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Belgrade Media Report 28 November 2023



Vucic on elections in Belgrade: It’s on the edge now, result to depend on right-wing parties (Beta/RTS/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, a member of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, said yesterday that the party’s surveys showed that the ratio between voter support to ruling parties and to the opposition was “on the edge, and that the composition of the next government would depend on who would cross the electoral threshold. “It’s on the edge right now. We need to see what happens with these right-wing parties, and who will join the city parliament, and who won’t,” Vucic said. According to the president, the things in Belgrade “have changed considerably,” and the list of Progressive candidates had been ahead of the “Serbia against Violence” slate since a month ago. Quoting the said survey, Vucic said that voter support to all the tickets for Serbian parliamentary elections, including the Socialist Party of Serbia’s, “was 3.5 or four percent below voter support to the Serbian Progressives and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.” “If they manage to change the ratio in the next 20 days, they would be one or two percent ahead, and the Progressives and the Alliance would be on the edge, as to whether we were able to create a new government, or not,” Vucic said. The Serbian President dismissed allegations that he was using his presidency for the purposes of the coming polls, explaining that he was “only doing his job” – that of the president of all citizens. He said that amendments to a set of election laws that prevented office holders from using their posts for the purposes of elections applied to candidates running for office, and that he wasn’t one. Vucic announced that by the end of the election campaign he would travel abroad “for at least two or three days.” “It means that I’ll be in the country for seven or eight more days, and I plan to use that time to help the list of candidates “Serbia Must Not Stop” as much as I can,” Vucic said.


KFOR Commander speaks with Serbian Armed Forces chief of general staff (Tanjug/RTV)


KFOR Commander Maj Gen Ozkan Ulutas spoke with Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic on Monday and said KFOR would continue to work to ensure a safe and secure environment for all people living in Kosovo and Metohija. Ulutas reiterated that KFOR, "as always, will continue to fulfill its mission - at all times and impartially - to ensure a safe and secure environment for all people living in Kosovo, and freedom of movement in accordance with its mandate based on UNSC Resolution 1244 of 1999," the KFOR mission said in a post on its official account on the social media network X. Ulutas and Mojsilovic "exchanged views regarding recent developments and their continued cooperation", the post also said.


Dacic: OSCE should enable Kosovo Serbs to enjoy their rights (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said he expects the international community, especially the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), to insist on carrying out its mandate in Kosovo and Metohija and enable the Kosovo Serbs to enjoy all internationally guaranteed rights. “Given the information that we have, there is room for optimism that the institutional crisis in the OSCE will be overcome and that this international community’s important instrument will be used to improve the security of our countries, and, therefore, our citizens’ feeling of security,” Dacic told Politika. He said this mission is very important, particularly having in mind the difficult position of the Serb community in Kosovo, which he said is faced with severe forms of institutional and religious discrimination, threatened safety and economic uncertainty. “We welcome the cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, as the most noticeable status-neutral presence in the province, with a mandate based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244,” said Dacic.


Petkovic: Militarisation of so-called KSF biggest threat to peace in W Balkans (Tanjug/Politika/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said Monday's so-called "Kosovo Security Force Day" celebrations in Kosovo and Metohija were nothing but festivities of Greater Albanian chauvinism and a promotion of the concept of a mono-ethnic self-proclaimed Kosovo, and noted that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, the main affirmator of that policy, had not even tried to hide this. Petkovic said the lining up of the paramilitary troops - which Pristina is not allowed to have under UNSCR 1244 - along with symbols of the terrorist "Kosovo Liberation Army" and a flag of the so-called Greater Albania, was the most open threat to states in the region that were targeted by territorial pretensions by Kurti and Greater Albanian chauvinists. "For years, Belgrade has been warning that the process of militarising the 'KSF' is the biggest threat to peace and stability in the Western Balkans, and today's phalangist ceremony confirms that very clearly," Petkovic noted in an official statement. A formation that cherishes the traditions of the criminal and terrorist "KLA" is the same in terms of its nature and goals, and all those who are failing to notice this will themselves be to blame for all the evil that could result from Kurti's militant actions, he added. "By clearly designating the 'KSF' as the successor of the 'KLA', Kurti has unequivocally threatened the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with new crimes and pogroms, and Serbia is taking that threat very seriously," Petkovic said. We hereby again condemn in the strongest terms any form of support by a part of the international community to that illegal paramilitary organisation, whose doctrine comes down to destruction of all those who oppose the materialisation of the fascist Greater Albania concept, Petkovic said.


