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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 8, 2024

Albanian Language Media:


  • Svecla gives “notice about border crossing point in Merdare” (media)
  • Stano: EU supports free trade of goods throughout the Western Balkans (media)
  • EU hopes CEFTA will be unblocked, after Kosovo lifted measure (RFE)
  • Guerot welcomes decision to open Merdare for goods from Serbia (media)
  • Haradinaj: Kurti lifted measures on goods from Serbia in clandestine way (media)
  • “Besa Bese” group calls on people to boycott Serbian products (Gazeta Express)
  • Kurti meets Barbano; “interethnic incidents on a noticeable decline” (media)
  • Prosecution gives details about operation at government ministry (media)
  • Kurti meets municipal officials for communities (media)
  • Kosovo purchasing “Javelin” missiles, Maqedonci gives details (Zeri)
  • Osmani meets Albanian counterpart at Brdo-Brione Process (media)
  • Rohde reaffirms Germany’s support for work of Specialist Chambers (media)


Serbian Language Media: 


  • Vucic to meet Kasanoff tomorrow  (Kosovo Online, Danas) 
  • Djuric on decision on import of goods from Serbia: Kurti's game (KiM radio, FoNet, N1)
  • Trucks with raw materials pass Merdare crossing, but not yet with foodstuffs (KiM radio, RTS)
  • Mijacic: Directing Serbian goods to enter at Merdare only directly damages development of Serbian areas in northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Milenkovic: Decision to permit enter of Serbian goods at one crossing only is not an act of goodwill (Kosovo Online)
  • Arsenijevic invited to interview at police station because of “harassment” (social media)
  • Offices of Serbian institutions from north of Kosovo installed in Raska municipality, in Rudnica (Kosovo Online) 
  • SRSG Ziadeh met Trendafilova, discussed situation in Kosovo, work of Specialist Chambers (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • "How Serbs were not criminals before leaving the police", reactions to Svecla's statement on request for return of Serbs to KP (Danas, KiM radio)


  • Kosovo lifts ban on entry of products from Serbia at the border (AP)
  • Kosovo government increases pensions ahead of elections (Prishtina Insight)                                                     


                    Albanian Language Media  


Svecla gives “notice about border crossing point in Merdare” (media)


Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, in a Facebook post today notes that “based on the assessment of the security situation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at the Merdare border crossing we will switch from the mode of limited entry of goods to entry of goods with manual security checks, for all goods originating from Serbia”. 


“Therefore, effective immediately, the Merdare border crossing will be open for all goods, subject to manual security checks until the X-ray scanners become operational. The opening of the other border crossings will be open for all goods as soon as X-ray scanners become operational on those border crossings”.


“During this period, all transporters of goods should take into account the new procedures for crossing the border and plan their schedule accordingly”.


Stano: EU supports free trade of goods across the Western Balkans (media)


Lead spokesperson for the external affairs of the European Union, Peter Stano, said today that the EU supports the free trade of goods across the Western Balkans in line with the rules of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA). He made these remarks when asked to comment on the Kosovo government’s decision on Monday to change the security measure on goods coming from Serbia through the Merdare crossing. “This is key for the functioning of the Common Regional Market which is an integral part of the Growth Plan for the region and both represent tangible benefits for citizens throughout the region,” Stano said.


The EU Office in Kosovo issued the following statement today: “we welcome the removal of restrictions on the entry of Serbian-finished products into Kosovo through Merdare. Free trade of goods across Western Balkans, in line with CEFTA rules, is key for the functioning of the Common Regional Market, which is an integral part of the Growth Plan. People and businesses benefit!”

EU hopes CEFTA will be unblocked, after Kosovo lifted measure (RFE)


The European Union said today that the Kosovo government’s decision on Monday to remove the measure on the import of goods from Serbia is a right step toward unblocking the decision-making process at the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).


Diplomatic sources in the EU told Radio Free Europe that Germany worked to resolve the blockade, while on Monday, Germany notified the member states about the course of talks with Kosovo and Serbia. Sources said that they still don’t know all the details concerning talks about CEFTA, but that in addition to Kosovo removing the measure on the import of goods from Serbia, a modality needs to be found for Kosovo’s participation and a solution that would be acceptable for all parties. 


The news website notes that Kosovo has been a member of CEFTA since 2007 but was represented by the UN mission in Kosovo – UNMIK.


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Monday after the decision to remove the measure that he hopes that Kosovo will be represented by itself at the next meeting of CEFTA. 


