commander (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic on Thursday received Ohio National Guard Commander Maj-Gen John Harris to discuss the present security situation in the region and possibilities for further advancement of bilateral military cooperation. The parties noted that cooperation between the SAF and the Ohio National Guard, established 17 years ago as part of a Serbia-US state partnership programme, was developed and substantial and constantly being advanced, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said in a statement. They especially stressed the significance of joint activities in the domain of training, development of NCO corps and cyberdefence for achieving interoperability and raising the level of the operational capabilities of the armed forces. They agreed that expanding the cooperation from the military to the civilian sector opened up new possibilities for advancing the relations, especially, by carrying out various humanitarian assistance projects, which will create a long-term positive effect on the life of Serbian citizens. The statement also said the signing of a protocol on cooperation between Serbia and the US state of Ohio, which took place at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia earlier in the day, was a testimony to that and represented a new framework for further development of relations in areas of mutual interest.


Dacic: Serbia, US on right track to advance their relationship (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday Serbia and the US were on the right track to advance their relationship. Addressing an America Day in Belgrade conference, hosted by the Serbian-American Friendship Congress in the Serbian parliament building, Dacic said Serbia-US ties had a history that was over 140 years long and that there was no reason whatsoever to hide that great tradition and that it was something to be proud of. "What I want to point out is the fundamental principles every state has - that foreign policy is a part of national and state interests," Dacic said. Unlike others who started both WWI and WWII, Serbia has been on the right side in events crucial for the history of mankind, Dacic said, noting that Serbia had paid a high price for its desire for freedom. "I think that Serbia is a dependable and predictable partner and it wants to forge political and economic ties, as well as ties in defence and security," Dacic said. Serbia's leverage is small compared to the US but it has expressed full willingness to normalise the relations, which can also be confirmed by the Ohio National Guard, he said. "We will continue to be a constructive factor in the Balkans and we ask our partners, the US in particular, to have that in mind and that we create a foundation for making our relations a true partnership and friendship," Dacic said.


Activities on strengthening economic cooperation with Ohio (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with representatives of the civilian part of the Ohio National Guard delegation, headed by Director of the Ohio Department of Development Lydia Mihalik. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on modalities for additional improvement of bilateral relations, primarily economic cooperation. Dacic pointed out that Serbia is determined to strengthen overall relations with the USA, to which the long-term successful cooperation with the Ohio National Guard makes a strong contribution. He said that Serbia is ready to continue joint engagement with the aim of further strengthening the civil-military and civil-civilian components through the State Partnership Programme with Ohio, along with a series of military-military cooperation activities. During the talks, an agreement was reached that the continuous intensification of economic cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the USA is a common goal. The Serbian Foreign Minister emphasised that our country has a strong interest in raising cooperation with Ohio to a significantly higher level, so that, as in our relations with the USA, economic cooperation would be one of the key pillars. The Memorandum of Understanding, which the Ohio Department of Development signed today with the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, will certainly contribute to this, he said, adding that this document will also help to network our business communities. Serbia and Ohio, in accordance with their economic priorities that overlap in many spheres, will be able to intensify mutual cooperation, especially in key areas such as the digital economy, the agricultural and food sector and green energy, Dacic pointed out.


Great potential for strengthening economic cooperation between Serbia, Ohio (Tanjug)


Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali spoke yesterday with a business delegation of the American state of Ohio, led by Director of the Ohio Department of Development Lydia Mihalik. Mali informed his interlocutor about the economic successes of Serbia, pointing out that our country, despite all challenges, continues to progress and record good results. He underlined that in the last ten years, Serbia has gone from a country that was on the verge of bankruptcy to the fact that in 2027 it will host the specialised international exhibition Expo 2027. In the last decade, we have managed to double our GDP in absolute terms, reach a historically low unemployment rate and have record foreign direct investments. We are currently building nine highways, increasing salaries and pensions, and with all that, we are keeping the public debt under control, he said. Mihalik congratulated Serbia on the excellent results it achieved and on the fact that Belgrade will host the Expo2027, and emphasised that she was impressed by the knowledge and desire to change something that she saw in her hosts at previous meetings in Belgrade. According to her, the business delegation from Ohio will certainly return to Serbia, given that it sees great potential for close cooperation in our country. Mihalik previously signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of economic development with a representative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, with the aim of strengthening and improving economic ties between the two countries. From 2020 to 2022, Serbian exports to Ohio increased by 100.5 percent, while in the same period, exports from Ohio to Serbia increased by 29 percent. The Ohio-Serbia State Partnership Programme was established in September 2006.


Serbia, Ohio sign Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in economy (Beta)


The Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Department of Development (ODD) signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in economic development on Thursday, with the aim of strengthening and advancing the two states’ commercial ties. The memorandum was signed in the Serbian Chamber by the director of its Sector for Strategic Analyses, Services and Internationalization Mihajlo Vesovic and the director of ODD Lydia Mihalik. Vesovic stated that the years-long military cooperation between Serbia and Ohio obtained “a civilian dimension” with this agreement. Mihalik said that the signing of the memorandum represented the opening of a new chapter in cooperation between Serbia and Ohio. “The agreement represents the foundation for further cooperation, for joint work on exchanging expertise and best practices,” Mihalik said. Major-General John Harris, who is heading the state delegation of Ohio visiting Serbia, stated that cooperation in defense between Serbia and Ohio was excellent and continuing to grow stronger.


Firm friendship between Serbia, Cyprus (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia Andreas Photiou, who recently handed over letters of credence to President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. Dacic wished his interlocutor welcome and a successful mandate as Ambassador of Cyprus, and expressed his belief that bilateral relations, which are based on firm friendship, mutual trust and the historically confirmed closeness and solidarity of the two peoples, will be further improved during his mandate. During the talks, firm positions regarding support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Cyprus were reiterated. Mutual satisfaction was expressed with the level of cooperation achieved in multilateral forums, especially in terms of defence of key foreign policy priorities of the two countries.


Orlic: Serbia’s relations with US open fruitful (Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic stated yesterday that relations between Serbia and the US were open and fruitful in a way that had not been the case in decades. During the marking of the Day of America, Orlic said that relations between the two countries had been marked by some of the greatest challenges for the entire world, such as the two world wars, during which the two countries were allies. “It is that very policy of freedom that we are pursuing today, by making our own decisions and listening to the voice of the people,” he stated during a conference in the Serbian parliament, organized by the Serbian-American Friendship Congress. Orlic also said that, by establishing a strategic dialogue, Serbia wanted to make relations with the US more intensive and substantial. “The relations are now open and fruitful in a way not seen in decades,” the parliament speaker pointed out. He thanked the US for supporting the Open Balkans project and Serbia on its European path.


