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Belgrade Media Report 17 October 2023



Vucic: Kosovo Serbs should stand in elections (N1/FoNet/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told reporters in Beijing that he would like the Kosovo Serbs to take part in coming elections but that he will support any decision they make. “I never force anyone, nor can I, nor am I the owner of their lives and their futures. I said that I think the circumstances have changed, that it would be good if they thought about it and that I am asking them to,” Vucic said. He said that he would support every decision taken by the Kosovo Serbs even when that decision is not good for them or Serbia. The President said that Serbia wants to see the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo along with the implementation of the Brussels agreement which, according to him, is the only signed agreement. He said that Serbia supports the Beijing’s One China policy and added that China’s support for Serbia’s territorial integrity is a given.


Vucic: Even worst dialogue with Pristina better than having no dialogue (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was important even though it was clear Pristina's Prime Minister Albin Kurti wanted no dialogue. "Having discussions and dialogue is important even though we know it is not going to happen because Kurti never wanted dialogue. We want dialogue, we want the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities and implementation of what we have agreed on, in particular, the Brussels Agreement, which was signed almost 11 years ago. I am afraid we have no discussion partners for that, but even the worst dialogue is better than having no dialogue," Vucic told reporters in Beijing, where he is attending a summit of the Belt and Road initiative.


Vucic meets with Xi Jinping: Serbia and China sign four agreements (Tanjug/RTS)


In the presence of President Aleksandar Vucic and President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, four agreements were signed in Beijing today, the most important of which is the Free Trade Agreement between Serbia and the People's Republic of China, which will cover 10,412 Serbian products and 8,930 Chinese products. The free trade agreement between the two countries was signed by Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic and Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Wang Wentao. In addition to that agreement, the Memorandum on exchange and cooperation in the field of economic development policy, the Memorandum on the joint improvement of industrial and investment cooperation between Serbia and the Republic of China, as well as a medium-term action plan on the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Serbia were signed. The Memorandum on exchange and cooperation in the field of economic development policy was signed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali and Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission Zheng Shanjie. The meeting of the two presidents and the signing of the agreement, in addition to Mali and Momirovic, were also attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Milos Vucevic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Maja Gojkovic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic, Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gasic, as well as Serbian Ambassador to the People's Republic of China Maja Stefanovic.


Basic human rights must be ensured for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated yesterday in Tirana, where the summit of the Berlin Process is being held, that in Kosovo and Metohija there are no basic conditions for the life of Serbs and that their position is not a political, but a humanitarian issue. Brnabic stressed that there are no basic conditions for a normal life for Serbs, and that she asked that this should not be discussed as a political, but a humanitarian issue, and that basic human rights should be ensured for Serbs and the non-Albanian population. Can they count on the fact that they will not be shot at, that they will not end up in prison and that they will not be beaten and harassed, she asked and emphasised that detentions for Serbs last for an average of 21 months, and that 2,000 Serb families have left Kosovo and Metohija since May this year. She said that the topics of discussion included the events of 24 September in Banjska, the dialogue and what is to come, as well as the Brussels agreement and the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Brnabic said that she reminded of everything that had happened before 24 September in Banjska, noting that Kurti disbanded the multi-ethnic police in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. She said that today in Tirana, the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija was clearly communicated before the prime minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Albin Kurti, and that all European officials supported the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. All the representatives of the EU member states present at the summit, representatives of the European Commission, the European Council and other institutions talked about the necessity to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities and that this is something that is not only envisaged by the Brussels agreement, but also by the Ohrid Implementation Plan, Brnabic stated. She emphasised that Serbia will certainly be ready for EU enlargement by 2030, but that whether the enlargement will happen depends more on the EU and European internal reforms. She expressed her gratitude to Charles Michel for again mentioning 2030 as the date for enlargement and for speaking at every regional meeting about it and the necessity of a stronger and clearer signal about EU enlargement. She assessed that the Berlin Process is very good for our region, recalling that, thanks to that process, which was launched in 2014 at the initiative of Angela Merkel, the Council for Regional Cooperation of Youth and the Regional Investment Forum were established as the chamber of commerce of the Western Balkans, as and an action plan for regional economic integration and a single regional market. This is all the result of the Berlin Process and I am glad that today we will sign another agreement and it is in line with our priorities. We believe in connecting and better regional cooperation and connecting people, she said. Brnabic said that, as regards the new plan for the economic growth of the Western Balkans and additional investments of up to two billion Euros within that plan, we have already nominated projects and were the first to the Western Balkans to submit a complete portfolio of projects. It comes as no surprise that that money will be conditioned on how quickly you implement reforms and in what way. We believe in them and do not run away from reforms, because we think they will lead to a stronger and more administratively stronger Serbia, which will be better for all citizens, the Prime Minister pointed out. She said that during the summit she met with President of the Republic of Hungary Katalin Novak, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland James Cleverly, Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, and that she also had a brief conversation with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Brnabic also added that she does not expect easy talks at the upcoming meeting of the "big five" in Belgrade on 21 October, but that she expects help to ensure basic human rights for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Brnabic said she did not know why Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama had called for imposing sanctions against Serbia, and noted the move was not in line with good-neighbourly relations or the Open Balkans initiative. Responding to remarks by reporters that she had had a cold and protocolar greeting with Rama before a Berlin Process summit in the Albanian capital, Brnabic said that was how she felt and that there was no way for her to have a more cordial meeting with someone who had called for sanctions against Serbia. “I hope we will discuss that further today, and we talked a little about clarifying that. We want the best possible relations with Albania, as well as with everyone in the region. You are never just a politician, sometimes you are a human being, too. And that is how I feel. I am not glad about that and I do not know why he did that, it makes absolutely no sense and is not in line with good-neighbourly relations or what we are doing as part of the Open Balkans initiative,” Brnabic said, noting that Serbia had not done anything that would warrant calls for sanctions against it.


