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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 28, 2024


Albanian Language Media:

  • Von der Leyen visits Pristina, meets Osmani and Kurti (media)
  • Peja mayor Gazmend Muhaxheri assaulted by two persons (media)
  • Finnish MP: We will support Kosovo at Council of Europe (media)
  • EULEX welcomes investigations into claims of beating of a Serb in north (RFE)
  • Atiq: Serb civil society never reacted to vehicles’ burning, violent actions (media)
  • LDK’s Gashi calls for Kurti’s resignation: VV lost majority in parliament (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • EULEX demand the competent authorities to urgently investigate allegations of abuse against Subotic (Kosovo Online, RTS, KiM radio)
  • Atiq: Civil society in the North reacts against government and police actions, not against car arson or Rakic assault (KoSSev)
  • KP outline details of Milos Subotic’s arrest as Inspectorate launches abuse investigation (KoSSev)
  • Office for KiM: The beating of Subotic proof that Pristina uses "Gestapo methods" of violence against Serbs (Kosovo Online)
  • SL: The beating of Subotic confirms that Pristina continues with intimidation and violence (Kosovo Online)
  • SNP: The GoK’s unacceptable and malicious decision on the expropriation of 13 hectares in the municipality of Gracanica (KoSSev)
  • Arsenijevic: Atiq's chief of staff and security chased minors; KP: The inspector stopped the young men for pasting stickers (KoSSev)

International Media: 

  • Western Balkans’ struggle with open data and digitalization (Prishtina Insight)


Albanian Language Media 

Von der Leyen visits Pristina, meets Osmani and Kurti (media)

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen visited Pristina on Saturday and met with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Most news websites highlighted her statement that more work is need for the European Union to lift its penalty measures on Kosovo. 

At a joint press conference with Osmani, Von der Leyen said the EU bloc welcomed Kosovo’s decision to open the Merdare crossing for goods coming from Serbia. “It is very important for us to work together, and we have welcomed the opening of the border for Kosovo to advance in CEFTA and after this we need to work on further steps in order to reach a point where the measures can be lifted. This will also help convince the member states because as you know the member states need to be in agreement for every step. We are both committed to finding the necessary steps to reach these goals. For me it is important to see Kosovo as our partner and to enable Kosovo’s path toward the European Union,” she said.

Von der Leyen commended Kosovo for the work on the reforms agenda within the EU Growth Plan, saying that by the end of the year, Kosovo is expected to get the first €60 million from the package. 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X that she congratulated Von der Leyen on her reelection as President of the European Commission. “I reaffirmed Kosovo's commitment to proudly move toward its well-deserved place in the EU family of nations. We discussed the Growth Plan and our reform agenda, which will enable us to benefit more than €800 million in funds. I also emphasized the urgent need to lift the unjust measures against Kosovo, as they are harming all our citizens,” Osmani said.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said he thanked Von der Leyen for “her leadership in advancing the EU Growth Plan from an idea into an approved Reform Agenda within 17 months. We are committed to implementing these reforms through a merit-based process”. He also said he reiterated the importance of delivering the questionnaire for membership and called for the full and immediate removal of unfair and unjust EU measures. “At a time when autocracies challenge universal freedoms, Kosova stands as an anchor of the EU's fundamental values in the Western Balkans,” Kurti said.

Peja mayor Gazmend Muhaxheri assaulted by two persons (media)

Mayor of Peja municipality, Gazmend Muhaxheri, was assaulted by two persons on Saturday morning in Peja. In a Facebook post after the assault, he said he was in good health condition. The prosecutor’s office in Peja confirmed to Radio Free Europe that two suspects were arrested by police and that the prosecutor ordered a 48-hour detention. Muhaxheri’s attorney said that the reason behind the attack was his client’s work. Muhaxheri’s party, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), strongly condemned the assault saying that “violence has no room in our society and such actions threaten the security and well-being of our leaders”.

