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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 6, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Lajçak to visit Kosovo today (media)

  • Germany warns that CEFTA can move forward even without Kosovo (Koha)

  • Rohde: Kurti was not persuaded to compromise on representation of Kosovo in CEFTA (Koha)

  • Zulfaj answers to Germany about CEFTA: Serbia is setting conditions (Koha)

  • U.S. Mission at OSCE concerned about uncoordinated actions in north (RTK)

  • Rasic against Kurti on opening of Iber bridge: I don't see it reasonable to jeopardise progress (Zeri)

  • Osmani: Kosovo and Finland are steadfast partners (Koha)

  • Ambassador Orav had a busy day with meetings on Thursday (Klan)

  • In a phone call with Vucic, Scholz emphasised importance of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (RTK)

  • Cerkinaj: Locals are not serious at all about fate of missing (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Lajcak in Pristina today, confirmed by Stano (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica North)

  • Serbia confirmed the search of a possible mass grave near Novi Pazar (Beta, NMagazin, RFE)

  • Hill: Serbia adheres to dialogue and that is the right approach (RTS, Danas, Kosovo Online, media)

  • Rojevic: The blockade of the administrative crossings to Kosovo announced for today at 6 pm (Danas, beta, Insajder, media)  

  • Simic: I told the truth - that I didn't do anything illegal, it’s a pressure before the elections (Kosovo Online, media)

  • Arsenijevic followed? (KoSSev)

  • Nenad Rasic: The closure of Serbian institutions in the north not a surprise (KiM radio)



Albanian Language Media

Lajçak to visit Kosovo today (media)


The EU special envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, arrives in in Kosovo today.


This visit, as Lajcak himself stated last week, is aimed at preparing a meeting at the level of chief negotiators within the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. As reported, Lajcak will not visit Belgrade after Pristina this time.


Germany warns that CEFTA can move forward even without Kosovo (Koha)


Germany's emissary for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, who is making his second visit to Kosovo in eight days, has accused the government of Kosovo for not reaching an agreement on CEFTA and blocking trade cooperation. In an interview with KTV's "Interaktiv" show, Sarrazin said that they will see the possibility of moving forward in free market agreements even without Kosovo and that such a refusal only means blocking themselves.


Sarrazin said that the aim of this visit is regional cooperation and the Berlin Process, and has insisted forKosovo to unblock the entry of Serbian goods, a part of which was blocked by the government of Kosovo. He has stated that he received a negative response from Prime Minister Albin Kurti in the request for a compromise.


"Now we have the main principle in the European Union and now you can block yourself and I have to explain here to the government of Kosovo that we will continue with agreements on these issues, related to the free common market, even without Kosovo if it is necessary. This is my message today", he said. Sarrazin added that such a refusal only means blocking oneself.


Rohde: Kurti was not persuaded to compromise on representation of Kosovo in CEFTA (Koha)


The ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has said that the emissary of this country for the Western Balkan region, Manuel Sarrazin, has come to Kosovo to urge Prime Minister Albin Kurti to compromise on CEFTA, but this, according to him, is not 'succeeded.


"Manuel Sarrazin visited Kosovo again to urge Albin Kurti to compromise on CEFTA, enabling key freedoms for Kosovo citizens, replacing UNMIK with Kosovo on board - without success. If necessary, the other countries of the Western Balkans will continue without Kosovo, for now, to continue with regional cooperation and the Berlin Process", he wrote.


Days ago, Kurti met the German envoy, and the Prime Minister's Office announced that they discussed the progress of the implementation of the agreements in the Berlin Process, regional cooperation and the Summit to be held in Berlin.


Zulfaj answers to Germany about CEFTA: Serbia is setting conditions (Koha)


Jeton Zulfaj, advisor to Prime Minister Albin Kurti, has responded to the German ambassador in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, who said on Thursday that the German emissary for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, has not managed to convince Prime Minister Kurti to compromise on CEFTA .


Zulfaj said that Kosovo is the most proactive state of the Berlin Process.


"Today, Prime Minister Kurti met the German emissary, Manuel Sarrazin, to discuss the possibilities of unblocking decision-making in CEFTA. After three years of Serbia's blockade within CEFTA, we have a compromise solution. Now Serbia has made this solution conditional on the removal of Kosovo's security measures at the border crossings with Serbia. These two issues are not related. Kosovo's measures are not commercial, but derived from threats to our national security, imposed by the security authorities and not by the Ministry of Commerce. Kosovo is the most proactive member of the Berlin Process and Prime Minister Kurti has constantly promoted further integration", wrote Zulfaj on Twitter.


