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Belgrade Media Report 31 January 2024



Vucic held an emergency meeting with ministers due to Kurti's decision to ban Dinar (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held an emergency meeting with some ministers of the government of Serbia on Tuesday evening.​ The meeting followed after the Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti rejected the proposal of the USA, the EU and the Quint countries and decided that the ban on the use of the Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija would begin today, Tanjug was told in the Presidency. At the meeting held in the Presidency, the next steps that Belgrade will take on this occasion were discussed. The special envoy of the EU for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak announced on Tuesday in Pristina that the government of provisional institutions will present information on the banning of Dinars as currency in Kosovo and Metohija today. After meeting with Kurti and Vjosa Osmani, he said that the Central Bank's decision on the suspension of the Dinar was discussed in the talks, but he did not want to provide more details. "We mentioned the issue of the decision of the Central Bank of Kosovo, but I will not be the spokesperson of the Kosovo government. There will be information that will be announced (on Wednesday)," Lajcak said.


Petkovic: Quint statement different this time (Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday past statements by the Quint states about various illegal bans imposed by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti had been void of substance and relevance but that the latest one - issued after Pristina announced it would stop payment transactions with central Serbia and ban the Serbian Dinar from 1 February - was different. "You remember when Kurti banned the holding of Serbian elections in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija? At the time, the Quint came out with statements saying they regretted that but that Kurti had the right to do something like that. This time, the statement by the US representative in Pristina and the Quint in general is different, we will see," Petkovic told reporters at the Topcider army barracks in Belgrade. He said Belgrade had done absolutely everything to clarify and explain to everyone the disastrous consequences of the moves announced by Pristina, and added that this was not just a matter of politics but a matter of survival for Kosovo Serbs, who depend on Serbia for their salaries, pensions, welfare benefits and other funding. "If Kurti stops that, it will be clear he does not want peace and that he is doing everything that is the opposite of heading towards de-escalation. I hope reason will prevail," Petkovic said, noting that Serbia stood with Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and would never abandon them.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija issues memo on consequences of Pristina's Dinar ban (The Pavlovic Today/Tanjug)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija has issued a memorandum warning that Pristina's ban on the Serbian Dinar could have far-reaching consequences for critical sectors such as hospitals, educational institutions and kindergartens, which are vital for the needs of Kosovo Serbs, US-based internet news portal The Pavlovic Today reports, quoting diplomatic sources. The memorandum, seen by the portal, says a suspension of payments in Serbian Dinars would "immediately impact over 100,000 Serbs, as well as various ethnic groups such as Roma, Gorani, Montenegrins, Croatians, Turks, Ashkalis, Egyptians, Albanians, and Bosniaks". The document, which is "currently making rounds within influential EU and US diplomatic circles", notes the move is "the most dangerous escalatory step Pristina took so far". Vital institutions such as schools, kindergartens, and hospitals would be "incapacitated in meeting their financial obligations, including salary disbursements, procurement of essentials, and operational expenses", it says. "Such a scenario threatens to precipitate a dire humanitarian crisis, exacerbating the already precarious situation for the Serbs in Kosovo". Furthermore, the memo "expresses serious concerns about the profound impact the suspension of the Serbian dinar would have on Serbian-owned small businesses and essential services". "The inability to conduct transactions in the Serbian currency jeopardises the viability of these businesses, raising the spectre of closures and subsequent job losses. This situation could lead to economic turmoil for the Serbian community in Kosovo." "Politically, the memo raises alarm about the potential fallout on established EU-led dialogue, past agreements, and energy pacts, which are pivotal pillars of regional cooperation efforts. The disruption caused by the unilateral suspension of the Serbian Dinar by the Kosovo government would imperil the delicate balance achieved through these agreements, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future prospects of regional stability." The memorandum also "underscores the events of Orthodox Christmas Eve in 2023, when 11-year-old Serb boy Stefan Stojanovic was admitted to Gracanica Hospital after he and his 21-year-old relative were shot and wounded by a member of the Kosovo Security Force, identified as Azem Kurtaj, during their participation in an Orthodox Christmas procession", The Pavlovic Today reports.


