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Belgrade Media Report 3 April 2024



Vucic: Discussion with Hill open, substantial (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he had had an open and substantial discussion with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. "A substantial and open discussion with Ambassador Christopher Hill about continuing the dialogue with Pristina, the situation in the region, current geopolitical developments and Serbia-US bilateral cooperation," Vucic wrote in a post on Instagram. He added that he had reiterated Serbia's consistent position and that Serbia continued to "invest maximum efforts with the aim of finding a sustainable solution for protecting the Serb population in Kosovo-Metohija and safeguarding its national interests".


UNSC session on new report on UNMIK scheduled for 22 April (RTS/Tanjug)


A UN Security Council session on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' new semi-annual report on UNMIK, the UN mission in Kosovo, is slated for 22 April, according to the UNSC monthly schedule. The session has been called by Malta, current president of the UNSC. The previous UNSC session on UNMIK was held on 23 October and the top UN body also met on 2 February for an extraordinary session on the situation in Kosovo-Metohija.


Brnabic: We are sorry, we did not reach an agreement. I'm calling the elections (Tanjug/B92)


At today's last meeting of the Collegium in the Serbian parliament, no agreement was reached between the representatives of the government and the opposition, said speaker of parliament Ana Brnabic. After the Collegium meeting, Brnabić stated that she was extremely sorry that they did not reach an agreement with the opposition at the Collegium, which discussed the implementation of the ODIHR recommendations and the electoral conditions for the upcoming Belgrade and local elections, but that the opposition did not even want to consider the alternative proposals that it presented. "The representatives of the opposition gathered around the 'Serbia against violence' coalition did not want to consider an alternative proposal. I did not come to say 'no', but since Monday I have been thinking about what I could offer them to meet them in order to reach a compromise. Compromise is the key word," said Brnabic at a press conference in the hall of the Serbian parliament. She added that the opposition, unfortunately, repeated its ultimatum. "I don't think it's good, especially in politics, to talk in the language of ultimatums, and I hope they will reconsider what we offered them," added Brnabic. She said that she was particularly concerned that SPN representatives refused to explicitly work together on further implementation of the ODIHR recommendations. "My door remains open and that's how I concluded today's meeting," said Brnabic. She also pointed out that she is announcing the Belgrade elections today and that the deadline for that expires at midnight. Let us remind you that the work of the Collegium, which was attended by Brnabic and the heads of parliamentary groups in the parliament, was completed today in the Serbian parliament.


Opposition: No agreement, government does not want fair electoral conditions (N1)


The Serbian parliament Collegium meeting between government and opposition representatives on improving the electoral conditions, chaired by speaker Ana Brnabic, ended without an agreement. Representative of the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) opposition coalition Miroslav Aleksic said the government did not agree to the SPN and NADA opposition coalitions’ demand for all local elections in the country due this year to be held on the same day, and that their refusal only confirms their plans to continue doing what they have been doing so far – voter migration, pressure on voters, and phantom voters. “We want to participate in the elections, but the government has opted to run in the elections without the opposition. We will either have elections or we won’t,” Aleksic told a media conference following the parliamentary Collegium meeting on improving electoral conditions held between the representatives of the government and opposition. Aleksic said the government does not have an answer to the question of why it is not possible for all local elections to be held on the same day. He added that parliament speaker Ana Brnabic informed them that she would call the Belgrade elections on Wednesday, 3 April. Aleksic noted that 18 April is the final deadline to amend the law on local elections extending the deadline for the calling of elections from 120 to 150 days, which would create conditions for all elections to be held on the same day – 2 June. Brnabic adjourned the Collegium meeting on Wednesday saying that she has conducted all consultations, and she did not issue any media statements following the meeting. The parliamentary Collegium, which comprises the speaker, deputy speakers and heads of MP caucuses, on Wednesday morning met to discuss ways of improving electoral conditions for the second time. At the first Collegium meeting, held on Monday, the opposition presented its three demands, which include the formation of a committee made up of ruling coalition, opposition and civil society representatives to review the electoral rolls, responsible and professional reporting by the public broadcasters and the same date for all local elections due to be held this year. Brnabic said that the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) agrees to the first two demands, but not to the third.


