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Trepca to be urgently removed from the KPA (Gazeta Express)

The general director of Trepca mining complex, Ahmet Tmava,  said for Klan Kosova that the revival of Trepca will occur only when the economic giant will be out from the Kosovo Privatization Agency (KPA) and enter into a project that offers development opportunities.  "Trepca is incorrectly placed under the KPA, and should be removed from there as soon as possible. We are against the privatization. For the units that we can prove that can be reactivated, the privatization process is out of question,” said Tmava.

Politics should not impose solutions for Trepca (Koha)

The Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS) organized a round-table in north Mitrovica, to discuss possible solutions for the mining complex Trepca, Koha reports. All the participants agreed that these solutions should not to be imposed by politics.

During the round-table discussions, it was said that the activation of Trepca in full capacity will be a major challenge for Kosovo, and it is a project that affects not only the economy but also many other areas.


Vetevendosje will not take part in the government, but has conditions (Lajm)

The head of the Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, says the so-called “future emergency government,” established by the opposition parties, will suspend talks with Serbia, the implementation of the Association of Serb Municipalities, and privatization of enterprises. In a press conference, he said that Vetevendosje is not worried about posts in this government.