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Belgrade Media Report 1 December



Vucic: Kurti wants recognition in exchange for allowing Kosovo Serbs to vote (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday in Dubai Pristina's PM Albin Kurti would not allow Kosovo Serbs to vote in the 17 December Serbian elections because he wanted the so-called Kosovo to be recognised by Serbia in exchange for giving the Serbs the right they were entitled to. Vucic said this when asked by reporters to comment on EU calls to Pristina to ensure the Serbs can vote in the elections and Kurti's most recent statement that an inter-state agreement must be signed for that to happen. That means "we must recognise 'Kosovo' for the Serbs to be able to participate in the elections. Full stop, nothing more and nothing less", he said, noting that "everyone in Europe" knew this. "It is good that they will react, but we will not see a lot of benefits from that reaction. Nevertheless, I thank them for it. Therefore, there will be no elections in Serb communities in Kosovo and Metohija because Albin Kurti does not want to allow the Serbs to have a right that is natural and whose exercise is a normal thing. The West will always tell us they do not have sufficient capabilities to pressure Albin Kurti, and they will issue another press release or a statement," Vucic said. He noted that EU spokesperson Peter Stano had already reacted to the issue. "That's it," Vucic added. "In any case, what remains for us to do is think about ways to protect our interests and about how much and until what point we can protect them," he said.


Vucic at COP28 meeting: We'll create new strategy to contribute to fight against climate change (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is on a one-day visit to the United Arab Emirates, where he is participating in the UN Climate Change Conference meeting - COP28 organized in Dubai. After the opening ceremony, Vucic addressed the participants and on that occasion first congratulated those gathered in this difficult moment, critical for the world. "Today I stand before you, not only as a representative of Serbia, but also as a man who is afraid of global warming. Our country is on the front line when it comes to this, because the temperatures in Serbia have already risen by one degree," Vucic said. According to him, this year we had the warmest July, September and November ever recorded. "We must react to climate change immediately and continue the fight against it," said Vucic and added that we must react quickly to this existential threat. As he says, Serbia will create a new strategy to contribute to the fight against climate change, not only in Serbia but also around the world. Vucic will also have a series of bilateral meetings with officials from several countries, on the sidelines of this gathering. The President said that we must ask ourselves how we are going to solve this, but are not solving those geopolitical issues that are ongoing in the world. How can we be sure of good results in the fight against climate change, yet we cannot solve the issue of wars? "We have to act according to the rules of the UN, which were adopted according to the stances of the majority of the member-countries from around the world," said Vucic.


Dacic: Position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija more difficult than ever before (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated yesterday that the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is a cause for deep concern and assessed that only a strong international presence can guarantee security for all citizens in the province. Dacic said at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje that Serbia will continue to be a constructive partner and to provide full contribution to the strengthening of that organisation. We highly appreciate the contribution of the OSCE Mission to Serbia to our reform process, which has lasted for more than two decades, and the exceptional cooperation, which has been based on partnership relations from the beginning. He also highlighted the cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, based on the status-neutral international presence in the province, with a mandate based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Unfortunately, the position of Serbs in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija is more difficult than ever before. They face increasingly serious forms of institutional and religious discrimination, threatened security and economic uncertainty, Dacic said. According to him, the security situation in the province is a cause for deep concern, and he believes that only a strong international presence that respects international legal documents can guarantee security for all citizens in the province. Despite Pristina's persistent refusal to fulfil its long-term obligations, Belgrade remains committed to the dialogue process, which is conducted under the auspices of the EU and expects that all agreements agreed so far will be implemented without further delay, Dacic underlined.


Bilateral meetings of Dacic at OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic had several bilateral meetings yesterday, on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje. During the talks with Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen, it was stated that the relations between the two countries are good and the mutual willingness to further strengthen the mutual dialogue was confirmed.

The Finnish side confirmed support for the European integration process of Serbia and the continuation of its expert assistance. In the conversation of the First Deputy Prime Minister with State Secretary of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Laurence Boone, the commitment was expressed to maintain the reached level of overall relations and to continue strengthening them. The head of Serbian diplomacy also spoke in Skopje with newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro Filip Ivanovic, expressing his satisfaction with the greater degree of cooperation between the officials and institutions of Serbia and Montenegro. The interlocutors expressed the expectation that the two countries will continue to resolve all open issues through dialogue in a mutually acceptable manner, because good relations between Serbia and Montenegro are important not only for the citizens of the two countries, but for overall stability in the region as well. Dacic also met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, with whom he discussed bilateral issues and exchanged opinions about the challenges and problems that the OSCE is currently facing, as well as the possibilities for overcoming them, so that this organization could continue functioning. In a friendly conversation with Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg, he discussed the European integration of Serbia and the current situation in the region, as topics of common interest. During the talks with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto, the First Deputy Prime Minister exchanged opinions on the upcoming joint activities, but also on the situation in the OSCE and the possibilities for making decisions that will enable the continuation of the functioning of this organization. On the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Dacic had the opportunity to meet briefly with Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen.


Lavrov: OSCE currently in a bad state, it was destroyed in 1999 with NATO’s attack on Yugoslavia (Beta/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Speaking at the OSCE ministerial meeting in Skopje yesterday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused other member countries, especially the EU together with the U.S., of hypocrisy and disregard of the principles on which the organization is founded. Lavrov said that he was addressing the “Brussels bureaucracy,” saying that Europe had “a problem with facts and objectivity” and that the conclusions that the OSCE would adopt at the two-day meeting in Skopje had been “prepared in advance”. He accused the OSCE of staying silent when media freedom in western countries was jeopardized or when the media were oppressed, while attacking Russia because of it, and that Moscow’s requests for discussing the neo-Nazi movements in Europe and Ukraine were constantly being rejected, reported the media in Skopje. Lavrov accused Ukraine of wanting to “erase everything Russian” in the country, of denying the existence of the Russian minority, of legally banning the Russian language and of running a “despicable campaign” against the Russian Church in the country. Lavrov stated that the OSCE was currently “in a bad state” and that the organization’s perspective was “unclear”, adding that it was destroyed in 1999 with NATO’s attack on Yugoslavia. “Countries of NATO and the EU have destroyed the military and political dimension of the OSCE. In 1999, NATO performed an open, brutal aggression on Yugoslavia, a member of the OSCE and the U.N., and in 2008, in violation of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and the principle of inviolability of borders in Europe from the Helsinki Final Act, Serbia was stripped of Kosovo without any kind of referendum,” Lavrov stated.