Mojsilovic visiting Cyprus (Beta/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Chief of the General Staff Gen. Milan Mojsilovic met in Cyprus yesterday with the commander of the country's National Guard (army), Lt. Gen. Georgios Tsitsikostas to discuss strengthening cooperation and security challenges in the region and the world. The Ministry of Defense released a statement saying that they agreed that military cooperation was an important part of overall relations between the two countries "which are connected by interests and traditionally friendly relations". Mojsilovic said that "Serbia greatly appreciates the support that the Republic of Cyprus is giving Serbia in preserving its territorial integrity and in the process of integrating into the EU". At the start of his official, three-day visit to Cyprus, Mojsilovic met with Minister of Defense Vasilis Palmas. He also met with Serbian army members engaged as part of the UN peacekeeping mission in Cyprus. Mojsilovic will visit the Andreas Papandreou Air Base in Paphos and will wrap up his visit to Cyprus at the Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Larnaca on 3 April.


N1 finds voters registered at homeless kids’ day care (N1)


An N1 investigation turned up almost 100 people registered at a day care center for homeless children in Belgrade. A search of the voter registry for last year’s local elections in Belgrade showed that 93 voters are registered as resident in the day care center for kids aged 5 to 15 in the city’s Zvezdara neighborhood. The opposition and international observers reported cases of false residence registration at the mid-December elections in Serbia. N1 reported on a possible case recently when people from a village outside the city of Smederevo were bussed to Belgrade allegedly to register as resident there prior to the elections for the Belgrade City Assembly in June. Staff at the day care center said they had no idea that anyone was registered as living there. They said the center has been there for 15 years and never received mail for any person they didn’t know. The center staff said they would request an explanation from the authorities. N1 asked the City Social Services Center about the registered residents at the day care center on 22 March and again on April 1 but did not get a response. According to the voter registry, a total of 1,151 voters were registered as resident in local branches of the city Social Services Center before the mid-December elections.


Genocide accusations are new phase of aggressive policy (Politika, by Dejan Spalovic)


Germany and Rwanda will sponsor the new UN resolution on Srebrenica which will be discussed by the UN General Assembly in April. According to the daily, the resolution was drafted by Bosniak members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Mission to the UN led by Ambassador Zlatko Lagumdzija. The daily claims that Serbia is suffering tremendous pressure with the final goal of recognition of Kosovo and centralization of B&H, which are the red lines that Serbia cannot cross. Within this aggressive campaign against Serbia, there are constant efforts to allow Kosovo to join the Council of Europe and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Serbia is also facing the threat of the UN resolution on Srebrenica that would accuse Serbia of genocide, as well as the false accusation that Serbia is arming itself because it is preparing for an offensive war. Several days ago, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned that Kosovo might launch several lawsuits against Serbia. Commenting the UN resolution on Srebrenica, Vucic reminded that he paid his respects to the victims of horrible crime committed in Srebrenica and noted that Bosniak politicians never paid respects to Serb victims. However, he said, Bosniak politicians are insisting on the resolution because of its legal consequences. Serbian diplomat Zoran Milivojevic stated that the purpose of the resolution and the announced lawsuit by Kosovo is to weaken the position of Serbia which allows it to be independent and relevant, and to maintain its military neutrality. According to Milivojevic, the outgoing US and EU administrations want to resolve the open issues in the Balkans before the outcome of the Ukraine war, they want to put an end to the Serbian national policy in the region, and they want to put Western Balkans under NATO’s control. Analyst Rajko Petrovic stated that the genocide accusations represent a synchronized attack against Serbia and the RS with the goal of destabilizing them. Former Serbian diplomat Branko Brankovic stated that it is ironic that Germany will sponsor the UN resolution on Srebrenica considering the crimes committed by Germany in World War II and the fact that Germany admitted that it committed genocide in Namibia. Brankovic underlined that the EU and USA stand behind the resolution and they will do everything to get the resolution passed by the UN General Assembly. He also noted that considering the sentiment in many Muslim states due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, these states could be easily persuaded to vote for the Srebrenica resolution. Former Serbian Foreign Minister Vladislav Jovanovic stated that the West is unpleasantly reminded of the violation of international law by bombing of former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, and it is accusing Serbia of genocide because Serbs were victims of Western aggression.




