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Belgrade Media Report 18 September 2023



Vucic at UN General Assembly from 18 to 22 September (RTS/Office for Media Relations)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be in the US from 18 to 22 September, where he will participate in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Vucic will address the participants on 21 September. During his stay in New York, President Vucic will meet with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the President of the Swiss Confederation Alan Berse, the President of the Republic of Korea Jun Seok-yol, the President of the Republic of Suriname Chandrikapersad Santohi, the Vice President of the European Commission Maros Sevcovic, as well as numerous officials of the participating countries. session of the General Assembly. The President will also attend the reception organized by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for the participants of the General Assembly. The participation program of President Vucic also includes a separate meeting with the EU special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak, as well as an informal lunch for the leaders of the Western Balkans at the invitation of the EU High Representative Vice President of the European Commission by Josep Borell.


Vucic: We will call elections by the end of 2023 (TV Pink/B92)


Speaking about the celebration of the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that this holiday is much more important than whether we will have time to "go somewhere to rest from vacation". "I think the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag is about something that's sacred, important, maybe most important," he said."Ahead of us is a new period in which we have to be stronger, firmer, united in many issues, but that does not mean that we are of the same mind. I think it is important that we take a good look at the future and make our moves accordingly. It is important that we have a responsible management," added Vucic.


Vucic on the request to hold elections

Vucic then read the opposition's request to hold elections. "God will know what they wanted. I will also answer them when they say that Serbia is in a deep crisis. Those who destroyed Serbia made a declaration to prevent Serbia from falling again," he said. "I am ready to hold elections until March. We will announce them until the end, until 31 December for 4 March. I think that is 60 days. If not, then a week earlier," concluded Vucic. "It will go down in the history of dishonor that certain politicians wanted to take advantage of the tragedy. Instead of uniting, they didn't even wait for the children to be buried, they took to the streets to take advantage of people's emotions. There was no such dishonor in history," he added, speaking of the opposition's protests and blocking highways.


"Albanians are allowed to do whatever they want"

Vucic also commented on Kurti's statement that Serbs will "suffer and pay". "If I had said that, I would have been in all the media. Of course, this did not appear anywhere, and it will not, because Albanians are allowed to say anything. For me, it is important that we managed not to be guilty and that we got several people out of custody. For me, it is important to fight for the people who are still in custody. My biggest fear is that attempt to impose guilt on the Serbs because they want to be on their own. You have the persecution of the Serbs in Montenegro, if they do not renounce Belgrade". "Hill knows very well that imposed solutions are not key to the problem and that compromises must be reached," he added. "They agree with everything that Kurti does. They will come up with something that is our fault," he emphasized.


Petkovic: Kurti does not want any dialogue, forming ZSO is Pristina's obligation (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic addressed the public on Monday regarding the recent events in Serbia's southern province. "Ever since the talks in Brussels ended, Albin Kurti has been entangled in lies. He did the same today when it comes to Belgrade and the dialogue process. He is doing this to cover up the clear condemnation from the EU, when Borrell said that the only culprit for the failure of the talks is Kurti and Pristina who refuse to form the ZSO (Community of Serb Municipalities). When he says that he will not form the ZSO or enter into talks as specified in the agreements, he does not want negotiations, dialogue or compromise," said Petkovic. Petkovic added that Kurti does not want to discuss de-escalation, while Aleksandar Vucic has shown that he is ready for compromise solutions. "Compromise is the only way to protect the Serb people. We delivered to Lajcak a list of incidents targeting the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. Since 3 June, when the EU demanded an immediate de-escalation from Kurti, we have had 22 escalating moves by Pristina against the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Instead of listening to the EU, Kurti has no intention of going in that direction. Even as we are talking, he is sending the police to Zvecan. They want to drive the Serbs out of a Serb building housing the institutions that provide aid to tens of thousands of people. Instead of de-escalation, we see a deterioration of the situation from Kurti's side," he said. Petkovic added that the police are still present, they are just not in the immediate vicinity of the buildings. "He said at a news conference today that the measures they adopted are not yielding results. He is thus saying that he continues to threaten the Serbs. He said today that Kosovo will not suffer and pay due to some alleged ill-intent of the Serb List, instead confirming the notion that it is the Serbs and the Serb List who will suffer and pay. Has anyone responded to these threats? Of course not. Nowhere is it explicitly said that Pristina is to blame for the escalation, it is said that the responsibility is divided between two sides and that it is not only Kurti who is to blame, but also Belgrade. We are negotiating under impossible conditions, particularly with Kurti, who is refusing everything," added Petkovic. He said that for Belgrade, a compromise is a way to preserve peace and the lives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "Kurti will continue to use fabrications and many tricks. He does not want the ZSO, and Vucic also said that is the case. For 3,804 days Pristina has failed to form the ZSO, and that represents the backbone of the dialogue. Vucic sincerely and strongly fights for the dialogue, and Kurti is refusing something that is Pristina's obligation," said Petkovic. He stressed that Pristina's obligation is to form the Community of Serb Municipalities. "We have been going to Brussels all these years to negotiate because we do not recognize Kosovo as a state and we are looking for solutions there, while Kurti refers to some constitution that does not exist, Federica Mogherini and newspaper articles. What has been done by the management team is being sidelined, the four agreements on the formation of the ZSO and everything else. I'm really worried about the situation on the ground," he said. Petkovic reiterated that there is no other solution than a political one, and one reached in Brussels. "Kurti does not want any elections or agreements about anything, he is taking everyone for a ride. Imagine if Vucic made such a threat against the Albanians, we would have been bombed by now, even though we now have a much stronger Army than in 1999," said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Stano: EU saw no readiness for progress in Kosovo dialogue (FoNet)


