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Belgrade Media Report 11 October 2023



Vucic, Munsch discuss worsening of situation of Kosovo Serbs (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the Commander of the NATO Joint Force Command in Naples Admiral Stuart Munsch in Belgrade on Wednesday and voiced grave concern over a drastic worsening of the already difficult situation of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic said Serbia expected KFOR to maintain a neutral position and act proactively to prevent any deterioration of the security situation on the ground. In a post on Instagram, Vucic wrote that he had had a "good and open discussion" with Munsch in which they had exchanged views on the current security situations in the Western Balkans and the Middle East. "I voiced grave concern over a drastic worsening of the already difficult situation of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija and reiterated that Serbia supports KFOR engagement in strict, full and unbiased performance of its mandate based on UNSC Resolution 1244, as well as that we expect KFOR to maintain a status neutral position and act proactively with a view to preventing any deterioration of the security situation on the ground," Vucic wrote in the post.


Brnabic says 79 percent of ODIHR recommendations implemented (FoNet/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said Tuesday that she has written to the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) asking it to send experts to assess what has been done and what needs to be done regarding the electoral process, and stressed that, following the last vote, OSCE said that conditions for the holding of democratic and free elections have been created. She told reporters at a ceremony marking the beginning of construction of a sanitary landfill that 79 percent of ODIHR recommendations have been implemented in between the two election cycles and that she hopes the ODIHR mission will visit Serbia this month. Asked to comment on the fact that the opposition has also written to OSCE, Brnabic said their requests are nothing like the government’s. “We are serious and concrete, they are frivolous and are trying to involve the foreign factor in causing chaos in Serbia. They are trying to instrumentalize OSCE, ODIHR and all foreign embassies because they are preparing for electoral failure, in elections they demanded to be held,” said Brnabic.


Djilas rebuts Brnabic: Zero ODIHR recommendations implemented (FoNet)


The leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic’s claim that Serbia has implemented 18 out of the 23 recommendations of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) mission for elections in Serbia is incorrect. Lies, incoherent thoughts and complete ignorance – that is what we think every time we read or hear Brnabic. Whenever we think that what she says cannot get any more senseless, she proves us wrong, said Djilas in a written statement. He said that, without any shame, she said that as much as 79 percent of ODIHR mission’s recommendations have been implemented, which would mean that the media in Serbia are free, and that the government and the opposition are equally represented in the media. That would mean that there is no pressure on the voters, that mechanisms preventing vote buying have been put in place, that there is no campaigning by officials, that there are limits on campaign spending, that the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) has become more independent and its role has been strengthened, and that voter rolls have been inspected in the presence of the opposition, said Djilas. None of this is true, zero percent of ODHIR recommendations has been implemented, not 79 percent. You have not accepted a single recommendation because you know that, if you did, you would suffer big losses in the elections, said the SSP leader. Djilas called on international organizations not to be a part of Ana Brnabic’s and Serbian Progressive Party’s charade and to confirm, in line with their own and their mission’s recommendations, that the next elections in Serbia will neither be fair nor democratic.


Excellent job done on preparing media laws (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with representatives of the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, media and journalist associations and international partners on the occasion of the end of a public hearing on the Draft Law on Public Information and Media and the Draft Law on Electronic Media. She pointed out that a compromise was reached regarding the most important issues concerning the implementation: the Press Council and the election of members of the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM). Brnabic specified that the Press Council will be a self-regulatory body responsible for all media and that this is the first time that it will be part of the legislative framework. She emphasised that these laws are revolutionary, because self-regulation is being introduced for the first time. Brnabic assessed that an excellent job was done and that she expects both laws to be adopted by the end of October. Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Jan Braathu emphasised the importance of inclusiveness and transparency in the development of media regulations, adding that this is crucial when it comes to implementing the Media Strategy and Action Plan in letter and spirit. He added that in the conversation with media and journalist associations, progress was made in compromise solutions, as is the case with the current proposal of authorised proponents for REM Council members, which contributes to its de-politicisation, and the Press Council is the only self-regulatory body provided for by law. It is necessary to additionally strengthen the organisational, functional and financial independence of REM. The Head of the Mission confirmed the readiness of the Mission to assist in the implementation of the laws when they are finalised, as well as in the drafting of the necessary by-laws. Head of the Media and Information Department of the EU Delegation to Serbia Manuel Munteanu assessed that the Media Strategy is a quality document and reiterated the importance of the fact that the two draft laws reflect its spirit. He welcomed positive developments, such as the strengthening of the role of the Press Council and depoliticisation in the proposal of REM Council members. He also reiterated the importance of having strong protection mechanisms to ensure a level playing field for all media and market actors. He pointed out that the EU Delegation has supported the process of media reforms in Serbia from the very beginning and will continue to do so. President of the Union of Journalists of Serbia Dragana Cabarkapa pointed out that the Law on Public Information and Media includes for the first time provisions concerning the labour rights of journalists and media workers. She emphasised that this is of great importance because it will open the possibility for a more dignified position and better working conditions for media workers and the possibility to establish a dialogue, which is the goal and standard in European countries.