Agreement on mutual recognition of professional qualifications signed at Summit in Tirana (RTS/RTV)


Leaders of the countries of the Western Balkan region, including Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, signed yesterday, within the framework of the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana, the Agreement on mutual recognition of professional qualifications in the territory of the Western Balkans for nurses, doctors of veterinary medicine, pharmacists and midwives. The Joint Declaration on Wi-Fi for the Western Balkans Initiative, the Joint Declaration on the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA), the Joint Declaration on Intentions on the Regional Climate Partnership, the Joint Declaration on Preventing Plastic Pollution, including Marine Litter, and the Joint Declaration of the South-East European Countries of the Treaty on the CEFTA transport community on the facilitation of trade and transport and the Joint Declaration on the establishment of the Convergence Observatory were signed.


Brnabic did not refuse to be photographed with other leaders in Tirana (Tanjug/Politka)


The Serbian government is forced to deny the writings of certain regional and domestic media, which reported that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic refused to be photographed with other leaders during the participation in the Summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana. Namely, Brnabic participated in a joint photo shoot of all European and regional leaders in Tirana, as you can see in the attached photos. With this, Serbia once again showed that it does not pursue a policy of isolation, but that it is oriented towards cooperation and solving all outstanding issues through dialogue. Such falsehoods published in the public also harm the reputation of the Republic of Serbia and benefit only those who do not wish our country well. Without intending to go into the reasons behind the spread of fake news, we would like to underline once again that the Republic of Serbia, by the prime minister's stay in Tirana and her talks with European leaders, has confirmed that it is permanently committed to the policy of integration, cooperation and regional connections.


Brnabic denies involvement in drafting media laws (N1)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told reporters in Tirana on Monday that she had nothing to do with the changes to media laws. “I am the Prime Minister of Serbia. I did not change anything at the last moment. I do not work on media laws. That is done by people from the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications. I will discuss what happened and what the final drafts are with the OSCE tomorrow and the EU Delegation as well as with all the other partners working with us,” Brnabic said. The government drafts of two media laws have drawn warnings from media organizations both in Serbia and abroad because they would give preferential treatment to pro-regime media with national coverage and the fact that the prices for cable providers could be set by the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM – a body supposed to be independent but whose members are appointed by the parliamentary majority).


Janjic: Vucic is now ready for all concessions to Kurti (Beta)


Political analyst Dusan Janjic said yesterday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had called on the Serb List party to unconditionally run in elections, just so he could avoid responsibility for the large number of wrong decisions made over the past year. Janjic told Beta that Vucic's call for participation in elections was yet another in a series of wrong moves because, as he put it, Vucic did not want to face the mistake he made when he pulled the Serbs out of Kosovo's institutions and the consequences of that decision. "With this call, Vucic has legalized and encouraged Kurti to carry on with his policy on the north of Kosovo, but has also taken over a portion of Kurti's responsibility for the bad security and political situation in the north. Vucic's aim is to distract the international community from the proceedings against Milan Radoicic, all to the detriment of the Serbian people in the north of Kosovo," said Janjic. He underscored that there would be no elections in the north before next spring because Kurti said, after the Serb List's acceptance of participation in elections, that elections could be called and held only according to Pristina's administrative instructions. "If elections were held according to instructions from Pristina, that would happen no earlier than spring and would mean that Belgrade and the Serb List are giving up on the forming of a Community of Serb Municipalities and the withdrawal of the Kosovo police from the north of Kosovo," stressed Janjic, adding that the Serb List had once again been discredited because it had turned into a megaphone of Aleksandar Vucic.


CRTA: 41% would vote for Serbia Against Violence coalition, 49% for ruling parties (FoNet)


The coalition comprising parties rallied around the Serbia Against Violence protests would be supported by 41 percent of voters, while 49 percent would back the coalition led by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, show the results of an opinion poll by the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA). Ten percent of respondents said that, in the upcoming elections, they would support the right opposition bloc – the Dveri Movement, the Oathkeepers, the New Democratic Party of Serbia and the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, said CRTA. According to the poll results, 47 percent of respondents believe that Serbia is going in the wrong direction, while 38 percent feel that the country is on the right path. Respondents said the biggest problems in the country are the economic situation, poor living standard, price increases, inflation. The economic situation was cited as one of the problems by 39 percent of respondents, while 29 percent said this was the biggest problem that Serbia faces at present day. According to 23 percent of the polled Kosovo is the country’s biggest problem, while it should be noted that the opinion poll was conducted in the days of the security crisis in the north of Kosovo, said CRTA. Almost every other respondent said the government has failed to fulfill most of the promises given prior to the last elections, while 36 percent of respondents said they believe that most of what had been promised has been fulfilled. The telephone poll was conducted on a random sample of 1,544 respondents in Serbia, and 806 respondents in Belgrade, between 23 September and 5 October.




Court of B&H: Dodik, Lukic state that they do not understand the indictment issued against them; Judge Cosic-Dedovic concludes that they plead not guilty (