Jeremic: Biggest threat of destruction of state is European plan for Kosovo, mining of lithium (TV N1)


People’s Party President Vuk Jeremic said yesterday that the biggest threat of the destruction of the state was the application of the European plan for Kosovo and Metohija’s independence and the mining of lithium, as well as that voting for the party was a surefire way of removing these dangers. “It is necessary to clearly and resolutely reject the ‘Franco-German’ plan because its implementation not only means accepting the independence of ‘Kosovo’ but the beginning of the state falling apart. The problem, however, is that the authorities have accepted the plan, while the pro-Western opposition has a similar stance and claims that the plan is necessary,” Jeremic said in a debate on TV N1, according to a statement from his party. The lead candidate of The People’s Party – A Secure Choice. Serious People ticket stressed that voting for the ticket was a surefire way of legally banning the mining of lithium, adding that “this is an exceptionally complex political and diplomatic undertaking.” “It will be harder to drive out Rio Tinto from Serbia than reject the ‘Franco-German’ plan, because lithium in Serbia is planned to be a strategic source of supplies to the EU with this metal in the next 10 years. Since the exploitation of lithium was stopped in Portugal, Serbia remains as the only place where lithium would be mined to supply Europe,” Jeremic said.


Aleksic: Security services in Serbia persecuting opposition leaders (TV N1)


Serbia Against Violence ticket lead candidate Miroslav Aleksic said yesterday that security services were not looking after the safety of Serbia’s citizens but rather persecuting opposition leaders and everyone who opposed the regime. Aleksic, who is the ticket’s lead candidate with Marinika Tepic, said in a TV debate on N1 late on 29 November that “the corruption of the Aleksandar Vucic regime has destroyed state institutions and the value system”. “We will create a special prosecution for corruption and police prosecutors, but we will conduct a review of all connections with crime by holders of office, meaning the confiscation of illegally obtained property,” the Aleksic-led People’s Movement of Serbia quoted him as saying. In his words, technical cooperation with other opposition tickets after elections is possible, but the condition is no cooperation with the regime. “We have different views on some subjects, but we can agree on what is most important – to save our house from collapsing. This is what citizens expect from us and this is why we have united under the Serbia Against Violence coalition to fight the regime, fight violence and create a different political culture,” Aleksic said.


Kosovo government postpones license plate deadline (KoSSev/N1)


The Kosovo government decided on Thursday to postpone by two weeks the deadline for the re-registration of vehicles with Serbia-issued license plates to Kosovo (RKS) plates, while the program also includes financial incentives, reported KoSSev. The new deadline has been moved to 15 December, KoSSev reported. The government noted that the deadline has been extended due to the large number of requests for the re-registration of vehicles to Kosovo license plates.


Dodik: There are speculations some bans will be issued against me at first trial hearing; Serb national state in Balkans is legitimate goal (NIN)


In an interview for NIN magazine, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is leading a serious campaign against him and that they have to sentence him in order to ban him from political engagement. Dodik stressed that it would be absurd for him to be banned from political activities without a valid judgement. The RS President went on to saying there is a public speculation that “they could ban me something at the first hearing already, because the US Ambassador Michael Murphy also deems that my role will be crucial in the following elections.” He added that this is why they want to remove him from the political scene. Dodik underlined that everything is prepared for this scenario, because the following instance is the Constitutional Court of B&H “where I also have nothing to look for, because the majority is composed of a German from Germany, German from Switzerland, Albanian from Albania and two Muslims.” Dodik also stated that SNSD could survive without him. In the same interview, Dodik also said that Serb national state in the Balkans is a fully legitimate political goal, adding that he is certain it will be achieved sooner or later. He underlined that Serbs will attempt to achieve this goal in a peaceful manner. Asked whether he discussed this idea with anyone from leadership of Serbia, RS President Dodik stated that he spoke about it with German Government’s Special Representative for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin, “who said his role is to prevent our separation from B&H. I told him they cannot prevent it, to which he replied – I know, but we can slow it down”, said Dodik. The RS President concluded that he does not know if Sarrazin messed up by saying what he did, adding that those were Sarrazin's words. Asked whether he will appear at the Court of B&H on 6 December, Dodik said it is less relevant. “Of course, there are people who will be scared by Christian Schmidt’s words that anyone who goes against his decision will go to prison, but I have been legally elected to do my job and I do not have the comfort to be afraid. I only signed a decree to a law adopted by the RS National Assembly in line with the Constitution”, said Dodik. Asked why he accepted that he is tried by the Court of B&H since he does not recognize the Court of B&H and Schmidt, Dodik said if it were not the case, there would be a series of abuses and international persecutions. “They would look forward to seeing something like that happen, they would issue an international arrest warrant and would try to arrest with the use of force and, perhaps, with NATO engagement. Even if I appear at the court, it does not mean I recognize it. And again, given that mostly Muslims sit there, I have nothing to hope for”, said Dodik. Dodik also said for NIN that he will support Aleksandar Vucic in the upcoming elections in Serbia and that he will vote for SNS. Dodik said that he will do this even though Vucic did not express support to him during past elections in B&H. Dodik stated that some low-ranking SNS officials tried to influence the election results and openly supported his opponent Jelena Trivic. Dodik said that some people in SNSD do not support Vucic, but unlike them, he knows what it means to “raise a state which was neglected”. Speaking about his relationship with Vucic, Dodik said it is “untouchable” and that they have great cooperation.




