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Belgrade Media Report 8 May 2024



Xi Jinping started his visit to Serbia; Vucic: "Dear friend, welcome" (Tanjug, B92)


Chinese President Xi Jinping is on an official visit to Serbia, and he will be hosted by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The last time Xi was in Serbia was in 2016, which was the first visit of the President of China to Serbia after 32 years, and on that occasion the Declaration on Strategic Partnership was signed. Along with President Aleksandar Vucic and the First Lady, Chinese President Xi Jinping was welcomed on the red carpet by the Serbian delegation consisting of Prime Minister Milos Vucevic, President of the Assembly Ana Brnabic, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric.


The President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, said this evening, upon his arrival in Belgrade, that the steel friendship of Serbia and China has taken deeper roots in the hearts of the two nations. He also said that he is convinced that this visit will be fruitful and open a new chapter in the relations between the two countries. "China and Serbia have provided each other firm support in matters concerning our core interests and major concerns. We have jointly supported international fairness and justice and contributed our share in promoting peace and development in the world," Xi said in a statement issued by Embassy of China in Serbia.


He pointed out that it was a great pleasure for him to pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the cordial invitation of President Aleksandar Vucic and, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, he sent cordial greetings and best wishes to the friendly government and people of Serbia. "China and Serbia have deep traditional friendship. Our bilateral relations have withstood the test of the changing international environment and become a fine example of interstate relations. Since the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, bilateral relations have achieved historic results. The two countries are bound by solid political mutual trust and have achieved fruitful results in high-quality "Belt and Road" cooperation'', said Xi.


He recalled that the two countries agreed on a comprehensive mutual exemption from visas, opened direct flights and signed a Free Trade Agreement, and that people-to-people exchanges are becoming more and more powerful. "Standing at a new historical starting point, China will work with Serbia to remain committed to the original aspiration and advance together in opening a new vista in China-Serbia cooperation with stronger momentum, greater scope and higher quality," said the Chinese President. He emphasized that he is looking forward to using this visit as an opportunity for a detailed exchange of views with President Vucic on bilateral relations and other issues of common interest, to renew friendship, plan cooperation, explore development and create a new plan for the development of bilateral relations. "I am convinced that this visit will be fruitful and that it will open a new chapter in relations between China and Serbia," Xi concluded.


President Vucic and his wife welcomed the President Xi Jinping and his wife, and on that occasion, he told the Chinese President that with this visit he did a great honor to the Serbian country and people, whom he sincerely loves China and appreciates the friendship of that country. "Dear President Xi, respected friend, welcome to Serbia! With this visit, you have done a great honor to our country and people, who sincerely love China and value the friendship of your great country. The vision of the world that you stand for has given inspiration and strength to us to a small country that today bravely and proudly walks the path of progress and success," wrote Vucic on his Instagram page. Vucic told Xi that Serbia wants to repay with sincere hospitality at least a small part for all the support that the Chinese president selflessly provides to Serbia. "Long live the steel friendship of Serbia and China, which was tempered in difficult times and which we will continue to preserve through mutual respect, understanding and firm support," concluded Vucic.


The meeting between Vucic and Xi: "I am extremely grateful for the support" (B92)


Chinese President Xi Jinping is on a two-day visit to Serbia, and a large number of citizens gathered to greet President Xi in front of the Palace of Serbia. "I am very glad to come on a state visit to your beautiful country," Xi said. "I am deeply impressed by the meeting and gathering with the Serbian people, I felt the strong friendship of the Serbian people with the Chinese. This made me even more convinced of our friendship." "Serbia adheres to international justice and a fair approach and deserves international respect," he added. "Over the years, at numerous meetings that the president and I had, we talked about positions of strategic importance for our cooperation and partnership. Our relations have expanded in scope. Our relations are a true example of friendly relations between China and a European country. We are ready to work with Serbia, to continue with the spirit of our steel friendship. During this visit, we will sign many agreements that will be a new pillar of our relations, a new chapter in the relations between the two countries," Xi said. "Serbia has become China's first strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe," he emphasized. He added that he hopes that this visit will meet the expectations of the Serbian people.