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik has refused to enter plea before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Monday. Dodik stated that he does not understand the indictment and what it is about. He also refused to confirm his personal data and to stand up before a judge explaining that he feels pain in his back. The judge Jasmina Cosic-Dedovic interrupted Dodik and concluded that he pleads not guilty. Dodik stated that he does not remember the date of his birth because he was a little boy at that time. Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic also said that he does not understand claims from the indictment. Dodik’s lawyer asked to put in the minutes the information that the case was given to judge Goran Radovic without CMS. Dodik also noticed that a flag of the RS is not displayed in the Court of B&H but only the flags of B&H and the Federation of B&H (FB&H). He also objected the fact that he received the indictment written in Latin and not in Cyrillic letter. Dodik and Lukic could not understand the indictment because they respected legal and constitutional obligations of the RS whose legally elected officials they are, unlike the German national Christian Schmidt, and they said that in the courtroom. When asked by judge Cosic-Dedovic to enter his plea, Dodik said: I absolutely do not understand what this is about. I do not understand why I am here. I do not understand the charges. I read them partially, but from what I learned, it is absolutely not true. This is a political decision of the (B&H) Prosecutor’s Office and you as the judge to discuss it here”. When asked the same question, Lukic said: “I do not understand the indictment. Since I worked in accordance with the law, I do not know what I am being charged with”. “This is a formal hearing, where you only enter your plea”, said Cosic-Dedovic. The reporter wonders if Cosic-Dedovic only formally returned the indictment for revision and finally formally upheld it, and notes that Dodik and Lukic did not sign the minutes from the hearing even formally. The reporter goes on to say that until Monday, the experienced lawyers were not familiar with the fact that there is no room for arguments in B&H courtrooms and judge Cosic-Dedovic was the one who prevented argumentation to be presented.


Dodik addresses media after plea hearing: This is the political process by which they want to settle accounts with the RS and its President (


Addressing media after he refused to enter plea before the Court of B&H on Monday, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H are illegal and unconstitutional. He added: “As far as I can see a verdict was passed and some speed is needed to reach a verdict as soon as possible.” Dodik noted that this is about a joint criminal enterprise made by Christian Schmidt and US Ambassador Michael Murphy who Dodik called a jerk. Dodik further said: “I believe that all of this is illegal, a circus. This is the circus which will discredit judiciary. Of course, I will attend next hearings. In the atmosphere which is unfavourable for anyone who is from the RS, they place two flags in a courtroom, the flags of B&H and the FB&H, and there is no RS’ flag and then they say that they are neutral, objective, legal.” Dodik also said that the B&H Constitution does not read at all that B&H has the Court and Prosecutors’ Office of B&H, adding that High Representatives imposed these institutions without authorization. Dodik further said that these institutions are now trying to change the constitutional organization. He added: “I did not understand and realize what is the ground for this. The B&H Parliamentary Assembly implements the only legislative activity in B&H and I cannot understand they open the process. This is the political process by which they want to settle accounts with the RS and its President.” Dodik announced that he will defend himself as the RS President in every way since he came to the courtroom where it was clearly showed how they treat B&H. Dodik also said: “I have received the indictment in Latin letter, and I asked that they submit it the in Cyrillic letter. They tried to give me the indictment in Cyrillic during the hearing. The indictment is not understandable since it was raised based on the fact that Schmidt imposes laws and everyone who does not respect his misdeed can go to prison.” Dodik also said that B&H is being disintegrated in this way. Dodik said that Schmidt stands behind all of this, his vanity, while Murphy is involved in all of this. Dodik stated that he does not understand that there are lawyers in the Court of B&H who accepted to take part in such a process, but despite of that, he will come to all hearings because he comes as the RS President who defends interests of the RS. Dodik said that the Court of B&H exists, and this is a fact, but the RS will not recognize practices of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of B&H. Dodik stated: “RS has no reason to take part in violation of the Constitution of B&H. This is a process that will show whether there is a Constitution in B&H or not. This is nothing but a political process without any legal ground. I came to say that here.” According to Dodik, the judge Jasmina Cosic-Dedovic did not allow him to say all that in the courtroom. Dodik pointed out that the EU is silent on the fact that a foreigner can appear on territory of a candidate country and change the criminal legislation with his own provisions.


Dodik’s lawyer Bubic: Target in this case are not accused but institutions of the RS (ATV)


Goran Bubic, a lawyer of RS President Milorad Dodik, said after Monday’s hearing before the Court of B&H that the target in this case are not the accused but institutions of the RS. In his opinion, if there had been rule of law in B&H, they should not have reached this phase of the process at all. Bubic said it seems that the indictment was prepared just to have it, “basically it was not existent, because the main task in an investigation, i.e. result of an investigation is to check allegations of defendants. Had allegations been checked with regard to Christian Schmidt’s legitimacy – and he was not appointed at the proposal of contracting parties, nor was he confirmed by the UN Security Council resolution – it would be easy then to establish that he could not amend the B&H Criminal Code”. Bubic said before the hearing that this is “a procedure against B&H Constitution and even against B&H itself” and he claimed that there was essentially no investigation because otherwise no indictment would have been issued.


Lukic’s lawyer Pucar after hearing: I have not seen such efficiency in any case before Court of B&H (ATV)


Miljkan Pucar, a lawyer of Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic, said after Monday’s plea hearing before the Court of B&H that during his four-year-long work in cases before this institution, he has not seen this kind of efficiency. According to Pucar, he has not seen this kind of efficiency in any case before the Court of B&H. He assessed the flow of the entire process as express, adding that he expects that the next hearing will be scheduled in some 15 days although the deadline is 60 days. Pucar reiterated that his client said that he does not understand the indictment. According to Pucar, the indictment failed to make charges against his client clear arguing that he did nothing but respected the law. Pucar said that what his client did was nothing illegal as Lukic only did his job. “I have worked as a lawyer for 34 years. I have never experienced that someone in the period slightly over one month completes the investigation, files indictment, decides on prior objections and that we have this hearing today. It is unbelievably fast in any democratic system”.


Cvijanovic: We know what we defend (RTRS)


Commenting beginning of the trial of the RS President Milorad Dodik, Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic posted on her Instagram: “We will win, because we know what we are defending. Together and harmonious as always.” Cvijanovic also stated that this is a staged process in which, by using judiciary, a non-elected foreigner and a group of Ambassadors have a showdown with the RS Constitution because the RS President performed his constitutional duty. She added: “Even if Christian Schmidt was elected in accordance with the Dayton procedure, he is not a legislator according to the Constitution. On the other side, the role of the RS President was clearly recognized by the Constitution, and he performs his tasks and duties in accordance with this.” Cvijanovic said it is unheard of “to have a non-elected foreigner, that he passes and amends laws. And that based on his imposed amendments, he then prosecutes someone. It is unheard of. Aside from that, this will additionally complicate relations within B&H. There are foreignizes here – not all, but definitely Christian Schmidt and a group of ambassadors who are definitely the ones contributing to lack of understanding within B&H”.