Cvijanovic: There is rather hypocritical relation of West towards security situation in B&H (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stressed on Monday importance of close cooperation of institutions from Republika Srpska (RS), Federation of B&H (FB&H) and state levels respectively, as well as cooperation with surrounding countries in order to keep security at as higher level as possible for the sake of institutional protection of citizens and their property. She added that in this story there is a rather hypocritical relation, stressing that a lot of things can be found in US’ reports on security when B&H is in question, adding that this refers to the FB&H. Cvijanovic argues that for this reason, politicians like B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez come out with a story about para-military camps in the RS in which “Russians are running around”, in order to divert attention from the reports, which refer to problematic issues in terms of security. In her opinion, there is a vow of silence between the West and politicians in B&H, who do not want that it is talked about this in public. Cvijanovic further said that there are so-called democratic authority representatives in institutions that foreign media was writing about, who were good hosts to foreign soldiers coming to fight in B&H during the war. She added that when someone mention this, then that person is accused of Islamophobia, while she just cited what was written in international, Western reports. Cvijanovic noted that Semsudin Mehemdovic also reacted to this, adding that she cannot stand that someone who was brought in connection to close relations with the foreign fighters in B&H gives her lecture about the RS, talks about RS President Milorad Dodik, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and about policy of RS institution’s. Cvijanovic concluded that a goal is to accuse Dodik and the RS of everything bad in B&H, while above-mentioned things are pushed under a carpet. Cvijanovic stressed that it will be worked on resolving of the political crisis in B&H and that all should take part in this. She added that foreigners, who caused a problem, should leave and they should stop interfering in B&H issues.


Dodik rejects announced UN Resolution on Srebrenica, denies existence of state-level coalition (N1)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that RS coalition parties would collectively reject the draft UN Resolution on Srebrenica, announced for the next session at the end of April, denying the Srebrenica genocide in the process. Following the meeting of RS coalition partners on Tuesday, he also denied the existence of the state-level coalition with the FB&H entity’s Troika. “We will adopt the report of the international commission, which was delivered to the entire public, which states that there was no genocide in Srebrenica. It states that 3,741 people died during the entire period of the war, and that over 2,500 Serbs died in the same area. Considering that for genocide there must be an intention of a people to eliminate the other, this has not been proven,” he said. Dodik then called B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic's call to Serbian officials to support the UN Resolution thus removing collective responsibility from their people, a stupid approach. “There is no collective responsibility, but the collective stupidity of Konakovic and his partners.” The RS President also touched upon the recent RS parliament session conclusions according to which this entity would adopt their own Election Law, contrary to the state Election Law. “It’s not an unconstitutional undertaking. Article 1B states that the Central Election Commission conducts elections for the B&H Presidency and the House of Representatives and nothing more. The fact that they usurped the earlier right to conduct elections does not mean that they are right,” Dodik added. Dodik then denied the existence of the state-level coalition with the FB&H’s Troika. “There is no state coalition. There is no coalition at the B&H level,” Dodik said. “There is no coalition, nor is B&H a state in the sense in which they want to say it is. Internally, RS is more of a state than B&H,” he concluded.


Dodik announces lawsuit against US gov't for sanctions against individuals in RS (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said in Banjaluka that an agreement had been reached at a meeting of the RS ruling coalition to find the funds to hire the most eminent law firm in the US to sue the US government for threatening the basic human rights of individuals in RS by introducing sanctions against them. "As far as we are concerned, we are done with the sanctions. Let them say what they may, we do not have either the time or wish to deal with that," Dodik told journalists after a meeting of the ruling coalition's leaders, calling on the press in RS to "stop writing anything about this". He then wrote on X that "any talk about sanctions is superfluous", and called for a "stop to comments on anything" related to the sanctions. "This is not a subject for us in RS, because it is precisely those who are bringing down the international order and rule of law that want this to be our number one topic," Dodik said. Dodik said that RS rejected a proposed resolution on genocide in Srebrenica, which B&H will propose at the U.N General Assembly. Dodik announced that the RS parliament would adopt a report saying that there was no genocide in Srebrenica and that the "British, along with Muslims" were behind the proposed resolution.


Cvijanovic: US sanctions are violating several laws and basic human rights (UNA)


Speaking for UNA TV earlier this week, B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the closing of bank accounts belonging to persons and organization blacklisted by the US Department of Treasury represents a demonstration of force and violence. She noted that according to the UN rules, even persons under sanctions have the right to exist. “One of the forms of existence is receiving your salary. Human rights are being denied, i.e. the right to a livelihood, because somebody wants to force you to think and speak differently, and to show you that they care about B&H more than you do”, said Cvijanovic. She noted that those who constantly speak about rights and the rule of law are now violating several laws and basic human rights. Cvijanovic emphasized that only elected officials should represent citizens, and that there is no room for an unelected foreigner making decisions in a democratic society. She also said that banks should not be threatened only because they are performing their duty prescribed by law. “They are not teaching us democracy but about force and brutality, so that we may become even more self-aware and so that we can firmly control processes within our democratic institutions”, said Cvijanovic.


