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Belgrade Media Report 17 April 0224



Shameful: PACE adopted the recommendation that so-called Kosovo becomes its member (Novosti/B92)


Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in the afternoon part of the session, adopted the recommendation for the reception of the so-called Kosovo to that international organization. Two-thirds of the PACE MPs present must vote for the adoption of the proposal. The debate at the plenary session started a little before 5:30 p.m. The report is presented by the Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for the reception of the so-called Kosovo - Dora Bakoyanni. She pointed out that she believes that this body should send a recommendation to the Committee of Ministers for the membership of the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe. Bakoyanni pointed out that, despite the deterioration of the situation, especially regarding relations with minority communities, the authorities are determined to change the situation, but she does not state how Pristina wants to change the situation, bearing in mind that there is no trace of the ZSO. Head of the Serbian delegation in PACE Biljana Pantic Pilja pointed out that the reception of the so-called Kosovo opened Pandora's Box in Council of Europe and that Bakoyanni's report is proof that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states mean nothing to her. "I would like to congratulate you on what you are doing today. You will go down in history as someone who brutally violated the international law on which the CoE is based. Accepting something that is not a state circumvents the rules of the CoE," she underlined. Pantic Pilja reminded that the first condition is the establishment of the ZSO, which is an international obligation that Prishtina signed 11 years ago, and which is the basic precondition for dialogue. "If you allow the so-called Kosovo to accede to the CoE without establishing ZSO, the Community will never be established. You said and wrote that you consider the establishment of the ZSO a necessary condition for the protection of minority rights. Why don't you talk about human rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija? Since Kurti took over rule, ethnic cleansing of the Serbian community by Kurti's government is underway and 14 percent of the Serbs have left Kosovo and Metohija''. "For ten months, the entry of Serbian goods into Kosovo and Metohija has been prohibited, Cyrillic signs have been removed, and the dinar has been banned, which endangers the lives of the remaining Serbs," she explained. She reminded that no one was held accountable for the attempted murder of two boys last Christmas. "And you have decided to reward all those unilateral measures of Pristina with visa liberalization, admission to NATO and the EU. What you are doing is a precedent by which you are opening Pandora's box. You are showing that territorial integrity and sovereignty mean nothing to you. The status of our southern province is clearly regulated According to UN Resolution 1244, Kosovo and Metohija will always be part of Serbia. We may be a small country, but unlike you, we have integrity and we will never surrender and submit," underlined Pantic Pilja. She pointed out that Serbia will consider whether to remain a member of an organization that violates international law. "Long live Serbia," she said.


Simonovic Bratic: Kosovo was, is and will be Serbia

MP from Serbia Dunja Simonovic Bratic pointed out that Dora Bakoyanni's report is a "doom" not only for the basic values on which the Council of Europe rests, but also for common sense and for Europe itself. She pointed out that the Rapporteur Dora Bakoyanni violated all the rules of procedure by preparing the report. "She changed her mind on a daily basis, of the three conditions for membership, one was reached, so it became symbolic. The Serbs, who are suffering under the regime of Albin Kurti, were not included in the report, the amendment on the LGBT community was more important than the endangered lives of Serbian children," she said.


Council of Europe's vote: Spaniards with Serbia, Greeks betrayed us (Tanjug)


Out of the 29 representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), who last night voted against the recommendation on Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, eight of them are from Spain. Four MPs from Hungary, two from Cyprus were also against, and out of five MPs from Greece, only one vote was against. One MP from Germany also voted against. Also, two MPs from France and one from Italy voted against. Seven members of the Serbian delegation were against it, as well as Maja Vukicevic from Montenegro, as well as Snjezana Novakovic and Branislav Borenovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the reception of the so-called Kosovo, 131 out of 171 present members of the PACE voted for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe. Among the 11 abstainers was one MP from Montenegro, six Italians and three Moldovans, as well as one German, it was announced on the PACE website. PACE adopted last night the recommendation that the so-called Kosovo becomes a member of the CoE and decided to monitor the fulfillment of an extensive list of obligations for accession, of which the issue of the formation of the ZSO should be included in the future consideration of the Committee of Ministers of the CoE on the request of the so-called Kosovo for joining the CoE as a post-accession obligation. After the adoption of Dora Bakoyanni's report, the PACE will send a recommendation for admission to the Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, which makes the final decision by a two-thirds majority of the ministers or ambassadors who represent them and who are present at the time of the vote. The meeting of the Committee of Ministers should be held from 16 to 17 May in Strasbourg.


