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Belgrade Media Report 27 March 2024



Vucevic: We have a ready answer to what will happen in the Council of Europe, the new government will have new energy and new faces (RTS)


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in technical mandate Milos Vucevic, commenting on today's session in the Council of Europe on the admission of Pristina to that organization, and said that a festival of hypocrisy and cynicism is at work in international public law because everything that applies to everyone does not apply only to Albanians in the so-called Kosovo. In an interview with RTS, he said that the Government will be formed on time, that it will have new energy and new faces.


At today's session, the Political Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will vote on the recommendation of rapporteur Dora Bakoyannis for the so-called Kosovo to be accepted into that organization. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in the technical mandate Milos Vucevic said that Pristina should have fulfilled three conditions - return the land to Visoki Decani, form the ZSO and stop the expropriation of property in Serbian municipalities. However, the doors of the Council of Europe were opened immediately after the first condition was fulfilled, and that happened eight years after the verdict, Vucevic pointed out, noting that Pristina has a majority, although there is no consensus in the Council of Europe.


It is the first time that a territory that is not a state in the full sense gets the opportunity and the status of a favored subject in international public law in the process of joining the SE. "We saw a festival of hypocrisy and cynicism in international public law, that everything that applies to everyone, does not apply only to the Albanians from so-called Kosovo, that everything they guaranteed to Serbia does not exist and there are no sanctions against Pristina," Vucevic said.


He pointed out that Serbia has adequate answers to all possible situations, including what will happen in the Council of Europe, as well as that it does not want to show all the cards in advance. "We should look at the political and diplomatic level to do everything we can, and of course the state of Serbia has adequate answers to all possible situations, even in relation to what will happen in the Council of Europe, so let's not run ahead, let's not be heroic, let's see what the state and national interests of Serbia are and how to protect them in these almost impossible conditions," Vucevic said.


"There is nothing accidental about choosing a date"


Milos Vucevic pointed out that days that are important for the Serbian people are deliberately chosen in order to make certain decisions. "To emphasize once again to the citizens of Serbia, and above all to those who feel part of the Serbian people, exactly on March 24, on the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression, the so-called Kosovo will receive the status of an associated member, an observer in the parliamentary assembly of the NATO pact. If anyone believes that it is a coincidence, it is not a coincidence, just as it is not a coincidence that they delivered, like a sack of potatoes, the former president of Serbia and the FRY, Slobodan Milosevic, on Vidovdan. There is nothing accidental about the date," said Vucevic.


Increased presence of law enforcement on the streets

When asked what the security situation is like in Serbia, Vucevic answers that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija represents the biggest security risk for our country. "Given all that is happening - the arming of the so-called Kosovo security forces and the process of forming the army, which they are persistently trying to install, that is, to form," said the Minister of Defense.


When it comes to security in central Serbia, in the context of the terrorist attack in Moscow, clear instructions were given after the session of the National Security Council. "Ministry of Interior increased the presence of its members. The Security and Information Agency has strengthened its counterintelligence and intelligence activities, but certainly also its presence on the ground. And the Ministry of Defense received an order from the President of the State, that is, the Serbian Army, to have military police patrols present in public spaces, plus our two military agencies - security and intelligence," said Vucevic.


Vucevic announces the government of continuity


Vucevic, who is also the deputy prime minister and president of SNS, pointed out that due to the terrorist attack in Moscow, security issues, the cancellation of the dinar in Kosovo and Metohija and further pressures, i.e. the process of receiving the so-called of Kosovo to the Council of Europe, they did not have the conditions to deal with the formation of a new government. "I believe that in the next seven, 10, 15 days we will see the clear contours of the future government and that we will inform the public about it. We are not late, that is why there are legal deadlines of 90 days for the formation of the government. It is neither a precedent, nor is it something unusual in political life, not in Serbia but in Europe and the whole world. So, we are not late anywhere, the government is performing its regular tasks," said Vucevic.


He announced that in terms of politics, it will be a government of continuity, and the backbone of the work program of the future government will be what is presented through the project "Leap into the future - Serbia 2027". "The new government must bring new energy, and some new faces, and some new strength, and new optimism, a new will to fight together with the president, with the National Assembly, for Serbia, for all its citizens. And, above all, that those who will be part of the cabinet at Nemanjina 11 are aware of their responsibilities," said Vucevic. He says that he sees himself as a part of the team, in whatever position he is in - "the bench for the reserves or the stands". "I believe in this policy because it is the only policy that protects Serbia," concluded Vucevic.


President Vucic with ambassadors of Quint (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade with the ambassadors of the Quint countries - the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany. The meeting started a little after 10:00, and the US Ambassador Christopher Hill, Great Britain Ambassador Edward Ferguson, French Ambassador Pierre Cochard, Italian Ambassador Luca Gori, German Ambassador Anke Konrad, Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Belgrade Emanuele Giaufret were present. The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, is also present.


As the media reports, it is expected that the topics of the conversation will be the political situation in KiM. Two meetings were held in Brussels in the last 10 days as part of the dialogue at the level of the main negotiators, and the topic was finding a solution after the abolition of the dinar as a means of payment in the area of KiM. An agreement was not reached, and a new round of dialogue should be held on April 4. The last time, Vucic met with the ambassadors of the Quint countries was on January 31, when the topic of discussion was the regulation on payment transactions and the abolition of the dinar in KiM.


Vucic: Difficult days ahead for Serbia, the vital interests of Serbia and the RS are directly threatened (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, announced last night that difficult days are ahead for Serbia, and added that in the coming days, he will inform the people of Serbia about the challenges ahead. "At this moment, it is not easy to say what kind of news we have received in the last 48 hours. They directly threaten the vital national interests of both Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS)," Vucic wrote on his Instagram account. He said that the upcoming challenges are "the most difficult so far". "In the coming days, I will introduce the people of Serbia to all the challenges that lie ahead of us. It will be difficult, the most difficult so far. We will fight, Serbia will win," said Vucic.


