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Belgrade Media Report 29 January 2024



Vucic calls EU to stop provocation from Pristina (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday called for EU support in preventing what he called provocation from Pristina. “I pointed out the need to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), the most urgent holding of local elections in Kosovo and Metohija and requested EU support to stop further provocation coming from Pristina,” Vucic wrote in an Instagram post after his meeting with EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak. “I reiterated the Republic of Serbia’s readiness to meet its obligations, in line with international-legal agreements, while respecting the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and the UN Charter,” Vucic added.


Vucic not interested in EP recommendations, decision on elections (Beta/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Skopje on Saturday that he was not "particularly interested" in what the European Parliament would decide or recommend in terms of assessments of the 17 December 2023 elections in Serbia. Taking questions from Serbian media outlets after participating in a ceremony marking the feast day of St Sava at the National Theater in Skopje, Vucic said that one of the EP's earlier recommendation to countries that had not recognized Kosovo had been to recognize it. "They are always going to make recommendations against Serbia. We will say thank you and stay on our path. I cannot tell you how distressed I am and how much sleep I am going to lose until 8 or 9 February [when the EP's decision is expected] or any other date," Vucic said. He said Serbia was "building the closest possible relations" with North Macedonia and believed that an agreement on work permits and the labor market that comes into force on 1 March would "contribute to even closer cooperation". He added that Serbia had chosen the path of freedom, sovereignty and independence.


Brnabic claims Europe disinterested in investigating Serbian elections (TV Happy/Beta)


Neither the European Parliament (EP) nor the Council of Europe have pushed for an international investigation into Serbia’s latest elections or, rather, such was the dominant attitude in both bodies, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today. “During the discussions in both the EP and the Council of Europe, no one demanded an international investigation. Maybe there were one or two people, but their attitude was not what predominated. [The majority] said that, if irregularities occurred, they should be investigated by Serbian institutions,” Brnabic told TV Happy. According to her, the EP’s resolution on Serbia’s December 2023 elections will contain “nothing new”. That this resolution will be ratified before the report by the ODIHR electoral monitoring mission is even published is, in Brnabic’s opinion, “unbelievable”. The Prime Minister further expressed her belief that the EP’s resolution will be used “to exert pressure to legitimize Kosovo’s statehood”.


Petkovic: Vucic underlined difficult position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said today that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, during a meeting with the EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak, emphasized the difficult position of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and the necessity for Pristina to stop implementing escalating moves that disrupt the lives of Serbs. Petkovic points out that the President insisted that the Prime Minister of Pristina’s provisional institutions Albin Kurti stop provocations that lead to new escalating moves, including the decision regarding the abolition of the Dinar. “A decision that aims to expel the Serb people not only north but also south of the Ibar and thus put an end to the dialogue. Belgrade is ready to discuss the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, so we take care of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija,” he said. He pointed out at the press conference that the President indicated the necessity of forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), in order to create the necessary mechanism and framework for the survival of the Serb people and to preserve and improve their individual and collective rights. “Because these rights are clearly being violated by Pristina every day, when they invade our municipalities and when they try to expel the Serb people with various moves. The President emphasized the very difficult position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and the necessity for Pristina to stop new escalating moves. Vucic emphasized the necessity of forming the ZSO, for which Belgrade and the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija have been waiting for more than 10 years,” said Petkovic. “In a record three days, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija collected more than 20 percent of the necessary signatures for the removal of fake, illegitimate councillors and mayors. Now it’s Kurti’s turn to act according to the administrative instructions that he himself brought and to see their backs, so that they can organize elections in which, in accordance with the will of the majority Serb people, there would be Serbian mayors in four municipalities,” said Petkovic.


Petkovic: Pristina's decision to ban Dinar aimed at ethnic cleansing of Serbs (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luca Gori on Friday, noting that it was clear Pristina's decision to abolish the Serbian Dinar as the legal tender in Kosovo and Metohija was aimed at ethnic cleansing of Serbs. Petkovic said Pristina's termination of payment transactions with central Serbia and the abolition of the dinar, announced for 1 February, were an attempt to completely and definitely exclude Belgrade from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and expel the Serbs from their ancestral homes in the Serbian province, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement. Petkovic noted that a ban on the dinar would lead to a humanitarian disaster because Serbs and Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija operated thanks to funds coming from Serbia proper. "It is completely clear that the decision by the Pristina regime is aimed at ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija," he added. He said the decision was the grossest possible obstruction of dialogue and a denial of the process of forming a Community of Serb Municipalities as, under signed agreements, financial support to the Serbs was envisioned as part of powers given to the Community. Petkovic and Gori also discussed petitions for a dismissal of false and illegitimate mayors and assembly members in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. "The fact the number of signatures collected is higher than planned - more than 20 percent of the total number of registered voters - unequivocally demonstrates that the will of the Serbs is that the false mayors leave the posts as soon as possible and resign rather than obstruct this process on a daily basis," he said.