Dacic: Today is a day of shame in PACE (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that today is a day of shame in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), since for the first time in history the membership of something that is not a state was recommended, and which at the same time does not meet the basic requirements in the domain of human rights and freedoms. "Today is a day of shame in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. For the first time in history, the membership of something that is not a state, and which does not meet the basic conditions in the domain of human rights and freedoms, has been recommended. On the contrary, for 11 years now, it has refused to form the Community of Serb Municipalities, which is their international obligation, and is implementing a policy of terror against the Serbian people and ethnic cleansing. With this decision, imposed by the force of international powers, they undermined the very foundations of the Council of Europe and the international legal order. What principle of protection of territorial integrity will they continue to talk about, when they violated the territorial integrity of Serbia? We will continue our struggle with all our strength, we will fight so that this decision is not adopted at the Committee of Ministers on 16 May. And we will see the value of the word of the international community that they gave to President Aleksandar Vucic that "Kosovo" will not be admitted to the Council of Europe until it forms the Community of Serb Municipalities. Or it will be a lie again," Dacic said.


Vucic, Mecacci discuss ODIHR recommendations for advancement of electoral process (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had had an open discussion with the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Matteo Mecacci on Wednesday about ODIHR recommendations for advancement of the electoral process.

In an Instagram post, Vucic said the meeting with Mecacci, who he noted was "well-versed on our situation, which he has been monitoring since as early as 2012," had addressed all aspects of the recommendations as well as potential solutions for individual outstanding issues, which he said would "contribute to an atmosphere of greater mutual trust as well as greater responsibility of all actors".


RIK President Dimitirjevic, ODIHR'S Mecacci agree Comission has already implemented a series of ODIHR recommendations (Beta)


After elections on 17 December 2023, the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) has met a string of ODIHR recommendations and is continuing to work on improving the electoral process and meeting its recommendations, Commission chief Vladimir Dimitrijevic and ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci said at a meeting on 16 April. The Serbian parliament released a statement saying that the two officials had agreed that the RIK "has been devotedly working on meeting ODIHR's recommendations for years" and that the Commission's actions, "despite its limited resources", were graded as successful by ODIHR and other international organizations, observation missions and domestic observers. The interlocutors agreed that the Commission and ODIHR would continue their cooperation on applying priority recommendations pertaining to the training of the lower levels of electoral administration, as well as educating and informing voters of their electoral rights and the significance of free and secret ballots. Parliament speaker Ana Brnabic said at a meeting with Mecacci that she was "very glad" to have established a dialogue with the opposition, because she felt that the true path to fully implementing ODIHR's recommendations was the joint work of all political parties represented in parliament.


Brnabic: The best meeting so far; The elections will be held when they are legally due, which is 2 June (B92)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic speaks after the end of the meeting where representatives of the government and the opposition discussed election conditions. The parliamentary parties of the ruling majority and the opposition met today for the fourth time to discuss the election conditions and recommendations of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The address started late because MP Aleksandar Jovanovic Cuta was standing next to the lectern, shouting. "Now you see what disrespect for the parliament looks like, that's Serbia against violence. The man said everything about himself, I wouldn't have anything to add. Thank you for the performance, this is how some of them imagine dialogue. The man comes, and until now he didn't respond and didn't come to the talks. He came, accused me of various nonsense, and all he said were lies, then he left," said Ana Brnabic. She said that the only shame is that he belongs to the group Serbia against violence. "You see how much patience and mental strength is needed to have a dialogue, to put up with everything, and to try to lower tensions and show seriousness," said Brnabic. Brnabic stated that today's meeting was the best so far, in terms of constructiveness and exchange of opinions. "That is what we owe to the citizens. We did not reach an agreement, because everything came down to a discussion about the date. The date was ultimately set, not the ballots or election conditions, not whether the recommendations should be implemented sooner or later. It is quite clear if follow ODIHR's recommendations that you cannot have local elections for probably another three years," she said. She points out that it is important for all citizens to form two working bodies - one will deal with amendments and additions to all relevant laws that implement ODIHR's recommendations. And another working body that will deal with the inspection and, if necessary, the revision of the ballot. I hope that the representatives of the opposition grouped around Serbia against violence will take part in the work. The group 'We-the voice from the people' has confirmed that they will, I thank them from the bottom of my heart, she said. Brnabic says that the elections will be held when they are legally due, at the latest, which is  June. ''And that at the explicit request of President Vucic, who asked us to meet the opposition. Several times at the meeting, I expressed my concern and question, that if we bid with the date of the elections in Belgrade, and we want them to be moved additionally, not even to the fall, than later. And bearing in mind that the City of Belgrade is currently functioning under the leadership of a temporary authority, with temporary funding for six months, what kind of signal would that be sent to the citizens of Belgrade," asked Brnabic.