Finnish MP: We will support Kosovo at Council of Europe (media)

Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Finnish Parliament, Kimmo Kilijunen, in an interview with TeVe1 said that Finland will continue to support Kosovo to join the Council of Europe, and that he hopes that the process will be finalized next year.

“Finland will support Kosovo on its path toward Europe. We have supported Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe, because before joining the EU, it is important to join this organization first. For some time, it seemed there was a good momentum for Kosovo to join the Council but then there was no sufficient support at the Committee of Ministers. After elections in Kosovo, which I hope will go well, I believe you will return on the agenda. You will have my support in the process,” he said.

EULEX welcomes investigations into claims of beating of a Serb in north (RFE)

The EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) said on Sunday that it welcomes the decision of Kosovo Police to notify the Police Inspectorate for initiating investigations about the claims “that a citizen in the north was beaten by Kosovo Police”. The Police Inspectorate said on October 26 that it had launched investigations about claims by Milos Subotic, a citizen from Mitrovica North, that he was beaten by police after he was sent to the police station. 

Kosovo Police had earlier denied Subotic’s claims saying that he early on Saturday morning while being under the influence of alcohol, he had tried to demolish a store. Police also said they arrested Subotic and sent him to the police station and after giving him a fine he was released. 

Atiq: Serb civil society never reacted to vehicles’ burning, violent actions (media)

Mayor of Mitrovica North, Erden Atiq, said in a Facebook post on Sunday that “Serb civil society in the north of the country never reacted about the burning of vehicles of Serbs in the north of the country or about other violent actions by terrorist organizations ‘Civil Protection’ and ‘Northern Brigade’”. He also said that there were no reactions after the brutal assault against Goran Rakic, “or about the terrorist attack in Banjska”. Atiq also said that the non-governmental organization ACDC led by Dusan Radakovic started an initiative to stop cooperation with the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and was then joined by other Serb NGOs. “In general, Serb NGOs in the north of the country have reacted against the actions of Kosovo Police and the decisions of the Kosovo Government,” he concluded.

LDK’s Gashi calls for Kurti’s resignation: VV has lost majority in parliament (media)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Arben Gashi, in an interview with Kosovapress news agency, claimed that the Vetevendosje Movement has lost the majority in the Kosovo Assembly. He called for Prime Minister Albin Kurti to submit his resignation and for Kosovo to go to early parliamentary elections as soon as possible “because it is evident that the current government is not capable of governing the country”. 


Serbian Language Media 


EULEX demand the competent authorities to urgently investigate allegations of abuse against Subotic (Kosovo Online, RTS, KiM Radio)

The European Union Rule of Law Mission, EULEX, emphasised to Kosovo Online that they demand the competent authorities urgently and effectively investigate all allegations of abuse against Miloš Subotic from North Mitrovica.

Regarding the allegations of mistreatment made by M.S., EULEX welcomes the decision of the KP to inform the Kosovo Police Inspectorate to initiate an investigation into these claims.

"The prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is absolute. We firmly demand that the competent authorities urgently and effectively investigate all allegations of abuse," they stated in their response to Kosovo Online.

In this context, and in line with the EULEX mandate, they note that their role is to monitor investigations conducted by the Kosovo Police Inspectorate and, when deemed necessary, by prosecutorial authorities.

"We remind that through our monitoring and advisory role, EULEX remains committed to supporting the rule of law within Kosovo institutions to ensure they are sustainable, accountable, and capable of effectively guaranteeing the rights of all without discrimination. If serious deficiencies are identified through our monitoring activities, the Mission addresses them with the relevant responsible authorities," they stated.

Atiq: Civil society in the North reacts against government and police actions, not against car arson or Rakic assault (KoSSev)

Serbian non-governmental organisations in Northern Kosovo responded against the actions of the Kosovo Police and the decisions of the Kosovo government, stated the mayor of North Mitrovica, Erden Atic, on Saturday night, while accusing them of remaining silent in other instances. Atiq made his remarks following the decision by civil society organisations in the North to suspend cooperation with EULEX until there is a response regarding the arrest and alleged beating of Milos Subotic.

