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Vetevendosje to support protest against special court (Telegrafi)

The Vetevendosje Movement through a press release announced that they will support tomorrow's protest organized by the  KLA War Associations against the establishment of the special court. "The establishment of the special court, in addition to creating a parallel  justice system in Kosovo, tends to distort the historical truth, judging our fight for freedom. The special court, created specially for the members of the KLA, presents selective and one-sided justice.

The dangerous resistance to justice (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s columnist, Enver Robelli, in an opinion piece today argues that if no one from the former Kosovo Liberation Army leaders committed war crimes or other crimes, then why all this resistance against the special court? According to him, the reason is clear: a part of the current political leaders fear that some of the witnesses who witnessed their not-so-patriotic actions might be still alive. “Kosovo society is hostage to these “saviors” who fear the past and worry about bags of money they have filled since June 1999,” Robelli writes.

Grabovci on special court: Let’s get the draft law first, then we’ll see (Telegrafi)

The head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Adem Grabovci, told the news site today that, as far as the special court is concerned, PDK MPs will vote in accordance with Kosovo’s national interests. Grabovci did not want to say if the PDK has enough votes to pass the constitutional amendments that enable the establishment of the special court. “We want to have a fair process and as soon as we get the draft law we will discuss it with fellow MPs. I am confident that MPs will vote in line with our country’s interests.

KLA War Associations to protest tomorrow against special court (Lajmi)

The representatives of the KLA War Associations said in a press conference today that they will protest on Wednesday in Pristina against the establishment of the special court. Xhavit Jashari called on the members of the Kosovo Assembly not to vote in favor of the special court. He said Wednesday’s protest will oppose the injustice toward former KLA members and added that the special court will be a continuation of UNMIK and EULEX. According to Jashari, the special court will try to stain the fight of the KLA and will violate Kosovo’s sovereignty.

Veseli: We will soon vote on draft law on specialized chambers (Kosovapress/Koha)

The President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, told reporters in Pristina today that the members of parliament will very soon have in their hands the draft law on the specialized chambers of the special court. Veseli said after the meeting of the Assembly Presidency that it was of utmost importance for Kosovo to maintain its partnership with the international community. “We don’t have the draft law yet. We have talked with the Prime Minister, and we will very soon have in Parliament the draft law on the specialized chambers of the special court.

Hasani: Special court will not violate human rights (Indeksonline)

The President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Fejzullah Hasani, said today in Pristina that the establishment of the special court will not violate human rights and freedoms, "because this will be an international court built in accordance with European standards". Hasani made these remarks at a summit on international law and human rights organized by the Supreme Court of Kosovo and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, and supported by the United Nations Development Programme.

Kosovo Assembly will not vote on special court this week? (Lajmi)

The constitutional amendments that pave the way to the establishment of the special court will not be sent to the Kosovo Assembly this week. The Assembly Presidency met today in Pristina to determine the agenda of the parliamentary session on Thursday and the constitutional amendments on the special court were reportedly not included. On Thursday, the MPs are expected to debate with Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, on the border demarcation with Montenegro.

The UN considering establishment of special court (Klan Kosova)

The members of the Kosovo Assembly have reportedly seen a draft on the special court prepared by Russia which the member states of the United Nations Security Council will vote on if Kosovo’s authorities fail to establish the special court. According to the news site, the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly has discussed the draft and the financial cost of the UN establishing the special court. A source that has reportedly seen the draft told Klan Kosova that the term genocide is mentioned in several chapters of the document.

Mihajlovic: ZSO will not be the new Republika Srpska (RTS)

Director of the Office of Media Relations, Milivoje Mihajlovic told RTS that Pristina should not delay the formation of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities. He adds that only the essential solution could lead to peace.

"The community was supposed to be formed before the local election, then before the parliamentary elections ... All the time Pristina has managed to delay it. Last month they avoided talking about it, and now for the first time Pristina announced that there will be talks about it," says Mihalović for the RTS 1.

Samuel Zbogar: No more excuses for special court (Vecernje Novosti)

I see no valid reason for any further delay in forming the Special Court for crimes committed in Kosovo. The constitutional amendments are already in the assembly and the law is ready, this for Vecernje Novosti said Samuel Zbogar, EU Special Representative in Kosovo.

Is there a general political will to form the court?