Vucic: The time of challenges is ahead, we have to take care of ourselves and strengthen the army (Tanjug)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said during a tour of the factory of the company "Complex Combat Systems" in Pljakovo near Kursumlija, where armored combat vehicles "Lazar" and "Milos" are produced, that we must take care of ourselves and strengthen the country's army and defense capabilities. President Vucic assessed that the time of challenges in the geopolitical sense is ahead of us. "We have to take care of ourselves, of our own army. It is obvious that the time of challenges in the geopolitical sense is ahead of us. Will we be able to position ourselves in the best possible way and in those difficult times to preserve peace and people, but also the country, as well as deterring any potential aggressor? That is a big and important issue for us," Vucic pointed out. He stressed that in any case we must continue to strengthen our army and our defense capacities. "We need to install better corporate management in some factories. We need to work much harder and invest much more," said Vucic.


"We are checking whether other countries interfered in our elections"


President Aleksandar Vucic said last night that one foreign country has been behind, as he stated, the brutal interference in the December elections in Serbia, adding that Serbia is currently checking whether there were other countries that interfered in the elections. "We won't have any problems talking about it. I already informed the representatives of that country verbally, but I'm waiting until I have all the evidence," said Vucic when asked by a journalist if he had received an answer to the letter he sent about the interference foreign countries in the Serbian elections, adding that he is waiting to receive more evidence about this. "From the financing of various organizations to the financing of various fake projects, where the money was only used to pass through to those who organize demonstrations, to those who organize training for opposition activists. Imagine someone else doing it in another country. They complained about Russian interference in internal affairs for some much, much smaller things," said Vucic.


The bombing of the FRY is a forbidden topic, the absence of discussion in the UN Security Council does not change the historical facts (RTS)


The bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was not a topic for the Security Council yesterday, nor was it 25 years ago. The head of diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, says that it is a shocking fact that someone does not want to hear the truth about the events of 25 years ago. That, however, does not change the historical truth that there was no legal basis for the decision on aggression against the FRY, Dacic said. In 1999, the most important body of the United Nations was not even asked about NATO aggression, and a quarter of a century later, the member countries of the Security Council did not vote to put the discussion on the anniversary of the bombing, which was initiated by Russia, on the agenda. "For us, it is surprising that someone does not want to hear the truth about the events of 25 years ago," said the head of diplomacy, Ivica Dacic. He states that at that time there was an opinion that the Security Council could be avoided - because a decision on the bombing of Serbia could not be made, and that the situation is similar now. "This is where the discussion can be avoided. When the decision about the bombing was not made 25 years ago, what should be discussed even after 25 years," said Dacic.


The discussion about the bombing was initiated by Russia


The Russian ambassador to the UN reacts in a similar tone, whose discussion with the French ambassador marked yesterday's session. The French representative believed that Russia was cynically using the intervention in '99 with its request, in order to justify the war against Ukraine and the aggressive foreign policy in Georgia and Crimea. The Russian diplomat, on the other hand, is convinced that NATO representatives were uncomfortable discussing what they were doing. "It is another episode of France's diplomatic aggression. It is a sad day for the Security Council and a shameful day, because the NATO members who caused the terrible suffering of the people of the former Yugoslavia in '99 simply did not want to hear it and talk about it," said Russia's ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya. Nebenzya states that NATO members tried to silence those who wanted to speak about it. "I see that they do not want to hear and are afraid of legal responsibility for what they were not responsible for," said the Russian ambassador to the UN. Ivica Dacic says that the fact that the fact that the session was not held does not change the historical truth. "And that is that there was no legal basis for the decision to bomb Serbia, that the decision was illegal, but in their opinion legitimate because it was a humanitarian disaster in the so-called Kosovo and Metohija. What a humanitarian disaster it is, if you are fighting against those who want to break off a part of your territory and would they look at it today if the territorial integrity of another country was at stake, not Serbia," says Dacic.


The decision to bomb changed the world


Greek MP Thanasis Pafilis believes that NATO's decision to attack the FRY completely changed the world we knew until then. "Everything that happened with Yugoslavia was the beginning of what is now called the 'new world order', which means the domination of imperialism. Yugoslavia was the first laboratory where NATO, the USA and the EU began to implement the 'new situation' for the world. This means serving the interests of large multinational capital and destroying anyone who wants to resist it," said Pafilis, who is staying in Belgrade these days.


The debate in the SB, which ultimately did not even take place, was requested by Russia on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the bombing. In the document that was supposed to be the basis for the discussion, it was assessed that the aggression created the prerequisites for new military actions around the world under the guise of the alleged struggle for the values of freedom and democracy. In this way, the UN would be invited to condemn the NATO military operation against FR Yugoslavia.


Botsan-Kharchenko: The West hysterically blocked the SB session on aggression against the FRY (RTS)


The Russian ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, said that Western countries blocked the holding of the United Nations Security Council session on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression against the FRY because, as he stated, they are afraid of the truth. Botsan-Kharchenko said that "the West hysterically blocked the holding of the UN Security Council session on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia." "That speaks for itself, it explains more than dozens of presentations. How afraid of the truth they are," said Bochan-Kharchenko on the X social network.


Last night, member countries of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) did not vote to put Russia's initiative to discuss the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia in 1999 on the agenda of the session in New York. Russia, China and Algeria voted for holding the session, there were no votes against, but 12 members of the UN Security Council abstained - France, Great Britain, USA, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, South Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia and Switzerland.