US Embassy in Sarajevo says they will continue to use their competences in order to call for responsibility of individuals and companies for destabilizing conduct (ATV)


ATV has received an answer from the US Embassy to Sarajevo to its questions about pressures on RS banking sector, i.e. whether they think that closure of bank accounts to individuals and companies in the RS represents an attack on basic human rights and freedoms, if such steps could lead to serious consequences on the RS and B&H banking systems, who gives the US officers the right to threaten B&H banks that they will have problems unless the close the accounts of persons on the list of the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and is it true that there is a list of 180 people who will be sanctioned. The US Embassy to B&H reminded that as stressed in public statements by US Department of Treasury Acting Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Anna Morris, the US sanctions can apply to any institution, including banks that provide material support to the sanctioned individuals or companies. They stressed that banks have an obligation to ensure that their internal compliance and risk management policies take in regard all applicable sanction policies, suggesting that ATV should address banks in B&H to say how the US sanctions affect their business and clientele. The US Embassy to B&H explained that when the US sanctions certain individual or a company, it is regulated based on facts which proved that this individual or company is engaged in corruptive, anti-Dayton or non-democratic activities, adding that it is very rigorous and serious process based on laws and regulations of the US. “We will continue to use these competences in order to call for responsibility of individuals and companies for this or other kinds of destabilizing conduct”, the US Embassy said among other things in its answer to ATV.


RS, FB&H banks close accounts of everyone on US blacklist (ATV)


Head of Nova Banka management Sinisa Adzic confirmed yesterday that banks in RS were part of a single financial market and that they could not have business relations with clients on the US' list of sanctioned individuals. Adzic said that Nova Banka, like Atos Banka, which had the same owner, were fully respecting the sanctions, which the single market called for. The U.S. sanctions can be applied to any institution, including banks, that offers material support to sanctioned individuals and companies, the US Embassy in B&H told the ATV station after the accounts of sanctioned individuals and businesses were closed. The US Embassy stressed that banks had a duty to secure that their internal policies of alignment and risk management took into account all of the sanctions that could be applied.


Konakovic attends Conference about Ukraine in The Hague; Holds bilateral meetings with EC and The Netherlands officials (Dnevni avaz)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic is taking part in Conference ‘Restoring Justice for Ukraine’, which is taking place in The Hague. Konakovic held a meeting with Foreign Minister of The Netherlands Hanke Bruins Slot. On this occasion Konakovic thanked for support of The Netherlands for their support in decision making within the European Council for approving opening of the accession talks with B&H. Minister Konakovic stressed that opening of the talks presents strong support to pro-European forces in B&H. Minister Konakovic addressed the Conference and expressed support to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized border. “From our own experience, we are aware more than anyone, how important it is to secure responsibility for all violations of international law committed in or against Ukraine. These crimes have to be sanctioned,” said Konakovic. Konakovic met European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders on the sidelines of the Conference. Commissioner congratulated Konakovic and B&H the decision of European Council regarding opening of the accession talks and during the meeting the officials discussed current geopolitical situation in Europe and the world, as well as situation in the Western Balkans. Commissioner Reynders was interested to hear about B&H’s plans after opening of the accession talks and offered support in the further process that B&H is facing.


NATO headquarters in Sarajevo organizes reception on occasion of 75th anniversary of North Atlantic Alliance; McGaha: Partnership between B&H and NATO continues to deepen (FTV)