Petkovic: Ban on Serbs to vote in Kosovo and Metohija does not contribute to calming situation (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday during a meeting with the Ambassador of Argentina Osvald Marsik that Pristina’s ban on Serbs voting in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija in the parliamentary elections does not contribute to calming the situation. According to Pekovic, the refusal of the Prime Minister of Pristina’s provisional institutions Albin Kurti to immediately move towards de-escalation in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, does not contribute to the easing of tensions, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. Petkovic also discussed the last round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the Argentine Ambassador, and on that occasion emphasized that daily provocations, unilateral actions and escalating moves, unfounded arrests and false accusations directed at Serbs clearly show that the Albanian side’s only goal is to provoke new tensions and exacerbate the situation on the ground, which leads to the escalation and deepening of the crisis. He said that Belgrade has always advocated for permanent and sustainable peace and stability in the province and in the Western Balkans, and that for the Serbian side, the incidents have never been either a goal or a means, and that all responsibility for crisis events lies with Pristina. “That is why it is of inestimable importance that the international community decisively, by political and diplomatic means, prevents Pristina from trying to destabilize the region and prevent Kurti’s new unilateral actions,” said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. He added that he is grateful to Argentina for its consistent support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and pointed out that Belgrade’s determination is to nurture and improve traditionally friendly relations with this country.


Petkovic: Kosovo Serb released on bail after six months of incarceration (Tanjug)


Dusan Obrenovic, a young Serb from Kosovo and Metohija who was arrested by Pristina's police in late May, was on Monday released on bail after six months of incarceration and will stand trial as a free man, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced. "After six months, brave young man Dusan Obrenovic was today released on bail to stand trial as a free man and has just reunited with his sister, who was awaiting him eagerly. Their embrace is the biggest source of satisfaction to us after all Dusan has been through," Petkovic wrote in a post on the social media network X. Obrenovic was arrested in Zvecan, on 29 May after protesters clashed with KFOR troops.


Vukadinovic: Math and analyses say opposition will win in Belgrade (Nova S)


Djordje Vukadinovic, the editor in chief of the Nova Srpska Politicka Misao quarterly and website, said yesterday that both mathematical and political analyses indicate that the opposition would win the 17 December local Belgrade elections. In an evening guest appearance on TV Nova S, Vukadinovic stated that the ruling coalition between the Progressive Party of Serbia and the Socialist Party of Serbia could not garner more than 40 percent of votes in the capital. “If everyone who declares themselves opposition and states that they vote for the opposition actually comes out and votes for the opposition,” he said, then the elections are already “mathematically and analytically determined.” The analyst called on the public to go to the polls and not rely on forecasts of “positive outcomes” in the upcoming elections.


CoE finds election campaign in Serbia highly polarized, with unprecedented fearmongering (Beta)


In the course of a two-day visit to Serbia, a team of pre-election observers from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have noted a highly polarized campaign ahead of the 17 December snap parliamentary election, with "an unprecedented level of negative campaigning and fear mongering, attacks against the opposition and journalists and serious issues related to the media," the Council of Europe said in a statement yesterday. On the other hand, the PACE delegation of four praised the efficient preparations for the voting and the high level of trust in the election administration observed during their stay in Belgrade on 23 and 24 November, but urged the authorities to take steps "to alleviate an unlevel playing field and protect the integrity of the electoral process". The delegation, spearheaded by Stefan Schennach of the Social Democratic Party of Austria, voiced concerns about "the direct and indirect influence exerted by the ruling party on mainstream national and local media, significant inequalities in the access of political entities to the media space, self-censorship and disinformation", the statement noted. The PACE delegation was also "alarmed to hear of inflammatory rhetoric, including by high-level officials, and hate speech, as well as the negative tone and pressure being used against opposition members, journalists and civil society activists". The delegation was informed of serious concerns and allegations about "phantom voters", falsified signatures in support of candidates, possible voter migration for the purpose of casting ballots in local votes, administrative resource abuse, pressure on public enterprise employees and civil servants, and "the limited space made available for opposition contestants to campaign at local level". The delegation expects the authorities to deal with these issues before the election, the statement concluded.