European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano said on Friday that the EU did not see any readiness to make progress during Thursday’s Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue meeting in Brussels. He told a news briefing that EU member states would be informed and would be asked for guidelines and which measures to impose. According to Stano, EU High Representative Josep Borrell did not say that the dialogue failed but that this round did not bring any results. He said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti were not prepared to get past their differences and added that the EU is not one of the sides in the Dialogue helping Serbia and Kosovo move forward. The dialogue can’t succeed if the sides refuse to compromise, he said. Stano said the situation is serious with Borrell stating clearly that Serbia and Kosovo risk being left behind the rest of the region in terms of European integration. The EC spokesman said that there has been no significant de-escalation but warned that the situation could deteriorate. He said the measures imposed on Kosovo will remain in force as long as the EU member states feel that is necessary and could be imposed on Serbia if the EU feels that is necessary. This is a process constantly monitored by the member states and they are not happy with the outcome of this round because they had different expectations, he said.


Lajcak: On situation in north Kosovo strategic talks with US and EU partners (RTS)


EU special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak noted he hoped for a better outcome of the dialogue in Brussels. “Before jumping into the whirlwind of the high level week of the UN General Assembly in New York, it's good to look back and reflect on the past couple of days. I spent the last week in Brussels, where together with my team, we prepared for Thursday's High-Level Dialogue meeting hosted by EU HR/VP Josep Borrell. As already expressed in the press remarks by the HRVP, we hoped for a better outcome. The state of play in the Dialogue, together with the tense situation in the north of Kosovo will be a subject of upcoming strategic discussions with our US and European partners to determine our next steps. After the High-Level meeting, I addressed the ambassadors of EU member states in Brussels. I'm grateful for their interest in the Dialogue and for their strong support.  I also met with the Director of Political Affairs and External Relations of the Council of Europe Miroslav Papa, whom I updated on the Dialogue. I appreciate the interesting exchange about the developments in the Council of Europe and the confirmation of our continuous cooperation in promoting European standards in the Western Balkans.”


Orlic thanks Angola for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic received Angola's newly-appointed Ambassador to Serbia Emilio Miguel de Carvalho Sobrinho on Friday and thanked him for his country's principled position and support to the territorial integrity of Serbia. By deciding against recognising the so-called "Kosovo" Angola has not only confirmed its friendship with Serbia but also came to the defence of international law and peace together with Serbia, a statement from the Serbian parliament quoted Orlic as saying. He said Thursday's meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels had confirmed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, as well as Belgrade, was the "most significant factor for maintaining peace and stability in the region and sincerely committed to dialogue and ready to speak in a language of compromise, as well as to act in a responsible, serious and principled manner", Orlic said. The meeting also confirmed Albin Kurti and Pristina are the main generator of conflicts, the source of the problems and the biggest threat to peace, he added. "The EU, too, sees that clearly now, and many others in the world have been pointing to the same for a long time now," Orlic said, thanking Angola for looking at the problems in the right way and speaking about it openly. He said the friendship between the two countries was a long-standing one and noted that he was pleased his country had been one of the first to provide major support to Angola's independence struggle. Sobrinho confirmed the friendship between the two countries and expressed readiness to invest every additional effort to maintain the relationship and strengthen it further by stepping up cooperation in various fields. Orlic and Sobrinho agreed that all potentials for development of Serbia-Angola cooperation, as well as interparliamentary cooperation, must be utilised, above all, through contacts between members of parliamentary friendship groups, the statement also said.


