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Belgrade Media Report 2 October 2023



Vucic: Good trilateral Serbia-Hungary-UAE meeting, good results (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday after meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the UAE presidential envoy, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, he believed the meeting and its results were good. At a press conference with Orban, Vucic said the trilateral meeting had addressed all strategic issues and that they had adopted a conclusion on setting up logistics teams. "Our two countries (Serbia and Hungary) have no sea ports and we are dependent on Constanta, Thessaloniki and Piraeus, and we must find new solutions for imports and exports of our goods, water and food security, energy security and an analysis of workforce availability for all profiles, especially crafts. We discussed the possibility of setting up a joint company for livestock farming, especially sheep and cattle farming. We need development of agricultural infrastructure, our irrigation systems coverage is at just 5.6 percent," Vucic said. He said geopolitical affairs had been discussed as well and that he had conveyed to Orban and Al Nahyan the developments in the region. "It was important to discuss the future of all of us in Europe and the world. We discussed topics including our EU path, the BRICS initiative and ways to improve our investment environment," Vucic said. He said he would also have a bilateral meeting with Orban, whom he thanked for supporting Serbia, adding that he believed the close cooperation with Hungary would be continued in the future.


Vucic: They did everything to destroy Serbia, Serbia will win (B92/Politika/Novosti)


They did everything to destroy Serbia, Serbia will win, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said. "Dear citizens, we experienced a difficult seven days, the most difficult in the last 15 years. The most difficult because of the events in Kosovo and the campaign launched against our Serbia, a campaign of lies and untruths. As our people say, it doesn't snow to cover the mountain, but for every beast to show its mark. We could see that we have friends who are not numerous, but they are brave," the video said. As he said, we were faced with the heaviest possible pressures. "One principle applies to all others, that is, that principle suddenly no longer applies to only one nation - and that is the Serbs. When eight policemen were killed in North Macedonia, it was not done by terrorists, although they did it on the territory of a sovereign country recognized by the UN, and when a policeman who, by the way, cannot be where he was according to the Brussels agreement, is killed, and what we condemn and in no way justify, then all Serbs up to the age of 14 must be investigated, arrested, killed without any responsibility or right to defend themselves," said Vucic and added: "In the previous days, they lied a lot about the presence of our military forces. Actually, to be quite frank, it bothered them that they realized that Serbia has, as they say, sophisticated weapons. We will continue to invest in the defense of our country, but Serbia wants peace. And everything they said they invented and lied and they knew they were inventing and lying. However, the most difficult thing was to listen to the stories that we have to welcome the action of the so-called Kosovo police and in vain were the assurances that it was not done in a professional way. Our question that remained unanswered was why EULEX was not allowed to participate in the operation itself, instead they were placed in the operating room so that they could only watch from a distance how they were doing something, and they had to support it, because everything that is against the Serbs must be welcomed." He added that those attempts to keep quiet about how some of the Serbs were killed have not succeeded and will not succeed. "That is why I am informing you that within 24 hours you will be able to hear and see it. We have the statements of eyewitnesses, people who were on the spot and saw how and in what way at least one wounded man was killed, brutally. And Serbia will not calm down until the full truth is known, because the lives of Serbs are not worth less than others. And I am not interested in who will apply and how much pressure, just as I am not interested in how and in what way they intend to hurt Serbia with their lies, both in the region and in the Western media. It is up to us to unite, to be even stronger, to build more factories, more roads, hospitals, to strengthen our army, to protect our country, to protect our Serbia. And you can only dream about the independence of Kosovo. Serbia will protect the Charter of the United Nations, Serbia will protect Resolution 1244, Serbia will protect its territorial integrity. Long live Serbia, Serbia will win," said Vucic.


Vucic: I discussed situation in Kosovo and Metohija with Blinken (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday he had had a "long and by no means easy" phone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. "There are several things we agreed on and several things we did not agree on. We agreed on the need for de-escalation and a significantly greater KFOR role, and Serbia will always and certainly support that greater, more significant KFOR role in Kosovo and Metohija," Vucic said, noting that Belgrade would even like KFOR to have an "exclusive" role in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. "I denied untruths about our forces being on full combat alert because I have not signed that, and it is not true," Vucic said. He said they had disagreed on the nature of what had happened in Kosovo and Metohija, especially when it comes to the so-called Kosovo's sovereignty. "We will speak about that clearly and I do not want to hide anything. I do not care what anyone in the world thinks about that (last weekend's Banjska clashes) because we have evidence that at least one and possibly two people were literally executed in cold blood, and that they were not killed in battle, but wounded and alive - they surrendered and then they were executed in cold blood, from short range," Vucic said. He said he had raised the issue of why EULEX presence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija had been rejected. Vucic also said Blinken had told him Serbia could face measures in case it acted inappropriately. "I said: 'You are a big country, a big power, it is up to you to do what you think you must, I am absolutely against that and I think it is very bad, but there are things we need to stick to - above all, the truth,'" Vucic added.