Deadline given by Pristina to the Serbian institutions to leave the building in North Mitrovica is expiring, employees were still at their workplaces last night (RTS/Tanjug)


Today expires the deadline given by the provisional Pristina institutions to the employees in the building where the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Provincial PIO Fund, the Center for Social Work from Vucitrn and the Kosovska Mitrovica Administrative District are located, to leave their premises. Nexhat Ugljanin, who after last year’s elections, which were boycotted by the Serbs, became the president of the Municipal Assembly of North Mitrovica, said that the international community asked for another postponement of the decision on eviction. Employees and directors of Serbian institutions located in a building in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, in the Bosnjacka mahala neighborhood, have not left their workplaces since yesterday. During the past night, the lights were on in the building, and according to the employees, they refuse the request of the provisional Pristina institutions to leave the building. In front of the building in Bosnjacka Mahala, there is a large number of media crews, as well as members of KFOR and the Italian Carabinieri.


Together Party: Everyone together in elections, we will overcome evil (Vreme/Beta)


Together Party co-president Nebojsa Zelenovic has said that the demands voiced in the Serbia Against Violence protests can only be met by a new cabinet, which needs to be voted in by a new parliament that will result from a majority will to end violence in society. "The call on the citizens to continue the battle for the fulfillment of the demands voiced in the protests and force the government to hold elections by the end of the year is the cornerstone of an agreement reached by the Democratic Party, Serbia Center - SRCE and Together, last week," Zelenovic said in an article that he penned for Vreme weekly, saying that the agreement was not directed against anyone who belonged to the "true opposition". "We will win if all the parties and political organizations, which truly believe that we will win the battle for a normal life, unite. However, this is not enough," Zelenovic stressed. "All together, in elections, we will defeat evil," Zelenovic said in the article titled "Serbia Can Only Be Saved by Its Citizens".




Dodik: RS police receives instruction on how to proceed in case of Schmidt (ATV)


Addressing media in Banja Luka on Thursday, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that, if Christian Schmidt imposes the Law on State Property, the RS will immediately declare independence. Dodik announced that the RS police received instruction on how to proceed in the case of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt, after it was announced that he would be arrested and deported if he came to the RS. The reporter notes that media outlets reported on Thursday that the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) was officially instructed how to act in case HR Schmidt enters the RS, i.e. to deport him, however the information has not been officially confirmed.  Earlier on Thursday, another information was released, i.e. that Dodik ordered the RS government to adopt a decree to ban HR Schmidt from entering or staying in the RS. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Security and DNS leader Nenad Nesic addressed the same press conference as RS President Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka on Thursday and said that Christian Schmidt is not secured in B&H by the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies, but he has security from Germany. Nesic also said that he does not respect Schmidt and will not implement his decisions. “Let him prosecute me. There is no HR in B&H. Christian Schmidt is a German citizen who is staying here illegally”, added Nesic. Nesic told media that DNS gave full support to Dodik who actually defends the RS and the Serb people by defending himself nowadays. According to Nesic, the process against Dodik that is underway “is not a process against Dodik but against the RS President who represents unity of the Serb people.” Speaking about Schmidt, Nesic underlined: “I want to use this opportunity to say that the Minister of Security does not respect him and will not implement his decisions. He can be free to prosecute me.”


Cvijanovic at forum in Poland on HR: There is foreign bureaucrat imposed by foreigners, who still claims he has right to unilaterally impose laws and remove democratically elected officials (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic addressed attendees of the ‘32nd Economic Forum Karpacz 2023’ in Poland during a forum titled ‘The Western Balkans – Regional Initiatives and European Integration’. Cvijanovic stated, among other issues, that in B&H, almost three decades after signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), there is a foreign bureaucrat imposed by the foreigners, and on whose appointment the citizens did not decide, who still claims he has the right to unilaterally impose laws and remove democratically elected officials. She said that international interventions complicated rather than alleviated problems. Cvijanovic stressed that the neo-colonial arrangement is a disgrace for values and ideals of Europe. She said: “The sooner the Office of the High Representative (OHR) closes down, the sooner B&H will start to turn into a stable, multiethnic and democratic state and we will start meeting requirements for the EU accession faster”. She stated that arbitrary and malicious constitutional and political interventions of HRs often appeared harmful and counter-productive for political processes in B&H and even former HRs now say that the OHR is part of a problem and not a solution in B&H. Cvijanovic argued that as long as the OHR exists, true and organic democracy and progress in B&H are impossible. In her opinion, the problem is that some European countries do not understand regional complexity and thus, they give themselves the right to promote political and constitutional practice that they would never accept in their own countries. Cvijanovic pointed out that foreigners additionally complicated the situation in B&H. Cvijanovic also stated that the entire world is faced with geo-political challenges while even Western Balkan countries are not immune to crises that Europe deliberately created.


Viskovic calls on Schmidt to secure the paperwork for working in B&H (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic has called on Christian Schmidt to secure the paperwork for working in B&H or to get back to his country and enjoy life. Speaking about the announced decree that will ban Schmidt from entering the RS, Viskovic said it is high time he (Schmidt) is held accountable for his actions. According to the RS PM, if the Dayton Constitution stipulates that the High Representative needs to have confirmation from the UN Security Council, “and the gentleman in question” does not have it, then he cannot be legal and cannot be recognized as such in the RS. Viskovic further stated he has nothing against him (Schmidt) nor the country he comes from, stressing they would do the same if such a person came from the Russian Federation or any EU country.


Becirovic on Dodik’s threats against HR Schmidt: PIC should support HR, who should remove Dodik (Dnevni avaz)


Member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic reacted to ‘brutal’ threats of RS President Milorad Dodik that the police stations in the RS will have the task to expel Christian Schmidt as soon as they learn he is in the RS and that a decree is being prepared about the arrest and deportation of Schmidt. According to Becirovic’s statement, Dodik’s brutal threats to legal High Representative of the international community in B&H remind of threats issued by convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic. According to Becirovic, he has been warning international and local officials for weeks and months that an open attack on the constitutional order of B&H is ongoing, as well as on provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), adding that we are facing far-reaching consequences on the peace and stability in this part of Europe. Becirovic went on to say, among other issues, that the essence of Dodik’s brutal threat against the HR is not of personal nature. “This is not just an attack on Schmidt. It is a direct threat against the West, the Dayton Peace Accords, the peace process and the state of B&H”, stated Becirovic, who publicly called on the Peace Implementation Council to firmly support the HR, who should adopt a decision on removal of Dodik from the position of the RS President because of anti-Dayton activities.


