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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti blames Serbia, Russia for Muslim countries not recognizing Kosovo (media)

  • Kasanof meets opposition leaders in Kosovo (media)

  • Haziri on Kasanof’s visit: It will positively affect course of dialogue (Gazeta Blic)

  • Vetevendosje boycotts extraordinary assembly session called by PDK (media)

  • Enrico Barduani assumes command of KFOR (media)

  • MP leaves Vetevendosje and joins Democratic League of Kosovo (media)

  • Families of KLA martyrs concerned about Kusari-Radoicic conversations (media) 

  • Bislimi: Government will continue supporting Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic welcomes Erdogan outside Palace of Serbia (Tanjug, media)

  • Vucic receives Czech FM (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS, media)

  • Kozarev at the OSCE conference in Warsaw about the Kosovo Serbs’ difficult situation (Kosovo Online)

  • Kozak: The US deeply concerned about Kosovo's unilateral actions (Kosovo Online)

  • Tomislav Pantic released on bail (KiM radio, RTS, Beta)

  • The Milenkovic, Pantic, Vlajic and Vakic trial continued today in Pristina (Kosovo Online)

  • Antonijevic: Kosovo’s membership process in the CoE is frozen (Kosovo Online)


  • The road to Autostrada (Kosovo 2.0)


Albanian Language Media  


Kurti blames Serbia and Russia for Muslim countries not recognizing Kosovo (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, when asked by Radio Free Europe about the reasons why Muslim majority countries are not recognizing Kosovo, said that they are misinformed by Serbia. “I think they are misinformed by Serbia. Some of them hold that position also because of close ties with the Russian Federation. I call on all world countries – for the sake of long-term peace, sustainable security and for recognizing the rights of people for freedom and self-determination – to recognize the independence of Kosovo,” Kurti is quoted as saying. 


Kasanof meets opposition leaders in Kosovo (media)


U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Alexander Kasanof, during his stay in Pristina, met separately today with leaders of the main opposition parties. Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Memli Krasniqi said in a Facebook post that they discussed current developments in Kosovo and the region. “I reiterated the need of the state of Kosovo to coordinate positions with our strategic allies, in particular with the United States of America. Kosovo, as a success story, is a result of good cooperation and trust partnership with its friends. I thanked Assistant Secretary of State Kasanof for the continuous support of the U.S. for strengthening our state. The future should not be any different but a joint path toward new successes,” Krasniqi said. Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj said in a Facebook post that he thanked Kasanof and U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, for their engagement for Kosovo. “The strong support of the United States of America to the people of Kosovo continues despite the unnecessary difficulties caused by the government. The only path to achieve our goals as a state is cooperation and partnership with the U.S. as our strategic and eternal ally,” Haradinaj said. The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) said in a Facebook post that in his meeting with Kasanof, LDK leader Lumir Abdixhiku expressed concern over what he called damaged relations between the Kosovo government with the U.S. and other strategic political and security partners. “Abdixhiku assured Kasanof that with the formation of the new government, led by the LDK, after the February 9 elections, the repairing of these relations will be an issue of high priority … Abdixhiku also stressed that strategic partnership with the U.S. in the areas of economy, energy and security is crucial for the LDK and for Kosovo,” the post notes.


Haziri on Kasanof’s visit: It will positively affect course of dialogue (Gazeta Blic)


Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lutfi Haziri, in an interview with the news website, argues that the visit by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Alexander Kasanof to Kosovo and the region is proof of the focus of the U.S. administration on processes in the Western Balkans, in particular the process of normalization of normalization of relations. “In the new format, Assistant Secretary of State Kasanof will positively impact the course of the dialogue, bearing in mind the serious difficulties on the eve of the elections in the U.S. on November 5, and in Kosovo on February 9,” he said.


According to Haziri, the Kurti-led government has made one step forward and two steps backwards in the dialogue. “We expect that the new government will reformat and review [the process] and will build a completely new dynamic so that this issue can be closed once and for all,” he argued.


Vetevendosje boycotts extraordinary assembly session called by PDK (media)


Most news websites report that the Vetevendosje Movement has boycotted an extraordinary session of the Kosovo Assembly called for today by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) about the leaked alleged conversations between VV parliamentary group chief Mimoza Kusari-Lila and former deputy leader of the Serbian List, Milan Radoicic.


