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Belgrade Media Report 13 October 2013



Vucic: People in Serbia should be calm, we will try to maintain peace (TV Prva/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was hosted last night on the show Prva theme on TV Prva, where he spoke about the most current topics. "People in Serbia should be calm, as we will try to keep the peace. Thanks to the strength of our country and our army, which if it were less powerful, we would not have had peace for a long time because many others would have taken actions against us. The most important thing is that I do not believe that there will be any kind of sanctions against us, and I see that there is a great rush both from the country and from abroad to take measures that would supposedly be directed against me personally, but people need not worry, and they will not feel anything personally, neither when it comes to visa, nor with regards to the standard of living nor anything else," said Vucic. Vucic spoke about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. "It is important for us to try to continue the dialogue, even though there is no substantive dialogue because Pristina will not and does not want it. I would invite all the representatives of our people, in line with the changed circumstances, when they saw how Kurti abused it in the worst possible way, and if no one from the West looked back and said that this is not acceptable, I would ask our people to come up with initiatives to organize elections in 4 municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija as soon as possible. That is my request, as I see things now. Let's go to the elections as soon as possible, and let Kurti say that he doesn't want elections and that it is democratic for someone with 3.4 percent to rule in the north of Kosovo. That's how we start the process of consolidation, let's see how to pass those basic levers of the authorities in the north of Kosovo into the hands of those who live there, not those who do not live there and will never live there," said Vucic. He added that the Serbs left the institutions when Albin Kurti abolished them. "By removing Mr. Djuric, he abolished the regional police force that existed in accordance with Article 9 of the Brussels agreement. And then people abandoned it, not on their own whim as some in Serbia try to explain. And there is another key reason. For a decade, they have been waiting for the formation of the ZSO, and that Community did not exist. Despite the fact that it is clear to everyone why the Serbs in Kosovo rebelled, today no one will talk about it even in the domestic public, because they are running from one embassy to another, to say bad things about their own state, and that's the only thing they do," said Vucic. He also pointed out that we have a responsible state leadership and that this is how we treat all problems. "We have a responsible and serious state leadership. If you think I went to Granada to waste time, I didn't. I did my job hard and diligently. Many more difficult moments are ahead of us. Don't forget, 22 out of 27 EU countries recognized Kosovo. There are also the USA as the biggest power," Vucic assessed and added: "It is not a problem in Viola von Cramon, they will always request moves to be taken against Serbia. It is a question of many from the inside who wish bad for their country." Vucic last night called on representatives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to organize elections for mayors in the four municipalities in the north as soon as possible. "I would ask our people to come up with initiatives to organize elections in those four municipalities as quickly as possible. That is of course my request. That is how I see things. Maybe they see it better, differently, but that is my request to them. To have elections as soon as possible in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo," said Vucic. He added that the process of consolidation will be initiated so that the basic levers of government will be in the hands of those who live there, and not in the hands of those who do not and never will. "It is important for us to try to continue the dialogue even though Pristina does not want it. No one from the West even took a look when Albin Kurti was abusing that in the most brutal way. Nor did they turn around and said, this is not acceptable and it's something we cannot allow," Vucic said. Vucic, also revealed the date of the election. There will be elections by the end of the year - Vucic said and showed the opposition's letter requesting elections. "With scheduling elections on 17 December, we met all their demands. They asked for and got Belgrade and parliamentary elections. They will also have Vojvodina elections," said Vucic and added: "I understood their requests despite bad vocabulary and went out to meet them". "Then, they had a coffee at the embassy and changed their minds in 5 minutes. And then they said - "Vucic is afraid because the Americans have banned him." "Intelligent response from Ambassador Hill. They need to work on their English. Political literacy sometimes takes decades and sometimes doesn't end successfully. Anyway, the bottom line is that I'm a coward who can't call an election. Why is it important for the citizens to have elections? I think it is important when there is a false idea of a crisis of legitimacy of the authorities, then it is important to meet people. That people can say what they think about how Serbia is progressing, whether we are doing well or not, whether they want someone else or not. There is nothing more disgusting in politics than holding on to your seat when you do not have enough percentages of support of citizens, as they did - Pajtic, Tadic, Djilas, until the last moment they clung to the chairs just to stay in power for a few more days. What they cannot understand is that there are people who are not corrupt, but who have morals, want to be there, manage the country, only if they have the support of the people. And not because the legality allows them to do so. Legitimacy is the key. I was guided by the interest of the citizens. I believe that Serbia is at a turning point, that we need a second half. That we need to show what we have done and what we are going to do. When I say that pensions will be increased by so much and so much - you all know that it will be like that," said Vučić and added that the same is true for salaries, Belgrade Waterfront, mining, other projects... "The people must express themselves. The people are the bearers of sovereignty. The people must know that we have completed one part of the difficult reforms. That Serbia started to develop quickly and strongly. That it succeeded in protecting the interests of our people west of the Drina, in Montenegro and wherever our people live in the territory of the former Yugoslavia," said Vucic. "It is up to the people to say what kind of politics they want and I have no problem with that. Unlike them, I never made any scenes after the election and acknowledged the election result even if I lost by 0.3 percent. We will not go with them in government, we are not interested in staying in power and buying anyone. We are not interested in making empty and meaningless agreements about anything. We are interested in doing something for the citizens of Serbia and this country. If we can gain the trust of the citizens, that's fine, we can't, let someone else rule," said Vucic and added that he has no intention of going into hiding because he does not have any accounts abroad or real estate anywhere outside this country. "And what are you going to take from me? My honor?" asked Vucic and stated what was successfully done in 11 years, and what the previous government did not do. As he says, it never occurs to him to run away and hide from anyone. "I can't and won't be likeable to everyone. I'm not interested in survival, I'm interested in the result - says the president and adds that he has no problem being in the opposition."