CEFTA aims to eliminate barriers between countries and attract investments to the region. The member states of CEFTA, which was signed in 2006, are Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Kosovo, which is represented by the name "UNMIK/Kosova". Kosovo has asked for equality in this agreement, and now for this Serbia has conditioned the removal of barriers to its goods.


US Mission at OSCE concerned about uncoordinated actions in north (RTK)


The Mission of the United States of America in Kosovo (OSBE) has reacted regarding the recent developments in the north of Kosovo. In a press release, the OSCE states that it is concerned about "the uncoordinated and provocative actions undertaken by the Government of Kosovo, which have had a direct and negative effect on members of the ethnic Serb community and other minority communities in Kosovo".


“We have expressed our concern regarding the uncoordinated and provocative actions taken by the Government of Kosovo that have had a direct and negative effect on members of the ethnic Serb community and other minority communities in Kosovo.  They put Kosovan citizens and NATO-led Kosovo Force soldiers at greater risk and undermine Kosovo’s reputation as a reliable international partner.  We appreciate the work of those, including the OSCE Field Mission in Kosovo, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, and Kosovo Force, who prevent violence and call for continued restraint by all involved and affected.


We continue to support Kosovo as a sovereign, multi-ethnic democracy and urge its leaders to promote a rights-respecting and inclusive society for all those living in Kosovo.  Issues related to Serbia-supported structures in Kosovo should be dealt with through the EU-facilitated Dialogue as agreed by both parties.  


We see Kosovo’s future as lying in Europe and fully integrated into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions.  The EU-facilitated normalisation Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is the way to ensure Kosovo has better relationships with its neighbours and advances on its European path.  We reiterate our call to both Kosovo and Serbia to move forward with urgency on implementing the agreement they reached in March 2023.  Ultimately, the United States believes normalisation should lead to mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia.


The United States will remain actively engaged, in coordination with our EU partners in support of a predictable and peaceful relationship between Kosovo and Serbia on the basis of their Dialogue agreements and obligations,” reads the press release.  


Rasic against Kurti on opening of Iber bridge: I don't see it reasonable to jeopardize progress (Zeri)


The Minister for Communities and Return in the Kurti government, Nenad Rasic, is against the opening of the Iber bridge.


"I don't see it as reasonable to jeopardise this progress in the development of institutions, progress in the integration of perhaps a part of the Serbs in the north, but significant integration, not improvisation of integration as we had", he told Klan Kosova.


He further spoke about the warning about the blocking of the border points with Kosovo by the Serbs of Serbia, saying that this has no meaning. "A thing that doesn't make any sense because in the end, the Serb citizens of Kosovo will be the most harmed", Rasic said.


Iraqi Nobel laureate hosted by the Kosovo leaders (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani hosted on Thursday the human rights activist from Iraq, Nadia Murad, who is also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Osmani described her as one of the most powerful voices in the world in the fight for justice for survivors of sexual violence during war. She said that Murad stayed in Kosovo to strengthen the voice of the survivors of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo.


"Together, we visited the survivors as well as the organizations that work closely with the survivors of sexual violence during the last war in Kosovo, which the Presidency has been supporting for years," Osmani wrote on Facebook.


Murad also met with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. He said that Murad is a symbol of courage and endurance.


"With indomitable determination, she has turned her suffering into a global movement for justice against the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and a systematic tool of genocide. The Republic of Kosovo stands by the survivors of sexual violence during the war, committed to justice and support for each of them", wrote Kurti on Facebook.


Osmani: Kosovo and Finland are steadfast partners (Koha)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has stated that Kosovo and Finland are steadfast partners, after hosting the Foreign Minister of this country, Elina Valtonen.


"In the protection of European values, Kosovo and Finland are steadfast partners! In the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Finland, Elina Valtonen, I thanked her for her country's support for Kosovo at every stage, including the process of state formation, state building and membership in international organisations," Osmani said on Thursday. She has added that she will continue her commitment to strengthening relations between the states.


Ambassador Orav had a busy day with meetings on Thursday (Klan)


The head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Aivo Orav, announced through a post on platform X that he had a busy day on Thursday. “Today's meetings brought me together with SRSG and Head of  UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, the Head of OSCE in Kosovo Ambassador Davenport and his Deputy Cornelia Taylor, as well as UK Ambassador in Kosovo Jonathan Hargreaves,” Orav wrote.