18th anniversary of B&H Armed Forces marked with a series of activities organized by B&H Ministry of Defense (FTV)


The 18th anniversary of the B&H Armed Forces (AF) was marked on Thursday with a series of activities organized by the B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD). A line-up of the members of the B&H AF and demonstration exercises were held at the military barracks Rajlovac on Thursday, while the formal ceremony on the occasion of this anniversary was held at the Arny Hall building in Sarajevo on the same day in the evening. The speeches at the ceremony focused on the challenges the B&H AF face, especially economic challenges, as well as on the importance and significance of the B&H AF. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic noted that the BiH AF are important in military, political and security context. “Just imagine what would happen if we did not have the AF like we have now”, Komsic stressed, adding that there is a need to improve the standards for members of the B&H AF in order for them to be better equipped. Komsic stressed that the way in which the B&H AF function shows that it is possible to do major things in BiH in the current political circumstances. B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez thanked NATO, EUFOR and countries that have been providing assistance to the B&H AF for 18 years now, financially as well as through donations of military equipment and training of military personnel. “I am proud to say we have several units that are ranked high according to NATO standards”, Helez underlined. Chief of the Joint Staff of the B&H AF Senad Masovic underlined that the B&H AF have obtained 1,042 new members in 2023. “However, there are problems that have existed since the formation of the B&H, which are all caused by the inadequate budget framework”, Masovic said. He added that investing in the B&H AF means investing in the state, and powerful B&H AF should be in interest of all citizens and all politicians.


HR Schmidt: B&H Armed Forces are a symbol of success towards prosperous common future (


High Representative Christian Schmidt extended his congratulations to the B&H Ministry of Defense and members of the B&H Armed Forces on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the creation of the B&H AF. “This momentous occasion serves to commemorate B&H’s remarkable journey from a challenging post-war phase to becoming a stable and peaceful country on its path towards a prosperous future in the Euro-Atlantic family. The B&H Armed Forces stand as one of the most successful examples of domestically driven reforms. Their evolution into a professional, capable, and reliable force speaks volumes about their dedication and commitment.  Members of the B&H AF have repeatedly proven themselves in international peacekeeping missions and military exercises, as well as disaster relief efforts in B&H and abroad. The B&H AF are a symbol of unity, cooperation, and a shared effort towards a common future in B&H and needs sustainable funding”, said the High Representative.


Tadic: Schmidt’s assault against RS has failed, scenario in which RS declares independence is realistic (Glas Srpske)


The author, who is advisor to RS President Milorad Dodik, comments the latest political developments in B&H. According to Tadic, the autumn offensive of Christian Schmidt against the RS which was designed as a blitzkrieg with the purpose of depriving the RS of its rights and its property was stopped by the entity border, where citizens keep gathering every week to clearly say that “the border exists”. Tadic uses terminology usually used to describe historical uprisings to describe how Schmidt used all weapons available, including Sarajevo-based media and politicians, US Ambassador and several members of European Parliament. B&H Prosecutor’s Office raised an indictment against Dodik and RS Official Gazette Director Milos Lukic only because they did their job, and Federation of B&H (FB&H) Minister of Interior Ramo Isak threatened to arrest Dodik. B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez presented false accusations against the RS claiming that there are Serb-Russian paramilitary training camps in several locations in the entity. On the other hand, the RS showed its democratic capacity. Schmidt was invited to speak for RTRS, and US Ambassador Michael Murphy was invited to dress the RS public by a Banja Luka-based news portal. Tadic also reminds that websites of the RS government were removed from the internet domain .net. The problem was solved by transferring the websites to the .rs domain and according to Tadic, the RS was pushed into Serbia’s embrace. Tadic emphasizes that Schmidt Is not the High Representative because his appointment was not confirmed by the UN Security Council, and by resisting Schmidt, the RS is in fact protecting the Dayton Peace Agreement and B&H. Tadic further argues that there is no constitutional or legal basis to take away the RS’s property and register it as state property. Tadic also claims that form many years, B&H Constitutional Court was a tool for revision and undermining of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which is why foreign judges must leave the Constitutional Court. Regarding the trial of Dodik and Lukic, Tadic argues that whatever the verdict the Court of B&H renders, it will be a verdict on entire B&H and its future. Tadic further argues that representatives of the political Sarajevo have been working on destruction of the RS for years, and their intention was to turn the RS into an empty shell that cannot secede from B&H. However, their efforts have failed. Tadic claims that it is possible to imagine the realistic scenario in the future, in which the RS is forced to declare independence. In that case, the remainder of B&H will have to opt for a confederation with Croatia, Bosniaks will forever lose the opportunity to have a state.


Niksic: SDP B&H is ready to join HDZ B&H in story of changes to Election Law of B&H (FTV)


