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Belgrade Media Report 2 November



Kurti accepted ZSO, Vucic agreed to the agreement, but asks to sign it after the election (Nova)


During the separate meetings of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti in Brussels with representatives of the European Union, significant steps were taken towards the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). As Nova learns, the proposal for the Statute of this community was accepted by both parties, but currently a suitable form is being sought that will satisfy both Belgrade and Pristina.


Sources of the portal point out that, in addition to Aljbin Kurti accepting the establishment of the ZSO, Vucic also accepted the draft and the dynamics of the implementation of the Ohrid agreement, but demanded that there be no signature before December 17, when the elections in Serbia are held.


After separate meetings at the headquarters of the European Union, it seemed that the two sides were far from any agreement. While the President of Serbia claimed that Kosovo's membership in the United Nations was unacceptable for Serbia, messages came from Pristina that it was Vucic who refused to sign the agreement proposed by Brussels.


That progress has been made and that the EU is expecting concrete moves was heard five days later when the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, arrived in the capital of Serbia. At the press conference, she explained that she is asking Belgrade to accept the agreement offered by the EU, while Pristina is obliged to implement it and establish the ZSO.


"What is it? It is about the implementation of the Ohrid agreement. It foresees certain steps, such as the recognition of documents, institutions, and on the other hand, it goes along with the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serbian majority, which Kosovo should implement. This will pave the way for the normalization of relations", emphasized the guest from Brussels, and then added that it is important for Serbia to support the Statute of the ZSO. "It is crucial for both sides. That is why it is important that Serbia supports the ZSO Statute, and Kosovo must implement that Statute. In addition, Serbia must start implementing the existing agreements and not waste time on it, she said.


Where did such demands and expectations come from in moments when it seemed that the negotiations were at an impasse?


According to Nova's source, this request was made by the head of the European Commission based on the epilogue of (separate) meetings that Vucic and Kurti had with EU representatives.

"Kurti accepted the establishment of ZSO and the Statute that was created. This proposal of the Statute has been accepted by both parties and now we are only looking for a form that will "seal" the agreement. The statute provides a complete Kosovo framework, so that the ZSO will not have any executive functions and security, except in the areas of education, health and the part that concerns transparency in budget financing from Serbia", explains the interlocutor from diplomatic circles. As he points out, it is expected that there will be a name change. "It is very likely that it will not be called the Union of Serbian Municipalities, and there is a possibility that some other municipalities with an Albanian majority will be added to that 'association'. The story about the executive functions of that body, similar to what Republika Srpska has in Bosnia and Herzegovina, simply does not stand up and it will definitely not happen," says the interlocutor.


Kurti again with unrealistic demands, Vucic postpones the signing due to the election


That despite the progress, there are still problems in the negotiations, according to Nova's source, by the fact that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Aljbin Kurti, at the meeting with Vucic and EU representatives, asked for a formal, i.e. ceremonial, signing of the agreement. On the other hand, the President of Serbia emphasized that the possible signature can only take place after the end of the elections in Serbia, which are planned for December 17.


"That's where Kurti's request to join the EU and NATO appeared, and he also asked that the five member states that did not recognize Kosovo do so. Vucic accepted the draft and the dynamics of the implementation of the Ohrid agreement, but without signature, but that does not mean that there will be no signature. The course of the negotiations was significantly influenced by the fact that two models of agreements were proposed: One that would entail a detailed statement from both parties and that would have the same weight as signatures, and the other that would include separate agreements between the two parties with the European Union. Vucic accepted everything, including the signing of the agreement, but not with Kurti on the same document. "Also, he emphasized that the possible signature can only come after the end of the elections in Serbia and suggested, among other things, that the President of France visit Belgrade in the next month and a half, which coincides with the period of the pre-election campaign," explains the interlocutor.


What we heard from officials after the meeting


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said after the meetings in Brussels, that Belgrade is fully ready for the formation of the ZSO in accordance with the proposals that have been made.

"It is not a question of any signatures, but rather the implementation of what was once signed or what was agreed in the meantime," said Vucic.


When asked by a journalist what is the content of the document that the “big five” brought to Belgrade earlier, Vucic said: "That paper exclusively refers to ZSO. I cannot talk about the details, because it was not agreed to talk about the details, as you can see, we were very specific and not a single detail was leaked anywhere".


On the other hand, it was announced from Pristina that Kurti was ready to sign the Basic Agreement for the normalization of relations with Serbia, but that the other side did not want to sign it.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said after the end of the European Union (EU) Summit that his impression was that the negotiations with Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels did not fail, as both sides expressed their readiness to implement the agreement. "Now we have a statement from Kurti and Vucic that they will implement the measures from the documents we drafted - the Basic Agreement, the Ohrid Agreement and now the concept of a concrete draft for the establishment of the ZSO. That was clearly stated, and it is the right step," said Scholz.