Vucic receives Chinese Ambassador (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Ming on Friday and said he hoped Serbia-China cooperation would become even stronger in the period to come. "An excellent meeting with the new Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Ming. In view of the high level of cooperation with PR China, I showed him all the premises and introduced him to all my aides at the Presidency," Vucic wrote on Instagram. He added that he had taken the opportunity to showcase the results achieved by Belgrade and Serbia, expressing the hope the cooperation with China would become even stronger in the period to come. "I especially noted how much I look forward to speaking with the President of PR China Xi Jinping next week and what an honour that is for me," he wrote in the post.


Momirovic: Blocking CEFTA agreement for political reasons unacceptable (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic said in Brussels yesterday that a ban on trade in Serbian goods on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija is absolutely unacceptable, and that is why Serbia is once again demanding its immediate abolition. After meeting in Brussels with EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, Momirovic pointed out that trade, business and economy are something that must bring people together and these topics should not be part of a political agenda. Pristina has been blocking the CEFTA agreement for two years already and it is necessary to overcome the blockages in order to ensure smooth trade and economic cooperation in the region, said Momirovic. He underlined that this is not an easy time for Serbia and that we are under strong pressure due to the events in Banjska. During his one-day visit to Brussels, Momirovic also met with Rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilisation and Association Process between the EU and Serbia MP Alessandra Moretti, Member of the European Parliament Andor Deli, Chief Executive Officer at Eurochambres Ben Butters, as well as Acting Director of the CEFTA Secretariat Danijela Gacevic.


Hill: Serbia must realize Kosovo is an independent state (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill stated on Thursday that he wished that Serbia would realize and recognize that Kosovo was an independent state, but that the problem was more complex than that. On the second day of the Belgrade Security Conference, Hill said that it was extremely important to understand what happened during the armed attack of the Serbs in the village of Banjska in northern Kosovo on 24 September. As the first thing towards the solution, we must hold those responsible for what happened, truly responsible, so that it would not happen again, the Ambassador stated during the panel discussion Western Balkans in the Global (Dis)Order. He said the second step would be the calming of tensions in northern Kosovo and then the finding of a political solution. Hill said it was important that the US and EU try to solve the problems in the Western Balkans together, noting that Kosovo remained a very difficult issue, and with good reason.


Hill: Guarantees needed to prevent repeat of Banjska (N1)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill told N1 on Thursday that guarantees are needed that there won’t be a repeat of the Banjska armed incident in northern Kosovo. According to the Ambassador, the Serbian authorities need to realize that this is a very serious issue, that peace and stability are needed in the Balkans and that the event at Banjska is the opposite of that. Hill said that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has to succeed but added that it has to speed up. Returning to the dialogue is very important and once people see the result they will be less prone to resort to violence.


Opposition party: Election commission passes three problematic decisions ahead of election (Beta)


The Freedom and Justice Party said on Thursday that the Republic Election Commission's working groups had passed three problematic decisions ahead of announced elections, decisions that would be placed on the agenda of the Commission's next session. The party said that one of the decisions, made by the Commission's working group for finance by a majority vote of its members from the ruling coalition, was to procure RSD95 million's worth of electoral material via direct negotiations -- without a public call, even though the Law on public procurement recognizes other, faster procedures that are conducted through public calls. According to the party, this immediately raises questions about possible abuses. The two other problematic decisions were adopted by the Republic Election Commission's working group for normative affairs, which rejected a proposal by the representatives of the Freedom and Justice Party to issue a set of instructions standardizing forms for reports crated by local polling station committees, the party said in a statement. According to the statement, the proposal was a response to what the party describes as last year's exceptionally bad practice of committee members' objections -- that is to say, violations of the law observed at polling stations, being recorded on a separate sheet submitted with the official reports as addenda, sheets that frequently "get lost", resulting in an unknown number of inaccurate results being certified due to the "disappearance" of papers noting illegalities in voting.


Elek: International factor to be complicit in looming humanitarian disaster (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


The Director of the Clinical and Hospital Centre in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica Zlatan Elek said on Friday a humanitarian disaster was looming at the hospital without urgent shipments of medicines, medical oxygen and medical supplies and noted that the Pristina authorities would be responsible - and international organisations complicit - if that happened. "All relevant international factors are familiar with the situation. We also spoke with the UNMIK chief here in Kosovo and Metohija the other day to explain the problems we are facing," he said at a press conference. "We hope a humanitarian disaster will be averted in any way possible. In case it is not, all international factors - including UNMIK, OSCE, humanitarian organisations, the World Health Organisation and everyone else - will definitely be complicit," he said. He said that, in the past, medicines for the hospital used to be provided by "our state, President Aleksandar Vucic, the Ministry of Health and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija." He dismissed Pristina's allegations there had never been any ban on shipments of medicines and noted that "there would certainly be no discussion about that topic now" if the claim had been true. He said obstructions by Pristina had reduced the frequency of shipments of medicines from regular quarterly shipments to one or two times a year. "A perfidious plan of the Pristina authorities is behind this - to get the Serb population to move out of the territory of the north of Kosovo-Metohija because if you take away from them the right to health care and treatment, you also take away their right to life, and the right to life is one of the fundamental rights under the UN Charter," Elek concluded.