Lucic: MTS to continue to operate in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


Telekom Srbija CEO Vladimir Lucic said on Wednesday MTS - a Telekom Srbija subsidiary in Kosovo and Metohija - would continue to operate and provide telephony, internet and television services to some 30,000 households in the province. Speaking to RTS, Lucic said all subscribers should rest assured of that. "We will grow even stronger, Telekom Srbija is a company with great international reputation and we know how to protect our interests in case we are under threat," Lucic said. He said the company was now trying to raise the issue of Pristina's failure to award to it a third operating licence pursuant to the Brussels agreement. He said the licence would enable Telekom Srbija to operate across the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. "They know that would make us by far the number one company there and that we would suppress their Pristina-based operators, so they are avoiding the implementation of a part of the Brussels agreement. As part of this package, we are now trying to resolve that problem, too," he said. He noted that Telekom Srbija had in August 2023 tackled the main problem - an attempt by Pristina to practically shut it down. "Kurti's administration has now switched to Plan B - an attempt to disintegrate us and keep us from expanding further and take away from us the cable operators we acquired in 2019 to consolidate them into a single operator in Serb enclaves," Lucic said, adding that the move was aimed at providing the Serb population with quality internet services and access to Serbian television channels. He announced he would go to Pristina again next Monday to meet with the UK Ambassador there. Lucic said that, judging by what could be heard so far, Telekom Srbija would be given full support for further operations and noted that he was optimistic about these and other problems being resolved successfully.


Serbia recognises great importance of consular service (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic yesterday highlighted, at the annual meeting with consular representatives accredited to the Republic of Serbia, the importance of the consular service, stating that Serbia continues to modernise the work of this service, both in the country and abroad. Bearing in mind the very complex and challenging international circumstances, Dacic said that today the nature of consular activities is far more complex and is gaining more and more scope and importance over time. The confirmation of this is precisely the numerous engagements of consular services of all countries in providing assistance to citizens in various crisis situations, including those caused by current war conflicts around the world, Dacic emphasised. He added that Serbia recognises the great importance of the consular service, as evidenced by our extensive consular network, which consists of 22 general consulates, 1 consulate, 2 consular offices, 72 consular departments at embassies and as many as 100 consulates headed by honorary consuls abroad. According to him, last year we developed an important platform that will unify all the services that the state authorities of Serbia provide to foreigners, and whose commissioning is expected soon. He also mentioned a novelty in the field of visa policy related to the introduction of a visa in an electronic format, which we expect during this year.


Parliament to hold inaugural session on 6 February (Beta)


Serbia's 14th parliament will hold an inaugural session at 10 am on 6 February. After the mandates of MPs are confirmed, they will proceed to elect a speaker and deputy speakers, a secretary general, the members of working bodies, as well as members of parliamentary delegations to international institutions. The lead candidate of the Serbia Against Violence ticket and member of the Green-Left Front Radomir Lazovic told Beta that the rush to call the parliament's inaugural session was an attempt by Aleksandar Vucic to hide from the European Parliament, but that there had been too much electoral fraud to pass without consequences. He said that the inaugural session should have been scheduled for after Feb. 8 when the European Parliament will vote on a resolution on electoral fraud in Serbia. "The entire world sees that Serbia is in a serious political crisis, I expect an international mission to be created which will oversee the improvement of electoral conditions based on the reports of international observers and particularly solve the issue of voter rolls and, of course, a repeat of the elections," Lazovic said, adding that "the fraud was too serious to be dismissed regardless of the fact that Vucic is trying to hide from the EP by rushing to call the parliament's" first session.


Belgrade City Assembly to meet on 19 February (Danas/Beoinfo/N1)


Belgrade’s interim city authority has scheduled the first meeting of the new city assembly for 19 February. The city news portal Beoinfo said that the interim body met on Monday to decide the date of the assembly session when a speaker would be elected after the new councillors are verified. The press release said that the newly-elected assembly members will also vote for the city administration secretary and deputies. Danas said that none of the parties and coalitions that fielded candidates for the Belgrade city elections has the required majority of 56 seats to form the city government on its own. The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its coalition partners won 47 seat while its partner the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) won 5. The opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition won 43 seats, NADA coalition 7 and We The People won 6. Danas claims that it was learned from opposition sources that there is speculation that the SNS has reached a deal with We The People to form a majority. The results of the Belgrade city elections have been disputed by the opposition which claims that the authorities bused in voters from other parts of Serbia and neighboring countries.




Kristo and Hungarian President Novak discuss EU integration, bilateral cooperation (BHT1)


Hungarian President Katalin Novak and Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky visited Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday. The B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo spoke with President Novak about the European path of B&H and the further improvement of bilateral relations. Kristo pointed out that the B&H Council of Ministers is aware of challenges facing B&H, but it is resolutely and dedicatedly working to achieve the 8+1 conditions, i.e. 14 key priorities on the way to membership in the EU. She stressed that B&H expects to receive an exact date from Brussels for the opening of negotiations in March. Kristo thanked President Novak for the support that friendly Hungary provides to B&H on its European journey. She emphasized the belief that during the presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2024, Hungary will continue to provide support to B&H and the entire region in the continuation of the enlargement process. They exchanged opinions on modalities for strengthening economic and cooperation in other areas, which is in the mutual interest of the two countries, the B&H Council of Ministers of announced. Novak also said that “the Western Balkans without the EU is like a soup without salt – it is edible but there is awareness that something is missing.”