A reception was held in Sarajevo on Tuesday to mark the 75th anniversary of NATO. The presenter pointed out that the strongest military-political alliance in the history of mankind, NATO, has been cooperating with B&H for 20 years with the aim of strengthening the defense and security system in the country. Steps are being taken towards full membership, which B&H very much needs now, at the moment of the disturbed security situation in the world, added the presenter. The B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez stated: “Currently, our country is in the optional plan for membership, which is the last step before the invitation to full membership. I am glad that NATO stated in its official statements to the public that our country could receive a candidate status as early as May of this year”. The NATO Headquarters Sarajevo Commander Pamela McGaha was quoted as saying: “We are still united by the desire to prevent war and preserve peace, but we still share the fundamental belief that we are the strongest, safest and most prosperous when we are together. The reform process in accordance with NATO standards is neither quick nor easy. It takes time, resources and, above all, political will, but I also have no doubt that those allies would say it was worth it”. McGaha also said in her address that after World War II, the free countries of Europe and North America, in an effort to improve political and economic stability in the North Atlantic region, recognized that real peace implies more than just the absence of war. She stated that during the 20 years since the SFOR mission gave way to the NATO headquarters in Sarajevo, a hardworking and dedicated team of experts and those who wear the uniform and civilians from B&H and countries around NATO have been working together to achieve a better life for the citizens of B&H. Partnership between B&H and NATO continues to deepen, said McGaha. She thanked all those that contributed, in the last 20 years, to B&H being a place for a better and safer life. Marking of 75 years of NATO was attended by Helez, his deputies Aleksandar Goganovic and Slaven Galic, as well as Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, Major General Gojko Knezevic, with his deputies, the EUFOR Commander, ambassadors of the NATO member states, and military and diplomatic representatives in B&H.


US Embassy: Milanovic's claims are absurd, US policy towards B&H has been consistent (N1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic's claims that the position of "Americans towards the status of Croats in B&H is a hostile one" is absurd, N1 learned from the Public Relations Office of the US Embassy on Tuesday. The Embassy noted that the policy of the United States towards B&H has been consistent for over three decades. “We support the sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of B&H, which consists of two entities and is inhabited by three constituent peoples and other nations. Our engagement throughout B&H supports this goal. The United States will continue to stand with all the people of B&H – Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs and others – as we work to strengthen their country's democracy, develop their economy and secure the place their country deserves in the Euro-Atlantic community of countries.” Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Monday, amid the pre-election campaign for the parliamentary elections in his country, that “the relationship of the EU and the United States towards Croats in B&H is hostile” and called out Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic for not addressing the issue because “he did not want to go against the European Commission”. “The position of the European Union and the US towards the status of Croats in B&H is a hostile one, not to use a stronger word. The fact that Croats in B&H are disenfranchised has really become an issue of Croatia's national pride. It's not a question of war and peace and it's not a question that anyone in Brussels is scratching their heads over,” Milanovic told journalists.


Milanovic says he will not initiate a change to the presidential election model (Hina)


President Zoran Milanovic said that he will soon no longer be president, but prime minister. He added that he will not initiate a change in the model for electing the head of state, as he has no political power to do so. As for changing the model for the election of the head of state, Milanovic said that he does not belong to any political party and will not interfere and that he has no legitimacy for such a move. “This must be initiated by someone else,” Milanovic said.


Vucurovic: Government reconstruction possible in June (RTNK)


The indicative period for the reconstruction of the government is June, and the participation of the coalition For the Future of Montenegro is unquestionable, says MP Jovan Vucurovic of the New Serbian Democracy. He emphasized that this coalition will contribute to the stability and security of the government, as well as its quality. "Our participation in the government is written in the Agreement, and I think that we are all serious people and that no one would think of playing tricks on anyone. I think we are all sure that the ZBCG coalition will very soon find itself in the reconstructed government. I would say that this finally begins to fulfil what was the mission on 30 August 2020 - that those who dominantly overthrew the former regime should finally be where they deserved to be - in the government of Montenegro." According to him, inadequate electoral legislation led to a political crisis in Budva, Andrijevica and Savnik. NSD will run independently in the elections in Budva, and Vucurovic expects to win. "I think the situation in Budva could have been avoided. Nevertheless, we are ready to welcome the elections, and NSD is ready to win. NSD has always been a pivot, and someone around which other political organizations also gathered, and we will win on 26 May in Budva. All those who are interested in Budva going on the path of prosperity are our partners, we have no political enemies except DPS. Our campaign will be positive and directed towards all citizens of Budva. We have an outstanding team that has proven itself in previous years and is ready to lead Budva." He notes that there is a will in the parliamentary majority to adopt laws that are beneficial for the citizens of Montenegro, primarily the Law on the Assembly and the government. "The sessions of the Committee for Electoral Legislation will begin soon, and the focus will be on numerous shortcomings of the electoral system," concluded Vucurovic.


