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Belgrade Media Report 5 February 2024



Brnabic: Now right time to request urgent UNSC session (TV Pink)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Monday President Aleksandar Vucic had been right in saying Serbia should not rush with a request for an urgent UNSC session over the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and added that now was the right time to make that move.

"Vucic was right because you cannot request a UNSC session time and time again," Brnabic told TV Pink. "He said 'Wait', because he saw Kurti would go further in his madness and terror against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and our assessment was that this is the time when it is completely clear to all that an ethnically clean Kosovo and Metohija is Albin Kurti's sole objective," she said. Brnabic said the request would mark the start of new diplomatic efforts to show everyone what life under Kurti's institutions was like and that it had nothing to do with either rule of law or the normalisation process. Through his policy and a series of unilateral moves he is getting away with, Kurti is creating unbearable living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to make them all leave the province, Brnabic also said.


Petkovic: Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in a very difficult satiation, we will fight for an urgent session of the SC (RTS)


It is the fourth day since Pristina’s measure on the so-called transition period for the abolition of the Dinar in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija came into force. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told RTS that Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija are in a very difficult situation and that Albin Kurti started a crisis that leads to a “spiral of violence” almost every day. “From the moment Pristina made the decision to ban the use of the Dinar in payment transactions in Kosovo and Metohija, we saw how Albin Kurti, Svecla and others in Pristina dealt with the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in Metohija, where the Serbs are most vulnerable, where the returnees are,” said Petkovic. He emphasized that he was encouraged by the latest statement by Geoffrey Hovenier, who, as Petkovic said, clearly and directly mentioned the attack on Serbian institutions in Kosovo  and Metohija for the first time and assessed that it was important that the US addressed the situation so directly from the very beginning of the crisis. “Of course, America will not change its policy towards the so-called independent Kosovo and Metohija, but in this case, when it comes to the abolition of the Dinar, which is creating a humanitarian disaster in Kosovo and Metohija, we see a different reaction,” Petkovic pointed out. Petkovic said that the violence perpetrated by Kurti went overboard and that because of this the Republic of Serbia will request an extraordinary emergency session of the UN Security Council and that tomorrow the mission of the Republic of Serbia in New York will submit a request for convening the session. “This time in February, the chairman is Guyana, unfortunately, it recognized Kosovo as a so-called independent state. We will fight to get the necessary majority of votes in order for that session to be held, and the reason why we are asking for an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council is that by our actions , with escalating acts of violence day by day, Albin Kurti is ethnically cleansing the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, or, as it is legally said in conventions, he is creating unbearable living conditions and deliberately subjecting Serbs to such conditions that they cannot survive in Kosovo and Metohija but are looking for a way out, especially in the area of Serbia proper,” Petkovic pointed out. Speaking about the proposal that the obligations from the Ohrid Agreement be an integral part of the process of negotiations on Serbia’s EU membership, Petkovic said that Serbia is ready to negotiate and move towards a compromise solution in order to preserve its people in Kosovo and Metohija and to strive for politics of peace and stability in the area of the Western Balkans. “The one who doesn’t want dialogue is Pristina, and that’s why we used every opportunity to talk, because dialogue is the space where you can solve problems. When you don’t have dialogue, you have this situation on the ground that goes in the direction of ethnic cleansing of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija,” Petkovic said. He added that Belgrade also said in Ohrid that it is ready to go in the direction of implementing many things that will benefit the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but also that Belgrade has its own red lines. “And the President on that evening, on 18 March in Ohrid, but also in the parliament and in all other places, after the meeting with the big five in Brussels, also spoke several times in public about those red lines of the Republic of Serbia, which is that the Republic Serbia will never agree to the membership of so-called Kosovo in the United Nations, as well as in agencies and organizations within the UN system. Period,” Petkovic emphasized.


Dacic: Kosovo issue of highest national and state interest (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic addressed today the new generation of participants of the Basic Diplomatic Training Programme 2023/24 at the Diplomatic Academy. Dacic said that the Foreign Ministry attaches great importance to the advanced training of staff who deal with international cooperation within the state and public institutions of the Republic of Serbia, which is of particular importance at a time when foreign policy relations are getting dramatically more complex. He highlighted Serbia's foreign policy priorities, first and foremost the preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, because the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is of the highest national and state interest; full EU membership, while maintaining military neutrality; improvement of good neighbourly and regional cooperation; development of relations with all actors of international politics, both bilaterally and multilaterally, through building new, but also strengthening old and traditional friendships. Just as until now, Serbia will lead an independent foreign policy, based above all on the preservation of national and state interests, but always with respect for the basic principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, Dacic said.


More concrete cooperation with Gambia in many fields (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Friday with Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad of the Republic of Gambia Mamadou Tangara, who is on a working visit to our country. Dacic assessed that the relations between the two countries are traditionally friendly and expressed the hope that, after this visit, more concrete cooperation will begin in areas of mutual interest, especially in the fields of the economy, agriculture and the IT sector. Speaking about the current situation in our southern province, the head of Serbian diplomacy emphasised that the preservation of cultural, historical and religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is extremely important for Serbia, which is one of the most sensitive issues for our country and the Serbian people, and that, in this sense, Serbia expects the understanding of the Republic of Gambia. Mamadou Tangara expressed gratitude for the friendly welcome and highlighted Gambia's determination to develop cooperation with Serbia, according to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


An introduction to a total exodus of the Serbian people? (Tanjug/B92)