Cvijanovic responds to Becirovic: RS leaders are elected and removed by RS citizens and not by PIC (EuroBlic)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the RS is democratic, and its leaders are elected and removed by citizens and not by the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) or anyone else from abroad. “We, in the RS, do not call foreigners to help change our Constitution so that we can form the authorities”, Cvijanovic added. Asked to comment on the call of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic to the Peace Implementation Council to “support the self-proclaimed High Representative” Christian Schmidt in removal of RS President Milorad Dodik in the shortest possible time, Cvijanovic replied by saying that Becirovic can call whomever he wants in an attempt to “use someone else’s muscles to settle accounts with the RS”. “B&H is not and will not be a hotspot, regardless of how hard Becirovic is trying to attract the international attention. The Dayton Peace Agreement was destroyed by foreign interventions, including those done by Christian Schmidt who was not appointed to the position of the High Representative in line with provisions of this same agreement which Becirovic relies on”, Cvijanovic said.


Salkic invites Schmidt to come to RS and show Dodik whether he can arrest him; Salkic, Hurtic, Ramic call on Schmidt to implement Annex 7 of Dayton Peace Agreement (Hayat)


Bosniak Representative in the RS parliament Ramiz Salkic invited the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt to coffee in Bratunac or Banja Luka to show the RS President Milorad Dodik whether he can arrest Schmidt. It would be an opportunity for Schmidt to get acquainted with what Bosniaks in the RS are facing, said Salkic. Salkic, representative in the RS parliament Amir Hurtic and representative in B&H Parliament Edin Ramic sent a letter to Schmidt in which they called on him to take a concrete reaction in order to implement Annex 7 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). They said that, out of 7,000 police officers in the RS, only 330 are Bosniaks.


US Embassy on Dodik’s threats against HR Schmidt: Dodik’s threat is unconstitutional (Dnevni avaz)


The US Embassy posted a statement on X (former Twitter) following the announcement by RS President Milorad Dodik that he will not allow the High Representative to enter the territory of the RS. “Milorad Dodik’s threat to prevent the High Representative from entering B&H RS entity and to limit his freedom of movement is unconstitutional.  This represents yet another deliberate attack by Mr. Dodik on the Dayton Peace Agreement, B&H’s constitutional order, and the state of B&H. The High Representative is responsible for overseeing the implementation of civilian aspects of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which obligates officials to cooperate with him, and he enjoys diplomatic status throughout B&H under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Mr. Dodik’s reckless threats and ridiculous claims about the High Representative’s status and authority are unacceptable and represent yet another step down a dangerous path that he has chosen – a path of isolation. The United States fully supports the High Representative and his use of the Bonn Powers when necessary, and it will continue to hold accountable those individuals who engage in anti-Dayton behaviour”, reads the Embassy’s statement.


Sarrazin meets Dodik; Sarrazin: Secessionist policy, attacks on state institutions, on media and civil society, as well as on High Representative, have consequences (RTRS/BHT1)


RS President Milorad Dodik met German government’s Special Representative for the Western Balkans countries Manuel Sarrazin in Banja Luka on Thursday. The reporter noted that the RS and Germany have totally different views on High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt, as the RS observes him as a German citizen with a status of a tourist while Germany observes him as the HR and disputing him implies economic sanctions. According to RTRS, this was pretty much obvious during the meeting of Dodik and Sarrazin in Banja Luka on Thursday. Dodik and Sarrazin also discussed the announced decree on arrest and deportation of Schmidt if he enters the territory of the RS. Sarrazin did not comment on this issue following the meeting, but he told Sarajevo media on Wednesday evening that Germany will not allow this. In his opinion, this is unconstructive and irresponsible. Sarrazin said: “I believe we should make it clear that this is not alright and that we oppose such a thing.” According to Dodik, he told Sarrazin to tell Schmidt not to come. Dodik reiterated that the RS rejects Schmidt's activities because he is missing legitimacy of the UN Security Council (UNSC). According to Dodik, the RS has alternatives for implementation of projects, whose financing the government of Germany suspended. Sarac noted that despite of the arguments, Sarrazin said that he supports Schmidt, and he condemned secessionist policy of the RS and the alleged attacks on institutions of B&H. Germany supports HR Schmidt and all of his activities, while policies of the RS leadership aimed against Schmidt are unacceptable, underlined Sarazzin in a statement for BHT1 during visit to B&H. Sarazzin went on to saying that conducting secessionist policy, attacks on the state institutions of B&H and reducing freedom of media and the civil society are unacceptable and cannot lead B&H to the EU. During the meeting with Sarazzin, Dodik reiterated his stances. He underlined that the RS rejects any type of acting of Schmidt as High Representative, because the UN Security Council (UN SC) has not confirmed his appointment, as demanded by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “By falsely presenting himself as High Representative, Schmidt inflicts damage and jeopardizes sovereignty of B&H. The issue of property is also solved by the DPA, and it belongs to entities”, explained Dodik. Reporter noted that some expected meeting of Sarazzin and Dodik will result in unblocking of four infrastructural projects worth EUR 105 million. However, it has not happened. Sarazzin explained that due to secessionist policy of the RS, Germany will not resume with implementation of abovementioned investments. This was assessed as political and economic pressure. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that they demanded German KFV bank to present its stances in regard to decision of German government, i.e. to interrupt investments in the RS. “The bank verbally stated that they do not want to implement decision of German government and that they will remain part of the project”, stressed Viskovic. Following the meeting with Dodik, Sarrazin stated that he had excellent talks with HR Schmidt the day before, and that he conveyed to Dodik that it is of crucial importance to ratify the agreement on the mobility within the Berlin Process, and B&H to join the Regional Declaration on Energy Security. Sarrazin also stated that he again explained to Dodik the reason for successive termination of four big projects in the RS financed by Germany, total value of EUR 105 million, and underscored that pursuing secessionist policy, attacks on the state institutions, on the media and civil society, as well as on the HR have consequences. Sarrazin concluded by stating that Germany wants B&H to become an EU member, but that requires different policy and that he once again made it very clear to Dodik that Germany resolutely supports HR Schmidt. Due to the political crisis caused by political officials in the RS, the German government had no political space, that is why the decision was made to withdraw investments from the RS, worth 105 million EUR, and that the key to continued cooperation is in Dodik's hands, Sarazzin said. Dodik replied that the withdrawal of the German projects is creating political and economic pressure on RS, but that the RS has an alternative, and that the RS rejects any kind of action by Schmidt. Dodik also noted that new investors have already been found and that the RS will request compensation for the damage that “such a stupid decision of German government” caused. Dodik informed Sarrazin about, what he called, an attempt of taking away the state property from the RS and added that the property belongs to entities. Dodik told media: “I also told him (Sarrazin) that the most important issue for us is the property.” Dodik added that the RS will “pass a decision on independence” if Schmidt imposes a decision on state property.