ODIHR says Serbian election law amendments are not reform (N1)


ODIHR said on Tuesday that the amendments to Serbian election laws drafted by a working group are not a comprehensive reform of those laws. It said that it’s recommendations to amend the laws before the next elections still stand. “Still, the proposed amendments are an overall welcomed step towards addressing certain ODIHR recommendations in the legislation,” it added in the urgent opinion on the amendments. The organization said that some of those amendments should be reviewed prior to adoption. “ODIHR makes the following recommendations to further enhance or supplement the proposed amendments:

  1. to ensure consistency across electoral legislation, further consideration should be given to harmonizing provisions in the law on the Election of Members of Parliament and the Law on Local Elections;
  2. to provide legal certainty, the amendments related to training of local election commission and polling board members should clearly specify the applicability to upcoming elections;
  3. to prevent the misuse of special provisions for national minority lists, further consider defining clear, objective, and fair criteria for eligibility to submit a national minority list and for granting of national minority status to lists;
  4. to provide greater transparency regarding the misuse of public resources in the campaign, require the prompt publishing by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of warnings issued to public officials for related violations;
  5. to ensure effective remedy, further consider the time needed for the resolution of appeals of election results by the Constitutional Court;
  6. to look comprehensively at the needed election reforms, ODIHR recalls the recommendations of its reports and the 2022 Joint Opinion with the Venice Commission.” the ODIHR Urgent Opinion on Draft Amendments to Several Pieces of Election-related Legislation of Serbia said.




25th International Economy Fair Mostar begins (N1/RTRS/FTV)


The 25th International Economy Fair Mostar began on Tuesday, gathering more than 800 exhibitors from 30 countries. The guests of honor, headed by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, stressed that this is an opportunity for the improvement of the business community, especially in light of the opening of negotiations with the EU. Plenkovic, who opened the International Economy Fair Mostar, recalled the importance of the strategic partnership between Croatia and B&H, not only in the economic sense, but also in the political sense, especially in light of opening the negotiations with the EU. "In my opinion, this is a key turning point decision. Of course, we will try to improve bilateral relations in this broader European context as well,” Plenkovic said. Plenkovic also reminded of the Southern Interconnection project, where things are clear for him. Plenkovic emphasized that the interests of the Croat people in B&H must be protected in this project. Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo said that partnership between B&H and Croatia is not only an expression of good political relations and strong economic ties, but also a confirmation of common aspiration to further strengthen the cooperation of the two countries through the exchange of knowledge and experience. Vucic pointed out the need to strengthen relations in the region. Director of the Mostar Fair Dalfina Bosnjak said that the International Economy Fair Mostar will offer many business-useful thematic conferences, expert meetings, roundtable discussions and a number of other important events. Due to the presence of high-ranking officials from B&H, Serbia, Croatia and representatives of the EU, a series of bilateral meetings will be held on the sidelines of the Mostar Fair, where existing political and economic relations will be reviewed, and future political and economic relations will be tried to be improved. “I hope that in the future we will all be more honest with each other, both in Serbo-Croatian and Serbo-Bosnian relations, I would not like to talk about other relations, because I believe that we can live together and progress much faster,” Vucic stressed. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the Mostar Fair is proof that you can build a path with friends, without the mentorship of certain embassies or foreign officials. “There are countries in the region that can help BiH, and it is certain that B&H can develop better and move faster on the European path in this way than under the mentorship of certain embassies or certain officials who do not really understand these people and this space,” Viskovic pointed out. “Croatia respects B&H. It wants to help it in this process, as we have done in all phases so far,” Plenkovic underlined. Viskovic said that whenever a step forward in coexistence, agreement and dialogue is made in B&H, someone from the outside gets involved to spoil it. “It is obvious that they need B&H to solve some of their global problems,” Viskovic concluded. Addressing the event, Serbian President Vucic said that the strengthening of bilateral relations is in focus of the Fair, stressing that the opening of new airlines between Belgrade and Mostar is an opportunity for the strengthening of economic cooperation. He called on Serbian companies to start close cooperation with companies in both entities in B&H and Croatia, in order to increase the level of trade between the countries for mutual benefit. Kristo stated that Mostar Economy Fair has become Mostar’s brand and a strong drive for the economic development of Mostar, B&H and the region as a whole. Bosnjak said that the fair as one of the most recognizable symbols of Mostar and Herzegovina is one of the drives for the economic development.  Large number of political officials from B&H take part in the fair every year, which is an opportunity for bilateral meetings and strengthening of the cooperation of Mostar and B&H with a number of countries in the region and world. Leaders of the ruling coalition at the level of B&H held a series of meetings with guests from Serbia and Croatia who mainly expressed support to the policies of HDZ B&H and SNSD. FTV also reported that despite the warnings of the US Embassy to B&H, Plenkovic again expressed Croatia’s readiness to financially support the project of the Southern Gas Interconnection stressing the importance of protection of strategic interests of the Croat people.


