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Dacic "wishes we never had common state with Montenegro" (Tanjug, B92, Dan)

It's ridiculous that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic says Serbia's relations with "neighbors Zagreb, Pristina, and Podgorica" have been strained. First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated this, adding that it was also ridiculous to say that Montenegro was "not making anti-Serb decisions, but those in its own interest."

"I suppose Djukanovic means Montenegrin interests, which is nice - because Serbia is also making decisions in its own interest," Dacic told Podgorica-based daily Dan. "Should I apologize to somebody because of that?," he asked.

Reactions on Enver Hoxhaj’s “pact statement” (Serbian media)

Serbian media over the weekend reported on the statement Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj made, saying that, on several occasions, he had discussed founding a pact to oppose Serbia and its “aggressive policy” with the leaders of Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro while visiting those countries.

Darmanovic, Vulin exchange statements on Montenegro Interpol vote (Tanjug, B92)

Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Minister, Srdjan Darmanovic said he does not know “why drama was made” in Serbia regarding decision of Montenegro to vote for Kosovo admission in Interpol.

“I do not know why such a big drama is made in Serbia over that. We voted once for Kosovo admission, we did the same this time. We belong to a group of 100 and something countries that recognized Kosovo,” Darmanovic said, adding Montenegro is a constructive partner in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and encourages solution.

Podgorica: We will vote for Kosovo, no reasons for change (Sputnik)

Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs, Srdjan Darmanovic expressed satisfaction over Montenegro relations with the countries in the region, Sputnik portal reports.

Darmanovic noted that “relations with neighbours are the pillars of Montenegro foreign policy.” He said Montenegro will not deal with Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, but it expects the dialogue would continue.

He also said Montenegro would again vote for Kosovo to become a member of Interpol, since “there is no reason to change decision.”

Markovic, Haradinaj and Ljajic coffee chatt in Budva (Politika, Beta)

Belgrade-based daily Politika reports that the prime ministers of Montenegro and Kosovo, Dusko Markovic and Ramush Haradinaj, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Rasim Ljajic, took a break in Budva, spending the coffee time together. On the terrace of the hotel "Splendid" were and the Vice President of the FYROM Government, Koco Andjusev, and the President of the Montenegrin Assembly, Ivan Brajovic.

Vulin: I hope Montenegrin officers know where they are (Tanjug, B92)

Montenegro, which has joined KFOR, should know that this mission was established on the basis of UN Resolution 1244. And this resolution does not mention "the state of Kosovo," Serbian Defense Minister Vulin said.

He thus responded to his Montenegrin counterpart Predrag Boskovic, who said that Kosovo was "a sovereign state."

Serb National Council in Montenegro for referendum on revoking Kosovo recognition (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Serb National Council in Montenegro called upon Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and parliamentary party Democratic Montenegro (DCG) to express their stances on an initiative calling for annulling decision by the Montenegrin Government to recognize Kosovo, Novosti daily reported.

The Serb National Council initiated a petition for holding a referendum on revoking this decision, following the statement of Montenegrin Government official that decision to recognize Kosovo was forced, and contrary to the will of 85 percent of Montenegro citizens.

EU expansion: HALT plans for Balkans while bloc is in ‘WEAKENED’ state, Slovenia warns (

The European Union has been weakened by Brexit and may need to postpone plans for expansion into the Western Balkans, the President of Slovenia has warned.

Borut Pahor said the bloc could not hope to take on the likes of Serbia, Montenegro and Albania as new members in its current state.

Speaking in the presence of the European Commission’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, Mr Pahor said: "A weak EU will not be able to expand to the Western Balkans.”

Montenegrin to become cooperating witness in Ivanovic’s murder case? (KIM, Dan,

Mario Milosevic from Podgorica was offered a status of cooperating witness in the case of Oliver Ivanovic murder, portal writes referring to the Podgorica-based daily Dan.

Milosevic was allegedly offered mitigating circumstances if he signs already prepared statement accusing a criminal group made of members from Serbia and Montenegro as responsible for organizing and carrying out Ivanovic’s murder.

Serb representatives from Montenegro visited Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Political representatives of Serbs in Montenegro visited Orahovac, Velika Hoca, Monastery of Zociste and Mitrovica North, KIM Radio reported.

Political representatives of Serbs in Montenegro said that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are ready to remain and survive in Kosovo, to preserve spirituality, statehood and set foundation for their future here.