US calls Serbia to withdraw forces from “Kosovo border”, Vucic says not sending army to Kosovo (Beta/FT/RFE)


The US has called on Serbia to withdraw its forces from "the border" with Kosovo, a White House spokesperson said on Friday. We are seeing significant Serbian military deployment along the border with Kosovo, including the unprecedented deployment of artillery, tanks and infantry units, said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the British Financial Times on Saturday that he had no intention of ordering the Army of Serbia to cross the administrative line with Kosovo and would withdraw forces from the area, adding that it was "a lie" that Serbia was piling up troops there. According to Radio Free Europe, Vucic said an escalation of the conflict would be counterproductive in light of Serbia's ambition to join the EU and stressed that Washington's warnings were disproportionate because the number of Serbian forces on the ground was declining. "Last year we had 14,000 people close to the administrative line, today we have 7,500 and we will cut that down to 4,000," Vucic said, adding that Serbia did not want conflict.


Serbia incorporates sacrifice of its innocent victims into foundations of freedom (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday in Jajinci that Serbia will never let its own, or anyone else's, innocent victims of armed conflicts be forgotten, because it is aware that every victim has an identity, a name and a surname, just like every criminal has a name and an inhuman nature, filled with hatred and violence. Brnabic, who led the state commemorative ceremony on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance for the suffering of Serbs, Roma and Jews in the Jajinci camp during the Second World War and laid a wreath on the Memorial to the Victims in the memorial complex, pointed out that today once again, as every year, we proudly and decisively renew our vow to freedom, independence and steadfastness. She said that she is honoured to be the envoy of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, at this place, which is the single largest burial ground and cemetery from the Second World War period in Serbia, next to the mass graves where the remains of innocent civilian victims and participants of the anti-fascist struggle rest. She pointed out that Serbia does not forget its innocent victims and incorporates their sacrifice into the foundations of its freedom, independence and independence. Our entire country, and especially the President of Serbia and the government, provide full support to the Museum of Genocide Victims, our home institution in the area of cultural remembrance of the victims of the genocide committed against Serbs, Jews and Roma in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia, as well as to all our compatriots and fellow citizens who suffered as a result of the circumstances of the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against them during the period of the Second World War, Brnabic said. She recalled that the government made an important historical decision to assign the entire area of the "Jajinci" Memorial Complex to the Museum of Genocide Victims for care and management. President of the "Jasenovac" Association Milinko Cekic, who survived the Ustasha camp, also addressed the gathering.


Vucevic: If Supreme Commander issues order to enter Kosovo,the order will be executed (B92/RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic and Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilovic are holding a press conference at the House of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The cooperation of the Ministry of Defense and the Supreme Court with KFOR is good and continuous, it runs in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the agreement in Kumanovo, and it took place every day and correctly, said Vucevic. "Serbia believes that it is important for KFOR to play as significant a role as possible in Kosovo and Metohija, where the Serbian population lives, and the Serbs have nothing against that either," stated Vucevic. "There is a continuous campaign against the Armed Forces and the movements of the Armed Forces on the territory of Serbia, inappropriate and unacceptable, we reject it as untrue, if the Armed Forces receives such an order from the Supreme Commander that its units enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia, the Armed Forces will carry out the task efficiently and successfully, but they would have announced it beforehand to the KFOR command," said Vucevic. After Vucevic, General Mojsilovic addressed the audience. "In accordance with the Supreme Commander's orders, there was no increase in the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, but only strengthened activities in the Ground Security Zone. All comments about the deployment of forces are unnecessary," said Mojsilovic, adding that he is surprised when someone expresses concern, because the Armed Forces in the Ground Zone have 4,500 engaged members. Mojsilovic added that Serbian Army is a serious organization, and that it insults the intellect that the Armed Forces planned an invasion of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. Mojsilovic added that the training of the reserve composition of the Armed Forces is currently being conducted with 39 people, and persons from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija are included in the training of the reserve composition of the Armed Forces with a very low percentage of response to military exercises. Regarding the role of Milan Radoicic, Mojsilovic was clear. "Milan Radoicic did not participate in the training in the Pasuljanske livade, nor did he attend it, nor did he fire any grenades, nor did he respond to any calls, and what he does on private property is not a matter for the Supreme Court. I most resolutely deny all allegations from Pristina," said General Mojsilovic. After Mojsilovic, Vucevic addressed the audience again. "All these years, KFOR has not crossed over into the territory of Serbia, nor has Serbia crossed over into the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, respecting and implementing Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement, and the Supreme Court has never trampled on those documents and acts in any way. In accordance with the above, it leads a continuous campaign against the Armed Forces, i.e. its movements and deployments on our territory, and we consider that inappropriate and unfounded," said Vucevic. "That is why, dear citizens of Serbia, it is important to continue the political dialogue, to respect Resolution 1244, the military-technical agreement from Kumanovo, as well as to implement everything that was achieved through previous agreements in the dialogue, all in order to avoid escalation and conflicts that are not in the interest of our homeland," concluded Vucevic. "Terrorism is what is done against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and their daily mistreatment, not allowing EULEX to participate in investigative activities," said Vucevic, underlining that Serbia has no problem in cooperation with KFOR and EULEX. "We are not doing anything secret or hidden, we expect answers about what happened on September 24 in the north of Kosovo and Metohija," emphasized Vucevic.