Serbia gets new ambassadors (Tanjug)


The Serbian Foreign Ministry announced that Serbia has appointed two more ambassadors, after their future countries of service approved their agreements and President Aleksandar Vucic signed decrees on their appointment. Serbia will soon be represented by two experienced career diplomats – Ana Petkovic in Algeria and Aleksandar Jankovic in Finland.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced on Friday that the diplomatic and consular network of Serbia has been strengthened by two extremely high-quality ambassadors. Miroljub Petrovic was appointed as the Ambassador of Serbia in Israel by the agreement of the government of Israel and by the Decree of President Aleksandar Vucic. After receiving the agreement, which was given by President of Kazakhstan Kassym Jomart Tokayev and by the Decree of President Aleksandar Vucic, the Ambassador of Serbia in Kazakhstan will be Vladimir Jovicic.


SSP adopts declaration on preventing decline of Serbia (Beta)


On Sunday, the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) adopted a declaration on preventing the decline of Serbia, party president Dragan Djilas said in Jagodina after a session of the party's steering committee. "There are a lot of questions that different people ask me -- from when will we have elections and which to how many camps will the opposition run in. We do not have an answer to these questions. But we do have answers to two questions: The first is, in what condition is Serbia in today and the other is what are the solutions for these problems that affect citizens," Djilas said. He said that the situation in Serbia was bad and that everyone was aware of it. "They are saying that people in the opposition have the faces of serial killers, that they are traitors and criminals. This is not good. We wanted a shared struggle against violence in Serbia and we made some suggestions. The government rejected them, which is bad. It's even worse that the government has not made a single proposal, has not brought a single measure," Djilas said, adding that the opposition should not engage in talk against Vucic, but speak for Serbia, propose concrete measures and solutions as to how things can be different.


Lutovac says wants fair election this time (Beta)


Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac said on Saturday that the pro-European opposition was asking for a fair election before the year was out and that this entailed Radio and Television of Serbia operating in accordance with the law and the OSCE's recommendations. He told Beta at the 20th Serbia against Violence protest, which focused on the public broadcaster, which citizens are unhappy with, that the pro-European opposition was asking for a fair election, not "elections like the ones that the regime has held before". "That involves applying OSCE recommendations for the media and something that goes without saying in OSCE member countries -- that media outlets work professionally, freely and objectively," Lutovac said. According to him, this would entail the Serbian public broadcaster reporting truthfully, without bias, in a timely manner and in the interest of all citizens.


Hill certain that Lajcak is working on solution for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Blic/Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill has said that forced solutions cannot last very long, adding that he believed the EU special envoy for talks between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak was working on solutions within the process that would not be imposed. “You know, forced solutions do not last very long. You want solutions that come naturally. I am confident that Mr. Lajcak is working on these,” Hill said in an interview with Blic, published on 16 September, following the latest round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels. The US diplomat said he was proud of his country's support to Lajcak, but that he was also glad that the U.S. was directly involved in the process thought its own special representative Gabriel Escobar. Speaking about relations between Serbia and the US the ambassador said the two states had developed a very good dialogue, but that much more needed to be done. “What I can say is that there is a growing consensus in the US that relations with Serbia need to be improved, as well as a need for us to be friends and partners again,” Hill said.


New Serbia Against Violence protest in Belgrade (Beta)


Protesters in the latest, 16 September iteration of the Serbia against Violence demonstrations in front of the headquarters of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), read a list of special demands for the public broadcaster, demanding that it report truthfully and timely on all important subjects. The demands include that it report different opinions and not serve as "a mouthpiece for the Serbian Progressive Party and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic." The demands of the logistical organizers of the protest -- several opposition parties with representatives in parliament, were also read. These parties recently demanded that RTS give proportional air time to all opposition caucuses in the public broadcaster's news programming. MPs of the Democratic Party, Ecologic Uprising, Together, Green-Left Front, People's Movement of Serbia, New Face of Serbia and the Direction: Europe caucus delivered left their demands at the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation's front desk. Demonstrations were held in other Serbian cities as well on 15 and 16 September.