Dacic urges international community to find political solution to situation in Israel (TV Prva/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Tuesday urged the international community to find a political solution to the situation in Israel. "On the very first day, Serbia condemned the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, and it sympathises with the people of Israel," Dacic told reporters before a Serbia-Israel conference on defence and security, and urged a political solution that would avert further casualties. He said the Hamas attacks were impermissible and deserved utter condemnation despite differences in the positions of Israel and Palestine. "We call on the entire international community that a political solution be found to these problems because that could be the only long-term solution. Unfortunately, this is not a new situation, this has been going on for several decades now," Dacic said, adding that Serbs, too, had been targeted by terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija. Commenting on the impact of global crises on the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic said many in the international community had refused to believe Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who had been warning for months that Pristina Prime Minister Albin Kurti's leadership was the main problem in Kosovo and Metohija. "His leadership is refusing to implement peace plans and the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, which has resulted in him having a Serb police commander dismissed and in a lack of Serb representation in the police, as well as in raids - ethnic Albanian police have raided the north of Kosovo and Metohija 62 times, which is contrary to the agreement with NATO," Dacic said. He said Serbia's role at this time was to be consistent in advocating agreements and talks as well as to call for an end to violence against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and added that the role of the international community was to finally exert pressure to ensure the establishment of the Community, which he noted was crucial for the position of Kosovo Serbs. He said Kurti was doing everything to complicate the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija in order to expel the Serbs or make them leave their ancestral homes on their own. "After all these months, I think it is clear to everyone what the main problem is, but whether the international community will have sufficient strength and desire to point to the problem and put Kurti under pressure we will see in the period to come because he is their project, and the so-called Kosovo's independence has been their project throughout all these years and decades, so they will do everything to be lenient about everything he is doing," Dacic said.


Mojsilovic receives China's new Ambassador (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic received China's newly-appointed Ambassador to Belgrade Li Ming on Tuesday to discuss advancement of overall cooperation between the two countries. Welcoming Li, Mojsilovic said he believed the ambassador's diplomatic experience and personal efforts would lend an impetus to advancement of the traditionally good relations between the two countries, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said in a statement. The parties agreed there was a shared interest in further stepping up of defence cooperation and said they believed the cooperation would help strengthen overall Serbia-China relations. Li noted that he was honoured to be representing his country in Serbia and reiterated that China strongly supported the territorial integrity and economic development of Serbia, its important partner in this part of the world.


Office: Harassment of Serbs only task of so-called Kosovo Police (Tanjug/RTV)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said on Wednesday the so-called Kosovo Police had continued to harass and arrest Serbs in north Kosovo municipalities and that its only goal was to lead to a fresh escalation of tensions and the crisis on the ground. In a statement, it said the only task of the so-called Kosovo Police was to terrorise the Serb population in the north of the province. "First, Serb M.M. was detained in a village near Leposavic, in front of his wife and five children, and then his flat was searched in detail in the presence of the Kosovo special police. Under the same scenario and according to the same diktat, Kurti's special police started searching and rummaging several privately-owned buildings in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, near the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica as well as in Zvecan," the statement said. "Kurti has an obsessive wish to subjugate the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and he is using the tragic events in Banjska to carry out persecution, retaliation, torture and arbitrary detentions of Serbs with the sole goal of a complete ethnic cleansing of the north of Kosovo-Metohija, in front of the eyes of the entire international community," the Office said. "We demand that international missions stop Kurti's daily abuses and put an end to daily detentions and arrests of Serbs and make a contribution to a calming of tensions and prevent the Pristina authorities from setting the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija and beyond, the Western Balkan region, further ablaze," the statement said.