Hungarian President Novak meets B&H Presidency members (RTRS)


Hungarian President Katalin Novak met with B&H Presidency members in Sarajevo on Tuesday, as part of her official visit to B&H. Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated after the meeting that Hungary is a sincere friend that does not add fuel to the fire but speaks a language of partnership and cooperation. She thanked Hungary for good institutional and political cooperation, as well as for strong support in the field of European integration and economy and to agricultural producers in Republika Srpska (RS). Cvijanovic also had a tete-a-tete meeting with Novak on Mt. Jahorina later on Tuesday, at which good cooperation was stressed once again. Novak organized a round table entitled ‘Beyond politics on the Jahorina Mount at which Cvijanovic participated together with leading female politicians from the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H). They discussed the role of women in politics. “Gratitude to Hungary for good institutional and political cooperation, as well as for the honest and strong support in the sector of European integration and economy. Special gratitude for support program to farmers, which is successfully implemented in the RS,” Cvijanovic wrote on her Instagram.


Szalay-Bobrovniczky meets Helez; Hungary’s support to EU and NATO path of B&H expressed (BHT1)


Hungary fully and firmly supports the territorial integrity of B&H, as well as its accession to the EU, said Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky, who met with B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez in Sarajevo on Tuesday. He reminded that Hungary will take over the presidency of the EU later this year, which will give them the opportunity to promote enlargement. "It is in our national interest that the region of the Western Balkans remains safe and stable. The reason why we are here today is that we are taking over the command post of the EUFOR ALTEA mission in B&H," he pointed out. The Hungarian Minister expressed pride that members of their Armed Forces will be deployed in the Althea mission in B&H, but also because of the fact that a very competent general will take command of that operation in the next two years. He added that they have already increased the presence of their soldiers in the EUFOR ALTEA mission, including a helicopter unit for medical assistance. Helez emphasized that they discussed present and future challenges. "The challenges that await us this year are the elections in the EU, the USA and Russia, which can have repercussions on the whole world," said Helez. Minister Helez thanked the Hungarian Minister for the visit, saying that he was happy about the friendly relationship between the two countries. During the meeting, they discussed military-political cooperation, economy, bilateral cooperation, and the focus of the conversation was B&H's Euro-Atlantic path to the EU and NATO alliance. He stated that the Hungarian Minister of Defense expressed full support to B&H on its way to the EU, and that it is very important that Hungary will take over the presidency of the EU. Szalay-Bobrovniczky reminded that Hungary has been a member of NATO for 25 years and a member of the EU for 20 years, and that they have been present in B&H for 20 years. Helez stated: “What is important for B&H, very important, and I want to point out that the minister expressed his full support for B&H on its path to the EU, and it is very important that from the middle of next year Hungary takes over the presidency of the EU. And that is why it is very important to us that they unquestionably support B&H's membership in the EU. Also, the minister said that they support B&H for full membership in the NATO alliance.


B&H HoR adopts amendments to Law on HJPC in urgent procedure, fails to adopt amendments to law on civil service due to lack of entity majority (AJB)


The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) adopted on Tuesday a proposal of amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H in urgent procedure. The amendments defined extension of the deadline for formation of the Department for Integrity within the HJPC by another 90 days. The Department for Integrity was supposed to be formed by the end of last year, and it would have additional 45 days to pass a Rulebook. Addressing the B&H HoR, B&H Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza said that the Department for Integrity would deal with checking financial reports of holders of judicial functions. Bunoza expressed willingness to extend deadlines even more if that was necessary.


US Embassy to B&H expresses concern about changes in Rules of Procedure of HJPC adopted on 17 January (BHT1)


The US Embassy to B&H expressed concern about the changes in the Rules of Procedure of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H that were adopted on 17 January. In the press release, they state that the changes in Article 4, which regulates the way of including ethnic and gender balance in the selection process for positions in the HJPC, represent a big step backwards. The random drawing system from Article 4 provided an important element of impartiality in the selection process. "The system adopted by the HJPC, instead of drawing lots, opens up space for discrimination, including discrimination by freezing the current ethnic and gender balance in the Council. This guarantees that current members can apply for a second term and reduces the chances of electing candidates who do not meet the fixed ethnic and gender criteria; conditions that favor the current members of the HJPC", it is stated. The US Embassy, as a long-standing partner of the B&H authorities in the judicial reform process, joins partners from the international community and warns the HJPC that these changes could increase the possibility of corrupt activities and create the impression that HJPC members are manipulating procedures for personal interests. "It is an unfortunate circumstance that, in a period when the HJPC is expected to implement reforms and increase the integrity of the judiciary and help restore public trust, some members of the HJPC make decisions that even more influence the formation of negative public perceptions of the HJPC and the judiciary in a wider context. US Embassy therefore calls on the HJPC to reverse that decision. We acknowledge the smaller number of members of the HJPC, headed by President (Halil) Lagumdzija, who worked to strengthen the integrity of the judiciary in accordance with international standards by voting against that wrong decision," stated US Embassy.


