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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 25, 2024


Albanian Language Media:


  • Kosovo, Serbia don’t agree on moving forward toward normalization (RFE)
  • Kurti, Barduani: “Importance of regular communication and coordination” (media)
  • Osmani: Steadfast commitment to principles that define our democracy (media)
  • Chief prosecutor: Kajtazi and Mehmetaj are not being investigated (media)
  • AJK expresses concern regarding the investigations against journalists (media)
  • Rasic: Association does not constitute a threat to Kosovo sovereignty (media)
  • Svecla meets Bulgarian counterpart, discuss security and challenges (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Petkovic: We insisted on CSM, pointed out Pristina's behaviour against Serbs (Tanjug, N1, media)
  • Lajcak: We agreed about next steps (Radio kontakt plus, social media)
  • Vucic: Government reshuffle, including mayors, company directors (N1, BETA)
  • Petkovic, Serbian List condemn apprehension of Uljarevic: Interference of politics into sport (KoSSev, media)
  • Sports Minister on apprehension of Uljarevic: Pristina authorities are crossing ‘line of reason’ (Kosovo Online)
  • Tusk: Poland supports Serbia's EU path, EU incomplete without Serbia (media)
  • Radar: Serbia pays 1st instalment for French Rafale fighters (N1)

International Media: 

  • Controversy erupts over hybrid warfare claims after audio recording leak involving Kusari-Lila and Radoicic (Sbunker, Disinfo)
  • Workshops: Kosovo youth united against radicalism (Sbunker)


Albanian Language Media 


Kosovo, Serbia don’t agree on moving forward toward normalization (RFE)


Chief negotiators from Kosovo and Serbia, Besnik Bislimi and Petar Petkovic, did not agree on Thursday in Brussels on how to move forward in the path toward the normalization of relations. After a tripartite meeting facilitated by EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak, they said that they agreed only on some “less important” issues.


Addressing the media after the meeting, Kosovo’s Besnik Bislimi said the focus of the meeting was on finding a way for the full implementation of the Basic Agreement which Kosovo and Serbia agreed upon in early 2023. “Unfortunately, on the main topic for which we have gathered, there is no result. On the point of moving forward in the normalization of relations. Serbia is likely still insisting on a partial implementation, namely the idea ‘we do something, you do something’,” he said.


Serbia chief negotiator Petar Petkovic said after the meeting that Belgrade “is not avoiding” obligations stemming from the Basic Agreement, but that Pristina should be the first one to start, by establishing the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. “The core of the agreement in Ohrid is primarily the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities,” he said, adding that the association is the pillar of the dialogue. 


Bislimi also said that the Serbian delegation said that Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic sent a letter to the European Commission saying that his country is committed to implementing the obligations from the Basic Agreement. But he said that Serbia first needs to withdraw the letter of former Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic who opposed the agreement.


On the establishment of the Association, Bislimi said that Kosovo will not avoid its obligations if the agreement is signed. “One cannot insist on this, because first the new leadership of municipalities must be elected. I think that other conditions too must be met. But we have made it clear that once there is agreement on the full implementation of the Basic Agreement, Kosovo will not dodge any of its obligations,” he said.


EU special representative for the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, said in a post on X after the meeting: Hosted the Chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels today. We spoke about the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, which is yet to start on substance. We also discussed a number of important issues stemming from past agreements and agreed on next steps.


Kurti, Barduani, “importance of regular communication and coordination” (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Thursday with the new commander of KFOR, KFOR, Major General Enrico Barduani. Kurti wished him success in his new task and expressed his readiness for close cooperation between the government, security institutions and KFOR. “They talked about the importance of regular communication and coordination in the service of security and peace in the country, and the cooperation and joint activities of KFOR and Kosovo’s security institutions. The Prime Minister thanked KFOR for its ongoing role and contribution in Kosovo,” a press release issued by the government notes.