FB&H Prime Minister and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, commenting on the relations between ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H, said that the appointment of Marin Vukoja as the judge of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) does not burden the relations between ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H. "We have a situation in the FB&H Parliament where the current opposition has found a way to block it - sessions of working bodies are not held. We have a situation where you cannot start with appointments, and that is an inevitability that stands. We had some meetings and at the level of the parliamentary majority we are looking for a way to unblock the work of the Parliament. Consequently, it is also related to the functioning of the authority. I do not see anything particularly burdening us, the authorities work in an excellent atmosphere, all decisions were made unanimously, without outvoting. I agree that in some things it works slowly. We had to withdraw some quality legal solutions because the Legislative and Legal Commission did not hold its session”, noted Niksic. In addition, Niksic believes that the parliamentary majority should take responsibility and certain risks and solve things, as he says, one by one. The FB&H PM stressed that the job of the opposition is to criticize the authorities, and also to contribute in solving the issues. When it comes to road construction delays, he added: “Road construction has not stopped. Even in the first mandate, we showed that we know how to do it and built 60 kilometres of highway. It will happen again, the activities have not stopped even now, they are working intensively. We have planned activities with our creditors, I am sure that the expansion of work on the highway will certainly increase.” Speaking about the Election Law of B&H, Niksic said SDP B&H is ready to join HDZ B&H in the story of changes to the Election Law. “If we go to these changes, the Constitution will have to be changed. Then we need a two-thirds majority. Of course, we give our views, and HDZ B&H theirs. I think it is a huge step forward that we can even talk about things that we look at differently. I even think that what we have when it comes to the FB&H, we have progress in the sense that we would be ready to elect a member of the Presidency indirectly from the parliament. Then you come to the story that it is not acceptable to the RS”, added Niksic. When it comes to ways to solve the problem of constant blockades and conditioning at the state level, Niksic points out that it has been shown that there are solutions. Niksic noted: "There were a lot of things we did not agree on, so we came to a solution through talks and compromises. SNSD has set some of its own conditions, requesting that the law on courts and the law on preventing money laundering is resolved in the package. Along with the law on the prevention of conflicts of interest, I believe that this would be a sufficient step forward that would allow us to obtain a decision from the European Commission on the opening of negotiations. We have a situation where in this variant we are now blocking. It depends on an angle you look from.” He believes that “the time has not run out for an agreement that would ensure us a positive response from Brussels”. Niksic also commented on B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez's statement about Russian paramilitary camps. "I spoke to him and was assured that he had the sources of the information given to him. He indicates that he warned and pointed out some relevant institutions that did not react. This statement created the conditions to disturb the population, though”, Niksic added.


Ivanovic: Montenegro will continue to consistently defend the fundamental values of the OSCE (CdM)


Montenegro will constructively contribute to solving the challenges and will continue to consistently defend the fundamental values of the OSCE despite the growing crises we face every day, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MVP) Filip Ivanovic at the 30th Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). On the first day of the two-day meeting, as announced by the department, the focus was on the further functioning of the Organization and current security challenges in the OSCE region and beyond. It is reported that Ivanovic said that it is necessary to step up efforts to achieve permanent solutions to the current conflicts, especially considering the current, complex security challenges and the worsening security situation. "In order to move towards rebuilding trust, the suffering of civilians must be stopped, and respect for international humanitarian law must be a moral as well as a legal imperative," said the Minister. He expressed his satisfaction with reaching an agreement on the next chairmanship and called on the participating countries to, with joint forces, enable the continuation of the functioning and fulfilment of the Organization's mandate. "It is our joint responsibility, and Montenegro will constructively contribute to solving the challenges and continue to consistently defend the fundamental values of the OSCE despite the growing crises we face every day," concluded the Minister and wished success to Malta, which will preside over the year 2024. The chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, emphasized the need for a functional Organization and called for a constructive approach to resolving crises. The department stated that Osmani reminded that the OSCE is an organization that builds trust and cooperation, which is why its smooth functioning is especially important in times of conflict and heightened tensions. Minister Ivanovic congratulated his Macedonian colleague on his exceptional commitment and efforts to preserve the fundamental values of the OSCE during a very challenging and turbulent year. "You can be proud of the presidency and the achieved achievements", concluded the Minister. On the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia signed the Joint Declaration on the fight against corruption in South-Eastern Europe, as an expression of determination and political will for the signatory countries to jointly fight against corruption and work on the affirmation of anti-corruption initiatives. The ministry said that Ivanovic had bilateral meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, Minister of State for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, Laurence Bunn, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Bjarni Benediktsson, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Fukazawa Yoichi.


Becic with Herasymenko: A new perspective on expansion as a path to joint success (CdM)


In order to strengthen mutual cooperation between our countries, Aleksa Becic, Vice President of the government of Montenegro for Security, Internal Policy, European and Foreign Affairs, held a meeting with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro, Oleh Herasymenko. At the very beginning of the meeting, Vice President Becic reminded that Montenegro, through various formal frameworks in domestic and international institutions, including the Resolution adopted in the Assembly of Montenegro, strongly condemned the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine. In the spirit of solidarity and support for Ukraine in efforts to preserve its territorial integrity, he recalled the solidarity of Montenegro towards the Ukrainian people, expressed through the reception and provision of temporary protection to a large number of refugees, as well as numerous examples of various types of donations as a form of modest but sincere help. The Vice President also emphasized Montenegro's full compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy. Ambassador Herasymenko sent sincere congratulations to the vice president on assuming the responsible position and thanked him for the selfless support and help that Montenegro continuously provides to the Ukrainian people, especially emphasizing that in percentage terms it is more significant than many other, albeit larger, countries. Speaking about the European path, which the interlocutors see as the only future for both countries, the vice-president expressed his satisfaction with the fact that Ukraine has acquired the status. EU candidate countries. The ambassador, on the other hand, emphasized that the entry of Montenegro into the EU is of particular importance for Ukraine, since it represents a new perspective of expansion that will bring mutual success. Following on from Ambassador Herasymenko's words, Vice President Becic emphasized the newly formed government's commitment to creating an atmosphere of political stability and responsibility that will contribute to the acceleration of European integration. Resolving issues such as the population census and the election of the seventh judge of the Constitutional Court, as he stated, represent the first steps towards the establishment of full stability, which will continue through the election of the new VDT and the remaining members of the Judicial Council, as well as through the fight against criminal structures at all levels that have even infiltrated state institutions in the previous period, as evidenced by numerous judicial processes. The fact that all the demands of the opposition and minority national communities have been accepted and that we will have the largest control mechanisms in the history of the implementation of the census in Montenegro speaks of the transparency and readiness of this government and the authorities to make the census what it is and its purpose, an exclusively statistical process, deprived politics, primitive divisions and irrational tensions, stressed the deputy prime minister. Special attention is paid to the preservation and strengthening of diplomatic relations, as well as issues of international importance, including the preservation of peace and stability in the region, but also support for basic human rights and democratic values. In addition, the interlocutors confirmed their commitment to expanding cooperation on issues of common interest, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and international cooperation in dealing with contemporary global challenges.