Statement issued by US Embassy in Sarajevo criticizing amendments to HJPC’s rules of procedure causes reactions in RS (RTRS)


The latest statement issued by the US Embassy in Sarajevo, which criticized the amendments to the rules of procedure of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H adopted on 17 January, causes reactions in RS. The amendments regulate the way of including ethnic and gender balance in the selection process for positions in the HJPC. SNSD MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Milorad Kojic assessed that in any world country, a diplomatic representative of a foreign country, who openly interferes in work of domestic judiciary, would be immediately expelled. He said that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and the US Embassy in Sarajevo should register as a political party and take part in the elections, given that they already comment on political and social processes and openly interfere in work of B&H judiciary. According to HJPC former president Milan Tegeltija, the statement of the US Embassy to B&H is yet another confirmation that Americans want to control all the processes in B&H, including judiciary, and that B&H is not a sovereign state. He reminded that pressures on himself and B&H judiciary were also present during his term at the helm of the HJPC, the same as cases of interfering in their work. The HJPC refused to comment on the US Embassy to B&H’s statement for RTRS, but they explained that the decision to amend the rules of procedure was adopted by majority of votes and that HJPC President Halil Lagumdzija presented his stance during a debate at the HJPC’s session at which the rules of procedure was amended.


EUD criticizes changes in Rules of Procedure of HJPC adopted on 17 January (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries that the EU Delegation criticized the changes in the Rules of Procedure of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H adopted on 17 January 2024. Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler previously stated that the EUD does not support the changes and asked the HJPC to revoke their decision. “It is actually about the fact that all those who strictly do not meet the ethnic criteria or gender representation are put in a disadvantageous position compared to the current members, and that is not something that we want to see. I appeal to the Council members to change their decision,”, stated Sattler.


Dodik: It would be the best if agreement from Laktasi is upheld (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that he is convinced that the recent meeting in Laktasi between representatives of political parties which constitute authority at B&H level, paved a path to B&H Election Law and it would be the best if an agreement reached at this meeting would be upheld. He stressed that in all countries it is normal for political subjects to negotiate on election conditions and regulations, and this cannot be a matter of a stance of some individual, regardless of whether they have support of international factor or not. He stressed that SNSD is ready to participate in this agreement, noting that one segment of talks in Laktasi remains to be defined, which is defining of elections of members of the B&H Presidency between Bosniaks and Croats. “This is something that does not concern us, having in mind that we remained principled in a stance that RS will elect their member of the Presidency and that the FB&H has right to elect other two and that they are to agree about the conditions. This is the reason why we did not finalize this at the previous meeting, because we considered that this is the matter between Bosniaks and Croats,” said Dodik. He argues that representatives of Bosniaks and Croats were optimistic that they have agreement on this matter and now it turns out this is problematic. “Whenever we talk about these important issues in B&H I always think about the saying “when you enter B&H, that is where logic ends”. So, whether they agree or not, it all depends on how Bosniaks will react when they return to Sarajevo. I understand them, they allowed themselves to succumb to pressures executed by foreign diplomatic services and naturally a Sarajevan public opinions, which is retrograde, depressing and spreads some great expectations for their rights, does not acknowledge others. In that ambient in Sarajevo, you can never say that something that is agreed is viable,” said Dodik.


Dodik: The problem is not in Constitution and law, but a motive (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik wrote a text, in which he argues that Constitution of B&H is in many things a copy of the US Constitution and it also includes positive solutions, which enabled efficient functioning of B&H within the former Yugoslavia. “First of all, the element of ‘ethnic key’, which prevented domination of any people over the other. Authors of the Dayton Agreement, thus the Constitution, had in mind specificities of B&H, its heritage, complexity of relations. They paid attention that B&H, organized in such way, is comfortable enough for all three peoples and two entities. They paid attention to everything, but they oversee the readiness of most notably the SDA, but also some others, to abuse and play tricks with the established framework. Never has SDA and its satellite, wanted B&H of three equal peoples and two entities, but a country where one people would be more equal than the other two. This is why they first deprived a people of electing the member of President itself, and almost half the existence of Dayton-based B&H, one people was represented by a man whose position within that people is measures in permils. This is why today we speak about changes of Election Law, first of all to prevent its abuse. To take away right from certain people, which they never had. Improving of election process is something that is absolutely not disputable. We are talking about change of Constitution to prevent tis violation. What an absurd. RS has motive for the Constitution to be respected, for B&H to function as a country where Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats and Others are equal. Where representatives of the peoples agree how to make lives better. Motives of some people is to dominate over the others and to impose solutions. So, the problem is not the Constitution and the laws, the problem is in the motives.” Dodik stated that the RS is against unconstitutional B&H, that it is committed to constitutional B&H, and that it is looking for an agreement and talks. Dodik said: “Unfortunately, in the West, such an approach has been taken that we are most often blamed for sticking to the Constitution and the letter of Dayton, as if we were anti-Dayton and do not understand their spirits that are spreading B&H. However, we remain firm in our policy of respecting the letter of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution.” According to Dodik, B&H is unstable, and it will be difficult to stabilize it. Dodik again accused the US and the UK of putting pressure on Serbs. “Our persistent demonstrations that we are for peace and the Dayton Agreement are collapsing in the fact that we are in a completely unstable security situation as far as political actors and events in B&H are concerned, embodied in the fact that we often have threats from Muslims and Bosniaks that they will to do something and do it, probably motivated by the promises given to them by their Western partners", added the RS President.


