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Mustafa and Haradinaj meet (Telegrafi)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), and Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) have met in Pristina today to discuss the election process and its aftermath.

Asked by Klan Kosova if he will withdraw from his insistence to become prime minister, Haradinaj said now is not the right time to discuss the matter. Mustafa on the other hand said he would not insist on the post in a possible coalition.

Ahmeti: Vetevendosje to boycott PDK, entire opposition should do the same (Telegrafi)

Pristina mayor and Vetevendosje deputy leader, Shpend Ahmeti, called on opposition parties today not to join a coalition government with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), guaranteeing that his party would not do so. “If all opposition parties stay true to their statements that they will not enter a coalition with the PDK, the latter will not be able to form the government. I can certainly guarantee for one political party,” Ahmeti wrote on his Facebook account.

Hydrogen explosion at KEK (Express, Telegrafi, Indeksonline)

Major explosion happened at the power plant Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK,) outside Kosova A boilers. Sources said for Express that there are several people injured and there might be casualties as well.

The detonation was heard in several parts of Pristina. Gazeta Express did not manage to confirm this news officially, since officials of this corporation are not available for journalists. Kosovo Police told Express that “they are aware of the detonation,” but that they do not have any other information.

Zbogar calls for fair elections (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration Vlora Citaku met today with European Union Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar. The latter called for free and fair elections and a great turnout by the voters. Zbogar also promised maximal engagement by the European monitors in the election process. Zbogar and Citaku agreed that elections need to be held in free and democratic spirit, “because the process has crucial importance for Kosovo’s path toward European integration”.

Children’s rights are violated in Kosovo (telegrafi)

The 1 June, International Children’s Day was celebrated in Kosovo. A range of activities, which symbolized 1 June, was organized in the capital. Pristina square was filled with children who were each playing in their own way. Ombudsman, Sami Kurteshi, was among the organizers of the activities. He stated that he is not pleased with the situation of the children in the Kosovo. “Not only me but we are all dissatisfied and we are making efforts to find a better solution. Today’s day is only a reminder of the internationally set date and we are marking it.