"Dear President, friends from China, thank you very much for your visit. Thank you for this conversation, we learned a lot. President Xi unequivocally said that Serbia has the support of the People's Republic of China, and China has every kind of support for Serbia. We said that China has our support in terms of respecting international law and the UN Charter. I am grateful to Xi for listening to our requests and for answering each one," said President Aleksandar Vucic. "We received assurances that China will support EXPO 2027 with its experience and knowledge, which is an exceptional opportunity for the development of Serbia. We talked about investments, tourism... We could never get such an in-depth analysis of world events as we got from President Xi. I am very happy and grateful for the support that the president gives us," said Vucic. "Thank you for the opportunity to learn a lot, and for respecting a small country like Serbia. We will appreciate it. Welcome and thank you very much for your visit," he concluded.


Vucic after the meeting with Xi Jinping: "Xi told me two important news; We will have China's support in the UN" (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the public after signing a joint statement and exchanging bilateral agreements, thus ending the official part of the visit. Vucic reminded that he had repeatedly sent an invitation to the Chinese president to visit Serbia and that Xi Jinping has already visited our country twice, which is an exceptional honor. "I am honored to be the host. I mostly invited him to visit Serbia, to come to such a small country twice in eight years, and you can't not be happy. Although it was narrower, after the broader format of the conversation, my colleagues said that they had never heard that some conversations were so fundamentally and deeply devoted to our relations and analyzed," said Vucic. "We could hear and learn a lot from the Chinese president, and we hope that we can learn more," said Vucic, emphasizing that Serbia has worked hard to improve relations with China, which is our biggest economic partner. He also pointed out that he and the Chinese president signed a joint statement, which means that Serbia and China are moving from strategic relations to the highest quality of cooperation - a community that speaks of the common future of our two countries.


Vucic also said that the international pressure on Serbia is enormous, but that our country will defend itself with all its might, adding that Serbia will have the firm support of China on all issues raised within the UN, as well as that Serbia and China, with today's signed joint statement are moving from strategic bilateral relations to a community that, as he said, speaks of a common future and emphasized that it is the highest form of cooperation between the two countries. He pointed out that the results of today's talks are that, in addition to Serbia supporting the principle of one China, for our country any question that someone would ask the People's Republic of China is their internal question and Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong. "That is a question for the People's Republic of China. As China wants to solve these things, that is how it will be. And it will always have the support of the Republic of Serbia for such a thing, because that is what the United Nations charter is based on and what the international public law," said Vucic.


He pointed out that he is grateful to President Xi for his very clear positions on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) - the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. "But I quote President Xi - the Republic of Serbia will have the firm support of the People's Republic of China on all issues that are raised within the framework of the United Nations. This is extremely important for us, and I told President Xi what we are facing and I thank the People's Republic of China endlessly on that," said Vucic.


Speaking about the continuation of economic cooperation with China, Vucic said that he told Xi two very important news: "China will ensure that 300 young people from Serbia study in China, and he also proposed that 50 of our scientific workers go to China. Do you know that "What does that mean for them? Xi emphasized the importance of scientific cooperation. He also proposed the formation of an intergovernmental technological committee, which is very important to us, and we also discussed the development of artificial intelligence," said the Serbian president.


Chinese President Xi Jinping thanked his sincere friends, saying that he had a warm welcome in Serbia in 2016 as well. I was touched, Xi said, when I came after eight years and saw the economic progress of Serbia. He also said that he was impressed by the welcome he received last night at Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Airport, thanking the President of Serbia for allowing him to meet the Serbian people and thus see the size and strength of the friendship that the Serbian people have towards China. I'm touched, Xi added. "We jointly announced that we will build a community between China and Serbia with a common future in the New Era, which will open a new chapter in the history of Chinese-Serbian relations. Eight years ago, Serbia became China's first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Today Serbia is becoming the first European country where we will build a community with a common future," Xi said in his address. He pointed out that, as true friends and good partners, China and Serbia enjoy a political trust that is as strong as a rock.


"Our practical cooperation has improved, coordination is close when it comes to international issues, and we have that steely friendship that is only getting stronger and stronger," Xi emphasized, adding that China supports the preservation of Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the Chinese president emphasized. We are taking six practical steps in cooperation between the two countries, among which are the Free Trade Agreement, China's support in organizing the Expo, the import of more agricultural products from Serbia, and China also welcomes the opening of new airlines, said Xi Jinping. "The two sides firmly support each other's interests, and we really have a strong political relationship that contributes to this community," Xi said.