Minister Kosarac on start of Dodik trial: It is perhaps finally time to adopt decision on independence of the Republika Srpska (Dnevni avaz)


Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac posted a statement on Instagram prior to start of trial of RS President Milorad Dodik. According to Kosarac, process before unconstitutional institutions has been started against legitimate and legally elected RS President, who acted in line with the Constitution, because of the illegitimate High Representative. Kosarac argued this is a textbook example of paradoxical B&H, lack of justice, and a politically rigged process aimed directly against institutions of the RS and Dodik personally. At the same time, continued Kosarac, this is a trial of the election will of citizens of the RS, and a trial of institutions that do their job in line with the Constitution. He further noted in such environment and a project shaped by part of the international community led by US Ambassador (Michael) Murphy, and political yes-men of foreign factors in B&H, “it is perhaps finally time to adopt decision on independence of the RS”. In this context Kosarac wrote that the joint criminal enterprise against law and justice “will force us to undertake that act as soon as possible”. “To those who applaud this politically rigged process the most, the persecution, they should be clear that this, actually, is trial of B&H. They try B&H! We will not give up on the fight for the RS, its institutions and freedom choice of our citizens. We will never allow that a foreigner, false High Representative, shapes the election will and puts us on trial for doing our job in line with the Constitution”, Kosarac wrote on Instagram.


Vulic: Trial against Dodik is copy-paste of trial against Trump in America (


Commenting on the beginning of a trial against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Head of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic in Sarajevo on Monday, Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representative Sanja Vulic stated that she has witnessed a circus and travesty today. She added: “People do not give a chance to accused ones to present their stances. This is copy-paste of a trial against Donald Trump in America.” Vulic noted that it is encouraging if Dodik is ranked as Trump, and this indicates that Dodik will be acquitted since he is not guilty. Vulic added: “Only Jasmina Cosic-Dedovic (Judge in the case against Dodik) is guilty. Why do you try Dodik? For doing his job? He was elected, Serbs elected him, and some judge appears and says that you cannot do your job.”


Viskovic: This is a political process not only against Dodik and Lukic, but against the RS as a whole (RTRS)


Commenting on the process against RS President Milorad Dodik and Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated for RTRS on Monday that this is a political process not only against Dodik and Lukic, but against the RS as a whole. He added something like this could not happen anywhere in the world adding that simply we have here a process which is controlled by certain centers of power and it not a secret that Christian Schmidt, USA and the Court of B&H are at the helm of it. Viskovic concluded: “We have a very difficult task – to defend ourselves from injustice by legal instruments.” Viskovic also said: “By removing of Milorad Dodik, they think they will strip of powers more easily and in a way attack the RS institutions. Today, this is a big victory of the RS and of Milorad Dodik because many were hoping he would not dare to appear, he would not come, etc. It is enough to convey a message, to say: Gentlemen, you can do whatever you want, but you cannot do it as long as you want it”.


Nesic submits to B&H Prosecutor’s Office related to Schmidt false representation as HR and firearms being illegally brought to B&H, says he expects case against Schmidt to be formed (RTRS)


B&H Minister of Security, Nenad Nesic. submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on Monday documents proving that Christian Schmidt is not a high representative. The portal reminds that during the press conference on 12 October, Nesic called on the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to urgently investigate “Schmidt’s illegal and false representation as the HR in B&H, his activities and to inform the public about the results”. Nesic told media that Schmidt is a German citizen who resides on B&H’s territory based on the diplomatic note from the German Embassy to B&H and not based on a Resolution of the UN Security Council, which shows that he is illegitimate. Nesic told media on Monday that he submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office all information gathered by security agencies in B&H: “I submitted information on Schmidt’s armed security detail, as well as all illegalities, which they committed since the moment they step their foot on B&H’s territory. I expect that we will finally clear out some things and that the Prosecutor’s Office will show whether they work in line with the law. This is a way to see if they are acting in line with the evidence or this is a wish fountain, where Schmidt’s desires are being fulfilled.” Nesic stressed that Schmidt illegally preforms the role of the high representative. “According to all evidence we collected, and we continue to work in this direction, Schmidt is not the HR in B&H and I expect the Prosecutor’s Office to form a case against him and inform the public about the results of the investigation,” said Nesic. Nesic also said that he was motivated to submit abovementioned documentation because he learnt from media that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has not received any information about residing of Schmidt on the territory of B&H. “I was surprised by it, because I expected the prosecution to form a case concerning Schmidt upon official duty after my press conference”, stated Nesic. Nesic and the reporter wonders if the B&H’s judiciary will demonstrate professionalism in this case and notes that the answer to that question may be in the fact that after Nesic’s recent press conference during which he informed the public of Schmidt’s illegal activities, the B&H Prosecutor’s Office failed to react. “It really surprised me, because I expected that (B&H) Prosecutor’s Office would after the press conference form ex officio a case called Christian Schmidt”. According to the information from the B&H Border Police, Schmidt brought three pieces of firearms in B&H last year, which he is not entitled to under relevant laws; the firearms were later brought back to Germany.