Helez questioned by Prosecutor’s Office of B&H regarding claims on military camps in the RS (ATV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Defense Minister Zukan Helez was questioned in the premises of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on Monday. Helez spoke about the claims on existence of military camps on Republika Srpska (RS) territory. Helez was questioned for about an hour. After the end of the questioning, Helez did not give any statements for members of the press. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H confirmed for ATV that Helez was questioned by the prosecutor from the Department for Terrorism. As they said, witness Helez presented his findings that will be a subject of the further investigations of competent agencies. After those activities are completed, the public will be informed about this case. Before his questioning, Helez said he is making a statement as a witness and not as a suspect, as many, he believes, would want to be the case. “I have a lot of information, which I will give to the Prosecutor’s Office. As you know, I did not wish to say it in public, because this is a serious matter for me to partly share it with the media”, Helez told reporters before the questioning. As member of the Security Commission of the House of Representatives of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) (HoR) Almedin Aliefendic has called for an emergency session of the Security Commission, during which they will investigate Helez’s claims.


SNSD Caucus and Caucus of Serb parties in B&H HoR launch initiative for the removal of Helez (RTRS)


The SNSD Caucus and Caucus of Serb parties in the B&H House of Representatives launched on Monday an initiative for the removal of B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez. The initiative reads that in a very short period of time since his appointment, he has caused a lot of damage with his moves and statements, which has had a negative influence on the Defense Ministry and the B&H Council of Ministers. It was further stated that his statements in the capacity of the defense minister have been causing unjustified and unnecessary panic and fear in the public. As for the latest statement of Helez about para-military forces in RS, which undergo military training and that people from Russia also participate in this, the Caucuses warned that such a statement has for its goal spreading of misinformation and Russophobia exclusively, as well as discrediting the RS institutions, the RS Ministry of Interior first of all. The initiative also reads that such statements of Helez undermine the DPA provisions. The MPs from the RS also argue that starting from his biography, which is very disputable and questionable in their opinion, since he has been convicted many times for giving a false testimony, taking part in fights and other incidents, the question of his professional and ethical qualification for performing the function of the Minister arises. The signatories of the initiative concluded that they demand the removal of Helez, taking into consideration many negative moves of the Minister, which undermine reputation and credibility of the Ministry and the B&H CoM on a daily basis, and which create panic and atmosphere of fear, as well as due to the grounded suspicion that he might commit again a crime that he was convicted for. This initiative cannot be sent to parliamentary procedure unless approved by Chair of B&H CoM Borjana Kristo. The initiative comes after RS President Milorad Dodik (SNSD) stated that as long as Helez is B&H a defense minister, no decisions in the field of defense will be approved by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic has previously announced she will request information on Helez’s statements from competent authorities. Helez’s claims have stirred up a lot of trouble in the state level coalition, reminding that Cvijanovic said on Sunday that Helez should be dismissed, as this is not the first time he publicly spread false information.