Before addressing the media, the two presidents signed the Joint Statement of the two countries on deepening and raising the comprehensive strategic partnership and building the community of Serbia and China with a common future in the new era. With the signing of the joint statement, the ceremony of exchanging signed documents between the two countries began.


Djuric: Full EU membership is a strategic priority for the new Government of Serbia (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Marko Djuric, said in a conversation with the head of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, that full membership in the European Union remains a strategic priority of the new Government of Serbia. Marko Djuric pointed out that full membership in the EU is a strategic priority for the new Government of Serbia, as a government of continuity, and that Serbia respects European values and wants to contribute to common prosperity and peace in Europe. The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that Serbia's foreign policy will be based on state and national interests, but it will also be a policy of extending a hand and cooperation with friends and partners in the world, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. Serbia's intention, according to Djuric, is to approach cooperation with the EU with renewed energy and to work on changing its perception in many member states. Djuric pointed out that Serbia has an unequivocal economic interest in cooperating even more closely with the EU, since the EU is its biggest partner both when it comes to the export of goods and services and when it comes to the inflow of foreign direct investments. Djuric also assessed that the good relations that Serbia has with numerous non-European countries can be a common political and economic resource of Serbia and the EU, it was stated in the announcement.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Berlin: B&H Presidency Chairman Becirovic meets German Chancellor Scholz (N1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Denis Becirovic who is in a two-day official visit to Germany met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Tuesday. They discussed the EU path of B&H and the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Scholz said that Germany will continue to give its contribution to the stability in B&H via EUFOR Althea Mission in B&H. “We know that stability in the Western Balkans is not something we can take for granted, and we need to work on it, with B&H playing an active role. Any attempt to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H is unacceptable to us. We support the critical role of the High Representative in supporting democracy, the rule of law, and the integrity of this country. His efforts are aimed at ensuring adherence to the Dayton Accords (DPA)”, Scholz said.


Becirovic stated that there is a pro-Russian oriented minority in B&H that endangers fundamental provisions of the DPA and the constitutional order of B&H, stressing that they attack the two key institutions that guarantee peace and stability – the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the Constitutional Court (CC) of BiH. He said that this is the reason why sanctions of the West against such a regime exist, concluding that everyone should return within the framework of the DPA, the Constitution of B&H and economic progress of B&H.


FTV carries that Becirovic and Scholz also touched on the issue of adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica, which should be voted on in the UN General Assembly (UN GA) in the second half of May. Becirovic said that friendly relations with “the biggest European force” are of crucial importance for B&H. Becirovic underlined that he respects Germany for its support for the Resolution on Srebrenica. Scholz noted that the Resolution was initiated by “a group of friends co-chaired by Germany”. Scholz added that this is an important initiative, because of the horrific crimes that were committed, and that were confirmed by highest-instance courts. “This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process. That is an instrument for regional cooperation”, the German Chancellor added. The Chancellor also stressed the importance of cooperation and trade. “We must do everything to ensure peace and security in Europe”, he concluded. Scholz said that the UN resolution on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica came at the right moment, and that it is needed for the future. Scholz did not want to name who is blocking the reform processes in B&H.


Dodik criticizes Scholz’s statement about sovereignty and integrity (


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik posted on ‘X’ commenting the statement of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “The statement by German Chancellor Scholz regarding respect for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s sovereignty, at a time when a German is causing chaos within it without being elected by anyone for anything, is disappointing and part of the pattern repeated by leaders of Western European countries.” He continued: “To claim support for the rule of law and democracy while simultaneously accepting a High Representative, especially an illegal one, is concerning. As for Denis Becirovic, he has, as usual, expressed the views of the people who elected him, which do not align with the truth or facts about B&H, such as the lies that B&H is committed to NATO integration. “Dodik adds that RS is not a minority in B&H, as Becirovic suggested: “It is a constitutive part of B&H that supports the Dayton Peace Agreement and maintains friendships with countries like Russian Federation. Considering that the German Chancellor is aware of the capacity that Becirovic comes and speaks in, and his words are taken at a face value, also reveals Scholz’s vision for B&H.”