HR Schmidt visits Banja Luka and meets with Bishop Komarica (Nova BH)


High Representative Christian Schmidt visited Banja Luka on Sunday. Nova BH added that this news was confirmed on Sunday evening, adding that the public was not informed that this visit will take place. On the X platform, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) wrote that Schmidt met with Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica in Banja Luka on Sunday. It was also stated that they spoke of legal and political matters connected to the project of expanding the capacities of ‘Kuca susreta’ and the European Center for Peace and Cooperation ‘Marija Zvijezda’, which will celebrate its third anniversary soon. They also agreed on the urgent need for care for younger generations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Those are Europeans in Europe, dedicated to common European values - tolerance, respect and honest cooperation, and not single-mindedness, said the HR and emphasized that he equally works for all citizens of Republika Srpska (RS) and B&H. According to the OHR’s statement, the police did not react in any way to Schmidt’s arrival in Banja Luka, despite Dodik’s announcements which turned out to be empty words.


Dodik demands that it is determined on what basis HR Schmidt's diplomatic passport was issued (O Kanal)


After member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic requested information a few days ago about how the status of High Representative Christian Schmidt and his security is regulated in the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and received the answer that Schmidt has diplomatic status, RS President Milorad Dodik said Sunday that they now want to determine on what basis Schmidt's passport was issued considering that, as Dodik claims, he was not appointed in the UN Security Council. "The one who signed the request in the OHR and sent it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which did not check it, there are absolutely persons who are responsible. That will certainly have to be known now. I know that there is an investigation into this even in Germany, in German circles about it. All that says that it is suspicious, to say the least, and illegal, and someone will have to answer for this," Dodik said. Dodik and Cvijanovic demanded on Sunday that it is determined based on what Schmidt was issued the diplomatic passport. According to Dodik and Cvijanovic, it is necessary to establish who is responsible for that.  Dodik also stated: “Someone knowingly signed the document that he sent to the ministry, he knows that it is a lie and that someone in the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, knowing that all of this is not true, acted on all of it. I believe that this is above a greater criminal responsibility than what they are ascribing to me, because I will not respect someone who is trying to secure authority for himself in such a fake, falsified way”. “All that shows that that is suspicious, to say the least, illegal, and someone will have to be held accountable for everything, in some way. Primarily, this is a crash for B&H, its system and its institutions”, Dodik underscored. In his most recent statement, Dodik called Schmidt and other members of the international community “rascals that you can never be rid of” adding that those “German rascals” are not aware that B&H can govern itself, without their aid. He further stated that this is just another formal omission of the “Sarajevo Bosniaks, with the goal of having a foreigner here to bring evil to the Serb people and nothing else”. Dodik concluded that they do not want to live in a B&H, where there is no respect for constitutional order, stressing that the Serb people will definitely leave B&H, if it remains in this state.


Arnaut: There is no investigation on Schmidt's passport in Germany (FTV)


B&H Ambassador to Germany Damir Arnaut denied RS President Milorad Dodik's claims that an investigation is being conducted in Germany regarding Schmidt's stay in B&H. "In Germany, there is no investigation on Schmidt's passport. At each of the meetings, Germany's support for the High Representative in B&H was emphasized," Arnaut was quoted as saying.


Proposal of law on immovable property used for functioning of public authority to be discussed for third time in RS parliament (BHT1)


The proposal of the law on immovable property used for functioning of public authority will be discussed for the third time at a special session of the RS parliament on 26 September, although the proposal was previously declared unconstitutional and was suspended by High Representative Christian Schmidt. The law application was suspended earlier this year, while the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H declared the law unconstitutional in September 2022. BHT1 reminded that the RS parliament has adopted legal solution treating the immovable property used for functioning of public authority for two times so far, and the only change in the new-old law refers to the article 5 that stipulates that its entry into force makes the last law adopted in December 2022 no longer valid, i.e. the one that was also declared unconstitutional by B&H CC. Representatives of the SNSD-led ruling coalition in the RS confirmed for BHT1 that there are no substantial changes in the new proposal compared to the previously adopted legal solution. SNSD’s Srdjan Mazalica stated that it is illusory to expect some big changes in order to adopt the law on state property at the level of B&H. The RS opposition deem that actions taken by the RSNA, B&H CC and representatives of the international community regarding the property law are frivolous and impractical. SDS leader Milan Milicevic stated that any kind of imposing is not how political issues should be resolved, as such kind of behaviour provokes destructive and negative reactions. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that things have become pretty pointless and need to be revised radically. Member of the RS parliament Constitutional Affairs Commission Milko Grmusa stated that the issue of property was resolved by the Dayton Peace Agreement and that it belongs to the entities. He argued that even the international community recognized this, because the Principal Deputy High Representative and Brcko District Supervisor initiated the adoption of the law on public property of Brcko District a few years ago. He reminded that this law stipulates that all property located in Brcko belongs to the District. Grmusa underlined that the RS has been tolerating illegal opinions of the High Representative and B&H Constitutional Court for too long.