Serbia committed to cherishing memory of victims of Holocaust (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Culture Minister Maja Gojkovic led on Sunday, in her capacity of a special envoy of the Serbian President, the central state ceremony marking the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust at the Memorial to the Victims of Genocide in the Second World War, within complex of the former concentration camp at the Old Fairgrounds in Belgrade. Gojkovic said that we will continue to protect from oblivion and cherish the memory of all victims of the Holocaust, adding that there is no nation in the world that has not felt the horrors of the Second World War. In that vortex, in the fire of Nazism and fascism that set the world on fire at that time, the Serbian people perished together with the Jews and Roma. We know very well what it means to be a victim of genocide and what it means when an entire world goes out and disappears in the hell of destruction and hatred, she said. She stated that this is why we continue to protect our freedom and independence and stand up for peace with all our might. Gojkovic pointed out that this is why we will never get tired of repeating that there is no place for the Holocaust, racism, genocide, hatred and contempt for other people among free peoples and people who live with dignity. One of the most important historical lessons of the Holocaust is that we must constantly and diligently work to strengthen awareness of humanity and universal values and oppose extremism and hatred wherever they appear, as soon as they appear. It is necessary to oppose oblivion and evil together and decisively, she concluded. According to her, Serbia cooperates dedicatedly within UNESCO, the International Alliance for the Remembrance of the Holocaust and all other organizations that work to nurture the memory of suffering, which preserve history from being rewritten and strengthen trust and humanity.


Excellent cooperation of Serbia, Hungary in field of defence (Tanjug)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic met on Friday in Budapest with Hungarian Minister of Defence Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky, pointing out that a new chapter of cooperation between the two countries in the field of defence has opened, which will deal with concrete matters. Vucevic pointed out that today's meetings are proof of substantive and fruitful cooperation, recalling that Hungary and Serbia are strategic partners, friends and more than that. We are ready to cooperate with Hungary on all issues that are of common interest and are related to security and defence, while of course respecting the fact that Hungary is part of the NATO alliance, and that Serbia is militarily neutral, Vucevic stressed. According to him, Serbia buys very useful weapons and military equipment from Hungary, but also sells and delivers what the Hungarian army needs. He also said that he informed the Hungarian Minister of Defence about the violation of public international law, the Resolution of the United Nations Security Council regarding the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Szalay-Bobrovniczky said Serbia is a prominent and strategic partner of Hungary, noting that the two countries have exceptional cooperation in all fields, including the field of defence. He praised the role of the Hungarian units in Kosovo and Metohija as part of KFOR, and announced that in the second half of 2024, Hungary will assume the position of chairman of the EU. It will be a good opportunity to be involved in the EU enlargement, which Hungary has been doing decisively so far, and we hope that in this period we will be able to contribute to bringing Serbia closer to full membership in the Union, said the Minister. Earlier, Vucevic and Szalay-Bobrovniczky attended the opening of the first meeting of the Serbian-Hungarian Working Group for Defence Industry and Armaments, held by a delegation of the Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence of Serbia and the Defence and Armaments Industry of Hungary.


Serbian anti-terrorist police in exercise with US Green Berets (FoNet)


Serbian anti-terrorist police troopers completed a final exercise with American Green Berets on Friday. The Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) exercise with the 12 Green Berets was part of a two weeks of training. The final exercise showed their skills in hostage rescue. A total of 30 SAJ troopers were given training certificates. The exercise scenario was a hostage situation with terrorists taking over a news agency, killing one of five hostages, wounding a second before the troopers went in, killing one and isolating the second terrorist and taking care of the wounded. The training course included an FBI agency. The exercise was attended by US Ambassador Christopher Hill. FoNet said that this was the 8th bilateral Serbia-US exercise. The SAJ has worked with US Navy Seals and Green Berets.


Protest held in front of constitutional court, RTS in Belgrade (Beta)


The Serbia Against Violence coalition held a protest in front of the Constitutional Court building in Belgrade on Friday, demanding the annulment of national elections and elections in Belgrade, after which the protesters marched to the seat of RTS, which representatives of the opposition alliance accuse of promoting the government only and not reporting on "election fraud". Citizens and representatives of Serbia Against Violence expressed their dissatisfaction with the public broadcaster by whistling in front of its seat. Following the "media route" in their march from the Constitutional Court, the protesters arrived in front of RTS, where Democratic Party MP Srdjan Milivojevic reiterated a series of criticisms against the broadcaster, according to Beta's reporter. A recent letter by opposition leader Dragan Djilas accusing the management of RTS and the editors of its prime time news program of being "directly responsible for lying to and misinforming citizens" was read out loud. At the end of the protest, Milivojevic said the opposition would not give up its demands for the election to be repealed.