Osmani: Steadfast commitment to principles that define our democracy (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X on Thursday that she addressed the annual conference of Constitutional Courts from across the region, hosted this year in Kosovo. “I underscored Kosovo's steadfast commitment to the principles that define our democracy: freedom, the rule of law and human rights. These values lie at the heart of our Constitution, and we stand strong and unwavering in our daily commitment to upholding them,” she said.


Chief prosecutor: Kajtazi and Mehmetaj are not being investigated (media)


Chief prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution in Pristina, Zejnullah Gashi, denied on Thursday that there are ongoing investigations against reporters Vehbi Kajtazi and Lirim Mehmetaj, but confirmed that they are looking into information which he said they “received or are being published in the media”. “They are not being investigated, and there is no decision for investigations against them. We are looking into information which we have received, or which are being published in the media. There is no official investigation,” he told Dukagjini.


AJK expresses concern regarding the investigations against journalists (media)


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) sent a letter on Thursday to the Chief Prosecutor of the Prishtina Basic Prosecutor's Office, asking for explanations regarding the investigations against journalists Vehbi Kajtazi and Lirim Mehmetaj.


AJK said it is deeply concerned regarding this situation and wants to ensure that these investigations are not politically motivated, and that freedom of the press and freedom of expression are fully respected. “AJK has also requested a meeting with the Chief Prosecutor to discuss the case and to protect the rights of journalists. AJK will continue to monitor this development closely, while it invites all involved parties not to violate democratic principles and by any means not to violate the freedom of expression, journalists, media and the right to information,” the statement notes.


Rasic: Association does not constitute a threat to Kosovo sovereignty (media)


Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, said in an interview with RTV21 on Thursday that the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities is an obligation for Kosovo stemming from agreements reached with Serbian in Brussels. 


“This is an obligation we have taken over 10 years ago. Although there has been opposition, in international politics agreement must be respected, regardless of changes in governments. The power of international agreements supersedes the power of local laws, and this is why we need to commit to their implementation,” he said.


Rasic argued that the Association does not constitute a threat to Kosovo’s sovereignty. “Regardless of the criticism, I think that the Association does not threaten Kosovo’s sovereignty. The international community has reiterated that this will not be problematic, and the agreement from 2015 calls for the Association to be in line with the Constitution of Kosovo,” he said.


Rasic also said that the draft statute of the Association will be sent for interpretation to the Constitutional Court, and that the process will be intensified after the elections. “By the end of next year there will be intensive work to send the draft statute to the Constitutional Court,” he said.


Svecla meets Bulgarian counterpart, discuss security and challenges (media)


Kosovo’s Minister for Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, met on Thursday with his Bulgarian counterpart, Atanas Ilkov, and discussed the overall security situation and global challenges. “We agreed to further cooperation between our countries in the areas that we cover, so that we can successfully accomplish the objectives for a peaceful and secure region,” Svecla said.


Serbian Language Media 


Petkovic: We insisted on CSM, pointed out Pristina's behaviour against Serbs (Tanjug, N1, media)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said in Brussels after Thursday's round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at chief negotiators level that Belgrade had insisted on the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM), Tanjug news agency reported.  Petkovic, who is Belgrade's chief negotiator, said the CSM was essential for the process of normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina as well as for normal life of Serbs in Kosovo.

In a statement after a trilateral meeting with EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak and Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi, Petkovic said he had informed Lajcak of difficult situation Serbs in Kosovo face because of the attitude of Pristina authorities against them. 

"We pointed out all the worsened circumstances in which Serbs live in Kosovo and Metohija. We spoke about the ethnic cleansing of Serbs that is being carried out by the Pristina authorities and about their unilateral and escalatory moves, closures of Serbian institutions, illegal arrests of Serbs and all other things that completely make the position and the life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija more difficult, which is why some Serbs have left the north of Kosovo", Petkovic said.

“Regarding the Ohrid Agreement, Belgrade will fulfil all obligations it has accepted, as it has done so far. However, there is a problem when you have the Brussels Agreement calling for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities that they have refused to implement for 11 years. This proves that the side is not ready to implement anything,” he said.

