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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 30, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 30, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: “Protests not peaceful; mobs of extremists directed from Belgrade” (Koha)
• Konjufca: Serbs again showed they want north separated from Kosovo (media)
• KFOR confirms: About 25 Italian and Hungarian soldiers injured (RTK)
• NATO spokesperson statement on unprovoked attacks against KFOR (media)
• Osmani: Attacks by criminal gangs must be condemned by everyone (media)
• Hovenier: Kurti to take steps to improve the situation (Koha)
• Ziadeh strongly condemns attacks on KFOR and injuries to troops and civilians, urges immediate de-escalation (media)
• International community on attacks on KFOR and journalists (media)
• Zvecan Mayor: I’ll go to work today with help of KFOR, I have meetings (Koha)
• Bislimi: Mayors can only work from municipal buildings (media)
• Kupchan: Government to withdraw from installing mayors in the north (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

• Situation in Zvecan calm this morning, gatherings in north continue (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
• Vucic blames Kosovo PM Kurti for unrest (N1)
• Violent clashes between KFOR and Serb protesters in Zvecan, dozens injured (RTS, KoSSev, Tanjug)
• Marko Djuric presents chronology of events in Zvecan yesterday (media, social media)
• Bishop Teodosije served prayer for peace in Zvecan (KoSSev)
• Raska-Prizren Diocese statement following violent incidents in northern Kosovo (social media)
• Serbian flag in Gracanica set on fire (Tanjug)
• Part of Serbian opposition: Vucic should resign because of events in Kosovo (RTS)

International Media:

• NATO-Led Force Moves To Disperse Crowds As Tensions Rise In Standoffs With Serbs In Northern Kosovo (RFE)
• Kosovo: Fresh clashes as Nato troops called in to northern towns (BBC)
• Protesters, Peacekeepers, Injured as Violence Erupts in North Kosovo (BIRN)
• Lavrov: Situation in Kosovo may provoke new conflict in Europe (euronews)
• Kosovo ex-president on trial for war crimes allowed to visit his sick mother (AP)
• Back to the Abuser: Kosovo Women Struggle to Escape Domestic Violence (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 29, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Implementation of basic agreement, situation in north to be calmed down (media)
• Hovenier after meeting Osmani: Situation is very concerning (media)
• Szunyog : We asked them to show restraint, not to escalate situation further (Reporteri)
• Kurti: Important to intensify dialogue for full implementation of Basic Agreement (media)
• KFOR: We have increased our presence in north, ready for necessary actions (RTK)
• Media teams attacked in the north: tires slashed, and symbols sprayed (media)
• Protesters in Zvecan throw empty bottles at SL leader Goran Rakic (media)
• Serbian flag placed on Kosovo Police armoured vehicle in Zvecan (Koha)
• Von Cramon calls on Kosovo to withdraw special police units from north (Koha)
• Atic: I have asked to be connected to network and to start paying electricity (Kallxo)
• Hyseni: Kurti, Osmani definitely bringing back 1244 and UNMIK in north (Nacionale)
• Prosecution files charges against Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla (media)
• Haradinaj: We thank U.S. soldiers that served and still serve in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Serbian Language Media:

• Rakic: We presented our demands, mayors to leave and special police forces to withdraw (Kosovo Online)
• Milovic: Protests are peaceful (RTS)
• Protests in the north: We gathered in peace, with request that police and new mayors go home (Radio Mitrovica sever, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio)
• KFOR Region North Commander arrived to Zvecan (Kosovo Online)
• Brnabic: Situation in Kosovo tense, we must preserve peace (Tanjug)
• Dacic on situation in northern Kosovo (RTS, media)
• Mayors from Self-determination Movement didn’t attend meeting with US Ambassador (RTS, KoSSev)
• KFOR: We increased presence in north, we will ensure safe environment (Kosovo Online)
• Von Cramon visited Zvecan and Leposavic yesterday (KoSSev)
• Grenell: From peace and progress we went to chaos and occupation (N1, social media)
• Vucic no longer leader of SNS, Vucevic takes his place (BETA)
• Vucevic: By 2:00 p.m. we will finish deploying the units, we hope for a political solution (N1)
• Detention of Sladjan Trajkovic extended for two more months (Radio KIM)
• Albanian journalists for a brief time in the municipal building in Zvecan (KiM radio)


• Palokaj: Could it really be that Serbia met all obligations and Kosovo didn’t (Koha)


• NATO troops form security cordons in Kosovo as Serbs protest (Al Jazeera)
• Kosovo Serbs trying to take over municipality building in north clash with police (AP)
• Embassies of Quint and EU condemn Kosovo decision to force access in north (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 29, 2023