Aivo Orav has this week assumed the position of the new ambassador of the European Union Office in Kosovo, succeeding Tomas Szunyog, who held this post from 2020.


In a phone call with Vucic, Scholz stressed importance of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (RTK)


The German government announced that Chancellor Olaf Scholz had a telephone conversation with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, during which he emphasised the importance of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Through an announcement issued by the German government, it is said that Scholz has reiterated Germany's continued support for dialogue.


It is further said that during the conversation, Scholz and Vucic exchanged views on the status of bilateral relations and underlined their common interest in constructive and result-oriented cooperation. "The chancellor also spoke about the importance of the dialogue mediated by the EU between Kosovo and Serbia and reiterated Germany's continuous support for it," the Government announcement stated.


According to the announcement Scholz and Vucic also discussed the importance of sustainable policies for the raw material. "They also discussed raw material policy issues. The Federal Chancellor and the Serbian President emphasised the importance of a stable policy of raw materials in Europe and the close exchange on this matter. The Federal Chancellor offered German support, including ensuring high environmental and sustainability standards in lithium mining in Serbia. He referred to relevant German lithium mining projects and suggested sharing existing expertise on the sustainable and environmentally friendly design of such projects," the announcement states.


Cerkinaj: Locals are not serious at all about fate of missing (Koha)


Bajram Cerkinaj from the Resource Center for Missing Persons has said that the local authorities have not taken the issue of missing persons seriously.


"The locals are not at all serious about the fate of the missing. They are not able to implement a program. I dare not tell the family members that they have not taken any steps in what they promised. I don't remember when the government commission invited us for information, especially the resource centre which I represent, we are never called. I have no invitation from the government commission. I am criticising the inaction of the current government. They don't want to cooperate with us, I don't know what will happen. We made a request to meet with Lajcak tomorrow. I don't know if he would accepts us or not. I can no longer live by insulting me and not telling me the truth about missing persons. We need seriousness, program and demand from the European community and the allies who have liberated us. These three things should have priority", he said.


Cerkinaj added that even the requests for access to satellite images are not made properly. "I asked the American ambassador why you are not giving us the satellite images, he told me that we have to go through the international red cross, we have no right to go ourselves. There are requests, but not how they should be done", he said.


He has assessed that even Brussels has not been sincere regarding the promises for the missing persons.


"It has been announced that Lajcak will visit Pristina tomorrow. I can say that Lajçak has completely frozen the dialogue group in Brussels. He was also a guest at the resource center, he promised that work will be done on the issue of missing persons, that a committee will be formed to control the negotiations for the missing persons so that they have a deadline and not like this without anything concrete. Today we have achieved zero in this aspect. We are at zero in this process. Brussels is at zero. All topics that are touched on in Brussels, security is talked about, there was never any discussion about what they have promised for the missing persons", Cerkinaj emphasised.

Serbian Language Media 

Lajcak in Pristina today, confirmed by Stano (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica North)

The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, will be in Pristina today, European Commission spokesman Peter Stano told Tanjug yesterday. 

In a written reply, Stano stated that Lajcak is not currently planning a visit to Belgrade.

"Tomorrow only in Pristina, at this stage there is no trip to Belgrade," stated Stano.

Serbia confirmed the search of a possible mass grave near Novi Pazar (Beta, NMagazin, RFE)

The Serbian government's commission for missing persons confirmed today that preparations have begun to clear the location of a possible mass grave near Novi Pazar and build an access road, after which a search of the Golo Brdo landfill site is planned, reported NMagazin, citing Beta agency. 

The landfill near the village of Kozlje in the southwest of Serbia is one of the locations that, according to the authorities in Pristina, could hide crimes committed by Serbian forces against Albanian civilians in Kosovo during the war in the 1990s.

The head of the Commission for the Missing Governments of Kosovo, Kushtrim Gara, told RFE that the date for the start of the excavation or assessment of the site should be known by mid-September.

The Commission for the Missing Governments of Serbia confirmed to RFE that preparations have begun to clear the site and build an access road, after which a search of the "Golo Brdo" landfill site is planned.

The excavations will be carried out at the request of Kosovo, which has provided information to the Serbian side about the possibility that the remains of murdered Albanian civilians, who have been missing for more than two decades, were buried in this place. Gara said that they received information about this location from various witnesses and that the preparations of the field began on August 26. At the end of August, together with the authorities of Serbia and Kosovo, the representatives of the forensic medicine team of EULEX visited the location.