International Holocaust Remembrance Day marked in RS; Dodik: Holocaust is one of the darkest and most shameful periods of European history (RTRS)


Seventy-nine years ago, units of the Soviet army liberated the largest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz, in which more than one million people, mostly Jews, were killed. On the day of remembrance for the victims of Nazi crimes, a memorial academy was held in Banja Luka on Saturday, and in memorial place in Donja Gradina, wreaths were laid and an exhibition, dedicated to the unrecorded victims of Holocaust from the territory of the former Independent State of Croatia (NDH), was opened. With the message – ‘We remember’ – Republika Srpska (RS) honored the Jews, victims of the Holocaust. In his message, RS President Milorad Dodik stressed that “our task is to remember, to educate young people and stop rise of antisemitism in Europe and beyond”. “Holocaust is one of the darkest and most shameful periods of European history. With the culture of remembrance, we fight against repeating of history”, Dodik pointed out. Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) were also victims of the Holocaust. There were around 14,500 of Jews living in B&H at the time, and only one-third of them survived the World War II period. Jasenovac, the infamous ‘camp of death’, was used in these parts by the Ustashas for detention, torture and killings of many Jews, Serbs, the Roma people. Around 700,000 people were killed there in the most gruesome ways. Out of that number, 500,000 were Serbs, 40,000 Roma people, and 33,000 Jews. An exhibition was set in Donja Gradina that talks about unrecorded victims. Darko Banjac, a representative in the RS National Assembly (RSNA), said that all places of sufferings must be honored and marked accordingly, thus always remembering the innocent victims and teaching new generations what should never happen again. On November 1, 2005, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution and established January 27 as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Muslim-Jewish peace initiative signed in Srebrenica (Hayat)


The International Holocaust Remembrance Day was marked in the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center on Saturday. On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Muslim-Jewish peace initiative was signed in Srebrenica. The initiative was signed by Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Husein Kavazovic and representative of the World Jewish Congress Menachem Z. Rosensaft. The signing of the document followed a program in which high state and international officials and representatives of the Islamic and Jewish communities in B&H participated. President of the Association ‘Movement of Mothers of the Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves’ Munira Subasic and President of the Jewish Community in B&H Jakob Finci were present as witnesses. “We witnessed everything that happened right here in Srebrenica, where thousands of men were killed and what the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague declared genocide against Bosniaks 50 years after the Holocaust, the largest genocide in history that in some way marked the 20th century and which after that was a frequently mentioned and abused word,” Finci said. Kavazovic and Rosensaft stated that it is very important to build peace, stressing that the Holocaust and the genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica are the wound of Europe in the last century. “In a time of unprecedented suffering in the Holy Land, our meeting and call for peace is all the more significant. In the days after the escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine on 7 October, Mr. Finci and I sat down and sent a joint message of condemnation of the violence and the need to stop the wave of terror and violence against innocent civilians. At its last session, the Assembly of the Islamic Community in B&H adopted the declaration on peace in the Holy Land and the rights of the Palestinian people, in which it calls on all international actors, Muslim leaders and religious authorities of all religions to resolutely engage in order to stop the spiral of violence in the Holy Land,” Kavazovic said. Rosensaft said that “today is the time to not let the ghosts of the past fade away.” “We pledge to do everything in our power to prevent and alleviate the suffering of the innocent. We cannot be indifferent to suffering. We must condemn the savagery committed by Hamas on October 7, but I must say equally clearly that we must not be indifferent to the death and displacement of civilians in Gaza,” Rosensaft pointed out. Representatives of the international community in B&H stated that the Muslim-Jewish peace initiative is a unique initiative to preserve peace. High Representative Christian Schmidt stated that messages of peace and reconciliation are urgently needed. “All too often I hear only empty phrases of a political nature. We lack words of wisdom. Only such words can make a real difference. This initiative for remembrance between Muslims and Jews is unique in its nature. By building bridges, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders are showing us the way to mutual respect. At the same time, the initiative is deeply rooted in B&H itself,” Schmidt underlined. Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and EU Special Representative in B&H Johann Sattler said that the initiative is testimony to the influence of individuals who work for the good. “I hope that this initiative will be another element in building hope for B&H and an example for other communities around Europe and the world,” Sattler said. “We commit ourselves to perpetuating the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and of the Srebrenica Genocide so that future generations will remember that they lived and the savage manner in which they were murdered. In so doing we also commit ourselves to doing all in our power to fight against the hatred, antisemitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, and other bigotries that made possible the genocides perpetrated at Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Srebrenica, Jasenovac, Kigali, and all the other places of horror”, reads part of the signed Initiative.