Guerot welcomes decision to open Merdare for goods from Serbia (media)


French Ambassador to Kosovo, Olivier Guerot, welcomed the decision of the Kosovo government “to open the Merdare border crossing point for goods from Serbia”. He said in a post on X that this is an important decision allowing progress in the regional integration (Berlin Process) and towards European integration. “The multilateral approach of dispute settlement brings lasting fruits,” he added.


Haradinaj: Kurti lifted measures on goods from Serbia in clandestine way (media)


Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj argues in a Facebook post today that “yesterday, in clandestine fashion, Prime Minister Albin Kurti removed the measures on goods from Serbia. This was a repetition of the decision to remove the 100% tariff that I had imposed in 2018”. 


According to Haradinaj, “this is the latest concession by Albin Kurti, who sells propaganda to the people, and makes concessions to Serbia. He made these concessions after he inflicted serious damage on Kosovo …. He made late concessions also for membership in the Council of Europe, but Kosovo got only the damage and not the membership”.


“He tried to cover up yesterday’s concession with €20 charity for the pensioners, but as a society we are obliged to confront his propaganda and the damage he is inflicting on Kosovo. We’ve said it earlier, Kurti does not serve Kosovo”.


“Besa Bese” group calls on people to boycott Serbian products (Gazeta Express)


The “Besa Bese” group issued a press statement today calling on people in Kosovo to boycott Serbian products, and expressed concern over the Kosovo government’s decision to lift the security measure for goods coming from Serbia into Kosovo through the Merdare crossing. “We plead to all citizens of Kosovo and the whole public to boycott Serbian products. No one more than the citizens of Kosovo have suffered from the torture against the Albanian people. Entire generations have suffered the consequences of the torture from Milosevic’s regime. Therefore, no government decision or political force is stronger than the decision of the people,” the statement notes.


Kurti meets Barbano; “interethnic incidents on a noticeable decline” (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla met with the head of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Giovanni Pietro Barbano. Kurti praised “the relations with EULEX as the second security responder in the country and in this light, especially in relation to the cooperation with the Kosovo Police”. He also emphasized the readiness and willingness to continue cooperation in fields such as forensics through the Institute for Forensic Medicine and the Kosovo Correctional Service. A press release issued by the government notes that “the issue of fake news and disinformation was also discussed, which was considered extremely concerning. Furthermore, it was underlined that inter-ethnic incidents are always on a noticeable decline, especially during this governing mandate. Both sides remain committed to the inclusiveness of all communities and the widest possible inter-ethnic harmony”.


Barbano said in a post on X after the meeting: “In a compelling and far-reaching discussion with Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti, I reaffirmed EULEX’s commitment to supporting Kosovo’s rule of law institutions on their path to the EU through its robust monitoring, as well as the security of all communities as Kosovo’s 2nd security responder”.


Prosecution gives details about operation at government ministry (media)


The Special Prosecution of Kosovo issued a media statement about an operation at the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, saying that two people are suspected of committing criminal offense related to the abuse of duty, money laundering, and failure to report or false report of wealth, income, gifts, other material profit or financial obligations. 


The Albanian Post news website had reported for seven months about the suspected abuse and theft at the amount of several million euros related to the debt of companies for water packaging. In June, the special prosecution began investigating the case involving the debt forgiveness for the said companies. According to the news website, the ministry had erased the debts of dozens of companies by using illegal and improvised methods. 


Kurti meets municipal officials for communities (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Monday with municipal officials for communities, from 15 municipalities, and who are members of the Bosnian, Egyptian, Serbian, Albanian and Turkish communities.


A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that he addressed some of the main achievements for the integration and well-being of citizens from non-majority communities. “He mentioned the establishment of the Commission for the Verification of Diplomas, the launch of the initiative for employment of citizens in the north of Kosovo by subsidizing 70% of the salary for new employees for 6 months and the implementation of the regulation issued last year that provides a legal basis for first in the history of the Republic of Kosovo for announcing vacancies for jobs in institutions only for members of non-majority communities. The Prime Minister also highlighted the paid internship initiative ‘Kosovo Generation Unlimited’ where 16% of internship jobs have been achieved so far for young people from non-majority communities. He also addressed the start of the process for piloting the new social scheme, the granting of grants through the Ministry of Education this year with an increase of up to a quarter of a million euros for 9 learning centers where Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children learn, and the work of the Inter-institutional Working Group for the Reporting and Prevention of Early Marriages in the protection of hundreds of girls every year, whose health, education and employment opportunities have been endangered by marriages under the age of 18,” the press release notes.