This shows Bojan was brutally killed while lying powerless: Petkovic presents evidence about execution of Serb (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic held a news conference where he spoke about the evidence that refutes Pristina's lies. "Kurti continued with his terror towards the Serb people. On the day when the Serbs were burying their loved ones, Kurti arrested Lazar Janicijevic who was on his way to say goodbye to his school friend Stefan, who was laid to rest in Vrnjacka Banja," Petkovic began and added: "The terror continues because there is no reaction from international authorities. We only ask that they be objective, neutral. And that is the key question for EULEX," Petkovic stressed. Why did the Kosovo police forbid the EULEX (EU mission) investigators to be at the scene - Serbia will insist that this be looked into. "Why was EULEX banned? In order not to reveal that there were paid killers in the ranks of the Kosovo police with the task of killing Serbs," said Petkovic. A protected witness saw the execution of Bojan, who was lying wounded and helpless, Petkovic recalled and showed a photo of this Serb victim. The experts, he explains, based on the exit and entrance wounds made by the bullet, proved that he was killed while lying down. "In the reply that EULEX sent to Belgrade, they say that the autopsy was performed on 26 September. The death certificates that all three families received, state that they were carried out on September 25. During the morning we learned that the autopsy was not performed. Someone is lying here," stressed Petkovic. "There are many lies on the part of Pristina. First they said that an Albanian policeman was killed in the crossfire, and now they say that he was killed by explosives, which is what we have been saying from the very start. It is clear that Albin Kurti wants to carry out ethnic cleansing of Serbs. About 11 percent of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija have already moved out of the north," he warned.


Belgrade was unaware of Radoicic's actions – lawyer (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


Serb List deputy leader Milan Radoicic on Friday tendered his irrevocable resignation from his post, his lawyer Goran Petronijevic announced at a press conference, adding that Belgrade had been unaware of Radoicic's actions prior to last weekend's deadly clashes in Banjska, a village in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. In a press statement read out by Petronijevic, Radoicic said he had gone to the Banjska area with a group of other Serbs on 24 September to encourage local Serbs to resist the terror by Albin Kurti's regime. "Of that, I was informing no one from the structures of the authorities of the Republic of Serbia or local political structures in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, nor did I have any assistance from them because, by that time, we already had differing views on past methods of resisting Kurti's terror," Radoicic said in the statement. He said he had personally carried out "all logistical preparations for defending our people from the occupiers" and noted that his actions had had nothing to do with his previous political engagement. Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of Serbia and it is being taken away from us by force, and the Serbs are being persecuted, Radoicic said, noting that the goal of the persecution was a complete ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Serbs. "That is why we were forced to try to stop the persecution of the Serbs and protect the lives of our families and fellow citizens while drawing to the attention of both the Pristina regime and the international community that the Serbs would no longer tolerate such terror by Kurti," he added, noting that he was ready to respond to any call by the Serbian authorities in connection with the events in Banjska. Responding to questions from reporters, Petronijevic said he did not know what had preceded the Banjska clashes but that there were suspicions that an officer of the so-called Kosovo Police who had lost his life in the incident had not been killed by a bullet, but an explosion that had not targeted him or anyone else. He said self-organising and taking justice into one's own hands was not good but that, in this case, it had been a desperate move that had followed inactivity by KFOR and the international community in terms of taking measures to protect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "The EU, which is the guarantor of the Brussels agreement, took no measures to make the Pristina authorities implement the provisions of the agreement," Petronijevic said. The double standards that are at work in Kosovo and Metohija led to a situation where there was no way out, he said. He said the Pristina authorities had not allowed Serbian or EUELX experts to attend the autopsies of three Serbs killed in the clashes, and noted that this was a clear indicator of a "serious cover-up". Petronijevic said some findings indicated irregularities in the circumstances of the deaths of two Serbs. He explained that one of them had been executed after surrendering and that the other had been shot again after being wounded to verify his death.


A witness described the killing of a Serb in Banjska (TV Pink)


A protected witness described the bloodshed and brutal murder of Serb Bojan Mijailovic in Banjska, in Kosovo and Metohija. The recording of his shocking testimony was published by TV Pink. "On 24 September, I happened to be in the village of Banjska, where I met a group of our people in uniform. I approached them and asked if they needed any help. I didn't know what it was about, I said I knew this terrain, if they need something, I can help them. Suddenly, the Kosovo police started shooting at us. I thought that no one would get out alive, so they were shooting at us from all kinds of weapons, he said, among other things, in the audio recording, which was broadcast on the Hit Tweet show. "They were shooting at us from all sides, so I didn't know what was happening at all. I said that I know this way, you can run away there, I started to run, and Bojan Mijailovic followed me. Running through the forest on the road, a group of Kosovar policemen chased us, shooting after us. Without any warning, stop, or anything of that kind... We were unarmed. And after a few meters they hit both him and me. He fell on the road and could no longer run, and I jumped under the road to take cover a little bit. And so, when I got up to see what was happening and how he was doing, I saw that a group of policemen approached him and from a close range of two meters, they shot him. I was there, I held on for a few more seconds, I saw that my life was in danger, I started to run away and they noticed me again, they continued to shoot after me. Knowing this terrain well, I managed to get to a stream and beyond, what happened afterwards, I really don't know," he said.