Montenegro and Albania foster good neighborly relations through the IPA cross-border cooperation program (CdM)


Montenegro and Albania have been cooperating for 16 years within the cross-border cooperation program, and through the IPA II financial framework, 21 projects supported by the EU with a total of 7 million Euros were successfully implemented. This was announced today at the conference in Podgorica, which marked the completion of the IPA Program for cross-border cooperation between Montenegro and Albania 2014-2020. The final conference was opened by the State Secretary in the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, Bojan Bozovic, who said that the projects of the IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Albania responded to challenges in the field of employment, labor force mobility, social and cultural inclusion, environmental protection and adapting to climate change. "Good neighborly relations and regional cooperation are basic prerequisites for joining the EU." "Dedicated, sincere and effective cooperation between Montenegro and Albania, based on mutual trust and respect, improves the relations between the two countries, opens up cross-border development perspectives and at the same time enables the exchange of best practices and experiences in areas of mutual interest," said Bozovic. Jona Suli, general director of the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination of the Republic of Albania, said that Albania and Montenegro are committed to a common European future, stressing that project beneficiaries from the two countries have shown great interest in cross-border cooperation and achieved significant results with the support of the EU. which contribute to a better quality of life in this area. "We have a great responsibility, not only towards the taxpayers of the EU, but also towards all institutions and organizations from both our countries, citizens and the common future." We are satisfied with what has been achieved, and I believe that in the upcoming perspective of IPA III, we will have the opportunity to improve the results and achieve an even greater impact of our program," said Suli. Sanja Becanovic, acting Director General of the Directorate for Financing, Contracting and Implementation of EU Funds in the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, emphasized the importance of the Program in strengthening good neighborly relations and socioeconomic development of the region. "I use the opportunity to thank the EU Delegation in Montenegro, the operational structures in Montenegro and Albania and the Joint Technical Secretariat in Podgorica for their good cooperation. We are committed to improving cooperation with the control body of Albania and optimizing the cost verification process, and we will continue in this spirit in the next perspective," said Becanovic. Liselotte Isaksson, Deputy Head of the Department for Cooperation in the Delegation of the EU in Montenegro, emphasized that the EU would not be what it is today if it were not for all those people in the border areas who understood that cooperation across borders brings benefits as themselves as well as their countries. "I firmly believe that the cross-border cooperation program between Montenegro and Albania has shown strength in solving common challenges, but also in using opportunities for growth and development. We don't stop here, the cooperation continues through the new cross-border cooperation program, for which the EU provided close to 12 million Euros in grants," Isaksson said. In the second part of the event, representatives of the Joint Technical Secretariat presented in more detail the results of the Program and the projects financed within it. At the end, a panel discussion was held with representatives of institutions and organizations from Montenegro and Albania that participated in the implementation of projects, on the topic "Environmental protection, promotion of climate change adaptation and mitigation, prevention and risk management".


SEC: 1.814.317 voters registered for presidential, 1.815.350 for parliamentary elections (MIA)


A total of 1.814.317 voters have been registered for the 24 April presidential elections, while 1.815.350 have been registered for the 8 May parliamentary elections, the State Election Commission (SEC) said at a session Tuesday. At the session, the Commission confirmed the Electoral Roll for the coming presidential and parliamentary elections. It also adopted a guideline for the vote in polling places where there are less than 10 registered voters, allowing the voters to vote at the nearest polling place that has more than 10 registered voters. Out of 3.480 polling places in the country, 120 had less than 10 registered voters.


Presidential candidates sign Code for Fair and Democratic Elections (MIA)


