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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 11, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 11, 2024


Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: We want international guarantees for the Association (media)

  • Rasic raises issue of coexistence in meeting of Kosovo government (RFE)

  • Kosovo declares July 11 as Remembrance Day for Srebrenica genocide (media)

  • KFOR Regional Command West conducts “Swift Rescue” exercise (media)

  • Aliu: Threat from Serbia; “they’re not buying weapons to take pictures” (Nacionale)

  • EBRD extends €5 million loan for Kosovo SMEs (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Djuric: Serbia strongly believes in power of dialogue (Kosovo Online)
  • Stuart: Ideal time for business in Serbia; Djuric: Serbia is a "booming destination" for investments (Kosovo Online)
  • State Department issued 2023 report on religious freedoms in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Brnabic: Hungary's EU presidency an opportunity for Serbia (Tanjug)
  • Vucic responds to Clarke interview (N1)
  • Court dismisses indictment against one of defendants in Oliver Ivanović murder case due to delay (KoSSev)
  • Kosovo Government declares July 11th as “Day of Remembrance of Genocide in Srebrenica“ (KoSSev)


Albanian Language Media


Osmani: We want international guarantees for the Association (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with the Voice of America on Wednesday that Kosovo wants guarantees from international partners for the implementation of obligations stemming from the Ohrid agreement, referring to the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. She said that Kosovo does not want to dodge its obligations but that there should be a parallel implementation of the agreement reached in Brussels.


“In every contract, in every agreement there are two parties, and it is a basic principle of international law that if one party withdraws from the agreement, then the other party has no obligation to implement any part of that agreement. What we as Kosovo are insisting is not to dodge our obligations but to have a parallel implementation of the agreement reached in Brussels, known as the Basic Agreement, and the Ohrid Annex, which includes obligations for Kosovo, some of which were difficult concessions, but it also includes clear obligations for Serbia, which in their entirety constitute the de facto recognition of Kosovo, as it was clearly stated by European leaders in their statement on October 26,” she said.


Osmani also said that if Kosovo were to implement all its obligations “we need guarantees for our security, international support, membership in international organisations, not as a transaction, but as a project that finally closes this topic and brings more peace and security in the region”.


Rasic raises issue of coexistence in meeting of Kosovo government (RFE)


Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, raised the issue of coexistence at the meeting of the Kosovo government on Wednesday, saying that it should be a completely normal phenomenon in a multiethnic society. He called on all people in Kosovo not to pay attention to statements by politicians but to accept fellow people from other communities. 


The news website reported on Tuesday that there is a negative discourse when it comes to coexistence between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo, while civil sector representatives said that the cooperation between the two communities is mainly developed “behind the curtains” because of the rhetoric used by politicians. 


Several interlocutors of the news website said they faced threats earlier after saying good words for their neighbours or friends from another ethnic community. There have also been cases when individuals hesitated to speak publicly about good interethnic relations, fearing condemnation from their communities. 


Rasic said on Wednesday: “I want to call on everyone not to view their fellow people – nations or other religions – as politicians. But to view them in an acceptable way”.


Rasic also said that he will “try to find a way for people to view things in a different, more normal, way. I will speak directly with the Prime Minister, maybe with other colleagues too, about the methodology that can be used to prevent a negative discourse when it comes to coexistence”. 


Asked to comment on the matter, the Kosovo government did not respond directly but highlighted the importance of integrating the Kosovo Serb community, saying that employment and education are the best way to achieve this.


Kosovo declares July 11 as Remembrance Day for Srebrenica genocide (media)


Most news websites reported on Wednesday that the Kosovo government declared July 11 as an annual day of remembrance for the Srebrenica genocide. At the government meeting on Wednesday, Prime Minister Albin Kurti gave one part of his address in Bosnian language. The government also held a moment of silence honoring the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. 


KFOR Regional Command West conducts “Swift Rescue” exercise (media)


Several news websites reported on Wednesday that the KFOR Regional Command West conducted a training exercise named “Swift Rescue”, held in every municipality in western Kosovo, to maintain high operational readiness. During the exercise, they trained in crowd and riot control scenarios and tested several evacuation procedures. 


Aliu: Threat from Serbia; “they’re not buying weapons to take pictures” (Nacionale)

Kosovo’s Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, Liburn Aliu, argued on Wednesday that there is a constant threat from Serbia “because they are constantly buying new weapons” and that “the weapons are being bought to use them, and not to take pictures”.


“As far as the threat from Serbia is concerned, I cannot give a competent answer because I am minister of environment, but I can give you my opinion based on my political experience from the Vetevendosje Movement. Serbia has always been a threat, and it continues to be a threat, not only through statements, but also through the weapons they constantly buy,” Aliu was quoted as saying. 


EBRD extends €5 million loan for Kosovo SMEs (media)


Citing an article by SeeNews, several news websites reported on Wednesday that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has extended a loan of up to 5 million euro Raiffeisen Leasing Kosovo for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Financing is set to support investments to improve working standards and processes, as well as the integration of green technologies, the EBRD said in a press release. Local SMEs will also benefit from grant incentives worth up to 15% of the loan amount. The credit line falls under EBRD’s Sustainable Reboot SME Programme, which aims to help Kosovo SMEs recover from recent macroeconomic challenges. 

