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Students, citizens against Kosovo's admission to UNESCO (Dailies)

Students from the Pristina University and citizens of Kosovska Mitrovica opposed Kosovo's possible admission to UNESCO at a protest organized in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The people who gathered carried banners saying "Kosovo is Serbia," "No Kosovo UNESCO," but also Serbian flags and photographs of burned Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) on which they wrote: "Guardians of cultural heritage?!"

AAK mobilizes for anti-government protests (Indeksonline)

In an urgent meeting called today, the steering council of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) unanimously decided to mobilize its membership and supporters for an anti-government protest. AAK said political agreements signed by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa turn Kosovo into a dysfunctional country and it is therefore necessary to prevent their implementation. The party’s steering council authorized AAK leadership to coordinate future actions with other opposition parties, including the civil society.


Kurti: We are getting ready for powerful protests (Telegrafi)

Former Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti said in an interview for Radio Dukagjini that they are making all preparations to stage protests against the government of Kosovo. He said that Vetevendosje officials are already organizing gatherings with people in different cities to inform them about what the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities really brings. “We could have organised protests but we want them to be powerful and this is why we are taking more time to prepare future protests,” said Kurti.


KLA veterans call for protest on Friday (Zeri)

Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veterans said in a press conference that their position against the establishment of the specialized chambers remains unchanged. They said that if Kosovo does not establish it, neither can the UN Security Council for the fact it has not recognised Kosovo as an independent country. Veterans called on all those who oppose the specialized chambers to join them tomorrow from 9.30 in front of the Kosovo Assembly building.

Haxhiu: Protest for Trepca could take place next week (Koha)

Vetevendosje MP Albulena Haxhiu told KTV that dismissal of Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic is a victory of the Kosovo people achieved through the Vetevendosje protests. She said the Wednesday protest has been called off but that there will be a new protest demanding the transformation of the Trepca mining complex into a public enterprise.  Haxhiu said the next protest could take place as early as next week but that its exact time is being coordinated with other opposition parties.

Kurti: Protest will not be called off even if Jablanovic is dismissed (Tribuna)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti told a local radio that tomorrow’s protest in Pristina is unavoidable even if the Communities and Returns Minister, Aleksandar Jablanovic, is dismissed. “Even if Jablanovic is dismissed, we will gather at the square to celebrate what we achieved. Nevertheless, we do have another demand, that regarding Trepca,” Kurti said. He expressed doubt that Jablanovic would indeed be dismissed. “Mustafa would rather dismiss himself than Jablanovic,” added Kurti.

Kosovo women call on Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) in an open letter to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa stated the KWN members participated in the recent protests calling for dismissal of Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic and the transformation of Trepca into a public enterprise. “KWN continues to support the citizens of Kosovo who are using their rights, guaranteed by law, to express their dissatisfaction through peaceful protest.

Deda: Jablanović must go (Blic)

MP of the opposition Self-determination Movement Ilir Deda said that the protests in Kosovo are not directed against Serbs. Still, Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Aleksandar Jablanović "must resign" and that is clear to all political factors in Kosovo. 

Deda has announced that the opposition protests in Kosovo will be discontinued if Jablanović leave the government and if Government of Kosovo promise that in the short term the law on forming Trepca as a public company will be sent to the Assembly.