Stoltenberg: KFOR reinforced with battalions from Romania, Bulgaria, UK (N1)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that, in response to recent tensions in Kosovo, the North Atlantic Alliance has deployed hundreds of additional reserve forces to its KFOR operation in recent weeks. “We are conducting more patrols in the north of Kosovo. These are prudent steps to ensure KFOR has the forces it needs to fulfill its UN mandate impartially. Belgrade and Pristina must behave responsibly, refrain from destabilizing actions, and re-engage in the European Union-facilitated dialogue,” said Stoltenberg, adding that this is the only way to secure lasting peace in Kosovo. He added that NATO has increased its presence in Kosovo with new battalions from Romania, from Bulgaria, along with the one previously deployed by United Kingdom. Stoltenberg said increased NATO military presence supports the diplomatic and political efforts of the European Union, and added that it is good to see that, in a difficult and challenging situation in Kosovo and in the Western Balkans, the EU and NATO are working closely together.


Varhelyi: Leaders of EU confirmed perspective of membership of Western Balkans (Politika, by J. C.)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stated on Thursday in Brussels that the EU leaders very clearly confirmed the perspective of the membership for the Western Balkans and called for acceleration of the enlargement process. Varhelyi also said that the EU enlargement is again high on the political agenda of Europe, which is a very important signal that the enlargement will happen soon. “Since the new geopolitical situation gives the encouragement to the enlargement process in general, I think this is something we all can agree on”, Varhelyi said and added that the enlargement is a geopolitical project both for Europe and region, but it is also more than just an institutional process. “The enlargement is also related to integration. In this integration, it is necessary to talk about real integration, i.e. integration of societies, economies, EU member countries”, Varhelyi said. Finally. Varhelyi noted that the Western Balkans is expected to get gradually integrated in the common market of the EU even before the membership in the EU “because this will be beneficial for us, for our partners in the enlargement, for their economies, for their people in the Western Balkans, but also for our economies and our people”.




Nesic: Schmidt is not legitimate as HR, he stays in B&H on ground of diplomatic note of Germany and not on ground of UN SC resolution (RTRS)


RTRS reports that B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic presented to the public on Thursday the evidence he received from the B&H security agencies at his personal request, and, as RTRS stressed, this information shows what the RS has been warning about since the arrival of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt in B&H - that Schmidt is staying in B&H only on the basis of a diplomatic note from the German Embassy, because the UN Security Council resolution on his appointment does not exist. Nesic also presented evidence that Schmidt brought three long guns into B&H. Because of everything, Nesic demands that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H initiates an investigation. Addressing a press conference in Sarajevo, Nesic said that B&H will never reach its European goal if there is one man, a foreigner, who is above all citizens and institutions, who changes laws and illegally influences official institutions. Nesic presented evidence at the press conference in Sarajevo that all High Representatives came to B&H with the UN Security Council resolution, stressing that unlike them, Schmidt came to B&H with a diplomatic note of the German Embassy. Nesic stated that Schmidt’s participation in the session of the UN Security Council was made possible by rule 39, which is the discretionary right of participation of anyone in the work of the Security Council. Nesic said that it was established that besides the buildings of the OHR in Banja Luka and Sarajevo and the residence, the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies in B&H is not in charge of Schmidt’s security. Nesic added that Schmidt’s personal security illegally brought three automatic rifles from Germany into B&H. “It is outside of all procedures. These weapons were returned to Germany only in June 2022 and they were on the territory of B&H outside procedures. Mr. Schmidt illegally brought long guns, and I have to say that this is an omission of our security services, our Border Police which should not have allowed someone to bring long guns,” Nesic said. Because of everything, Nesic called on Germany not to embarrass itself anymore and not to humiliate B&H, and to withdraw “the diplomat who does not have a mandate.” Nesic also referred to the decision of the Constitutional Court from 2006 that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) appoints and the UN Security Council confirms the appointment of the High Representative. “I could have been Mrs. (Borjana) Kristo's proposal for a Minister of Security, but until I was confirmed by the parliament, I could not assume the mandate. The same is the case with Mr. Christian Schmidt,” Nesic underlined. Nesic emphasized that he expects the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to act on the information from legitimate institutions and provide the public with a quick and efficient answer to who Christian Schmidt is.


German Embassy: Christian Schmidt is High Representative (


Commenting on the press conference of B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic held on Thursday, the German Embassy to B&H stated for the portal: “Christian Schmidt is a High Representative. The OHR has regularly registered Christian Schmidt.”