PDK parliamentary group chief Abelard Tahiri called on the prosecution to initiate investigations about the conversations. “It is a great misfortune to see that a majority in parliament which won 50 percent of votes does not come here to face the truth. Kusari said yesterday that photos from the inauguration of Radoicic’s house will be published and I called on her yesterday and I do so today too so that she should publish the photos of those people. Radoicic is not an ordinary criminal, he is a person that enjoys major support from Aleksandar Vucic. We have reached a point where the Serbian Intelligence Agency through Radoicic, who has influence on the Vetevendosje Movement, has determined the decision-making process in our Assembly … I call on the state prosecutor to initiate a criminal investigation into this matter because our national security has been jeopardized,” Tahiri said at the session.


Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj said that Milan Radoicic returned to Kosovo after Kurti became prime minister. “Radoicic was wanted by Kosovo’s judiciary in 2018. His apartment in Mitrovica North was raided. Since then, he fled Kosovo. At that time, he was deputy leader of the Serbian List. Since then, I had no communication with that man. Whoever has any information I ask them to make it public today or whenever they want. A person that fled Kosovo and could not return came back to life when Albin Kurti became prime minister. He managed to become a factor when Vetevendosje and Kurti came to power … In 2018, wanted by the Haradinaj government, Radoicic is now turning into a factor of agreements with Kurti,” he said. Haradinaj claimed that Vetevendosje has joined forces with the Serbian List against the Kosovo Liberation Army and that Kurti is a Serbian spy. He also called for the dismissal of Kusari-Lila.  


Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Anton Quni claimed in his address that Prime Minister Albin Kurti forced Kusari-Lila to reach a secret agreement with Radoicic. “Your prime minister, Albin Kurti, is guilty. I don’t know how he forced you to reach a secret agreement with the creature of the Serbian intelligence service,” he said.


Enrico Barduani assumes command of KFOR (media)


Major General Enrico Barduani from Italy assumed command of NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR) today in a ceremony held at Film City camp in Pristina. Barduani was handed over the command by Major General Ozkan Ulutas from Turkey who officially concluded his mandate as COMFKOR.


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, who attended the ceremony, said that Kosovo’s institutions would continue to cooperate closely with KFOR. “On behalf of my country, I want to pledge once again that the people of Kosovo and our institutions will continue to work closely with KFOR, as we have done in the past, to make sure that Kosovo remains a calm, safe and peaceful country that offers security and prosperity for all its citizens,” she said. Osmani awarded Ulutas with the presidential medal of Kosovo, Albanian Post reports. 


New COMKFOR Barduani said KFOR will continue to work closely with all actors in Kosovo. “KFOR will continue to maintain a safe and secure environment and create conditions for diplomacy and politics to find long-term solutions for the good of all communities in Kosovo,” he said.


Barduani is quoted as saying in Klan Kosova that NATO’s policy on the main bridge in Mitrovica is that it should not be opened at this time and that it needs to be a topic of dialogue between the parties. “This is a political issue not a military one. The reason why it must not be opened now is because its opening could pose a threat to the freedom of movement and would jeopardize a safe environment,” he said.


MP leaves Vetevendosje and joins Democratic League of Kosovo (media)


Several news websites report that member of the Kosovo Assembly, Drita Millaku, has left the Vetevendosje Movement and joined the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). LDK leader Lumir Abdixhiku wrote in a Facebook post that Millaku “joins our political family in the joint path ahead of us. Her decision to join our ranks is not only proof of her political commitment, but also a clear indicator that the vision and the program of the LDK for the Republic, is the right one today”.


Families of KLA martyrs concerned about Kusari-Radoicic conversations (media) 


Leader of the Association of the Families of Martyrs of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Xhavit Jashari, said today that they are disappointed and concerned with the audio recordings where Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief Mimoza Kusari-Lila is heard talking with former deputy leader of the Serbian List, Milan Radoicic. “We are disappointed, we are concerned that this is happening in our country, with the Serbian List, with criminals to hit against the war of the KLA, the families of martyrs,” he said.


Jashari also argued that Kusari-Lila should be dismissed and claimed that Prime Minister Albin Kurti knew about her conversations. 


Jashari said a meeting will be held on Monday to discuss their next steps. “I cannot say if there will be protests, but we will meet on Monday and inform you about our positions,” he said.


Bislimi: Government will continue supporting Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)


Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi met this morning in Pristina with the leader of the Albanian National Council from Presevo Valley, Nevzad Luftiu, and discussed a range of important issues related to the situation of Albanians there. “Bislimi expressed his deep concern about the continuation of discriminatory practices against Albanians in Presevo Valley and reiterated his commitment to continue to support the legitimate rights of Albanians there,” a press release issued by the Kosovo government notes.