Dacic: We are disappointed that the truth about NATO aggression was prevented from being heard in the UN Security Council (RTS)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic stated that Serbia is disappointed because the United Nations Security Council was prevented from hearing the truth about NATO's aggression against FR Yugoslavia in 1999. The head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, said at a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York, since the discussion of 25 years since the beginning of the NATO bombing of FRY was not put on the agenda of the UN Security Council, that there was a precedent in procedural voting.


"We came here at the invitation of the UN Security Council. We believe that the topic is extremely important for the international legal order and that today, just as the bombing of Serbia was carried out as a precedent, a precedent took place during a procedural vote," said Dacic.

Serbia, he pointed out, is disappointed because the truth about NATO's aggression was prevented from being heard in the United Nations Security Council. He thanked Russia, China and Algeria for supporting the initiative to discuss the bombing of FRY in the Security Council. The head of Serbian diplomacy also thanked the countries that did not vote in favor, saying that many countries abstained because they did not want to discuss a topic in which "there are obviously double standards".


Dacic, commenting on the fact that the NATO bombing was carried out for alleged humanitarian reasons, asked what humanitarian reasons were in question, given that "almost complete ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija" was carried out. "Is there a need for humanitarian intervention against Pristina now when crimes are being committed against the Serbian people, when 14 percent of Serbs have been expelled in the last few months, when Pristina does not want to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities, but that is why it is rewarded with membership in various international organizations" said the head of Serbian diplomacy.


"It is cynical that Serbia could not talk about aggression"


"The use of force in international relations is illegal and represents a violation of the fundamental principles and rules of international law. That's what the NATO members themselves said, qualifying that action as an illegal but legitimate use of force in order to stop the alleged humanitarian disaster," Dacic said. He added that it is cynical that today Serbia could not speak about it in the Security Council, and 25 years ago they did not even ask the Security Council if they were going to bomb Serbia. "Besides the bombs, you can't even say anything about all that, it speaks about the international legal order and international law," Dacic said. He stated that the arbitrary use of armed force is not allowed, it is only possible under strictly defined conditions stipulated by the UN Charter. "NATO and its members had no grounds based on international law for aggression against Yugoslavia. Because what was at stake all these years and decades was the illegal struggle for the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and Yugoslavia," Dacic said.

He stated that in the Security Council, everyone talks about territorial integrity, but nobody talks about the territorial integrity of Serbia... "It is possible that the KLA, which was on the lines of terrorist organizations, will rise up, they will lead the fight for the secession of Kosovo, not from Milosevic, but even before him. For several centuries, the fight for the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and the destruction of our territorial integrity has been going on," said Dacic.


"Council of Europe session convened to ensure Pristina's independence"


Dacic believes that the upcoming session of the Council of Europe, at which the reception of the so-called of Kosovo to the Council of Europe, convened to ensure Pristina's independence and that it is a continuation of what began with the NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia.

"It's just a continuation of everything that started on this day 25 years ago. They simply cannot believe that such a small country as Serbia is fighting so that "the full independence of Kosovo" is not realized on the international level. And they wonder how it is possible for countries to withdraw recognition. Here, today, 109 countries do not recognize Kosovo, 84 recognize it,'' Dacic told reporters at the United Nations headquarters in New York. He pointed out that the international community asked Pristina to form the Association of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija, but that was abandoned and the procedure for admitting Pristina to the Council of Europe was initiated. He added that the rapporteur for the reception of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe Dora Bakoyannis gave a positive opinion for Kosovo's entry into the Council of Europe. Dacic stated that Bakoyannis's opinion will be met with approval, since the largest number of countries under the influence of the West recognized the independence of the so-called. Kosovo.


"After that, in April, they would probably go to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, so a difficult period awaits us and, of course, a period when you really need to re-examine the principles on which it all rests. If it no longer matters whether some country is internationally recognized or not, if it is no longer important whether some part of the territory can secede and become a member of the Council of Europe, where is the end of all that or does someone think that this can only apply to Serbia? We are seriously thinking about how to behave in a situation where international principles are grossly violated,'' said Dacic. He pointed out that, on the other hand, Serbia's international position must be taken into account. "What is certain is that Kosovo will not be able to enter the United Nations, as long as we have our firm position, our leadership, led by President Vucic, and that is that we will never recognize the independence of Kosovo", Dacic concluded.


Russia again requests UN SC meeting on NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (FoNet)


Russia has again requested a UN Security Council meeting on NATO’s 1999 aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), said Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky, reported FoNet. On March 25 Russia sent an official letter to the Japanese presidency, requesting to hold as soon as possible a UN Security Council meeting, devoted to the 25th anniversary of NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia, said Ployansky. He added that the letter was sent to Security Council members, and that an official response from the Japanese presidency is awaited. Polyansky earlier said that Western delegations had disrupted on March 25 a UN Security Council meeting about the bombings of Yugoslavia, initiated by Russia. The members failed to approve the agenda as only three Security Council members (Algeria, Russia and China) voted in favor, while 12 abstained. No delegations voted against it, but the agenda was turned down because it did not receive the required nine votes in favor.


Brnabic: During my presidency in Geneva, they talked about the anniversary of NATO aggression (RTS)


The President of the Assembly of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, presided over part of the general debate of the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva, the topic of which was "Parliamentary diplomacy: building bridges for peace and understanding". Strengthening parliamentary relations, as well as economic connection, were the topics of Ana Brnabic's conversation with representatives of Azerbaijan, Egypt, China and Malta. At the invitation of the President of the Assembly of the Interparliamentary Union, Ana Brnabic assumed the presidency of the body that gathers representatives of 180 parliaments from all over the world.


