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OSCE on freedom of media and hate speech in Kosovo (Tanjug)

PRISTINA - Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Jean-Claude Schlumberger and OSCE Representative for Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic opened in Pristina on Friday the regional conference on the ways to respond to instances of hate speech without violating the freedom of expression.

The OSCE one-day conference was attended by over 50 reporters, lawyers, representatives of civil society and institutions from the Western Balkans who discussed legal regulations and experiences from the region in an effort to counter hate speech.

North voted peacefully, Serbian List to get no more than 10 seats (Tribuna)

Northern Kosovo has for the first time taken part in parliamentary elections organised by authorities in Pristina, albeit with a relatively low turnout. Elections in the northern municipalities were conducted in a peaceful manner and no incidents were reported. The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger, said he was pleased with the way elections were taking place. The paper also notes that, based on preliminary results, which show the Serbian List received around 2.5 percent, the coalition cannot hope to win more than 10 seats in the next Assembly of Kosovo.


Pristina is trying to discourage Serbs from voting (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Head of the Serbian parliament committee on Kosovo Milovan Drecun believes Pristina is interpreting the election law in Kosovo in a way that is unacceptable in order to discourage the Kosovo Serbs from voting in the election on June 8.

Pristina's bad intention is clear, as well as its attempt to influence the situation that will come about after the next parliament is formed, in which the Serbs have only 10 guaranteed seats, he told TV Pink.

OSCE: Boycott can be avoided by understanding north’s situation (Koha)

On the front page, the paper runs an interview with the head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger, who is quoted as saying that in order to avoid a boycott of the elections in the north, all outstanding issues need to be resolved before 8 June. He also stressed the importance of constructive engagement and understanding the historical situation in the north. “This would be the best recipe to ensure participation and avoid a boycott”, said Ambassador Schlumberger.