Dodik: If Konakovic and Niksic had any shame, they would withdraw Helez themselves (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik posted on X on Monday that if Elmedin Konakovic and Nermin Niksic had any shame and political responsibility, they themselves would withdraw B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez. “Every attempt to justify Helez’s insanity says that the main goal is to reach no agreement and that they profit the most in this way,” Dodik wrote. He said that the best description of B&H is the fact that such an important post in the BiH Council of Ministers is performed by “a politically insane person, that deserves no comment”. “Public has to know that ‘The Troika’ gives support to such spineless person, that provokes conflicts, threatens and ruthlessly lies, to do this and that this is all planned in advance,” Dodik wrote. He further noted that he would not be surprised if the gathering of “The Troika’s ensemble” in Banja Luka was used to cover up their disagreements in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and problems they have there because of inability to reach agreement. “It is obvious that (NATO Secretary General Jens) Stoltenberg’s statement that there is no NATO path whatsoever, without RS, caused real earthquake in the FB&H, which is why these attacks come, spreading of lies and their embarrassment in Banja Luka,” Dodik wrote. He underlined that Helez’s acrobatics aims to cover up that everything he says is a lie and cheap manipulation, but he has to answer for this lie. “Helez is not in a circus to be able to talk what he wants and how he wants, but a Minister who needs and has to answer for his irresponsible and dangerous behaviour. What to say about allegations of a man whose claims are supported only by Albanian mercenaries Alicia Kearns and Nenad Canak,” Dodik ends.


Cvijanovic: Helez’s allegations about Russian military camps in RS absolute lies (RTRS)


At the session of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo on Monday, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic requested that the B&H Presidency discusses information on B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez (SDP B&H)’s allegations that there are training military camps in RS. The B&H Presidency called on everyone performing responsible functions to refrain from presenting unverified information. Addressing media in Istocno Sarajevo after the session, Cvijanovic said that Helez disturbed the public, because both the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) and the security agencies at the B&H level established that those were false information. According to Cvijanovic, the aim was to disturb the public and negatively present the RS. Cvijanovic said: “It is absolutely inappropriate for someone at the function of Minister of Defense to say that there are training camps, and of course mentioning Russians is popular these days.” She added that these are absolute lies. Cvijanovic said that such qualifications, presented by top-ranking officials in the country, are inappropriate and should only be stated if one has solid proof of the claims. Cvijanovic said that Helez made the entire thing up, and that is a dangerous thing and something that must not go unpunished. She added that these are serious things, and things that caused panic and fear amongst citizens, and officials in B&H should refrain from making such serious statements on TV. Cvijanovic said she was shocked by one thing, when she reviewed this statement by Helez, and some of his past statements, and that is that he almost has a “history of lies” behind him, and that this is a pattern of behaviour for the state Defense Minister. Cvijanovic categorically denied Helez’s claims on existence of “Russian military camps in the RS”. She explains that data presented by the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI), as well as by the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H, prove that what Helez said was a lie. Cvijanovic believes that Helez’s lie is part of a plan for causing additional confusion as well as diverting negative attention towards the RS, with the goal of trying to present that there are certain threats and problems in the RS. “I responsibly claim that such things do not exist in the RS”, Cvijanovic concluded. Cvijanovic supported the initiative for Helez’s dismissal from the post of the B&H Defense Minister, saying that people that spread lies, fear and unrest amongst the population should not be allowed to perform such important and responsible jobs. She added that such people do not contribute to the overall improvement of relations within B&H. Cvijanovic said that all members of the B&H Presidency came to an agreement on a united stance that officials in B&H need to refrain from making public statements that lead to public disturbances and spread fear in the B&H public.


B&H Presidency appoints Knezevic as Chief of Joint Staff of B&H Armed Forces (RTRS)