Vucic with Botsan-Kharchenko: "I introduced him with difficult situation in Kosovo" (Tanjug)


President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met today with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko. The meeting began at 10:00 a.m., in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic, the Office for Media Relations of the President announced. "Very good conversation with Botsan-Kharchenko. I introduced the ambassador of the Russian Federation with the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the daily persecution of the Serbian population, especially from the north, but also the lack of desire for the formation of the CSM by the Pristina regime. We also noted that the bilateral relations between Serbia and the Russian Federation are successfully developing and expressed the belief that it is possible to improve this cooperation in the future," the president wrote in an Instagram post.


The Court of Appeal in Mitrovica freed Nikola Todorovic, who was arrested in Jarinje (RTS)


Doctor Nikola Todorovic from Srbice was released after seven months in prison, to which he was sentenced for an alleged attack on an official at the Jarinje crossing, his lawyer Milos Delevic confirmed to RTS. Nikola Todorovic was sentenced by the Basic Court in Kosovska Mitrovica on June 23 of this year, after which his lawyer filed an appeal. "On appeal, the Court of Appeal reduced his prison sentence by three months. Given that he served seven months, he was released today. He is on his way to Belgrade," stated Delevic. Nikola Todorovic was arrested at the beginning of April, while he was driving children to the municipality of Srbice for a celebration.


Bilcik: Enlargement is a priority, Von der Leyen clearly stated that the EU wants Serbia (RTS)


Enlargement is a priority for the EU, says the European Parliament's rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik, and adds that during her visit to Belgrade, the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, made it clear that the EU wants Serbia to join the bloc.

Bilcik said that the EC president's message is that the EU wants Serbia to become its member, but that Serbia must introduce changes and fulfill certain things, especially when it comes to harmonization with the EU's foreign policy. Commenting on the EC president's visit to the Western Balkans, he assessed for the Guardian that a very clear message was sent to Belgrade and Pristina regarding the normalization of relations. "What is very clear is that enlargement is a big priority for the EU. It is the main political priority of the Union that we haven't seen in years," Bilcik said. Bilcik also assessed that the timing of Von der Leyen's visit was extremely important and, in that context, pointed to the announcement of elections in Serbia and the fact that enlargement will be the main issue on the agenda in Brussels next week. "The ball is also largely in the hands of our partners," Bilcik said and emphasized that "partners must commit". He added that the way the EU is united around the enlargement is "unprecedented".


Borrell: Well-managed accession process will also strengthen EU (N1)


The bureaucrats in Brussels see European Union (EU) enlargement as “a key policy to foster stability and peace on the European continent,” which drew renewed attention following “Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine.”


“The EU membership perspective provides an anchor of stability for the enlargement countries as well as an important incentive for reform. A well-managed accession process will strengthen the EU as a geopolitical actor and increase its weight in international relations,” said EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in his answer to a request by MEP to clarify his stance on the 10 countries that are to join the EU and repeated announcements by European Council President Charles Michel regarding the planned 2030 EU enlargement.


Borrell noted that enlargement is a “merit-based process,” that membership requires fulfilment of all conditions and that the pace of negotiations depends first and foremost on the progress in reforms of the candidates, in particular the rule of law.


“Enlargement requires both the candidate countries and the EU to prepare, and a political target or horizon can give impetus to the process and mobilize the EU’s energies and the energies of the candidates. The Commission is preparing its annual enlargement package in 2023 for all ten candidate countries and potential candidates. The package, which is part of the rigorous monitoring process of all enlargement countries, will contain recommendations for the way ahead,” said Borrell commenting on the annual progress reports for all countries with EU aspirations, whose publishing has been announced for November 8.


In his answer, Borrell recalled the European Commission President’s September 2023 State of the Union speech in which she said that “in a world where both size and weight matters, it is clearly in Europe’s strategic and security interests to complete the EU by both deepening integration and widening the EU.”


Following unanimous decisions by the European Council, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine are candidate countries, while Georgia and Kosovo are potential candidates with a clear European perspective.


Ruling party leader: Djilas’ team will recognize Kosovo as independent (Beta)


The president of the Serbian Progressive Party and Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated on Nov. 1 that, if the “team” of Dragan Djilas, the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, were to win the elections, they would immediately “recognize the independence of the false state of Kosovo, impose sanctions on Russia and bring the decision on “Serbia’s joining the NATO alliance.” In an interview to TV Informer, he said that the goals of the opposition, or parties of the former regime, as he referred to them, were very clear. “Those who are allegedly Russophiles and defend Kosovo and Metohija from afar will very quickly blend with the mass of those who wish for an independent Kosovo and joining NATO, all for removing Aleksandar Vucic from power. The quasi-right would have no qualms about uniting with the left, only to topple Aleksandar Vucic. What sort of policy will they have if they would do anything to remove Vucic from power?” Vucevic wondered.