“The Serbian civil society in the northern part of the country has never reacted to the burning of Serbian cars or other violent actions by terrorist organisations such as ‘Civil Protection’ and ‘Northern Brigade,’” Mayor Atic asserted on FB, accompanied by photographs of the Kosovo Police and PIK statements related to the incident.

He further claimed that reactions were also absent concerning events in Banjska on September 24 of last year, and added, “there was also no reaction after the brutal attack on Goran Rakic. Not even from the Serbian List.”

This is also the first time that an official, from either the Albanian or Serbian side, has stated what the media has been speculating about for days – that Goran Rakic was allegedly beaten. The Kosovo Police have also not commented on this, responding to media inquiries that they do not have a case.

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KP outline details of Milos Subotic’s arrest as Inspectorate launches abuse investigation (KoSSev)

In a statement released Saturday evening, Kosovo Police Headquarters addressed the recent detention of Milos Subotic. The announcement follows an earlier statement from the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, which confirmed it had opened an investigation into Subotic’s claims of alleged mistreatment by police officers. While the police did not explicitly refute these allegations, they presented a differing account of the incident.

According to police reports, the incident began around 2:35 a.m. when officers reportedly encountered Subotic engaging in suspicious behavior. Police allege that Subotic attempted to damage various items and equipment protected by a surrounding tarp, which were located outside a local store.

“The suspect unexpectedly damaged the tarp and, after crossing over it, entered private property, causing damage to several items,” police stated.

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European Centre for Minority Issues in Kosovo (ECMI) reacted on FB, saying that Milos Subotic, a senior official at the University of Mitrovica North, was a crucial collaborator with ECMI Kosovo for many years, supporting diploma verification efforts within university circles to advance the integration of Kosovo Serbs. ECMI expressed their concern and added that "incidents like this could jeopardise these essential processes, which play a significant role in the professional future of many individuals''.

Office for KiM: The beating of Subotic proof that Pristina uses "Gestapo methods" of violence against Serbs (Kosovo Online)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that the recent beating of Milos Subotic, a Serb from North Mitrovica, at a police station once again confirms that ''Pristina is now routinely using Gestapo-like methods of intimidation and violence against members of the Serbian community'', reported Kosovo Online.

They warn that excessive use of force and police torture have long been part of daily life in northern Kosovo.

“It is clear that the acts of violence and torture against Serbs have only one aim – intimidation to facilitate the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the northern part of the province,” the statement reads.

The Office stated that Serbia will continue systematically documenting all attacks on Serbs, as justice must ultimately reach those responsible. They also emphasize that the international presence in Kosovo has an obligation, in line with international law and regulations that should apply on the ground, ''to prevent torture of Serbs and increasingly blatant human rights violations against the Serbian people''.

“In the coming weeks, a new six-month UNMIK report on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija will be reviewed before the United Nations Security Council, and Serbia will take this opportunity to draw global attention to all forms of physical and legal violence carried out against Serbs by the regime of Albin Kurti,” the statement concludes.

SL: The beating of Subotic confirms that Pristina continues with intimidation and violence (Kosovo Online)

The excessive use of force and police brutality have long been a daily occurrence in northern Kosovo, and the beating of Milos Subotic at a police station only confirms that Pristina continues its methods of intimidation and violence against the Serbian people, Serbian List announced. 

"The excessive use of force and police torture have been part of daily life in northern Kosovo and Metohija for a long time. Last night’s beating of Milos Subotic, a Serb from Kosovska Mitrovica, at a police station again confirms that Pristina routinely employs Gestapo-like methods of intimidation and violence against the Serbian population. It is clear that these acts of violence and torture against Serbs have a single goal – to instill fear as a means of expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the northern part of the province," the statement reads among other things.

SNP: The GoK’s unacceptable and malicious decision on the expropriation of 13 hectares in the municipality of Gracanica (KoSSev)

The Serbian People's Movement opposed the Kosovo government's decision to expropriate as much as 13 hectares of land in the municipality of Gracanica. They believe that such a move is unacceptable and malicious, demanding the decision to be annulled, and announce that they will address all relevant international factors, reported KoSSev.