The pressure is growing, Albin Kurti's new move: Another Serb arrested (B92/Kosovo Online)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced today that Serb L.J. from Zvecan was arrested yesterday by the Kosovo police in Jarinje. As they stated, he went with his family, friends and compatriots to the funeral of the tragically killed Stefan Nedeljkovic, who will be sent to his eternal rest in Vrnjacka Banja. "This inhuman and uncivilized act shows all the anti-Serb nature and the true face of the regime of Albin Kurti and Pristina, for whom nothing is sacred, and they are using even the moment of greatest sadness and grief of the Serbs to oppress and deal with our people," the Office for Kosovo and Metohija states. It is emphasized that "the graves of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are being demolished and desecrated, and now Serbs are being arrested at the moment when they send their fellow countryman to his eternal rest, which is unprecedented anywhere in the world, but the international community will remain silent on this torture". "L.J. was taken out of the car he was in for no reason and was taken into custody at the Jarinje crossing, while the rest of the column of Serbs that went to the funeral continued on the way to Vrnjacka Banja," the announcement states. Office for Kosovo and Metohija has provided a lawyer who is trying to establish all the circumstances of his arrest. "The moment that Pristina chose to bring L.J. into custody shows the direct and calculated intention of Kurti and his extremists to make life miserable for Serbs, to force them to leave their centuries-old hearths and to ethnically cleanse the north of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbs," Office for Kosovo and Metohija points out. During all that time, they point out, the international community is silent and silently observes the survival and persecution of Serbs, unwilling to reason with Kurti and prevent him from igniting a powder keg in these areas.


Serb List: Persecution of the Serbian people continues

On the occasion of the arrest of L.J. from Zvecan, the Serbian newspaper announced that the persecution of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija by the regime of Albin Kurti continues despite the silence of the international community. "In the moment of great mourning in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, incidents are happening every day caused by Kurti's special forces, so after yesterday's beating of three young men in Zubin Potok, today at the administrative crossing of Jarinje, from the convoy of vehicles of citizens who were going to the funeral of the tragically killed Stefan Nedeljkovic, Lazar Janicijevic was dragged out and deprived of his liberty, and taken in an unknown direction," the Serbian List said in a statement. As they stated, the family and friends were not given any explanation for this behavior of the policemen, nor were they told the reason for his arrest. At this point, the lawyer is trying to find out where he is. "This kidnapping and the brutality of Kurti's regime is obviously a consequence of the silence of the international community, which now and without hesitation apparently allows everything that Kurti is doing to the Serbian people, which, until a week ago, they did covertly with false calls to Kurti to de-escalate the situation. Now it is clear that in the eyes of KFOR, EULEX, UNMIK and all the fake people who care about human rights, the Serbian people are left at the mercy of Kurti's regime," the statement concluded.


Kurti's police beat three Serbian youths near Zubin Potok (B92/Kosovo Online)


Three Serbian youths were beaten by members of the elite unit of the Kosovo Police FIT in Gornje Varage in the municipality of Zubin Potok, writes Kosovo Online. According to information from the field, young men M.R., M.S., and M.J. were beaten, who were intercepted by FIT members on the local way home and brutally beaten with insults.

According to the beaten young men, FIT members accused them of illegally crossing the administrative crossing, after which they knocked them to the ground and beat them.


Borrell on situation in Kosovo: Serbian military buildup is concerning and needs to stop (N1)


EU is concerned with the increasing presence of the Serbian Army towards Kosovo, said EU's senior official Josep Borrell. “Serbian military buildup at the administrative border line is very concerning and it needs to stop. There is no place for arms and security forces buildup on the European continent. Forces need to stand down,” said the head of the EU diplomacy, addressing media in Odesa on Saturday. He also said that the situation in the north of Kosovo is being discussed with partners and allies, including the USA, and that it “first and foremost requires de-escalation and a stability of the security situation. “Last week’s weapons and equipment catch is very serious,” said Borrell.


NATO approves more troops for Kosovo (Beta/RFE)


NATO said on Friday that the Alliance had authorized additional forces to address growing tensions in the north of Kosovo, calling on all parties “to urgently de-escalate”. “We will always continue to make sure that our commander has the resources and flexibility necessary for KFOR to fulfill its mandate,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in a press release carried by Radio Free Europe (RFE). The security situation in Kosovo deteriorated in the wake of a 24 September clash between Kosovo police and a group of gunmen in the village of Banjska, in the Zvecan municipality. A police officer and three Serb attackers were killed in the gun battle. After a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on the situation in Kosovo, the allies expressed deep concerns over the escalation of tensions in Kosovo’s north. “We continue to urge Belgrade and Pristina to engage in the EU-facilitated dialogue, as the only way to resolve outstanding issues and reach solutions that respect the rights of all communities. This is key to lasting security in Kosovo and stability in the region,” the Alliance said in the statement.


Belgrade sees 22nd Serbia Against Violence protest (Beta)


The 22nd iteration of the Serbia against Violence march ended in front of the Serbian Presidency building on Saturday, where new protests in multiple cities were announced, including Belgrade, next week. Beta's reporter said protesters expressed their displeasure with the regime by chanting, "Resign, resign", "Vucic, go!" and blowing whistles and bugles. The main takeaway of the addresses during the protest was that the regime, accused of "criminalizing society", was responsible for Serbia being in a deep social and economic crisis. Protest moderator Smiljan Banjac said change was the only way forward and recalled that the pro-European opposition had recently signed an "Agreement for Victory," whose goal was to topple the "criminal regime" of the Serbian Progressive Party. "We will continue. See you again next week!" Banjac concluded.