People’s Party: It’s not too late for Serbian right-wing to unite for elections (Beta)


It’s not too late for Serbia’s right-wing parties to unite and run together in the next election on Dec. 17, because for a good result it’s very important not to lose a single vote, a spokesperson for the People’s Party, Stefan Jovanovic, also the party whip, said on Nov. 1, adding that an agreement might be reached in the next few days. “Serbia is in a very delicate situation regarding Kosovo and Metohija, and its territorial integrity has been threatened. President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen demanded during her visit to Belgrade that Serbia should de facto recognize Kosovo as an independent state. In such a situation it’s very irresponsible that patriotic parties quarrel about how many lists of candidates they would present for the next polls. What matters is that we work together to protect state and national interests,” Jovanovic explained in an interview with N1. The opposition party official also said that not a single Serbian citizen would understand a decision by those parties not to run together. “All state consolidation parties must run united when the state is jeopardized,” Jovanovic concluded.


Dveri: Upcoming election a chance to change policy on Kosovo (Beta)


The Dveri leader, Bosko Obradovic, said on Nov. 1 that President Aleksandar Vucic’s policy towards Kosovo “failed abysmally” and that the upcoming polls on Dec. 17 presented an opportunity to change it. Obradovic said in a statement that his party, the Oath Keepers and prominent Serbian intellectuals were “the guardians of a new policy,” which, as he put it, aimed at reintegrating Kosovo and Metohija into the Serbian legal system. The Dveri leader said that the parliamentary elections in December would be an excellent opportunity to stop the disastrous policy on Kosovo, and to dismiss all the agreements that “have provided a false state with the attributes of statehood.” “It also means to dismiss the ultimatum (President of the European Commission) Ursula Von der Leyen has brought to Serbia, so that we can finally find a way out of the Brussels prison and the deadlock Serbia has reached,” Obradovic explained. Serbia’s national interests must come first, and it’s high time we said “enough of EU blackmail,” Obradovic was explicit.


Djilas: Vucic’s Returned to SRS (Danas)


“The joint running of the Progressives and Radicals in the elections announced at a meeting in Hrtkovci ([a village in Vojvodina where the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) leader Vojislav Seselj committed the war crime of expelling the Croatian population in 1991) is proof of Vucic’s final return to the radical politics of insults, hatred, violence and isolation that he tried to hide in the past ten years”, the leader of the opposition Freedom and Justice Party (SSP), Dragan Djilas, said. “The fear of losing power and the arrival of justice is so great that Vucic ran into the arms of Seselj, whom he had previously claimed was trying to liquidate him. “Seselj has not changed and joined the Serbian Progressive Party, but Vucic has returned to the Radicals to once again draw targets on the backs of political opponents where bullets end up, use criminals to beat unlike-minded people, expel children from kindergartens, shut down the media and endanger the University. “The only normal thing would be for all of them to unite together in the Serbian Radical Party, to elect Vucic as leader, Seselj as honorary president, and Toma Nikolic to be nothing. “Whenever Seselj and Vucic were in power, we lived in fear and uncertainty, isolated and at odds with the world. Whenever Seselj and Vucic made decisions, crying mothers, black scarves and bloody shirts were left behind them. “Whenever the Radicals ruled, Serbia regressed. Vucic is right in only one thing - these are decisive elections, because the citizens are choosing between the united Radicals and the normalcy, they stole from us; they are choosing between their ugly past and our future”, Djilas said.


A third of Serbians see US as enemy (FoNet)


The Institute for European Affairs said on Wednesday that 39 percent of polled Serbians see the United States as an enemy and almost half think it’s important to have good relations with both Russia and the US. The poll showed that they get their news and other information about the US from TV, the Internet and social networks, it said and added that most of the polled think that President Aleksandar Vucic is responsible for improved relations with Washington followed by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. The polled believe a visit by US President Joe Biden would improve relations and that resolving the Kosovo issue and membership in the European Union are the key issues in improving relations. The Institute said that 28 percent of the polled believe Serbia-US relations will improve while 38 percent don’t think they will.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


EC President Von der Leyen addresses press conference: We bring right offer for B&H in this moment (


EC President, Ursula Von der Leyen, held a meeting with Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers, Borjana Kristo, in Sarajevo on Wednesday after which the officials addressed a press conference. At the beginning of her address, Von der Leyen reflected on her previous visit to B&H: “That was truly a historic day, emotional and important for your country, but for the EU as well. My first message is essentially to once again underscore that B&H’s future is in the EU. Let me emphasize how strong our support to your European path is.” She stressed that authority formation showed that the country can achieve good results: “You have shown through authority formation and everything that was done in the first year, that the country can achieve results. I am speaking about package of measures in the rule of law sector in the last weeks and now the decisive progress should be made on implementation of 14 priorities. This will present progress in the process of accession and get you closer to the EU.”