Dodik: Serbian Army is guarantor of peace for Serb people (RTRS)


Serbian military capabilities, i.e. the armament and military equipment of the Serbian Armed Forces, were presented in Belgrade’s Topcider District on Tuesday. Also, Serbian political and military officials analysed the state of operational and functional capacities of Serbian army at a meeting in Belgrade. Both events were attended by RS President Milorad Dodik, who assessed that Serbian Army is undoubtedly the strongest in the region. He stated that the RS and its people are proud to see how Serbian Army gets better equipped, trained and aimed at preservation of peace for the Serb people as a whole year after year. “Serb people believe in peace in the RS and Serbia and is glad to see any progress of Serbia and its capability to defend its territorial integrity and freedom for the Serb people”, Dodik said. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced the additional investments in military industry and the purchase of military equipment of domestic production by the end of the year. According to Vucic, Serbian Armed Forces has maintained and improved its operational capabilities. He assessed that Serbia is a serious country with a serious army, stressing that “we are always prepared to preserve our country and distract possible aggressors”. “Serbia does not pose any danger to anyone but has to be fully prepared as a militarily neutral country whose territorial integrity has been endangered. In today’s conditions, if you do not have sufficiently strong military, you will not have a state and we are always prepared to preserve our own”, Vucic stressed. Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic thanked Dodik for the fact that the RS has always supported Serbia. He said that he is proud of progress made by the Serbian army and expressed belief that all citizens of Serbia will feel the same about the Serbian army, as it is guarantor of security and preservation of sovereignty and independence of Serbia. “I can proudly say that owing to the policy carried out by today’s leadership, Serbia is modernized in military sense and its Army is strong,” Dodik stated, while addressing the attendees. Dodik commented on the B&H Armed Forces (AF), saying: “The fact that a joint army is operating on the territory of B&H speaks of the fact that it is an illusion that was concluded within the framework of some Western attitudes of that time. The fact is that this army is just an expense and serves no purpose, and we cannot have confidence that it will defend the freedom of the Serb people on the territory of B&H, regardless of the Serb component within it.”


Borrell - Spajic: We appreciate the reform efforts and look forward to accelerating the European path of Montenegro (CdM)


We appreciate the reform efforts and encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity that has now arisen. We look forward to working together on Montenegro's path towards a common future in the EU, said the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Josep Borrell during the meeting with the Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajic on the sidelines of the Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels. On that occasion, as announced by the Prime Minister's office, Borrell welcomed the extraordinary efforts of the 44th government to intensify the negotiation process. He emphasized the dynamics of implementing reforms, especially in the areas related to Chapters 23 and 24, through the completion of the Constitutional Court, the election of the missing members of the Judicial Council and the VDT, which made a big step towards meeting the temporary benchmarks for those chapters. "We appreciate the reform efforts and encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity that has now arisen." We look forward to working together on the path of Montenegro, towards a common future in the EU," said Borrell. The Cabinet stated that they discussed the foreign and security policy of the EU, and that Borrell praised Montenegro's complete compliance with these issues, which, as he pointed out, "shows strategic commitment to the EU." In the conversation, they added, the continuation of Montenegro's high-quality contribution to EU missions and operations dedicated to common security and defense was emphasized. During the meeting, the increased risk of cyber-attacks due to the current geopolitical situation was noted, so EU support was agreed in order to increase the current operational capacity of Montenegro to detect, prevent and repel attacks on its digital infrastructures and systems, these are some of the conclusions of the meeting.


Milatovic: The process of EU integration gained intensified dynamics (CdM)


The confirmation of Montenegro's achieved results at the held Inter-Governmental Conference is a sign that after stagnation, the European integration process of our country has gained a new, intensified dynamic, said the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. This important step forward in the reform processes, according to him, comes as a result of a broad political consensus and confirms the "democratic maturity" that key issues of public importance are the priority of political entities. "I am glad that the story about the EU integration of Montenegro, instead of scepticism and vague promises, is becoming a story about the adoption of European values and the building of democratic institutions," wrote Milatovic in a post on the X network.