Saranovic - Lajcak: Montenegro is an example of a reliable EU partner in the Western Balkans (CdM)


During his official visit to Brussels, Minister of the Interior Danilo Saranovic met with Miroslav Lajcak, the EU's special representative for regional issues, and on that occasion, he expressed the clear intention of the new government to return Montenegro to the path of integration, with a strong acceleration of the fulfilment of the remaining obligations from the EU agenda. He also emphasized that the MUP's priorities are entirely based on achieving results from the negotiation process, with special emphasis on negotiation Chapters 23 and 24. "By implementing reforms, we will strengthen our own capacities and make them ready for future membership in the Union", added Saranovic. Lajcak said that the first steps taken by the 44th government at the very beginning of the mandate send a decisive message - that Montenegro is ready to work dedicatedly on the way to full membership. At the meeting, Lajcak additionally confirmed to Saranovic that the EU strongly supports Montenegro, especially considering the renewed and strong political will and the efforts of the institutions to speed up the negotiation process.


Krapovic with Rinot: By modernizing defense capacities, we are strengthening the interoperability and capability of the Army (CdM)


Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic met with the honorary consul of Montenegro in Israel, Nimrod Rinot, and on that occasion, he emphasized the importance of Thursday's meeting, taking into account the past defense cooperation between Montenegro and Israel, as well as the current security crisis in the Middle East. Krapovic reminded that Montenegro has excellent cooperation with the members of the Alliance, but also emphasized the readiness to strengthen cooperation with partner countries, among which Israel occupies a significant position. He said that Israel's technological development and close cooperation with NATO represent the basis for the further development of bilateral projects, especially in the area of the defense industry. "In this regard, Krapovic recalled the dynamics of the implementation of planned procurements, in accordance with the signed implementation agreements with Israeli companies, and emphasized that by modernizing defense capacities, we are strengthening the interoperability and ability of the Army of Montenegro to respond to security challenges," the announcement states. Honorary Consul Rinot congratulated Minister Krapovic on assuming his duties and expressed the hope that the already good cooperation between Montenegro and Israel will further improve in areas of mutual importance. "Rinot informed Minister Krapovic about the plans for long-term financing of projects in Montenegro and invited Minister Krapovic to visit Israel, which would be an opportunity to consider new modalities of cooperation in the field of defense," the announcement states. The interlocutors also referred to the current security situation in the Middle East, with Minister Krapovic expressing regret for the human casualties, stressing the importance of resolving the conflict through diplomatic means. Krapovic pointed out that peacetime policy, which implies resolving disputes through political dialogue, with respect for international humanitarian law, should be the only way to overcome the crisis.


Vuksanovic - Glavak: togetherness with Croatia is the strength of Croats in Montenegro (CdM)


As part of his visit to the European Parliament, the president of the Croatian Citizens' Initiative and representative of the Croatian national minority in the parliament of Montenegro, Adrijan Vuksanovic, met with representative Suncana Glavak. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on current topics with reference to the socio-political situation in Montenegro, and especially to the situation in the Croatian community. Suncana Glavak expressed her satisfaction with the success of the Croatian citizens' initiative and the restoration of parliamentary status, which is important for the vitality of the political life of Croats in Montenegro. Vuksanovic thanked the interlocutor for the support and said that the result of HGI - I is the result of dedicated work, a principled and consistent policy that does not put functions ahead of values, and also the strong support of the government of the Republic of Croatia headed by Andrej Plenkovic. Vuksanovic thanked representative Glavak for her involvement when it comes to the Croats of Montenegro, which is evidenced by the fact that one of the members of the Croatian Civic Initiative Youth Forum interned in the European Parliament, precisely with representative Suncana Glavak. This clearly demonstrated the value, but also the concreteness, of the strong relations that the Croatian citizens' initiative has with the Republic of Croatia. So far, three members of the HGI Youth Forum - I have been on internships in the European Parliament with Croatian representatives. Vuksanovic emphasized that with such support from the Republic of Croatia, the national community of Croats in Montenegro becomes stronger and more stable.


Osmani: We will respond to gravity of momentum and ensure predictable and constructive future for OSCE (MIA)


At the finish line of our Chairpersonship, I send the message of hope that we won't miss our meeting with history, that we will respond responsibly to the gravity of the momentum and that we will ensure a predictable and constructive future for the OSCE, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Chairperson-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in his remarks at the opening of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Meeting in Skopje on Thursday. "The OSCE has endured and continues to deliver. North Macedonia took over the OSCE Chairpersonship in a year of active war, with unprecedented threats to the European security and the international, rules-based order," North Macedonia's top diplomat said. "Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine flies in the face of all that this Organization holds dear, the Helsinki Final Act and other key documents that underpin the European security," he said. "The war undermined trust, dialogue and our capacity to deliver. Above all, it devastated the lives of ordinary people, their right to live freely, trembling with fear of war," he added. Osmani also noted that dialogue and cooperation within the OSCE were replaced by divisions and polarization. "Consensus, often instrumentalized for achieving national political objectives rather than serving collective interests, has been weaponized, making even prudent initiatives distant and difficult to attain," he said. Despite this complex and challenging backdrop, North Macedonia remained resolute in serving as guardian of OSCE values and commitments, Osmani said. Backed by the vast majority of participating states, he noted, North Macedonia as chair managed to avoid defeatism and to convene disparate voices and critical energy to address together the challenges facing the Organization's existence. "We managed to maintain our organization's relevance and utility. All of us together managed to preserve the OSCE," Osmani said. Speaking about the impact of the Russian military aggression, Osmani said it that in addition to the carnage and destruction in Ukraine, it also jeopardized the OSCE as a platform for dialogue that offers solutions to security challenges. "Despite the dark realities of conflict faced in Ukraine and the Middle East, multilateralism remains the best tool to prevent conflict and overcome differences and disputes," he added. "The OSCE, as the world's largest regional security organization, is recognized and valued as a needed and reliable partner for peace and stability. With an eye to the future, we have prioritized and engaged in several important areas including climate change, cyber security, anti-corruption, gender and youth. As the world changes, so has the OSCE and will continue to adapt to better serve the people and live up to the Helsinki Final Act, come what may," the top diplomat said. He also said the OSCE must be reinforced for the future. He said what was needed was "strategic clarity and not strategic confusion." "As Chairpersonship, we left no stone unturned to seek and offer solutions to these critical challenges," Osmani said, one of which was the quest, he said, of the next chair. He expressed his gratitude and extended congratulations to the participating states for the consensus for installing Malta as 2024 chair. What remained, he said, was to elect the leaders of the OSCE institutions as well as to adopt the Organization's budget. "The OSCE's programs, field missions, and mechanisms create confidence and trust in our common region, paving the way to greater security and stability for all of us," he said. "We cannot allow these tools that have made a difference in the lives of so many to lie unused due to internal inability to wield them. That is paradoxical and unacceptable, and most of all a betrayal of the people we serve," Osmani said. Reiterating that the OSCE exists for the benefit of the people, he said supporting the people was the focus of North Macedonia's Chairpersonship-in-Office. "The OSCE must serve as an active platform for accountability in times when tensions and conflicts are on the rise," he also said.