Hill: We need to know exactly what happened in Kosovo (Tanjug/RTS)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said yesterday that he personally believes that we need to know exactly what happened in Kosovo, so that something similar does not happen again, writes Tanjug. "Without a political agreement and political perspectives, we cannot move forward and solve such problems," he told reporters at the regional conference on innovation and innovative entrepreneurship "SPLET Tech Conference". He stressed that one of the elements of the political solution for Kosovo and Metohija should be regional perspective, that is, a regional approach to solving problems and for people to establish trust and work on problems together. "I also think that some politicians should come and see what the approach is to solving the problems in Kosovo," Hill added. The ambassador stated that a political agreement for Kosovo is also necessary, which consists of some elements, like the Community of Serb Municipalities, as well as a broader picture and a broader perspective for Kosovo.


Stano: Belgrade knows what it is supposed to do (Beta)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said on Tuesday that the Serbian authorities knew full well what they were supposed to do and what they were being asked to do where full and unconditional cooperation in investigating the 24 September incident in Banjska was concerned. "We expect Serbia's full and unconditional cooperation, while how Serbia will do that is up to it. If there is a will there is a way, there are many ways and it is not up to us to talk about that. Our Serbian partners know very well what they are expected to do and what they should do," Stano said when asked by Beta about which institutions Belgrade should cooperate with. Stano reiterated that once it had a clear picture of what had happened and who was behind it the EU would decide on what steps to take next. He said that the EU was ready, when its members agreed on that, to review certain measures against Serbia if a de-escalation did not happen or if there was an additional escalation. "In the first phase we must first see steps toward a meaningful de-escalation, a return to dialogue and a full and complete investigation into the events of 24 September," he added. Stano stressed that Belgrade and Pristina "must understand that the dialogue needs to be renewed and both sides must engage themselves in a meaningful way in attempts to reach the compromises necessary for normalizing relations".


Office for KiM: Another Kosovo Serb arrested (Tanjug/RTV)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said on Tuesday the so-called Kosovo Police had arrested a Kosovo Serb at the Merdare administrative crossing this afternoon without any explanation whatsoever and taken him to Pristina. In a statement, the Office said 52-year-old Priluzje resident Tomica B, a father of three, had crossed the administrative line without problems on several occasions in the past years. At the time of the arrest, he and his wife were on their way home from Krusevac that Tomica occasionally visits. "Pristina's new arbitrary arrest of a Serb sends a message to our people that they are not welcome on their home soil and intimidates them further with a view to expelling them permanently from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," the Office said. It said this represented a "silent institutional ethnic cleansing of Serbs and implementation of Albin Kurti's plan of an ethnically clean Kosovo and Metohija where the message to Serbs is that they can end up in Kurti's dungeons at any time".


Turkish General Ulutas takes over as KFOR Commander (FoNet)


Turkish Major General Ozkan Ulutas on Tuesday took over the role of Commander of the NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, from Italian Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, saying he is aware of the responsibility he has been entrusted with at this sensitive time for Kosovo, said the KFOR mission. Italian Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia handed over the command of the NATO-led KFOR mission in Kosovo to Ulutas in the presence of the Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Admiral Stuart B. Munsch. Ristuccia thanked KFOR members for supporting him in performing his duties with dedication, professionalism and impartiality. He said he wished to emphasize that KFOR’s mandate is first and foremost to work on maintaining a safe environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo. This was and is a complex mission marked by countless challenges, which we tried to turn into opportunities for peace and stability, but above all, for a better future for generations to come, said Ristuccia. Ulutas said he was aware of his responsibility in this sensitive period that Kosovo is going through. He said the mission entrusted to his command will continue to fulfill its mandate with impartiality and professionalism required by international responsibility, in accordance with the values of NATO and United Nations that the KFOR mandate is based on.




Court of B&H confirms objections of Dodik’s defense were dismissed, plea hearing scheduled for 16 October (RTRS)


In statement to RTRS, representatives of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated that Court of B&H rejected as groundless the objections submitted by defense attorneys of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic.  “Decision on dismissing the objections was reached yesterday (Monday) and after this decision what follows is entering of the plea,” Court of B&H stated. Representatives of the Court of B&H said that plea hearing will take place at beginning of next week. “Hearing for entering of plea in case ‘Milorad Dodik et al’ is scheduled for 16 October 2023, with beginning at 13:00 hrs,” statement reads.