"This activity was in line with EULEX's commitment to support the relevant institutions with the help of forensic experts to shed light on the fate of more than 1,600 missing people in connection with the conflict in Kosovo," the European Union Rule of Law mission told RFE.

Hill: Serbia adheres to dialogue and that is the right approach (RTS, Danas, Kosovo Online, media)

The US ambassador in Belgrade, Christopher Hill, pointed out that Washington was very clear about Pristina's unilateral measures and said that it represented a departure from the dialogue, and added that Serbia adheres to that dialogue and that this is the correct approach, reported Danas, citing RTS. 

Hill said in an interview for RTS last night that the US has made it very clear that this situation should be resolved through dialogue. 

''We consistently support dialogue. I think we were clear when we said that anyone who takes unilateral steps deviates from dialogue," Hill underlined for RTS.

On the statement that many in Serbia believe that Pristina's latest actions were approved and coordinated with the US, Hill told RTS that this was "completely incorrect".

"That's completely false information. The US has made it very clear, absolutely clear that the future of this situation needs to be resolved through dialogue, through what Ambassador Lajcak is doing. We consistently support that. And I think we've also been pretty clear that we're unhappy when someone withdraws from the dialogue or takes unilateral steps," the US ambassador said.

"Serbia adheres to dialogue and that is the right approach. Dialogue has all the elements that can solve all problems. All these issues should be resolved through dialogue," underlined the ambassador.

Hill reminded that the USA clearly said what they think should be done, that they were also clear about the bridge on the Ibar, as well as the formation of the A/CSM. 

"We sent very clear messages. We were very clear that those who deviate from the dialogue deviate from our policy. Serbia worked very hard on this, did well by sticking to the dialogue. He would encourage Serbia to continue like that," emphasized Hill.

Hill stated that the relationship between the USA and Serbia is growing and developing successfully, because there are many common interests.

"I think we have some kind of strategic common interest in terms of where we want to go. We are very concerned about regional issues, but we are also very concerned about what is happening in Ukraine. So, I think there are many positive signs in terms of where the relationship between the USA and Serbia is going to go. To be clear, Serbia has many challenges. One of those challenges, shared by many countries, is the question of where civil society finds its place", said Hill.

The ambassador assessed that Serbia is starting to make important strategic decisions, stressing that one of them refers to the purchase of "rafales".

"What Serbia is doing is not just buying planes but buying relations with the NATO air force. I think that it is very important and that it will not be changed by the situation on the ground in Kosovo. Which does not mean that we should not deal with the situation in Kosovo. I think we all agree on that and want to see it resolved. But I think that what you saw with the visit of President Macron, as well as with the visit of Chancellor Scholz, represents a very clear shift, and we would like to see that continue, in accordance with the wishes of the Serbian people and the Serbian leadership," said Hill.

He pointed out that Serbia should make decisions independently, stating that he made this known several times.

"We are not here to tell Serbia what to do or how to orient itself. And I've made it clear over the years that I've been here that I don't tell anyone what to do. They have to make their own decisions, and I think those decisions are going in the right direction," explained Hill.

Commenting on Kurti's invitation to the convention of the Democratic Party, which in Serbia is perceived as a "finger in the eye", he said that he understands that, but also that one must understand where the invitations come from and where they don't come from.

"So, when an NGO invites someone to a convention, I wouldn't draw big political conclusions from that. The fact is that the US Government, especially the State Department, has been very clear about where we see the future of this process, and that is through dialogue," Hill repeated.

Rojevic: The blockade of the administrative crossings to Kosovo announced for today at 6 pm (Danas, beta, Insajder, media)  

The President of the Association of Citizens of the Kosovo-Mitrovaca District, Rasa Rojevic, announced that tomorrow, Friday, September 6, the multi-day blockade of the administrative crossings towards Kosovo will begin, reported Beta agency. 

Rojevic told the agency that the blockade will be organized by ''native associations of citizens from Kosovo and Metohija and that four out of five administrative crossings from the direction of central Serbia and Montenegro will be blocked''.

"The blockade will start tomorrow at 6 pm and will last until the Kosovo police forces are withdrawn from the north of Kosovo and the usurped institutions are returned to the Serbs. We also demand that KFOR, in accordance with the mandate of Resolution 1244, take over control in the north of Kosovo," said Rojevic.

According to him, the blockades will last until all the citizens' demands are met.