Lavrov says OSCE’s prospects unclear, as some officials walk out (MIA)


In his address at the 30th Ministerial Council of the OSCE, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the current developments in the Organization are not the right way to approach the European security issues, stressing that Western capitals are undermining the work of the OSCE. “The divisions on the continent undermine the security created by the OSCE and the noble idea upon which the Helsinki process is founded,” said Lavrov. The Russian Foreign Minister said even though these meetings traditionally conclude with positive and encouraging messages, there is currently no room for optimism. The OSCE, according to Lavrov, has been turned into an organization that serves the interests of NATO and EU, raising the question if there is any point to invest in its revival. According to Lavrov, recent events have brought into question the functioning of the OSCE as a platform for objective solutions to global issues, undermining the principle of equality of all participants. In his lengthy speech at the Ministerial Council, Lavrov said there are now more questions than answers, and that there is currently no balance of interests on an international level. The Russian Foreign Minister touched upon several events from the past, stressing that the NATO and EU member states have destroyed the military-political dimension of the OSCE. He recalled that in 1999 NATO carried out a “brutal aggression” on Yugoslavia, an OSCE member. Lavrov also mentioned the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and “the violation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244”. “In that sense, we can regretfully say that the OSCE is welcoming this anniversary in a deplorable state, and its prospects are unclear,” said the Russian Foreign Minister referring to the 50th anniversary of the Organization. Lavrov spoke about other issues affecting Russia, which he said have been fuelled by Western policy, he spoke about Georgia, South Ossetia, Transnistria, Moldova, Donbas, Ukraine, and mentioned the Western sanctions on Russia, labelling them as an attempt to take down the Russian economy. According to Lavrov, Moldova is the next victim in the “West’s hybrid war against Russia”. Immediately after ending his speech, the Russian Foreign Minister left the session. His address was boycotted by some of the delegates, who left the hall when OSCE Chairperson Bujar Osmani called on Lavrov to address the Council. On the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial in Skopje, Lavrov held bilateral meetings with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Hungary, Ararat Mirzoyan and Peter Szijjarto.


Baerbock: Russia must not be allowed to block OSCE’s work (MIA)


The cooperation within the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) must be further strengthened despite the fact Russia has put massive obstacles in the way of the OSCE’s work over the last year and a half, said German Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in her address at the 30th Ministerial Council of the OSCE in Skopje.

Baerbock said Germany would not allow the Russian Government’s “game” to destroy organizations that rely on peaceful coexistence and cooperation. “Like no other organization, OSCE is committed to the security of more than 1.3 billion people, which means they want to live together in peace and security and have good economic development,” stressed Baerbock. According to the German Minister, the fact that Russia failed to destroy OSCE “is an important contribution to our peaceful order,” said Baerbock, stressing that “this peaceful order must continue”.


Cameron: UK continues to support Ukraine and OSCE (MIA)


The United Kingdom continues to support Ukraine and the OSCE, said the UK’s Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, at a meeting of Foreign Ministers in Skopje ahead of the beginning of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council. “The Foreign Secretary said, at a meeting of foreign ministers in Skopje before the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council, that the UK would stand with Ukraine for as long as it took and continue to give moral, diplomatic, economic and military support,” the UK Delegation to the OSCE informed. Cameron also noted that Russia was responsible for the conflict and their actions were indefensible. The British Foreign Secretary said Russia had trampled on all of the 10 principles of the Helsinki Final Act, which guided relations between states. “The Foreign Secretary concluded his remarks by saying that Britain was clear in its support for the OSCE. He called on all those foreign ministers present to support the organisation and secure its future, welcoming Malta’s assumption of Chair in Office for 2024,” said the UK Delegation. The United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary attended an informal dinner of foreign ministers in Skopje on Wednesday evening. While the United Kingdom’s Minister of State for the Armed Forces, James Heappey, is representing the country at the OSCE Ministerial Council on Thursday.


O’Brien: Special criticism to be reserved for those who attempt to block functioning of OSCE (MIA)


I think we have to reserve special criticism for those who attempt to block the functioning of this organization, because it’s a direct affront, not just to values that were put on paper in 1975, but to the lives of millions of people across our societies who are simply attempting to exercise the basic rights that we all agree they are afforded, said the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien, in his address Thursday at the 30th Ministerial Council of the OSCE in Skopje. O’Brien highlighted the OSCE’s role as a “shining star of how governments try to uphold human rights and basic values”. “When we come together here, it’s not just an honor, it’s a privilege, but it’s a choice. We come together here because we recognize that each of us struggled to meet these aspirations in all circumstances and we need the help of our partners. We support this organization not simply for others, but we do it for one another and we do it for ourselves, and as the Chair so eloquently said at the start this morning, we do it for the most vulnerable populations in each of our societies,” said the Assistant Secretary. In his address, O’Brien characterized the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a “complete affront to civilized standards, to international law, and to the principles on which this organization is based”. “I add my voice to those of my colleagues calling for Russia to stop its violations of the basic principles of the organization, but I am not sure that they are yet willing to listen,” he said. The Assistant Secretary of State stressed that the U.S. believes the organization can thrive with Malta as its chair in 2024.