Simun-Gerasimenko: The Ukrainian people are grateful to Montenegro for the help and shelter provided (CdM)


The Ukrainian people are very grateful to Montenegro for the humanity, help and support provided to refugees from war-torn areas, who received refuge and the necessary health care in our country, it was announced at the meeting of the Minister of Health Vojislav Simun with the Ambassador of Ukraine Oleg Gerasimenko. The Ukrainian ambassador thanked Minister Simun for the health care system that made it possible for white women from Ukraine to exercise their right to health care under the same conditions and on an equal footing with all residents of Montenegro. "Simun emphasized that health services and medicines from our positive list are available to Ukrainian citizens, and that during a recent visit to Brussels, he discussed the position of Ukrainians in Montenegro with EU officials. He pointed out that Montenegro and Ukraine share the same European values and expressed his satisfaction that their country received encouraging messages from the EU, primarily related to the candidate status and the continuation of the negotiations," the announcement states. The meeting discussed the potential integration of doctors and medical staff from Ukraine, who are interested in establishing a working relationship, into the Montenegrin health system.


Pendarovski: VMRO-DPMNE can mislead citizens over framework renegotiation but not foreign officials (Sloboden Pecat/MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski says optimism by the authorities over the constitutional amendments was unrealistic, despite the firm position by VMRO-DPMNE it would not vote for them, noting that the issue will remain on the agenda for the next government and parliament after the elections. "I believe the optimism of some ministers was not helpful over the past year, and we should have stuck to realism more. Since the acceptance of the French proposal, there was no statement or announcement by a single opposition MP that he/she would vote in order to reach the two-thirds majority. I understand that optimism should be maintained, but this should be done if there is some real positive step forward. This was not the case, because VMRO-DPMNE held firm to its partisan discipline. It is clear that the issue will remain on the agenda for the next government and parliament after the elections. However, in a situation when we speculate that the current opposition would be in power after 8 May, I don't know how they would do this, because all their statements are extremely radical - they would not vote for the proposal, they would try to renegotiate it etc. You can mislead the Macedonian citizen who has other concerns to deal with, but you cannot mislead the foreign officials, who have been clear in their statements. For one to say 'we have a plan that we will tell you about after the elections' is senseless," President Pendarovski told Sloboden Pecat. On the possibility of the country getting a better Negotiating Framework, the President says he was realistic when saying that compromise means concessions from both sides, "with ours not at the detriment of the Macedonian national interests". "The Negotiating Framework could have been better, for sure, if Bulgaria did not use the radical nationalistic rhetoric for a period of three years starting in 2019. Many abroad and in Bulgaria were astonished by the U-turn of the then-Borisov government. When you have people speaking the 19th-century language and ask something that is outrageous when it concerns the EU accession of any countries since 1957, it is clear that you have to do everything to reduce that dialogue to a monologue, with the help of Europe, since not many people there understand those radical nationalistic Bulgarian elements. And eventually we came to a situation when we should only include Bulgarians in the Constitution. Even this might not have happened if there had been European-minded politicians in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, some of the politicians back then spoke with the San Stefano language," explains Pendarovski. He says the core of the Negotiating Framework was sufficiently explained to the citizens, but certain people said things that do not exist in reality. "It is my assessment that VMRO-DPMNE calculated that only an anti-Bulgarian and essentially anti-European rhetoric, but also an anti-Albanian one, would win the next elections for the party. They are not interested about the irreparable damage they made about what people really think about Europe and interethnic relations. As they see it, this will be repaired once they assume power. Nevertheless, one has to be politically responsible when in opposition as well. How will you explain this after the elections? It is difficult to bring back the clock when they are now saying that Europe does not want us or that Europe wants us only if we are Bulgarians. This is top-class political nonsense but one uttered by people from the party's leadership. It is a Sisyphus struggle to renegotiate the Negotiating Framework with 26 member-states and Bulgaria and I wish them well in doing this. However, the leading European officials are saying this is impossible," underlines Pendarovski. Regarding the messages of US Assistant Secretary James O'Brien that the coming elections represent a clear choice between people who have a path to Europe and people whose background suggests they are not interested in joining EU, the President says they reaffirm Washington's support to North Macedonia's Union accession. "I am aware that some European friends are not happy about this, but I claim that America has been making more efforts for Macedonia to join the EU than many members of the Union in recent years. The US finds it important to see Macedonia not as a 'no man's land' but part of the EU because we all know the old equation 'less Europe on the Balkans means more Russia on the Balkans'. They have a national interest for us to be integrated in the EU and they are showing it," says Pendarovski.