Dodik and Sarrazin present opposing views regarding agreements with Kosovo (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik and German government’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin discussed in Banja Luka on Thursday the adoption of agreements that are required at the B&H level for mutual recognition of diplomas between B&H and Kosovo and allowing – as ATV reported – “citizens of self-proclaimed Kosovo” to enter B&H only using ID cards. Dodik told Sarrazin that adoption of these agreements would mean formal recognition of Kosovo, which the RS will not allow, and added that Germany recognized Kosovo on the basis of “numerous lies”. ATV reported that, asked by Dodik what benefits the RS would get by allowing adoption of these agreements, Sarazzin “cynically answered” that the RS citizens would then be able to visit Visoki Decani in Kosovo. Dodik responded saying that the entry with ID cards will not be allowed for citizens from Kosovo, since the RS citizens can already visit Visoki Decani.


Sarrazin meets with representatives of the RS opposition (FTV)


German government’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin met with representatives of the RS opposition in Banja Luka on Thursday. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Head of RS SDS Caucus Vukota Govedarica said that: “On behalf of the SDS Caucus, I presented the status of the B&H Constitutional Court, and classic failure to adhere to Article 3 that clearly states what property belongs to entities”. Head of RS PDP Caucus Igor Crnadak expressed satisfaction over having the opportunity for the first time to, as PDP Caucus, “inform the highest German representative for this region of all this issue, of course with our position that we would like to see better political and economic relations as much as it is possible”. The reporter comments that the opposition officials also showed off over the fact that Sarrazin informed them about parts of his conversation with RS President Milorad Dodik. Addressing the press conference, Head of the List ‘For Justice and Order’ Caucus Nebojsa Vukanovic said that they asked Sarrazin about what Dodik said and what kind of messages he conveyed. “He said: He told us that he has no plan or strategy and that his policy is an unguided bomb, (depending on) how he wakes up in the morning and whatever he hits”. The RS opposition also informed Sarrazin that there is no conversation about competences, property and institutions of the RS. They also used the opportunity to complain about on bad election conditions and economic cooperation with Germany. Vukanovic said that he asked Sarrazin why the international community and the EU tolerate this behavior of Dodik and why Schmidt tolerates that someone calls him an idiot and a worldly thief adding that they did not get answers to the questions. The RS opposition said they are committed to the DPA. PDP’s Igor Crnadak told Sarrazin that their absolute priority is the RS, its role and position as defined by the DPA, its competences, its property and institutions and its mechanisms of protection. RS MP Vukota Govedarica (SDS) confirmed to media that the RS’ constitutional position and competences, including property, were discussed at the meeting with Sarrazin.


B&H CoM removes from agenda Draft Law on Courts in B&H (BN TV)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) removed the Law on Courts in B&H from the agenda of the B&H CoM’s session on Thursday. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that harmonization continues while certain competences and definitions are disputed. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac argued that Law on Courts in B&H cannot be discussed as long as there is no Law on Constitutional Court of B&H. The reporter added that the Law on Courts in B&H was removed from the agenda at Kosarac's request. Kosarac stated: “We are fully committed to the implementation of the conclusions of the RS National Assembly and in this context, we see absolutely no need to partially, from the aspect of the judiciary, and the need to enact certain laws arising from 14 priorities, to first discuss the Law on Courts, while the working group has not yet submitted a draft law on the Constitutional Court of B&H”. Kosarac said that he expects that in the next 15-20 days, the working group for the judiciary will bring the new text of the Law on Constitutional Court of B&H to the B&H CoM, and then the conditions will be met for the discussion of the laws that regulate the B&H judiciary. Konakovic said that matters such as where the building of the future High Court of B&H will be located are disputed.  Konakovic stated: “We really have different interpretations of lawyers from all ethnic groups. Therefore, so that we do not have any admixture of entity or ethnic problems. There is this problem regarding the definition of economic crime, whether it is sufficiently well positioned, and these are still dilemmas that our expert teams are considering before final adoption. Of course, there is the formal problem of the seat, in which we have nothing against this institution being located in the B&H entity of RS. Our proposal is Istocno Sarajevo for the sake of functionality, for the sake of costs, for the sake of proximity to the prison and SIPA (State Investigation and Protection Agency) and some other institutions. Colleagues from the RS want it to be Banja Luka, and that is what is being discussed”. Due to the non-transparent work of the B&H CoM, the public could only find out from the media what is in the Draft Law on Courts in B&H, added the reporter.  Namely, according to that draft, and the legal interpretations, the Court of B&H and the B&H Prosecutor's Office will not be competent to prosecute criminal acts of corruption committed only in one entity, which many see as a space for political influence on the judiciary. Konakovic said that the competences of courts and prosecutor’s offices in the new law are not yet clear. Konakovic stated: “This is a very, very important piece of legislation. We are not ready for its adoption until we define in detail whether this competence is equivalent or expanded, and whether it is still functional when it comes to criminal acts committed in both entities”.