Lajcak-Kristo meeting (


EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and Other Regional Issues of Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak has met with Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo on the sidelines of the Mostar Fair on Tuesday. She thanked him for his constant support to the process of the EU integration. Kristo added that B&H has made a step head in a previous period, and that the official opening of accession negotiations represents a sort of confirmation and recognition of the joint, good work and commitment. She stressed that serious work is ahead of B&H, with unexpected challenges that “we” are faced with, which do not fit in in our European path and our commitment to Europe. Kristo further said that a surprising reaction of High Representative Christian Schmidt has made all political actors stunned, and it harshly stopped very good synergy and work of the state level coalition, since changes and amendments to the Election Law made by a competent Ministry are already in a procedure. Kristo also said that it is necessary to continue further reform process in the interest of survival, security and European future of B&H, the country of constituent peoples and Others, who live in it.


Dodik denies genocide again: They constantly lie about 8,000 victims (Avaz/RTRS)


Addressing media in Mostar on Tuesday, where he attended opening of the Mostar International Business Fair, RS President Milorad Dodik once again denied genocide in Srebrenica and that B&H is a mistake. “This what is happening is no accident. As if it is timed at the time when many need the evidence that they are strong…There was no a single reason for us to find ourselves in the UN with such qualifications. We believed this is behind us. This story about coexistence, reconciliation I guess does not includes such a heinous act where the procedure is abused and initiative is launched which is piggybacked by those who want to clean their past,” said Dodik. He also commented the issue of Kosovo and noted that it is visible that all efforts for normalization come from the Serb side and he believes that they need to only look after their own interests and take a position in such a way. Dodik also noted that they in the RS are aware of this situation and they consider this should not have happened. “If it is happening then this gives us answers to our difficult issues that we constantly search for- how to continue to exist in B&H? And why should you? So that others could get off on the stories that the child which is not even born, a Serb one, is labeled as soon as it is born, as a genocide committer, as they like to say. They are lying. As much as it is in percentages in B&H, number of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats suffered as it is in line with census. In order for someone to commit a genocide, there has to be an intention to destroy an ethnic group. And this did not happen in Srebrenica. Women and children have been separated in Srebrenica and sent off toward Tuzla. Clashes were led with military formations and naturally there were victims. On the other side, they gathered all the victims from 1991 to 1995 and they are trying to stage event which happened in seven days. They want to say that our people went berserk in these seven days and paid no attention to anything,” said Dodik. He concluded that this is not true and that the cemetery there reveals the truth and that “they are persistently lying about 8,000” victims. Wondering what is the goal of all this Dodik said: “B&H is a mistake of Dayton Agreement”. “They want to create a myth about Srebrenica and it is not that,” said Dodik. He said that in case the Resolution on Srebrenica is adopted in UN GA, “the peaceful dissolution is the only solution”.


Vucic: I will always support RS and Dodik; Serbia is in no way responsible for the alleged genocide in Srebrenica (RTRS/N1/ATV/FTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated in Mostar on Tuesday that he will always support the RS and President Milorad Dodik. “He is right in one thing- if you violate procedures within a country regarding the most difficult issues, oral, political and legal disqualifications and nobody reacts to this, on the contrary everyone on the outside accept it as normal- then something is not normal there,” said Vucic. He noted that Dodik knows the best what to do with RS: “He has excellent understanding of RS interests, but I would ask him to wait for two more days, hoping that something may be done.” Vucic stated that ICJ established that Serbia is in no way responsible for “the alleged genocide in Srebrenica”. He noted that a horrible crime was committed, adding that “when we file proposal of resolutions for instance on Jasenovac or Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Jajinici and many other suffering sites, we will not say who did that.” Vucic addressed the Mostar Fair, speaking about dialogue in the region which for Vucic, as N1 noted, still does not mean recognition of the genocide in Srebrenica. N1 tried to ask Vucic why is he against the resolution being prepared in the UN, but he did not respond to the N1 reporter. But, later Vucic told the gathered journalists, mainly media from Serbia, that “it was established that Serbia is in no way responsible for the genocide”. “Do not mislead the people like you mislead the people in Sarajevo that I was carrying a sniper, that I shot at someone,” Vucic said. Vucic added that “a terrible crime was certainly committed in Srebrenica and it was no problem to come to show piety and regret and everything else.” “But I am just asking you not to invent, not to speculate about verdicts that are not as you present them,” Vucic said. FTV carries that Vucic stressed that it was established (by court verdicts) that Serbia does not have any responsibility for genocide and lashed at journalists, accusing them of reporting untruth, fabrications and deceiving people in Sarajevo with a story that he himself wore sniper and was shooting at someone (during the past war in B&H). In response to Vucic’s accusations against journalists and with a note “with due respect to the Serbian President, the following statement was not fabrication”, FTV carried Vucic’s statement given on 20 July 1995 – a few days after Srebrenica genocide, when he said: “For every Serb killed, we will kill 100 Muslims, and then we will see if the international community or anyone else dares to attack Serb positions and treat the Serb people this way.” Commenting on the Resolution on Srebrenica, Vucic said that “we are returning 30 years into the past” and noted that the coming period will be a difficult one for the Serb people. Vucic also said Dodik is condemned for all his statements, but Vucic says the RS President is right to accuse foreign officials in B&H of violating all rules, procedures and laws in this country. Vucic adds that no one reacts to these serious violations, but in fact, many even justify such behavior. “Everyone from outside says that is normal. Then something is not right with that,” Vucic stressed.