Radmanovic on possibility of leaving state institutions: There are always several options (Dnevni list)


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD) who was speaking about whether representatives from RS will leave the state institutions. Radmanovic stated there are always several options and that this is a specific situation about which one can and should think about. According to him, there are no B&H institutions without legitimate representatives of Serbs, adding that Serbs will not start the issue in order to not be accused of stirring things up. Radmanovic further stated it is clear the OHR is creating this crisis with the help from part of diplomats, and that the story is accepted by part of political Sarajevo. “If the attacks by the OHR and illegitimate (High Representative Christian) Schmidt continue, we will, from situation to situation, assess how to behave”, said Radmanovic, adding that the issue of property is the rede line. “The RS has its property and will now allow that some High Representative or somebody else takes it away”, said Radmanovic, adding that the RS protects the Dayton agreement.


Ambassador Murphy: Dodik is wrong if he thinks he can confront international community, criticizes Izetbegovic for saying he inherited SDA (Face TV)


The daily noted that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy gave an interview to Face TV, on which occasion he said that RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is wrong if he believes that he can confront the international community: “Mr. Dodik got engaged on a very dangerous path. He is provoking a confrontation with the international community in B&H. This is reckless, it will result in isolation or in even worse situation for the RS”. Murphy argued that Dodik is actually trying to avoid his personal responsibility for his own actions, and he added that “Dodik presents himself as an avatar of Serb people, he thinks he is Tsar Lazar. He chose to get rich at the expense of people whom he calls to get out and join protests. He is looking for culprits in others for his own actions”. Murphy went on to say that Dodik is trying to introduce ‘a boogeymen’ in his story, and this boogeymen are the international community, UK, USA and High Representative. Murphy also added that activities of Dodik and other representatives of the authorities in the RS are very serious and these represent attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and attacks on the state. “No, I do not think that we are on the verge of a war in B&H, but I think that you really have serious political problems. I think that the path Dodik is following is dangerous not only for the state of B&H but also for the RS itself”, Murphy added. Murphy explained that USA will not just stand on a side and calmly watch as Dodik or anyone else destroys the DPA and leads this country to a conflict and he added that the High Representative and other members of the international community will not calmly watch it either. Murphy also commented on the April package and said that it was a chance for B&H to get out of the past. As for the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, Murphy conveyed a message both to Dodik and to HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic by saying that their efforts to turn this court into an ethnic institution will not be supported. Murphy said that the state property belongs to the state. Apart from this, Murphy also stated that he was appalled with statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic in his interview to Al-Arabiya: “He spoke about how he inherited the party, as if he owns it. The last time I checked the facts, he was neither a king nor a sultan. One cannot inherit the party, its members elect you. (Former Presidents of SDA) Alija Izetbegovic and Sulejman Tihic understood it. I am not quite sure that Bakir Izetbegovic understands it too”. Murphy also said that, if SDA is just a family party and works just in the interest of this family, then it is not helping B&H. The daily reminded that Dodik reacted to this interview on two occasions, and he presented a number of insults against the Ambassador and all those who presented criticism against him (Dodik).


Zukic: SDA is not against USA (Dnevni avaz)


SDA’s delegate in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Peoples, Muamer Zukic issued a statement, justifying his party leader, Bakir Izetbegovic who found himself targeted by criticism of US Ambassador Michael Murphy. “SDA is not against the USA. Regardless of how many times certain media repeat this phrase, this will not become the truth. We can be only against the wrong political moves of individuals, regardless of where they come from and who they are. There is no argument to justify the suspension of the Constitution of a country on a day just so that someone would be part of the authority, or that someone would be thrown out of the authority,” said Zukic.