Serbian Language Media 

Djuric: Serbia strongly believes in power of dialogue (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric conveyed a message within the NATO Summit at which Serbia participates as a member of the Partnership for Peace program that Serbia is in Washington because it strongly believes in the power of dialogue, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“We are not a NATO member. We are a neutral state. But we want, using and relying on the power of dialogue, to expand understanding for the Serbian positions on our strategic national interests – from Kosovo and Metohija to the regional situation”, Djuric said.

He added Serbia wishes to show it is a constructive actor, which contributes to regional and global safety. “Serbia comes in third place for its contribution to the peacekeeping missions of the United Nations in the world”, Djuric said.

Stuart: Ideal time for business in Serbia; Djuric: Serbia is a "booming destination" for investments (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric, met yesterday in Washington with Eric Stuart, President of the American-Central European Association. Stuart told Kosovo Online that this is an ideal time for investments and business in Serbia, expressing excitement about deepening relations between the US and Serbia.

"We are very excited, feeling that this is an ideal time for doing business in Serbia. We have had a warm reception from the Serbian Government, people, and companies. We have been waiting a long time for Serbia to become a place for good business, and there is no better place for business and investments in the Western Balkans than Serbia. Last year, we led a business mission to Belgrade, and we will do the same this year {...}”, Stuart said.

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State Department issued 2023 report on religious freedoms in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

The US State Department in its 2023 report on religious freedoms in Kosovo published also parts on last year’s September events in Banjska village, Zvecan municipality, where a clash occurred between an armed group of Serbs and Kosovo police, Radio KIM reported.

“In September, an armed group of ethnic Serbs attacked Kosovo Police in Banjska, Zvecan municipality, killing one police officer and injuring two others. After attacking the police, the group forcibly entered the nearby SOC Banjska Monastery and fought police from there for hours before escaping. Police reported three assailants were killed during the skirmish {…}”, reads the report.

“The SOC condemned the attack on the police and complained about public statements from government officials, public figures, and media alleging SOC complicity in the attack. For example, Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla told the media in September there were “indications that there was direct involvement” of monastery staff in the action. On September 25, the SOC said that “neither EULEX nor the police found anything that could compromise the monastery,” and stated the “firearms, body armour, and pieces of equipment” discovered after the attack were “discarded by the armed individuals as they retreated from the monastery.” Police separately reported a large cache of weapons and vehicles was found “in and around the monastery,” including rocket launchers, mortar rounds, grenades, explosives, and small arms. In October, despite the SOC denial, Minister Svecla said to the media that he would not be surprised if the monastery played a role in the attack, because “the Serbian Orthodox Church has always played a destructive role towards peace in the region and has been part of Serbia’s hegemonic policy.” At year’s end, the government’s investigation into the incident continued”, the report added.

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Brnabic: Hungary's EU presidency an opportunity for Serbia (Tanjug)

Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic met with the ambassadors of EU member states at a working luncheon on Wednesday, noting that Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU was an opportunity for Serbia to establish an even better relationship with the institution, Tanjug news agency reported.

Thanking Hungarian Ambassador Jozsef Magyar for hosting the working luncheon, Brnabic said it had been an opportunity to hear the ambassadors' positions on (EU) enlargement and recall the excellent cooperation we have always had.

Congratulating Hungary on its presidency of the Council of the EU, Brnabic noted that she was confident it was an opportunity for Serbia to establish even better cooperation with the institution and that the presidency could help the EU integration process and Serbia's European path.

Vucic responds to Clarke interview (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that Serbia will not be anyone’s servant including the great powers, N1 reported.

“Anyone following what Serbia does knows that we aren’t Russia’s or America’s pawn”, Vucic said responding to a CNN interview by retired US general Wesley Clarke. The general said that “Russia’s hand is visible in Serbia and that Vucic will do what Russian President Vladimir Putin wants once the pressure is strong enough”, N1 reported. 

Vucic told reporters that “Clarke left an indelible mark on the Balkans in terms of killing the Serbian people and children. What’s interesting to me is that he said we are Russia’s pawn in the Balkans and anyone watching what Serbia does sees clearly that we aren’t Russia’s or America’s pawn. Freedom-loving people are living here who always respected, died for and appreciated freedom and he should have learned that lesson in 1999”, Vucic is quoted as saying.

Court dismisses indictment against one of defendants in Oliver Ivanović murder case due to delay (KoSSev)

“The prosecution did not comply with the deadlines for indictment from the beginning of the investigation against the defendant. By the decision on the expansion of the investigation dated December 4, 2019, and until the indictment was filed on December 27, 2023, more than four years have passed. More precisely, it has been 4 years, 7 months, and 8 days“, reads the court’s decision dismissing the indictment against Milan Mihailovic, known by the nickname ”Popi“, KoSSev portal reports citing Pristina-based Kallxo.

Kallxo reported that Milan Mihailovic – “‘Popi’ was the last person to be indicted by the Special Prosecutor’s Office as a member of the criminal group led by Milan Radoicic, in connection with the murder of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic”.

During an interview at the Special Prosecutor’s Office on March 8 last year, Mihailovic denied that he was in North Mitrovica at the time of Ivanovic’s murder. He also denied that he received assignments from Radoicic, stressing that he did not know the individuals mentioned in connection with the case of Ivanovic’s murder.

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Kosovo Government declares July 11th as “Day of Remembrance of Genocide in Srebrenica“ (KoSSev)

Kosovo Government unanimously adopted decision to declare July 11th as “Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica“, yesterday. This proposal was submitted for consideration within the framework of the law on official holidays in Kosovo, KoSSev portal reported.

The decision was made at the 212th session of the Kosovo Government. This was the first item on the agenda.

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