Pendarovski: Impartiality and pledge for full Euro-Atlantic integration - key prerequisites for candidacy (Sloboden Pecat/MIA)


Several elements are essential for anyone's presidential candidacy - impartiality and pledge for the country's full Euro-Atlantic integration. I believe these two criteria have always been valid, even for those presidential hopefuls who did not meet them other than rhetorically. These requirements are a must, says President Stevo Pendarovski. Pendarovski told Sloboden Pecat that the Euro-Atlantic integration job is only half done, the other half is still pending. "As I see it, this requirement is a must - to push for EU membership with the prerequisites that have been on the table in the last few years," says Pendarovski on the criteria that former PM Dimitar Kovachevski said the future head of state should meet. The President says the fact that he received broad political and civic support as candidate in 2014 and 2019 clearly shows that he meets the criteria - efforts to integrate the country and no favouritism because of ethnic or religious background. The President reiterates that the decision on whether he will run for a second term will be made in mid-February. "I will take part at the Munich Security Conference on 16-18 February, and the decision will be made prior or after that trip. I will announce the decision in Skopje, not from abroad, for sure," says Pendarovski. He says that an entirely independent candidacy is impossible, and the support from as many political entities as possible is required. "Nevertheless, you have to bring some added value beyond those partisan electorates. Back in 2019, I was nominated in almost all municipal organizations of SDSM and later gained the support from other parties in the coalition," notes Pendarovski. Asked whether he would run as SDSM-backed candidate if DUI and opposition parties of ethnic Albanians have their own candidates, he says the support from all parties of ethnic communities matters. "The claim that I was elected to the post with the votes of ethnic Albanians is not true, since I was elected with the votes of Macedonians, Albanians, Turks and all others. It is a two-round race, and I don't think I should not run if DUI or other parties of ethnic Albanians do not support me, and vice versa, that I have to run if DUI or other parties support me. The pool of voters is rather heterogeneous, and things cannot be seen as being only black and white. I want the support from all parties of ethnic communities, but I do not think this is crucial, especially for the first round, since the threshold for the winner in the first round is 50 percent plus one from all registered voters, which is impossible to reach. In the runoff, only two remain, and the ones running in the first round either tell their voters who to vote for or leave it up to them to decide. The support from parties of all ethnic communities and citizens is important in the runoff," says Pendarovski. Regarding a possible rematch with Gordana Siljanovska, President Pendarovski says "who is on the other side is totally irrelevant for me, because what matters to me is to convince more people into what I believe".


Xhaferi: Preparation and organization of free, fair and democratic elections - caretaker government's key task (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi addressed Tuesday the constitutive session of the newly elected caretaker government, saying their key task is organization of free, fair and democratic elections through an open and legitimate procedure. PM Xhaferi referred to the expectations from the new executive regarding the organization and implementation of the upcoming elections, as well as realization of its ongoing tasks in the people's interest, the government said in a press release. "A key task is ahead of us - preparation and organization of free, fair and democratic elections through an open and legitimate procedure. In this task, we are obliged to cooperate with the parliament, the State Election Commission, the OSCE/ODIHR Mission, the EU and the United States as our strategic partner, in order to ensure the highest European standards in the course of the election campaign and Election Day, so that citizens can clearly express their will," said Xhaferi. He expects the government to be efficient and work in the interest of citizens through transparency and accountability. "I expect all government members to invest their knowledge and experience, and work with dedication in the people's interest, so that we overcome all challenges together, in an open and professional way," noted Xhaferi.


Xhaferi – Geer: Coming elections crucial for country’s European future (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi held a meeting Tuesday with the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia David Geer during which they spoke about the upcoming elections set to be organized by the caretaker government, as well as the processes related to the country’s EU accession negotiations. Ambassador Geer congratulated Xhaferi on his election as Prime Minister, highlighting the support of the EU and the Delegation in Skopje, and the continuation of cooperation and assistance with the goal of realizing the country’s European agenda, said the government in a press release. “Xhaferi voiced satisfaction that his first meeting with a representative of the international community is precisely with the EU’s Ambassador to North Macedonia, which represents a clear sign of the government’s direction in the coming period,” said the government. According to the government, the Prime Minister noted that the coming elections are exceptionally important for the future of the country since they will determine the direction of the country and its progress in the coming period. Xhaferi stressed that the government will continue working with the same pace and commitment in order to carry out all processes and obligations arising from the launched accession negotiations with the EU, with the goal of accelerated European integration, the government said. “At the meeting, a special emphasis was placed on the joint commitment of Brussels and Skopje to further successful development of activities related to the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, and to that end, Ambassador Geer welcomed the government’s constructive approach so far,” said the press release. Thanking the Ambassador for the EU’s principled support of North Macedonia in the process of the realization of its strategic goal – EU membership, Xhaferi noted that the government will continue its activities aimed at promoting democracy and the rule of law, as well as the fight against corruption. At the meeting, views were also exchanged over current issues related to the internal political situation in the country and the upcoming elections. In that context, Ambassador Geer stressed that the EU, as before, will continue to support the ODIHR’s activities in deploying an observation mission and implementing fair and democratic presidential and general elections, said the government in the press release.