Government not in sight (CdM)


Negotiations on the government formation are taking place far from the public eye, but unofficially, PM-designate and leader of the Europe Now Movement (PES) Milojko Spajic is still unable to reach a final agreement with the representatives of the parties that would participate in the 44th government. The Democrats led by Aleksa Becic sent a clear message to Spajic that they would not support the government in which Mehmet Zenka and the Social Democrats would be, because in the snap elections on 11 June, they were on the electoral list led by the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS). Although the Democrats are negotiating the formation of a new government independently, they participated in the elections in a coalition with URA, headed by Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic. PES reacted to the Democrats’ position and recalled that it decided to discuss the new government composition with those representatives and parties having supported Spajic at the consultations with the President of the State Jakov Milatovic. DPS announced that it would not even cross its mind to be part of a political pigpen, in which “partners” blackmail, insult, and accuse each other. Two nights ago, on Spajic’s initiative, a meeting of representatives of the parties negotiating the formation of the 44th government was held, but nothing concrete was agreed upon. Allegedly, the new meeting should be held at the end of the month, after the state delegation led by the state president Jakov Milatovic returns from the USA. Spajic has until mid-November to form the 44th government.


Abazovic doesn’t rule out the possibility of extraordinary parliamentary elections: Elections the best option in crisis situations (CdM)


The best solution to the political crisis is to organize elections, noted the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. He pointed out that he wouldn’t rule out the possibility of the extraordinary parliamentary elections, adding that Montenegro was constantly in the election cycle. When asked if he thinks that local elections should be called in Budva, Abazovic replied that they have an Assembly that has a mandate and that the councilors in the SO Budva should decide on it, and he calls on them to find a solution. "Elections are always the cleanest solution in all political crises. As a country, we are constantly in the election cycle. I would not rule out that we go to parliamentary elections either. That can no longer be ruled out either. We are constantly in the election cycle, and we are constantly looking for results and in really difficult political conditions we deliver them. I repeat, the cleanest solution is elections, let the citizens decide whether elections are needed in Montenegro", said Abazovic. Extraordinary parliamentary elections in Montenegro were held on 11 June this year, but Mandator Milojko Spajic has not yet formed a government. Negotiations on the formation of the government are ongoing, and the deadline is 10 November.


President Pendarovski heads delegation at 78th UNGA in New York (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski is heading 18-22 September a delegation to the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. Pendarovski is scheduled to address the UNGA General Debate themed "Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all" on Friday (September 22), the President's Office said in a press release. Pendarovski will meet UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and present an Order of the Republic of North Macedonia to the United Nations. The President will also address the UN Security Council open debate themed "Upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter through effective multilateralism: maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine”. In addition, Pendarovski will attend the opening of the high-level political forum on sustainable development under the auspices of the General Assembly and address a leaders’ dialogue themed “Scaling up actions on key transitions to accelerate SDG progress”. At the UNGA sidelines, President Pendarovski is set to meet with counterparts from participating states, reads the press release. The Macedonian delegation also comprises Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. During the visit to the United States, President Pendarovski will pay a visit to New Jersey and meet with representatives of the Macedonian community, followed by a visit to Chicago, where he will attend a fundraising gala hosted by "Macedonia2025" and award Order "8 September" to David Calhoun, President and CEO of The Boeing Company.


Osmani at 78th UNGA in New York (MIA)


As of Monday, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani will take part at the High-Level Week of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, participating at several events in the capacity of Chairman-in-Office of OSCE, the US-Adriatic Charter-A5 and the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The visit is realized amid a historic period for North Macedonia, when it chairs three different processes of enormous national significance - OSCE, A5 and SEECP. In this regard, FM Osmani will chair important meetings with member-states and hold bilateral meetings with counterparts, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. President Stevo Pendarovski heads the delegation at the UNGA High-Level Week, whereas the General Debate is themed "Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all".


Osmani: Constitutional changes to enable continuation of EU path (Frontline/Civil Media)


The constitutional revision is the issue that will unstick the process and ensure the country to continue on the EU path. I think we should go out before the citizens and show that we are standing behind their will to join the European Union, says Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani.