As it was announced from the office of the President of the Assembly, she was given the honor of presiding during the second day of the general debate. "It is interesting, for example, that it happened that during the presidency, the Vice President of the People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, as well as the representative of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, spoke about the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and the damage caused to the international legal order by the unilateral declaration of independence of the so-called of the Republic of Kosovo," Brnabic stated after the debate.


With the Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament on the improvement of parliamentary and economic cooperation


Previously, on the sidelines of the session, she met with the Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament, Sahiba Gafarova. "I had a very good meeting with the President of the Azerbaijani Parliament", said the President of the Assembly Ana Brnabic and added that we are talking about very good friends and a country that we can always rely on. As she pointed out, we cultivate good relations based on a strategic partnership. Brnabic added that there was talk of improving parliamentary cooperation and that cooperation in the field of energy and economy should be initiated through working bodies and committees.


Meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament of Egypt


The President of the Assembly, Ana Brnabic, also met with her colleague from Egypt, Hanafy El Gebaly, and she assessed the meeting as very good. There was talk of parliamentary cooperation and support for governments to complete the Free Trade Agreement between the two countries.

Brnabic also points out that Egypt is an extremely important market for food exports from Serbia. She also pointed out that she appreciates Egypt's position on Kosovo. Namely, although in 2013 Egypt verbally recognized the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, it soon took the position of freezing all activities in relations with Pristina and not voting for Pristina's membership in international organizations. The President of the Assembly adds that she also had meetings with colleagues from Belgium and Ireland - countries with which we still need to work on strengthening cooperation and contacts.


Meeting with the President of the World Economic Forum


Economic topics were dominant in the meeting with the president of the World Economic Forum, Borge Brende. "The World Economic Forum opened one of the centers for the fourth industrial revolution in Belgrade, the only such center still exists in Oslo, and this shows how great recognition is for Serbia. We have a joint conference on artificial intelligence and biotechnology, which is being held this year for the third time in Belgrade. We talked about who we can invite, but also about the geopolitical circumstances that will affect the growth of the world economy and the challenges that lie ahead," Brnabic emphasized. She states that she has heard praise for the Serbian economy, as the IMF mentioned at the meeting with President Vucic, that the word that best reflects our economy is resilience.


The Speaker of the Parliament ended her first visit in her new position with a meeting with the Vice President of the All-Chinese People's Congress, the former Minister of Finance of China. She stated that the conversation was part of the preparations for the upcoming visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Serbia. She also met with a colleague from Malta. She pointed out that this meeting is important, because Malta is the country that currently chairs the OSCE. Ana Brnabic paid a two-day visit to Geneva, where she participated in the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which gathers representatives of parliaments from all over the world.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


HR Schmidt uses Bonn Powers and imposes changes to B&H Election Law (N1)


High Representative Christian Schmidt used his Bonn Powers on Tuesday and imposed two, long-awaited decisions. The first one refers to changes to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the so-called integrity package. In addition to that, he gave a new deadline of three weeks for domestic authorities to amend the offered solutions, if necessary. Schmidt emphasized that he is doing this for all citizens of B&H, as a guarantee for having free and fair elections. In explanation of his move on Tuesday, Schmidt said there is only six months until local elections in B&H, and the domestic authorities have not adopted a solution for the Election Law, which is why he had to react.


During a press conference, Schmidt said the technical changes will introduce scanners for ballots, identification of voters via biometrical data, which will ensure people that cast their votes are eligible to do so, and this means every eligible voter will vote only once. Schmidt explained that this is a pilot project which will be implemented in certain municipalities in B&H, not everywhere. He said paper ballots will be given to voters, and then when voting is completed, the ballot will be scanned. Schmidt emphasized that these changes will disable any attempt at changing the ballots and their content. N1 reporters explained that Schmidt’s changes will refer to around 10 municipalities in B&H, and this will be a pilot project at the upcoming local elections. N1 noted that Schmidt imposed many changes, which is why N1 contacted the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H to get some details on what was introduced. The B&H CEC officials said some changes refer to the election campaigns and financing of those campaigns. They also refer to the mandate of the B&H CEC, and the appointment of the polling station committees.


According to the technical changes to the B&H Election Law imposed by the High Representative, a person who was elected to a legislative body, and in the previous mandate held a position in an executive body, which remained in a technical mandate, will have to freeze the parliamentary mandate. The decision of the High Representative also implies that the B&H CEC appoints, dismisses, and keeps records, education, certification and evaluation of the president of the polling station committee and his deputy, and they may not be members of political parties. The decision of the High Representative also stipulates that the budget funds necessary for financing the elections are paid at the time and in the amounts determined by the B&H CEC. According to the new provisions, a person convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide before any court, domestic or international, cannot be a candidate in elections, nor can they hold an elected or appointed office. “Since there are only six months until the next elections, we have to implement the changes we make in time. Since local solutions are not likely, I took care of it. After December, when we discussed these issues in B&H, I issued an order to the authorities in B&H to fulfill this goal. I said then - go, work on these issues - and then there were different interpretations as to whether I said two weeks, three weeks, four weeks. However, my intention was to encourage the local authorities to do their part. However, that was not done,” Schmidt told a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Schmidt pointed out that the guidelines are very clear, noting that a certain part of the changes concerns the election campaign, and for other parts, he left the Parliament of B&H three weeks to adopt possible changes if they want.


