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How much will Europe change after the terrorist attacks in Paris? (Koha)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj writes in his opinion piece that in the future the far-right parties and xenophobic and anti-Islamic groups will try to use the terrorist acts in Paris for their own propaganda. “The Europeans do not identify Islam with terrorism, but they do expect Muslims to isolate terrorists and extremists. Europe will certainly no longer tolerate radical preaching or the incitement of hatred and terrorism by some radical clerics. The European values will be protected even by respecting European Muslims,” he writes.


Kosovo journalists gather in support of victims killed in the Paris attack (Koha)

Association of Kosovo Journalists organized today a support rally for the victims of the terrorist attack on the offices of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris. Kosovo journalist gathered at the Zahir Pajaziti Square in Pristina holding “Je suis Charlie” placards. French deputy ambassador to Kosovo, Lise Moutoumalaya, also joined the rally and thanked all the people in Kosovo who have expressed solidarity with the victims and their families.


Government informs EU on Serbia’s illegal interventions in Kosovo (Koha)

The government of Kosovo sent an official note to the European Union on Monday about Serbia’s continuous illegal interventions in Kosovo and the violation of the Brussels Agreement with the decision to extend parallel structures in the municipality of Shterpce/Strpce. Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, sent a letter to EU official Fernando Gentilini, calling on the EU to take all measures to prevent Serbia from interfering through its parallel structures in Kosovo.

Still no agreement on insurance policies between Kosovo and Serbia (Koha)

Agreement on free movement and recognition of vehicle insurance policies between Kosovo and Serbia was planned to enter into force on January but this has not yet happened. In a Facebook post, Rrahim Pacolli, head of Pristina delegation in talks on insurance policies, said that in the last meeting held in Brussels, the Serbian side did not agree to certain points of the agreement. These points are expected to be addressed in the next meeting which Pacolli hopes will take place this month.


Save the Children invests in Klina (Koha)

Save the Children International and Klina Municipality have signed an agreement for co-financing the construction of a kindergarten in Klina. This kindergarten will be ready for the registration of 100 children annually. The total investment in this project is around 340 thousand euros. The Mayor of Klina, Sali Bashota, said that this project will also help the employment of women in this municipality.


Suspect planned to set off explosive in Pristina Cathedral (Koha)

Citing unconfirmed sources, Koha reports that a Serbian national, who was arrested with around 13 kilograms of explosives on Thursday evening in Pristina, had planned to set off the explosives in the Pristina Cathedral. The same sources said that the suspect, who is a veterinary physician from Raska, Serbia, had planned to execute the terrorist attack on the second night of Christmas.


Kosovo to apply for Council of Europe membership in three months (Koha)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, informed today the government of Kosovo about his visit to Brussels and meetings with senior officials of the European Union. Thaci said that Kosovo has met the criteria for applying for membership in the Council of Europe. “Kosovo has met the criteria for membership and hopefully in coordination with international partners, we will apply in the next three months, and we expect to join the Council of Europe,” said Thaci.

Municipality of Pristina helps the poor (Koha)

Municipality of Pristina allocated 50 thousand euros for the poor families. Mayor of Pristina, Shpend Ahmeti, said that he hopes that this amount will help a little bit these families for the holiday season. “Around 50 thousand euros saved throughout the year from Pristina municipality will be allocated for the poor families. We are aware that this does not even closely meet the requirements and needs of the citizens, but our goal is to help as many families as we can," said Ahmeti.

Promises that are not convincing (Koha)

Elmaz Isufi, in an opinion piece for Koha, writes that the promises of political parties in the election campaign, to reduce unemployment and poverty, may be fulfilled easier than their predictions.  Not from their development policies, but from the massive escape of Kosovo citizens, mostly young people, towards European countries. If for nothing else, this will serve for internal statistics to be translated into success - fewer unemployed, less poor, writes Isufi.

Women’s Network call on Kosovo Assembly to change the draft law on budget (Koha)

Kosovo Women's Network (KWN) expressed their dissatisfaction with the draft law on budget for 2015. Koha writes that according to this organization, the draft law on budget does not adequately reflect the needs of citizens and does not create opportunities for the application of the laws in force in Kosovo.