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Kosovo purchasing “Javelin” missiles, Maqedonci gives details (Zeri)


Kosovo is in the process of purchasing “Javelin” missiles. The process started in January this year, the first payment was made in March and the second payment is scheduled to be made in December. This was confirmed today by Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci. “We are in the process of purchasing Javelin missiles. The first payment was executed in March, and the second one will be executed in December,” Maqedonci said at his briefing to the Kosovo Assembly Committee for Security and Defense Affairs. 


Osmani meets Albanian counterpart at Brdo-Brione Process (media)


Most news websites report that Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met today with her Albanian counterpart Bajram Begaj, “to coordinate positions between our two countries for the good of our citizens and our Euro-Atlantic future”.


Begaj said after the meeting that supporting Kosovo is his mission and duty. “I will continue to lobby strongly for new recognitions for Kosovo and for Kosovo to become part of international organizations. Our economic cooperation will become even stronger with the Durres-Pristina railway and the new port in Durres,” he wrote in a post on X.


Rohde reaffirms Germany’s support for work of Specialist Chambers (media)


German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, met today with the President of the Specialist Chambers of Kosovo, Ekaterina Trendafilova. “I underscored the Chambers’ essential contribution to strengthening the rule of law in Kosovo and reaffirmed Germany’s strong support for their work as well as for a victims compensation fund to ensure equal justice for all”.


Serbian Language Media 


Vucic to meet Kasanof tomorrow  (Kosovo Online, Danas) 

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, tomorrow will meet the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans, Alexander Kasanof, the Office for Cooperation with the President's Media announced, reported Kosovo Online. 

As stated, the meeting will be held at 09:30 in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic.

After Belgrade, he should also visit Pristina.

Djuric on decision on import of goods from Serbia: Kurti's game (KiM radio, FoNet, N1)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric said today that the permission for the goods from Serbia to enter at the Merdare crossing is the "philosophy" of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to symbolically comply with the pressure of the international community, while continuing to threaten the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo, reported KiM radio.

Djuric emphasized that he is a great skeptic of any "good will" of Kurti.

"These are all games, Kurti will always be Kurti", said Marko Djuric, reported KiM radio, citing FoNet. 

He added that the Pristina government wants Albanians to open as many of their stores as possible in the north of Kosovo.

Because, according to him, with the decision to open the Merdare crossing for Serbian goods, it will not be worthwhile for the Serb owners from Leposavic or Zvecan to travel 100-120 kilometers to collect them.

Trucks with raw materials pass Merdare crossing, but not yet with foodstuffs (KiM radio, RTS)

After Kosovo Government decision to partially lift the ban on the import of goods from Serbia, only trucks with raw materials and semi-finished products pass through Merdare, reported KiM radio.

As reported by RTS, trucks with food products from Serbia still do not pass through this crossing.

According to RTS learning, the representatives of the Kosovo customs have not yet received a letter from Pristina about the new measure that foresees the control of goods.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti confirmed at a press conference yesterday that the ban on the import of goods will be lifted and said that for now goods will be able to pass only through Merdare crossing, where they will be subject to the control of the customs. Yesterday it was clarified in Pristina that truck control and passage only through Merdare will take place until the scanners arrive, planned for all checkpoints. 

Mijacic: Directing Serbian goods to enter at Merdare only directly damages development of Serbian areas in northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online, social media)

Coordinator of the National Convent of the EU Working Group for Chapter 35, Dragisa MIjacic said decision of Kosovo Government to partially lift the ban on importing Serbian ready-made goods in Kosovo was as scandalous as it was scandalous when decision on ban was made, because in both cases, as he said, the decision was made verbally and without written trace.

He also pointed out that directing the goods from Serbia at Merdare crossing point only, and not to Jarinje and Brnjak two crossing points in the north, directly damages development of the Serbian areas in the north, given that 95 percent of paid customs at these two crossing points for the imported goods from Serbia go directly to the customs fund dedicated to finance development of the Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo.

He recalled the decision on the customs fund and using funds from there to develop Serb-majority municipalities in the north was in line with what had been agreed in Brussels, and with valid provisions of the Kosovo Government.

“{…} The decision of the Kosovo Government and Albin Kurti should be viewed in this direction, to prevent, even in this way, possibility of the north of Kosovo to develop through the Development Fund”, Mijacic told Kosovo Online portal.

