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Headlines - 14.03.2013

UNMIK Headlines 13 March

• Brussels denies Nikolic through Pristina (Koha Ditore)
• Nothing special (Express)
• Posselt: Package is sufficient for the north (Express)
• Selimi: No reason to talk to Ashton (Epoka e Re)
• AKI deputy director resigns (Zëri)
• USA and EU against Assembly discussions on “Kiçina” case (Koha Ditore)
• Increased support for march against corruption (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 13.03.2013

UNMIK Headlines 12 March

• Nikolic: Pristina accepted to change laws and Constitution (Koha Ditore)
• Krasniqi: Ashton’s visit should not be considered pressure (Epoka e Re)
• Cliff: Association in accordance with Constitution (Epoka e Re)
• Solution for the north, within the dialogue (Epoka e Re)
• Together on dialogue (Express)
• Kurti: Thaçi is betraying the state of Kosovo (Bota Sot)
• His alliances fail (Express)
• Hodzic: No security in the north! (Express)
• Serbs stop EULEX and ROSU (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 12.03.2013

Headlines - 09.03.2013

UNMIK Headlines 11 March

• Seven urgent measures for the Valley (dailies)
• Hoxhaj: Serbia accepting reality in Kosovo (Zëri)
• Pressure over opposition (Express)
• Reshuffling without removing ministers (Tribuna)
• UNMIK failed investigating post-war crimes (Tribuna)
• Vetëvendosje wants property of Monastery through Assembly (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 11.03.2013

UNMIK Headlines 9 March

· Ashton pressures to reach agreement (Koha Ditore)
· Limaj’s advisor caught in international investigation for drug trafficking (Koha Ditore)
· Dacic’s statement should not be met with enthusiasm (Koha Ditore)
· Gora is not joining Association (Zëri)
· Pacolli: Recognitions not bought (Express)
· Dacic: Thaçi in the north, only armed (Express)

UNMIK Headlines 8 March

• Jacobson: Association in harmony with Constitution (dailies)
• Zbogar does not expect long-term solution from the dialogue (Koha Ditore)
• Ahtisaari “Plus” starts with five additional seats for Serbs (Tribuna)
• Borchardt: I was a critic of EULEX (Tribuna)
• EULEX announces gradual withdrawal (Koha Ditore)
• Baroness in the field (Express)
• Hyseni: No guarantees that Kosovo joins UN after the dialogue (Koha Ditore)
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuses Vetëvendosje (Koha Ditore)
• Vulin: Gora in Association (Express)
• Deçan residents protest again (Zëri)
• Islamic movement “Bashkohu” registered as political party (Koha Ditore)