Becirovic’s Cabinet: Cvijanovic’s request to Nesic abut HR’s security detail was submitted without discussion and consent of B&H Presidency ( carries that Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic issued a press release after the Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic asked for information from the B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic about the number of members of High Representative Christian Schmidt’s security detail and weapons they carry. Becirovic’s Cabinet stressed that the Cvijanovic’s request to Nesic was submitted without a discussion and consent of the B&H Presidency. The press release reads: “The HR in B&H is legal and any activities of anti-Dayton oriented politicians cannot bring in question his legitimacy and basic provisions of the DPA.” The Cabinet also stated that it is clear that this is about continuation of the anti-Dayton acting and undermining of the B&H constitutional organization by the highest RS officials. The press release added: “It is important to stress that acting of the RS bodies against HR in B&H Schmidt is not of personal nature. The attacks on the OHR and the Constitutional Court of B&H are targeted attacks on institutions which protect basic provisions of the B&H Constitution. Such acting represents a direct attack on the DPA and B&H.” Therefore, they concluded, the international community, and especially witnessed of the DPA must urgently act in a concrete manner and stop dangerous anti-Dayton acting, which seriously undermines peace and security in B&H and the region.


B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs: There are no ambiguities with regard to status of HR in B&H (BHT1)


Commenting on B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic’s statements regarding the stay of High Representative Christian Schmidt in B&H, B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that there are no ambiguities with regard to the status of HR Schmidt in B&H. The Ministry’s statement reads that the German Embassy to B&H sent a verbal note on 26 July 2021, submitting the information about the arrival of the new HR and members of his security detail, asking for them to be provided with a license for bringing in and carrying weapon on B&H territory.


Sattler: RS leadership made unseen movers toward undermining of constitutional order in B&H ( carried an exclusive interview with the Head of EU Delegation to B&H/EU Special Representative Johann Sattler.  Commenting current political situation in B&H, the Ambassador said that this is currently a combination of things where series of positive moves have been made, but at the same time we can witness certain negative trends, especially in regard to founding freedoms. Sattler commended more constructive atmosphere in B&H institutions, which resulted in concrete results, and reminded that five reform laws have been adopted during the summer, but the Ambassador also underlined that while this does represent progress, one must not forget that adoption of these laws was on hold for a long time and that significant reforms are still necessary for B&H to make progress on the EU path. The Ambassador underlined that these laws now need to be implemented, most notably the Law on HJPC and Law on Free Access to Information. “On the negative side, we cannot ignore the fact that RS leadership made unseen moves toward undermining of the constitutional order in B&H, contrary to Dayton Agreement. We are witnesses of concerning developments in sectors of freedom of expression, freedom of media and freedom of association in the RS. Criminalization of defamation, as well as plans for limiting functioning and activities of civic society organizations, present huge steps backward.” Stressing that this is a time of huge turn in EU member states’ approach to enlargement, Sattler noted that this is a chance that B&H needs to use, “but let me be honest, there are no negotiations about territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, or about protection and exercising of human rights and basic freedoms in entire country”. Asked to comment the current situation, where RS representatives in B&H institutions do not want to adopt laws until the issue of Constitutional Court of B&H is solved, Sattler noted that B&H cannot afford itself any more blockades. He reminded of August agreement between leaders of coalition partners at B&H level, underlining that it is unacceptable to treat the politics as a dangerous game on the verge of conflict, where threats are considered a legitimate method for achieving of political goals and compromise is considered as something to be ashamed of. “Activities of the RS leadership undermine the constitutional order of B&H and withholding of appointing of a judge of the Constitutional Court is not a way to secure stability or prosperity in B&H, but raises tensions and creates legal insecurity, but also complicates every agreement in future reform”. The Ambassador noted that reform of the B&H CC is a key part of four of fourteen key priorities and will have to be solved, adding that the property demands strengthening of professionalism, impartiality and independence of the Court and its judges, including the improving the process of their appointment. He underlined that if the RS leadership wants reform of the B&H CC, they should work on harmonization with their coalition partners: “Threat with blockade is a toxic way to lead the politics, which already cost this country dearly”. Asked about cooperation with RS authorities, Sattler noted they are fully dedicated to fair development in entire B&H, meaning that they cooperate with authorities at all levels, all over B&H. “Is this cooperation complicated when the authorities are carrying out retrograde laws, contrary to their presented ambitions for joining the EU? Definitely, yes. Is denying of Srebrenica genocide burdening our relations, or when Milorad Dodik expresses his admiration toward Russia, all to the meetings with President Putin, a man who is directly responsible for initiating of illegal, unjustified, unprovoked war in Ukraine? Definitely. However, we keep the communication channels open, among other things, in order to express our discontent with such approach.” The Ambassador stressed the EU remains dedicated to all B&H citizens, including those living in the RS, reminding of the various projects, through which EU provides assistance to the citizens. “EU and its member states are greatly the most loyal and the most generous donator for B&H, including the RS. Neither Russia, nor China are the ones who invest, but the EU, which at the same time is the most important trading partner of B&H.” Commenting functioning of the FB&H government, Sattler noted that it is important that authorities are fully established, but he noted that FB&H government has fragile parliamentary majority, but the EU expects them to continue working on important reforms and noted that these reforms need to have support in the parliament. Sattler also reminded of necessity of appointing of the B&H CC judge from the FB&H. “Let me assure you that we are equally loud when it comes to the FB&H, just as with the RS, when this is necessary and when promised steps are not made.” Commenting work of the B&H Council of Ministers, Sattler noted that they are more functional, but he reminded of the huge amount of job ahead of them. He noted that the corruption remains to be the main issue that the people want authorities to tackle. He reminded of other laws that B&H needs to adopt and noted that when it comes to use of European funds, B&H continues to risk to miss all the opportunities. Asked about RS stance and their refusal to recognize Christian Schmidt as the High Representative, Sattler stated that the EU supports mission of the High Representative and his Office. “Threats to High Representative are unacceptable. At the same time, these are empty threats, being that they cannot be carried out. Further on, rhetoric and moves which provoke divisions and destabilization in B&H, only strengthen need for international supervision, while on the other side, credible and sustainable progress on implementation of ‘5+2 Agenda’ would in the end result in ending of international supervision.” Sattler repeated the stances on criminalization of defamation and adoption of Draft RS Law on the Special Registry and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organizations, and the author asked him if the RS is under “silent EU sanctions”, Sattler noted that the package of energy assistance, Which is currently paid for the most vulnerable families in B&H and which assists energy transition, proves that the EU continues to stand by the people of B&H country. He noted that EU is currently financing numerous projects in the RS, but also reminded that in February 2022, as a response to the political crisis caused by the RS leadership, the EC suspended financing of two infrastructural projects. He reminded that the EU is ready to continue financing when the conditions are met. Asked if the EU has mechanisms to unblock the current political crisis, Sattler reminded that after the 5th meeting of Council for Stabilization and Association, the HR/VP Josep Borrell noted that EU possesses wide set of tools what can be used for solving of unconstructive behavior. However, the EU would like to focus on the incentives, adding that everyone will benefit from the EU membership.