Court of B&H confirms first-instance verdict sentencing Fadil Novalic to four years in prison, Fahrudin Solak to six years in prison and Fikret Hodzic to five years in prison in ‘Respirators’ affair (FTV)


The Court of B&H confirmed on Saturday that the Appellate Chamber of the Court of B&H dispatched the second-instance verdict in the case of ‘Novalic et al’. According to the Court of B&H, the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H fully confirmed the first-instance verdict in this case. Thus, the first-instance verdict against former Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister (PM) Fadil Novalic, former Director of the FB&H Civil Protection Administration Fahrudin Solak and owner of the company ‘Srebrena malina’ Fikret Hodzic that sentenced them to a total of 15 years of prison for abuses with purchase of 100 Chinese respirators worth over BAM 10 million, was confirmed. Novalic was sentenced to four years of prison, Solak was sentenced to six years of prison while Hodzic was sentenced to five years of prison and his company ‘Srebrena malina’ will have to pay fine in the amount of BAM 200,000. Besides, Hodzic must also return material gain in the amount of almost BAM 700,000. At the same time, former FB&H Minister of Finance Jelka Milicevic, who was accused of lack of commitment in office in this case, was acquitted. Novalic expressed gratitude to his friends for huge support that he received, adding that “foreign directors and domestic executors led this process to its end by severe violation of rights and undermining of justice”. I will present all information at my disposal related to this staged process in the next days. Fight will continue and justice will prevail”.


Izetbegovic comments on second-instance verdict in Novalic case, claims Novalic did not do anything that exceeded powers of PM during pandemic (FTV)


Commenting on the second-instance verdict in the case ‘Novalic et al.’, leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said on Saturday: “Clear and unambiguous evidence is required to prove the intention to commit the criminal act of abuse of official duty. We did not see such evidence in the evidentiary proceedings.” He added that the goal of the project is clear - to reduce the influence of the pro-state political factor through media campaigns and lynching, staged trials, suspension of the Constitution, and instead of that factor, bring incompetent servile henchmen to power. Izetbegovic also stated that FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic did not do anything that exceeded the powers of the Prime Minister during the pandemic and the declared state of emergency. “He did not do anything that prime ministers of all countries did not do during the epidemic. For reasonable people, the explanation of judge (Branko) Peric should be enough to understand that Fadil Novalic is a victim of a rigged political-judicial-media project,” Izetbegovic was quoted as saying.


Court of B&H rejects motion of Dodik’s defense for recusal of seven judges (RTRS/ATV)


The Court of B&H rejected the request of RS President Milorad Dodik’s defense for the recusal of seven judges of this court, said Dodik’s defense attorney, Goran Bubic. Bubic said on Friday that the judge of the Court of B&H postponed the hearing in the case against Dodik to 5 February. The motion was filed after the judges rejected a motion for decision on whether the Court of B&H has competences for this case. ATV reminded that the case in the process against Dodik and Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic was officially separated given that Lukic was prevented from attending the previous hearing due to illness. It remained unclear if the case will be integrated again for the hearing scheduled for 5 February. Dodik was charged with signing decrees that declared the two laws passed by the RS parliament valid after they were previously put out legal effect by High Representative Christian Schmidt.


Investigation against Commission for Concessions of B&H launched due to failure to act in line with decision of B&H CC (BHT1)


B&H Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation against B&H Commission for Concessions because it failed to implement decision of B&H Constitutional Court (CC) concerning construction of three hydro power plants on Drina River. Abovementioned investigation was launched upon report submitted by B&H CC after the Commission for Concessions failed to implement this court’s decision concerning construction three hydro power plants on Drina River. Statement of B&H Prosecutor’s Office reads that this institution demanded certain documentation from the Commission and from B&H Court. It also reads that once prosecutors pass decision related to this case, the public will be informed about it. Reporter reminded that after it established there are some legal dilemmas, B&H CC decided in 2021 to order B&H Commission for Concessions to solve the dispute within period of three months. After the Commission failed to do it within set deadline, B&H CC gave them additional six months. Despite to it, the Commission failed to solve the problem related to abovementioned hydropower plants. Additional problem is the fact new members of the Commission have not been appointed and sessions of the Commission have not been held for more than a year. Member of the Commission Mensur Sehagic said explained that mandates of all members of the Commission expired long time ago. Sehagic stressed that three members of this body have been retired and currently the Commission consists of four members. Reporter noted that several attempts to fill in this commission have faced failure. Public call to appoint seven members of B&H Commission for Concessions was issued in 2021 and it was annulled in September 2023 by decision of B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD). Also, in July 2021 Sehagic demanded opinion of B&H Court on legality of work of the Commission. B&H Court passed ruling in this case on 18 January and established that convocation of the Commission is disputable, as well as method of appointment of its members, territorial and ethnic representativeness. Sehagic underlined that in line with this ruling, process of appointment of new members of the Commission should be speeded up. Expert for state property Muharem Cero deems that failure to implement decisions of B&H CC is related to agenda from RS on character and status of B&H, namely on claim that since there is no state property, there is no need for state commission for concessions. Cero explained that concession the RS issued for construction of three hydro power plants on Drina River and enabling state of Serbia to become major owner of three hydro power plants does not comply with the Constitution of B&H. Reporter noted that the UNESCO World Heritage Committee appealed to authorities of B&H, Serbia and Montenegro to assess influence of construction of one of abovementioned hydro power plants, namely Buk Bijela on Durmitor Mount and Tara River. However, necessary risk assessment has not been conducted yet. On 13 November 2020 RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic signed joint statement on implementation of ‘Gornja Drina’ project that implies construction of three hydro power plants. Total worth of this joint project of Serbia and the RS is around EUR 520 million.


