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KLA graffiti appear on church walls in Lipljan (Tanjug)

LIPLJAN - Graffiti of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) appeared on the walls of the Orthodox church of Saint Flora and Lavre in Lipljan on Saturday morning, and the police and the Diocese of Raska and Prizren have been notified about the incident.

President of the church municipality of Lipljan Zoran Simijonovic said that citizens notified him about the graffiti some time around 8 a.m. this morning, after which the police were called to inspect the area immediately.


Serbian officials sign book of condolences at French embassy (B92, Tanjug)

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic signed a book of condolences at the French embassy on Friday and paid homage to the victims of a terrorist attack in Paris.

12 people died during the January 7 attack at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Vucic wrote today that "Serbia and France will fight against the evils of terrorism together, just as they have done on a number of occasions in the past."

At the same time, Vucic "condemned in the harshest terms the terrorist shots at free, peaceful citizens."

More police in Serb areas of Kosovo for Christmas (Blic, Tanjug)

More police will be deployed in Serb areas in Kosovo during the Christmas holiday, it has been announced.

The Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers adhere to the Julian calendar and on Tuesday celebrate Christmas Eve.

Serbs from Kosovska Mitrovica will, as was the case in the previous years, go outside the town to cut oak branches (badnjaks) that will later be used in a Christmas ritual in front of the Church of St. Demetrius (Dimitrije).

Nikolic: Proposed solution for KiM discussed with Vucic (Tanjug)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said that he discussed the proposal for the long-term solution for Kosovo-Metohija with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and that the document will be approved by both the prime minister and the president before it is forwarded to the government.

"We will both agree with the proposal before it is presented to the government, because it would be pointless to send any material from the President's office to the government with which Aleksandar Vucic would not agree completely," Nikolic told Belgrade-based Prva Television.

Belgrade resident arrested in Pristina in 30-day custody (Tanjug)

Serbian citizen named as Slobodan Gavric, who was arrested in Pristina with 13 kg of explosives in his possession, was placed in 30-day custody on Saturday.

He is held "on suspicion of organising terrorist activities and bringing explosives into Kosovo," Tanjug reported.

Head of the Pristina court of first instance Hamdi Ibrahimi told Tanjug on Saturday Gavric "confessed to the second crime, but stated that he had intended to sell the explosives and denied the first crime."

Support to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue priority for Eulex (Tanjug)

Supporting the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be a priority for Eulex next year, Eulex chief Gabriele Meucci has said, expressing satisfaction with the fact that the dialogue will resume as early as February.

Eulex will work on implementation of technical details of the agreement, in particular in the area of the judiciary, Meucci said in an interview with Tanjug, expressing hope that the mission will succeed in integrating the judiciary in northern Kosovo and establish courts with Serb judges and prosecutors.

Gojkovic: Serbia will never impose sanctions on Russia (Tanjug)

MOSCOW - Serbia will never impose sanctions on Russia, even if it joins the EU, Serbian Parliament Speaker Maja Gjokovic said at a meeting with State Dume members on Monday.

Serbia will never impose sanctions on Russia because sanctions have never done anyone any good and cannot help solve any problems, she stated.

The people of Russia suffer under international sanctions, and we know that dialogue alone is needed to solve problems, she stressed, according to a report from the Russian news agency Itar-Tass.