He also said it has been completely clear that Kosovo Government and PM Albin Kurti made the decision to partially lift the ban on importing ready-made Serbian goods under pressure of Germany which requested this abolishment so Kosovo would not be evicted from international organizations, primarily CEFTA.

He recalled that the decision on banning import of the Serbian goods was first introduced for all goods and applied to all crossings, but later this decision was revised and applied to ready-made products from Serbia only, and not for the raw materials.  

“That was really scandalous, because that would mean, for example when it comes to Plazma biscuits there is a doubt that something illegal is done, but when you import flour from Serbia, there is nothing illegal in that flour”, Mijacic said.

Mijacic also said the decision to partially lift the ban at Merdare crossing point only is a mid-phase, and Kosovo Government could not, because of populist reasons, decide this measure is valid at all crossings. 

Milenkovic: Decision to permit enter of Serbian goods at one crossing only is not an act of goodwill (Kosovo Online)

New Social Initiative Program Manager, Marko Milenkovic said there is no scanner available at Merdare crossing point to check the imported goods, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“This process would be unblocked partially only, as Serbian goods may enter Kosovo at Merdare point only. A question arises why this process has been partially unblocked given that there is no scanner there, why is it possible for goods to enter at Merdare without scanner, and it is not possible at other crossing points, and we shall see in the upcoming period how this will work {…}”, Milenkovic said.

“{….} Somehow, this tells us it is not about good will, because this act, decision that goods partially enter Kosovo, at one crossing only does not speak in support of the fact it is an act of goodwill, because if it was it would have happened much earlier”, he added.

He also opined this was a real example of how the international community can exert larger pressure on Pristina. 

Arsenijevic invited to interview at police station because of “harassment” (social media)

President of the Serbian Democracy, Aleksandar Arsenijevic said in a post on Facebook today that he had been invited to give a statement at Kosovo police station because of an offense of “harassment” as per Kosovo Criminal Code, article 182. He added he perceives this invitation as yet another misuse of institutions for political purposes, aiming to exert pressure on Kosovo Serbs to make them silent while “this ultranationalist regime is abusing them”. “You will not silence us”, he said.

Further in the post he explained in detail that “harassment” as per Kosovo Criminal Code refers to acts intended to intimidate, injure, or ultimately kill someone. “WE ARE PROTESTING, because we have the right to do so. We do not intimidate, nor threaten anyone with violence. Let them read the Constitution and their own laws”, he said.

“If police are ought to pursue someone for the act of “harassment” then police should arrest themselves first, and after that representatives of the government. They are those who over the last two years intimidate our co-citizens”, Arsenijevic wrote. 

He also accused EULEX official P.N. (full name published in the post) who, as Arsenijevic said, based on reliable information they have “advised” Kosovo institutions that his protest represents an act of “harassment” thus “inspired an opening of the case against me”.  

He then addressed several questions to EULEX, asking “if this is a stance of the Mission or a stance of an individual? Is your Mission having an advisory or monitoring role in terms of rule of law? Or the role to suffocate any type of protest of the Serbian people against what is happening to them? Are you here to protect the rights of people and address the measures that violate the rights of citizens or to be an advocate of Kosovo police?”.

He added what additionally tells of “professional integrity” of an EULEX official he mentioned above, is the fact that a few days ago he received an award from Kosovo police director general Gazmend Hoxha for his “immense commitment” to strengthen cooperation and support of EULEX mission. He added Serbian Democracy will consider filling a documented request to the EU institutions in Brussels to “check your work and your reporting”, as well as to the Special Representative of the EU for Human Rights, Olof Skoog to send rapporteurs in Kosovo in order to do the report on the human rights situation in the Serbian areas in Kosovo. As he said, those people from Brussels would be immune to potential pressure or threats from Kosovo institutions, and therefore able to prepare an independent report.

He concluded the post with a motto of his and the Serbian Democracy protest campaign – "If there is no peace for people, let there be no peace for authorities either”. 

Offices of Serbian institutions from the north of Kosovo installed in Raska municipality, in Rudnica (Kosovo Online) 

A facility has been set up in Rudnica that will house the offices of Serbian institutions from the north of Kosovo, which was announced by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, on September 13, when he announced Belgrade's moves regarding the situation in Kosovo.

Vucic then said that "Serbian institutions and temporary authorities in Kosovo will not be abolished or closed", recalled portal Kosovo Online.