Cvijanovic says process against Dodik is political persecution (Nezavisne)


The Court of B&H confirmed that the trial of RS President Milorad Dodik is expected to start soon, after all objections of Dodik’s defense were rejected as groundless. Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that Dodik “is a target of a political persecution” in which, according to her words, foreigners are using domestic judiciary to settle accounts with the RS because the RS President “just like every real democrat in the world, disputes the possibility of having a non-appointed foreigner impose the will of his sponsors through denial of democratically elected bodies of a state”.


Tadic: Schmidt commits false pretense, RS will demand assistance of German judiciary (RTRS)


Legal expert and advisor to RS President Ognjen Tadic said that Christian Schmidt falsely identifies himself as High Representative and imitates diplomatic status. Tadic underlined that this is why the RS will demand assistance from German judiciary in order to defend and preserve the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) that has been undermined by abovementioned unappointed foreigner. Tadic went on to saying that besides criminal offenses he has been committing in B&H, Schmidt also commits criminal offenses towards Germany and violates Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.


Director Stankovic expects RS parliament will soon discuss Proposal of Law on Immovable Property (RTRS)


Director of the RS Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs (RUGIPP) Dragan Stankovic is expecting that the Proposal of Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority of RS will again be in the parliamentary procedure after undergoing corrections and additional harmonization. Stankovic reminded the RS government removed the said proposal of law from the agenda of the last session of the RS parliament and that the RUGIPP re-worked the document. “This proposal of law was withdrawn in order to correct some issues and additionally harmonize them with different authority levels. I expect the law will again be in the parliament”, said Stankovic adding it is paradox he is on the US’ black list because he does his job in line with the Constitution and laws of the RS. “Somebody puts you on the black list, publishes it some place, you never get anything in writing, you have no possibility to appeal. Only a brief statement that I jeopardize or undermine the Dayton Peace Accords with my statements, which is of course not true”, said Stankovic. In addition, Stankovic announced that in the next five years, the RS will carry out a mass assessment of the value of immovable property should be carried out as part of the Swedish donor project ‘Digital improvement of land management for the European future of B&H’. He added that the mass assessment of the value of immovable property is a new competence of this administration.


Stevandic: No one will prevent registering of property with RS (RTRS)


Several days ago, members of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic submitted into the official procedure in the Presidency proposal of law on so called state property. Representatives of RS reacted to this act and underlined that submitting of such proposal is not part of competences of members of the Presidency, adding that issue of property is red line for the RS. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that the RS will use all means to defends its property, adding that no one will prevent its registering with the RS. He emphasized that succession of former Yugoslavian republics has nothing to do with ownership over property, adding that property has been regulated by the Constitution of B&H. “There is no mean we are not prepared to use in order to defend our property, political one anyone”, stressed Stevandic. He added that without property, the RS does not exist. Reporter noted that the RS MPs in the from parties with seat in Sarajevo are convinced that property of the RS will be registered as ownership of B&H. MP Ramiz Salkic (SDA) stated that after the DPA was signed, B&H resumed to function under name B&H, with all rights and obligations, internal and external ones. Salkic added that it implies B&H is owner of state property. MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Milorad Kojic (SNSD) said that this is attempt to switch arguments, because the RS is only one that has continuity in B&H, unlike it is case with the Federation of B&H. RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic underlined that the Constitution of B&H clearly defined what property belongs to entities.


B&H Presidency adopts Proposal Law on Natural Gas Transmission, Regulator and Internal Market in B&H (Hayat)