All presidential candidates, except for GROM’s Stevcho Jakimovski, signed Tuesday the Code for Fair and Democratic Elections at the State Election Commission (SEC). Jakimovski said he would respect the Code but wouldn’t sign it unless SEC guarantees it will organize debates involving all candidates, he also said campaign funds weren’t fairly distributed. “We, the participants in the electoral process, oblige ourselves to respect all laws, rules and regulations relevant to the elections and to respect the rule of law during the organization and holding of the elections. We, the participants in the electoral process, unequivocally oblige ourselves to not exert any pressure or attempt to exert any pressure on employees in the public administration and in the state administration in other institutions financed by the State Budget, the budgets of the municipalities and the City of Skopje, as well as companies and enterprises with state capital,” states the Code. With the Code, the participants also unequivocally oblige themselves not to use hate speech and discriminate on the basis of sex, and not to threaten the employment or social security of anyone on the basis of their support for any political party or candidate. At the signing ceremony, current President and SDSM’s candidate Stevo Pendarovski voiced his belief that the country has the sufficient institutional memory and political culture in order for the candidates to maintain a high level of debate and ensure the process is fair and democratic. “I am convinced that the process will be democratic. I can publicly state too that I will not use the listed unfair or illegal tools, methods, instruments and state resources, and that from beginning to end, I will operate within the frameworks of a fair, cultured and decent political debate,” Pendarovski said. VMRO-DPMNE’s Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova assessed the signing as a ceremonial act and “normative and moral illusionism”, but noted she would personally use arguments in the debates and respect all candidates. “I will speak with arguments about the program, and I will respect all candidates, especially the other female candidate. It is good that there are two of us, since this is already a step forward and a guarantee that women’s rights are human rights as well, and that women too are able to compete for high state positions,” Siljanovska-Davkova said. GROM’s Stevcho Jakimovski said this morning he learned the master debate organized by President Stevo Pendarovski’s campaign staff had been called off and said he wouldn’t sign the Code if there are no debates. “It’s really strange that for the local elections we have three debates where we talk about sewage, waterworks and parks, while we have not a single debate when we are talking about important issues of state. I am sad I have to say this. I will respect the Code, but if we have no debates, I won’t sign anything,” Jakimovski said. DUI’s Bujar Osmani said he would strive for a positive campaign, stressing they will approach the issues important for the country in a fair manner.  “I have never used an unfair approach in any political race, nor have I used a negative campaign in this race. I see the political race as a race of alternative options that we have to present to the citizens during the election campaign and allow them to decide after that on the basis of the offer,” Osmani said. Levica’s presidential candidate, Biljana Vankovska stressed that while she doesn’t believe in the Code, she would sign it and requested that TV channels organize debates with all of the presidential candidates. “I will sign this Code without any second thoughts. However, since I have the opportunity, I feel a need to say that I don’t believe in this piece of paper. These are empty words on paper in a country in which the Constitution or laws aren’t being followed. We will all say nice words here over the kind of campaign we expect that it will be on the highest moral, personal, ethical level, however, the reality is something else, and all of you from the media know this,” Vankovska said. Presidential candidate Arben Taravari, supported by the opposition coalition of parties of ethnic Albanians named “Worth It”, voiced hope that the coming elections will be the most fair and democratic elections yet. “I see the signing of the Code as a positive act, with which we all promise we will follow the ethical and moral aspect and norms regardless of whether they are contained in law or not. I think we are still fairly far from where we aim to be – to hold elections as in the European countries, but we are much better than when we held elections 20-30 years ago,” Taravari said. The presidential candidate supported by the ZNAM Movement, Maksim Dimitrievski, said he would participate in public events with all presidential candidates and voiced hope that democracy would win at the coming double elections. “As a candidate, I will participate in all public events that I am invited to, regardless of who is organizing them. It will be my honor and satisfaction, to especially discuss all topics openly in front of the Macedonian public with the two most favored competitors in these elections. It is a fact that we don’t all have equal rights and opportunities, even though the Constitution guarantees this,” Dimitirevski said.


Pendarovski: Euro-Atlantic integrations, fostering interethnic relations for a democratic and prosperous country (MIA)