Dodik re-elected SNSD President; He mentions ‘peaceful separation’ of B&H again (Dnevni list)


Milorad Dodik got re-elected the leader of SNSD at 7th congress of this party held in Doboj on Saturday. He was elected by a thousand delegates. Daily reads that, addressing the congress after the re-election, Dodik again used the opportunity to attack ‘unconstitutional’ Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the High Representative, hostile countries – the US, the UK and Germany, as well as B&H which he characterized as country without future and tradition, calling it “historic forgery”. Among other issues, Dodik said “B&H has been imposed unto us, a forcible state community, created under pressure and maintained under pressure”. He also said that the Serb people should be taken out of failed and unsuccessful B&H, stressing that “our approach is solely peaceful”. In this context Dodik said he believes that when ‘we’ assess and when international and other circumstances create an opportunity for it, “we will offer to peacefully separate and to live in peace as good neighbours with, of course, fences placed high enough to have good neighbourly relations”. One of attendees of the congress was Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who said there is a need to respect equality between the two entities, Republika Srpska (RS) and “the Muslim-Croat Federation”. Dacic said that Serbia and his party (Socialist Party of Serbia) are strongly behind the RS and its President Dodik, stressing that the RS was not gifted as it was created on the fight of the Serb people and the sacrifices it endured. Ambassadors of China, Hungary and Russia attended the congress as well, but did not address it.


SDP, Becirovic react to Dodik’s statements: This is tragic delusion (Oslobodjenje)


SDP B&H issued a statement reacting to Milorad Dodik’s announcement of peaceful separation. SDP B&H issued a statement noting that B&H will enter the EU as an integral country and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) is ready to be the driving engine for this. SDP called on Dodik to deal with real issues and they are ready to help in this. The statement stressed that “hundred times told fairytales about dissolution will help them the least” in solving of their true issues. Member of B&H Presidency, Denis Becirovic, said that these announcements are “a tragic delusion of an irresponsible politician who has stepped deeply into dangerous anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional waters. However, he and others like him must know that there can be neither a peaceful nor a violent breakup of the state of B&H”.


Isak comments Dodik’s statement that SNSD will create agreement on peaceful separation of FB&H and RS (O Kanal)


The FB&H Minister of Interior Ramo Isak reacted to the statement made by the RS President Milorad Dodik on Saturday, i.e. that the SNSD will create an agreement on the peaceful separation of the FB&H and the RS. Isak was quoted as saying: “Milorad, you can only calmly leave the political scene and even more calmly enter the courtroom of the Court of B&H as an accused, which you are. Take advantage of your free days, enjoy natural beauty, mountains, visit Neum, Pliva Waterfall, Bascarsija, Smetovi. Spend time with your family and do not think about peacefully securing a better life. You will have time, Milorad, to think about peace, life, tranquillity and philosophy in the state prison in Vojkovici”. Isak added that B&H is an internationally recognized state, and the RS is only an administrative-territorial unit within the state, and he called on citizens not to pay attention to Dodik's rhetoric. “We have enough capacities, and I am thinking about political and legal ones, and then all other capacities, to prevent any attempts of attack on the constitutional-legal order of B&H”.


Tadic: Schmidt is not High Representative, his attempt to impose law on property can only cause RS’s declaration of independence (Glas Srpske)


The daily carried an interview with RS President Milorad Dodik’s legal advisor Ognjen Tadic. Commenting the current political situation, Tadic stated that the West has limited resources for managing B&H, which is why the Western powers use the model which liberates them of any accountability, although they used to have practically unlimited power through the High Representative. At the same time, the Western powers blame the local politicians for all problems, claiming that local politicians should reach an agreement while behind the scenes, the Western powers are doing everything to undermine that agreement. The latest example for this strategy, according to Tadic, is the indictment against Dodik which came after the parties of the ruling coalition practically reached an agreement on implementation of all 14 Key Priorities defined by the European Commission. Tadic expressed hope that the Federation of B&H (FB&H) officials will accept Dodik’s initiative to sign the declaration on sovereignty of B&H which stipulates departure of foreign judges from B&H Constitutional Court and closure of the OHR. In his opinion, Dodik’s proposal came at the right time, since the appointment of the High Representative has been made impossible by the confrontation of the UN Security Council members, leaving B&H the opportunity for the first time to step out of the foreign rule and protectorate. Tadic argued that the political Sarajevo needs to be aware of the fact that this is the last opportunity to reaffirm B&H’s sovereignty. He also underlined that all hopes of Bosniaks for annulment or reform of the Dayton Peace Agreement are crushed forever. Tadic further underlined that Bosniak politicians must be aware of the fact that their project of abuse of the Constitutional Court is dead. He agreed with the reporter’s thesis that EU integration is impossible as long as B&H is a protectorate. Asked if he expects the political situation to become more complicated if (High Representative) Christian Schmidt imposes the law on state property, Tadic replied that Schmidt cannot impose anything because he is not the High Representative. He underlined that the only thing Schmidt can cause with such an action is the declaration of Republika Srpska (RS)’s independence. Tadic argued that the Dayton Peace Agreement verified the distribution of property between the entities. He also claimed that the entity Constitutional Courts are in charge of any property-related dispute, and that B&H Constitutional Court has no jurisdiction to decide on that matter. Commenting the recent visit of German Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarazzin, Tadic said that it was his personal impression that Germany would have preferred not to be involved in the international scandal revolving around Schmidt’s appointment. He underlined that Germany has no benefit from Schmidt, only damage. Tadic said that he expects the investigation on Schmidt’s status conducted by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) to confirm what everybody knows already – that Schmidt is staying in B&H illegally, and he illegally uses foreign mercenaries as his personal guard, and that the diplomatic card issued to him by Ministry of Foreign Affairs was issued illegally.