Petkovic also informed Lajcak that Pristina is violating its own decision to lift the ban on the import of Serbian goods, with hundreds of trucks waiting at the Merdare administrative crossing point, and that Bislimi refuses to discuss Belgrade’s initiative on harmonising veterinary certificates.

He said continuing the implementation of a declaration on missing persons had also been discussed and that Belgrade had once again demonstrated full constructiveness, accepting an EU proposal to adopt a specific rulebook for a working group and a commission tasked with the issue of missing persons. "Of course, Pristina again had some comments to make and tried to stop that process, demonstrating once again that it essentially does not want to deal with the issue of finding missing persons", Petkovic said.

Lajcak: We agreed about next steps (Radio kontakt plus, social media)

EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks, Miroslav Lajcak said that implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, which is yet to start on substance, was discussed in a meeting at chief negotiators level in Brussels on Thursday, Radio kontakt plus reported. He also said a number of important issues from the previous agreements had been discussed and the next steps agreed upon.

“Hosted the Chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels today. We spoke about the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, which is yet to start on substance. We also discussed a number of important issues stemming from past agreements and agreed on next steps”, Lajcak said in a post on X social network. 

Vucic: Government reshuffle, including mayors, company directors (N1, BETA)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Thursday that he supports a Government reshuffle, emphasising that it should go deeper and also include mayors, city officials, company directors, N1 reports.

At a ceremony in the city of Vrsac marking the ruling Serbian Progressive Party’s (SNS) 16th anniversary, Vucic, who is an SNS member, said “many have shown their true colours since they were re-elected, thinking they could enjoy another four years of comfortable living without doing anything”, and told them to “get ready”, as there will be accountability.

He emphasised that the SNS will need to assess itself over the next 18 months to prepare for what he called “crucial elections expected in late 2026 or early 2027”. “I won’t be eligible to run for president in 2027, but I will do everything in my power to help you secure another victory and ensure Serbia continues going forward and that it never goes back to its past”, he said. Noting that he is proud of the fact that Serbia is not pandering to anyone and is pursuing an independent policy, he said that the country should stay on its European path, maintain its relationships with Russia and China, but pursue its own policy.

Petkovic, Serbian List condemn apprehension of Uljarevic: Interference of politics into sport (KoSSev, media)

“Yesterday’s apprehension of Igor Uljarevic, President of the Football Association of Kosovo and Metohija at Brnjak crossing point as an act of retaliation and intimidation against all sports workers in Kosovo and Metohija and a message to Serbs there that they are not even allowed to play the sport”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said on Thursday, KoSSev portal reported. The Serbian List has also condemned his apprehension. 

Uljarevic was briefly detained at Brnjak crossing point, two days ago, because Kosovo police found in his vehicle jerseys with inscriptions of the Football Association and a message “No Surrender”. Those items were confiscated and also his personal phone, his lawyer Milos Delevic confirmed to the portal. According to Kosovo police Uljarevic has been briefly detained and criminal charges for “causing discord and intolerance” raised against him.

Petkovic said Uljarevic was interrogated for six hours, because of sports jerseys with the aim to intimidate him. He termed this act as an attempt of Pristina “to involve politics in the field of sport and reckon with all those holding the sports spirit and sports activities in the area of Kosovo and Metohija and ban children from playing the sports”.

Serbian List in its reaction said that apprehension of Igor Uljarevic, a reputable sports worker and a family man, who dedicated his entire life to the sports regardless of ethnic, religious or any other background among the athletes speaks of “how much Albin Kurti’s regime is ready to go against Serbs and everything Serbian”.

They said sports and politics are separated everywhere in the world, and that in addition to “apprehension because of jerseys”, Pristina authorities are preventing sports matches between teams from central Serbia and those from Kosovo. They requested proceedings against Uljarevic be suspended because he did not commit any illegal act.