Stoltenberg says in B&H, NATO continues to support EU-led operation Althea, which plays important role in regional stability (N1)


N1 reports that at the summit in Brussels held on 11-12 October, the NATO Ministers of Defense discussed, among other things, the mission of KFOR, since there has been an increase in tension in Kosovo. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also spoke about B&H. “Ministers also addressed NATO missions and operations, including in the Western Balkans and in Iraq. The EU joined us. In response to recent tensions in Kosovo, NATO has deployed hundreds of additional reserve forces to our KFOR operation in recent weeks. And we are conducting more patrols in the north of Kosovo. These are prudent steps to ensure KFOR has the forces it needs to fulfil its UN mandate impartially. Belgrade and Pristina must behave responsibly, refrain from destabilizing actions, and re-engage in the EU-facilitated dialogue. This is the only way to lasting peace in Kosovo. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, NATO continues to support the EU-led operation Althea, which plays an important role in regional stability,” Stoltenberg told a press conference following the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defense in Brussels.


Ambassador Peleg denies Komsic’s claim said that she is fool and subject of manipulation, she asks Komsic again on which side of history he is (Oslobodjenje)


Israeli Ambassador Galit Peleg stated that she heard that B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic said that she is a fool and that she is a subject of manipulation. She thanked Komsic for this statement and said that she knows that she is not the fool and that she not the subject of manipulation. Galit and sent the message to Komsic that he still has not answered her on which side of history he is when he comments conflicts in Middle East. She stressed that it should be clear to all that Hama stared these conflicts with cruel attacks on civilians. The Ambassador thanked Komsic for his insults and added that they do not change facts. She concluded that cruel murders like the ones committed by Hamas were not seen even during Holocaust. Komsic on Thursday continued public polemics with Ambassador of Israel to B&H and Albania Galit Peleg and urged her, as he said, not to lecture people of B&H about killed children and killed civilians. Komsic also accused Peleg of downplaying the significance of Holocaust: “Do not downplay the significance of Holocaust by comparing it to terrorism of Hamas and by claiming that something like that had not even been seen during Holocaust. I know that much worse things happened during the Holocaust than the terrorism of Hamas”. Komsic added that he wishes peace for both the people of Israel and Palestinians: “I wish you and your neighbors Palestinians to live peacefully in future and to cooperate like two peaceful and prosperous countries. I am afraid, should it be any different, that the evil and misfortune of war could even spread throughout the world.”


HDZ B&H delegates in FB&H condemn Hamas’ attacks on civilians in Israel, Komsic’s statements (Dnevni list)


HDZ B&H delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) have strongly condemned attacks, killings and kidnapping of civilians that members of terrorist organization Hamas carried out in Israel. According to the delegates, they sympathize with the pain and suffering of every innocent victim and at the same time condemn attempts of several politicians in B&H to justify and relativize the terrorist attacks and Hamas activities, especially the imposed member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. According to the delegates, with his scandalous statements in which he seeks justification for Hamas’ terror against civilians in Israel and his hate speech against Israeli Ambassador to B&H Halit Peleg, who warned Komsic about his inappropriate views, Komsic is inflicting irreparable damage to B&H.


