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Kosovo Braces for Independence Day Turmoil (Balkan Insight)

Opposition parties have announced a major protest for Wednesday as state institutions plan a series of celebratory events marking eight years of Kosovo's independence.

The Vetevendosje [Self-Determination] Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, and Nisma have called on people to gather in Pristina’s main square on Wednesday to demand the resignation of Isa Mustafa's government.

Kosovo welcomes European Parliament resolution (Balkan Insight)

The European Parliament backed a resolution on Kosovo by 403 votes for to 130 against and 104 abstentions, on Thursday.

The resolution expresses concern over corruption and organised crime and calls for action on drafting a long-promised statute of an Association of Serbian Municipalities.

At the same time, it welcomes progress achieved in the EU-led dialogue with Serbia in 2015, and calls on all sides to implement already reached agreements in good faith.