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"Cuba helping Latin America resist pressure over Kosovo" (B92)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin yesterday received Cuba's ambassador in Belgrade, Gustavo Trista del Todo.

According to the Serbian government, the two officials "noted that there is a mutual positive impulse for further strengthening of cooperation between the two countries."

During his meeting, Vulin expressed his gratitude for Cuba's support to Serbia's fight to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

US urges caution, warns of possible terror attacks in Kosovo (Fox News, AP)

The United States is warning its citizens to "exercise increased caution in Kosovo due to terrorism" and listed some areas Washington thinks are at increased risk.

The State Department warning issued Friday said that "terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in the Balkans region, including Kosovo."

Hasani for exchange of territories with Kosovo (FoNet, Danas)

MP in the Assembly of Serbia, Fatmir Hasani, from the Democratic Action Party, that is running the Bujanovac municipality, believes the vast majority of Albanians in the south of Serbia would support exchange of territories with Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

However, Deputy Mayor of Bujanovac municipality, Stojanca Arsic rejected such possibility as a bad and impossible option.

Djuric: Stop terror against Serbian population (RTS, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, strongly condemned "shameful and cowardly attacks" on the property of the Serbs in Kosovo, and said that it was highly irresponsible that the international community did not take more active steps to stop the "terror against the Serbian population", reports RTS.

Witness from Kosovo: March violence organized by criminals supported by services and war parties (Insajder, KoSSev portal)

Kosovo Special Prosecution witness, Shkumbin Mehmeti claims that 2004 March violence was organized by a criminal group, supported by war parties, secret service and big families, Insajder reports referring to KoSSev portal.

A criminal group was established by the end of 2001 and this group carried out numerous post-war killings including political ones, portal writes. “Big names” were aware of the establishment and activities of this group.

Djuric: If Serbia was consulted, Special Court could really be international (BETA, Politika)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric told the BETA news agency, if Serbia was consulted, the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo could really be international, and not a court established or dissolved by the Assembly in Pristina.

Kosovo allocates emergency funds for domestic violence shelters (Prishtina Insight)

Domestic violence shelters that shut down due to budgetary delays are expected to reopen by Monday; meanwhile, only the shelter in Gjakova remains to be functional.

On Friday, after reports that domestic violence shelters in Kosovo had been shut down for January and February due to budgetary delays, the Kosovo Government allocated 65,000 euros to the shelters at a cabinet meeting.

Parents of Albanian ISIS ‘Martyrs’ Abandoned to Grief (Balkan Insight)

Their sons went to fight for ISIS in Syria or Iraq, and some even had children in the conflict zone, then they were killed, leaving their impoverished relatives in Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia to suffer.

Selim Demolli gripped the table with his hands, and his lip trembled with anger as he spoke.

The previous day he had talked to an imam about his son, who was killed three years ago in Syria. He asked the imam for a religious explanation about what happens to a dead person whose parents have not forgiven him. The answer was hard to take.

Kosovo Requests Extradition of Organ Trafficking Suspect (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo authorities requested the extradition of Moshe Harel, an Israeli citizen accused of being involved in organ- trafficking from Kosovo’s Medicus clinic in 2008.

According to justice minister Aberald Tahiri, Kosovo authorities filed an extradition request for Moshe Harel, currently held in detention in Cyprus after being arrested earlier this month.

World’s Eyes on Kosovo Amid Push to Halt War Crimes Court (The New York Times)

LJUBLJANA, Slovenia — Efforts by Kosovo to suspend a war crimes court set up to prosecute atrocities committed by ethnic Albanians during their independence struggle are threatening relations with Western allies who backed Kosovo’s split from Serbia, European and American officials have warned.