Viskovic meets with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Novak (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic met with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Aleksandr Novak in Moscow on Thursday. Following the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Viskovic told RTRS that the supply of the RS with gas from the Russian Federation is stable, and during the meeting with Novak, long-term gas supply contracts were also discussed. Viskovic thanked President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the Russian government and the Russian Deputy Prime Minister for their understanding towards the RS. “I want to say that in the previous period we had gas at much more favorable prices than the current stock market prices. Today (Thursday), we discussed the extension and signing of the long-term contract on the supply of Russian gas,” Viskovic said. Novak said that the Russian side greatly appreciates the strong position of the RS and its opposition for B&H to join the sanctions against Russia. “At the meeting, we assessed that cooperation is developing successfully. We have good cooperation with the RS in the field of oil, companies such as the Brod Refinery are working. In the area of gas, we talked not only about deliveries, but also about increasing the volume and building a new plant. In any case, we have new plans for better cooperation,” Novak underlined. During a panel at the Russian Energy Week International Forum in Moscow, Viskovic condemned the policy of sanctions and said that the future of the EU is uncertain without Russian energy sources. Viskovic stressed that the EU countries are now paying a 30 percent higher gas price and that it is time for them to overcome the differences with the Russian Federation. Viskovic pointed out that the construction of the eastern gas connection remains a priority for the RS. Addressing the participants of the Russian Energy Week International Forum in Moscow, Viskovic said that the RS and countries which did not agree to sanctions can count on secured supply of Russian gas. “They are really unreasonable decisions. I have to say that I come from a small community, such as the RS, but we showed our strength because we did not want to accept the option of joining the sanctions against the Russian Federation. Here in the Western Balkans, which geographically leans against Europe itself, we have a problem that those who did not introduce sanctions suffer just as great damage because those who introduced sanctions are essentially blocking the flow of energy products themselves, disrupting supply chains,” Viskovic pointed out.


Quint embassies still seeking Euro-Atlantic government, they understand concerns about census (CdM)


Yesterday, the leaders of the opposition parties met with the ambassadors of the Quint countries and the EU Delegation to Montenegro, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) has announced. Representatives of the diplomatic corps reiterated their unchanged position that they expected the formation of a government that would be in line with European and Euro-Atlantic values. On behalf of the civil opposition, the meeting was attended by acting DPS leader Danijel Zivkovic, SD leader Damir Sehovic, Liberal Party leader Vatroslav Belan and DPS General Secretary Aleksandar Bogdanovic.On behalf of the Quint countries, there were US Ambassador Judy Reising Reinke, German Ambassador Peter Felten, British Ambassador Don McCann, Italian Ambassador Andreina Marsella, while the meeting was attended by Deputy EU Ambassador Riccardo Serri from the EU Delegation to Montenegro, and the Charge d’Affaires from the French Embassy Johann Uhres. During the meeting, as announced by DPS, the representatives of the international community were informed about the views of the opposition regarding the census, as well as the latest allegations about the new government formation. The ambassadors expressed their interest in certain technical aspects of the process, especially in the implementation of the current Law on the Census. They pointed out the importance of respecting all legal provisions in all social processes, even when it comes to the population census. Representatives of the diplomatic corps also reiterated their unchanged position about expecting the formation of a government that is in line with European and Euro-Atlantic values, and that can represent a reliable partner to the Quint countries and the EU.


Djurovic: MNE lives in phenomenon of delayed accession to EU; Uljarevic: We should think well about what’s holding us back in our own countries (CdM)


The last panel of the Conference on Economics was organized on the topic Sustainability of European Integrations and Prospects of EU Membership. The opening remarks were made by moderator, the director of the Center for Civic Education Daliborka Uljarevic, who said that the topic of European integration is of crucial importance for the entire society, including the economy and its sustainability. Uljarevic believes that it is crucial to consider how we will shape our society in order to have a state based on the rule of law. “It seems to me that there is a lack of quality implementation of the necessary changes in that process, and this is something that has been going on for a long time in our region. But what is even more important for us who live here is internal democratization with the aim of European integration”, said Uljarevic. According to her, we have to face not only the perspective of the EU and the thoughts within it, but “we need to think carefully about what is holding us back in our own countries and how to overcome these obstacles”. She pointed out that in Montenegro there is record support from the EU compared to other countries, and that it is an expression of the dream of a better life, equal opportunities, certainty and stability in planning personal and professional achievements. Teacher of the University of Montenegro and President of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union Gordana Djurovic assesses that Montenegro lives “in the phenomenon of delayed EU accession” which is characterized by the openness of our market, exposure to competition, and the absence of European structural funds. “We persistently have the impression that the economic effect of integrations will be greater than the investments in them. There are many examples where we invested in EU laws and their implementation, but weakened our administrative capacities and do not get enough European funds. We are not good at preparing documentation for investment projects and European funds”, Djurovic said. She explained that we have plenty of room for support from structural funds, and that we should hope for European solidarity and the redistribution of cohesion quotas towards the less developed.


Pendarovski: Next parliament should decide constitutional changes if no two-third majority by year’s end (Telma TV)


President Stevo Pendarovski told Telma TV on Thursday evening that if there is no two-third majority over the constitutional amendments by the end of the year, the issue should be decided by the next government coalition and new parliamentary composition. “I was the first one who publicly said I am in favor of the French proposal because it doesn’t destroy Macedonia. And I will be in favor of [adopting the] constitutional amendments as soon as possible, until the end. I am not running away from that. The second option is, if we don’t have a chance to reach a two-third majority, if we assume we won’t be able to do this today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow… until the end of the year, we should push this aside, close the matter and let the future parliamentarian winner and coalition focus on this issue,” said Pendarovski. Pendarovski assessed that the country has lost a year and a half on the constitutional amendments, despite the fact it was well-known that the necessary majority for their adoption in parliament didn’t exist. “Time which,” he said, “we could’ve dedicated to internal reforms.” “However, the government decided something else. Since then, I am the only one who has been realistically saying that I see no chance for the two blocs to get closer in order to reach that figure of 80 [MPs]. We aren’t closer to that figure today than we were two months or 12 months ago,” said the President. Pendarovski does not believe that the country should give up on the issue, but he said it has wasted a lot of time focusing on the issues of Bulgaria and the Bulgarians in the Constitution. “I really think we wasted time on an issue which is benign when it comes to its contents and what it would mean if we carry it out and add the Bulgarians to the Constitution. However, instead of prioritizing other topics, for almost a year and a half we have been focused only on Bulgaria, and this is wasted time,” said Pendarovski.