Tirana takes the Presidency of B-40, the largest Network of Balkan cities (Radio Tirana)


Tirana officially took over today the Presidency of the largest Network of Balkan cities, B-40. At the Summit held in the capital, where mayors and delegations from 54 Balkan cities participated, the head of the Municipality of Tirana Erion Veliaj said that this is the time for cooperation like never before. He said that he is proud of Tirana, which in recent years has held important titles such as "European Youth Capital", "European City of Sports", while was also the host of the Berlin Process Summit, a political event of international level, and expressed his enthusiasm that the city will be the "Mediterranean Capital of Culture and Dialogue 2025". "We open our hearts to our friend and to all the friends who are here today, our hearts are wide open. Hospitality is not a one-way street, it's a two-way street. It is a relationship. I believe that today we are in the right place where the cornerstone is precisely the cooperation, receiving and giving to each other. We are open-hearted for friends like you, ready to welcome you, to offer you the best part of our culture and hospitality, and it's time for an extraordinary cooperation between us like never before," said Veliaj. Enthusiastic about the fact that Tirana has the Presidency of B-40 this year; Mayor Veliaj pointed out the extraordinary transformation of the Albanian capital, not only in architecture and technology, but also as a European city too. "I am glad that Frederica [Mogherini] is with us today, the rector of the College of Europe, which has just opened applications for the Tirana Campus, and as she herself will tell you, Tirana has become a success story, even before the campus started, where we have over 200 applications from over 50 different European countries,” Veliaj said in his address among others. Moreover he reminded that in 2025, Tirana will be the Mediterranean Capital of Culture. And culture is probably the only invisible thread that connects nations where politics may divide them, where ethnic differences may separate them, said Veliaj. The mayor also proposed to have a solidarity fund for all the municipalities of our region in case of disasters. President of the Republic greeted the Summit too, with a speech, where among others he considered the B-40 initiative a serious commitment which serves regional cooperation and sustainable development. “Your initiative represents a serious commitment to regional cooperation and sustainable development. It adds significant value to our relations by creating opportunities for cooperation at the local level. Your network has the potential to serve as a successful example for an inclusive future.” Moreover, President Begaj added that in the Balkans, you find the fusion of many cultures, ideas, and innovation. The region needs more cooperation, communication, and dialogue. This approach should view problems as opportunities for development and focus on what unites us. President Begaj reaffirmed that during the last 10 years, Tirana has demonstrated its ability to strike a balance between economic development and sustainability, cultural renewal, and technological innovation. However, there is still much work to be done, he added, during his address to the Balkan Cities Network Initiative (B-40) Summit in Tirana.


Tirana B40 Summit, President Begaj: Balkans need more cooperation and dialogue among each other (Radio Tirana)


In his speech at the B40 countries summit, President Bajram Begaj stated that more cooperation and dialogue are needed, viewing problems as opportunities for development. The head of state emphasized that good governance requires hearing all voices in decision-making. He pointed out, "We will give you a great favor. The house of the Albanian is both friend's and god's. Albania is the land of hospitality and generosity." He continued “Your initiative represents a serious commitment to regional cooperation and sustainable development. It adds significant value to our relations by creating opportunities for cooperation at the local level. Your network has the potential to serve as a successful example for an inclusive future.” Moreover, President Begaj added “In the Balkans, you find the fusion of many cultures, ideas, and innovation. The region needs more cooperation, communication, and dialogue among each other. This approach should view problems as opportunities for development and focus on what unites us.” “In this context, local government plays an important role. This is the level where the policies undertaken are felt directly by the citizens. This implies local governance that is more sensitive to the environment, with a decentralized democracy, and consolidated accountability," highlighted Begaj. The President further mentioned the need for the development of the city's administration, stressing the importance of high-quality services and a clear vision. Additionally, Begaj praised the work done by Mayor Veliaj in Tirana, acknowledging that over the last 10 years, the capital has found a balance between economic development and sustainability. "I want to emphasize three aspects: First, democratic and transparent governance: there can be no good governance without hearing all voices in decision-making. Second, poverty reduction and sustainability: the whole community must be part of your development policies. Third, preparation for unforeseen risks," underlined Begaj. President Begaj reaffirmed, “During the last 10 years, Tirana has demonstrated its ability to strike a balance between economic development and sustainability, cultural renewal, and technological innovation. However, there is still much work to be done.” Furthermore, "The vision of city administration must be developed; it is not a matter of quantity but of quality. The services must be of high quality, and the vision must be clear," declared Begaj.