She stressed that EU and B&H will continue good cooperation: “Our current cooperation was excellent, and we will continue to cooperate closely. As you all know, in order to get to this goal, B&H needs to act united and speak in single voice and stance. We cannot allow regression in joint values in any part. You spoke about constitutional organization, civil liberties. These are all foundations of the EU. Future of the country is in the EU, as integral, unified and sovereign country.” Von der Leyen then commented B&H’s economy and its modernization: “We have to work on getting the economies closer and we already worked on this. We have an investment plan, worth 30 billion euros for the Western Balkans and it already produces results. These are examples of projects of highways and railways. Last year we together passed through difficult energy crisis, but we stood by each other…” When it comes to ‘The Growth Plan for the Western Balkans’, Von der Leyen explained that it is composed of four principles. “Your economy is at 35% of European average. There is very much unused potential, which is important for us. Because of this reason, we present new growth plan for the Western Balkans. First component is opening of a single market for economy subjects from the Western Balkans. Second principle is that the Western Balkans is opening its borders and complete the regional market. Third is, if we open the single market and if you complete the regional market, then this brings certain reforms which have to be carried out for the sake of better integration. That is better business environment, digitalization, preparation o economy for green transition. Fourth principle that accompanies this are investments,” explained Von der Leyen. In the end, the EC President underscored that this is an excellent offer for B&H: “I think this is a right offer, which comes in a right moment. If we succeed with everything we intend, we have possibility to double economy within a decade. I am here to underline our support on my end and to underline that we stand by you.”


Von der Leyen pointed out that progress is noticeable, but concrete work on the 14 key priorities is expected now. Although a step forward was made on the path to the EU, but that step was taken without the adoption of three key laws - the Law on Courts of B&H, the Law on Prevention of Conflicts of Interest, and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, added the reporter. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “To solve all 14 key priorities, especially those concerning law, specifically the Law on Courts of B&H and the Law on Conflict of Interest are extremely important. First of all, they are important for this country and that should be emphasized. That is one important argument of your ability to make strides, to strengthen the rule of law, to strengthen the foundations of democratic functionality”. Even von der Leyen was not entirely clear whether these laws should be adopted by December 15, when approval is expected for BiH to enter negotiations for EU membership, commented the reporter. In 2022, Von der Leyen brought EUR 70 million, and this time EUR 6 billion for the Western Balkans. However, EUR 2 billion are grants. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “The condition is reforms. If reforms are implemented, then funds come. Of course, it is clear to us that reforms take time, but if nothing is done and reforms are not implemented, the funds will be transferred to other countries in the Western Balkans that have results. It is an incentive for everyone to work and progress, and to take advantage of economic opportunities”. B&H authorities are aware of the message sent by Von der Leyen and their promises are in line with that, commented the reporter. What many people fear is that this will not be the same as with the funds that the socially disadvantaged population of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) should receive, added the reporter. These are EU funds and for the first time they were given to a non-member country. Instead of receiving money, the citizens of the FB&H wait at the counters, not because of the EU, but because of the authorities of the FB&H who are just now creating a social card, while in Republika Srpska (RS) it has already been largely finished, concluded the reporter.


Von der Leyen also stated that the OHR’s existence depends only on progress B&H achieves on the EU path, which means that it is in B&H’s interest to become the EU member state and the rules are very clear. N1 commented that Von der Leyen conveyed rather restrained messages on the EU path of B&H, while Kristo left an impression that the EC President has never been welcomed so warmly like in B&H given her statements for the press.


Kristo: Von der Leyen recognizes our efforts, region will receive two billion euros of non-returnable funds (


Following the meeting with EC President Ursula Von der Leyen, Chair of Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo addressed a press conference. At the beginning of her address, Kristo expressed deep gratitude and satisfaction that she had an opportunity to meet von der Leyen as part of the Western Balkan tour. “This visit is truly important step on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s path toward EU membership. This is opportunity to present new EU growth plan for countries of this region. This is important for all of us in B&H and I think we all need to use the opportunity so that all countries in the region, including us in B&H, to make a significant step based on this growth plan in the sector of securing of better quality of living conditions- in all segments of life,” said Kristo.


