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UNMIK Headlines 11 July

Headlines - 11.07.2013

Amnesty law in the hands of MPs, citizens called to protest (Koha Ditore)

The draft law on amnesty is expected to be presented to the Assembly today for voting after the first draft was rejected last week by MPs.

A day before the law is set to be put to vote, Kosovo was visited by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton who refused to comment on the content of the draft law saying that she is interested only in the implementation of what has been achieved in Brussels. “I do not want to go into how the Government or the Prime Minister took forward the issue dealing with this. What I want to say is that I am interested in making sure that what has been agreed to is implemented,” Ashton is quoted as saying.

PM Thaçi on his part said there have been misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the law. “Kosovo is not the first country and Kosovo institutions are not the first to enact an amnesty law. Amnesty law is ultimately a political act that leads to reconciliation of people,” said Thaçi.

At the same time, civil society organizations have called for an all-out protest today at 11.00hrs to oppose the amnesty law which they claim pardons crimes of politicians.

Thaçi pledges to confirm to Ashton acceptance of agreement on telecom and energy  (Koha Ditore)

During her visit in Kosovo and Serbia, Baroness Ashton praised the leaders of both countries for the demonstrated determination in the political dialogue, as well as for the actions on implementation of the 19 April agreement. She did not speak about progress of parties on the issues of energy and telecom, which are currently in the agenda. Prime Minister Thaçi stated that he has discussed these issues as well. According to him, substantial progress has been achieved and only “required technical and professional formalities have remained,” prior to the acceptance of the agreement.

Division of Police on ethnic basis starts (Koha Ditore)

The police officer once dismissed, is now in charge of establishing a regional police directorate. Nenad Djuric, nominated on 25 June with the decision of Minister Bajram Rexhepi, has started preparations for the creation of the regional Directorate of Police, established by Serbs of northern Kosovo. On Wednesday, he visted Police Headquarters in Pristina in order to receive instructions on functionalizing the directorate. He will be in Pristina on Thursday as well.

Sources of the newspaper claimed that Djuric initially received instructions from Serbia, and that he will choose his close staff among the reliable individuals to Belgrade.

Daka: OSCE to have operational role during elections in the north (Koha Ditore)

Head of Central Elections Commission Valdete Daka said the OSCE will have an operational role during elections in the north. She said the OSCE has been requested to facilitate in organizing local elections in four northern municipalities in accordance to Kosovo laws and international standards. Daka stressed that OSCE’s role in elections will not represent a constitutional breach. “Law on general elections, article 59.5 allows the possibility of a technical agreement being reached between CEC and other institutions be it local or international,” she noted.

BIA spies are not allowed in KIA (dailies)

Structures of Serbian intelligence services that acted so far in the north of Kosovo cannot be engaged at Kosovo Intelligence Agency, despite the endorsement of the Law for Amnesty, by the legislation of the country. This was stated on Wednesday by the members of the Parliamentary Commission for supervision of KIA, where head of Kosovo intelligence, Bashkim Smakaj, was called to report on the reflections that Brussels agreement could have on the security section.

Head of Parliamentary Commission, Florin Krasniqi, excluded any possibility of incorporation of the members of BIA illegal structures who act on the other side of River Ibër in KIA, despite the Amnesty Law. “Absolutely not. BIA structures cannot be AKI members. They can be double agents to help KIA with some information, but not to be incorporated in KIA,” stated Krasniqi.

Serbs again block construction work in “Kroi i Vitakut” (Koha Ditore)

A group of around 50 local Serbs once again hindered construction work in “Kroi i Vitakut” neighbourhood of north Mitrovica. They staged a two-hour protest yesterday along the main road leading to the neighbuorhood and prevented construction workers from reaching the site. Mayor of north Mitrovica, Dragisa Vlaskovic, said construction of Albanian homes in “Kroi i Vitakut” is aimed at provoking Serb population. “Albanians are trying to change ethnic structure of the population in north Mitrovica,” alleged Vlaskovic.

Mitrovica Mayor Avni Kastrati visited “Kroi i Vitakut” on Wednesday and said they are determined to continue construction work. “We had a meeting with KFOR commander for the north whom we asked to make more efforts for providing security in the area because we are determined to continue the work there as soon as possible,” said Kastrati.

Polt: Declaration of north’s autonomy has no value (Tribuna)

Former US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Polt told VOA that Belgrade should be clearer and more determined in relation to Serbs in the north of Kosovo making it known that acts such as declaration of municipal assembly will not be tolerated and will be null and void. Polt said that Pristina on its part should be patient in the way it tackles problems of this nature that happen on the way to agreement’s implementation.