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Headlines - 27.02.2013

UNMIK Headlines 27 February

• Association of Serb municipalities after elections in the north (Koha Ditore)
• Association of municipalities goes beyond Ahtisaari (Zëri)
• The north turns into a protectorate (Tribuna)
• Thaçi briefs Jahjaga on last round of talks with Serbia (dailies)
• Kacin: Historic opportunity (Express)
• EULEX: Attacks in the north threaten citizens (Epoka e Re)
• Rexhepi ready to report to Assembly’s committee (dailies)
• Rexhepi’s dismissal being planned (Tribuna)

Headlines - 27.02.2013

UNMIK Headlines 26 February

• Dialogue will not give Kosovo a UN seat (Koha Ditore)
• Transition with many question marks (Zëri)
• Jahjaga: Kosovo is a happy place (Koha Ditore)
• EU’s role in the dialogue (Koha Ditore)
• Draft conclusions for the north underway (Tribuna)
• LDK against creation of association of Serb municipalities (Epoka e Re)
• Pacolli raises stakes (Express)
• Krasniqi: PDK decisions made in authoritarian fashion (Koha Ditore)
• Preshevo Valley starts negotiations with Serbia (Zëri)

Headlines - 26.02.2013

UNMIK Headlines 25 February

• NATO, EULEX to replace Serb structures (Koha Ditore, Express)
• Thaçi breaches Assembly’s Resolution (Zëri)
• Blerim Shala, not known what he coordinates (Koha Ditore)
• Haradinaj supports community of municipalities in north (Koha Ditore)
• Two explosions in north, one controlled by KFOR (dailies)
• Serb court rules compensation for tortured Kosovar in 1999 (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 25.02.2013

UNMIK Headlines 23 February

• Assembly will not have a say about the north (Koha Ditore)
• Association of northern municipalities is in conflict to EU convention (Zëri)
• Reeker: It is foolish to focus on reactions to Pristina-Belgrade talks (Koha Ditore)
• Halbauer: We have a political barricade in the north (Zëri)
• Two more months detention for Limaj (dailies)

Headlines - 23.02.2013

UNMIK Headlines 22 February

• Opposition warns against opening Ahtisaari Package (Koha Ditore)
• PAK board completed with “political list” (Koha Ditore)
• Lajcak concerned over Albanian national union (dailies)
• Zbogar: Missing persons issue not to be politicized (dailies)
• Jashari: We will not join any political party (Zëri)
• We did not violate the Constitution (Express)
• Selimi: Tender-fixing, scandal after scandal (Zëri)
• Customs officers to reach the north through road traffic (Kosova Sot)
• “Bridge watchers” remove the position of security cameras (Express)