She further noted: “Naturally, this visit represents an opportunity to get familiar with a new decision that the EU adopted, which is financial decision on six billion aid for the region, out of which two billion are non-returnable funds and four billion through different loans” She once again underlined that we need to thank the EU for this aid and underlined that everything else, in terms of implementation depends on us. “I want to say that we talked about what the B&H Council of Ministers did in last ten months. I am convinced that Von der Leyen will also do everything so our effort, work and progress are recognized and that we will be encouraged by opening of the negotiating process for the EU accession. Last year’s progress additionally contributed to stabilization, and I am convinced that opening of the negotiation process would contribute for B&H to make a new important step forward and to be stable and prosperous,” said Kristo.


In the end, she stressed that assistance that we have from the EU is unmeasurable and that all results that B&H made, were made in cooperation with the European Commission and she hopes this will all contribute to opening of the negotiating process. Kristo stated that B&H harmonized its stances with the EU. “We are aware that we are ahead of the progress report. I am convinced that everything will be done so that our efforts are recognized and that we will be encouraged by opening of the negotiating process. In context of geopolitical movements, this would contribute for B&H to be a safe, stable and prosperous country and not to dwell on divisions, the part. Opening of the negotiations would be an additional momentum for steps we all need. Everything that is happening in the region is reflecting on the relations within the EU. I will do everything to work on fulfilling of our conditions. Step forward and progress of B&H depends of dialogue, respecting of constitutional structure and constitutional competences. We have to fulfill obligations which regard the Berlin Process, we have one more agreement on freedom of movement left, in order to be able to use these funds,” said Kristo.


Cvijanovic and Becirovic told von der Leyen they expect EU’s decision on opening of accession negotiations (


Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and Denis Becirovic met with EC President Ursula Von der Leyen in Sarajevo on Wednesday. On behalf of Chairman of the Presidency Zeljko Komsic who is in New York, the meeting was attended by his Advisor Vanja Filipovic. Members of the Presidency expressed gratitude to the EC President for dedicated engagement and continued support they provide to B&H on the EU path. They assessed that awarding of status of the EU candidate sent a clear message to everyone in B&H they are a part of European family, but also positive encouragement to make concrete steps on the EU path. They concluded that the B&H Presidency, as well as other institutions at all authority levels, made important steps forward toward fulfilling of 14 priorities from the EC’s Opinion. In light of this, members of B&H Presidency expressed expectations that the EU will reach a decision on opening of the EU accession talks. Von der Leyen stated that the EU secured significant funds for countries in the region, which will be tied to implementation of the reforms. The goal of the new growth plan for the Western Balkans is economic progress through accessing of the Western Balkans to the single European market, strengthening of economic integration within the region, accelerating of reforms and increase of investments and pre-accession aid. The EC President welcomed efforts and progress that B&H made on the reform path and repeated support to the enlargement process and membership of B&H and countries of the Western Balkans into the EU. Von der Leyen expressed hope that positive momentum in the EU will provide encouragement in order to make concrete steps on the EU path, underlining mutual importance of the enlargement process, both for B&H and for the EU. B&H Presidency members welcomed new EU plan for economic growth of countries of the region, stressing its importance and positive effects on overall standard of all citizens. They stressed out dedication to reform process, EU path of the country, which has no alternative, preserving of peace and stability, economic development and regional cooperation.


Becirovic issued a video statement following the meeting with Von der Leyen, in which he stated: “I placed special emphasis on the importance of the economic aid package of the EU for the countries of the Western Balkans. The investment worth EUR six billion, out of which B&H will receive 20 percent, would be of great significance to B&H. The financial aid of the EU would have positive effects on the lives and the standard of living of the people of B&H and would speed up the economic development of B&H.” Becirovic warned that European path of B&H should be in everyone’s interest in B&H. “That would be a great encouragement for all peoples and citizens in B&H. The start of negotiations on membership in the EU would also open up space for fundamental reforms in B&H, and all of this would have a positive impact on the entire society”, Becirovic underlined.


Cvijanovic stated that they talked to Von der Leyen about the 14 priorities and that she (Cvijanovic) stressed that the stability depends on cooperation between B&H and the EU on partnership basis. Cvijanovic further stated she informed Von der Leyen about the RS being interested in implementing what has been agreed on. “During the talks, I said I often do not see that in our partners in Sarajevo. I believe, unlike my colleagues, foremost the Bosniak politicians, who think the stability of B&H depends on the High Representatives, that the stability depends on cooperation between B&H and the EU on partnership basis. I want to see real partners on the other side, and the EU is that”, said Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic further said that ‘we’ also talked about some new geo-political circumstances: “Space for EU enlargement is opening, which is a considerable change of the political course when compared to the previous convocation of the European Commission, which advocated that such issues are not feasible”. Article further reads that Cvijanovic told Von der Leyen that an obstacle on the European path is that an individual, no matter if he is the High Representative or not, can change what the Parliament and the Council of Ministers do. Cvijanovic is also carried as saying that “we are close a political decision within which the process of negotiations between B&H and the EU is opening”. Cvijanovic added that Von der Leyen said that, within new geopolitical circumstances, space is being created for the EU enlargement and that the Western Balkans countries are the priority.