Niksic; State-level authority is in crisis because of blockades from RS because they are not satisfied with the decision of the High Representative to impose changes to Election Law and stance of ‘Troika’ regarding Srebrenica Resolution (Dnevni avaz)


Speaking for the daily, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister and SDP leader Nermin Niksic stated that while the politics of trust and dialogue is bringing stability and efficiency to the FB&H, and even certain opposition MPs support the important decisions for citizens, crisis and blockades are present at the state level. Niksic says that state-level authority is in the crisis because of the blockades from Republika Srpska (RS) because they are not satisfied with the decision of the High Representative to impose changes to the Election Law and stance of ‘The Troika’ regarding Srebrenica Resolution. He elaborates that even when they discussed forming of the coalition, they were aware they have different stances about certain matters and until now these differences were solved through dialogues and searching for solutions that will be acceptable to everyone and which will benefit all citizens.


Niksic noted that the current situation proves how little it takes to raise tensions: “The momentum we had is gone, so it seems now that we are back on the start, which I consider to be completely useless for anyone.” He argues that instead of work we can see populism and every attempt of authorities to return to real job, there is someone who returns B&H to the “field of ethnic conflicts”. “It is as if we are cursed, the moment we started moving forward, after ten years of blockades, there is something or someone to stop us and return us back. Nobody is responsible but us. I hope we are all aware how much effort it takes not to allow for tensions and emotions to overpower the reason. Of course we will not give up, but we will wait for spirits to calm down in order to return to reform path,” said Niksic. He noted that they will do everything to continue the EU path, adding that obligations are being met even in the peak of the political crisis, while things we see in the media are nothing but demonstrating of muscles. “I want to thank (Chair of CoM Borjana) Mrs. Kristo, who as CoM Chair in the role of Chair of Working Group for drafting Reform Plan, managed to reach the 97% aligning of the list of reforms for Growth Plan. This opens the space for B&H to receive from the EU access to funds worth around billion euros,” said Niksic. Commenting functioning of state-level coalition, Niksic noted they are ready to continue working on the EU path.


Draft amendments to B&H Election Law, draft law on Court of B&H withdrawn from B&H CoM’s agenda and sent to B&H Ministry of Justice for further harmonization (RTRS)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) held a session in Sarajevo on Tuesday. B&H CoM withdrew from its agenda draft amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the draft law on the Court of B&H and sent them to the B&H Ministry of Justice for further harmonization. B&H CoM Deputy Chair and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) stated that there is no political agreement on the amendments to the Election Law of B&H between the coalition partners at the level of B&H because the Bosniak political structures want the recommendations of the international factor to be implemented in the election process. He stressed that Bosniaks want the international interventionism in the domestic election process.


“It is obvious that there are attempts to prevent a basic domestic agreement in all possible ways and to pave the way for the election process based on stances of (High Representative Christian) Schmidt and some others”, Kosarac said. He noted that those who were supposed to propose solutions during the talks on the law on the Court of B&H and the Election Law of B&H were wondering what the Office of the High Representative (OHR) will say. Kosarac also said that the local elections in Republika Srpska (RS) will be held in line with the election law of the RS.


B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez (SDP B&H) is against the proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H prepared by a working group on judiciary. He said that it is disputable that the proposal stipulates that several cantons in the FB&H elect a B&H Presidency member from one ethnic group, as well as articles of the law that define the appointment of polling station committees at local level, reminding that the current Election Law of B&H stipulates that the polling station committees are appointed by the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H.