At its session held Tuesday, the B&H Presidency adopted the Proposal on Natural Gas Transmission, Regulator and Internal Market in B&H, proposed by B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic. Becirovic said that this is the first time that a state body, authority of B&H, is proposing a legal regulation of a sector in a comprehensive way, and that by using argumentation, he proved that inter-state transport falls within the state competence. In a video message, Becirovic said: “With gas transmission through two entities, the main requirement to regulate gas at the state level has been fulfilled. This is not a transfer of competence. On the contrary, it is a fulfilment of constitutional obligation and its most important segment – inter-entity transport. It is not a coincidence that at the state level ‘Elektroprijenos B&H’ and the regulator for electricity have been formed. ‘Elektroprijenos’ is another proof that the energy must first be standardized at the level of the state of B&H. Task of B&H-oriented politicians is not to fulfill (RS President Milorad) Dodik’s destructive wishes but to align B&H’s legal systems with standards and norms of the EU.” B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic announced on Tuesday the intention to invoke the mechanism for protection of vital entity interest, after being outvoted at the Presidency session. B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic voted in favor of Becirovic's proposed conclusions on “the alleged escalation of the RS’ attack on the provisions of the Dayton Agreement and threatening the constitutional and legal order of B&H”. Becirovic and Komsic adopted a conclusion stating that it is necessary, in order to consistently implement the principles of legal certainty and the rule of law, to stop immediately with ultimatums, separatist policies and attacks on the state of B&H and its institutions.


Two-day international conference ‘NATO and Security Challenges’ begins in Sarajevo (Hayat)


The two-day international conference ‘NATO and Security Challenges’ began in Sarajevo on Tuesday, in organization of the Atlantic Initiative and the Norwegian Embassy to B&H. Hayat reports that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is expected to pay an official visit to B&H in the following period, however his visit is not yet certain. Addressing the media, Norwegian Ambassador to B&H Olav Reinertsen said that the NATO Secretary General is closely monitoring the situation in the Western Balkans, especially in B&H. “I see there are announcements of his visit, but it has not been definitely confirmed. However, I also know that he is showing a great interest to visit B&H that is a member of the Partnership for Peace program.” In his earlier statements, Stoltenberg would note that B&H, together with Georgia and Moldova, is among the countries which deserve NATO’s special attention. At the same time, citizens as well as politicians in B&H are usually divided with regard to B&H’s NATO perspective. However, results of the most recent survey conducted by the Atlantic Initiative show that almost 70 percent of B&H citizens support B&H joining the NATO. Addressing the media, Atlantic Initiative President Edina Becirevic said: “We have discovered that the hypothesis that everyone is exclusively for NATO or exclusively against NATO is simply not true. Because political and public discourse is simplifying things and it relies on stereotypes, erasing every nuance’’. Atlantic Initiative Vice President Sead Turcalo said that the survey conducted on a representative sample in the entire B&H and its results do not reflect the position that someone is against NATO in advance and that the NATO cannot be discussed. Addressing the media, Turcalo said: “We have a stereotypical idea based on political discourse coming from the entity RS that in such choice Russia and China would be unquestionable. However, almost half of respondents would either support strategic choice of NATO to greater or lesser extent, or they are indecisive.” Hayat reports that NATO and his allies are focused on the current situation in B&H; security situation in B&H is viewed in the context of Russia’s aggression and developments in the Middle East. According to respondents, B&H joining the NATO will also attract foreign investments because security increases B&H’s chances to join the European family. One of the messages from the participants of the conference was that cooperation between B&H and NATO must be expanded and strengthened, especially in the period of active conflicts in the neighborhood and in Europe. The announcement of Stoltenberg's upcoming visit shows how focused NATO is on the situation in B&H, added the reporter. Ambassador Reinertsen was quoted as saying: “And that is exactly my message today, that the international community will stay here. We will make sure that there is an international presence that will take care of security in this country.


Osmani from Zagreb requests sanctions for Serbia, Milanovic opposes (Hina/RT)