At its session held in Sarajevo on Monday, the B&H Presidency reached agreement on the appointment of Gojko Knezevic as a Chief of the Joint Staff of the B&H Armed Forces (AF). Serb Major General Knezevic was appointed at the session, which was interrupted several times at the request of the Bosniak member of the Presidency, Denis Becirovic, due to additional consultations. Knezevic will replace Senad Masovic as the Chief of the B&H AF Joint Staff after his mandate expired almost two years ago. The members of the Presidency reached an agreement on the appointment of the General Corps of the B&H AF. Tomo Kolenda and Mirsad Ahmic were appointed Knezevic's Deputies for Operations and Resources. Mirzet Lubenovic assumed the duty of a Commander of the Operational Command of the B&H AF. Martin Propadalo was appointed a Commander of the Support Command. Jasmin Cajic is the new Deputy Commander of the Support Command of the B&H AF for operations, and Radovan Jovic is the new Deputy Commander of the Support Command of the B&H AF for Resources. The post of commander of the Fourth Infantry Brigade has been assigned to Slaven Blavicki, and Fahir Zilic has been appointed the commander of the Fifth Infantry Brigade. Milorad Krajsumovic is the new commander of the Sixth Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of B&H. Addressing the press conference ahead of his appointment, Knezevic said that the rotation at the general’s duty should have happened at the end of February 2022, adding that this is a legal obligation that needs to be met as soon as possible. He reminded that the post of the Chef of the Joint Staff of B&H Armed Forces should be now vacated by the general staff from the rank of Serb people, according to the rotation principle. Addressing a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo after the session of the B&H Presidency on Monday, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic congratulated Knezevic on the appointment as well as to other appointed members of the B&H AF General Corps. Cvijanovic noted that she is certain that Knezevic will be able to handle all of the challenges on this position. “This should have happened a long time ago. There has been a delay of more than 1.5 year”, she concluded. At the beginning of the press conference, Cvijanovic said Monday’s session of the B&H Presidency lasted quite long, almost five hours. But she confirmed that several important steps were made. Cvijanovic confirmed that the Presidency members were able to reach Cvijanovic reminded that the appointment of Knezevic was preceded by a lot of “preparation”, because this was supposed to be completed a while ago, but some people stalled the entire procedure for quite a long time. Ahead of the session, Cvijanovic announced obstructions concerning the appointment of Knezevic to the position of the Chief of Joint Staff of B&H AF. She underlined that other two members of the Presidency, namely Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic have been attempting to prevent appointment of a candidate from the rank of Serb people to this position. Following the session, Cvijanovic stated that members of the Presidency managed to reach an agreement and to make appointments regarding General Corps of B&H AF.


Stoltenberg: Secessionist rhetoric registered in B&H (FTV)


A two-day summit of NATO has commenced in Brussels. Participants will discuss current security challenges, war in Ukraine and the Middle East conflict. FTV reports that NATO is concerned with the situation in the Western Balkans and this alliance announced deployment of new troops. Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said that serious violence was registered in the north of Kosovo as well as secessionist rhetoric and rhetoric of division in B&H and malign attempts to cause divisions, including ones coming from Russia. He added that along with the EU High Representative, they will discuss methods to improve stability in the region. “NATO has already increased presence in Kosovo for additional 1,000 troops. We discuss more permanent increase of our presence. Belgrade and Pristina need to return to dialogue under mediation of the EU. Stability depends on whether all sides will select dialogue and diplomacy over conflict and chaos”, stated Stoltenberg.


O’Brien says NATO secures crucial safety framework in Western Balkans so that it can move forward on European path (Oslobodjenje)


Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien held an online press conference on Monday addressing, among other things, the Western Balkans and B&H. The daily reminded that O’Brien, as a legal expert, was working on development of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) in 1995 and he is one of the US officials who are most familiar with the situation in B&H and Western Balkans. O’Brien said that the NATO secures the crucial safety framework for the Western Balkans, especially through its support to KFOR mission in Kosovo and through reserve troops and support to EU Mission to B&H. “The NATO ministers will reaffirm the role of this safety framework as a critical element which enables the Western Balkans countries to move toward their European perspective. We, in the US, are encouraged with the recent recommendations of the European Commission to continue working on the European enlargement in the region”, O’Brien said. O’Brien also pointed out that the plan on economic growth of the Western Balkans countries that was presented by President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen is a chance for each of these countries to reform themselves and feel benefits on their path to Europe and added that this is a political future of the region with NATO that secures safety environment in which the Western Balkans countries can move forward.