Bislimi also said that the Kosovo government would continue to provide overall support for the Albanian community in Presevo Valley, “with the main focus on advancing their rights and a brighter future”. 


Serbian Language Media 


Vucic welcomes Erdogan outside Palace of Serbia (Tanjug, media)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday welcomed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan outside the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade with the highest state honors.


The welcoming ceremony included a guard of honor and the playing of the national anthems of Turkiye and Serbia.


Erdogan was also greeted by PM Milos Vucevic and government ministers.


The welcoming ceremony was followed by a meeting between the two presidents, who will afterwards chair a fourth session of a high council for cooperation between Serbia and Turkiye. At 1 pm, Vucic and Erdogan will attend the ceremonial signing of bilateral agreements and then speak to reporters. They will also participate in a Serbia-Turkiye business forum, scheduled for 4 pm.


Welcoming Erdogan at the Nikola Tesla Airport on Thursday evening, Vucic said his visit to Belgrade was another opportunity to strengthen the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.


Erdogan visit helps reinforce relations, says Vucic


“On the political agenda, this visit gives momentum to strengthening the relations between our two countries, thereby contributing to stability in the Western Balkans, a region that has rarely been burdened with conflicts and tensions throughout history, hungry for peace and genuine prosperity. Turkiye and Serbia have a long history of cooperation, and meetings like these provide an opportunity to deepen these ties, especially in the area of security and economy,” Vucic wrote in an Instagram post. Erdogan’s visit is “a significant step towards strengthening bilateral ties in challenging times, strengthening the platform for future dialogue and cooperation, as key factors for peace and stability in the Balkans”, he added after a bilateral meeting between the two presidents.

Serbian Information and Telecommunications Minister Dejan Ristic and Turkish Directorate of Communications Director Fahrettin Altun signed a memorandum of understanding intended to enhance cooperation in the field of public information.


Vucic receives Czech FM (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Czech FM Jan Lipavsky in Belgrade on Friday, raising concerns over the increasingly difficult position of Serbs in Kosovo and requested support and stepped-up engagement from Prague and other European capitals towards protecting the safety and the rights of Serbs in the province.

In a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile, Vucic wrote that he had had a good and open discussion with Lipavsky about current geopolitical and regional developments, Serbia's EU path and strengthening the bilateral relations between Serbia and Czechia.

"I thanked Czechia for supporting Serbia's EU integration and expressed the hope other member states, too, will recognise Serbia's progress and enable us to take new steps with a view to approximation to full membership," Vucic added.

Kozarev at the OSCE conference in Warsaw about the Kosovo Serbs’ difficult situation (Kosovo Online)

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Dusan Kozarev, told yesterday in Warsaw, at a specially organized presentation on the sidelines of the OSCE Conference on the Human Dimension, to the participants about the situation in Kosovo and the pressures faced by the Serbian people on the ground.

Kozarev emphasized that the security situation in Kosovo was a cause for deep concern, highlighting that only a strong international presence, with a firm insistence on the rule of law, can guarantee the safety of all people in Kosovo, according to a statement from the MFA of Serbia, reported Kosovo Online.

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Kozak: The US deeply concerned about Kosovo's unilateral actions (Kosovo Online)

Michael Kozak, head of the delegation of the US Mission to OSCE, pointed out at the conference in Warsaw held on October 9 that the US is deeply concerned about the unilateral actions of Kosovo, reported Kosovo Online. 

Speaking at the "Tolerance and non-discrimination" session, he stated that the normalization of bilateral relations in both Kosovo and Serbia is essential for regional stability and progress.

"We are deeply concerned about the unilateral actions of Kosovo, which, although not illegal, disproportionately affect the Serbian ethnic minority. For example, the restriction of the import of the Serbian dinar without a transitional plan and the closing of the offices of structures in the north of Kosovo supported by Serbia. These moves have severely limited the access of ethnic Serbs social benefits, pensions, salaries, and some basic services," said Kozak, reported Kosovo Online.

Tomislav Pantic released on bail (KiM radio, RTS, Beta)

Tomislav Pantic (84) from the village of Crnce near Istok, who was arrested last month by order of the special prosecutor and was suspected of alleged war crimes, has been released from custody with bail of 20,000 euros, his lawyer Vasilije Arsic confirmed to media.

The Milenkovic, Pantic, Vlajic and Vakic trial continued today in Pristina (Kosovo Online)

The trial of Milun Milenkovic Lune, Dejan Pantic, Aleksandar Vlajic and Miomir Vakic,  charged by the Special Prosecutor's Office with committing a terrorist act, continued before the Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina.

