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University students call on PM Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic (Zeri)

The Pristina University students together with their professors and other citizens protested today in front of the Kosovo government calling on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to dismiss his Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic. “We are against all Jablanovics here in and Belgrade who violate our national identity,” said Arben Mehmeti, the President of the Student’s Parliament of Pristina University. He added that if there is real justice in Kosovo, Jablanovic should be legally prosecuted for insulting the mothers of missing persons from Gjakova.

University of Pristina to decide on demands of the war veterans (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Minister of Education, Arsim Bajrami said today that Kosovo Government will respect the autonomy of University of Pristina (UP) to find a solution for the demand of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) war veterans for automatic admission of 1000 students who are children of war veterans. Bajrami said that he will meet with representatives of both parties, and urges them to find a solution as soon as possible, in conformity with applicable laws and agreements.

War veterans demand the resignation of UP rector (Radio Kosova)

The KLA war veterans protest today in front of the Pristina University (UP) Rectorate, demanding the automatic admission of 1,000 students who are children of war  martyrs. Radio Kosova reports that the organizers of the protest, after a short confrontation with police, managed to enter the Rectorace and met with UP rector, Ramadan Zejnullahu, but they did not reach an agreement. According to Radio Kosova, the protesters threatened with violence in case that the rector Zejnullahu, did not resign.

War veterans protest in front of Pristina University Rectorate (all media)

The war veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) have protested today in front of the Rectorate of the University of Pristina (UP) demanding the automatic admission of 1,000 students who are children of war veterans and martyrs. The war veterans are claiming that UP Rector Ramadan Zejnullahu failed to respect the memorandum that has been implemented for 10 years now. The war veterans also warned that Kosovo would not have peace or quiet until all students are admitted and they also called on Zejnullahu to resign.