Russian Embassy: Schmidt is not legitimate High Representative (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement which reads that the Embassy is once again stating that Christian Schmidt is not the legitimate High Representative in B&H. “The statement, issued by the Office of the High Representative only creates delusion regarding the essence of this issue. Annex X of Dayton Agreement unambiguously reads that the parties address with the appeal on appointing of the High Representative, who is approved in line with resolutions of the UN Security Council. This is exactly how all previous HR were approved,” the statement reads. The Embassy noted that the only exemption was Christian Schwarz- Schilling, regarding who the UN SC approval was issued, not in a form of a resolution, but as a letter of the President of UN Security Council, on 30 January 2006. The Embassy’s statement included the entire text of the letter, signed by the then UN SC President Augustine P. Mahiga, which reads: “I have the honor to inform you that your letter dated 20 January 2006 (S/2006/40) concerning the decision of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council to choose Christian Schwarz-Schilling (Germany) to succeed Paddy Ashdown as a High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina as of  31 January 2006 has been brought to attention of members of the Security Council. They welcome the decision of the Peace Implementation Council. They also wish to express their appreciation to Lord Ashdown for his invaluable contribution”. In other words, the Russian Embassy stated, the UN Security Council was the institution that approved appointing of Schwarz- Schilling to the post of the HR. The Embassy noted: “In case of Christian Schmidt all regulations on agreeing the candidate for this post were violated. First, his appointment happened through violation of a procedure of consensus in the Steering Board, which was respected during the appointment of all previous High Representatives. Secondly, this proposal of the Steering Board was not followed by any reaction by the side of the UN SC. Furthermore, two permanent members of the Security Council, Russia and China, basically vetoed the work of Christian Schmidt as the HR.” The Embassy concluded that regardless of the legal tricks used to deny the reality, it is an undisputable fact that Schmidt is not the legitimate High Representative.


OHR: Unilateral approach to state property issue will not result in solution (Oslobodjenje)


The daily sent an inquiry to the OHR regarding the draft law on state property, submitted into the procedure by B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic. “The OHR did not have an opportunity to fully analyse this draft law. Contrary to speculations, this draft was not written by the OHR, nor it was made in consultations with the OHR. It is also not a product of OHR’s Technical Working Group for the state property,” reads the OHR’s statement. They underscored that the solution of the state property issue will definitely be based on political discussion and consensus. “Every attempt to impose a unilateral approach makes it more difficult to fund an acceptable and sustainable solution for the issue of distribution of the state property between state and other authority levels. It is expected that the OHR’s report on state property will be overall legal and practical reference for the interested parties, as they work in good faith on finding of the solution. Solving of this issue is long overdue and further postponing only harms state of B&H, its citizens and economic development of entire country,” stated the OHR.


Viskovic: Secession from B&H is not priority for RS, we demand respecting of Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement (Nezavisne/RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated for Russian media that the RS primarily stands for respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement and underlined that secession from B&H or integration with Serbia are not priority for the RS. He explained that the RS might make such a move only if its position or stances are not respected. “The only and most important thing we demand is respecting the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement. Therefore, we are now not discussing secession or integration, these are all matters of future development of the situation. It may never come to that, or it may happen very soon”, said Viskovic. RTRS carries that in an interview for Russian Izvestia, Viskovic said that the RS is planning to sign with Moscow a long-term gas supply agreement by the end of this year, as agreed with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak during the Russian Energy Week in Moscow. Viskovic highlighted that Sarajevo is still blocking construction of pipeline from Serbia to B&H, and also expressed hope that Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend the opening ceremony for the Russian-Serb Temple currently under construction in Banja Luka.


MEPs to discuss the Montenegro census today (CdM)


Members of the European Parliament, MEPs, are going to consider today the amendment to the Report on Montenegro suggesting that the census should be carried out once the political instability is over. The amendment was submitted by MEPs, Tonino Picula and Pedro Marques. Picula is the author of the report which is to be discussed today. “We call on Montenegro to carry out the long-awaited national census in line with the standards of the EU as well as international standards after the political instability finishes, so that this important issue can’t be used as another excuse for fuelling the society’s polarization,” the amendment says. As they add, it’s expected that the census will be conducted in an open and transparent way, without political interference and with the regular counting of all the acknowledged national minorities, without fear of intimidation or prosecution. In the first draft of the EP report, published in late June, Montenegro was urged to conduct the census until the end of the year in line with the EU and international standards.


Zivkovic: Census aimed at ethnic engineering, BIA controls process, we’ll propose boycott if we don’t get answers by day end (CdM)


Acting leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Danijel Zivkovic has warned at a press conference that the aim of holding the census in such conditions is “ethnic engineering”. He has clearly indicated that we do not have an environment in which citizens can regularly express themselves in the census. He adds that DPS Presidency will propose a boycott of the population census to the party’s executive committee, if they do not receive answers from the government and other institutions to the demands by the end of the day. It’s recalled that DPS, among other things, requested the postponement of the population census for a period of at least 6 months. Zivkovic has stated today that it is necessary to control the process in order to have confidence in the integrity of the collected data. “The institutions of the system do not provide control of the process. A boycott is the only measure against the behavior and attitude of the authorities towards our demands. They want to forcibly carry out the census in these conditions, because for them this is par excellence a political and ethnic issue. For us, it is a statistical one”, Zivkovic has stressed at the press conference. Porfirije’s messages are clear. “Those who were not clear about what the census is for, it became clear yesterday”, says Zivkovic, referring to the messages sent by the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Porfirije, who said that they know what language they speak and what people they belong to, that is, that they belong to the Serbian people. “If we add to that the announcement that citizens will be punished, then it is clear that Monstat has also put itself in that role. That has nothing to do with the truth, nor is such a punishment possible in the Census Law”, Zivkovic has stressed.