OHR working group should forward conclusions regarding state property to B&H parliament (N1)


By the end of the year, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) working group should forward to the state parliament guidelines for solving the issue of state property. Politicians from RS do not give up on their claims that the property belongs to the entities. However, experts remind us of the continuity of the state of B&H, but also that the entities have already received a significant fund of state property. This was also discussed at the session of the Association of Independent Intellectuals ‘Krug 99’. Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Zenica University Larisa Velic is a member of the OHR commission, which has been working behind closed doors on the issue of state property for months. Ultimately, this group composed of domestic and international experts should send specific conclusions to the state parliament, which, according to the decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, should pass a framework law on state property. Velic could not say what the recommendation of the working group would be, but she underlined that the problem must be solved. “Those that say this current status should be maintained, because we have a law on the prohibition of disposal of state property, and we have the decisions of the Constitutional Court, they are obviously not bearing in mind that some things are happening in the field. Because, we can have a law, if that property is already now being registered as property of the RS entity. Also, that property is being managed, i.e. it is being disposed of”, Velic said. The decisions of the Constitutional Court regarding state property have been clear from the beginning – “state property is a reflection of the statehood, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H”, that is, only when a law is passed at the state level, the entities can regulate this issue. However, after being re-elected as the SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik said on Saturday: “The most important thing is that institutions of the RS remain stable, and that we say that our property belongs to us, belongs to the RS. For us, that is not a topic, and we do not wish to talk about that”. Denying state property, comments Velic, is often connected precisely with emphasizing the needs of lower levels of authority, but at the same time it is forgotten to say that the entities have already received a significant fund of state property. “That the lower levels of authority have already received a significant fund of state property, namely public local self-governments, city construction land as one of the most important resources, and the entities and cantons have received all the property acquired in the privatization procedures of former state enterprises”, Velic added. Last week, a law on immovable property was removed from the daily agenda of a session of the RS parliament. This law is almost the same as the one that was suspended by the High Representative (Christian Schmidt), and that the B&H CC had placed out of force. The RS parliament announced that a new law will be presented soon. However, N1 reminds that it was not only the RS that had adopted disputable laws. The Law on Waters of the FB&H, amongst other things, says that water resources can be property of the entity, but also the cantons, the city, the municipality, legal entities and individuals. The state of B&H was not mentioned.


Milanovic: B&H can become member of EU tomorrow and 90 percent of problems are solved (Dnevni list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic once again commented on the migrant crisis and Slovenia’s announcement that it will set up more checkpoints along the border with Croatia in order to prevent illegal migrants from entering the EU. Milanovic stressed that illegal migrants enter Croatia mostly from B&H. “We have what we have, all because B&H cannot do a job of a functional state. Maybe that it not their fault, but it is in Croatia’s immediate neighbourhood”, said Milanovic. He further noted that Croatia has no ambition and plans regarding B&H, arguing that “there must be order” because the situation has an impact on Croatia, its reputation, security, property and fears of Croatian citizens. The Croatian President went on to say that a solution lies in integrating B&H into the EU by “jumping the queue”, arguing that smart people think in advance when possible and that one should “shatter some illusion of relations between B&H Serbs and Moscow, which never existed nor will exist, it is just a fairytale”. “B&H can become member of the EU tomorrow, without anyone noticing it, and 90 percent of problems are solved”, said Milanovic. The Croatian President added that B&H should be integrated into the EU on basis of the Dayton agreement and that the Dayton agreement cannot be changed by judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and that the ECHR cannot order B&H to change its Constitution. “It is a dangerous business. The it is used by private member of Presidency of B&H (Zeljko) Komsic, who compares Croatian authorities with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin”, stated Milanovic.


Milatovic: New EU enlargement date somewhat discouraging (MINA)


The new date mentioned in the context of the enlargement of the EU – 2030, is somewhat discouraging, especially for the countries that are the most advanced in that process, says the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. After the meeting with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bethel, he said that in the previous period, there was a lack of stronger communication between Montenegro and the Montenegrin authorities and the capitals of the EU member states. He added that this was exactly the goal of his visits – to strengthen the presence and communication between Montenegro and the member states. According to Milatovic, Luxembourg, as a small country similar to Montenegro in many respects, can be a strong voice of support for Montenegro on its further path to the EU. “The new date mentioned – 2030, is a bit discouraging, especially for the countries that are most advanced in that process, and here, above all, I am thinking of Montenegro”, says Milatovic. He has added that this is exactly the message he wants to convey to the capitals of the EU and EC member states – that Montenegro, in the context of the enlargement process, is the most advanced of all countries. He has repeated he believes that the accession of Montenegro to the EU can be a good signal to all other countries of the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe that the enlargement process is still alive.


