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Franco-German Envoys Press Kosovo on Special Court (Balkan Insight)

German and French envoys are adding to diplomatic pressure on Kosovo not to try to stop the new Specialist Chambers – which will try former Kosovo guerrillas – from coming into operation.

A joint German-French delegation met Kosovo officials on Wednesday to voice concern about recent failed attempts by Kosovo MPs to revoke the law establishing the Special Court, set up to try Kosovo Albanian war crimes.

Kosovo War Victims Slam MPs’ Bid to Stop Court (Balkan Insight)

Survivors of the 1999 Kosovo war and rights campaigners criticised attempts by MPs in Pristina to stop the new Specialist Chambers, which will try former Kosovo Liberation Army fighters.

War victims’ groups and Pristina-based rights campaigners criticised recent attempts by MPs in Pristina to revoke a law which allows the new Kosovo Specialist Chambers to operate.

The president of the Association of Missing and Kidnapped Persons from Kosovo and Metohija, Ranko Djinovic, said that repealing the law would be an “injustice”.

Two Serbs Found Dead in Kosovo Village (Balkan Insight)

A Kosovo Serb man and woman were found dead on Monday evening in the village of Babimost/Babin Most in the Obiliq/Obilic municipality, but the cause of their deaths is so far unknown.

The two Serbs’ bodies were discovered in the village of Babimost/Babin Most in central Kosovo on Monday evening, said Kosovo Police.

“The medical team at the crime scene found the victims were dead, while an investigation into the case is ongoing,” said police spokesperson Baki Kelani.

Kosovo MP Warns New War Court Against Arrests (Balkan Insight)

MP Daut Haradinaj, a former Kosovo Liberation Army fighter and brother of the prime minister, said that arrests by the new Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Chambers would cause a major backlash.

Daut Haradinaj, an Alliance for the Future of Kosovo MP who also is the brother of PM Ramush Haradinaj and fought with the Kosovo Liberation Army, told Klan Kosova TV on Wednesday that arrests by the new Specialist Chambers would cause a huge backlash from former KLA members.

Call for Campus Mosque Causes Storm in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

The deputy mayor of Pristina's call to build a mosque on the campus of Pristina University has sparked adverse reactions in Kosovo, while the municipality says it does not back the idea.

The newly elected deputy mayor of Pristina, Selim Pacolli, from the Alliance New Kosovo party, has sparked a row after telling a TV station on Wednesday that he supported building a mosque on the campus of Pristina University, if the university was relocated.