Bauer: Dodik did not change his opinion after war and decided to support Russia, he did so before war in Ukraine (ATV)


ATV reports that Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, “known for his dramatic announcements of NATO war with Russia”, commented on the recent statement of US President Joe Biden, who asked what will happen to the Balkans if Russia wins in Ukraine. “If they won the war in Ukraine, it might give them an idea that there is more they could take. And it is not just the Balkans, there are other nations where they would see their interest. That is why NATO must prepare to defend itself better,” Bauer was quoted as saying. Bauer added that he thinks that the way NATO works together with the EU in B&H and Kosovo is an example for the future. Asked to comment on the fact that in the Balkans there are countries and individuals that support Russia, such as RS President Milorad Dodik, while in Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic refuses to impose sanctions on Russia, Bauer stated that Dodik did not change his opinion after the war and decided to support Russia, he did so before the war in Ukraine. “I do not think it will change the Balkans per se, I think it is one of the reasons to continue to support the Balkans as we do,” Bauer was quoted as saying.


Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto pays visit to B&H (FTV/BHT1)


Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjarto paid an official visit to B&H on Friday. He met with representatives of the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H in Sarajevo on Friday afternoon, on which occasion an action plan on Hungary’s priority support on the path of the EU integration of B&H was signed. The collocutors concluded that political relations between B&H and Hungary are at enviable level and that their economic cooperation gets improved, reminding that the foreign trade between the two countries is at the level of EUR 600 million. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Szijjarto reminded that Hungary will take over the presidency of the EU Council soon and stressed that the time of country’s presidency will be marked by Hungary’s full support to B&H’s path towards the EU membership. “One of the main goals of the Hungary's presidency is to greatly speed up the EU integration of the Western Balkans countries, because we think that it would bring peace and stability in this region. All those hindering the process of EU integration of the Western Balkans go against both the Western Balkans and EU countries”, Szijjato said and added that there are EU member states who openly advocate enlargement but in closed circles they talk totally different. Szijjarto stated that he proposed to B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic that the Hungary’s diplomatic academy ensures training for some 50 diplomats from B&H Foreign Ministry, adding that Hungary is proud of having a chance to contribute to B&H’s safety. Konakovic stated: “Hungary has offered, of course we gladly accept that kind of help, assistance, in terms of going through all those hard negotiations that await us in this part of the procedure, I hope from March already. Of course, we talked about other topics as well, we constantly talk about the economy, about the progress and relations of our countries, which are potentially serious partners, and we have already talked about figures that exceeded 600 million in the volume of our trade exchange”. During his visit to B&H, Szijjarto met with Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Borjana Kristo. Kristo expressed the determination of B&H CoM for the further improvement of bilateral relations between two countries in mutual interest, and especially in the context of the improvement of agricultural cooperation, which can be raised to a higher level. Szijjarto informed Kristo that Hungary sees the Western Balkans countries as members of the EU. Kristo pointed out the full commitment of B&H CoM to the European integration of B&H and noted that this path has no alternative. Kristo added that she expects Europe to continue to support processes of strengthening of internal dialogue of political leaders as well as the support to authentic domestic solutions, in order to avoid imposing of solutions which bring nothing good to anyone. Szijjarto also met with RS President Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka on Friday. Dodik was quoted as saying: “We are grateful to Hungary for the support it provides to the RS on the political front, and we look forward to the fact that Hungary will soon take over the presidency of the EU”. Szijjarto said that he sees a new energy in the countries of the Western Balkans, that is much needed by the EU. Dodik stated: “The minister very clearly said a long time ago that they should talk with us, not talk about us, which is the essence of good relations. And Hungary is a natural partner for the development of EU relations with the Balkans”. Szijjarto was quoted as saying: “We want the integration process to be successful, but that is why it is necessary that the EU does not apply blackmail and does not frighten the countries of the Western Balkans, but to respect them. This is why we have been so far, and will continue to be in the future, against imposing of sanctions against any politicians from the Western Balkans region”. “Today we once again stated that the RS remains on the European path, as well as that it is necessary to fully respect the coordination mechanism”, Dodik told the press conference after the meeting with Szijjarto. "We want these two things to be seen, first of all to see the RS with its powers and on the other hand to respect the coordination mechanism within B&H and of course the constitutional position that B&H has," Dodik said. Dodik stated that they especially want to improve cooperation in the field of energy, as well as that the cooperation between RS and Hungary takes place for mutual benefit. Szijjarto said that he believes that it is in the interest of both the EU and the Balkans to establish lasting peace in this part of the world and that for successful integration it is necessary for the EU to speak respectfully with its partners from the Western Balkans. "All EU member states as well as its institutions should respect the views and decisions of the countries of the Western Balkans. The results of the elections should also be respected, because people in those countries have the right to choose their representatives, and we should respect that right," emphasized Szijjarto. Dodik expressed gratitude for cooperation with Hungary, adding that he expects from Hungary to take over projects from Germany very soon. According to Dodik, the RS is ready to cooperate with Hungary on exploitation of coal.