"We will block the Brnjak, Jarinje and Merdare crossings from the side of central Serbia, and the Kula crossing on the Pec-Rozaje road from the Montenegrin side. Konculj administrative crossing will not be blocked for now. We will only allow hospital vehicles, as well as all other vehicles and passengers with Serbian documents. If Serbian documents are not valid in Kosovo, so-called Republic of Kosovo documents cannot be valid in central Serbia either," said Rojevic and added that at least 400 people will participate in the blockade at each crossing, reported Danas, citing Beta.

Simic: I told the truth - that I didn't do anything illegal, it’s a pressure before the elections (Kosovo Online, media)

Member of the Presidency of the Serb List, Igor Simic, stated that during his questioning by the police yesterday, he declared that he had not done anything illegal or acted against anyone. He also noted that the summons for questioning, issued to Serbs following the police raid on Serbian institutions in the north, was a form of pressure ahead of the elections in Kosovo.

"We said we would respond to the summons, and we all did. We have no reason not to, as we are absolutely certain that we have done nothing against anyone. I am proud to be part of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund (PIO Fund) and to have helped citizens secure their right to a pension. In that sense, I believe I did a good deed, not anything illegal or against anyone," Simic told reporters.

He emphasized that this is the only truth he stated today during the questioning, as he is always ready to repeat it.

"I am convinced that this is directly linked to our political positions within the Serb List and is a form of pressure, especially considering the fact that we are approaching the regular parliamentary elections in Kosovo," Simic stressed.

When asked by reporters whether the police had informed him about the potential course of events in this case, he replied negatively.

"Absolutely not, but I made it clear that I am available and will always respond to a summons because I am completely confident that I have done nothing illegal and have honorably fulfilled my duties. It is up to them to do their job, and I am here and will always respond when called," said Simic, who arrived at the police station around 4 PM, accompanied by lawyer Milos Delevic.

Arsenijevic followed? (KoSSev)

The president of the Serbian Democracy party, Aleksandar Arsenijevic, claims that two Kosovo police officers in civilian clothes are continuously following him and recording his movements. In the video he posted two days ago on social networks, he recorded them. He offered them refreshments, as he said in the video, "because they follow him all day, in high temperatures." The police confirm that they are two plainclothes police officers, but not that they are in charge of following the leader of the Serbian Democracy. 

"The young policemen from the video are there in Tsar Lazar Square to monitor the situation," says Veton Elshani.

In a statement for KoSSev, Arsenijevic explained that he noticed, as he claimed, two men following him two days ago. He said that they were police officers, in civilian clothes.

"Yesterday I noticed two policemen following me. Not only that, but more people also informed me that they even filmed me. They follow me while I'm whistling, while I'm sitting in a cafe... The citizens informed me, and we also have material evidence that they followed me," says Arsenijevic.

As previously, on the same day, he booed the head of cabinet of the North Mitrovica municipality, Visar Syla, through the city, he thinks that maybe it has something to do with each other, although, he says, he noticed two guys in his vicinity even before that.

Nenad Rasic: The closure of Serbian institutions in the north not a surprise (KiM radio)

"The closure of institutions is not a surprise, it was announced six months ago," the Minister for Communities and Return in the Government of Kosovo told radio KiM. 

Rasic stated that the methodology of working with institutions should be different, so that employees in institutions that function in Kosovo according to the system of the Republic of Serbia would remain in their workplaces.

"Politically, I want to defend and protect the interests of Serbs in Kosovo, in the north and in the south. On the other hand, I know what is right and what are their rights. Some institutions are not established in the Kosovo system for a reason," he said.

He emphasized that mutual non-recognition of Serbian and Kosovo institutions is a problem for Serbs in Kosovo.

"The regime in Belgrade often replaces theses, presenting these as 'our institutions'. I agree with everything about that, since our people are working. But those institutions work under an administration called Kosovo. If you work under an administration, you must obey the laws of that administration. In this case, especially in the north, knowing that someone will legally review their actions, then you can expect that," Rasic added.

The minister emphasized, among other things, that schools and hospitals that function according to the system of Serbia will not be threatened in any way.

According to Nenad Rasic, the sign with the inscription of the Ministry of Communities and Return was temporarily placed on the building of PA Leposavic.

"I was informed when the board was put up. I called the deputy commander of the Kosovo Police for the North region Veton Elshani and my deputy Radomirovic and asked that the sign be removed. Not because we don't need offices, but because I believe that if we take something as our offices, then it should be done in the right way, adequately. And not in the way of immediate improvisation," he said.