In an interview with Frontline and Civil Media, FM Osmani says the opposition is using a partisan agenda, putting the country's European perspective in the function of the next elections. "There are political parties that have persistently put brakes on this process and that is why I believe we should go out with a clear message before the citizens: do you support political structures that want the country to join the EU or those who think other structures are better, such as the meeting of the leaders of North Korea and Russia, i.e. an alternative to the EU? Therefore, now is the time for all political parties who aspire for EU accession to be part of the European front. Let the others create their own front and then citizens can choose," says Osmani. According to him, North Macedonia is too small, too dependent, too vulnerable without the EU system, something that even bigger countries in the Union have realized. On the "Front for Europe", an idea promoted by DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, the FM says there are coordination activities with all political parties at a national level, regardless of ethnic or any other background. "Of course, we are working with political parties of Albanians that promote EU accession, and as elections come closer, then the front could enlarge with other parties," notes Osmani. He does not exclude the option of the "Front for Europe" having a joint candidate at next year's presidential elections. "We already had that at the last elections, when the incumbent head of state was a joint candidate of SDSM and DUI. This is a precedent that many countries would want to have - one candidate promoted by the two largest ethnic communities. I think this is truly one of the biggest achievements of a multiethnic society and a good example that might repeat," underlines Osmani.


Hahn: North Macedonia joining EU within a couple of years feasible, giving specific date unserious (Telma/MIA)


European Commissioner for Budget and Administration, Johannes Hahn, believes it is feasible that North Macedonia can join the EU within a couple of years but giving a specific date is unserious. "What is clear, what is still valid and will be valid in the future is that the whole process is a merit one. It means if a country delivers it should get the credit for it. That is why we are not waiting until everybody is ready for accession, but if a country is ready earlier, then it should be the case. In the case of North Macedonia, I have the feeling, and it has also been confirmed in the discussions we had today and the information I have heard and read, that North Macedonia is making quite a lot of progress on its path to Europe. I think we have to be optimistic, I think it is feasible that North Macedonia can join the European Union within a couple of years but giving a specific date is unserious," Commissioner Hahn told Telma. Asked who has failed more in the motto "if you deliver, we will deliver as well" - North Macedonia or the EU - he says nobody is perfect and that he is also critical with the member-states. "I think nobody is perfect, I am also critical with our member-states, because there have been situations when indeed North Macedonia has delivered, and it was not adequately honoured. But again, it's a way that has not finished yet and I think we should not count the individual setbacks, we should always look forward. If we look at the general development over the last couple of years, there is progress, there is clear direction, clear support, there is also strong support here in the country and we should build on it," says Hahn. On the arguments used to convince citizens for yet another concession regarding the constitutional amendments, Hahn says the general circumstances have significantly changed, there is momentum and readiness, adding the huge commitment from the President of the European Council and heads of state for the enlargement.


MFA: Note presented to Russia diplomats over activities contrary to Vienna Convention (MIA)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Saturday three diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Skopje have been declared personae non grata on 12 September due to activities contrary to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. "On 12 September, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he was presented with a note by which three embassy diplomats are declared personae non grata. The decision was made upon information provided by competent institutions over activities contrary to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations," the MFA said in a press release. Late on Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said authorities of North Macedonia declared three Russian diplomats, who served at the Russian Embassy in Skopje, as personae-non-grata, and no explanations were provided on the issue, adding a prompt reply will certainly follow "after the irresponsible and hostile move". The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not confirmed these claims. According to media reports, three Russian diplomats and a priest will be expelled due to violations of the diplomatic code and suspicious activities.


MFA urges Macedonians in Albania to freely express ethnical, linguistic and religious affiliation at coming census (MIA)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs encouraged Saturday all Macedonians in Albania to freely express their ethnic, linguistic and religious affiliation, in line with the regulations and positive democratic practice in Albania, at the coming census in the country that begins next week. "Albania is recognized across the globe by its multiethnic and multicultural society, upon the model of North Macedonia, representing an invaluable authentic, political and cultural heritage. Recognizing the role of Macedonians as loyal citizens of Albania, the coming census will enable them to freely express their identity and thus confirm their own ethnic, linguistic, religious and identity background. This will reaffirm the role of the Macedonian ethnic community in Albania, by building bridges of friendship between the two countries," the MFA said in a press release. It added that institutions in North Macedonia will remain in intensive contact with representatives of the Macedonian ethnic community in Albania and counterpart institutions on issues related to identity. "We are continuing our active engagement in the protection and promotion of these rights in the same way as before," said the MFA.


