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Pristina intends to halve the budget for returnees (Vesti)

A budget proposal was passed after a heated debate at the meeting of the Government of Kosovo on Friday, 25 million euros are reserved for municipalities in northern Kosovo (20 million for capital investment, and five for operative costs).

Three million euros are reserved from the budget for returnees and those who have recently returned to Kosovo and are in need for help.

Jevtic: Relevant authorities should say who is responsible for the attacks (Kim Radio)

"The attacks on returnee families seriously jeopardize the return process. Those are not only attacks on Serbs who live in Kosovo, but also attacks on Serbs who want to return," said Dalibor Jevtic, Minister for Communities and Returns in Kosovo Government.

According to him, the latest incident that occurred in Kosovo Polje/Fushe Kosove, when on the building in which live Serbs was thrown a Molotov cocktail, presents “a continuation of the overall situation that happened after the game that ended ingloriously in Belgrade."

Jevtic: Another house of returnees set on fire (RTK2)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic, said that house of Miomir Pantic, in the village Ljug, in Istok/Istog municipality, was set on fire. That is the second case of burning houses of Serbian returnees in Kosovo, in the last 24 hours. "The incident, which occurred in the village Ljug, Istok/Istog municipality, is a severe attack on our efforts aimed at bringing return to a higher level. Perpetrators of this and other incidents must be found," said Jevtic.

Jevtic with representatives of the OSCE on the return (KiM radio)

On the eve of the upcoming regional conference on the return of displaced persons, which should be held in mid-November in Skopje, Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic, met with representatives of the OSCE and discussed the joint steps. "I expect that this, like the previous conference on the return of displaced, will be successful. Lately, I received the positive signals from the important international actors, as well as governments of certain countries and organizations that are involved in the return process," said Jevtic.

Burglarized houses of returnees in Klina (RTS)

Four homes and two auxiliary buildings, owned by Serbs, were burglarized in the Village Grabovac near Klina, according to the Kosovo Ministry of Communities and Returns.

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic strongly condemned last night's incident, reports Tanjug.

Jevtic said that the burglary and theft of items from the house is obvious intimidation of returnees and a message to those who wish to return to Kosovo that they are not welcome.

Crisis of Kosovo institutions discussed in Berlin (KiM radio)

A three-member delegation of the Serb political representatives, consisting of the Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Mayor of Strpce/Shtrpce, Bratislav Nikolic and MP Sasa Milosavljevic is visiting Berlin.

As announced by the Ministry for Communities and Return, three Serbian representatives met with Christian Schwarz-Schilling, MP of the ruling CDU, and introduced him with the current political situation in Kosovo, noting that institutional crisis is affecting the lives of citizens.

Delegation of Kosovo Serbs in a visit to Germany and Austria (RTK2)

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Mayor of Strpce/Shtrpce, Bratislav Nikolic and MP from the Serbian List, Sasa Milosavljevic, are visiting Germany and Austria at the invitation of members of the German Bundestag and the Austrian Development Agency.

Statement of the Ministry of Communities and Returns reads that they will have a number of meetings with the representatives of the organizations from the field of political and economic life of Germany and Austria.

More money for the return (KiM Radio)

The outgoing head of the UNHCR Joe Hegenauer and Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic believe that more money is needed for the return of displaced persons to Kosovo.

Jevtic and Hegenauer talked about the return of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities from the camps in Macedonia and Montenegro.

The two officials agreed that additional funds are needed for continuation of the project, because, as they said, there are other families that are interested in returning to Kosovo, the ministry statement said.