Abolition of the Dinar in Kosovo means the persecution of Serbs and all Serbian institutions, stated Zlatan Elek, president of the Serb List, on Saturday. He added that such a move is a prelude to the exodus of the Serbian people. "This is Kurti's 'Storm' for the Serbs, without a shot being fired against the Serbian community," Elek said at the Serb List press conference in Kosovska Mitrovica. He stated that the international community is solely responsible, that is, the Quint countries, for the actions taken by the so-called prime minister without consequences. He announced that, after these moves by Pristina, Serb List will send an official letter to the countries of the Quint and assessed that they will become "direct accomplices" if there is a Serbian exodus from the province. "I will be extremely direct to tell you that it is exclusively the international community and the Quint countries, which are responsible for multi-ethnicity here in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, that they will be direct accomplices if there is an exodus of the Serbian people from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," said Elek. He reminded that Serb List had several talks with all international officials, including the ambassadors of the Quint countries, representatives of UNMIK and EULEX, and that it always reminded them that the ultimate goal of the government in Pristina is the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. "We had the last conversation with the US ambassador in Pristina, where we expressed all our fears arising from such a decision. I can say that we also talked about other topics, first of all, one of the topics was that a number of our fellow citizens were arrested without grounds, and then we talked and about the intrusions into our institutions as well as about the decision to abolish Dinar as currency in Kosovo and Metohija. We have reached an understanding, we agree on many issues, and the ambassador himself agrees that this is an extremely dangerous move," said Elek. He pointed out that everyone who has an income from the Republic of Serbia, pensioners, beneficiaries of social benefits, students and others are at risk, i.e. about 100,000 Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He emphasized that the abolition of the Dinar and the payment transaction puts the Serbs in an unbearable position and is a prelude to the total exodus of the Serbian people. "This is a prelude to the total exodus of the Serbian people from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, it is not a random result at all, these are pre-prepared moves by the government of Albin Kurti and we well recognize his handwriting in this decision. It should be clearly understood that this decision abolishes the Serbian institutions that take care of education, healthcare, social assistance and the economy, which in translation means that the life of Serbs here on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija is being abolished," said Elek.


EU concerned over sudden closure of Serbia-run institutions in Kosovo (N1)


The status of Serbia-run institutions in Kosovo is foreseen to be resolved in the EU-facilitated dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, in connection with the establishment of the Community of Serb majority municipalities, the EU said on Sunday following a series of actions carried out by the Kosovo Ministry of Interior and the Ministry for Administration and Local Governance on shutting down temporary bodies and at the premises of the NGO 'Center for Peace and Tolerance'. “The EU noted with great concern this week’s Special Police operations at the offices of Serbia-run institutions in Dragash, Pec, Istok and Klina municipalities and the premises of the non-government organisation Center For Peace and Tolerance in Pristina. The sudden closure of these offices will have negative effects on the daily lives and living conditions of Kosovo-Serb Communities, as it will restrict their access to basic social services given the apparent absence of alternatives at this moment,” the EU said in a statement. The status of these structures is foreseen to be resolved in the EU-facilitated Dialogue, in connection with the establishment of the Community of Serb majority municipalities, it emphasised. Therefore, the EU urged Kosovo to “avoid unilateral actions that could raise tensions, and to address these issues through the EU-facilitated Dialogue”.


France calls for immediate suspension of decision to ban dinar in Kosovo (N1/Politika)


France calls for the immediate suspension of the Kosovo Central Bank decision to prohibit the use of the Dinar, and notes that a solution should be sought through negotiations within the framework of the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, said the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The Ministry said that France is concerned by the order issued by the Central Bank of Kosovo restricting all cash transactions in that territory to Euros. It further said that this order, which was decided upon in a rushed, unconcerted manner, will impact the daily life of the Serb community in Kosovo, which is heavily dependent on payments from Serbia made in Serbian Dinars. “Given the absence of alternative solutions at this time, France calls for the immediate suspension of this measure in order to allow for a sufficient transition period. We call on the Kosovar authorities to find a solution through negotiations within the framework of an EU-facilitated dialogue,” said the French Ministry.


Zakharova: By protecting Kosovo, Serbia is protecting the center of Europe from total devastation (Beta/Politika)


A spokesperson at the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said on Friday that with regard to Kosovo the Serbian leadership should “respect the will of the people”, adding that “Serbia is defending the center of Europe against total devastation.” “What will happen with Kosovo and Metohija in a few years is not a question for a fortune-teller, but rather a matter to be discussed by the Serbian leadership, which should respect the will of the people. We are absolutely sure that this is important for Serbia and the Balkans alike,” Zakharova said. “What matters more is that at this point is that Serbia is defending the center of Europe from the onset of total devastation,” Zakharova said during an online lecture, Modern International Relations – A View from Russia, organized by the Belgrade Institute for International Politics and Economy. The Russian Ministry’s spokeswoman said that “whilst relying on the facts and the will of the people, the destruction of a state and the cultural code of a nation in the center of Europe should be prevented.” Zakharova also said that proposals by Brussels and Washington to states all over the world were “neither open, nor fair,” and that the pair acted like “a colonizer towards colonies”.


Brussels formally proposes including obligations from Ohrid in accession talks with Serbia (RFE/Beta/Novosti)


The European Commission and the European External Action Service have submitted a proposal to add the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken in Ohrid to Serbia's EU membership negotiating framework. It is now up to the EU Council to adopt these changes, which would officially include Serbia's obligations stemming from the dialogue into the process of membership negotiations with Brussels, Radio Free Europe reported Saturday. Last December, the Council of Ministers asked the EC to add the obligations from the Agreement on the Path to the Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia to Belgrade's membership negotiations with Brussels. Chapter 35 in the negotiations, subtitled "Other Issues", includes, in Serbia's case, the normalization of relations with Kosovo. Oliver Varhelyi, European commissioner for enlargement and neighborhood policy, tried until the very last moment to keep the obligations from the agreements reached in Brussels and Ohrid last February and March from being included in Chapter 35 in Serbia's talks with the EU. RFE recalled that European Parliament members had warned of Varhelyi's activities on multiple occasions. Varhelyi is considered a close associate of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


Li Ming: Position of the Chinese side on Kosovo issue is consistent and clear. We firmly support Serbia’s efforts to protect its national sovereignty and territorial integrity (Politika)


Beijing is one of Belgrade’s main allies and friends when it comes to preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty in the case of Kosovo and Metohija. How do you see the way to the solution of this issue and how do you evaluate the mediation of the EU?