Sattler: B&H was given opportunity to make progress on path to EU, you should use it (Dnevni avaz)


Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler stated in an interview for daily that last year’s granting of EU candidate status sent a clear signal that the door to EU membership is open for B&H if B&H implements the necessary reforms. “We repeatedly called on political leaders and institutions to use this opportunity, for the benefit of all citizens”, Sattler noted. He added that on one hand, he is glad about the positive change in productivity of institutions, with more constructive approach and better cooperation among actors. He underlined that this allowed significant steps towards key reforms. Sattler noted that the recently adopted reform laws represent an improvement of the existing legislation framework, although some reforms might need additional upgrading. “The EU will carefully monitor implementation of the adopted amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council in order to ensure that they are effectively implemented and that they truly represent a step forward”, said Sattler. On the other hand, he warned, the criminalization of defamation in the RS, new reduction of public space for civil society and repeated undermining of constitutional order in the RS are hindering B&H’s progress, Sattler warned. He noted that political dialogue is improved compared to previous years, and underlined that this fact, along with the new opportunities on the EU path, should motivate politicians to focus on new reforms and avoid crises. Speaking about the EU integration process, Sattler said that it is very transparent, and that the steps which B&H needs to make in order to achieve progress are clearly outlined in the European Commission’s (EC) Opinion on B&H’s Membership Application, as well as annual reports. “The EU is the union of values which must be built into the legal order of the state. It is necessary to meet the standards in areas such as the rule of law, protection of human rights, fight against corruption and functioning of institutions and market economy”, Sattler emphasized. He reminded that EC President Ursula Von der Leyen announced the new growth plan for Western Balkans which will allow additional financial support for the region. In order to be able to access these funds, B&H will have to implement economic reforms. Sattler urged B&H political leaders to use the offered opportunity. Sattler criticized criminalization of defamation in the RS, noting that the amendments to the RS Criminal Code introduced unnecessary limitations for independent media and civil society. Asked to comment the indictment against RS President Milorad Dodik and the recent protests held in support of Dodik, Sattler said that criminal proceedings against any person, including Dodik, must be free of any influence and be based on facts and evidence. He added that inciting activities which cause divisions on any sensitive issue should be avoided.

Speaking about the annual report of the EC on B&H, which is expected later this year, Sattler said that he still cannot comment the report, but it will be an objective, fact-based review of situation. Sattler stated that EU membership brings many benefits. He noted that following the Russian aggression on Ukraine, EU institutions and member states increased their efforts to support all countries in process of EU integration. He underlined that there is the desire to increase the incentive and allow better access to the EU single market and better alignment in areas such as e-commerce and cyber security.


Schmidt responded to Dodik's threats: I'm going to RS next week, let him prepare for some unpleasant moments (FAZ/N1)


In an interview for FAZ, the high representative in B&H, Christan Schmidt, spoke about the threats of arrest sent to him by the RS President Milorad Dodik.


Are you planning to visit RS in the coming days?

"I actually have appointments there in the next few days and weeks, especially in Banja Luka, but also in other cities. I stick to it - and I recommend Mr. Dodik to stop pushing his selfish follies." Schmidt said. However, Dodik put pressure on himself with his rhetoric: If you come to Banja Luka and are not arrested, you will lose the reputation among your supporters that always do what you say. "Then his supporters will realize that he doesn't always do what he says - and that he doesn't do his country any good" Schmidt said.


Would Dodik, as the president of RS, even have the authority to order the police to arrest you?

"I am protected by the Vienna Diplomatic Convention and therefore enjoy immunity anyway, and besides that, Dodik would not have the authority to arrest me or order my arrest because he does not have the authority to give instructions to the police. The prosecution would have to clarify that first. Dodik already tried to report me to the RS, and the smart Banja Luka Public Prosecutor's Office, as a precautionary measure, immediately forwarded this procedure to the State Public Prosecutor's Office in Sarajevo, from whom I heard nothing further. Last but not least, Dodik's behavior is a slap in the face to the EU, which is trying to improve the rule of law in B&H. He is deceiving himself if he believes that there are special rights or special regulations for him. So Mr. Dodik should brace himself for some pretty awkward moments.” Schmidt replied.


You recently said that the option of replacing Dodik remains on the table, for which you theoretically have the authority. However, many doubt that you could implement it because you do not have executive power. Dodik could ignore you?

“These are considerations that are not made in advance. However, an investigation is already underway against Mr. Dodik. By the way, we will see how the international community will deal with someone who massively torpedoes the European path of B&H with his actions, and at the same time acts as a close ally of Vladimir Putin,” said the High Representative.


Prime Minister speaks at Three Seas Business Forum (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic spoke on Thursday at the Business Forum portion of the Three Seas Initiative summit in the Romanian capital.  The informal initiative includes thirteen EU member states between the Adriatic, Baltic, Black, and Aegean Seas - thanks to new member Greece. "One third of Croatia's total trade is with the member states of the Three Seas Initiative," said Plenkovic in explaining the huge importance to the country's economy. "The energy cooperation, the transport cooperation and digital cooperation have been outlined as the key areas to improve our connectivity, increase trade flows and increase mutual benefits," he added. The concept of the Three Seas Initiative, said the prime minister, is to help increase profits and trade. Plenkovic also underlined the importance of further financial investments and increased trans-Atlantic cooperation, saying the EU's usual multi-annual financial frameworks are "not enough". "I think it is important to witness the strong commitment and involvement of the United States of America, which gives this initiative a trans-Atlantic dimension," said Plenkovic. The primary goal is to stimulate the economic growth and resilience of the region through energy, transport and digitalization.


Danilovic: We are looking for a stable government with reconciled representatives of Bosniaks, Serbs and Albanians, a government with 41 deputies is not a success (Adria TV)


Principles exist for people to renounce. We had our reasons, which are politically solid and there is nothing fraudulent about it. We asked that all participants in the dialogue be eventually offered to join the government, but that did not happen. We do not defend any political entity, but we tell those who try to put us in the position of “lawyers” that this is our policy, said the President of the United Montenegro Goran Danilovic as a guest on Adria TV. "It is possible to deviate from what was agreed, but that is not a story for us. Earlier, we fought with one deputy to prevent the reconstruction of the government, and now we said that we are not interested in a shortened version of the government. We need a broader and more stable government," Danilovic pointed out. He said that he was looking forward to the meeting between President Milatovic and Mandator Spajic "if it is true that the topic of the meeting is the formation of the government". "I believe that every conversation can be for the common good. We do not look forward to misunderstandings, we do not wish political harm to those who share a different opinion. It would be good if that meeting was provoked by noticing that something was wrong. From the beginning, there was no progress, except in speculations. It would be good for all of us if tomorrow we were happy with the new reality," said Danilovic. He said that he thinks that the weakness of politicians is stubbornness, that they do not see a mistake in time. “Smart people give in. The fact that bad politicians have made a den out of politics does not mean that smart people in responsible societies do not engage in politics. A smart man accepts a suggestion at any time, even in wartime conditions. I don't think that we have used all the wisdom in the world in the UCG, but let's go back to the beginning to agree on the general benefit of the citizens", Danilovic said. As he pointed out, the government with 41 MPs is not a success "and, in addition, they sow so much hatred to potential partners for the future". “But this is our country. It is much more expensive to be a subject without raising the voice of reason. We need a stable majority, so that the citizens know that we have four years ahead of us for reforms. What we propose is good. Why create so much animosity? Let's go back to the beginning, we haven't gone far. Let's let go of the advice of those who do not wish well for the mandate holder, the president, the government, and ultimately not even our people. "The work is not finished, the official talks were interrupted after the first meeting", emphasizes Danilovic. He underlined that no one wants elections. "Here elections are always a double-edged sword. I am not afraid of public judgment either. We defend the truth and the principle that is important to us. If the citizens do not recognize it, there is no hard feelings. Why waste the energy and political strength you have on small talk? Why the vindictiveness in determining "this one can and this one can't join the government"? I do not agree that there is someone in this society who cannot do something. There are parties around them that glorified Mussolini, but no one jokes with those parties. We will explain to the people that we are no longer the bearers of our sovereignty. Those who want to reconcile us in this way should come to live with us. I don't agree with Montenegro, which will resemble the country at the time when Milo Djukanovic was in charge. We should say that it will be as we decide. We are looking for a stable government with reconciled representatives of Bosniaks, Serbs, Albanians... Let's give people a chance, I am not fighting for someone else's interest but for the interest of my country and I hope that people will recognize that," concluded Danilovic.