Dacic: Wisdom and political will essential to tackle OSCE challenges (MIA)


Wisdom and political will are needed to overcome the challenges that the OSCE is facing, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said Thursday addressing the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje. Dacic highlighted that the conflict in Ukraine has eroded trust, and the OSCE has faced its greatest challenges to date due to the inability to reach consensus on key issues regarding its functioning. "I am confident that we will make a step forward and demonstrate that we are one of the few diverse organizations capable of successfully addressing all challenges,” Dacic said. He emphasized that Serbia remains dedicated to that goal and will remain a constructive partner, contributing to the strengthening of the OSCE's capacity. In his address, he also referred to Kosovo, stating that the situation of Serbs there has never been more difficult. He added that they encounter various forms of discrimination and uncertainty, highlighting issues such as the right to vote and participation in parliamentary elections in Serbia. Dacic underscored that Serbia remains committed to the dialogue process for resolving the dispute with Prishtina, under the EU's auspices, and EU membership as a primary foreign policy priority. “Concerning Kosovo's admission to the OSCE, when discussing territorial integrity, I would kindly request that you consider it as a universal principle applicable to all,” stated Dacic, adding that Yugoslavia was a state with six federal units, not seven. "If you are already condemning the violation of territorial integrity in other countries," said Dacic, "be honest and do not openly legalize the violation of Serbia's territorial integrity at such a gathering." "As for Kosovo, it is an integral part of Serbia, and without an agreement with Serbia, international law cannot be violated. I highly respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and make every effort to preserve it. However, do not imply that the territorial integrity of Serbia is less important to Europe and the OSCE," added Dacic.


Kovachevski – O'Brien: North Macedonia at a pivotal moment to ensure European future (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski had a tete-a-tete meeting Thursday with Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien, according to an official press release. Their meeting was followed by a bilateral meeting also attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Sectors and Investments Fatmiri Bytyqi, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska and Deputy Minister of Justice Viktorija Avramovska Madikj. The meeting welcomed the constructive role of North Macedonia as chair of the OSCE as well as the country's contribution to peace in the region and the world, the release says. "Prime Minister Kovachevski and US Assistant Secretary of State O'Brien confirmed the great friendship between North Macedonia and the US, based on mutual trust," the release adds, stressing the importance of the strategic partnership with the USA in the further development of the country. Meeting participants noted that political stability is of key importance in the ongoing reform processes. The country, the release points out, is at a pivotal moment of reaching "the European quality of life that Macedonian citizens deserve, a functional implementation of the rule of law and an improved legal institutional framework as part of the negotiations process with the EU." According to the release, the conclusion of the meeting was that the country's political leaders and all stakeholders should carefully consider the importance of North Macedonia taking the next step on the road to the EU to ensure the country's European future. "This step is expected from North Macedonia as a contribution to democratic progress and to the perspectives of the entire Western Balkans, and in the interest of the European continent's stability and security," the release adds.


Blinken: NATO is the backbone of security; we do not need the return of conflicts in the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said on Wednesday in Brussels that the West does not want to see the return of past conflicts in the Western Balkans, adding that "NATO will continue to provide security to the region". "When I started this job, at the center of our concerns and the concerns of countries around the world, especially in the transatlantic area, it was the Balkans, Bosnia and then Kosovo. One thing we do not need in the future is the return of conflicts in the Balkans. NATO has played an essential role in helping the countries of the region progress on their path to membership in the European Union and to broader European stability," said Secretary Blinken, emphasizing that "NATO represents the backbone of security in the Western Balkans and will continue to do so". Secretary Blinken made these comments at the end of the NATO Foreign Ministers' meeting in Brussels, in which the situation in the Western Balkans was discussed, among other things, amid debates about increasing the alliance's military presence due to concerns that the unresolved situation between Kosova and Serbia may increase instability in the region. A gun battle between Kosovo Police and a group of armed Serbs in September in eastern Kosovo has fuelled concern in Western countries that Russia may be trying to foment conflict in the Balkans to divert attention from its aggression in Ukraine. "The Alliance has responded decisively to the actors who aim to destabilize the north of Kosovo, as we have seen earlier this year, by deploying additional troops within KFOR. We have also deepened our cooperation with the force led by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was also an important part of our conversation during these two days", said Secretary Blinken, before leaving for Skopje where he will participate in the next meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, said at the end of the meeting that the incident in the north of Kosovo was a serious event. "This highlights the challenges we face in Kosovo and the importance for the parties to work to de-escalate the situation, to refrain from actions and any inciting rhetoric that could further increase tensions," he said. About five thousand NATO troops currently take care of security in Kosovo, one thousand of which were deployed in the field after the events of September. The alliance said it is considering a long-term increase in troops to maintain stability in the region, while calling on the parties to work within the framework of talks mediated by the European Union to normalize relations. Western diplomacy has tried to speed up this process by asking Pristina to establish the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority, while Belgrade to de facto recognize Kosovo.