Izetbegovic: Serb leaders are putting mortgage of crimes committed by individuals on shoulders of Serb people (N1)


Commenting on the messages that came from the RS and Serbia on the eve of the announced UN Resolution on Genocide in Srebrenica, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic sent a message in Ahmici on Tuesday to Serb leaders in general “who are perhaps changing their tactics, but not their strategy, that they put the mortgage of crimes committed by individuals on the shoulders of the Serb people”. “There were many of these individuals throughout the entire structure, both military, intelligence, police and so on, but they are still individuals. So, they are doing one thing to their people that they should not be doing. It is uncivilized, unpromising, there is no way that they will prevail in this way,” Izetbegovic underlined.


Kosarac meets Sattler: Interfering of foreigners is main obstacle on B&H’s EU path (RTRS)


Ahead of opening of Mostar International Business Fair, Deputy Chair of Council of Ministers Stasa Kosarac met with Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler.  On this occasion, Kosarac warned about the fact that interfering of foreigners in internal issues in B&H represents the main obstacle on the EU path of B&H. “Can we even talk about progress in conditions in which illegitimate Schmidt forcibly imposes laws and together with US Ambassador Murphy dictates a judicial process against legitimate and legally elected RS President Milorad Dodik?” He added that it is extremely concerning that all anti-constitutional, anti-Dayton and anti-democratic activities were not accompanied by an adequate and responsible reaction of the European Commission and the EU Delegation. He underlined that Brussels’ silence can be interpreted as support to such activities directed against Serb people and against the RS. “Srpska is dedicated to regional cooperation and EU integration, without its support and policy of President Dodik it would not be possible to accomplish progress so far. We insist on respecting of the Dayton structure and Constitution with agreement of two entities and three constituent peoples. Every interfering of foreigners represents harsh violation of B&H’s sovereignty,” said Kosarac in his Instagram post. He further noted that it is alarming that none of Bosniak politicians raised their voice against undermining of the Dayton and sovereignty by the Western structures. “Instead to turn toward internal dialogue, Bosniak politicians give support to activities against the RS and Serb people and the latest such example if their intention to push the disputable Srebrenica resolution into the UN General Assembly. This is absolutely unacceptable and will additional undermine relations in B&H.” Kosarac asked “how is it expected to talk about any kind of perspective of B&H and to build partnership?” “Such activities and radicalization will not contribute to reconciliation and mutual trust. Quite the contrary, they lead this country hundreds of steps back and into uncertainty.”


Montenegrin MPs voted completely different at PACE (CdM)


In the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a vote was held on the proposal for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe. The recommendation was adopted, with 131 votes in favor, 29 against and 11 abstentions. As for Montenegrin MPs, Maja Vukicevic (DNP) voted against, Vasilije Carapic (PES) abstained, and Boris Mugosa (SD) voted for.

Montenegro is represented by three MPs, and Maja Vukicevic said that “Kosovo is part of our history”. ‘I have to say that I am surprised because not all conditions have been met and I wonder when they will be. My opinion is that this process has a lot of consequences,” she said, emphasizing that, in the case of Kosovo’s admission, Serbia would leave the Council of Europe. Vasilije Carapic (Europe now) said that first the Community of Serb Municipalities should be formed in Kosovo, and only then the admission of that state should follow. He supported the amendment, which was mainly supported by members of the right-wing Italian party Fratelli d’Italia. But in the end, that amendment did not get the necessary support.