The Serbian People's Movement announced just one day after the Gracanica Municipal Assembly adopted a conclusion opposing the unilateral decision of the Kosovo government to appropriate this land.

"We could hear this from the representatives of the municipality. If this is not true, we ask the Government to announce whether and with whom it communicated on this topic from the municipality of Gracanica," they stated. They emphasise that the Municipality of Gracanica has very little construction land and is therefore additionally deprived of the space necessary for administrative and economic development.

"All the surrounding municipalities, the City of Pristina, the Municipality of Lipljan and the Municipality of Kosovo Polje, are territorially much larger and have much more construction land on which a project of this type could be implemented. Quite logically, the question arises: Why the municipality of Gracanica?", they added, among other things. 

"The location that was chosen is extremely inadequate. All the presidents of the municipality of Gracanica since its establishment have constantly pointed out that the problem of water and air pollution from the old waste dump from the Kisnica mine,'' they said adding that no one, had the slightest inclination to launch a rehabilitation project that would stop ''further poisoning of our environment''. According to the statement, ''this clearly shows that whoever made this decision did not even consider those who should stay in this center tomorrow, but there are other bad intentions to put pressure on the municipality of Gracanica and its residents'', it was stated among other things.

Arsenijevic: Atiq's chief of staff and security chased minors; KP: The inspector stopped the young men for pasting stickers (KoSSev)

The security of the mayor of North Mitrovica and the head of the cabinet chased minors in Mitrovica for allegedly sticking stickers 'Don't be afraid. Your city!', announced on Friday night the leader of Serbian Democracy, Aleksandar Arsenijevic. The police claim that it was actually the inspector who was in the company of "a person from the mayor's office" who stopped the young men. They state that they gave up on further prosecution, even though they "could write a sentence". In recent days, stickers with the message - "Don't be afraid. Your city".

The author of these smaller stickers is the Serbian Democracy party, which for months has been actively protesting, above all with the sound of a whistle, against the local leadership, but also representatives of the central authorities in Pristina who come to the northern part of Mitrovica.

"The personal security of the illegitimate mayor, Erden Atiq, led by the head of the cabinet, Visar Syla, chased three minors because of the alleged pasting of these stickers near the Technical School.

He adds that they allegedly "caught two minors", recorded them with a phone and called the police patrol.

"They were detained for 10 minutes, after which the regular police came and freed them from security and Visar Syla, because they saw that there was no element to detain them, and that those materials were found with them," said Arsenijevic.

Petrit Fejza, from the Kosovo Police of the North region, told KoSSev that it was not Atiq's staff, but that it was an inspector.

However, he confirmed that there was "a person from the mayor's office" in the inspector's company. According to Fejza, the inspector, seeing the young men pasting the stickers, called the police, who, when they arrived at the scene, determined that they were very young people.

"They gave up on further prosecution, even though they could write a sentence," said Fejza. To KoSSev’s question, why should the inspector deal with the case, in which young men stick small stickers around the city, Fejza stated that this cannot be done on the municipal surface on their own initiative.


International Media


Western Balkans’ struggle with open data and digitalization (Prishtina Insight)

A new BRIN’s report reveals that when it comes to open data and digitalization, Western Balkan countries lack infrastructure and resources.

Presented in a conference on Friday in Prishtina, concluded that advancement of open data and digitalization in the Western Balkan countries lack political commitment and have limited infrastructure institutional resources.

Experts emphasise that  the delicate balance between transparency and data protection needs continuous reform and support from both government and civil society.

Xheneta Murtezaj, a BIRN Kosovo researcher, explained that the research team “reviewed how data is published, in what format, and whether it is accessible,” and found that data on some government portals is rarely updated.

“Research revealed that donors play a crucial role in supporting open data and digitization  initiatives,” she said, adding that “new platforms often stagnate once donor funding ends, as institutions lack the willingness to push these projects forward independently.”

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