B&H CEC President Arnautovic: We have made all preparations for organizing the pilot project (N1)


President of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Suad Arnautovic told members of the press that they have made all preparations for organizing the pilot project - which would refer to ten municipalities and 160 polling stations. That project would imply introduction of new technologies, Arnautovic added. He explained that a lot of work will have to be done after such technical changes are introduced. Arnautovic also said that the CEC B&H has already sent the initiative to the B&H Parliament twice, in accordance with the Election Law, because they are authorized to submit a report to the Parliament on the conducted elections and to initiate the initiative for changes electoral legislation. As he said, the CEC is the legally authorized initiator of changes to the Election Law. He said that the B&H CEC’s legal department actively cooperated with OHR’s legal department. “We said what we had to say, including asking them for this to happen as soon as possible. Whether this will be adopted by the B&H Parliament or the High Representative, we simply have to know the rules. Independently from this, we are preparing for local elections as if nothing will happen. We have what we have, but we would certainly like to have certain innovations. We have already started with what can do- we are preparing bylaws in a draft form and we will publish them on the day of announcing of local elections,” said Arnautovic. He noted that the biggest innovations concern the election process on the day of elections, but he did not comment the details because this has not been adopted.


The Troika’, FB&H Politicians on HR Schmidt’s Decision (Dnevni avaz,


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konakovic welcomed the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt on imposing of technical changes to B&H Election Law. “Protection of election integrity is important process for democracy in our country. It is high time for voters and not counters to make decisions,” said Konakovic.


Party ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) welcomed the decision of Schmidt. In an issued statement, NiP stated that everyone witnessed various malversations one election cycle after another and in one moment it became clear that it is not important how the citizens vote, but who has the control over polling stations committees, election commissions and counting of votes. All this, NiP stated, made citizens losing faith that election can bring any changes and, in the end, resulted in decreasing turnout of voters. NiP stated that introducing of modern technologies and different methods in forming of polling stations committees, finally returns the hope in fair and honest elections, underlining that it would be much better if domestic political actors managed to find the solution.  party stressed that they gave significant attention to this issue, acknowledged all stances in B&H, but unfortunately it became clear that certain political structures do not want to improve election process in any way and High Representative’s action was the only solution in this moment.


SDP B&H leader and Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister (PM) Nermin Niksic stated that compromise is possible even when it comes to changes to the Election Law of B&H although HDZ B&H is not giving up on its earlier proposals according to which cantons with Croat majority would decide who will be Croat member of the Presidency of B&H. Niksic added by saying he believes that, at this moment, it is possible to reach compromise on changes to the Election Law that would not touch the issue of election of members of the B&H Presidency. Commenting the success on the EU path, Niksic said it is a result of policy of compromise: “This was not done by ‘The Troika’ only, this was not possible to solve without consent from Mr. (Milorad) Dodik and Mr. (Dragan) Covic”. The SDP B&H leader announced he will go into political retirement after serving the current mandate at the helm of SDP B&H. “If I am an obstacle to unification of DF and SDP BiH, I will not stand in the way, but DF chose SDA for partner, not SDP”, said Niksic, who also stated that coalition with SDA is possible, but certain things have to fall in place.


B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez (SDP) stated that he fully supports High Representative Christian Schmidt in imposing of technical changes to B&H Election Law. “I am certain that technical changes that High Representative imposed, most notably introducing of scanners, video surveillance and identification of voters, will make the election process in our country more transparent and more democratic,” said Helez. He said that we will now have election results which will reflect will of the voters not the politicians.


SDP B&H issued a press statement stating that protection of integrity of election process is one of key steps in protection of integrity of election process. Party expressed regret that integrity package has not been adopted by local officials, noting that introducing of contemporary technologies is a step that needs to be welcomed. “One of founding democratic principles is for citizens to elect and to can be elected on equal grounds, without interventions and manipulations of their will. Unfortunately, we have witnessed malversations, abuses of election process and falsifying of election will of citizens in all elections, in increased intensity one election cycle after another,” reads the statement. SDP stated that ‘Troika’ parties approached talks on changes to Election Law with dedication and they searched for compromises and offered solutions. “We will continue to act in this way in all further processes. We call on all political actors to accept the decision of the High Representative as a positive step forward and to together work on all other issues, which need to be solved for B&H’s accession to the EU,” reads SDP’s statement.


FB&H President Lidija Bradara told “Srna” news agency it is her opinion and opinion of HDZ B&H that local politicians should adopt decisions by themselves and assume responsibility for everything that happens. Bradara stressed that the example of the Election Law of B&H shows how difficult it is, at the same time asking what is alternative. She further said that the right of a people to elect their representatives is everything HDZ B&H has wanted for years and that each flaw was found in each proposal. Bradara noted that right of the people to elect their own representatives is something that HDZ B&H has been asking for years and every proposal was dismissed. “Talks and agreements, as much as seem difficult sometime, have no alternative. We all have our opinion on everything, but currently it is best to comment as least as possible and talk as much as possible,” said Bradara.


B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated that the changes will secure fairer elections on the long run. “It will take time to see all the effects of the changes, but at the moment it seems as if the vote of the citizens of B&H will be worth more than before, because votes will be less manipulated”, said Komsic. He added that it is good for B&H that the country is taking a step forward in the process of integration with the EU, and that the HDZ B&H no longer has the opportunity to subvert its political ambitions in the form of a third entity in the process of protecting electoral integrity. “Now is the time to focus on other laws that are necessary for the opening of negotiations”, Komsic concluded.


SDA welcomed High Representative Christian Schmidt’s decision to impose the technical changes to the B&H Election Law, but it also criticized the ruling coalition at the B&H level because the High Representative had to intervene. “We express our regret that the ‘Troika’, SNSD and HDZ B&H did not support the amendments to the Election Law previously proposed by SDA, as this would have avoided the reaction of the High Representative and resolved the integrity of the electoral process in a more comprehensive way,” SDA said in a statement.