Kovachevski: Countries making decisions and implementing reforms to join EU first (MIA)


Those who make decisions and implement reforms will be the first to join the EU, whereas the ones who don't will enter the Union when they show courage for this, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told a press conference within the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana on Monday. Quizzed by reporters whether he had talked with Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte over his position of not giving enlargement deadlines, Kovachevski said The Netherlands is North Macedonia's big friend and added that better prepared countries will join the EU faster. "PM Rutte is a big friend of our country and his positions are always clear. When it comes to enlargement, the statement of the European Council President and other leaders was very clear - they want to see the EU ready for enlargement by 2030, which means that reforms must take place in Union members, so it can operate with more member-states. Nevertheless, it is a fact that those who are more prepared will join earlier, those less prepared will enter later. There is no deadline for all countries to join together," said Kovachevski. He added that North Macedonia is an example of this, since the country started the EU path together with Croatia, which is now an EU member and part of the Schengen area. "We are not because we did not make decisions. There was a decade-long period, during which the country's leadership considered that it should not take decisions related to the EU accession, and we are now seeing the result of this. This will be the case for the future as well. Those who make decisions and implement reforms will be the first to join the EU, whereas the ones who don't will enter the Union when they show courage for this," said Kovachevski. On the messages of European leaders regarding the need for reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans, the PM said goodneighborly relations and reforms are the foundation for the area's EU integration.


Kovachevski: Cooperation with Western Balkans key to accelerated economic growth and Europeanization of region (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski took part Monday at the first session of the Berlin Process Leaders' Summit dedicated to the integration of the Western Balkans in the EU Single Market and improvement of the convergence with the Union. Session participants highlighted the importance of EU's enlargement and the Berlin Process's key role as generator of regional cooperation and the Union integration process, the government said in a press release. Leaders noted the Process' inclusive format as a catalyst for economic integration, investments and networking projects aimed at reconciliation, security, growth, employment and prosperity. They presented their positions over the role of the common regional market that ensures deeper transformation of the area's economic transformation. Opinions were also exchanged on the joint efforts in meeting the goal of all Western Balkans' states, considering that such regional initiatives provide a strong incentive to keep this trajectory of regional cooperation. Kovachevski stressed the importance of the reform process across the Western Balkans, thus accelerating economic growth, supporting competitiveness, opening new companies and new jobs, in parallel with the progress in the area of rule of law, countering corruption and good governance, thus bringing the region closer to the EU. The session also tackled the agreements that regional states sign within the Berlin Process, ensuring greater professional mobility, higher level of cooperation and networking. Kovachevski referred to the importance of cooperation among countries in the area, thus giving the EU the option to enlarge its influence in the region, strengthen stability and oppose potential outside influences, reads the press release. The panel also included German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel, as well as PMs and senior officials of EU member-states, a number of financial institutions, and countries involved in the Berlin Process - Germany, France, Austria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and the UK. Prime Ministers of Spain and the Netherlands, Pedro Sanchez and Mark Rutte respectively, also supported the session, although their countries are not part of the Berlin Process. "These messages will come from the EU if the region is continually burdened by conflicts and political forces look back into the past, if the Western Balkans six fail to turn to the future. Seventy years ago, six states established the EU by overcoming their differences, considering their histories in past centuries and two world wars," added Kovachevski. According to him, the enlargement issue is finally high on the EU agenda. "If enlargement was in the focus of the aspirant-states before, today it is in EU's interest. The Union has already launched its process of internal reforms in order to be prepared for its functioning after the accession of those who are prepared, since decisions are taken based on individual merit and implemented reforms," underlined Kovachevski.


The second session of the Berlin Process, the 4 objectives and regional agreements (Radio Tirana)


The second session of the Berlin Process Summit, which is taking place in Tirana, started in the afternoon. It discussed the support of the green and digital transition in the Western Balkans. After these discussions, the College of Europe in Tirana was inaugurated. Another important point of the second session was the signing of the regional agreement for mutual recognition of professional qualifications. In the late afternoon, there was a joint press conference between Prime Minister Edi Rama, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and EC President Ursula Von der Leyen. While at the end of the Summit, the inauguration ceremony of the Tirana Pyramid is expected to take place. The objectives stated at the beginning of this process remain unchanged: (1) the solution of internal, open bilateral problems between the countries of the Western Balkans, (2) the reconciliation between societies in the region, (3) the improvement of regional economic cooperation and finally (4) the establishment of a basis for sustainable growth of the region. Other achievements of the Berlin Process are the Green Corridors, within the region and between it and EU member states, which facilitate economic growth and regional integration. The implementation of the Regional Roaming Agreement will reduce communication costs between WB countries and with EU member countries by strengthening people-to-people connections. Addressing open bilateral and internal problems within WB, achieving reconciliation within and between its companies remain challenges for the Berlin Process.


Western Balkan leaders in Tirana ink deal to recognize professional qualifications in region (Radio Tirana)


In Tirana, Western Balkan leaders signed an agreement recognizing qualifications for four new professions in the region. The signatories were the prime ministers of Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The document is an addition to last year's deal that envisages across-the-region recognition for dentist, architect and medical doctor diplomas, and adds nurses, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists and midwives to the list of mutually recognized qualifications. The third College of Europe campus was officially opened in Tirana within the Berlin Process Summit. European Commission president Ursula Von der Leyen and European Council president Charles Michel voiced the hope that the opening of the campus in Albania heralded the Western Balkans joining the EU. Federica Mogherini, former EU high representative for foreign and security policy, now rector of the College of Europe, said activities at the campus in Tirana would begin in September 2024, at the beginning of the 2024/2025 school year, and that European transformation and integration with an accent on South East Europe would be the focus of the branch.


Rama: Very fruitful discussions with open exchanges (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, in the joint press conference with Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, spoke about the importance of this summit for Albania, the region and the EU itself. The Prime Minister emphasized that the summit ended with very fruitful discussions, with really open exchanges and with a real sense of friendship. "I would never be able to find the right words to thank Chancellor Scholz for being so graciously open to the idea of bringing the Berlin Process outside the EU to Tirana. Also, to thank EC President Ursula Von der Leyen for something really essential through the EU's New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans", said Rama. The Prime Minister emphasized that this is a difficult moment in time for everyone and the challenges we all face are extraordinary. "They have hit all of us, whether we are Europe with "EU" or without "U" attached. Things don't seem to be getting any better considering the terrible new conflict between Israel and Hamas. These times have forged our friendship, cooperation, common ground, and thanks to the leadership of the EU, what has happened has been used to look forward with a stronger confidence towards the Western Balkans", added Rama. The Prime Minister thanked Chancellor Scholz for everything he is doing for us. "Thank you for being a quiet and impressive force that insists on pushing the EU and the Western Balkans to come closer together," he said.