“The position of the Chinese side on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is consistent and clear. We strongly support Serbia’s efforts to protect its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We understand the legitimate concerns of the Serbian side about the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and appreciate the positive efforts made by the Serbian side in seeking a political solution to this issue. The issue of Kosovo and Metohija is a point of risk for the Balkans and Europe, and the political solution of this issue and the maintenance of stability in Kosovo and Metohija are in the interest of all parties and require constant efforts from all parties. The Chinese side believes that within the framework of UNSCR 1244, the two sides should reach a mutually acceptable solution to this issue through dialogue and consultation. ​In that process, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia should be fully respected and there should be no double standards. In recent years, the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija has repeatedly shown that unilateral actions only worsen fears, raise tensions, disrupt regional peace and stability and delay the final solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, which is not in the interest of any party. The Chinese side encourages the EU to continue to make positive efforts to promote dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and hopes that the EU will play a constructive role as a mediator, remain neutral and impartial, and avoid excessive pressure. The establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities is an important element of the Brussels agreement of 2013 and we hope that the existing agreements will be implemented, which will help the two sides to build mutual trust and initiate dialogue.”


Former diplomat: No one believes Vucic anymore (Beta)


A former Serbian diplomat Nebojsa Vujovic stated on Friday that the abolition of the Serbian Dinar and provisional municipal organs in Kosovo and Metohija was in line with the Ohrid Roadmap accepted by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic last year. Vujovic told the Beta that President Vucic’s decision to address the U. Security Council was very late. "Vucic played it and went too far when he accepted all of the provisions of the Brussels and Ohrid agreements. He handed over all of Kosovo to Albanian Kosovo institutions, and it is now pointless to seek assistance from the UN Security Council. Besides, Washington will not allow a session on Kosovo to take place ahead of US presidential and European parliamentary elections, and amidst the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East," Vujovic said. According to the former diplomat, after the abolition of the dinar and the likely prohibition of the work of temporary municipal organs in Kosovo appointed by the Serbian government, the Serbian healthcare and education systems will be fully integrated into the Kosovo system. "In addition, all Serbian companies in the north of Kosovo will have to re-register with the Kosovo Business Registration Agency. Due to Vucic's misguided policy, the Serbian state will completely disappear from Kosovo in the next few months," Vujovic explained. The former diplomat also said that Vucic had completely lost credibility at home and abroad, and that no one trusted him anymore, not even the Serbs in Kosovo.


Displaced Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija announce three-hour blockades (RTS)


Displaced Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija announced that today from they will block traffic "for all vehicles driven by Albanians via Merdare, towards Kursumlija, Nis, Belgrade and further towards Subotica, i.e. throughout Serbia", and do this until further notice, for three hours each Monday. This campaign at the administrative crossing between Kosovo and Metohija and central Serbia comes because of what they say is the "terror and cruelty" of Albin Kurti's policy towards the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. "The road will be blocked every Monday for three hours from 12 noon to 3 pm until the daily terror against our people in Kosovo and Metohija ends," reports RTS. "The terror that the Serb and other non-Albanian people are experiencing has become unbearable and is very close to becoming a conflict with unforeseeable consequences," a statement issued by the Association of Displaced Serbs, gathered around the Initiative Committee of Serbs from Podujevo and Kosovo and Metohija, states. They demand that President Aleksandar Vucic, Minister Dacic, and other members of the government of Serbia urgently send a letter to all relevant international organizations, in order to urgently stop the terror and the arrests of innocent Serbs.




O’Brien delivers lecture at Sarajevo University, promising that USA will respond to any unconstitutional actions and will not allow malign actors to divide B&H; Expresses strong support for Schmidt, criticizes Dodik, Izetbegovic and Covic (O Kanal)


US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien delivered lecture at the Sarajevo University’s Faculty of Political Sciences during his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). O’Brien said: “We will respond to anti-Dayton and unconstitutional actions and will not allow malignant actors to divide the country.” O’Brien reminded that the first article of the Constitution of B&H confirms that B&H is an integral country, without the right of entities to secede or divide. “The entities are subordinated to the State of B&H, and to be crystal clear, Republika Srpska (RS) is not a state and does not have the attributes of statehood," O'Brien noted. In addition, O’Brien was carried saying: “In 2001, B&H signed the Agreement on Succession Issues of the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ), which was ratified by the B&H Parliament and attributed state property to B&H, not to the entities. There is a way to discuss property by talking about to talk about it in the relevant institutions. But the starting point is still clear - the property belongs to the state.” When it comes to the announcements of possible declaration of RS’ independence, O’Brien stated: “Some now talk about the independence of the RS or about the 'independence of the RS within B&H’ and imagine controls on the inter-entity demarcation line. It is a fictional 'original Dayton' that promises a return to the roadblocks and barricades that we saw into the war, instead of the words contained in the actual Dayton, which removed those obstacles. It is an absurd and bad law, but dangerous in reality.” According to the US official, the debate about the participation of foreign judges in passing judgments in B&H cases is actually a debate about whether they should be involved sooner or later. “In Dayton, it was decided that people should be allowed to exercise their rights as soon as possible, rather than having to wait. There is little doubt as to whether B&H benefited from the participation of foreign judges in the work of its Constitutional Court (CC), and the US does not support their departure. Dayton is not the problem, the political leaders of this country are the problem," said the US official. He noted that the Dayton Agreement also includes Annex 10 in which the Parties "request the appointment of a high representative" who would have "ultimate authority to interpret this agreement in connection with the civilian implementation of the peace agreement.” He added: "This includes the so-called Bonn powers, which represent plenary and far-reaching powers that he can and should use when necessary. When he does that, the US will support him.” With regard to the RS officials claims that HR Schmidt is illegitimate, O’Brien specified that the statement that the high representative is chosen by the UN Security Council is wrong. "According to the Dayton Agreement, the UN Security Council does not decide either on the presence of international troops or on the OHR. When the UN Secretary General was asked this question last July, he gave a clear and definitive answer: The Steering Committee of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB) is the body that relevant to the appointment of the High Representative. Any other answer is completely wrong.” O'Brien presented a series of criticisms towards B&H politicians and called them to work for the benefit of the citizens of this country so that the citizens would have a better, more secure, and more prosperous life. He warned that calls to create new boundaries or change internationally recognized borders and attempts to stoke and celebrate ethnic and nationalist violence, defiance of core institutions like the Constitutional Court of B&H, are anti-Dayton, unconstitutional and dangerous action. “B&H risks missing the next train to Europe because of the personal interests of its political leaders. It faces the risk of division caused by secessionist threats from the RS. B&H is one country without the right to secede or divide. B&H was not, and is not, a union or confederation of two states. Entities are subordinate to the state and let me be crystal clear: the RS is not a state according to international law and never was and does not have the attributes of statehood. O’Brien also criticized RS President Milorad Dodik, HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic, SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic and Sebija Izetbegovic. In his speech, O’Brien stated that during the time that Sebija Izetbegovic was the Director of Sarajevo University Clinic Centre (KCUS), doctors were incentivized to join SDA. Regarding Covic, O’Brien stated that USA sees that Covic is obstructing the construction of the ‘Southern Interconnection’ gas pipeline and wants to establish a new company, that would be under Covic’s control, instead of using ‘BHGas’. Regarding Dodik, O’Brien stated that Dodik and SNSD have been directing contracts towards companies connected with both Dodik and SNSD, adding that there were numerous allegations of misconduct across various RS industries, such as non-competitive contracts awarded to firms under his family’s control. O’Brien also stressed that he fully supports US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, adding that Murphy promotes US policies in the best light. “These financial shenanigans are why US sanctions have focused not only on anti-Dayton behaviour and activities, but also on politicians, their family members, and associates who get rich from their political positions.  We will continue to wield our authorities when the security and stability of B&H are threatened, when there is a significant risk of obstructing the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, or when there is credible evidence of corruption”, stated O’Brien regarding US sanction policy. O'Brien said that the goal of his visit is the obvious risk that B&H will ‘miss the train’ regarding B&H’s path to the EU and key reforms that B&H should adopt by March. The US Embassy to B&H posted on X platform that US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien “reaffirmed the US’ strong support to the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) and his use of the Bonn Powers for implementation and defense of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), support to B&H and its institutions and securing of functionality of those institutions and to counter inflammatory rhetoric and actions aimed at undermining both”.