Janovic: How much longer do we have to wait for some ministers to show up in parliament? (CdM)


Minister of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property Janko Odovic didn’t show up at yesterday’s session of the parliament of Montenegro. MP of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Nikola Janovic reacted, noting that several ministers hadn’t ever attended the parliament’s sessions, wanting to know the reasons behind it. “Can we at least hear about the benefits that our country gets from their official travels, that prevent them from coming to the sessions and us from asking them some questions,” Janovic asked. Vice President of the parliament of Montenegro Zdenka Popovic pointed out that Janovic’s statement was true, but that she could not tell the reasons for their absence.


Popa: Political problems might affect the stability of the government (MINA)


The political problems that emerged over the past few weeks in Montenegro might potentially affect the stability of the government, assessed Oana Cristina Popa, the Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, noting that positive feedback for the Interim Benchmark Assessment Report (IBAR) was not the end of the road. At the meeting of the EU-Montenegro Joint Consultative Committee, Popa said it was organized at a key moment for Montenegro. “As you’re all aware, the new government, along with the constructive opposition, worked hard to unblock the accession process based on strong support of the EU institutions”. She pointed out that more than 78% of Montenegro citizens backed Montenegro’s accession to the EU, adding that it made Montenegro an exception compared to the region. “There’s an intensive relation between Montenegro and the EU,” Popa said. According to her, the government worked hard to meet the priorities from the EU agenda, particularly concerning the interim benchmarks in the area of rule of law. As she said, the appointments in the justice system represented the most important achievement so far, adding they were necessary in order to meet the interim benchmarks. “Montenegro hopes to receive a positive IBAR in June. It’s a very popular abbreviation and everyone in Montenegro knows about IBAR. It’s a good thing, but we hope we won’t be needing it after June.” Positive IBAR is not the end of the road although it’s a step forward, Popa noted. “It can only accelerate negotiation talks as well as the accession process, but a long and challenging road lies ahead.”


Katnic and Lazovic ordered detention of up to 30 days (CdM)


Investigative judge of the Podgorica High Court Goran Scepanovic has ordered detention of up to 30 days for the former chief special prosecutor Milivoje Katnic and former high-ranking police official Zoran Lazovic. Both Katnic and Lazovic were interrogated late last night, while the Special State Prosecutor’s Office (SDT) required detention of up to 30 days.

“30-day detention was defined due to fear that they might flee across border and impact witnesses,” Marija Rakovic, independent advisor of the High Court in Podgorica told CdM.

Earlier, Lazovic’s lawyers demanded the exemption of judge Scepanovic but the president of the High Court refused to do so. Katnic and Lazovic were arrested two days ago on suspicion of organizing a crime gang whose members are, allegedly, Katnic himself and the arrested special prosecutor Sasa Cadjenovic. According to unofficial information, Lazovic is accused of being involved in the ‘Belivuk’ case, that is, that he lifted the entry ban for Veljko Belivuk and Marko Miljkovic, adding that Katnic had assisted.


Pendarovski: We made peace with neighbors, cannot allow previous government to come back (MIA)


Four years ago, the SDSM-led government succeeded in reaching an agreement with Greece and brought the country into NATO, a prerequisite for any economic development, President Stevo Pendarovski said at a reelection rally in Veles. "For thirty years, no one had the courage, no one had enough knowledge and dedication to solve that problem, which the world's greatest diplomats thought was unsolvable. This political structure, which I also belong to, solved it and made Macedonia a member of the largest alliance. This way, Macedonia with its 1.8 million people is together with the world's largest and most developed superpowers," Pendarovski said. He told his opponent from VMRO-DPMNE, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, that without the Prespa Agreement there would be no membership in NATO. Pendarovski said she had either underestimated the voters' intelligence or did not know what she was saying. "Four years ago, this lady said in a TV show that the signatories of the Prespa Agreement should be criminally prosecuted, that they should be held criminally accountable. And now you say it is good we are a member of NATO. Well, madam, without Prespa there is no NATO," Pendarovski pointed out. Earlier, Pendarovski held a rally in Chashka and Sveti Nikole, where he spoke about the benefits of the NATO membership and the beginning of negotiations with the EU. "These elections are very important. We cannot allow the previous government to come back. We have reached good agreements, made peace and agreed with our neighbors. They want to renegotiate so we lose another 10-15 years. By then, these children we see here will have left Macedonia," Pendarovski said.