Rama proposes to EU leaders: One of the WB countries should have observer status (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has proposed to the leaders of the countries of the European Union that one of the countries that has opened negotiations with the European bloc, have observer status in relation to Europe. Speaking at the Berlin Process summit being held in Tirana, Rama declared that all issues connecting the Western Balkans with the EU, from the process of opening negotiations to that of membership, would be addressed. Although the prime minister did not provide details on the proposal, he emphasized that this initiative would increase political unity among the EU countries and, on the other hand, would improve the governance of the Western Balkan countries. "Would it be more pragmatic to reshape the journey from membership negotiations to the membership and not rush to set membership deadlines that may not be agreed upon?  Would it be fairer to deal with the inertia of this division by introducing observer status for countries that are in transit from the opening of negotiations to membership. This intermediate status would confer certain privileges without the right to vote, of course. It would provide benefits to all parties by increasing political unity between democratic Europe and the growth of democratic governance in the Western Balkans. We could better share the challenging burden that lies before us", said Rama. This intermediate status, according to him, "would give some privileges of course without the right to vote". "It could provide significant benefits to all parties, increasing political unity among democratic Europe and also the growth of democratic governance in the Western Balkans. If we could remove this idea of a distant relationship and function as partners, we would be able to understand common challenges and better share the burdens of the undoubtedly challenging times that lie ahead. This is a promising start towards this path that will explore in a brave and courageous way this closure of this division between the continent", said Rama.


Ursula Von der Leyen: Membership is a merit-based process (Radio Tirana)


In the joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz the President of the EC, Ursula Von der Leyen mentioned the year 2030 as a date for the possible membership of the aspiring states of the region, among them Albania. "The year 2030 membership is a merit-based process. There cannot be a fixed date that, despite the reforms you have carried out, you will enter the EU. This will never be accepted by the member states. 2030 in the next mandate could mean non-membership. So, I think that the accepted methodology is based on merit, and this values the countries themselves more, because it is their efforts and successes that stand out and it is the strongest incentive to take further steps. i.e if they get the new Growth Plan, it's also merit-based because it means reforms and you'll get funding and investments. I do believe that's a better incentive than having an embedded process that would be more automatic and not foreseen by the current methodology," said the president of the European Commission. At the 1-day meeting of the Berlin Process, the focus of the day's topics was enlargement and the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, which was also emphasized by EC President Von der Leyen. "Last year I said that with Albania at the helm, the Berlin Process would be in safe hands and that's what happened. Much remains to be done. Our economies must be closer, and we must speed up reforms for membership. That's why I introduced the leaders with the Growth Plan. If implemented, it has the potential to double the size of Western Balkan's economy within a decade. There are four steps: the first is to bring WB into the single market. We have opened the doors of the single market in 7 main areas for the companies of the region. For example, cooperation between customers, e-commerce, cashless payments, road transport, roaming, energy. The second pillar: WB should complete the common regional market, which could increase eastern Balkan's GDP by 10 percent, so these countries should open up to each other's markets. The third pillar is reforms. To have access to the EU's single market means that reforms are needed to bring them even closer to membership, to make them even more attractive to foreign investors. Today we have a situation where Western Balkan's economies are 37% of the EU average, so more work needs to be done to have economies converge. And the fourth pillar of the Plan: if efforts are made to reform, there will be increased funds for investment i.e. we have proposed an investment package of 6 billion Euros, 2 billion grants and 4 billion loans. This logic also applies to member states in the future, investments and reforms, so they are conditional. This works in the EU and has to work in the Western Balkans as well. We want to move forward and faster, so we seize this moment," said President von der Leyen, as she began her speech by condemning the crimes of the recent war in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas. "We are here to bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU. But at the same time the eyes of the world are on Israel and Palestine, and our minds too. There can be no justification for the terrible killings of Hamas, for the brutal killing of 1,400 citizens of Israel, therefore, Israel has the right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law. The Palestinians also need help. They cannot pay the price of Hamas's barbarism, which is why we have tripled humanitarian aid to the civilians of Gaza by 75 million Euros and we will take further aid through Egypt to Gaza. The first flights leave this week," added President Von der Leyen. Ursula Von der Leyen condemned the 24 September attack in Banjska, where a Kosovo policeman was killed, saying: "We are now in the process where the facts of the attack must be revealed, and we are waiting for the report before deciding the outcome of the investigation and then we will decide on cooperation closely with the member states."


Scholz: Multiple crises in the region emphasize the urgent need to work more together (Radio Tirana)