• Police: Protesters threw teargas in Zvecan, we responded with spray (Express)
• Situation in northern Kosovo this morning, increased presence of KFOR (media)
• Police withdraw from cordon in Zubin Potok, KFOR members remain (Nacionale)
• Rakic asks KFOR that Zvecan mayor should not enter municipal building (media)
• Zeqiri: We will meet Hovenier in Pristina at 09:00 (Koha)
• Dacic: Albanians cannot be mayors in Serb municipalities (RFE)
• School classes in northern Kosovo suspended until further notice (Tanjug)
• Serbian List asks Vucic to end dialogue with Pristina (N1, KoSSev)
• EU and QUINT: Unilateral actions negatively affect our relationships (media)
• Borrell announces talk with Stoltenberg about situation in the north (media)
• NATO head urges Kosovo to ease tensions with Serbia (Reuters)
• Sarrazin: We do not allow chances offered by Ohrid agreement to collapse due to reckless decision (Koha)
• PM Kurti meets Rapporteur for Kosovo in European Parliament (
• Von Cramon: Situation in the north is tense, wise solutions must be found (Koha)
• Kusari-Lila: Von Cramon's statements about Kosovo Police offensive (Koha)

• Von Cramon to hold press conference in Pristina today (media)

• Vucic says he fears the conflict in Kosovo (media)
• US, EU allies scold Kosovo for escalating tensions with Serbia (
• US rebukes Kosovo for escalating tensions, Serbia puts army on alert (euraactiv)
• Serbian border police on high alert amid ethnic clashes inside Kosovo (France24)
• Serbia blasts NATO forces over inaction during Kosovo clashes (Aljazeera)
• Serbian border troops to maintain highest state of alert after ethnic clashes inside Kosovo (AP)
• Russia blames US, EU for escalating tensions in Kosovo (Reuters)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 26, 2023

New mayors in the north swore outside their offices (BIRN)
Varhelyi: Support for Kosovo's European path (RTK)
Murphy calls for swift implementation of agreement (media)
North Macedonia Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo today (media)
Grenell: I managed to convince Thaci and Vucic to undo Special Court (media)
UNDP Pulse: Lower satisfaction with work of Kurti, Osmani, Konjufca (Kallxo)
Serb reporter: Besnik Bislimi will visit Mitrovica North on Monday (media)
Administrator: USAID to continue supporting Kosovo (Euronews)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 25, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 25, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Varhelyi: Parties to implement reached agreements, including Association (Koha)
• New mayors of northern municipalities sworn in (Radio Free Europe)
• Kurti calls for full, swift and unconditional implementation of agreement (media)
• Exclusive: These are four steps of implementation of the agreement, needs to end by autumn, otherwise “consequences will be immediate” (Albanian Post)
• Haxhiu: Kosovo needs a professional and brave state chief prosecutor (media)
• Radoica Radomirovic appointed Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns (media)
• AJK: Sami Kurteshi’s language against us is very dangerous and unacceptable (Klan)
• Who is Srdjan Jurisevic, Montenegrin arrested in Gjilan on international warrant (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic receives US senators (Tanjug, media)
• ‘KLA’ graffiti appeared on children’s playground in Ugljare village (Tanjug, RTS, N1)
• Freedom House: No change for Serbia (N1)
• Radoica Radomirovic appointed as Rasic’s deputy (KoSSev)
• UNS: In four months 43 cases of attacks, pressure on journalists in Serbia (Beta, N1)
• Without presence of Serbian councillors, with flags of Kosovo and Albania: Mayor of Zubin Potok took oath (Danas)
• Hetemi took oath as Leposavic mayor in Saljska Bistrica (Kosovo Online)
• Zvecan Mayor, Ilir Peci, after taking oath, made statements next to grave of Isa Boletini (Kosovo Online)
• Vucic receives farewell visit from Cypriot ambassador (Tanjug)
• Dacic: Serbia wishes more active presence of OSCE in Kosovo (RTS)


• Kosovo Ruling Party Criticised for Electing Supporter to Media Regulator Board (BIRN)
• Activists Advocate for Lower Taxes on Menstrual Products in Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 25, 2023

• Three mayors of northern municipalities to swear in today in public buildings (media)
• Rasic on swearing in of mayors: I don’t see any obstacle (media)
• Hovenier: Government to urgently prepare draft statute of Association (RTV21)
• Varhelyi to visit Kosovo today, will meet leaders and opposition (media)
• Reactions to Aliu election as member of Independent Media Commission (media)
• Kosovo to invest €1.77 mil to improve railways, water infrastructure (SeeNews)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 24, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Three mayors in the north will swear in tomorrow in public premises (media)
• Krasniqi: New mayors will exercise mandates in their municipalities (Albanian Post)
• Osmani on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue: There is more pressure on Kosovo (Dukagjini)
• Freedom House report: War deepens a regional divide (media)
• Senior western diplomat: If Kosovo doesn’t propose statute for Association, facilitators could seek solutions outside the Constitution (Albanian Post)
• LDK proposal for own source revenues will go to the Assembly (Koha)
• LDK’s Lumir Abdixhiku goes to party elections, certain of another mandate (Express)
• Faton Bislimi resigns from LDK presidency (Paparaci)