B&H Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza (HDZ B&H) assessed that B&H Ministry of Justice has a goal to resolve all disputable issues, including the election of the Croat member of B&H Presidency. RTRS reminded that yet another failed attempt of coalition partners to reach agreement on the amendments to the Election Law of B&H comes on the eve of calling the October local elections by B&H CEC in line with “the so-called ‘Schmidt’s election law”. As for the draft law on the Court of B&H, location of the future appellate division of the Court of B&H is still disputable for the coalition partners. Although they agree that it should be seated in the RS, the parties gathered around ‘The Troika’ coalition proposed Istocno Sarajevo, while SNSD insists on Banja Luka as the seat. Bunoza said that it is the least important where the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H will be seated, stressing that from his point of view – those who are against the proposal for Banja Luka to be the seat convey a message that Banja Luka is not a part of BiH, while those who are against the proposal for Istocno Sarajevo convey a message that Istocno Sarajevo is not part of the RS. Commenting on Bunoza’s statement, Kosarac rejected “such sarcastic statement” of Bunoza and reminded that both Banja Luka and Istocno Sarajevo are parts of the RS, stressing that the RS institutions will decide on this issue in line with the constitution and laws.




HDZ and Homeland Movement hold another round of talks on post-election coalition (HRT)


Almost three weeks after the parliamentary elections, a new parliamentary majority appears to be close at hand. The relative winners of the April 17th parliamentary elections, the HDZ, hold 61 seats in parliament. They need to find a minimum of another 15 seats in order to secure a parliamentary majority.


Andrej Plenkovic, whose HDZ holds 61 seats in parliament, met on Tuesday with representatives from the Homeland Movement Party in a bid to get their fourteen seats to back him as prime minister designate. Speaking after their meeting Mario Radić, a senior member of the Homeland Movement Party, said that the talks are progressing, but that there so far, a final agreement has not been reached: "I am not optimistic or pessimistic. At the first meeting that we achieve a high level of common ground then we think we can be optimistic. But let's wait until the end. It's only done when it's really done. The agreement has to be complete. For there to be an agreement we can't just look at what we're insisting on. When there's an agreement it has to be complete, all-encompassing and that's that."


For his part government spokesman Marko Milic said that the HDZ is confident that they will have more than the 76 seats needed to form a new parliamentary majority: "There is the ministerial level, there's the level of state secretary, so these things still need to be discussed, But I would say that we're very close to reaching an agreement, and that this week we will be in a position to consolidate 76 or more seats required for to establish a parliamentary majority, so that Andrej Plenkovic is named prime minister-designate for a third time."


Prior to meeting with the Homeland Movement, Plenkovic met with the representatives of national minorities, who hold eight seats in parliament. The representative of the Czech and Slovak national minorities, Vladimir Bilek: "Right now I can only tell you that we have more than enough signatures to form the new majority, and that this will include more than one representative from the national minorities. The SDSS participated in today's meeting of the club of deputies and the meeting with Mr. Plenkovic. What I can tell you is that the SDSS's MPs will not back Mr. Plenkovic as prime minister designate." One of the Homeland Movement’s key conditions for backing and HDZ-led parliamentary majority, is that the SDSS not be a part of the new government.


More than one ethnic minority MP supports Plenkovic as prime minister designate, SDSS will not (N1, Hina)


Tuesday's meeting between Andrej Plenkovic, the leader of the HDZ party, the relative winner of the 17 April parliamentary election, and the 8 elected MPs representing ethnic minorities, resulted in the conclusion that more than one MP from this group will support Plenkovic as prime minister-designate, without the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS).


Vladimir Bilek, who represents the Czech and Slovak minorities, told the press after the two-and-a-half-hour session that the parliamentary group of ethnic minority MPs had met on Tuesday morning. “All these MPs are aware of the serious situation, the result of the election and the vote of the electorate.” “All eight of us remain together in our parliamentary group and support Andrej Plenkovic. However, only some of us will give our signature in favor of Plenkovic as prime minister-designate,” said Bilek. The three MPs of the SDSS will not sign in favor of Plenkovic as prime minister designate, Bilek said. Robert Jankovics from the ethnic Hungarian community had previously announced his support for Plenkovic as prime minister. Bilek said Plenkovic would get the support of more than one MP representing ethnic minorities, but did not say who. He only said that a sufficient number of minority MPs would give their signature in favor of Plenkovic. The Domovinski pokret (DP) party, which came third in the polls and emerged as the kingmaker, insists on the exclusion of the SDSS from the new parliamentary majority. In the last two terms of the Plenkovic cabinet, the SDSS was one of the junior partners in the governing coalition.