Djenero: Montenegrin govt without legitimacy shouldn’t carry out the census, it might be dangerous (CdM)


The issue of the national census provokes harsh reactions of the public. The main question is – can it be carried out, having in mind the political instability in Montenegro, the government that lost its political legitimacy and the process of formation of a new one still pending. The Croatian political observer Davor Djenero, who knows well the political circumstances in Montenegro, tells the CdM portal that a government without legitimacy can’t carry out the census, adding that it might be dangerous to do it. And here’s his explanation: “In a country like Montenegro, and the same applies to Croatia and the majority of post-Yugoslav states, the national census is a politically sensitive process. Such sensitive processes must be conducted by public authorities, state administrations that possess an undeniable political legitimacy, as it’s the only way to prevent distrust in the results and interpretation of the political side of that process.” Djenero also warns that it’s not good that the Montenegrin body exercising executive power has no political legitimacy, while the worst thing is that the prime minister acts like he enjoys it fully. “Opening another issue concerning the results of the census might be extremely dangerous, while the fact that the government with no parliamentary majority acts like it’s the normal government is tearing up the national political culture,” the CDM interlocutors notes.


Zivkovic and Damjanovic meet: It’s possible to postpone census by govt. regulation, continuation of conversation agreed (CdM)


On the initiative of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), a meeting of DPS leader Danijel Zivkovic and Finance Minister Aleksandar Damjanovic was held at the Ministry of Finance. According to the party, DEP deputy leaders Jevto Erakovic and Abaz Dizdarevic, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Finance and MONSTAT, attended the meeting. Acting DPS leader Danijel Zivkovic pointed out he thought the current environment was “not adequate” for holding the census and stressed the clear DPS expectation that it be postponed for a period in which full conditions would be created for organizing it. Also, Zivkovic demanded full control of the census by political parties, civil society and international organizations. Minister Damjanovic pointed out he accepted the remark according to which the government can postpone the census by regulation, but that “it will not be his proposal to be sent to the government”. The party states that Damjanovic pointed out that he understood a certain number of remarks made by DPS and expressed his willingness to continue the talks in the coming period.


Osmani expresses concern over Serbian military build-up near Kosovo (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani in his capacity as current OSCE chairman voiced concern about the Serbian military build-up near the Kosovo border. Osmani wrote on his social media that he had contacted Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic to express this concern. He also wrote that he welcomed a statement about withdrawal as the first step to de-escalation and he welcomed NATO's decision for additional KFOR troops. "OSCE present & ready to assist to reduce tensions & return to diplomatic table," he wrote on X, the platform.


Pendarovski: Presence of 5,000 NATO troops in Kosovo guarantees that crisis won't spill over (MIA)


The presence of 5,000 NATO troops in Kosovo is a guarantee that the crisis will not spill over into the region, and it is good that North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania are NATO members so a direct confrontation between the Kosovo and Serbian armies can be prevented, President Stevo Pendarovski said in an interview with Macedonian Radio. "If not for the five thousand NATO soldiers there during the recent problems, conflicts and tensions in Northern Kosovo — and there were similar situations before, as well — without the NATO troops there, the conflict would have spilled over. First, there would have been a direct confrontation between Serbia's and Kosovo's armies and police, and then, this would have spread to the surroundings," President Pendarovski said. Asked if he would run for a second term, Pendarovski said his decision depended on public opinion of his time in office. "My continued engagement in politics will depend on only one thing. Not on whether I would especially like to be in this position or another one, but only on whether the public approves of my time in office so far, and hopefully, of my entire five years in office. "If the public does not have a positive opinion, shown in decent percentages, of what I have been doing for the past four and a half to five years, then of course you won't be seeing me in politics," Pendarovski told Macedonian Radio.


Kasami: We won't vote for constitutional changes although we approve of them (RFE/MIA)


Members of parliament who come from the ranks of BESA will not vote for the constitutional changes required to continue the country's EU negotiations unless the wording of "the language spoken by at least 20 percent of the population" in the Constitution is replaced with "the Albanian language," party leader Bilall Kasami said in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Asked about why BESA did not participate in the workgroup on the constitutional amendments, Kasami said that "as long as the government is not interested in hearing our voice, we will not vote on the constitutional amendments." "Our position is clear," he said. "We unequivocally approve of the constitutional amendments, because they speed up our path to the EU. "But the government showed once again that it is not interested in pushing forward the constitutional amendments but is interested instead in surviving its last days in office and pushing to stay in power to the end. Why? "We, as a movement, filed a formal motion, but it is the common view of the Albanian opposition that the constitutional amendments should also include a change to the wording "the language spoken by 20 percent of the citizens" with the wording "Albanian language", Kasami told Radio Free Europe.


Unfinished EU: Integration of Western Balkans, a geostrategic imperative (Radio Tirana)


Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia, Alexander Schallenberg, Minister of European and International Affairs of Austria, Gordan Grlic Radman, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia issued a press release on the integration of Western Balkans, assessing it as a geostrategic imperative.