Serbian Language Media:

• Diplomatic corps visits Visoki Decani Monastery, recalls unimplemented Constitutional Court decision (KoSSev, media)
• Jevtic: The Constitutional Court assessed that Kostic, the defendant in the "Brezovica" case, was unjustifiably detained (Radio Mitrovica sever, Blic, KiM radio)
• Pristina: Ceremony of signing memorandum to organise European judoka championship without translation in Serbian (Radio KIM)
• General Mojsilovic met Brig Gen Romano (Tanjug)
• Petkovic: Strong willingness of Serbs from Kosovo to come to Belgrade, despite Pristina’s threats (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
• Momcilo Trajkovic called on fellow citizens of Kosovo not to go to the counter rally on May 26 (N1, FoNet, KiM radio)
• Peci to take the oath at the "Tower of Isa Boletini", Zeqiri in Cabra, Hetemi in Bistrica (Kontakt plus radio, Koha)
• Orlic receives Theophylactou (Tanjug)
• Vucic: Escobar should read Brussels Agreement again (Tanjug, RTS)
• Poll: Majority of respondents believe that BG and PR authorities benefited after Serbs withdrew from Kosovo institutions (KoSSev)


• Germany’s Unique Opportunity to Locate Kosovo War Mass Graves (BIRN)
• Freedom House: Democratic institutions in the Western Balkans continued to falter in 2022 (EWB)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 24, 2023

• Extension of UK commitment to NATO's Kosovo Force announced during ministerial visit to Western Balkans (
• 2 US Senators promote closer Serbia-Kosovo ties in Balkans visit (AP)
• Atic appoints four directors - one Albanian, one Bosnian, one Serb and one Egyptian (media)
• Mayors in northern municipalities expected to swear in on Thursday (media)
• June 1, “trap” for destabilization of the north (Radio Free Europe)
• Why is Mogherini silent about the letter she once sent to Mustafa? (RTK)
• Vucic: Kosovo has no competence to propose statute for Association (Reporteri)
• Decani Monastery says visit of diplomats is support for 24 hectares (Reporteri)
• Kosovo Ex-Guerrilla Leaders’ Trial Hears Allegations of Assault (BIRN)
• Director of Visametric in Kosovo Detained by Prosecution (Prishtina Insight)
• Inverted neon house installed in Kosovo pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale (Dezeen)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 23, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 23, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Konjufca: No Association without Serbs returning to institutions (Koha)
• Kurti: Judicial and prosecutorial system must be freed from political influence (Koha)
• Gervalla: The region doesn’t need another Republika Srpska (media)
• Krasniqi: Elected mayors will exercise their mandate according to law (media)
• New mayors of northern municipalities expected to swear in this week (RTK)
• EULEX on swearing-in of mayors: We are on standby 24 hrs to react (Front Online)
• Citaku: This government acts as a weak administrator of our taxes (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Radio Gorazdevac: House of a returnee in Vitomirica demolished despite Supreme Court ruling in his favour (Radio Gorazdevac, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
• US Senators: Good faith should be a demand of negotiations, while joint action is key to the implementation of the agreement (KoSSev)
• Dacic: There was no pronounced pressure on Serbia (Tanjug)
• Former North Mitrovica mayor: Situation in north Kosovo extremely difficult (Tanjug, TV Pink)
• KP: Three minors arrested for shooting in Ugljare (Kosovo Online)


• UK Ambassador Urges Kosovo to Draft Statute for Association (BIRN)


• From the fields of Nivokaz (Kosovo 2.0)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 23, 2023

• Murphy: Association will lead to mutual recognition (RFE)
• Kurti: We have strengthened partnership and alliance with USA (media)
• Borrell: Tensions and mutual provocations have to reach an end (media)
• Mehaj met with US Senator, discuss about advancements of KSF (Euronews)
• Abbott: Vucic’s statement that Kurti plans to expel Serbs from north is ridiculous (Kallxo)
• Kosovo towards completion of genocide lawsuit against Serbia (media)
• Balkan Countries Host ‘Immediate Response’ NATO Exercise (BIRN)
• Witness at Thaci Trial ‘Found Body of Victim of Kosovo Guerrillas’ (BIRN)