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Dacic: Trump should come to Serbia, and say all he has to say (RTS, Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says Serbia wants new friendships and good relations with the United States - but will not neglect its "old friends."

Commenting on the US State Department's announcement that it will, together with the US Department of Defense, next year draft a report on cooperation of the Western Balkan countries with the US, but also with Russia - Dacic said that "everyone should do their job."

Jeremic: Solution for Kosovo would not speed up Serbia’s road toward EU (N1)

The crucial states of the European Union do not have political readiness to accept Western Balkans states in the EU, said participants at the discussion “Global Winds of Change and Consequences on the Western Balkans,” organized by the Centre for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD), N1 reported today.

Mogherini with prime ministers: Vucic and Thaci dialogue important (Danas)

EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini hosted last evening dinner for the prime ministers from the Western Balkan in Brussels to discuss the situation in the region and continuation of European integration in 2018, Danas daily reported.

Referring to the statement from Brussels, Danas reported that all prime ministers expressed full commitment and readiness to continue the road to the EU.

Kosovo PM Faces Uphill Battle on Brussels Trip (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj has promised big steps forward for Pristina before meetings in Brussels this week, such as visa liberalisation and a new Kosovo army, but observers say this is unrealistic.

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, has promised to deliver visa liberalisation and the establishment of a Kosovo army by March ahead of a series of informal meetings with other regional leaders in Brussels on Monday.

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue one of topics (Vecernje Novosti)

Relations in the region and continuation of the European integrations would be the main topics at the working dinner of the Western Balkans heads of governments, organized by EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini in Brussels this evening, Vecernje Novosti writes today.

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic would take part at this informal gathering where bilateral meetings are also planned.

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would be one of the topics. Novosti further reported that the next round of a dialogue is not scheduled yet.

Brussels is back into the Balkans, if selectively (Politico)

The European Union wants to show it still cares about the Balkans, but not everyone is feeling the love.

Brussels has been accused for years of not paying enough attention to the six Western Balkan countries that want to join the bloc. After taking office in 2014, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker declared the EU would not take in any new members during his five-year term.

Joksimovic: USA present, no changes in format of dialogue (RTK2)

Centre of Foreign Policy Director, Aleksandra Joksimovic said to RTK 2 that the format of the Brussels dialogue would not change, but the USA will be more active in the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Joksimovic also said she does not believe legally binding document would request from Serbia to recognize Kosovo, but would seek that both Belgrade and Pristina unimpeded move towards the European integration.

Dacic: Stability in Balkans requires common Serbia-US interest (B92)

Ivica Dacic says his message in Washington this week was that there is no stability in the Balkans unless the US finds a common interest with Serbia.

The Serbian foreign minister and first deputy PM noted that the US "has some policy of its own, and is interested in the Russian influence in the region".

For the sake of stability in the region, the US should seek a minimum common of interests with our country, Dacic told RTS.