Vucurovic: The resolution on Srebrenica directed against the Serbian people represents a new point of discord in the region (CDM)


As for the NSD, we believe that the Resolution on Srebrenica should not be supported and that it is something that is directed against Serbia, as well as the entire Serbian people. More precisely, it is an attempt to demonize our people. Instead of seeking reconciliation through resolutions, this resolution represents a point of discord and introduces new divisions in the entire region, believes the president of the IO NSD Jovan Vucurovic.


"This is a German resolution, and I am surprised that they did not recognize the need to create a text that would, for example, condemn all the crimes that took place on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, because there were so many of them. We condemn all crimes, like the one in Srebrenica, but I don't see that anyone from the other side has condemned numerous crimes against Serbs during the nineties, such as Kravica, Bratunac, or that anyone mentions the fact that Serbs have completely disappeared from Sarajevo, of whom there were before the war it was over 30 percent in that city," he told Adria TV.


This, he claims, is a classic example of ethnic cleansing, but this is not being discussed, but now Germany has decided to propose the Resolution on Srebrenica, which creates discord both in Montenegro and in this entire area, which is always rift and unstable. "Almost 30 years have passed since the events of the war, and instead of finding ways to unite and connect in this area, we now have a resolution that is directed against a nation and tries to present the Serbs as genocidal, even though we are the nation that suffered the most in these areas", said Vucurović.


According to him, the fact that some in Montenegro, such as the DPS, emphasize the story of the resolution for days is an indication that this party still, unfortunately, insists on anti-Serbism and the ideology of the war criminal and Nazi Sekula Drljevic, and that is not good if we want reconciliation. "We in the NSD believe that the time has finally come for reconciliation in Montenegro, but we also see those forces that insist on conflicts and that will eventually be marginalized," concluded Vucurovic.


Knezevic: Voting for the resolution on Srebrenica would be a disastrous move for Montenegro (CDM)


Voting for the resolution on Srebrenica would be a disastrous move for Montenegro, said Milan Knezevic, president of the Democratic People's Party of Montenegro. "I believe that Montenegro should be against the resolution, because if it votes for it, then Montenegro, together with Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS), is a genocidal state. I informed Prime Minister Milojko Spajic that this would be a disastrous move by official Montenegro. If that happens, we will irrevocably destroy our relations with Serbia and RS," Knezevic emphasized.


After Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said that Montenegro would support the resolution, it was announced that with the mediation of the USA, Montenegro would submit two amendments to the German Resolution on Srebrenica in order to achieve better relations and calm political tension in the region. "Amendments do not exist, that is, they have not been written yet. "If someone cares about reconciliation, why don't they write amendments for all the victims, why are the Serbian ones the least important, and when we mention them, they ask us to turn to the future," Knezevic pointed out. He reminded that "40 percent of the population who identify themselves as Serbs" live in Montenegro. "Understand how they will feel if the resolution is adopted. This decision leads to the abolition of RS, and I don't think we have the right to be a part of that shame", Knezevic added. According to him, if the resolution is adopted, "it should be declared null and void in Serbia, RS and Montenegro". "The resolutions have become tendentiously boring, there is no piety or feeling towards those victims, because if it were otherwise, they wouldn't be pushing that story every few months. "Citizens of Montenegro, at least the majority, are against the resolution, and they believe that this is an artificially created atmosphere in order to distance Montenegro from RS and Serbia," Knezevic said.


Embassy: Montenegro to continue to adhere to the principle of one China (CDM)


We hope that the Montenegrin side, starting from the traditional friendship of the two countries, will continue to adhere to the principle of one China, and will not support the activities of the Taiwanese authorities in any form, said the Chinese embassy in Podgorica. According to them, the One China principle is the general consensus of the international community and the basic norm of international relations. "Also, it is an important commitment that Montenegro took in the joint statement on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Montenegro. The Chinese government thanks the Montenegrin government, the Parliament, political parties and local governments for always consistently adhering to the principle of one China and for fulfilling all the promises made in the announcement that they "do not establish any form of official ties or official exchanges with Taiwan", and appreciates the important contribution Montenegro to improve the bilateral relations between the two countries", the Embassy of China in Podgorica stated in a statement delivered to the media.