Lakovic: We are entering the final stages of negotiations on a new government (TV Vijesti)


The Europe Now Movement (PES) is entering the final stage of negotiations on the formation of a new government, said Miodrag Lakovic, a deputy of that party. Lakovic told TV Vijesti that negotiations are still ongoing with the parties that supported the incumbent Milojko Spajic. "We are not negotiating with the Democratic Party of Socialists and their coalition partners, nor with the Civic Movement URA," added Lakovic. He, without specifying the exact date, said that the initiative for the continuation of the parliament session and the election of the speaker of the parliament will soon follow. "We in our parliamentary club have already done that. I think that the process will be finalized very soon, and we expect the continuation of the session for the election of the president of the parliament", said Lakovic. He said that PES expects increased responsibility from all participants in that process and that an agreement be reached as soon as possible.


Knezevic: Spajic does not have the support of four PES MPs, Milatovic wants to leave the party if Milovic becomes Minister of Justice (TV Vijesti)


One of the leaders of the coalition For the Future of Montenegro Milan Knezevic said, as a guest on TV Vijesti, that they are ready to continue talks with the representative of the 44th government, Milojko Spajic. Knezevic said that the government negotiations with the ZBCG coalition were fake from the beginning. Knezevic said that Milojko Spajic, the mandate holder for the composition of the new government, is inexperienced in politics, and that on the wave of euphoria that arose after the victory of Jakov Milatovic in the presidential elections, he probably thought that the negotiation process would also be successful after the parliamentary elections, in which he expected a much better result. for the Europe Now Movement (PES) to go in the direction of a business or stock market arrangement. "Nevertheless, this is politics and the representative showed inexperience, and as far as the ZBCG coalition is concerned, we did not put a full stop, not even three points, and we invite him to continue where we left off, because he has reached a dead end and is heading in the direction of betraying the electoral will of 11 June and August 30, slowly taking the deputy from the list of the Democratic Party of Socialists with whom he pledged not to form any coalitions. We are ready to continue the talks with Mandator Spajic, and I think it is for his good. he has a political future ahead of him if he shows experience, patience and wisdom, if he doesn't listen to outsiders, neither internal nor external "friends" to call them that, and if he listens to the will of the citizens. If he doesn't do that, he can go out like a shooting star," said Knezevic. He claims that the mandate for the composition of the new government and the leader of the Europe Now Movement (PES) Milojko Spajic does not have the support of four MPs from his list, one MP of the United Montenegro, and that the SNP (Socialist People's Party) has not yet decided whether he will be part of the story, and that PES official Andrej Milovic says that they are ready to negotiate with the Social Democrats (SD). "Is it a betrayal of the electoral will? Why did someone rush and run to put an end to the talks. Because the talks and negotiations with the ZBCG coalition were faked from the beginning," said Knezevic.


Some people from PES met with Vucic more times than I did

According to him, some people from the Europe Now Movement (PES) met with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and his closest associates more than he did, and that the President of Montenegro and the Deputy President of the PES, Jakov Milatovic, told them that. Knezevic said that Milojko Spajic told him on 17 June that minority parties are against the ZBCG coalition, that this is not his position, and that certain foreign embassies, because of his family's partisan background, and the DNP believe that he could be in the government, and to consider the option of having four DNP deputies in the government independently of the New Serbian Democracy. "I flatly refused it. I said Milan Knezevic is not a traitor. Milan Knezevic will be both good and bad with Andrija Mandic when they are on the coalition list and the New Serbian Democracy. Either we are together in the government of Andrija Mandic and DNP or we are not. We didn't have a single meeting until July 19. We had an informal conversation where he announced that he was thinking of giving us European jobs and education. I told him if he was sure that it was enough to give it to us, and that was the end of the conversation Spajic and I had. There were not four departments as was said," said Knezevic. He said that they never received the offer in writing.


Spajic said that he does not know what to do with the SNP

The show showed correspondence from July 27 from the WhatsApp group, whose members were all participants in the government negotiations, including Knezevic and Andrija Mandic. In that correspondence, the ZBCG coalition is offered the positions of the Vice-President of the Government for Capital Investments and Regional Development, the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, Tourism, and two vice-presidential positions in the Assembly. Knezevic said that it was not an official offer. He said that at a meeting in a restaurant he asked Spajic what he would do with the SNP, and that Spajic said that he did not know what to do with the SNP, and that he would talk to the president of that party, Vladimir Jokovic, and give him the Ministry of Sports and Youth. "The Ministry of Sports and Youth offered us at the meeting and said in front of us that they will give that portfolio to Jokovic. Then I realize that Spajić is having parallel conversations," said Knezevic. He added that after two days they will continue that conversation in the Assembly of Montenegro and that Spajic is asking them to support the government of the minority. "We ask him, if we have accepted the principles of reciprocally sharing positions in the government, why ZBCG should receive less than the others," said Knezevic. He said that on July 20, Andrej Milovic, an official of the Europe Now Movement (PES), told him that there was resistance to ZBCG being part of the government, and that the biggest resistance came from Branko Krvavac, who has great influence on Milojko Spajic, and that he was proposing that what is as promised and already given to Bosniaks, ZBCG takes. "I informed Milovic that ZBCG does not want to take anything that does not belong according to the quotas and the electoral will of the citizens, especially not before the meeting with Spajic, which was five or six hours after that," said Knezevic. He said that on July 20 they met with Spajic and that they agreed that the principles were acceptable to them and that they would continue to talk. Knezevic said that four portfolios and two vice-presidential positions in the Assembly offered by Milojko Spajic would be acceptable to them.  "Branko Krvavac and Milojko Spajic told us that in October they will raise a loan of 500 million euros and list Elektroprivreda on the London Stock Exchange. So, Milan Knezevic will not give it to Aleksandar Vucic and Sinica Mali or anyone, but they came out with a projection of what they want to do with Elektroprivreda," said Knezevic.