Komsic to attend UN SC’s session set to discuss B&H; Latest information indicate Schmidt will not personally attend UN SC session but his report on B&H will be presented (O kanal)


Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic will address the session of the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) on Thursday. The UN SC session is scheduled to discuss B&H at its session on Thursday. The report of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt will be presented at the session, but according to currently available information, Schmidt will not personally attend the session.


B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic stated that he is glad that Schmidt will not be at the UN SC session, and he expressed hope that Schmidt will soon leave B&H and move back to his homeland, Germany. “I cannot wait for him to go to Germany”, Nesic noted. PDP Vice-President Igor Crnadak said that the RS ruling parties recognize Schmidt whenever they cooperate with the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government, because the FB&H Government was imposed by Schmidt. Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives Sanja Vulic from Tuesday October 31, in which Vulic emphasized that Dodik and all SNSD members are strictly committed to the DPA, and as such cannot be the main culprit for everything that is wrong in B&H. Both the ruling majority and the opposition in the RS are pleased that Schmidt will not present the Report on B&H at the UN Security Council session, noting that both sides see this as a clear sign that Schmidt has lost all legitimacy. Nesic and the Leader of the List for Justice and Order Nebojsa Vukanovic both expressed their happiness that Schmidt will not address the UN Security Council, with Vukanovic noting that it is better for B&H to be represented by Chair of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, as Komsic is a citizen of B&H and not a foreigner.


RS Government sends report to UN Security Council: It underscores importance of ending the role of “foreign dictator Schmidt (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Government sent a Report to the UN Security Council, underlining the importance of ending of illegal and destabilizing role of Christian Schmidt, as non-elected foreign dictator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The Report, on behalf of the RS as signatory of all Annexes which are part of Dayton Agreement, was sent to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and UN SC member states, by RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic.


The 30th Report of the RS Government for UN SC refers to period May- October 2023 and as in previous Reports, the RS Government is expressing its stances on key issues and problems that B&H is facing, all with a goal of elaborating of its stances to the UN SC and international community. In the first part of the Report, the Government underlined that faithful implementation of structure and mechanism of authority division, guaranteed by B&H Constitution (Annex IV of DPA) is necessary so that the three, one rival peoples in B&H, would feel safe and secure and abolition of these protective measures is simply unacceptable for Serbs and Croats in B&H. “The RS reaffirms once again its dedication to the Dayton Accords, which includes a commitment to peace and to fully respecting B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and constitutional order. Consistent with that commitment, the RS is resisting—and will continue to resist—the degradation of the B&H Constitution, which is the very heart of the Dayton Accords,” reads the Report.


Second part of the Report speaks about the efforts of B&H to become EU member states, underscoring that the RS continues to support B&H’s efforts to become EU member state and implement reforms, necessary to achieve this, in line with division of competencies from B&H Constitution. “One step that is incontestably necessary for B&H to become an EU member is the closure of the OHR. The EU has long recognized that the OHR is inconsistent with the EU’s standards and conditions for membership, and it is widely understood that the presence in B&H of a foreigner claiming dictatorial powers badly undermines EU integration. Another reform clearly required for B&H’s to move forward on the road to EU membership is for B&H’s Constitutional Court to be composed of B&H citizens instead of having a controlling bloc of seats reserved for foreign judges,” reads the Report.


Third part of the Report underscores importance of ending of Schmidt’s illegal and destabilizing role of the non-elected foreign dictator in B&H: “Leaving aside the fact that Mr. Schmidt is not a legitimate HR, his heedless and rash assertions of unrestricted authority over B&H and its citizens are brazen and shocking abuses of the rule of law that many in the region have criticized. No one, including even a legitimately appointed HR, has any legal authority to enact laws in B&H by mere edict”. In the end, the Report stressed that despite the current turbulences in B&H, the RS is convinced that B&H can succeed and become EU member-state, after Dayton Agreement and B&H Constitution are faithfully implemented, including respecting of the constitutional structure of B&H and restoring of democratic self-rule.


UN special rapporteurs calls on RS authorities to withdraw RS Draft Law on Special Registry and Publicity of Work of Non-Profit Organizations (BNTV)


The UN special rapporteurs for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association have said that, if the Republika Srpska (RS) Draft Law on the Special Registry and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organizations were to be adopted in its current form, it seems that it would impose excessively strict rules and enabled disproportionate government control over the activities of non-governmental organizations. Their letter called on the RS authorities to ensure the immediate withdrawal of this draft law. The special rapporteurs assessed that the Draft Law, if adopted, would impose unnecessary restrictions that contradict international human rights standards, especially with regard to the right to freedom of association, the right to participate in public affairs, freedom of expression and full access to economic and social rights for individuals working in the non-governmental sector.