Dodik gives statement prior to Schmidt’s decision: The RS cannot accept to live in conditions of imposed regulations; Schmidt has nothing to do with election process in B&H (O kanal)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that there is no country in the world where a foreigner or a foreign body would regulate the election process and that he expects that this will not happen. Dodik noted this before Schmidt addressed the press conference to announce the decision on the Election Law. Dodik noted that the RS cannot accept to live in the conditions of imposed regulations, saying that Schmidt has nothing to do with the election process in B&H. “Schmidt has nothing to do with the property or the electoral process. It is the property of the people living in B&H. If you go for it, then we have to take measures, and we have said what measures we will take. The possible imposition of changes to the Election Law represents the annulment of all the stated values so far, including those about the EU that we heard about, especially recently when they gave B&H negotiating status”, added Dodik. The RS President previously announced the adoption of the RS election law as a response to Schmidt’s imposed decisions. He stated that RS had previously been stripped of its competences in connection with the elections. He said that based on the Dayton Agreement, B&H can conduct elections for members of the Presidency and the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H, and everything else should be conducted by the entity level in the territory of the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H). He concluded that, in case the Election Law is imposed, then the following situation would be happening: “Then it is all a lie. Someone is lying big time here, or is it about the fact that a few days after the decision someone appears in Brussels who destroys it all, and the one who destroys is the one who falsely presents himself as a high representative, who only listens to the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, and the two of them, in a pathological symbiosis, try to impose as much evil as possible to all peoples in B&H.”


Cvijanovic says Schmidt does not have right to impose decisions and change laws (RTRS)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that Christian Schmidt is not a High Representative, and even if he was, he would not have the right to impose decisions and change laws. Cvijanovic commented Schmidt’s imposed decision regarding Election Law changes. She said whenever B&H leaders make a step forward, Schmidt brings the country three steps back. She said this is a slap in the face for the country’s path towards the EU. She pointed out that it is obvious that Schmidt, together with his mentors and commanders, is consciously undermining the EU's credibility in B&H with dictatorial decisions. Cvijanovic said that it is unheard of for an unelected foreigner to impose decisions on any member of the UN, especially in a country that is on the threshold of starting negotiations with the EU. Cvijanovic said that this will result in an additional complication of the political situation in B&H, “which was obviously Schmidt's idea.” “The intention is to cause chaos and show that two sides are not B&H and EU. Those who are ordering Schmidt want to show that EU is their colony as well and unfortunately, they succeeded not by pinching and pushing, but by fist in the head. So much for euphoria and negotiating status.”


Viskovic: By imposing the law, B&H's European path is probably over (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that what is normal for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is not found anywhere in the world, and that the imposition of changes to the Election Law of B&H probably ended the country's European path. He pointed out that if a country wants to be a member of the EU, it must make decisions and create solutions with its own resources and institutions. Viskovic said Christian Schmidt is a fake High Representative and he should not be allowed to impose decisions in B&H. He says he was not surprised by Schmidt’s imposed decision on Tuesday, but still, this is something that proves B&H has no sovereignty.


EU reacts to Schmidt’s decision: Extensive international supervision is incompatible with European future of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


European External Action Service Spokesperson, Peter Stano, issued a statement in reaction to the decision of the High Representative Christian Schmidt to impose technical changes to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law. “On March 26, High Representative Schmidt decided to amend the Election Law of B&H. The EU recalls that his executive powers should be used only as a measure of the last resort against irreparable unlawful acts. The EU expects that BiH authorities implement the required reforms ensuring that elections are conducted in line with European standards by implementing OSCE/ODIHR and relevant Venice Commission recommendations and ensure transparency of political party financing. The EU has expressed a strong preference for the B&H Parliament to take its responsibility and adopt these reforms, as the state coalition leaders committed to do in time for implementation during the October municipal elections. The EU underlines that extensive international supervision is incompatible with the European future of B&H and expects all stakeholders to act responsibly and show restraint in the period ahead. Following the European Council’s decision to open accession negotiation, the EU will continue to work with B&H authorities to advance on the European path”, reads the statement.


US, UK and Nederland welcome HR Schmidt’s decision (Dnevni avaz)


The U.S. Embassy with Ambassador Michael Murphy at helm welcomed the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt on imposing of technical changes to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law, in order to strengthen integrity of election process in B&H. “The United States welcomes the High Representative’s decision to adopt legislation to strengthen election integrity in B&H. We regret that not all of the parties engaged in good faith or made a genuine commitment to election integrity. Their failure is why the HR had to act. It is vital to ensure that elections are free and fair and that B&H citizens know that their ballots will be counted as they were cast,” Embassy posted on ‘X’.


UK Embassy to B&H supported the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt on imposing of technical changes to B&H Election Law. “United Kingdom has a clear stance that election system of B&H needs to be more transparent and more just before holding of local elections in October 2024. It is a regretful fact that local politicians have not fulfilled their promises that they will solve this issue, despite the fact that they have had time measures in months. High Representative has our full support for his actions which aim to provide stronger integrity which citizens and political parties demand,” Ambassador Julian Reilly posted on ‘X’.


The Netherlands Ambassador Henk Van den Dool posted on ‘X’ welcoming the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt on imposing of technical changes to B&H Election Law. “NL considers HR's decision to adopt legislation to strengthen election integrity in B&H as timely, appropriate and in accordance with Key Priority 1. Implementing recommendations of ODIHR/Venice Com is crucial to restore public trust in the election process,” wrote Ambassador.