SRSG Ziadeh met Trendafilova, discussed situation in Kosovo, work of Specialist Chambers (Kosovo Online, social media)

Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh met with the President of the Specialist Chambers, Ekatarina Trendafilova and discussed with her about the work of this institution and situation in Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“SRSG Ziadeh met Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, President of Kosovo Specialist Chambers, at UNMIK today discussing the situation in Kosovo & the work of the Chambers. SRSG Ziadeh reaffirmed support for promoting the rule of law & equal access to justice”, UNMIK said in a post on X social platform. 

"How Serbs were not criminals before leaving the police", reactions to Svecla's statement on request for return of Serbs to KP (Danas, KiM radio)


Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla said on Sunday that there will be no talk about Belgrade's request for the Serbs who left Kosovo police to return to that institution and added that this act of resignation was “a reckoning with criminal elements”, recalled Danas daily. 


Danas’ interlocutors said Kosovo authorities still do not trust Serbian police officers, and that new policemen from the Serbian community, who are being employed, will not be able to reach higher positions.


Milica Andric Rakic from the New Social Initiative told Danas that the statement of Minister Svecla represents the position of Kosovo Government since November 2022, and that there are no changes or surprises in this regard.


"The police directorate and Kosovo MIA do not trust the Serbian police officers, as they treated the integrated police officers who left, they will treat the new recruits as well", Andric Rakic said. She emphasizes that it is a deep problem that is still not recognized, "so there is no solution in sight".


The president of the Serbian People's Movement, Milija Bisevac, agrees in his assessment that Svecla's statement was fully expected and adds that ''from the statement of Mr. Svecla, it can be seen that it is another political manipulation, because he himself stated that this violates the political will of the citizens, but adds that it cannot be ahead of the law". Bisevac therefore recalls Ahtisaari's plan, which states that the representation of police officers must be in accordance with the structure of the population and claims that Svecla therefore is not relevant to comment on it.


"What is problematic is that we have new police officers who have been hired and some of them are from the Serbian community, but all those police officers who are young and have completed courses will not be able to take up important positions in the North. They will need much more work and seniority to reach a higher position, and this cannot be solved through daily political topics, but should be returned to the dialogue," explains Danas' interlocutor.

Commenting on Svecla's statement that the resignations of police officers from the Serbian community were “a cleansing of the criminal element in the area”, Bisevac then asks, "how come those people were not part of the criminal structure before they resigned, why was there no investigation then, but now they are called criminals?"

The president of the Forum for International Relations of the European Movement in Serbia, Dusko Lopandic, points out that the representatives of Pristina authorities behave "as if there were no dialogue and Brussels agreements, and as if there were no international conventions on the protection of human and minority rights." "Revolutionary nationalists in Pristina don't even seem to read their own constitution", concludes Lopandic, wrote Danas.




Kosovo lifts ban on entry of products from Serbia at the border (AP)


Kosovo’s government said Monday it would lift a ban on the entry of products from Serbia at one border crossing, 16 months after it halted imports to prevent what it said could be hidden shipments of weapons for Serb separatists.


The reopening is in line with efforts by Western partners to promote reconciliation and cooperation between the two neighboring Balkan nations. Tensions between them flared in May 2023 when Kosovo police seized municipal buildings in Serb-majority communities in northern Kosovo where residents rejected the ethnic Albanian mayors elected in a vote boycotted by Serbs.


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said the Merdare border crossing would reopen with stepped-up, hands-on monitoring of goods by customs agents at a location just 300 meters from the border.


The other five border crossings would open once they can be equipped with new scanners, he said.


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Kosovo government increases pensions ahead of elections (Prishtina Insight) 


A few months ahead of the parliamentary elections, Kosovo PM Albin Kurti announced a 20 percent increase in pensions for various categories of retired people, a move the opposition has called an attempt to “buy votes.”


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced on Monday that the government will increase pensions by 20 percent, a move the opposition claims is meant to “buy votes” in the February 2025 parliamentary elections.


“Our work to increase support for pensioners does not end here. It continues further, specifically with our efforts towards completing the pension reform, which will ensure that those who contributed the most to this country will receive the appropriate care,” Kurti said.


The pensions set to increase starting in October include the basic old-age pension, contributory pensions, disability pensions for children and adults, pensions for blind persons, paraplegics and tetraplegics, family pensions, work-related disability pensions, and early retirement pensions for workers of Kosovo’s Trepca mines.


Hekuran Murati, Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, claimed that “more than 300,000 pensioners will benefit from this increase… [and] an additional 100 million euros will be allocated annually following this increase.”


Pensions in Kosovo currently range from 100 to 265 euros a month. With the increase, they will range from 120 to 318 euros.


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