Foreign Minister hopes EC will green-light accession talks with B&H (HRT)


Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman has expressed hope that during its meeting on 14 and 15 December, the European Council will give a greenlight to opening the accession negotiations with B&H after the fulfilment of additional conditions. In early November, the European Commission said the EU should begin membership talks with B&H "once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is achieved". Grlic-Radman said over the weekend that he hoped that the political decision in December by the European Council "will be the reward for all the results which B&H has achieved, although it is not easy in any country that has a multi-national character and such history." "It is necessary to have political will and all the leaders are supposed to demonstrate the will for B&H's European journey." Grlic-Radman said that it was especially important for the country to amend the election legislation to ensure that all three constituent peoples are on an equal footing and that no citizen is discriminated against. "B&H must function in line with the Dayton Agreement, as a single state with the two entities and the three constituent peoples." Croatia has been a long-standing vocal proponent of further EU expansion into the Western Balkans - namely B&H.


Krapovic: Montenegro strongly condemns Russia's aggression against Ukraine (CDM)


The Minister of Defense Dragan Krapovic met with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro Oleh Herasymenko, the Ministry of Defense announced. Krapovic expressed satisfaction with Monday's meeting with the Ambassador, stressing that Montenegro strongly condemns the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine as an independent and sovereign country. "He reminded that Montenegro, in coordination with European partners and NATO allies, provided humanitarian, financial and military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and that we will continue to provide the aforementioned assistance in accordance with our capabilities and thus continue to support Ukraine in its struggle to preserve territorial integrity. The minister also emphasized that we have fully harmonized the foreign and security policy with the EU policy, as well as that we have implemented all the sanctions packages against the Russian Federation", the announcement states. Ambassador Herasymenko congratulated the minister on assuming the responsible position and thanked for the selfless support and help that Montenegro continuously provides to the Ukrainian people, as well as for extremely valuable donations from the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro in the form of military equipment for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "The interlocutors agreed that the current crisis has shaken the foundations not only of the European but also of the world security structure and once again reiterated the importance of joint action and the implementation of all restrictive measures adopted by the EU," the announcement states. The meeting was also attended by the defense envoy of Ukraine, who covers Montenegro on a non-resident basis, Colonel Dmytro Malik.


Blinken to represent United States at OSCE meeting in Skopje (MIA)


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will represent the United States at a meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Skopje, North Macedonia, this week, the top State Department official for Europe said on Monday. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien also told reporters that Blinken, who departed on Monday for Brussels, will highlight the ongoing commitment of the United States and its allies as he takes part in the first foreign minister-level meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council in Brussels, according to the world news agencies. In a statement on Saturday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, the current OSCE Chairman-in-Office, confirmed that the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will attend the informal dinner of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje. Osmani, who held a press briefing on the preparations for the Council, could not specify whether the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers would attend the informal dinner. As he stated, the agendas of all ministers are different, so it does not necessarily mean that each of them will be present at the conference for all three days. "We expect State Secretary Blinken for the informal dinner on 29 November. I cannot say at this moment about the dates of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's stay. We cannot expect everyone to stay for the whole three days, since these are important people who come for a certain portion of the event and then leave. I cannot say if their slots will overlap, we are still working on the details," said Osmani. The informal dinner will focus on the OSCE future and the aggression in Ukraine, whereas the Ministerial Council will also tackle climate change, youth, civil society etc. The meeting of foreign ministers of the OSCE member states will take place from 29 November to 1 December in Skopje. The current chair of the organization is the Republic of North Macedonia, which will hand over the chairmanship to Malta starting from 1 January.