Spajic meets with opposition: Broadest consensus regarding census implementation should be achieved; Zivkovic: If our conditions aren’t met, we’ll boycott it (CDM)


Representatives of DPS, SD and BS held a meeting with PM Milojko Spajic. They discussed the conditions for holding the census. Spajic’s cabinet announced after the meeting that the discussion participants expressed their willingness to reach the broadest consensus on this important issue. Acting DPS leader Danijel Zivkovic said that if their conditions were not met, they would boycott the census.


“At the meeting, opinions were exchanged, and suggestions were made regarding the preparation and implementation of the process, and the willingness to contribute to the implementation of the census as one of the most important processes for tracing the overall social development was expressed. The discussers expressed their willingness to reach the broadest consensus on this important issue”, the Government announced.


Zivkovic said that the main goal was to contribute to the level of trust needed in Montenegrin society. He added that a new meeting had not been arranged, but that he believed that it would happen soon.


SD leader Damir Sehovic said that they had a useful meeting. According to him, they want to have maximum trust in enumerators and have control mechanisms when it comes to census commissions, as well as having an adequate software solution to control this process.


Milatovic: Spajic’s decision not to hold his parliamentary speech is a matter of personal responsibility, I would like him to have explained in detail the Europe Now 2 program (CDM)


“Milojko Spajic’s decision to read his parliamentary speech or not is a matter of personal responsibility and I would not comment on it further. I think that Spajic, if he did not read the entire parliamentary speech, at least could have explained in more detail the areas that are part of the exposition. That would be good for him and for the Parliament, but it is a matter of personal responsibility”, said the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, answering questions from journalists in Petrovac, where he was speaking at the Days of Prosecutors. President Milatovic hopes that the public will be informed in detail about the Europe Now 2 program in the coming days. He said he had read Prime Minister Spajic’s parliamentary speech in detail and assessed that it was a quite good document.


“I am satisfied that a good part is devoted to foreign policy priorities, which concern the acceleration of the path to the EU, credible membership in NATO, good neighborly relations. I think that the part that concerns the judiciary and reforms is perhaps the best explained in detail, and I welcome that because it is a key thing for the development of Montenegro”, President Milatovic believes. President Milatovic repeated his earlier opinion that the issue of the census was politicized.


Nimanbegu: I’m sure that someone outside of Montenegro had a hand in govt. formation (Portal Analitika)


Forca leader Genci Nimanbegu, who resigned from the MP post, spoke for Albanian ABC about the current political situation in Montenegro, but also about his act, which preceded the continuation of the constitutive session of the Parliament. It is recalled that Nimanbegu did not want to participate in the new government, but the majority within the Albanian Alliance – which included Forca – made a different decision. “Honestly speaking, since I submitted my resignation, Albanian voters have been thanking me in large numbers, they are thanking me for a gesture that political elites rarely resort to”, Nimanbegu pointed out. He added that political elites often deviate from the interests of the citizens, so it happens that they choose the “faster way”.

“However, faster routes to this Government seem like a danger… Among the pillars of the new government, no one voted for Montenegro’s membership in NATO. In 2017, as an Albanian representative, I voted in favor of it. I am sure that someone outside of Montenegro had a hand in the process of forming this government”, he added. Although, as he pointed out, some voters were disappointed by his resignation, it was an act saying something was not right.


North Macedonia


Kovachevski - Wadephul: Germany reaffirms support to North Macedonia's EU integration (MIA)


Germany has reaffirmed its support to North Macedonia's European prospects and awaits the next key step from the country, heard a meeting of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and Bundestag member Johann Wadephul, deputy-chair of the CDU/CSU group responsible for foreign affairs and defense.   The meeting, also attended by Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, focused on current issues related to North Macedonia, as well as the security and stability of the region and Europe, the Government said in a press release.


Both sides highlighted the significance of the upcoming step that aims to ensure the country's European perspectives. They assessed that North Macedonia has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the EU through a dynamic process over the next few years, resulting from the country's policies amid the new geopolitical context and the challenges for the region, Europe and the world.


Interlocutors agreed that EU enlargement is high on the Union agenda, as never before, with PM Kovachevski thanking Germany for its support in this regard. "Germany, the biggest EU member, has a specific role and responsibility when it comes to the future of the Western Balkans in the Union. The enlargement policy is the driving force of peace, democracy, rule of law and prosperity in Europe. We are focused on the opportunity for further enhancement of our EU integration and believe that together with the European-minded political forces in the country, along with the support from our European friends, including Germany, the European way of life is attainable for the Macedonian citizens," said Kovachevski.