Minister Hasani participates at 30th OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje (Radio Tirana)


The 30th Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is taking place from 30 November - 1 December 2023 in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Minister Hasani is currently attending the 30th Ministerial Council of the OSCE. At the outset of the meeting, he welcomed by the Foreign Minister of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani. During this meeting, the agenda is set to cover discussions on the security situation in the Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asian regions, as well as outlining the Assembly's priorities for the upcoming year. Additionally, significant topics such as climate change, youth engagement, and the role of civil society will be addressed. These discussions are organized under the auspices of the upcoming OSCE Presidency of North Macedonia. During the initial day, two accompanying events have been scheduled. These include the signing of a joint statement focusing on combating corruption in South-Eastern Europe through property restitution and the utilization of digitalization. Additionally, there will be a discussion addressing the ramifications of climate change on human security within the OSCE area. On Friday, three parallel activities are slated to take place, centered around the themes of "Youth and civil society," "It's about the people - assessing the impact of OSCE field operations in 2023," and "Preserving pluralism - ensuring the safety of women journalists." The ministerial meeting commenced yesterday with an informal dinner gathering a majority of the ministers. Discussions revolved around the issue of military aggression against Ukraine, emphasizing the necessity for a well-functioning organization during periods of heightened conflicts and tensions. The informal dinner was graced by the presence of the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the Vice President of the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, who departed promptly following the dinner. The Ministerial Council is the central decision-making and governing body of the OSCE. The annual meeting is an opportunity for the Foreign Ministers to review and assess the security situation in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian area, as well as the organization's work in all its fields of activity. The annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the 57 OSCE participating States will be held at the invitation of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani.


Hasani: Albania continues to work hard for a stable and peaceful Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, emphasized that Albania remains dedicated to working diligently and proactively towards ensuring a stable and peaceful Western Balkans. In his speech at the 30th meeting of the Ministerial Council of the OSCE, taking place in Skopje, North Macedonia, Hasani highlighted the challenging nature of North Macedonia's role as the chair of the OSCE this year. He emphasized that the successful leadership of North Macedonia, evident from their chairmanship in the Ministerial Council held in Tirana in 2020, serves as the strongest testament to the organization's confidence in their capabilities. Hasani emphasized that the OSCE's response to present challenges will significantly shape its future trajectory. Additionally, the minister added, "To confront the future effectively, it is crucial to identify the origins of the current challenges. The most significant threat to our security today, encompassing our entire security framework, including this organization, is Russia and its illegal aggression against Ukraine." "This tragic war has resulted in profound consequences across all three dimensions of the OSCE. Through the exploitation of our distinctive cooperation mechanism - consensus - Russia has actively sought to undermine and render our organization ineffective by obstructing crucial decisions. We've just heard the same misleading rhetoric, echoing what was said in 1956, 1968, 2008, 2014, and 2022. History has shown that these words are often followed by the deployment of their tanks," remarked Hasani. Simultaneously, he added, "Other conflicts, crises, and a spectrum of transnational threats such as terrorism, organized crime, violent extremism, and cybercrime, along with the adverse impact of climate change on security, persistently afflict and bring hardship to a significant portion of the 1 billion people encompassed within the OSCE's scope. These issues also inflict substantial harm on human rights and fundamental freedoms, particularly among women and children." "The unfolding events in Afghanistan and the Middle East underscore the imperative for the OSCE to intensify its collaboration with partners in Asia and the Mediterranean. Addressing these challenges necessitates a robust and fortified organization," stressed Hasani. "In the Western Balkans, across our entire region, and within many of our individual nations, we have experienced firsthand the beneficial influence of a robust OSCE. However, we recognize the present necessity for a strengthened OSCE yet again. Despite the advancements made in recent decades, historical threats that have haunted our region are resurfacing," remarked Minister Hasani. "Once more, it's evident that the same force attempting to undermine the OSCE is behind the efforts to stir unrest in the Western Balkans. The occurrences in Kosovo unmistakably demonstrate an endeavour to divert attention from the conflict in Ukraine by stoking tensions in the region," highlighted Hasani. "We are exerting our utmost efforts in collaboration with our allies and partners to combat these threats. Albania remains dedicated to actively striving for a stable and harmonious Western Balkans. 'We persist as guarantors of our region's European trajectory, ensuring security, stability, and democracy," emphasized Hasani. However, he stressed, "It requires a collective and committed endeavour from all our allies and partners to counteract these attempts, which seek to regress us to an era marked by identity politics and conflicts." "There is simply no alternative to dialogue. However, it's imperative for us all to acknowledge that the most effective approach to ensuring safety in the Western Balkans, and consequently in Europe, is to acknowledge Kosovo's independence and afford it its rightful position at this table and in all other international forums," he expressed. "The OSCE holds a distinct and crucial role in fostering peace and security amidst the current global turbulence. While the outcomes of this Ministerial Council represent a modest stride forward, there remains a substantial journey ahead. Progress inevitably hinges upon reinstating our principles and honoring our commitments. It won't be an easy path, but it stands as the sole viable approach," elaborated Hasani. The minister expressed Albania's gratitude for the willingness of each participating state to take on the role of Chairman. "It is indeed a significant responsibility, no doubt. However, a far more substantial and weighty responsibility for all of us would be to face the prospect of having no chairs for the upcoming year. Fortunately, it appears this issue has been averted," he emphasized. Hasani extended congratulations to Malta for its selection as the next OSCE chair. "It's equally our responsibility to ensure continuity and comprehensive representation for the four top positions within the executive structures. The Secretary-General and the heads of the institutions have undertaken commendable work and merit the continuation of their mandates," explained Hasani, among other points.


Minister Hasani meets Cameron at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, is currently attending the 30th meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, taking place in Skopje, North Macedonia, from November 30 to December 1, 2023. Upon his arrival in Skopje, Minister Hasani held a meeting with the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron. "A pleasure to start off the engagements at OSCE Ministerial Council 2023 with a meeting with Foreign Secretary David Cameron. We discussed plans on advancing our bilateral agenda and our excellent collaboration on multilateral issues", underlined Minister Hasani on the X platform. The main topics scheduled for discussion at the Skopje meeting include the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, regional peace and stability, climate change, and matters concerning youth and civil society. North Macedonia assumed the chairmanship of the OSCE in January 2023 and is set to transfer it to Malta for the year 2024.