The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, stated that the recent escalations in the north of Kosova have proved how important the cooperation between the Western Balkans and the European Union is. In his speech at the Berlin Summit, which is being held in Tirana, Scholz stressed that "we must finally complete the implementation of the agreements that have been reached through the normalization dialogue led by the EU". "Albania is known for its hospitality and this has been proven once again today. We understood it even when we had the meeting of the European Council. Albania is also known for numerous high-level and ministerial meetings within the Berlin process. They were efficient and very well prepared. I remember very well when we met years ago in Berlin and we all agreed that the Berlin Process is the best instrument not only to release the full potential of regional cooperation, but also to speed up the EU integration of all the countries of Western Balkans," said Scholz. Chancellor Scholz said that "this assessment is as true today as it has been for years. The Berlin process is a forum for cooperation, when cooperation is needed, that is, it is required more than ever. Russia's war against Ukraine has once again shown how important it is that we speak with a single European voice and that we cooperate even further." Addressing Prime Minister Rama, Scholz said that "as you also mentioned in your speech, it is very clear that the fact that we are sitting here, we know that we have a new, very difficult situation, not far from us, that it is already happening with the aggression of Hamas against Israel and all the consequences it has and can have. Even the multiple crises in the region in the Western Balkans have highlighted the urgent need to work more together and overcome antagonisms". It is high time, Scholz continued, to overcome the conflicts, which have been going on for much longer and which in fact have kept you, and only keep you, in a stalemate. "I am very pleased that for the first time this summit is organized in a Western Balkan country. It is a strong signal and emphasizes the ownership that the region has in this process, and we should use this opportunity to focus on the objective that all societies of the Western Balkans have and that is integration within the region and further progress in the journey towards the EU. Last year you took some major steps in relation with the signing of 3 mobility agreements and I am grateful that 4 out of 6 states have ratified these agreements so far," underlined Scholz. Chancellor Sholz said that "the impact of these agreements on the citizens of the Western Balkans is concrete and that now travellers cross the borders only with an ID. They can study or work in a neighbouring country". "The kind of the progress we will have for the common regional market is more concrete than ever. You can count on us, on Germany. This is the Berlin Process," underscored the German Chancellor.


Michel: The EU and the WB should be ready for enlargement by 2030 (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Council of Europe Charles Michel, has reiterated the EU's commitment to expand and welcome the membership of the Western Balkan (WB) countries. During the speech at the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana, Michel stated that cooperation between the Western Balkans and the EU should be accelerated, with EU integration as the guiding light. He asked whether the EU is content with merely managing crises, or if we aspire to lead and shape the future. In fact, he continued, there was a strong and clear answer: 'We want to lead and shape the future.' Michel emphasized that “enlargement is a vital component of this answer, as it represents an investment in the peace and prosperity of both the EU and our future members. The Berlin Process plays a crucial role in fostering effective cooperation between WB partners and the EU, with EU integration as its guiding light”. "In fact, your journey in the Western Balkans began over 20 years ago, and it has been a slow, very slow, and often disappointing path for both your region and the EU. Yet, we all recognize that the time has come to turn our promises into reality. There's much work to be done from both sides. Our partners and friends in the region, you are aware that fulfilling your commitments, particularly through necessary reforms, is essential. Simultaneously, within the EU, we must prepare to welcome new members by 2030. I understand that this timeline has met some scepticism in your region, given the long wait. Edi, I know you've likened the expansion to a bride waiting for a groom who never arrives at the wedding. However, we are diligently preparing for this union," he said. Michel cited, "Reforms on your part are essential to move forward. It's crucial that we prepare for the upcoming expansion. Now, more than ever, we must stand together, shoulder to shoulder. Our collective strength will enable us to set standards and protect our common interests". "In the EU, enlargement will always be a merit-based process. It's time to initiate the necessary reforms on both your part and ours and to kick start the discussion about the future of the EU," he remarked. Michel noted that in Granada, along with other EU leaders, they agreed on the need to prepare for the next enlargement. He emphasized that the war in Ukraine has shifted our focus to geopolitics. "Together, we will be stronger in establishing standards, fostering cooperation, promoting our values, and safeguarding common interests," he added. "You have made your EU membership objectives crystal clear, and we want you to succeed. We will support you on this journey through gradual integration with EU policies, and this integration can occur across various areas, particularly within the common economic market. Additionally, the establishment of a common regional market will further promote integration, making it more appealing for investments. Today, we are also signing a new agreement on the recognition of qualifications," he cited. He noted that the three mobility agreements that have been signed will be ratified by all parties, as they will benefit both the WB and the EU. Finally, Michel continued, "We cannot allow bilateral conflicts to hold us hostage. While they may be painful, they are necessary. We must not let the ghosts of the past steal our future. The tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have highlighted this fact. Cooperation is impossible without reconciliation, and a sustainable future hinge on reconciliation. We all recognize that reconciliation demands political courage and a focus on the future." "Young people and citizens aspire to a more optimistic, fair, prosperous, and opportunity-filled future, and together, we can turn this aspiration into reality across our continent. You can count on our cooperation," declared Michel.


Sanchez: Enlargement is at the top of the EU agenda (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez, in his speech at the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana, stated that "the European Council has played a very important role for you to become part of the EU, and this role is even more important in respect to the enlargement and is a high priority for the EU". Sanchez underlined that enlargement is the headline of the EU's agenda, a step that was influenced and reversed by the war in Ukraine or the attack on Gaza. "Our meeting takes place at a key moment firstly because the challenges of our continent have made the EU enlargement at the top of its agenda and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia was a turning point but not the only one, the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital transformation all these issues that we have to face have shown us that we must build the future together. And that requires effort from everyone. The meeting of the heads of state and government of the EU in Spain also created the right ground for these discussions on how the EU can adapt to be ready for a wider union in the future. We are fully engaged and will work for a united Europe which will be both functional and better," he declared. The Spanish Prime Minister said that what we ask from the Berlin Process is the commitment of the region which is the right step for progress, and we believe that we can create and have even better things in the future". "We can overcome the differences and reconciliation is the only way to move forward, this is the essence and essence of the Berlin Process, but also of the EU," he added. "The war of violence and conflict is the opposite of what we defend," said the Spanish Prime Minister, drawing attention to the situation in the Middle East. "We condemn Hamas for attacking Israel, and Israel has its legitimate right to defend itself while respecting international and humanitarian law. But at the same time, the protection of civilian citizens is essential too, to provide humanitarian aid to those who seek it. We must cooperate to avoid the escalation of violence and revive all our efforts to reach a solution for peace between the two countries," the Spanish Prime Minister underlined. In conclusion, Sanchez said that "the only way the conflict can be resolved is the recognition of the two states so that they can coexist in peace and security with each other."