The president of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani pointed out that with the September 24 incidents in Banjska, Belgrade aimed to annex the north of Kosovo and called on the international community to impose sanctions on Serbia. After the meeting with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, Osmani said at a joint press conference that "if this does not happen, Serbia will repeat the terrorist attacks in Kosovo", and added that the so-called friendship and partnership of Kosovo and Croatia remains steadfast. "Our friendship and partnership are deeply rooted in common values, which serve as a bridge between our countries and our peoples. In the last period, Kosovo is facing one of the most serious periods in the last 25 years due to hybrid actions, through terrorist attacks and aggression sponsored and ordered by Serbia. With this, I hope that our international partners will show strategic clarity and decisive actions to stop Serbia's attempt to destabilize not only Kosovo but the region itself. There are few countries in Europe that better understand the challenge we face in Kosovo than Croatia," said Osmani. She pointed out that Croatia is a great friend, ally and partner of Kosovo emphasized that this country was on their side when, as Osmani stated, "our essence was threatened". Osmani pointed out that Kosovo sees Croatia as a main ally, not only in the region. Osmani states that Croatia itself faced a similar matrix in the early 1990s, as he says, from the Milosevic regime. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that Pristina should form a Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) regardless of who is in power in Belgrade and that Serbia must provide answers about the events in Banjska and added that he is against the introduction of sanctions, reports RT Balkan. "In the end, it is within the standards guaranteed by your constitution," Milanovic said at the press conference after the conversation with the president Osmani. Milanovic emphasized that Croatia advocates for the recognition of Kosovo and its membership in international organizations. "Our positions are clear, Serbia must provide answers to some things that are obvious and cannot go unnoticed. Someone has to give answers, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but someone is behind it. If there are no consequences, it means that we are waiting for the next such event, on a larger scale. And we must not allow that," says Milanovic. He points out that other leaders should also warn about the Kosovo problem, just like him, but they don't do that, because "they might have some personal interests". The Croatian president emphasized that he is against the introduction of sanctions. "I am against sanctions. Kosovo is also under some sanctions. I don't believe in sanctions, especially those against entire countries. Sanctions to Kosovo were brought by Borrell, who is probably retiring soon. He and his team", said Milanovic and added that the sanctions on Kosovo "are a picture of the incompetence and stupidity that this team is doing in the region". Milanovic also referred to the conflict in Gaza and said that the real problem is the status of the Palestinians.


MFEA sends note of protest to Montenegro because of the controversial billboards (HRT)


The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) of the Republic of Croatia sent a note of protest to Montenegro after placing billboards along roads in Montenegro as part of the Proud of Your Serbian campaign organized by the IN4S portal, it was announced on Tuesday. As stated in the MFEA press release, the Ministry indicates in a note that the use of famous figures from Croatian, especially Dubrovnik history, on posters promoting Serbianism in Montenegro, "is an absolutely unacceptable attempt to reach out and attribute historical cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian people to Serbian culture.” “They include, among others, Dubrovnik historical figures Rudzer Boskovic and Baltazar Bogisic. The unacceptability and absurdity of such an approach is even more evident in the context of the fact that more than thirty years ago, Dubrovnik was shelled from the territory of Montenegro, which was under siege from 1 October 1991, to the end of May 1992, when numerous civilians were killed, many were detained in camps in Montenegro and looting of private and public property was carried out,” it was announced. The Ministry strongly condemns such actions, which are deeply disturbing for the citizens of Croatia and members of the Croatian minority in Montenegro, and which also affect bilateral relations, and expresses its belief that the government of Montenegro will make maximum efforts to remove the controversial billboards and prevent any an attempt at this and similar abuse of media and public space.


Negotiations: Democrats to get 4 ministries and 2 DPM positions, ZBCG to head parliament, Bosniaks out of government (RTCG)


PM-designate Milojko Spajic offered Democratic Montenegro to join the government last night, which they accepted at the electronic meeting of the Presidency. Democrats were offered the positions of deputy prime-ministers in charge of internal politics and security, and the European integration and foreign affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministries of Ecology, Tourism, Northern Development and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Culture. The government will have 18 ministries. Spajic did not find acceptable the Bosniaks’ condition for SD to enter the government. For now, they are outside the government, which will have the support of at least 49 MPs. Given the current situation, PM-designate Spajic will most likely secure the support of at least 49 MPs for the formation of the 44th government. Referring to unofficial information, RTCG announced that after Spajic agreed with the For the Future of Montenegro coalition on minority support, Democrats held a session of the Presidency and accepted the offer to participate in the 44th government. Portal RTCG has learned that the Democrats leader, Aleksa Becic, has accepted to give up the position of parliament speaker due to the unblocking of the process. Instead of that position, he will get additional positions in the government. The position of parliament speaker will go to ZBCG, that is, most likely to Andrija Mandic, as well as another 40% of management and operational positions. The security sector is supposed to be headed by Democrats, and SNP is expected to keep the existing ministries. The government could also include United Montenegro, which conditioned its support on the entry of the ZBCG coalition. The Ministry of Education will most likely belong to them. The Albanian parties are willing to participate in the government, while the participation of the Bosniaks is questionable, that is, in the current situation, they are outside the government. They are against the formation of government with ZBCG. Since their votes are not necessary in this combination, there is a great possibility that they will end up in opposition.