O’Brien: We will respond to anti-Dayton and unconstitutional actions and will not allow malignant actors to divide this country (O Kanal)


US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien paid an official visit to B&H on Friday. O’Brien held the first meeting with High Representative Christian Schmidt, to whom he gave full support for the use of Bonn powers for the implementation and defense of Dayton, support for B&H institutions and ensuring the functionality of institutions, and suppression of inflammatory rhetoric and actions to undermine the state. After Schmidt, he met with the members of the B&H Presidency, but also with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic, who said that the US is a proven friend that strongly supports B&H's path towards the EU, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country. O’Brien held meetings with the Schmidt, the B&H Presidency, US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy, and members of B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM). Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic told the press that O’Brien did not discuss many things while meeting with the B&H Presidency, and that he did not mention most of them at all. Cvijanovic stated that the B&H Presidency and O’Brien talked more about Texas than other topics, adding that she clearly presented her stances on several matters to O’Brien. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of O’Brien’s visit, calling it an incredibly important visit and a very difficult time. Becirovic stated: “Today I also emphasized that there is still an open attack on the DPA and the constitutional order. The aim of the separatists is to destroy the two key institutions provided for in the DPA. We will strongly resist such politics together with our key allies”. Cvijanovic was quoted as saying: “RS is committed to consistently respecting the Dayton Agreement, as well as constitutional and sovereign B&H, in which decisions will be made exclusively by domestic institutions and democratically elected representatives of the peoples”. Cvijanovic said that she told O’Brien that an internal agreement, and not foreign interventionism, is the only way forward for B&H. “That we do not have a problem with the Constitution and constitutional B&H and that territorial integrity is not a problem for us either. We have a problem with false sovereignty. It is false because if domestic institutions do not make decisions and are not credible and do not stand behind their decisions and do not take responsibility for their decisions, and if some foreigner imposes there, then of course it is not true sovereignty,” Cvijanovic stated. B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic stated after the meeting that the US supports EU’s attempts to open accession talks with B&H and the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. O'Brien also met with Schmidt with whom he discussed the challenges B&H currently faces, including the issue of election integrity. B&H CoM Chair Borjana Kristo and O’Brien discussed relations within B&H and B&H’s European path. Kristo pointed out that the politics, which O’Brien represents, advocates strengthening of B&H institutions, and she added that stability and prosperity of B&H as well as the implementation of necessary reforms can be secured only through open dialogue and consensus in adoption of decisions and through respecting of the constitutional structure and competencies of institutions at all levels.