They expect that Montenegro will continue to adhere to the principle of one China. "Especially bearing in mind that the new leaders of the Taiwan region will take office on May 20 this year, we hope that the Montenegrin side, starting from the traditional friendship of the two countries, will continue to adhere to the principle of one China, and will not support the activities of the Taiwanese authorities in in any form, will not send congratulations and will not go to Taiwan for the so-called the "inauguration ceremony", in order to avoid the situation of being used by the Taiwanese authorities to express support for their views on "Taiwan independence". "China is ready to work with all spheres of life in Montenegro to further promote the stable and healthy development of friendly relations and practical cooperation in various fields between China and Montenegro," reads the letter delivered from the Embassy.


North Macedonia


PM Xhaferi meets EP delegation: Elections to determine North Macedonia's path (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi met Tuesday with a European Parliament election observation delegation, highlighting the comprehensive steps that have been undertaken for democratic, fair and transparent elections. PM Xhaferi said the first round of the presidential elections was peaceful and democratic, with measures undertaken for a similar outcome in the presidential runoff and the parliamentary elections, the Government said in a press release. Xhaferi told the EP delegation he has met with the State Election Commission (SEC), the Ministry of Interior and the Chief Public Prosecutor to coordinate for the purpose of continued and efficient performance of tasks, which is of essential importance for the electoral process. Interlocutors agreed these elections will not only determine the next authorities but the country's future path as well, noting that the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is EU's best political acknowledgment yet for efficient European integration of the region. Xhaferi said the Government has adopted the updated draft-reform agenda that has been shared with the European Commission, reads the press release.


Gov’t adopts decision sending troops to drills in Germany and Bulgaria, NATO operation in Kosovo (MIA)


At a session Tuesday the Government of North Macedonia approved several decisions sending members of the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia abroad in order to participate in military drills, as well as in a NATO operation. In a press release, the Government said decisions have been approved sending army members to Bulgaria in order to participate in the “BEYOND HORIZON 24” drill; to Germany for the “Combined Resolve 24-2” drill; as well as to Kosovo in order to participate in NATO-led “KFOR” mission.




Assembly of Albania, Solidarity Activity with Ukrainian Families Affected by War (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian Assembly, in collaboration with the Embassy of Ukraine in Tirana, held an event in solidarity with Ukrainian families affected by the war. Representatives of Ukrainian families, including members who have been killed or unjustly detained by Russia, students from the History Department at the University of Tirana, Acting Head of the OSCE Presence in Tirana, Clarisse Pasztory, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, Giulia Re, and representatives of human rights organizations in Albania, among others, participated in this event.


The meeting was opened by the Speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla, who underlined that Russia's war against Ukraine has affected all of us, our citizens, and our countries. But today we are organizing this meeting in the Assembly to express our human solidarity with the people, the army, and the citizens of Ukraine, as well as with the affected families and their loved ones in this war that has been going on for more than two years.


"Albania has opposed Russia's aggression against Ukraine from day one. As a member of the United Nations Security Council during the past two years, and even as President of this important organ for peacekeeping, together with the United States and other Western allies, we led efforts to support Ukraine and condemn Russia's aggression. Albania has adhered to the sanctions against Russia and has supported all initiatives of the United States, the EU, NATO, and the international community supporting Ukraine. After all this political, diplomatic, and, together with our allies, also economic and military support, today we are here, in this human meeting to express our pain, solidarity, and support for the Ukrainian citizens and families directly affected by the war," Nikolla underscored during the activity.


Ambassador of Ukraine to Albania, Volodymyr Shkurov, took the floor, thanking the Assembly and Nikolla for organizing this meeting. While emphasizing that the complicated issue of Ukrainian detainees remains in the special and increased attention of the President and Government of Ukraine. Shkurov further stated, "We are proud of you, of your dedication, courage, and belief in justice". "I hope that today's meeting will provide the honorable MPs with even more arguments and understanding of the tragedy happening today in Ukraine, to join the fight for the liberation of our Ukrainian people from slavery," Shkurov expressed. Following this, Kateryna Yesypenko, Petro Vyhivskyi, Khrystyna Leibak, Svitlana Solonska, Tetyana Vasylchenko, and Olha Cherniak highlighted the immense suffering caused to the Ukrainian people and families by Russia's military aggression.