Wadephul stressed that Germany's main political parties support the European prospects of the Western Balkans, while expressing his understanding for the critical stage that North Macedonia finds itself within the Euro-integration process. The German MP noted that failure to use the current window of opportunity would lead to uncertainty which outcome and duration no one can predict, reads the press release.


Xhaferi - Ozoguz: Germany strongly supports North Macedonia, primarily on EU path (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi met Wednesday with German Bundestag Vice-President Aydan Ozoguz, saying the visit is a sign of continued interest for enhancement of cooperation at all levels, including between the countries' parliaments. Speaker Xhaferi said Germany is North Macedonia's strong supporter, primarily on the EU path, expressing hope the cooperation would intensify in the future, the Parliament said in a press release. He highlighted North Macedonia's commitment to equal participation in all activities within NATO, including its involvement in securing assistance to Ukraine and full alignment with the EU over sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation.


Bundestag Vice-President Ozoguz referred to the current security developments in Europe and the globe, expressing her assurance that the period of divisions would come to an end. She also stressed Germany's strong support to North Macedonia's EU accession negotiations and belief that neighboring Bulgaria would reevaluate its steps and decisions. Xhaferi and Ozoguz exchanged opinions on the representation of youth in politics and gender policies, with the latter expressing her pleasant surprise over the national regulations related to the issue, which go beyond the European average, reads the press release.


North Macedonia, US sign memorandum on expert support in development of National Security Strategy (MIA)


North Macedonia and the United States signed Wednesday a memorandum on expert support in the development of a National Security Strategy. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and U.S. Ambassador Angela Aggeler signed the memorandum, the Government said in a press release.


"This is another confirmation of the strategic partnership and the level of bilateral cooperation. Back in September, the Government adopted the report on the need to develop a National Security Strategy, a comprehensive and strategic document, a unifying vision in defining the country's vital interests for a safe and stable society," said PM Kovachevski at the signing event.

The strategy is set to integrate all ministries and institutions having access to the protection and promotion of the country's security interests, defining North Macedonia's place in the regional, European and global security context.


"The team of national experts will be joined by a professional on national security from the United States, a person with a 35-year experience in the field of strategic planning, executive communications and multinational operations, as well as distinguished military service across the globe," said Kovachevski.


Ambassador Aggeler said the strategic partnership brings enormous benefits for both countries.

"The U.S. is proud of the friendship, support and cooperation with this country, and we are proud that this strategic partnership brings mutual benefits. This is not a one-sided partnership, seen not only through the country's membership in NATO and its contributions to Ukraine, but in many other aspects as well," said Aggeler.


Up to Parliament when to call elections, PM says (MIA)


A caretaker government will be formed 100 days ahead of the parliamentary election, but it is up to Parliament to set the election date, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Wednesday in response to reporters after an event held to mark National Insurance Day. PM Kovachevski noted that President Stevo Pendarovski's first term was nearing its end as was this Parliament's term. But when both elections would be held, he said, was to be decided by lawmakers. "The public will be informed when Parliament reaches an agreement on the exact timing. Parliament will have to make that decision, and the Parliament Speaker calls the election," Kovacevski said.


According to him, religious holidays observed in spring should be taken into account when setting the date. "The election date will be set within the legal timeline," Kovachevski said. "Considering that our law binds us to form a caretaker government, this will happen 100 days before the parliamentary election." In response to a question if SDSM was in talks with DUI to form a coalition in the presidential or parliamentary elections, the SDSM leader said the political parties would let the public know as soon as they made any such decision.




UNSC, Albania appeals for peace in the Russia-Ukraine conflict (Radio Tirana)


In the quality of a UN Security Council member, Albania has appealed to support the peace formula proposed by Ukrainian President Zelensky. At the October 31 meeting of the Security Council, Albanian Ambassador to the UN, Ferit Hoxha brought the peace proposal back to attention, also referring to a UN resolution that requires this.


"We support the Peace Formula proposed by President Zelensky. A meeting of 66 countries was held in Malta a few days ago, confirming a growing support for a path to a just peace, as called for in a UN resolution "Despite the challenges of the war that have been imposed on it, Ukraine has decided its economic, cultural and political future in Europe, which Russia has been trying to prevent for years, though is unintentionally accelerating it now," said ambassador Hoxha.


While supporting this solution, Albania recognizes on the other hand the need to hold responsibility for the causes and its overall global effect. "As this war moves into its second full winter, we must accept the inescapable reality that the outcome in Ukraine will significantly determine whether our world will be governed by laws or outright violence. We should be grateful for the extraordinary sacrifices of Ukrainians to protect justice, freedom and laws," said Ambassador Ferit Hoxha. Albania's appeal is addressed once again to Russia to stop the war, withdraw all its troops from the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine and seriously engage in the true and fair peace process.