Taravari in Debar: Out with the old, bring in new President, gov't, Constitution, for a country loved by all (MIA)


Our country is behind in economy, in justice, in democracy, in human rights of citizens, nations, minorities, in employment, in development; so it's time for change – out with the old and in with the new: a new President, a new government, a new Constitution for a country that will belong to everyone and will be loved by everyone, Worth It coalition presidential candidate Arben Taravari said at a Debar election rally on Tuesday evening. He also announced a ban on gambling and fast loans, which he said had pushed citizens in enormous debt. He added that the state or government should help citizens in covering these debts. "In North Macedonia, citizens spend around 1.7 million Euros a day playing games of chance. This money fills the pockets of Russian and Serbian oligarchs and, through them, the powerful people from DUI. DUI has installed and promoted the disease called gambling at every turn in our neighborhoods," Taravari said. Democratic Movement leader Izet Mexhiti, Afrim Gashi of Alternativa, and Bilall Kasami of Besa also spoke at the rally. They promised that their only path is European integration, providing conditions for stopping migration through subsidies for young people, a better business climate, decentralization by giving greater powers to local self-government, and restoring public trust in the institutions.


Vankovska: Shame that presidential candidates will not commit to public debate (MIA)


Talking to voters in person is how I present my election platform but it is a shame that candidates will not commit to a public debate during this presidential election campaign, said Levica's presidential candidate Biljana Vankovska in Kochani on Tuesday. "It is shameful for all of us not to directly confront our opponents," she said. "I am embarrassed for the others. I am mostly thinking of candidates who are doctors of science, professors, provoking each other and inviting each other to special debates, while ignoring everyone else. "All seven of us deserve equal treatment, equal media opportunities, to say what we have in our platforms, briefly and in a format standard for Western countries and all democracies. I keep saying, and appealing, that we owe it to the citizens, because they have given us 10,000 signatures and much more. "They expect to see us all face each other, backed by arguments and theses, and then decide who they will vote for," Vankovska said. Regarding smear campaigns, she said she would not stoop so low as to fling insults and harsh words like some other candidates but was trying to run a positive campaign. "I have no machinery behind me. Our campaign is modest and our machinery is the people. That's what ordinary people tell me," she said. She said she liked walking freely across the country without security detail. "That's the most important thing to me. Let the others fight at rallies, insulting each other like bad neighbors across a fence," Vankovska said. "They ignore me and people like me, but I also ignore them, except that I dare them to a public debate. I am throwing down the gauntlet. MTV's studios are open for us to face each other before the campaign ends," she said.


Mickoski in Dojran: Great awakening, citizens united around idea of change (MIA)


The number of shoes lined up in front of the government building six years ago to show how many people have moved abroad is now ten times higher, according to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at an election rally in Dojran. Mickoski said he was a faculty professor and "eight out of ten" of his students planned to "flee as far as possible from here" as soon as they graduated. "And not only for economic reasons, given that engineers have relatively attractive starting salaries. It is more because they feel frustrations. "Some citizens are privileged and are first-class citizens, and they feel like second-class citizens. "In some parts of Macedonia the laws are enforced, and in some parts of Macedonia the laws are not enforced," Mickoski said. According to him, the upcoming elections would shape the country's future. "These elections are practically a crossroads for the future direction Macedonia will take," he said. "I am convinced this will be the right direction. From what I have seen over the past twelve days across Macedonia, there is quite a great awakening among citizens, who are uniting around the idea of change," Mickoski said. The VMRO-DPMNE leader also said when SDSM was in power the country "lost the most" and citizens were impoverished, robbed, and lost their Macedonian identity. He urged Dojran locals to vote on 24 April and 8 May, adding that the Social Democrats' "defeats, robberies, degradations, humiliations and shame" should not be allowed to happen again. VMRO-DPMNE's Aleksandar Nikoloski also spoke at the Dojran rally. He alleged that Dojran Mayor Ango Angov had started to pressure people and offer bribes.


Beyer: Next government expected to adopt constitutional changes by year end (TV Sitel)