Sports Minister on apprehension of Uljarevic: Pristina authorities are crossing ‘line of reason’ (Kosovo Online)

Reacting to the apprehension of Igor Uljarevic, President of the Football Association in Kosovo, Serbian Sports Minister Zoran Gajic said that Pristina authorities had crossed “the line of reasonable behaviour and that their goal is to instil fear in Serbs”, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“{…} With such behaviour, authorities in Pristina demotivate children to play sports, which is the first prerequisite for creating a healthy society. The goal of the Pristina authorities, led by Albin Kurti, is clear here to instil fear in Serbs, and to transfer politics where it does not belong - to the sports field. Detaining someone just because they have jerseys in their trunk, no matter how much their appearance bothers them, crosses the line of reason", Gajic said.

"The action of the Pristina Prosecutor's Office is a shameful act, because neither Uljarevic nor any of the football players wore jerseys in public. And even if they were, Kosovo is and will always be a part of Serbia, so I don't see a problem with the mentioned inscriptions", he added.

Tusk: Poland supports Serbia's EU path, EU incomplete without Serbia (media)

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Thursday in Belgrade his country supported Serbia's EU path and that the EU was incomplete without Serbia. "Poland will take over the EU presidency soon, and enlargement and the closest possible cooperation with Serbia will be my priority during the Polish presidency", Tusk said at a press conference after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the Palace of Serbia.

He added that Poland welcomed Serbia's economic success and that an economically strong Serbia was beneficial to the EU. "We support regional cooperation, especially the Open Balkan initiative, launched by Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, as well as the Berlin Process. We are aware of the ambitious plans Serbia has when it comes to the Growth Plan in order to accelerate its European path", Tusk said.

He noted that bilateral relations with Serbia and, in particular, strengthening of economic cooperation, were important to Poland.

Radar: Serbia pays 1st instalment for French Rafale fighters (N1)

Radar weekly said in its latest issue that the Serbian Government paid the first instalment of 417 million Euro for French Rafale combat aircraft after that money was put into the amended 2024 budget, N1 reported.

According to media reports the original 2024 budget did not include the money to pay for the French aircraft but, just three weeks after parliament passed amendments to the budget, the Dassault company was paid the first 15 percent of the agreed price. The remaining 2.7 billion Euro will be paid before delivery of the 12 aircraft. 

Radar’s sources said the amended budget was increased by the 48.8 billion Dinars needed to make the payment on the contract signed on August 29 by Défense Ministers Bratislav Gasic and Dassault Aviation CEO Eric Trappier during French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Belgrade. The purchase of the combat aircraft was listed as one of the biggest capital projects in the Defense Ministry budget.


International Media 


Controversy erupts over hybrid warfare claims after audio recording leak involving Kusari-Lila and Radoicic (Sbunker, Disinfo)

The publication of an audio recording by "Paparaci," featuring a conversation between the head of Vetëvendosje's parliamentary group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, and Milan Radoicic, who for many years was a key figure in northern Kosovo and is linked to crime and corruption, has sparked controversy and clashes. The audio dates back to June 2022, during a period when Radoicic was wanted by Kosovo’s law enforcement authorities due to suspicions of involvement in the assassination of the well-known Serbian politician, Oliver Ivanovic. The conversation, which begins between Kusari-Lila and the former leader of the Serb List deputies, Slavko Simic, eventually includes Radoicic, who was then in hiding. The discussions revolve around political matters, including the vote on the Minimum Wage Law, which was widely opposed by the opposition, and the appointment of a Constitutional Court judge.

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Workshops: Kosovo youth united against radicalism (Sbunker)

On October 21 and 22, two interactive workshops were held in North Mitrovica, within the project "Kosovo Youth United Against Radicalism". These workshops, which were led by Sabina Kaqinari, brought together young people from different communities to discuss some issues of importance to them.

The first workshop focused on topics such as inner values, identity, the cultural iceberg model, conflict dynamics and gender roles. Central to this workshop was the discussion on safe spaces, where participants shared their personal perceptions of what a safe space means to them. This interactive dialogue allowed everyone to freely engage in the discussion, making the workshop itself a safe space for the exchange of ideas.

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