Rama to lead the meeting of the Security Council at the UN (Radio Tirana)


Albania will be a non-permanent elected member of the UN Security Council until 31 December 2023. On 20 September, Prime Minister Edi Rama is expected to lead the open debate with a focus on stability and peace. Rama will have a bilateral meeting with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski. In the Security Council, Albania has been very active in matters of security and peace. It has proposed the draft resolution for Ukraine, against which Russia, as a permanent member, used its veto, blocking it. Meanwhile, the President of Albania Bajram Begaj will address a speech to the General Assembly on 21 September.


78th session of the UN General Assembly/ Begaj travels to New York (Radio Tirana)


Today, the President of the Republic Bajram Begaj, is travelling to New York, USA. President Begaj will head the state delegation of the Republic of Albania, which will participate in the high-level week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, which starts on 18 September 2023. Together with the heads of state/government of all 193 UN member countries, President Begaj will address a speech, in a national capacity, at the General Debate of the United Nations. Also, President Begaj will participate in the High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development, which will be held in New York, on the eve of the 78th UN PA Session. In this forum, the President will speak, on behalf of Albania, in the dedicated Segment of the Dialogue of Leaders, alongside the heads of official delegations of other countries, During his stay in New York, President Begaj will hold bilateral meetings with other heads of state and high-ranking American officials, but also with representatives of the Albanian diaspora associations in the USA.


Kingji participated in the meeting of the NATO Military Committee (Radio Tirana)


The Chief of the General Staff of the Albanian Armed Forces, Major General Arben Kingji, participated in the meeting of the NATO Military Committee, at the Chief of Staff level, which was held in Oslo, Norway. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the NATO Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, with the support of the Supreme Commander of the Alliance in Europe, General Cavoli, and the Supreme Commander of the Alliance for Transformation, General Lavigne. This meeting, the senior military representatives discussed a series of topics, which included the materialization of the decisions taken during the Vilnius Summit, deterrence and defense, the ability to implement regional plans as part of the NATO family of plans, the adaptation of NATO's command-control structures, the situation in Ukraine and its impact on the Euro-Atlantic area. A special session at this meeting was also devoted to the situation in Ukraine. In his speech during this session, Major General Kingji recognized the participants with the support that Albania has given for training and support with weapons, ammunition and vehicles for the Ukrainian forces, and the country's readiness to continue this support in the future. Likewise, Major General Kingji emphasized the impact that the war in Ukraine has had on the global security environment and the need not to ignore a possible impact on the security environment in the Western Balkans. In relation to this point, Major General Kingji emphasized the role of KFOR for security in Kosovo and beyond, and its commitment to support this NATO operation too. During the session dedicated to the ability to execute the Alliance's plans, which includes logistical support, support of the host country, the movement of military capacities and the provision of reserves, Major General Kingji emphasized that "the inclusion by the European Union of Corridor 8 in the main trans-European network, has a special importance for the movement of forces and means from the shores of the Adriatic to the eastern borders of the Alliance, and in this context Albania, considering the airport of Kucova and the properties of the new port of Porto Romano in Durres, offers all the capacities to support the movement of forces," Major General Kingji was reported as saying.


Bulgarian vice president invites the minority in Albania to declare in the 2023 Census (Radio Tirana)


The Bulgarian national minorities were recognized by law in 2017 by the Albanian parliament and for the Bulgarian vice-president Iliana Yotova, since that decision, the promises given to the Bulgarians living in Albania have been kept by the government. The census, which begins on September 18 for the Bulgarian vice president, is a first challenge after the recognition of the Bulgarian national minority. "The census is a challenge, since a nation is rich when it knows and respects national minorities, they are bridges of cooperation between countries. We will also follow this process through reports and hope that everything will be in order. However, I would like this process to be accompanied by more information campaigns, since we in Bulgaria also had this problem when we developed the census, and it is the media that should make their contribution," she said. As for the increased requirements for the provision of Bulgarian passports for members of the National Minority to be used later for emigration to EU countries, for the Vice President it is a great challenge for both peoples. "In the Bulgarian legislation, it is allowed that any person who proves with documents that he is of Bulgarian origin can be provided with a passport, but for our people it is a challenge since they want to emigrate to western countries. From this point of view, our cooperation is necessary as it is our duty to create favourable conditions for them to return and contribute to their country", she says. Bulgarian National Minorities live mostly in Golloborde, Gore and Prespa areas of Albania.