Croatia’s FM expresses support for Bosnian Croat leader Dragan Covic after US accused him of obstructing gas connection (Hina)


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Friday that he supports the leader of the Bosnian Croats, Dragan Covic, after the US accused him of obstructing the gas connection between Croatia and B&H. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken earlier in January called on Croatian and B&H foreign ministers Grlic Radman and Elmedin Konakovic to put pressure on Covic to stop obstructing the construction of a gas interconnection between the two countries. Covic rejects those accusations and insists that the gas pipeline be built and managed by a public company that would be established in Mostar, not B&H Gas with headquarters in Sarajevo, which the American administration insists on, claiming that not a single Croats works in that company. Grlic Radman said that in the implementation of the project, in addition to the USA, Croatia and B&H, the role of Croats in that country must also be guaranteed. “We will continue intensive talks with our American friends and with B&H. Surely we have to take into account the interests of the Croat people in B&H,” Grlic Radman said. “Covic is a legitimate political representative of the Croat people in B&H …we support all legitimate representatives of Bosnian Croats,” Grlic Radman said. He stressed that Zagreb and Croats in B&H want the gas interconnection to be realised so that B&H would no longer depend on Russian gas. “Of course, there is a different approach, and we don’t want to depend at all on Russian gas and any gas that comes from third countries,” Grlic Radman said. The interconnection would connect B&H to the Croatian gas system and the LNG terminal on the island of Krk. The gas pipeline in B&H should have two branches, one leading to the central part of the country and the other to Mostar. The central part of B&H is currently supplied by the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, a joint project of the Russian gas giant Gazprom and Turkey. B&H Gas unilaterally terminated the contract with the Hungarian gas operator FGSZ three years ago.


Stoltenberg: Montenegro is a valuable member of NATO, Spajic: We are ready to be a stable partner (CdM)


Montenegro is a valuable member of NATO, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Milojko Spajic. During the conversation, it was jointly emphasized that Montenegro is a reliable member of NATO and that it is fully committed to fulfilling its strategic foreign policy goals. The important role of Montenegro in the development of regional cooperation, peace and security, at a time of numerous security challenges, was highlighted. The interlocutors agreed that strengthening the Alliance is more important than ever, therefore the expected entry of Sweden into NATO will be very important in that context. "The policy of "open door" gained its importance especially since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, bearing in mind that the expansion of NATO expands the zone of safety and security", it is pointed out. Spajic pointed out that Montenegro will continue to provide support to Ukraine. "We agreed that the Western Balkans is a region of strategic importance for the Alliance. I pointed out that Montenegro, as a member of NATO for almost seven years, understands that many global events require constant vigilance and attention from allies," Spajic said. He underlined the importance of NATO's presence in the Western Balkans, because it is a guarantee of peace and security. "In that context, the visit of the General Secretary to Skopje in November last year was very important, as well as the upcoming visit of the NAC to B&H", Spajic added. The Prime Minister informed Stoltenberg that this year Montenegro allocated 2.01 percent of GDP for defense, of which 35.24 percent was for equipment modernization. Secretary General Stoltenberg welcomed the participation and contribution of our soldiers in the missions. "Montenegro is a credible member of NATO and plays an important role in peace and stability in the Western Balkans. I appreciate your commitment to reforms and Euro-Atlantic integrations, which will bring lasting stability to the region," said the NATO Secretary General. During the conversation, there was also talk about strengthening the capacity to confront new security challenges, such as hybrid threats and cyber-attacks.