Jakov Milatovic wants to leave PES if Milovic becomes Minister of Justice

He said that the functionary of the Europe Now Movement (PES) Andrej Milovic told him that he entered into a serious conflict with Jakov Milatovic and that Jakov Milatovic wants to leave the PES if Milovic becomes the Minister of Justice. "He told me that if I don't become the Minister of Justice, I will join your parliamentary club," said Knezevic. He points out that seven portfolios in the government and the position of President of the Assembly belong to them. "Now we should be happy that we get less than everyone else. What is that but discrimination and a certain kind of fascism. You don't think we should bring flowers and thank someone that the voice of Serbs in Montenegro is worth less than all the other peoples," Knezevic said.


The splitting process in PES is inevitable

He thinks that Jakov Milatovic made a clear departure from Milojko Spajic and that there are two PES. "The splitting process in PES is inevitable. He can stop if Spajic, and I invite him again to continue where we left off, if he sincerely wants to form a government. We have until November 12 if the government is not pressured by someone else. On August 19, Spajic told us that he was under serious pressure from the German ambassador, that these were very unpleasant situations, that German Ambassador Peter Felten was shouting at him... Mandic and I told him that we would go to that man together. No matter how much we disagree, we will not let anyone yell at you," Knezevic said. He points out that he would be in the government with the Bosniak Party, but not with the Social Democrats.


President Pendarovski signs Criminal Code amendments into force (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski signed the Decree on the Law amending and supplementing the Criminal Code on Thursday, said the President’s Office in a press release. “The amendments of the Criminal Code, adopted by parliament, do not mean an amnesty for crimes committed while holding an official position. On the contrary, sanctions are still foreseen for the perpetrators of these acts, with the amendments emphasizing the so-called extended confiscation of property. In that section, the amendments to the Code are aligned with the European Directive on the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime, which apart from imprisonment, places the focus on the confiscation of proceeds from the perpetrators of the crimes,” said the press release. According to his Office, President Pendarovski expects the measure of extended confiscation of property to be practiced more often, and in all cases where abuse of office has been identified. Parliament adopted the amendments to the Criminal Code on Wednesday, with 48 votes in favor, 36 votes against and one abstention. The amendments caused reactions in the public because they refer to articles which “soften” the sanctions which concern officials and heads of public enterprises and institutions. According to the government, which flagged the amendments with the EU flag, the amendments are being adopted in order to harmonize with the EU directives. While, according to the opposition, the amendments are an attempted “amnesty” for current officials ahead of a potential change in government. The EU Delegation in Skopje is assessing if the EU flag was misused.


Kovachevski: We have a unique opportunity for swift EU accession, to unite around common goal (MIA)


Today we have the most realistic and unique opportunity for a swift EU accession process, in the next couple of years. I urge all of us together, to unite around the goal ahead of us, and to reach it. The unity with which North Macedonia’s independent future was achieved in 1991 is present today as well, in the determination of the citizens for a European future of our country, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at an event Thursday held at the Macedonian Philharmonic on the eve of 8 September – Independence Day.  The Prime Minister assessed that “the breaks are solely in our hands and in the hands of some politicians within the country.” “The reasons for attempts like these are related to foreign interests in terms of geostrategic positioning, different from the Macedonia Euro-Atlantic strategic goal. They are related to populism for political, pre-electoral and personal, material goals,” said Kovachevski. The PM warned that if the country doesn’t take the necessary step in the Euro-integrations alongside its Western Balkan neighbors, it faces the danger of another isolation. He urged the country to continue down the outlined path of progress, “as it did in 1903, 1944 and 1991.” “Let’s not focus on deviations, but on progress. Let’s not make room for anyone to identify us and place us in their own historical context. Because we have our own history and our language, affirmed on a scientific, international level. Let’s continue to affirm ourselves in the international family of peoples and nations, to sit side by side with other countries in the democratic alliances. Because this is the only way for our arguments, known by the world’s science, to also be recognized by the world’s politics,” stressed Kovachevski. The Prime Minister said “the herald of freedom, 8 September, on the eve of this great and significant holiday of Macedonian statehood – the Independence Day, calls for a new confident step forward”. “Thirty-two years ago, in 1991, with a majority of over 95 percent of the citizens, the will for an independent Macedonian state of the generations before us, was fulfilled, a will that resounds from Ilinden 1903 and ASNOM 1944. Thirty-two years later we face the will of 80 percent of the citizens, who are calling for life in Europe, within the EU, but in their birth country of North Macedonia,” said Kovachevski. “The generations of today,” he said, “have an obligation to respond to that call on this September 8, which asks us to continue the centuries-long idea for progress.” “This is an opportunity that comes at a time when North Macedonia is an internationally established country, a country that confidently steps on the path to the EU, with ensured borders, with a recognized Macedonian language and identity, a country which serves as an example for a successful multi-ethnic democracy, which contributes to regional and European peace, as a free and sovereign country and a NATO member,” stressed Kovachevski. Kovachevski reminded that this opportunity comes at a time when September 2023 was designated as Macedonian American Heritage Month in the United States; when the German Bundestag affirmed the Macedonian language, culture and history; in conditions when the first agreement with the European Commission, the Frontex Agreement has been signed in Macedonian, and when the entire European acquis is being translated in Macedonian.  The PM reminded of “the most critical stage after the country’s independence, in 1992, when the Lisbon Declaration was adopted that said the state would not be recognized at all if it contained the word Macedonia in its name”. “Today, after 30 years, the reality is completely different. Today, Europe and the world are talking about a Macedonian country, Macedonian people and a Macedonian language. Today, our country, the Republic of North Macedonia is an internationally recognized country, whose borders are on the global map. And this is, and must be what drives us. Today, the breaks are solely in our hands, and in the hands of some politicians within the country. North Macedonia is already an internationally recognized country in terms of its territory and identity, through science, art, literature. But also as a political reality. And if this is the case, then why would you block your own perspective?” said Kovachevski. The Prime Minister reminded of a time when the country faced numerous crises, “an embargo, transition, military conflict in 2001, regime, international isolation.” “Through wise decisions and unity, we managed to renew democracy in 2017. And we renewed our relations with the strategic partners. In 2020, North Macedonia became the 30th full-fledged member of NATO. After 17 whole years since the country received its EU candidate status, last year, in 2022, we launched negotiations with the EU. And today we have the most realistic and only such opportunity, for a swift EU accession process in the next couple of years,” said Kovachevski. The Prime Minister said that the past 12 years have taught us that Macedonian stability is directly linked to the country’s integration within NATO and EU, as well as its internal ethnic cohesion. “We learned that we must make allies, instead of enemies. And that we must act together and united. We felt the meaning of international isolation and non-democratic government. We saw what interethnic intolerance brings, which then leads to ethnocentric, populist and downright irresponsible policies,” stressed Kovachevski. Kovachevski said that unity, as a European value, is a part of the Macedonian DNA and has always risen above discord, regardless of its source. “And that’s why today, we have nothing to run away from, nor anything to fear. There have always been and there will always be challenges, and the best way to deal with the challenges is to face them and tackle them. A challenge is an opportunity to do your best. And this unique chance for progress, directly linked to our EU integration is ahead of us at this very moment. We find ourselves in a unique context, in which due to the geopolitical circumstances and the need to ensure the stability of the European continent, the EU and the international democratic community need us, just as we need them,” said Kovachevski. If the country fails to take the necessary step in the Euro-integrations, according to the Prime Minister, it will miss a chance to progress, and it will regress “to a new darkness in which it will spend a long time aimlessly wandering, as it did for 11 years in the past.” “The political leaderships, parliament and the people in our country, have always done what is necessary. Because of everything, this must be the case today too. Freedom also means responsibility. And that’s why, we should listen to the voice of September 8 and take a step forward. I am working, and will continue working, and I urge all of us together, to unite around the goal ahead of us, and to reach it. The unity with which North Macedonia’s independent future was achieved in 1991 is present today as well, in the determination of the citizens for a European future of our country,” said the Prime Minister in his address at the event titled “32 Years of Independence”. The event was attended by members of the government, representative of institutions, academic community, businessmen, diplomatic corps. It began with the national anthem and a historical overview by Aleksandar Litovski from the Institute of National History. It kicked off the Independence Day activities organized by the government, which are set to continue on Friday with cultural events, promotions, sports activities.