Four Serbs are accused of having, in co-perpetration with other unidentified persons, conducted a terrorist attack on the premises of the Municipal Election Commission on December 6, 2022, when, during a Serb protest, two hand grenades and two shock bombs were thrown, which, as stated, endangered people's lives. All the accused declared that they do not feel guilty for the acts they are accused of. Milenkovic and Vlajic are in custody, while the others are defending their freedom.

The defense attorneys of Milenkovic and Vlajic, lawyers Predrag Miljkovic and Milos Delevic, told Kosovo Online after the trial that the prosecution witness who testified today against the four Serbs accused of terrorism, could not identify the defendants, just as the first witness could not.

Antonijevic: Kosovo’s membership process in the CoE is frozen (Kosovo Online)

Lawyer Milan Antonijevic told Kosovo Online that the issue of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe is currently frozen because there has been no progress in fulfilling obligations in Pristina, something that Council of Europe member states have also noticed.

Antonijevic emphasizes that, from a legal perspective, nothing has changed regarding Kosovo’s membership in the CoE. Nevertheless, he says he expects a strong campaign from Pristina.

“If we look at it from the perspective of law and process, nothing has changed compared to the previous period. I don't see any process being unblocked, nor do I see Pristina firmly at the negotiating table. All the economic issues and obstacles to trade between Serbia and Kosovo are still in effect. We are witnessing some new technicalities aimed at hindering or slowing down the process of economic cooperation. I don’t see any physical changes, and I believe that Council of Europe member states will reason similarly. There will likely be a strong campaign to enter this process. We’ll see what our diplomacy will look like,” he said.

He also points out that Germany is showing goodwill in contributing to the processes it supports, including Kosovo’s membership in the CoE.

“Germany is trying to find a response to Pristina’s lack of constructiveness in the dialogue. On one hand, they are talking about certain consequences, which may resemble sanctions, such as exclusion from CEFTA. On the other hand, they are showing goodwill to unblock those processes that Germany has always supported, including Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe,” Antonijevic added.

According to him, this process is currently frozen.

“I don't see what could happen at this moment to thaw the process and speed it up,” Antonijevic stressed.

He also notes that Serbia’s diplomatic activity has borne fruit.

“Serbia has made certain advances in diplomatic efforts, not only with Council of Europe member states but also with UN members. We recently had a visit from the new US Envoy for our region, Kasanof, and I believe some issues can be unblocked before the US elections, allowing for new concessions from Pristina. They have their obligations, and all diplomatic activities could yield certain results in the coming period,” Antonijevic concluded.




The road to Autostrada (Kosovo 2.0)


Three people, a whole community and perseverance: how Autostrada Biennale came to life.


Excavated earth and mud made part of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) in Prizren look like an ordinary construction site in early September 2024. Workers had to shout in order to be heard over the noise of excavators and other tools.


The dispersed workers simultaneously working across several spaces could have led one to believe that the results would take a long time to appear, rather than just a few days. Yet the work was completed by September 14, 2024, in time for Autostrada Biennale’s 10th anniversary event, during which Hangar II and the open air theater were officially opened. 


From the Prizren fortress, a white hangar near the construction site, featuring a logo with Prizren’s four bridges, was visible, surrounded by excavated earth and the sound of rhythmic hammering from outside.


This is the home of Hangar I, Autostrada Biennale’s first component, which is dedicated to education, production and exhibition. In Hangar I, everything is intentionally placed. Everything revolves around tall plants: desks, couches, reception counters and vegetarian kitchens are all touched by their leaves.


Behind the counter, books, t-shirts and posters documenting Autostrada’s 10-year journey are carefully arranged in a large display case. The display case also functions as a divider, separating the rest area from the exhibition space. Behind it is a small workshop, usually used for woodworking.


In Hangar I, everything is on wheels, including the kitchen, closet and tables. This design allows the space to be transformed according to the needs of the community using it. This constant movement embodies the core idea that brought Autostrada Biennale to life. “We have always seen Autostrada not as something static, but always in motion, either spatially or metaphorically, always in development, growing,” said Vatra Abrashi, co-founder of Autostrada.


Healthy bonsai trees with strong trunks look as if they have stood there for many years, yet Autostrada Biennale and Hangar I have never had such a large home. Autostrada’s journey was not always easy, but its founders’ determination has led to 10 successful years and now the establishment of a second hangar.


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