Working version of RS election law published (BNTV)


Republika Srpska (RS) published a working version of the election law of the RS. The election law of the RS, the working version of which is in the possession of Srna, provides that the bodies responsible for conducting elections are the Republican Electoral Commission, as well as city and municipal election committees. This text of the law regulates the election and appointment of representatives of the RS National Assembly and delegates of the RS Council of Peoples, the president and vice president of the RS, caucuses of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples, councilors of the city and municipality assemblies, the election and recall of city mayors and mayors, as well as the election members of the local community council.


The working version of the election law also regulates the appointment of bodies for the implementation of elections, protection of electoral rights, rules of conduct in the election campaign, financing of the election campaign, as well as other issues of importance for the implementation of this law. The seat of the Republican Election Commission is in Banja Luka, this commission has a seal in accordance with the law, it has a website where all election regulations, as well as all other decisions of importance for the election process, are published within 24 hours of the decision being made, it is written in the working version of the RS election law. The voter's list and extract from the voter's list are public, available on the website of the Republic Electoral Commission and the center for the voter's list in the city or municipality.


According to the working version of the law, funds for conducting elections are provided in the budget of the RS, city and municipality, depending on which level of government the elections are held for. "The Republican Election Commission and the city or municipal election commission independently dispose with the funds for exercising authority and conducting elections within the approved budget and are authorized to determine the manner of use of funds and to supervise their distribution and use," the working version of the law reads. Voting results will be publicly displayed in the Republic Counting Center and city and municipal counting centers, so that the public can have an insight into them, and copies of the voting results will be delivered to accredited observers of the work of the Republic Counting Center, at their request, the text said. According to this document, the election of government bodies is carried out on the basis of free elections, general and equal suffrage, by direct and secret ballot, unless otherwise stipulated by this law.




Interior Minister visits border with B&H (HRT)


Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Tuesday during a visit to the state border in Brod-Posavina County that, thanks to the Croatian police, there had been no tensions or shootings in the region, although some would wish otherwise. "My message to those who want to stir up panic and scare people, as well as to the public, is that Croatia is a safe country and will continue to be safe, and the guarantee of this safety is the work of the Croatian police," Bozinovic said. After seeing the work of the police in controlling the state border, including accompanying border police officers on a patrol on the Sava River, Bozinovic said that there have been no tensions or shootings in this eastern county bordering Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which some would like to see. "The goal is to monitor the state border from the air, from the water and from the land. Along the shoreline, you will see that we have police patrols on foot with service dogs and we have police patrolling the area in vehicles. We also conduct aerial surveillance with drones. All branches of the police cooperate together in protecting the border," said one of the officers on duty. "Maybe they want fences to be erected on the border… others want us to let everyone in so that we do not just have natural rivers, but rivers of migrants," he added. On the results of border controls, Bozinovic said that the government was pursuing a sensible policy that was producing results and would continue to do so.




Montenegro will vote against the admission of Pristina to the Council of Europe (CDM)


The main committee of the Montenegrin Democratic People's Party supported the head of the Montenegrin delegation in the PSSE, Maja Vukicevic, to vote against the admission of Pristina to the Council of Europe. "At the meeting, full support was expressed for Vice President Maja Vukicevic, the head of the Montenegrin delegation in PSSE, to vote against the admission of Kosovo to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The General Assembly was also informed about the party's activities to mark the 25th anniversary of NATO aggression against the FRY," the press release states. At the end of last week, the head of the permanent delegation of the Serbian Parliament to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Biljana Pantic-Pilja, told Tanjug that the reporter for the reception of the so-called Kosovo in SE Dora Bakoyannis recommended that the so-called Kosovo becomes a member of that political organization, and that the Political Committee will decide on that proposal on March 27 at an extraordinary meeting.


North Macedonia


North Macedonia a factor of stability in Western Balkans, says PM on NATO membership anniversary (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi chaired a government session Tuesday marking the fourth anniversary of North Macedonia's membership in NATO. The PM spoke about the country’s path to membership, noting that since 1993, when Parliament adopted a Resolution on the country’s accession to NATO, North Macedonia has tackled many challenges and actively contributed to peace missions alongside the armies of other members of the Alliance, eventually reaching a point where it is a respected and valued member of NATO today, “with its own seat on the decision-making table and as a factor of stability in the Western Balkans”.


“The country’s NATO accession was secured with reforms and with the Prespa Agreement,” said Xhaferi, describing them as “wise and brave statesmanlike decisions of the Government at the time”. He said that membership in the Alliance has brought together citizens from different ethnicities and different political affiliations. Xhaferi stressed that by being a member of the Alliance, “North Macedonia is among the most developed democracies in the world and plays a part in keeping the peace for over one billion people”. “I believe that all citizens are proud to see the flag of North Macedonia in front of the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. It is a picture of the history and the future in one. I am proud that we managed to write such history. Today, North Macedonia is a valued member of the Alliance, not only do we live with stability and certainty, but we are also a factor of stability in the Western Balkans,” said Xhaferi.


Considering the ongoing global crises, Xhaferi said “all the difficult decisions that led to our current NATO memberships are shown to have been the right decisions”. “We watch and hear the horrors in the world, but without fearing for ourselves because we know that NATO is the greatest security guarantee. This shows that every sacrifice we made was worth it,” said Xhaferi, adding that NATO is even more united, with a clear vision for the Alliance with the accession of Finland and Sweden in the past two years. Xhaferi noted that membership doesn’t only bring privileges to the country, but also obliges it to get stronger so that “we can be more resilient and able to face the new defense challenges”. “Being prepared for the deterrence and defense policy doesn’t only mean new equipment and budget, but also active training of army members. The Army’s capabilities are constantly being treated as a priority, with this the goal of its existence is being fulfilled,” the PM added.


