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Committees and marginalized opposition (Kosova Sot)

On a front page editorial, Kosova Sot newspaper writes that with the current sharing formula of the parliamentary committees, the opposition is unable to oversee the work of the new government. Out of 14 committees, ten were allocated to the power-sharing coalition parties, while only four were left to the opposition parties. The paper writes that despite the fact that two major parties are in coalition, it is not fair and it is a serious violation of parliamentary democracy if the opposition is marginalized in this way, .

Recycled government (Kosova Sot)

In its front-page editorial, the paper today writes that Monday put an end to speculations on who will lead the new government of Kosovo and also proved that the two largest parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), were not immune to narrow interest groups and chose 14 “recycled” names to be again part of the government. These “recycled” officials may have served their leaders well but they never made a positive change in the way they ran their ministries.

The economic hope (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of Kosova Sot newspaper addresses the economic problem that Kosovo is facing. The daily writes that this year, the official data show that the trade deficit will be over two billion euros, which shows Kosovo’s great dependence on imports, and the limited production capacity. Politicians have promised during the election campaign, that, if elected, they would support the local companies with funds. If this will be considered on the government program that is being drafted by coalition partners,  things can move forward.

Sixteen days (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily stresses that Kosovo is now part of the global campaign of raising awareness regarding the gender based violence. “With the support of the United Nations Office and the UN Women, the 16 day activity aims drawing attention especially of men and youth, on the role that they could have on defense of women’s rights,” stressed the editorial.


KLA associations announce protests (Kosova Sot)

Three Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) associations have announced that on Thursday they will protest in front of the University of Pristina, as they said, because the University of Pristina is disregarding the Memorandum of Understanding between these organizations and the University of Pristina, signed in 2009. Their request is to enroll in the University of Pristina the children of war veterans, whose number ranges up to one thousand. The current rector of the University of Pristina, Ramadan Zejnullahu, is against this agreement.

(In)justice (Kosova Sot)

In today’s editorial, the paper claims that while the recent awareness campaign launched by several NGOs may be effective, it will certainly not improve the rule of law situation in Kosovo. Kosovo’s model of rule of law has serious consequences on the stability of the country and is scaring off foreign investment. Above all, it is killing the citizens’ hope for an impartial justice. The new government should therefore treat the issue of rule of law as a top priority, suggests the paper.

Call the session (Kosova Sot)

In the front-page editorial, the paper today writes that after the decision of the post-election coalition to give up Assembly speaker post, there are no more reasons for postponing the calling of constitutive session any longer. The session’s chairperson, Flora Brovina, should not fear announcing the continuation of the session but should, as a matter of priority, meet leaders of parliamentary groups, and set the date for the upcoming session.

New phase of the program for the return of displaced persons started (Kosova Sot)

New phase of the program for returns and reintegration in Kosovo has started. This program is a joint initiative financed from European Union and Ministry for Returns and Communities that supports creation of a sustainable, tolerant and multiethnic environment in Kosovo, which ensures fundamental human and minority rights.

Rama did his job (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes that the visit of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, to Serbia may have broken the ice between the two countries but it has definitely not surpassed divisions between Albanians and Serbs. The paper remarks that it would have been scandalous if Rama did not mention the issue of Kosovo during the visit and his clear statement that independence of Kosovo is an irreversible reality was the right thing to say.