Dodik: Everything that O'Brien said in Sarajevo confirmed his subservience to Bosniaks in B&H and politics advocated by Sarajevo (RTRS)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated Friday that everything that US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien said in Sarajevo confirmed his subservience to Bosniaks in B&H and the politics advocated by Sarajevo. Dodik pointed out that no one has the right to rewrite the Dayton Peace Agreement without the agreement of the two entities and three constituent peoples. Dodik pointed out that therefore, O’Brien has no right to encroach on the issue of property, because the Dayton Agreement clearly states that it belongs to the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Dodik noted that O’Brien’s visit to Sarajevo will additionally complicate the political situation in B&H. Dodik added that any attempt to seize property will cause a clear reaction from the RS. Dodik pointed out that the term state property does not exist in the Dayton Agreement. “It is an invented term, it does not exist… The Muslims invented that, and he (O’Brien) agreed in his narrative to talk about it and explain it,” Dodik said. Dodik added that the same moment when someone reaches for the property of the RS, the RS parliament will make a decision on the RS’ status. Dodik reiterated that the Dayton Agreement stipulates that only the RS and the FB&H are authorized to interpret this agreement, and nowhere is it mentioned that O’Brien can do this. “What O'Brien said is a complete lie about the Dayton Agreement. First, it is not his property, nor is he responsible for interpreting the Dayton Agreement, but he made a lot of mess now in B&H. I do not know how we will get out of this, and I mean B&H, not me. We know how we will get out of this,” Dodik underlined. Dodik repeated that the RS sticks to its positions and that exclusively Dayton B&H is acceptable for the RS. Dodik pointed out that O’Brien came to B&H to open another hot spot and to introduce complete instability in B&H again. Dodik emphasized that it is obvious that the US is leading a hybrid war against the RS, “but they will not break it.” Dodik noted that there is no agreed position in B&H regarding North Atlantic integration and that the RS is against accession to NATO. Dodik stated that for years he has been listening to the same accusations, which are meaningless and have no purpose other than to provide the Bosniak side with a better position and dominance over the other two constituent peoples and added that the RS is always for dialogue with all parties. Dodik added that there is no secessionist rhetoric. He concluded that the RS wants the B&H provided for by the Constitution and not the unconstitutional B&H. He reiterated that the RS parliament would pass a decision on RS’ independence if someone tries to register the property onto the B&H. Dodik responded to O’Brien’s speech, stating: “He really thinks we are stupid here. He really thought he was some smart guy. He is powerful, kudos to him. I remember him when I was meeting with Madeleine Albright, he was an errand boy who waited outside the door. He never imposed himself, I do not know what is wrong with him now. Maybe he has gone crazy, so he is addressing the public in this way.” Commenting on O’Brien’s statements, Dodik said that nothing will be imposed by force and that if the High Representative imposes technical changes to the B&H Election Law, the RS will respond with its own election law. Dodik added that if a solution on property is imposed, the RS will declare independence. Dodik called O'Brien an irrelevant official in Dayton. “The parties in B&H are two entities - the RS and the FB&H, and they are the only ones that can change and interpret the Dayton Agreement. It is not written anywhere that it is O'Brien. What he (O’Brien) said today (Friday) about property, there is no state property, neither in the Constitution nor in the Dayton Agreement, nowhere is the term state property mentioned, nowhere is the property of B&H mentioned as a term,” Dodik underlined. Dodik said: “For us, it will be an opportunity to see if the State Department wants to welcome the positive trends and agreements of political representatives in B&H, or if they will try to stop these trends, following the example of their embassy. This will be an opportunity to see if the power, which is the USA, wants B&H as a sovereign structure” wrote Dodik on the social platform X. Dodik states that the writer (O'Brien) of the Dayton Agreement was not able to witness decades of successful peace building and progress on its foundations.  “The writers of the Dayton Agreement understood that one rule that governs all is necessary - that there is no imposition of the will of one nation on others, i.e. that the agreement of all three is necessary. We owe all real progress to our agreements based on that rule” said Dodik. He says that for years, progress in B&H has been hindered by the desire of some politicians to impose a new rule, which in translation means - one people to rule over others. This was, as he says, impossible in the 20th century and remains impossible in the 21st century if stability, development and a way forward are desired. “RS wants positive trends to be strengthened and wants talks and agreements within B&H. We do not and will not agree to impositions. We support the Constitution of B&H, that is, the constitutional B&H and we reject the extra-constitutional, imposed B&H. Therefore, B&H will be constitutional, or it will not be. As it is now, it is better not to exist. The role of foreigners must come to an end” pointed out Dodik. Dodik said that B&H belongs to Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats and others. No one more and no one less than others. “The Dayton writer would have to know that. A sovereign country is only one that belongs to itself, in B&H this means the constituent nations. RS will extend a hand of cooperation to everyone and will not raise its hands of surrender to anyone” said Dodik. Dodik emphasized that there was no talk of crimes committed by the USA. "Here, now it is known that they killed Saddam Hussein for no reason at all. That they killed Gaddafi because he had huge money and oil. Now everyone says that it was not legal, but they don't let it be talked about." “We have been witnessing a real invasion of the American representatives on B&H and they have been trying to explain to us how we should live and function because, it seems, they know that better than we do”, Dodik posted on ‘X’ platform.


Dodik: O'Brien's performance in Sarajevo is demonstration of arrogance and lack of ideas (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on Instagram on Sunday that media appearance of US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien in Sarajevo was a demonstration of arrogance and lack of ideas, asking how come that the powerful US fell so low. Dodik stated: “The world is full of conflicts, heated situations are all over the Planet and the US Secretary of State (Antony Blinken) deals with B&H gas, his assistant deals with Sebija (Izetbegovic), the Ambassador (of the US to B&H Michael Murphy) deals with respirators and rules of procedures. Dodik also pointed out that O’Brien’s talks about friendship towards the peoples of B&H: "He treats these same peoples as a wild horde from the Stone Age to who he will bring fire". "While his mouth is full of B&H sovereignty, he supports a self-proclaimed person, who is a direct negation of sovereignty. Every American administration was dedicated to the situation and relations in B&H, but only this one is obviously interested in worsening the situation and disrupting relations," Dodik concluded. Dodik also claimed that the US administration destabilizes B&H and he emphasized that “the RS respects the Dayton Peace Agreement, and it defends America’s success from American diplomats”.


RS politicians criticize O’Brien’s statements during visit to B&H (ATV)