The session was also addressed by Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani who stressed that membership in NATO over the past four years has contributed to the maintaining of the country’s stability. He said it came at the right time, “before the beginning of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine”. “We can imagine what the situation would’ve been like in the region if we weren’t a NATO member, in these circumstances of Russian imperial ambitions. Ukraine is only a station of Russia’s ambition, and the Western Balkans would be one of those stations,” said Osmani, underlining the country’s contribution in ensuring stability and assistance for Ukraine. He also noted the participation of the country’s Army in other missions and the fact that North Macedonia has reached the target of 2 percent of GDP spending on defense. Regarding the 75th anniversary of the establishment of NATO, the Foreign Minister said Alliance’s open-door policy is one of its most successful policies. “I want to voice my satisfaction with the accessions of Sweden and Finland. We are no longer the newest member. With their defensive capacities the role of NATO and all allies will surely be strengthened. But European integration is also a security issue, so the EU too will have to continue with the open-door policy,” said Osmani.


On March 27, 2020, North Macedonia became the thirtieth member of the Alliance, 27 years after the Parliament unanimously adopted a Resolution defining NATO and EU membership as the country’s foreign policy priorities.




Begaj: National Guard of New Jersey, contribution to the modernization of the Armed Forces (Radio Tirana)


President of Albania, Bajram Begaj hosted the commander of the National Guard of New Jersey, Major General Lisa Hou, in a meeting. The Head of State appreciated the partnership between the Armed Forces of Albania and the National Guard of New Jersey, which has been intensifying over the years. For more than two decades the New Jersey National Guard has contributed to the education, training and modernization of the the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania. President Begaj emphasized that the strengthening of cooperation and the concretization of projects in the field of military education, cyber defense and increasing the capacities of the Armed Forces are essential in the current geostrategic conditions. In conclusion, President Begaj and Major General Hou expressed their confidence that this cooperation will reach higher levels in the future.


Speaker Nikolla meets the rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament (Radio Tirana)


The Speaker of the Assembly of Albania, Lindita Nikolla received in a meeting Isabel Santos, rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament. The focus of the meeting was support for the advancement of European integration. According to the announcement of the Assembly, the Speaker Nikolla thanked Santos for the support for the advancement of the European integration of Albania and the contribution to the recognition and evaluation of this process in the European Parliament and the European institutions.


"The negotiation process for the membership agreement requires raising to a new level the legislative and supervisory role of the Assembly, especially for checking the compatibility of draft laws with the EU Acquis. Supporting and supervising the fulfillment of membership standards is a priority of the Assembly of Albania. In the Assembly, we are working to strengthen the political dialogue for the advancement of reforms and the European integration process," stated Nikolla during the meeting.


Speaker Nikolla pointed out that the Assembly is working on the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the EC Report for Albania 2023, the preparation of negotiating positions and guidelines "for the rule of law", "public administration reform" and "the functioning of democratic institutions", and the Action Plan for tackling the recommendations addressed to the Assembly in the Analytical Report for the First Group of Chapters. Isabel Santos praised Albania's achievements in the European integration process, congratulated Speaker Nikolla for the normalization of the inter-party-political dialogue in the Assembly and underlined the importance of its stability for the consolidation of democratic institutions, the continuation of reforms and the acceleration of the European integration process.


Rama: EU accession, a process that concerns everyone, not just the government (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama emphasized that the process of EU accession is not solely the concern of the government but involves every individual. Speaking at the National Conference on Education and Vocational Training, Rama reiterated that as the years progress towards 2030, there are new responsibilities for everyone stemming from the EU accession process. He pointed out a common misconception that accession is exclusively within the government's purview, stating firmly that this is not the case. Rama clarified that until the negotiation phase begins, EU accession typically falls under governmental jurisdiction. However, he stressed that the European Union assesses various sectors beyond governance and justice, including independent agencies and the private sector. Merely meeting criteria within the public sector is insufficient if the business sector or economic activities fail to meet EU standards. Rama illustrated this with an example of a country encountering severe issues on its path to accession.


The Prime Minister underscored the need for collective effort, urging all sectors, whether dependent or independent, public or private, to go the extra mile in their approach. He highlighted the importance of education, noting its foundational role in addressing challenges that may arise during the negotiation process, despite not directly seeming connected to it. Rama emphasized the necessity for a comprehensive mindset shift to navigate the complexities of EU accession successfully.


President Begaj at the Baku Global Forum: Need for a unified response to address global issues (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj called for a unified response to address global challenges and for cooperation and dialogue in the face of conflicts, especially in regard to the fragile situation in the region and the war in Ukraine. World leaders, decision-makers and policymakers came together at the 11th Global Baku Forum in Azerbaijan to discuss shared concerns. The President of the Republic of Albania underscored concerns and challenges and presented his vision for overcoming them. During an interview for the Euronews reporter, Jane Witherspoon, President Begaj stated that "truly, we are living in unprecedented times. A lot of things are happening. We face political uncertainty, economic inequality, climate change, health challenges and, of course, education issues. Also, we face social injustice. However, the challenges we are facing cannot be solved individually or regionally. As we have learned from the past, we must be united in our reaction".

Further, President of Albania emphasized that the region is very fragile and underlined that peace is priceless. "Peace is priceless. We can do anything to increase our capabilities in order to provide more protection for our continent. Of course, I come from a "very fragile" region. The war situation in Ukraine is pushing people there to think more about cooperation and dialogue. We have supported every issue related to human values, because we have to live with them", added the President of the country. President Begaj confirmed Albania's commitment to supporting initiatives that are compatible with human values. "We have supported every initiative related to human values, because we have to live with them," Begaj stated. President Begaj emphasized the need for a unified response to global challenges and the importance of solidarity and shared responsibility in overcoming the challenges the world faces at present.