Pendarovski meets US Senators Shaheen and Welch (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Thursday with United States Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Peter Welch, noting that bilateral cooperation has been reaffirmed by the 2008 Declaration on strategic partnership and cooperation and the countries' partnership as NATO allies. The meeting focused on the US support to North Macedonia in implementing activities aimed at increasing the country's stability and strengthening of democracy. In addition, it reaffirmed the successful cooperation and partnership in the defense field, especially between the Army of North Macedonia and the National Guard of Vermont, the state Senator Welch represents in the Congress' upper chamber, the President's Office said in a press release. Interlocutors also exchanged opinions on security challenges in the region, Europe and across the globe, in the context of the recent unrest in the north of Kosovo, the Russian aggression in Ukraine, and the conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Pendarovski thanked Senators Shaheen and Welch for US' long-term support to the reform processes, highlighting that North Macedonia will continue its commitment in the implementation of the reform agenda in order to achieve its ultimate objective - EU membership, reads the press release.


Kovachevski meets with US Senators Shaheen and Welch (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski held a meeting Thursday with United States Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Peter Welch, during which they spoke about the current situation in the country, as well as regional developments in the context of the Euro-integration processes and the broader international context, said the government in a press release. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs Fatmir Bytyqi; Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani; Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska; and Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu. According to the press release, those present at the meeting jointly noted the strengthening of the mutual strategic partnership, which, said the press release, “is of key importance for the deepening of cooperation between the two countries”. Furthermore, it was stressed that the long-standing deep friendship and successful strategic partnership between the United States and North Macedonia has led to a new dynamics in the Euro-integration processes of the Western Balkan countries. A special focus was placed on the upcoming processes that are set to influence the country’s development. According to the press release, Senators Shaheen and Welch voiced satisfaction with the strong partnership between the two countries and emphasized the importance of the Macedonian model as an example for a successful multiethnic democracy in the region. The Senators voice gratitude for the unequivocal position of the government of North Macedonia in terms of Ukraine and the assistance it has provided to the country thus far.


DUI favors elections in regular slot, says FM (MIA)


Elections will be held in the regular slot, whereas political parties will have to come to an agreement whether in parallel (both presidential and parliamentary) or separately, says Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, who is also DUI's vice-president. "DUI believes that elections should take place in the regular slot. Whether in parallel or separately, this is up to the political parties to agree on. We are fine with both options," Osmani told a briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday. VMRO-DPMNE is seeking for a leaders' meeting that would focus on a date for the next elections, urging the parliament speaker to schedule it, noting that parliamentary elections should take place in parallel with the presidential polls. Kovachevski has said that elections will take place in the regular slot, while early elections could be scheduled on the same day the parliament adopts the constitutional amendments, which are crucial for continuation of the EU integration process.


Mickoski calls on Kovachevski to go out at elections and face citizens (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski called on Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski on Thursday to come out at elections and face citizens. Asked by reporters on Kovachevski's statement that SDSM would win elections convincingly, Mickoski said the only way to prove this was at elections. "Kovachevski has an odd sense of humor, I must admit. Nevertheless, the only way to prove this is to go out at elections and we'll see who wins and what the results will be," said Mickoski. On the statement of DUI leader Ali Ahmeti that he does not accept a leaders' meeting, the VMRO-DPMNE leader said that even if such a meeting failed to materialize, the deadlines for the elections would come anyway. "The deadlines will come even if they do not accept a leaders' meeting, so says the Constitution and the laws. In a few months from now, we will launch the campaign for the presidential elections that are set to take place next spring. It does not matter if the date is determined at a leaders' meeting or forcefully. This is their decision to make. We thought it would be a statesmanlike approach to sit down, as was the case for more than three decades, and determine the dates so that we do not go into a political and constitutional crisis," said Mickoski.


The assembly approves with 101 votes in favor the resolution for Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


The resolution of the assembly of Albania on Kosovo was approved with 101 votes in favor and 1 abstention. At the end of the motion with debate and interpellation, the assembly voted in favor of the resolution, which condemns the attack of 24 September in the north of Kosovo. The assembly of Albania held a session on Thursday, where the draft resolution in support of Kosovo was discussed for 5 hours. 106 deputies were present in the assembly, while the amendments of the DP deputy Kreshnik Collaku were not included in the vote. The resolution approved in the assembly united the opposition and the majority. It consists of three points. "The resolution is in accordance with the Constitutional commitments of the Republic of Albania and the policy of protecting the strategic common national interests between Albania and Kosovo. It is in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo and its constitutional institutions, as well as the efforts to protection of democratic values, security and peace in Kosovo and in the region; Deeply concerned about the situation created in the Republic of Kosovo after the organized military and criminal attack by a Serbian terrorist unit in the north of the country, on 24 September 2023", reads the resolution approved today by the assembly of Albania.