After the visit of the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien to B&H, the RS President Milorad Dodik said that O’Brien told a bunch of lies about the RS, that he attacked the agreement of political leaders in B&H, and politically extinguished the ‘Troika’. Dodik stated: “What he did yesterday is a typical interference in the internal affairs of another country prohibited by the UN charter. No part of the UN charter allows a foreign statesman to treat another state in that way. Everything he did yesterday was wrong and fake. Everything he did was in the function of treating some ego that they have, a frustration that is carried above all by his associate (US Ambassador to B&H Michael) Murphy”. According to those in the RS, O’Brien succeeded in his intention to destroy any attempt at an agreement in B&H. The RS Minister for Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education Zeljko Budimir also commented on O’Brien’s visit to B&H: “We know that the Americans, since the beginning of the Yugoslav crisis, have played a negative role here when it comes to the Serb people. Let us remember the Lisbon Agreement and the moment when the war in B&H could have been avoided, when the Americans, persuading Alija Izetbegovic away from that agreement, dragged B&H into four years of bloody conflict. The role of the Americans here is not constructive at all but destabilizing”. O'Brien interpreted the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) in his own way at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo on Friday, noted the reporter. He spoke about the so-called state property of B&H, jurisdictions belonging to B&H, the Constitutional Court and everything that is not his job, commented the reporter. The delegate in the Serb Caucus of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Snjezana Novakovic Bursac said: “What is shocking, where we must not succumb to that deception, we are deeply aware of that, where they emphasize that the entities are subordinate to B&H level. Entities are clearly defined in the Constitution with their competences, just as B&H level is defined. All in all, a rather bad performance for a diplomat of that level”. There were also messages from the FB&H that the Troika has been defeated. Some believe that O'Brien gave a ‘yellow card’ to the FB&H political leaders, because they are not to his liking either. No one from the Troika has yet opposed the US diplomat, and as a habit, they remain silent and applaud the foreigners who lead their politics, commented the reporter. Dodik stated that O’Brien’s actions in B&H were a political funeral for the parties of ‘The Troika’, adding that ‘The Troika’ is forcing him to publish the official steno gram from the Laktasi meeting, so that the public can see what promises were made and what was agreed on at the meeting. Dodik also touched on O’Brien’s criticism of Sebija Izetbegovic and SDA, stating that he feels that it is trivial for a high-ranking US official to deal with the work of Sebija Izetbegovic at the Sarajevo University Clinic Centre, adding that SDA will use this criticism to consolidate itself.


Niksic: There is no alternative to put policy of dialogue and agreement; O’Brien’s message demonstrates support to policy we have been advocating (Dnevni avaz)


FB&H Prime Minister and SDP leader Nermin Niksic published a social media post commenting last week’s visits of high-ranking US and NATO officials to B&H. “The diplomatic offensive of tested friends of our country is a clear proof of the commitment of the international community to B&H. It is particularly positive that is resulting in less and less polite and diplomatic statements, and more and more open criticism directed at ethno-nationalistic parties and their leaders, primarily due to abuse of position for the sake of personal enrichment. Certainly, the most important message is that they will respond to anti-Dayton and unconstitutional actions, and that they will not allow anyone to divide the country”, Niksic noted. He stressed that the visit of US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, is a confirmation of the US administration's willingness to stand by the citizens of B&H. “Leaders should enable reconciliation, reach compromises and work towards the economic prosperity that the citizens of B&H want and deserve. It will not be easy because it means accepting gradual changes, step by step, understanding that perfect should not be the enemy of good, and making compromises. Instead, nationalist politicians try to weaken institutions, threaten with secession, or fan the flames of mistrust and division. I perceive O’Brien’s statement as support to the policy that we have been advocating since the beginning of the mandate. Our policy of dialogue and agreement has no alternative because it is the only way to ensure a better economic, social and security position for citizens. We stand firmly on that path and take responsibility for everything we do because our only goal is the well-being of all citizens. If the tactics of public fighting, sending "sharp" reactions and obstructions proved to be effective, we would have been a member of the EU and the NATO for a long time. However, it is obvious that the policy of our predecessors proved to be successful only in spreading hatred, mistrust and insecurity. Of course, it also comes in handy for collecting likes, but that is not our goal”, emphasized Niksic.


Parties of ‘Troika’ believe that highest officials of NATO and US recognized that there are pro-state forces in B&H that very responsibly and in no way populist lead key processes at different authority levels despite so many obstructions (Hayat)


The parties of the ruling ‘Troika’ stated Saturday that they believe that the highest officials of NATO and the US recognized that there are pro-state forces in B&H that lead key processes at different authority levels in a very responsible and in no way populist manner, despite so many obstructions. The parties of the ‘Troika’ stated that US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien confirmed the importance of state property that undoubtedly belongs to the state, rejected attacks on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which in this format and with these powers was one of the key segments of the peace that was agreed in Dayton, and a particularly important message is that any anti-state policy, no matter who it comes from, does not and will never have the support of the most powerful state. The parties of the ‘Troika’ pointed out that they especially appreciate the support that NATO provides to the process of reform of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, which remains one of the key state institutions. The Troika emphasized that visit of high-ranking NATO officials and O’Brien represents confirmation of strong and continuous support of key international partners to B&H. They underlined that this visit additionally confirmed partnership of B&H and NATO and strong support to Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. The statement further reads that in period since the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was signed NATO has been committed to preservation of security in this area. It also reads that key foreign policy goal of B&H is membership in NATO and the EU. “We especially respect support NATO has been providing to process of reform of B&H Armed Forces (AF) – which remain one of key state institutions. Strong and modernized armed forces and cooperation with NATO are important especially in situation of global challenges, as well as response to different domestic actors which question sovereignty and independence of B&H”, reads the statement of NIP, SDP and Our Party. “It is important that not only anti-state actors, but also parties and individuals who put personal interests ahead of interests of the state have been clearly defined. They have been clearly marked as forces which cannot be partner to anyone at any time. Possibility of starting the EU accession talks and this support of NATO and the US clearly point out we are moving in right direction. It is arduous path, but it is path towards our key strategic goals”, reads the statement of the Troika.


SDA reacts to O’Brien’s statements, criticizes Troika (FTV)


FTV reports that clear and harsh messages conveyed by US’ Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien sparked numerous reactions in B&H. SDA issued a statement in which they failed to provide response to criticism of O’Brien towards this party. However, they criticized authorities, primarily the Troika of attempting to blame their incompetence on the opposition. SDA underlined that the Troika reached agreement in Laktasi – one criticized by the US officials, and they also accepted negotiations with SNSD and HDZ B&H leaders on B&H Constitutional Court (CC). SDA deems that by accepting agreement in Laktasi, Troika postponed adoption of technical changes of the Election Law or decision of High Representative concerning this issue. According to SDA, SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic and NS leader Edin Forto seem to be living in a parallel reality, as if they were not part of the ruling coalition with SNSD and HDZ BiH, and as if the messages sent by foreign officials do not apply to them.