Lavrov says will attend Skopje OSCE summit if Bulgaria allows overflight (MIA)


Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that he would attend the OSCE meeting in North Macedonia if Bulgaria opened its air space to the Russian delegation's planes, according to media reports. The Russian foreign minister said North Macedonia had invited Russia to attend the meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe foreign ministers, including the United States, Britain, Canada, EU states and NATO members as well as Ukraine, taking place in Skopje on 30 November and 1 December. "Bulgaria has apparently promised Macedonia it will open its air space. If that happens, we will be there," Lavrov told the Primakov Readings conference in Moscow, the Reuters and Tass news agencies report. Meanwhile, EU Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Peter Stano in Brussels said Lavrov's attendance would not violate European sanctions against Russia. "Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov can travel to an EU country or North Macedonia, despite being on the European list of sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine. EU countries can allow Lavrov's plane to fly over as can authorities in Skopje issue permission for landing," Stano said. According to him, Lavrov's participation in the meeting would not be a violation of the sanctions but instead an "opportunity to stand face to face with Lavrov and discuss the lies he has been spreading," Stano said at a briefing in Brussels. He said the summit would also provide a chance for the EU to present its vision and any of those under sanctions could decide to change their destructive ways.


President Begaj in the Assembly on the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, the Constitution preceded and anticipated the Euro-Atlantic integration process of the country (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic of Albania, Bajram Begaj participated on Monday in the ceremony organized for the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Albania. During his speech, President Begaj emphasized the importance of the approval by referendum of the first fundamental law of the state after the fall of the dictatorship. "The announcement of the Constitution on November 28, - said President Begaj, is an echo of the efforts over the centuries to build a modern state of law, based on the European principles of democracy and basic human rights." According to President Begaj, the Constitution managed to precede and foresee the Euro-Atlantic integration process of Albania. He emphasized the fact that important provisions were sanctioned in the document, which establish the basic principles for the preparation and legitimization of Albania's integration into international alliances. "Our constitution managed to precede and anticipate the Euro-Atlantic integration process of Albania, which is closely related to the principles of the rule of law and state sovereignty." Regarding the changes that have been made to the Constitution since its adoption in 1998, the Head of State expressed the need for a stable document over time. The adaptation of the Constitution to the new realities, according to the head of state, should be evaluated with care, prudence and expertise, keeping in mind the main pillars. The President welcomed the constitutional changes of 2016 with the argument of the reform of the justice system, the fight against organized crime and corruption, as well as the increase of accountability. The Head of State called for a functional, transparent, equal justice for all citizens and guarantors of respect for their fundamental rights. President Begaj appreciated the progress achieved and the tangible results, not forgetting the challenges that justice is facing today. "The main goal remains for justice to be brought closer to citizens with efficiency, equality before the law, transparency and guarantee of respect for their fundamental rights". The President of the Republic demanded maximum commitment from all institutions for European integration, which remains the primary objective. "Progress is continuous, but also full of new challenges, for which a maximum commitment is required from all institutions to finalize our membership in the EU as soon as possible."


Speaker Nikolla, the constitutional changes enabled the reform in Justice (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla, during the speech held on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the Constitution, stated that Albania has a good Constitution and a modern legal framework. Nikolla underlined that the Assembly has been determined to the end to defend the Constitution. "The Assembly should not allow and will not allow elected officials to impose their will over the will of the people and voters," she said. The speaker of the parliament focused on the constitutional changes in respect to the reform in the Justice system, thanks to which, according to her, the myth of untouchability has been broken. "The Justice system had given enough evidence that it was not able to reform itself and respond to the new dynamics of the country's development. Its reformation could only be done from outside the system with the support of the most integrity part of it. This turned out to be the only way to free society, development, public interest and citizens from an unjust and corrupt justice system," she said. Nikolla underlined that these circumstances of need led to the revision of the Constitution and the idea and implementation of the reform in Justice. "On July 22, 2016, the Assembly unanimously approved the constitutional changes that paved the way for the reform in Justice and during this decade it has strongly supported and continues to support the implementation of the reform in Justice. It is clear that the reform does not claim divine right, but the delivery of justice conditioned only by the citizens, the Constitution and the national and public interests," she declared. The speaker of the Assembly pointed out that "today there is no doubt that the myth of the untouchables is being broken and the culture of untouchability is being replaced by the great and simple principle of no one above the law, no one under the law. The great popular, citizen and public consensus for the new Justice system is an inspiration for the Assembly and a great support for the Constitution".