Nikolic: By electing Mandic to the position of President of the Assembly, Montenegro gets an anti-Western and pro-Russian parliamentary majority (CdM)


The eventual election of Andrija Mandic to the head of the parliament of Montenegro would also mean a definitive deviation of state policy from European integration, the pro-Western path and the Euro-Atlantic agenda, said Milos Nikolic, spokesman for the DPS of Montenegro. "Additionally, this choice would create a precedent in world politics for a person who is suspected in the proceedings of terrorism against his own country and sentenced to 5 years in prison at first instance to become the highest state official in the country against which he planned to commit terrorism - as stated in the indictment of the Special State Prosecutor's Office. A man who said that he sees (Russian President Vladimir) Putin as his president, would he become a member of the Defense and Security Council of a country that is a member of the NATO alliance?!" Nikolic said in a statement. As she added, with this development of events, the masks will finally fall on the political stage and there will be no more mimicry. "All those who will be part of the parliamentary majority, whose backbone is the Chetnik duke, an agent of Great Serbian nationalism and a Russian henchman, will definitely confirm that they are part of the anti-Western forces that see and perceive Montenegro exclusively as Aleksandar Vucic's playground," concludes Milos Nikolic, spokesman for the DPS of Montenegro.


Ahmeti: Elections to be held on regular date, no need for leaders’ meeting (MIA)


The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) Ali Ahmeti said Tuesday that elections aren’t the solution, and stressed that the next parliamentary elections will be held on the regular date, in spring next year. “The priority above all priorities is reaching an agreement over the constitutional amendments and the holding of the intergovernmental conference, which is supposed to be held by the end of the year. I don’t know what we can do to serve people better than to make sure the country joins the EU. Elections won’t provide a solution, so, the next elections will be held on the regular date, in spring next year,” said Ahmeti in answer to a journalist’s question. Ahmeti said in case VMRO-DPMNE has an issue with DUI being a part of the government, they will withdraw as soon as VMRO-DPMNE votes for the constitutional amendments. Regarding the statement of VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in which he called for a meeting with SDSM leader and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in order to discuss the coming elections and the electoral process, Ahmeti said a meeting wasn’t necessary.


Mickoski: Real poll numbers seen at elections (MIA)


Creating partisan polls released by media close to the authorities is a problem for the ruling parties, showing their fear and panic, but the real numbers are seen when facing the people at elections. That is why I call for sooner elections because there is no running away from that poll, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Tuesday. "The polls are clear, VMRO-DPMNE's advantage compared to SDSM is the largest to date by an opposition party," Mickoski told reporters in Novo Selo municipality. He announced that VMRO-DPMNE would launch the official procedure for presidential candidates early next year. "I expect the presidential elections to take place in the second half of March, first half of April, or in the regular slot by the end of April. The VMRO-DPMNE convention on election of the presidential candidate will take place by the end of January or the start of February," said Mickoski. He again urged for a leaders' meeting on the dates for the presidential and parliamentary elections.


Grkovska - Perebyinis: North Macedonia and Ukraine share common values, to strengthen cooperation and friendship (MIA)


North Macedonia and Ukraine share mutual values, cooperation and friendship will continue to develop, said Tuesday Deputy PM for good governance policies Slavica Grkovska and Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevhen Perebyinis, who is visiting North Macedonia. Deputy PM Grkovska expressed support for Ukrainian citizens in dealing with Russian aggression against Ukraine and the fight to maintain the country's territorial integrity. She emphasized that Ukraine is a friendly country that can always count on North Macedonia's support, said the government in a press release. Perebyinis thanked for North Macedonia's continued support, which they consider a key Western Balkans partner, and said they greatly appreciate the military aid, sanctions against Russia and the support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations. He also added that Ukrainians do not only fight for their country, but also for common values and Europe's security. Although Ukraine's main goal at the moment is victory over the aggressor, Perebyinis emphasized that joining EU is one of their top priorities and that the integration process is another opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, the press release reads. Interlocutors shared experiences about meeting EU membership criteria and reforms aimed at improving the standard for all citizens and society. Grkovska informed about her office's good governance policies and congratulated the Ukrainian government representative for the fact that during the war the country managed to establish special institutions to fight corruption.