KFOR should take control in the north; Rama clarifies the statement from the assembly floor (Radio Tirana)


From the floor of the assembly of Albania, Prime Minister Edi Rama clarified his request to NATO, regarding KFOR taking control in the north of Kosova. While answering to concerns and accusations that this request would violate Kosova's sovereignty, Rama said his statement requires KFOR to take absolute responsibility to control the north, which, according to him, the Kosova Forces cannot do. KFOR is not an occupying army, said Rama, while emphasizing that even the EU itself has accepted that the number of current forces in the north of Kosova is not enough. "My repeated request to NATO regards KFOR to take control of the north, where the border with Serbia has been turned for years into a torn net everything from where weapons and drugs enter, while the existing border control forces are insufficient. They confuse it with what I have expressed before. I am talking about the absolute responsibility that KFOR must take to control the north, which the Kosova forces cannot do. The issue that the KFOR forces are insufficient, has been expressed publicly. What kind of sovereignty was jeopardized in Kosova by adding NATO forces in the north? How should the current sovereignty be understood, at a time when in that area the conflict is ignited and extinguished according to the interests of the groups that are not only a mixture of Serbian ultra-nationalist politics with the dirt of organized crime, but also enjoy the support of the masses impoverished by the isolation of the inhabitants there who live with the alms of Belgrade, at a time when they do not recognize any sovereignty to the sovereign state of Kosova. They do not pay any tax to it, and they have not even paid any electricity bill since 1999. This does not seem to me a logical concern in respect to the sovereignty of Kosova, the guarantor of which is the presence of NATO. KFOR is not an invading army in Kosova, but the international liberation unit of Kosova," stated the Albanian Prime Minister in the Assembly of Albania.


Albanian chief-diplomat: Kosova-Serbia dialogue, the only solution to overcome the situation (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani spoke in the assembly of Albania, during the debate on the draft resolution in support of Kosova. Hasani said that Kosova has been and remains at the center of Albanian diplomatic activity. “International recognition of Kosova is Albania’s absolute priority”, the minister emphasized, while adding that, "Kosova is part of Albanian foreign policy agenda in NATO, OSCE, Council of Europe and in the UN too". Hasani reminded that Albania was elected to the UN Human Rights Council with an impressive vote. Whenever there is a need, we will convey the voice of Kosova there as well. Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs also stated that next week Albania will organize a meeting of the Arria formula at the Security Council. The meeting will be dedicated to the impunity of crimes during the conflict. Kosova will have the opportunity to share its experience with the whole world. "We will continue to support Kosova to give her a voice in every space where we can," said Hasani. He underlined that, "the criminal attack of 24 September was an alarm bell for all of us. The developments that followed are a source of great concern". "Declaring a day of mourning for 3 criminals is the most dangerous signal that Serbia could give to the region", said Hasani, as he stated that, "this gesture goes in the opposite direction to the efforts of the international community. It also goes against Serbia's own declarations about her readiness for an agreement". "When words do not coincide with deeds, there is a serious problem", said Hasani, as he added that, "Albania does not support and strongly opposes any action that fuels the conflict". According to the Minister, "Serbia's efforts aiming to relativize the event of 24 September are futile". Further, Albanian chief-diplomat emphasized that at the Ministerial held in Tirana, the attack in Kosova was also condemned by other participants in the process. "It is up to Serbia to conduct a deep and serious investigation process. If they are really interested in dialogue, the perpetrators should be brought before the Justice." He underlined that Kosova-Serbia dialogue is the only solution to overcome the situation. "Dialogue should not remain hostage to internal dynamics or political games. The future of the entire region depends on the outcome of the dialogue. The dialogue must continue without losing a single moment," he said. "Any amount of lost time has a higher price for the future of Kosova," underscored Minister Hasani, while adding that the Albanian Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs will continue to work closely and unstoppably with Kosova. Hasani once again called on the international community to intervene to normalize the situation between Kosova and Serbia.


Peleshi at the Ministerial of Defense in Brussels: EU and NATO with clear messages about the situation in Kosova (Radio Tirana)


The developments in the North of Kosova received special attention at the meeting of the Ministers of Defense of the NATO countries, which was held at the NATO HQ in Brussels.

As part of this meeting, Albanian Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi expressed Albania’s commitment for the implementation of the decisions taken at the Vilnius Summit on the development of regional plans and the new structure of the forces, emphasizing the importance of the realization of the entire family of deterrence and defense plans, to guarantee the Alliance from possible threats. In the framework of the implementation of the new model of NATO forces, the new structure of the Armed Forces was approved, and Albania will also contribute to the implementation of the plans by adapting own practices and making available critical infrastructure such as the Kucova Base, the port of Porto Romano and the construction of Corridor VIII. According to Minister Peleshi, "Albania has a clear political will and will continue to support measures to strengthen deterrence and defense with a comprehensive approach, further increasing the contribution to operations and missions such as in Kosova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, in NATO's Enhanced Vigilance in Bulgaria, Romania and the Mediterranean Sea". Focusing on the situation in the Western Balkans, Minister Peleshi during his speech strongly condemned the sophisticated terrorist attack in the North of Kosova, as an attempt to destabilize the region. Moreover, he added, Belgrade's reaction by heroizing the attackers of September 24 in Banjska and sending troops and military capacities close to the border with Kosovo are unacceptable and reprehensible events, therefore the EU in particular must take a firm stand to such acts and to speak openly to the Serbian government. Minister Peleshi pointed out that NATO and the EU should do more for the Balkans.