Kovachevski - Geer: Next step toward European goal important for quality of citizens' lives and stability in Europe (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met Thursday with EU Ambassador David Geer, who reaffirmed the strong support of the European partners to North Macedonia's EU integration progress. The next political step on the European path is directly related to the improvement of the living standard of Macedonian citizens but also important for the stability of the European continent, the Government said in a press release. Interlocutors agreed that all political stakeholders and institutions in the country must focus on the decisions that bring North Macedonia closer to the European goal.


Pendarovski meets Ambassador Geer, Deputy Ambassador Nupnau (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Thursday with EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, David Geer, and newly appointed Deputy Ambassador of the EU Ben Nupnau. "Interlocutors discussed current issues related to North Macedonia's European aspirations, the reform progress, and political situation in the country and region. They exchanged opinions and information on the progress on accession negotiations and screening process, as well as the next steps that North Macedonia must take to move forward in the EU integration process," the President’s Office said in a press release. According to his Office, President Pendarovski noted that "the European agenda depends on us and the fulfilment of our obligations”.


Pendarovski: Kurti did not take advantage of our hospitality, symbolism around visit was a bigger issue (MIA/Koha)


President Stevo Pendarovski said Thursday that he had no problem understanding the logic of Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, about his visit to the municipalities of Chair and Tetovo, but that the bigger issue was the symbolism of the meeting in Tetovo. In an in interview with Skopje-based newspaper Koha, Pendarovski said that there is nothing controversial about the Kosovo Prime Minister’s attendance at the commissioning of Adem Demaci Street in the Municipality of Chair, considering, he said, it bears the name of his greatest political mentor. "I have no problem understanding Albin Kurti's logic for his visit. If I were him, I would have done the same. He came to pay tribute to the street carrying the name of his greatest political mentor, Adem Demaci. Although, the symbolism behind surrounding actions was the bigger issue in this constellation of overpowering feelings and emotions between Macedonians and Albanians, especially within the past year or two due to the issues with Bulgarians, blockades to Europe, protests, consequent rallies" Pendarovski said. Pendarovski stressed that during his visit Kurti did not take advantage of North Macedonia's hospitality. "I said it before, and I will say it again: Mr. Kurti in his visits, both to Tetovo and Chair, did not say a single bad word against Macedonia or the Macedonian people. He did not take advantage of the country's hospitality, not even for a moment," Pendarovski emphasized. According to him, the issue with Kurti's visit were the videos recorded by Tetovo Mayor Bilal Kasami with the message "Welcome to Albania." "Even waving the ‘Greater Albania’ flag to me was not a big issue. There are people like that at every rally, there are procedures, they will get reported and the court will point them out, with their first and last names, because they broke the law. The most surprising thing to me were the videos Kasami recorded. There was no need to film himself saying ‘Welcome to Albania.’ Just imagine someone from the Serbian community, in a visit to Serbia (for example, President Vucic) or someone else, filming themselves saying ‘Welcome to Serbia’ or ‘Old Serbia.’ I was recently in Pustec, Albania with my colleague and friend Bajram Begaj. I did not say ‘only Macedonians live here’ or ‘Welcome to Macedonia’," President Pendarovski said in the interview.


Rama meets Soreca, focusing on the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana and integration of Albania (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama met this Thursday with Ambassador Luigi Soreca, in the capacity of Chargé d'Affaires in the Delegation of the European Union to Albania. Through social networks, the European Union has provided details on the meeting held. According to the announcement, the focus of the meeting was the support of the European family for the integration of our country in the EU, and the preparatory work on the preparation of the next Summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana was also discussed. "Ambassador Luigi Soreca met with Prime Minister Edi Rama at the beginning of his temporary mandate as Chargé d'Affaires in the Delegation of the European Union in Albania", announced the press office of the EU. "At a key moment for EU enlargement and Albania's EU integration process, Ambassador Soreca confirmed the EU's full support for Albania to consolidate the progress achieved so far, the further intensification of the reform process in the months following and deepening the transformation of the country on its way to the EU", the announcement reads. "It was also discussed about the preparation of the next Summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana", concludes the announcement.