Macedonia can be a democratic and prosperous country only if it keeps two strategic continuities alive – the Euro-Atlantic integrations and interethnic relations. Our political continuity in this sense is well-known, while theirs is a constant dismissal of compromises which indisputably preserve our national dignity – our language and our identity, said incumbent President Stevo Pendarovski promoting his re-election bid at a convention Tuesday evening. At the convention held in Skopje, Pendarovski, who is endorsed by SDSM and its coalition, said the opposition hasn’t made a single strategic decision for the country because, he said, “strategic decisions lead to the fulfilment of the national interests in the long term and a loss of rating in the short-term, while populist decisions help retain positions and money but do not fulfil the interests of the state and its citizens”. Instead of the Prespa Agreement, Pendarovski said the opposition is offering its annulment, proposing isolation or BRICS membership as alternatives. “Three years ago, with all our strength, we worked to modify the French proposal, we had difficult discussions with Sofia in order to preserve the Macedonian language and identity, the opposition openly sabotaged these efforts, while some European commissioners – their strategic allies who create their electoral program – both then and now, are openly on Bulgaria’s side,” Pendarovski said. Pendarovski said he supports a vetting of the judiciary and politicians, and that all officials who have wronged should be dismissed from their posts. “We can’t criticize others, and not look inside our ranks and identify our mistakes as well. We didn’t make any mistakes in relation to strategic issues, but in terms of certain policies or personnel decisions, we did. Our greatest failure was the fact we stopped halfway in the realization of the key slogan of the only authentic citizens’ revolution – ‘No justice, no peace’. We can’t turn back time, but it is crucial that we commit ourselves to a complete vetting of all judges and prosecutors, but above all, of us, the politicians,” Pendarovski stressed. He underscored that he supports the opposition’s proposal for a vetting of officials but added that all officials who were in power from 1990 onwards should be vetted, and not only the ones from the past five years. “In the next few weeks, the Macedonian citizens will face the same dilemma they did 10 or 20 years ago – whether to give their trust to quasi-patriots or those who showed they know how to position Macedonia and protect its national interests in a world in which the great powers dictate the rules,” Pendarovski said. If re-elected, Pendarovski pledged to treat all citizens the same, regardless of the party they vote for or their ethnicity; to cooperate with young people; and to continue to criticize crime and high corruption, even if the corrupt officials are people who supported him or voted for him.


Conference on Ukraine in The Hague/ Hasani: Albania supports Ukraine for achieving a just peace (Radio Tirana)


Foreign Minister Igli Hasani reiterated that Albania stands by Ukraine in achieving peace and respecting its sovereignty. At the Conference on Justice Restoration for Ukraine, Hasani said that Albania supports it, while respecting its territorial integrity. "At the Ministerial Conference on Justice Restoration for Ukraine held today in The Hague, I reiterated Albania's steadfast support for Ukraine, upholding responsibility alongside efforts for peace. We remain committed to supporting Ukraine until a just and sustainable peace is achieved, respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, in accordance with the UN," Hasani writes on the X platform. Foreign and justice ministers, along with officials from the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Union's judicial authority Eurojust, are expected to discuss the fight against impunity and compensation for victims. Ukrainian authorities say they are investigating more than 120,000 suspected war crimes related to the full-scale invasion that began in February 2022. The United Nations estimates that more than 30,000 civilians have been killed or injured.


An Albanian parliamentary delegation pays a visit to Pristina (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosova Glauk Konjufca hosted on Tuesday the Committee for Education and Public Information Media of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania, headed by Flutura Acka. During the meeting, President Konjufca highly appreciated the cooperation that Kosovo and Albania have between them, considering it an example for other countries in the region. The Kosovo Speaker of the Assembly expressed his interest and willingness to continue such relations with Tirana in all fields, cultivating and intensifying them further, to the benefit of both countries, especially at the parliamentary level. Speaker Konjufca underscored the need for a new dynamic of cooperation between the two countries, including the sphere of education, as one of the main pillars of development, in order to build up a quality and competitive education in the global market. The members of the Albanian parliamentary delegation thanked the Konjufca for the warm reception and at the same time expressed their interest in increasing the commitments in the function of the greatest possible inter-parliamentary cooperation between Albania and Kosovo. More frequent mutual visits of the parliamentary committees were suggested during the meeting, in order to contribute as much as possible to the alignment and legislation advancement and the exchange of parliamentary experience too.


The opening of the Kucova Air Base and the 15th anniversary of Albania’s NATO membership, Major General Lisa Hou's visit to Albania (Radio Tirana)


Major General Lisa Hou, commander of the New Jersey National Guard, visited Albania last week to congratulate the Albanian Armed Forces on the opening of Kucova Air Base and the 15th anniversary of NATO membership, the US Embassy to Tirana announces today. During her visit, Major General Hou met with Major General Arben Kingji, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Albania and Brigadier General Bardhyl Nuredinaj, Commander of the Armed Forces Academy. She also met with President Bajram Begaj, with whom she had worked earlier when he was chief of staff. Topics of discussion included upcoming State Partnership Program activities with the New Jersey National Guard, such as National Guard officer candidates coming to train with Albanian officer cadets next month, support of the New Jersey National Guard - Jerseys for the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter program - increasing of professional development activities, the upcoming Joint Chiefs of Staff (A-5) Adriatic Charter conference hosted by Albania, as well as the Defender 25 military exercise of the coming year.