Petrovska - Perebyinis: North Macedonia continues its strong support for Ukraine and its sovereignty (MIA)


Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska met Tuesday with Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevhen Perebyinis, who is visiting North Macedonia. Minister Petrovska expressed her strong and unequivocal support for Ukraine's independence and sovereignty, which are currently under attack. Ukraine, she added, must fight not only for itself and its sovereignty, but also for the international legal order which must be based on rules and principles, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. "We have condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine since the very beginning, and our support has not only been political, but can also be seen in action. On several occasions, North Macedonia donated humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine, which has every right to defend itself against unprovoked Russian aggression," Petrovska said. She added that during her visit to Ukraine in February of this year, she personally saw the suffering of Ukrainian people, but also the strength and will to defend the country. "During my visit to Ukraine, I personally saw the destruction in Irpin and Bucha. I saw the unscrupulousness of war reflected on people's faces, but I also saw the passion and motivation to fight for sovereignty," the Minister stressed. She emphasized that North Macedonia and its allies will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary on the side of justice and truth. Perebyinis thanked for North Macedonia's clear support, including the military and humanitarian support. Ukraine, he added, will continue to fight for its independence and sovereignty.


US Embassy: Proud to stand alongside Albania in promoting human dignity and justice across the world (Radio Tirana)


The US Embassy in Albania has congratulated our country on its election to the United Nations Human Rights Council. In the message published by the US Embassy in our country, it is emphasized that this is another opportunity for Albania to raise its voice for the most vulnerable around the world. "Congratulations to Albania on its election to the United Nations Human Rights Council! Albania has been a principled voice on the UN Security Council and its election to the Human Rights Council is another opportunity to stand up for the most vulnerable throughout the world. We are proud to stand alongside Albania in promoting human dignity and justice across the world," writes the US Embassy in our country. After voting with 123 votes in favor at the UN General Assembly, this afternoon, our country was elected a member of the Human Rights Council for the period 2024-2026. The news was made public by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani.


President Begaj speaks for the RTSH about issues discussed during the meeting with Rama (RTSH/Radio Tirana)


Albanian President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj spoke on Tuesday exclusively for Albanian Radio and Television about the expectations of the 16 October Summit between the Western Balkans and the EU leaders and what was discussed between the head of state and Prime Minister Rama the day before. Begaj is the first Albanian President who will host the working visit of the French President Macron on 16 October, thus marking an important event in the state calendar in regards to the relations between Albania and France. "The Summit of the Berlin Process will take place in Tirana on the 16th. In this framework, a working visit of the French president to Albania is planned for the first time. There is nothing to hide from yesterday's conversation [between the President and the Prime Minister]. It simply regards the topic of these two events that I believe are important for all Albanians. The organization of the Summit in Tirana in terms of importance shows that the countries of the Western Balkans are on their way towards EU integration. But Albania is in the pole position and it is from all the meetings with the international officials that it shows her important place and the primary importance role Albania plays in the EU integration process and realization of the dream of the Albanians to become part of the EU," said President Begaj. The Berlin Process Summit will be held in Tirana next Monday, during which the French President and Chancellor Scholz will be present too. The 16 October Summit in Tirana is the first summit of the process to be held outside the borders of Germany, the initiating country of this political and economic process for the countries of the Western Balkans.


Manja: Rare unity in the Croatian parliament when talking about the Albanian factor in the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Justice Ulsi Manja met in Zagreb with representatives of the Croatian parliament, headed by Zeljko Reiner, the first deputy speaker of the Croatian parliament. Manja expressed on social networks that there was an open conversation between old friends of the region with a significant message from the meeting: "When it comes to Albania and the Albanian factor in the region, the Croatian parliament shows a rare unity, without position-opposition differences ". "The parliamentary diplomacy of Croatia, as a member of the EU and NATO, is an excellent advocate for Albania on its way to the European Union. This close coordination shows the strength of friendship and solidarity between our two countries," said Manja. Albanian Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja is visiting Zagreb, where earlier he had meetings at the General Prosecutor's Office of Croatia and met with his Croatian counterpart, Ivan Malenica, where the parties agreed to work closely for the chapters of Justice in Albania’s EU integration process.