VMRO-DPMNE wants to change the Constitution, but they don't think it is the right time because of the required procedures and Bulgaria's behavior, German Bundestag member Peter Beyer of the Christian Democratic Union said in a TV Sitel appearance on Tuesday evening after meeting with VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski earlier in the day. Beyer said he understood VMRO-DPMNE's narrative. He added that his talks with party representatives over recent years confirmed their pro-European position. "This does not come as a surprise," he said. "VMRO-DPMNE representatives have been traveling around the EU and talking with the Americans who always play an important role when it comes to this region. "We had many meetings with them in Brussels and Berlin and they explained their narrative and arguments. I and the rest of us could understand their logic. So I think they are pro-European but they need to put in more effort to gain credibility in the sense that they will back the constitutional changes as soon as they form a government," Bayer said. He said no VMRO-DPMNE representative had ever said anything against the EU in public. "I have not witnessed a high representative of VMRO-DPMNE say anything publicly against the EU. On the contrary, in all the conversations we have had in recent years, I have witnessed many pro-European positions. I know for certain they want to amend the Constitution, but they have arguments and reasons for saying no right now: Because of the procedures for amending the Constitution as well as the behavior of Bulgaria and some of its highest representatives," Beyer said. He said any future government would have to address the matter. "After the elections, if they win and form a government — or anyone else forming a government — they will have to deal with this issue. My expectation is that the next government will be pro-European and will adopt the constitutional amendments – not next year, but before the end of this year," Beyer said.


Rama: Albania is listened to by the leaders of the great powers, we are a point of balance in the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama declared that Albania is today in a different position, and in a completely different relationship of interaction and communication with the international community. In a TV interview, Rama said that after the transformations that have taken place in the country and the role that Albania has taken in the international arena, Albania is listened to and consulted by the leaders of the great powers. "I don't want to talk about myself at all, and I want to make it clear that this is not the issue with me. Of course, I do my duty and I have my part, but it is all that has changed with Albania, since the reform in Justice [system], the transformation of tourism, to the very high level of security, to our role in the international arena, at the UN SC, at the head of the OSCE, at the Human Rights Council at the UN and we are listened, we consulted. The great powers ask us, the leaders of the great powers consult us, they regularly ask us for our opinion on how we see things in the region," said Rama. The Prime Minister said that this is certainly a positive factor Albania us, but also for them, because they have a voice in the region that they trust and listen to, a voice that is the voice of a state that has made its approach very clear itself to the region. When questioned about Greece's position regarding the European integration process, Rama stated, "We seek to avoid conflicts and disputes, steering clear of Balkan theatrics fueled by nationalist fervor in the region. Instead, our aim is to create optimal conditions for promoting peace and cooperation." "It's a transient moment, one that will pass. Albania stands today as a nation with a clear profile, and we must continue to strengthen it. We aspire to foster friendships with all allies, striving not only for friendship but also for strategic partnerships with Greece, Italy, Turkey, and others. Our goal is to cultivate an environment conducive to peace, cooperation, and beyond. However, we cannot tolerate, nor will we accept, disrespect. As long as we are treated with respect—echoing the respect we extend—we are content," he asserted. The Prime Minister underscored that Albania's stance on Greece has been crystal clear from the outset: "Greece is among Albania's strategic partners." "Our ties with Greece are rooted in history, proximity, and future aspirations. It's worth reiterating that you don't choose your neighbors; you simply have them. If neighborly relations breed animosity and discord, it's detrimental. Greece has taken a particular stance during this period. Our response has been to underscore our unwavering position—not due to Greece specifically, nor to any individual, but rather because it reflects our commitment to an independent judiciary and Albania's future envisions. If we stand firm on this position concerning cases involving Albanian citizens of Albanian descent, there's no reason to waiver for a citizen of the Republic of Albania with Greek or French nationality; the principle remains the same," emphasized Rama. Rama added that "Our approach is one of positivity and a genuine desire to elevate relations with Greece to the highest level possible—fostering partnerships, friendships, and good neighborliness."


Nikolla-Osmani: Albania to persistently lobby until Kosovo achieves official membership in CoE (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Albanian parliament Lindita Nikolla held a meeting with the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani. Nikolla expressed gratitude to President Osmani for hosting the International Forum "Women, Peace, Security" in Prishtina, within the framework of the Summit for Democracy, which is fostering a positive dialogue on addressing globally significant issues with sensitivity. Speaker Nikolla emphasized that the enhancement of parliamentary cooperation is facilitating the expansion of bilateral collaboration between Albania and Kosovo. President Osmani acknowledged the cooperation between the two nations in addressing common challenges, underscoring the contributions of both parliaments in this regard. She also expressed appreciation for the support of the Albanian parliament's delegations in international organizations, particularly in the Council of Europe, emphasizing the intertwined successes of Kosovo and Albania. "The high level of trust the democratic world places to Albania reflects trust and appreciation for the Albanian nation," President Osmani said. The President of Kosovo Osmani and speaker Nikolla also discussed about the significant challenge Kosovo and Albania are facing this week: the vote for Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe. Nikolla assured President Osmani that the Albanian parliament's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will persistently lobby until Kosovo achieves official membership in the Council of Europe.