The 20 years of an EU promise

In her 2023 State of the Union Address President of the European Commission Von der Leyen affirmed that the future of the Western Balkans lies in the EU. In doing so, she was reiterating an EU promise made at the historic Thessaloniki Summit twenty years ago. At that time, the devastating Yugoslav Wars had just ended. International borders had changed with the independence of Montenegro and later Kosovo. And a wave of EU enlargement was about to take place, with ten Central and Eastern European countries joining in 2004, Bulgaria and Romania in 2007 and Croatia in 2013. The driving force behind this process was a powerful vision to reunite the European continent. But also, a strong political will in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries to become members of the European family. For similar reasons, the Western Balkans countries were just as motivated to join the EU. However, twenty years on, the Western Balkans have still not joined the European Union. Sometimes it even seems that EU membership has become less attractive for the region than it was two decades ago. With the world and the EU facing a number of crises in the past two decades, the Union's appetite for enlargement has diminished. At the same time, some Western Balkan countries showed limited political will to implement much needed EU reforms, giving the enlargement sceptics in the Union arguments against their integration. Overall, the enlargement process has proceeded at a slower pace and with less visible and tangible results than expected, leading to disappointment and alienation from the EU. The Union and the Western Balkans – intentionally or unintentionally – found an unsatisfactory modus vivendi.


The window of opportunity for a geostrategic enlargement

Since the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, EU membership has become an even more attractive goal for the Eastern partnership countries - Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. At the same time, countries of the Western Balkans are facing unprecedented challenges to their stability as well as amplified foreign policy dilemmas. Yet there is also increased awareness of a new window of opportunity for enlargement, raising expectations vis-à-vis the EU. We welcome that the EU is now approaching enlargement from a more geostrategic and less bureaucratic perspective than before. Last year's decision to grant B&H candidate status was grounded in strategic considerations. There is an increasing recognition that enlargement policy is the EU’s most powerful stabilization instrument. That said, a new, strategic EU approach will not lower enlargement standards. Full reform implementation remains essential. The current situation is an opportunity for both the European Union and the Western Balkans to show more strategic foresight, to fully regain their enlargement credibility and to reinforce mutual trust, some of which had been lost over the years. In fact, a few concrete steps should be taken without any further delay. First, the European Union must open the EU accession negotiations with B&H by the end of this year. Second, Montenegro must continue on its EU reform path, which depends on the formation of a new government in the country. Third, the negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia should advance. In North Macedonia, next steps depend on the country's ability to pass the required constitutional changes. The latter case is a reminder that EU member states and Western Balkan countries need to play a responsible role and refrain from inserting bilateral problems and disputes, which are unrelated with the accession process.


For a gradual, accelerated EU integration of the Western Balkans

On the EU side, the discussion on required institutional and financial preparations to integrate new members is gaining momentum. This, however, should not become a pretext to delay the enlargement process for our Western Balkans partners. We need to start implementing existing proposals to accelerate the enlargement process now. EU institutions should be more imaginative in adapting the enlargement process to today's needs. The process should be less complex and more results-oriented. We must make it more tangible for citizens and tie reform progress to concrete benefits. We also need to engage more dynamically with the Western Balkans countries so that they can really feel the heartbeat of Brussels. Since June 2022, there is a clear tasking by the European Council to advance gradual integration already during the enlargement process. In June 2023, as the “Friends of the Western Balkans” together with our colleagues from Czechia, Greece, Italy and Slovakia, we called on the EU institutions to present a clear agenda for gradual and accelerated integration with concrete implementation steps until 2024 and beyond. This should be based on fair and rigorous conditionality and the principle of own merits. We see many possibilities, from inviting our Western Balkans colleagues more often to the Foreign Affairs Council to opening up additional policy areas such as education, science, transport or trade for their gradual involvement. The true value of EU enlargement lies in its transformative ability: helping countries to raise living standards for their citizens and creating prosperous environments where young people may fulfil their dreams. Our Western Balkans and Eastern partners deserve this opportunity, and EU citizens will benefit from more stability and prosperity beyond the current EU borders. EU enlargement is not one among many political options; it is the geostrategic imperative of the day.


Berlin Global Dialogue Summit, Rama: The process of introducing the Western Balkans into the EU should speed up (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in his speech at the Berlin Global Dialogue Summit said that the complexity of the Western Balkans at present is another reason why the process of the region's entry into the European Union must speed up. He added that even the most sceptical countries have understood the geopolitical importance of the Western Balkans.

"After the Russian invasion, even the most sceptical, even the most distant from the Western Balkans have understood its geopolitical importance. The Western Balkans has quite a difficult history, while situated in the heart of Europe. There is no solution other than the entry of the Western Balkans into the EU. The complexity of the Western Balkans today is another reason why the region’s accession process should speed up," said Rama in his speech.


Rama meeting with the Crown Prince of the United Emirates: Positive progress with the joint projects (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama hosted the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed Al Nahyan. According to Rama talks between the two were focused on the the positive progress of joint projects. A number of important projects in Albania have been financed through the Abu Dhabi Development Fund. Among them is the rehabilitation of the Tirana River, the construction of the new Boulevard, and the Tirana-Elbasan road too. Rama says in a post on social networks that in this meeting they talked about the positive progress of joint projects between the countries. "Meeting with the Crown Prince of the United Emirates, Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed Al Nahyan, with whom we spoke about the positive progress of joint projects", writes Prime Minister Edi Rama.