Bauer: For leaders in the Balkans to be responsible for their countries, it is not enough to "sit back" and wait for the EU and NATO to do something (MINA/Pobjeda)


Political leaders in the Balkans should be responsible for their countries and play an important role in maintaining stability in the region, said the top military official of the Alliance, Rob Bauer, adding that it is not enough to just wait for the EU and NATO to do something for the Balkans. In an interview with Pobjeda, he said that war with Russia is a real possibility, stating that such a position is based on Russia's behavior. Bauer said that Ukraine and NATO are not a threat to Russia, stressing that NATO is a defense alliance. "We are not a threat to them, and they know it. We are dangerous, in the sense that if they attack us, they will lose, but we are a defensive alliance," Bauer explained. According to him, the war in Ukraine is about something else. "It's a fear of democracy, an attempt to distract Ukraine from Euro-Atlantic integration, and 44 million Ukrainians want to achieve that," said Bauer. "Time is no longer on our side." If you are attacked, you have no time. You have to be ready," Bauer said. Commenting on the Alliance's activities in relation to Russia's activities in Ukraine, Bauer said that NATO follows events all over the world, and that it sees fragile stability in the Balkans. "I see fragile stability. The EU together with NATO is working on the things it is working on, but we are not the only ones who need to do something here. There is a lot of work for the states here as well," Bauer said. According to him, political leaders in Balkan should be responsible for their countries. "It is not enough to sit back and wait for the EU and NATO to do something for the Balkans." The countries themselves and the leaders in these countries play an important role in keeping the Balkans stable and safe," Bauer said. NATO and the EU, he added, will help as they have been doing for years. "We will continue to do that in the future. "NATO, in response to what happened in September in Kosovo, increased the number of soldiers in KFOR, and this is because we are watching what is happening on the ground," Bauer said. Asked when the war in Ukraine could end, Bauer said that it is difficult to say, adding that Russia has not achieved any of its strategic goals. "So, the war will continue. If they continue, Ukraine must continue, because if they stop, they have lost their country," he said. On the other hand, as he added, if Russia stops and leaves, the war is over and "we can start rebuilding Ukraine." "But if Ukraine stops today, they have lost their country." There is no choice for Ukraine, there is a choice for the Russians. That's one thing," Bauer said. He emphasized that NATO and the countries that support Ukraine must continue to do so, as long as the war lasts. "If Russia wins the war in Ukraine, it is not the end of hostilities. That is not the end of the instability. It will be the beginning of a new instability. Because the Russians will then believe that their way of behaving is actually paying off," Bauer said. That is why, as he added, it is important not to allow Russia to "get away with it". "But of course, if they won the war in Ukraine, it might give them an idea that there's more they could take." And it's not just the Balkans, there are other nations where they would see their interest," said Bauer. That is why, as he said, NATO must prepare to defend itself better. "That's what we've been working on and now we're looking at the feasibility of all those plans," Bauer said.


Parliament elects caretaker government led by Talat Xhaferi with 65 votes in favor (MIA)


At a session Sunday, parliament elected the caretaker government led by Talat Xhaferi with 65 votes in favor and 3 against. The session was attended by 111 MPs. VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs abstained from voting for the caretaker government. The main task of the caretaker government is the holding of fair and democratic parliamentary elections. Prime Minister Xhaferi and the elected ministers were sworn in after the vote at the session. The first Deputy Prime Minister in the caretaker government and Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs will be Bojan Marichikj, while Artan Grubi will hold the post of Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations. VMRO-DPMNE’s Panche Toshkovski is set to be the Minister of Interior, while Gjoko Velkovski will hold the post of Minister of Labor and Social Policy. Several ministers from SDSM, DUI and the Alliance for Albanians will retain their current posts: Justice Minister Krenar Lloga; Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani; Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi; Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupcho Nikolovski; Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti; Education Minister Jeton Shaqiri; Local Self-Government Minister Risto Penov; Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska; Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu; Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski; Minister of Environment and Physical Planning; as well as Fatmir Bytyqi, Minister without portfolio in charge of economic affairs; and Slavica Grkovska, Minister without portfolio in charge of good governance policies. Parliament is expected to hold another session after the vote for the caretaker government, during which it will vote for the additional deputy ministers and verify the mandate of one MP who would replace Talat Xhaferi. Ruling party SDSM put forward former Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski’s chief of staff, Mitko Bojmacliev, as its candidate for additional Deputy Minister of Interior, and Jovanka Trenchevska for additional Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy. VMRO-DPMNE proposed Elena Petrova for the position of additional Deputy Minister of Finance, Stefan Andonovski as additional Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration, and Cvetan Tripunovski as additional Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy. The transitional government will lead the country 100 days until the general elections on 8 May, and will remain in charge until the election of a new government. Xhaferi’s government is set to be the country’s third transitional or caretaker government since 2016. The caretaker government in 2016 was led by Emil Dimitriev, while the one in 2020 was headed by Oliver Spasovski.