Sebija Izetbegovic: Those informing O’Brien should have devised more convincing arguments against me (Dnevni avaz)


Sebija Izetbegovic, wife of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and former General Manager of Sarajevo University Clinical Center (KCUS), reacted to the statements of US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien who accused her of pressuring KCUS employees into supporting SDA. According to Izetbegovic, O’Brien’s claims are unserious. “Of course, the Assistant Secretary of State of the USA cannot know the details about KCUS and personnel decisions, but those who informed him from Sarajevo should have devised more convincing arguments against me. This claim about blackmailed directors of departments is frivolous and could only make those in the know about the situation at KCUS laugh, primarily the directors of departments”, she stated. She noted that everybody knows everybody in Sarajevo quite well, and it is not necessary to explain who prefers which political option. “I did not deal with the party and political affiliation of the employees, which can be proven by the fact that, according to my assessment today, less than 15 percent of all the heads of the 36 KCUS clinics are supporters of SDA, if even that many”, Izetbegovic concluded.


EU approves funds for Western Balkans and its southern neighbors for safety of EU borders and solving of problem of illegal migrations; Minister Nesic says everything can be solved in line with constitutional competencies of B&H and entities (Nezavisne)


The EU Council on Thursday adopted a package of assistance to Ukraine amounting to EUR 50 billion and it also approved EUR 9.6 billion for the Western Balkans and its southern neighborhood for safety of the EU borders and solving of the problem of illegal migrations. The full title of the adopted document is ‘Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund’ and it was adopted for the period of time until 2027. The document consists of four pillars related migration policies of the countries which border with the EU and integration of those policies with regulations of the EU, support to legal migrations in the EU, fight against illegal migrations and strengthening of solidarity among member countries in the field of migrations. In scope of this plan, funds will be earmarked for assistance to the Western Balkans countries for solving of migrants’ problems, such as better accommodation, more efficient readmission and support to Frontex, whose officers are expected to start working together with security and police agencies in B&H soon. The daily reminded that the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H defined a framework for talks with the EU on engagement of the Frontex, with the goal to establish a better control of illegal migrations. Minister of Security of B&H Nenad Nesic said that this agreement would mean that the EU does not see B&H “as a black security hole” and he added that anything can be solved in line with constitutional competencies of B&H and entities. The daily also reminded that this document had been blocked for months due to inability to reach an agreement on it within B&H. Nesic said that the agreement represents a step forward in fight against organized crimes and illegal migrations as well as a signal to the EU that B&H is ready to be a part of the collective security system and does not want to be a safe haven for criminals.


We expect that the US will dedicate special attention to Montenegro, Zivkovic says (VoA/CdM)


The Leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, Danijel Zivkovic, attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, where he met the US congressmen, but had meetings in the U.S. Department of State as well. In an interview for Voice of America (VoA), he noted that it was a great opportunity to discuss the WB-related topics, particularly Montenegro. Zivkovic indicated he expected that the international partners of Montenegro, that is, the US, would dedicate special attention to both Montenegro and the Western Balkans, so that the two wouldn’t be under the impact of malignant policies, such as the Russian impact. “We know very well that the Russian influence is very strong in the Western Balkans, both in Serbia and in our country where we have pro-Russian parties, they’re an integral part of the new government, they support it, and one of their main representatives is running the Montenegrin parliament. Therefore, we expect them to be even more dedicated to preserving these values in the Western Balkans,” Zivkovic said.


Ivanovic at the State Department: Strong US support for reforms on the European path (CdM)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic met at the State Department with high-ranking representatives of the US administration, and the focus of the conversation was strengthening bilateral cooperation, as well as US support for reforms and improving the democratic capacities of Montenegrin society", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. With the assistant secretary of state for energy resources Geoffrey Pyatt he discussed the possibilities for dynamizing cooperation in the field of energy, with special reference to projects in the field of renewable energy sources. "American investments in this, but also in all other areas, are very welcome in Montenegro", said the minister, speaking about the investment potential and the progress achieved in the plan of providing alternative sources of energy. Pyatt welcomed Montenegro's commitment to building energy independence, pointing out that the US will continue to support such policies, as well as being interested in the affirmation of project ideas and more intensive bilateral contacts in this area. At the same time, he considered it important that Europe successfully reduced its energy dependence on Russia in the previous period. In the conversation with the First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Amy Holman, mutual interest in strengthening economic cooperation was highlighted. The interlocutors assessed that the initiation of the economic dialogue between the two countries is an expression of the readiness of both the USA and Montenegro to devote themselves to economic cooperation and the utilization of investment potential, bearing in mind the expressed interest of American companies in investing and starting new businesses in Montenegro. Ivanovic and Holman discussed the further plan of activities and the holding of the second meeting, assessing that the goal is not only to strengthen the economic partnership with Montenegro, but also to encourage further development of the country through projects, and thus progress towards joining the EU. The head of Montenegrin diplomacy also met with Deputy Assistant State Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Nicole Ann Chulick. He presented the foreign policy priorities of our country, among which the earliest possible integration into the EU occupies a special place. "We are fully committed to the implementation of reforms from the EU agenda, it is the absolute priority of the Government, but also of the entire society," the minister pointed out. He pointed to Montenegro's intention to achieve greater visibility on the multilateral level, primarily through strengthening activities within the United Nations, and along these lines, introduced the interlocutor to the candidacy for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2026-2027. The meeting also discussed the improvement of media freedom, as well as the reforms of the electoral system, in accordance with the recommendations of the ODIHR, which will be a priority of the Government in the coming period. Ivanovic expressed his gratitude for the continued support of the USA for reform processes in our country, especially when it comes to strengthening the fight against corruption. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the cooperation and progress achieved by Montenegro in the field of preventing human trafficking. As part of his working visit to the USA, Ivanovic also attended the Prayer Breakfast, which is traditionally held every first Thursday in February, and in addition to meetings with American officials, during his stay in Washington, he also had separate meetings with representatives of think tanks and academia. community.