Parliament names deputy ministers in caretaker government (MIA)


After voting to elect a new caretaker government in a separate session earlier on Sunday, parliament held another session Sunday during which it verified the mandate of new MP Musa Ibraimi, who replaces Talat Xhaferi in parliament, and voted to elect deputy ministers and additional deputy ministers in the caretaker Government. With the vote, parliament named SDSM's candidate and former Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski’s chief of staff, Mitko Bojmacliev, as additional Deputy Minister of Interior, and Jovanka Trenchevska as additional Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy. It also approved VMRO-DPMNE's candidates for additional deputy ministers - Elena Petrova as additional Deputy Minister of Finance, Stefan Andonovski as additional Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration, and Cvetan Tripunovski as additional Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy. The vote completes the creation of a caretaker government led by Talat Xhaferi, which will rule the country until the State Election Commission publishes the final results of the parliamentary elections scheduled for 8 May, and the election of a political government. In a separate plenary session earlier on Sunday, parliament voted to elect Xhaferi’s caretaker government with 65 votes in favor and 3 against. The session was attended by 111 MPs. VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs abstained from voting for the caretaker government. The main task of the caretaker government is the holding of fair and democratic parliamentary elections.


Believe gov’t will remain committed to national priorities and work in citizens’ interest, says outgoing PM (MIA)


Outgoing Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski congratulated Sunday the new composition of the government on its election and wished them a successful and efficient term. “I believe they will remain committed to the national priorities and continue to actively work in the interest of the citizens, down the European path that we are stepping on together. I thank the members of the government during my mandate for their successful work and the successful tackling of challenges over the past two years. It wasn’t easy at all, but we managed to achieve a lot. After the elections that will be organized by this transitional government, in my second term I will lead the new, pro-European government, which will fulfil the second strategic goal of the country – EU membership. Long live European Macedonia,” wrote Kovachevski in a post on Facebook. At a ceremony scheduled for Monday, Kovachevski is set to hand over his duties to his successor, caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi.


President Pendarovski hosts reception for new gov’t members (MIA)


After the conclusion of parliament’s session for the election of a caretaker government on Sunday, President Stevo Pendarovski hosted the members of the new government in his office. President Pendarovski wished the members of the caretaker government efficient work and a successful organization of the upcoming general elections. “It is especially important for the state branches to function in coordination and constantly cooperate to the benefit of the citizens and the state. Today, President Pendarovski hosted a reception in honor of the newly elected government,” wrote caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi in a Facebook post after the event.


Rama: Ali Ahmeti, historical lesson for all of us and the generations to come (Radio Tirana)


On Sunday the assembly of the North Republic of Macedonia will elect the technical government with Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi. Its mandate will be 100 days, and this executive body will prepare the country for the 8 May parliamentary elections. With this end in view, Prime Minister Edi Rama praised the figure of Ali Ahmeti, stating that what Ali Ahmeti has done for the advancement of the rights of Albanians in the neighboring country, and for their affirmation as equal citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, is a historical lesson for all of us and the generations to come. "Ali Ahmeti can be fully criticized within the country, because it is the right and duty of anyone who is in the opposition to demand more from anyone who is in power... But what has Ali Ahmeti done with the power for the advancement of the rights of Albanians in the neighboring country, and for their affirmation as equal citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia is a historical lesson for all of us and the generations to come", Rama writes on social networks.


Begaj congratulates Xhaferi: Albanians, an important factor for the stability and future of North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The parliament of North Macedonia voted the technical government headed by Talat Xhaferi with 65 votes "for" and three "against". President Bajram Begaj wished success to Talat Xhaferi on the occasion of his election as the head of the government of North Macedonia.

"My heartiest congratulations to the new technical government of North Macedonia and its Prime Minister, Mr. Talat Xhaferi," the President's message reads. Despite the limitation in time and powers, continues the message of the President, this government has the challenge and the privilege to carry out free and fair elections, to maintain the stability and the Euro-Atlantic course of the country, as well as to prove the ability to be inclusive and cooperative with all factors without political and ethnic distinction. Begaj stated that Albanians are an important factor for the stability and future of the Republic of North Macedonia. "This is the case for them to prove that they see leadership only in the perspective of North Macedonia's integration into the EU. Successes!", reads the President's message.


Nikola congratulates Talat Xhaferi on his position as Prime Minister of North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the assembly Lindita Nikolla congratulated Talat Xhaferi for his contribution as speaker of parliament and his election as Prime Minister of North Macedonia. "Congratulations to my colleague Talat Xhaferi for his contribution as speaker of the assembly of North Macedonia, for the development, democratization, Europeanization and development of the rights of Albanians in the neighboring and friendly country", said Nikolla in a reaction on social networks. "Congratulations on the successful fulfilment of the task of the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia !", emphasized Nikola.