If strikes happen, state to face collapse (RTCG)


The negotiations of several trade unions with representatives of the government on salary increases did not bear fruit. Therefore, in about 15 days there could be strikes by educators, as well as employees in the state administration and judiciary. In order for their strikes, which they have the right to according to the Constitution, to be legal, they are obliged to ensure the minimum work process. However, this is where the problem arises because since 2015 the regulation on the minimum work process has not been adopted, so the old one is being applied, which is interpreted differently by trade unionists and the state as an employer. In parallel with the negotiations on salary increases for employees in education, healthcare and the public sector, there is a debate on the minimum work process, which must be respected in case of announced strikes. The strike law was passed in 2015, but not the new decree on the minimum work process, which would have regulated the conditions and method of organizing the strike in more detail, as well as the rights and obligations of employees and employers. Srdja Kekovic of the Union of Free Trade Unions states that they have addressed the authorities several times so that the issue could be opened and initiated in accordance with the law. And while the union announces that they will not hold classes if they go on strike, the ministry refers to the government’s minimum work process regulation from 2006, according to which classes must not be suspended. Given that there is no new regulation, the one referred to by the ministry must be applied, says labour law professor Vesna Simovic-Zvicer, but also points to its shortcomings. “The content of the regulation is problematic. It does not actually foresee a minimum, but that classes during the strike take place as if it were a regular situation, which is not good. On the other hand, we have announcements that the Trade Union itself will determine the minimum work process. This is even more problematic due to the fact that according to the strike law, the union can propose participants who will take part in the minimum work process, that is, the names of their colleagues who are on strike and who will perform their duties during the minimum work process, but it cannot determine the minimum work process itself”, she adds. Although the current actors of the Education Union and the Ministry cannot be held responsible for the fact that the minimum work process has not been established so far, Professor Simovic-Zvicer hopes for a compromise. She expects that the Government will respect the branch collective agreement, which provides for an increase in the wages of educators, and that there will be no strike. Otherwise, she hopes for a peaceful resolution of the dispute before the Agency, which the Trade Union is obliged to inform if it decides to go on strike.


Action Plan draft sent to Brussels, roadmaps to be adopted once conditions in place: Deputy PM (MIA)


First Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said Sunday a draft of the Action Plan on the rights of communities has been sent to Brussels, whereas the roadmaps will be reviewed and adopted once conditions are in place. Marichikj told reporters the country has already received several cycles of remarks that have been embedded in the texts of the two roadmaps. "A draft of the Action Plan has been sent and once we assess together with Brussels, we will send the final version. Member-states are currently reviewing these documents. I will pay a visit to Brussels the week after next and see how things develop, considering there are difficult discussions related to enlargement at this time, ahead of the European elections. I believe the process related to the roadmaps will move forward as is the case with other countries, they will be reviewed and adopted once conditions are in place. In the meantime, we received several cycles of remarks that we have embedded in the texts of the roadmaps. It is a regular procedure," said Marichikj.


Kovachevski: Political parties belong to coalitions sharing same values (MIA)


SDSM's offer to all political parties, non-governmental and other organizations, as well as individuals who share the vision for a European Macedonia to join us for the 24 April and 8 May elections still stands, said SDSM leader and former PM Dimitar Kovachevski on Sunday. Kovachevski said he has met with Alliance for Albanians (AA) leader Arben Taravari, but not with high-ranking AA official Ziadin Sela. AA leader Taravari sought support from the party over joining the opposition parties of ethnic Albanians, while secretary-general and current Justice Minister Krenar Lloga urged the party to stick to its decision to run alone at the elections. "The country has built a democratic society in which every political party and individual are free to make their decisions," Kovachevski said when asked what if AA went into opposition. He added that political parties belong to coalitions that share the same values.


Leader wants AA to join opposition of ethnic Albanians, secretary-general says party has decided to run alone (MIA)


Alliance for Albanians (AA) leader Arben Taravari sought late Saturday support from the party over joining the opposition parties of ethnic Albanians. "Believing in my fellow party members and our joint vision, I seek for support so that AA enters the election race together with the Albanian opposition, in order to do the best for the country!" Taravari wrote in a Facebook post. He adds that after a few weeks of frequent consultations and meetings, as well as personal contemplation, it is time to present his position as party leader. "Considering the valuable and kind proposals from all friends, members and supporters, I chose to listen to the voice of the people who have spoken louder than ever. The citizen wants to see a change! The people want a political system free of the epidemic of corruption, which has become the biggest obstacle for the well-being and development of Albanians in North Macedonia," says Taravari. He urged the AA's Assembly to support his stance and welcome the process of a big and long-awaited change. Later in the evening, AA secretary-general and current Justice Minister Krenar Lloga urged the party to stick to its decision to run alone at the elections. "Let me inform you that AA has not reviewed any motion within its party bodies over pre-election coalitions. The Presidency decision to run alone at the elections is currently in force. I urge the AA Assembly to support the unanimous proposal by the Presidency - AA to run alone at the 2024 parliamentary elections," Lloga wrote in a Facebook post.


Marichikj says no problems in functioning of caretaker government (MIA)


There are no problems in the functioning of the caretaker government, and I expect it to remain in office until the end of its term, said First Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj on Sunday. "We expect to maybe have more than one session on Tuesday and endorse the law on restrictive measures," Marichikj told reporters at the sidelines of the observance of the 152nd anniversary from the birth of Macedonian revolutionary in Skopje-based church "St.Spas". He said Delchev's name and work deserve a dignified observance. "We are pleased there are no provocations this year, because Goce's name and work should be celebrated without any conflicts or abuses," said Marichikj.


Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Tajani gathers the heads of diplomacy of the Western Balkans in Rome (Radio Tirana)


The heads of diplomacy from Western Balkan countries will meet in the Italian capital today, 5 February, to discuss the progress of the six Balkan countries towards European integration.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Antonio Tajani, who announced this meeting a few days ago, stated that foreign ministers from member countries of the 'Friends of the Western Balkans' group will be in attendance. The foreign ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia will participate in the meeting, scheduled to be held at 'Villa Madama' in Rome. The meeting aims to strengthen coordination on the objectives and priorities to be pursued in 2024 regarding the European integration of the Balkan region. The 'Friends of the Western Balkans' group, established in June 2023, brings together Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Greece, and Slovenia. Its objective is to maintain the EU's focus on the region and promote an accelerated integration process.