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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 29, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Implementation of basic agreement, situation in north to be calmed down (media)
  • Hovenier after meeting Osmani: Situation is very concerning (media)
  • Szunyog : We asked them to show restraint, not to escalate situation further (Reporteri)
  • Kurti: Important to intensify dialogue for full implementation of Basic Agreement (media)
  • KFOR: We have increased our presence in north, ready for necessary actions (RTK)
  • Media teams attacked in the north: tires slashed, and symbols sprayed (media)
  • Protesters in Zvecan throw empty bottles at SL leader Goran Rakic (media)
  • Serbian flag placed on Kosovo Police armoured vehicle in Zvecan (Koha)
  • Von Cramon calls on Kosovo to withdraw special police units from north (Koha)
  • Atic: I have asked to be connected to network and to start paying electricity (Kallxo)
  • Hyseni: Kurti, Osmani definitely bringing back 1244 and UNMIK in north (Nacionale)
  • Prosecution files charges against Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla (media)
  • Haradinaj: We thank U.S. soldiers that served and still serve in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Rakic: We presented our demands, mayors to leave and special police forces to withdraw (Kosovo Online)
  • Milovic: Protests are peaceful (RTS)
  • Protests in the north: We gathered in peace, with request that police and new mayors go home (Radio Mitrovica sever, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio)
  • KFOR Region North Commander arrived to Zvecan (Kosovo Online)
  • Brnabic: Situation in Kosovo tense, we must preserve peace (Tanjug)
  • Dacic on situation in northern Kosovo (RTS, media)
  • Mayors from Self-determination Movement didn’t attend meeting with US Ambassador (RTS, KoSSev)
  • KFOR: We increased presence in north, we will ensure safe environment (Kosovo Online)
  • Von Cramon visited Zvecan and Leposavic yesterday (KoSSev)
  • Grenell: From peace and progress we went to chaos and occupation (N1, social media)
  • Vucic no longer leader of SNS, Vucevic takes his place (BETA)
  • Vucevic: By 2:00 p.m. we will finish deploying the units, we hope for a political solution (N1)
  • Detention of Sladjan Trajkovic extended for two more months (Radio KIM)
  • Albanian journalists for a brief time in the municipal building in Zvecan (KiM radio)


  • Palokaj: Could it really be that Serbia met all obligations and Kosovo didn’t (Koha)


  • NATO troops form security cordons in Kosovo as Serbs protest (Al Jazeera)
  • Kosovo Serbs trying to take over municipality building in north clash with police (AP)
  • Embassies of Quint and EU condemn Kosovo decision to force access in north (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Implementation of basic agreement, situation in north to be calmed down (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that he had “a phone conversation with the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani. We both agreed that the current time calls for the implementation of the Basic Agreement and the situation in the north to be calmed down”.

Hovenier after meeting Osmani: Situation is very concerning (media)

U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, after meeting President Vjosa Osmani today, told the media that the situation in the north is very concerning and that it is important not to enter the municipal buildings in the north with force. He also said it was important to deescalate the situation.

“I had a meeting with President Osmani upon her request because of our concerns about the situation in the north of the country. I invited the mayors of municipalities to a meeting. Our reactions are very clear. We are concerned about the situation in the north. The mayors must carry out their duties, but not enter the municipal buildings with force,” Hovenier was quoted as saying.

“We are deeply concerned. I repeat it is no mystery that the U.S. government and the Quint countries together have said that it is important to avoid circumstances where public officials enter public buildings with force. This remains our position, therefore, our conversation with the mayors was about how they can carry out their duties in the service of all citizens, as is expected from them, and as we want them to act, but in a way that shows that they are committed to be responsible for all citizens, and for us this now means not entering public buildings through the use of force,” Hovenier said.

Szunyog : We asked them to show restraint, not to escalate the situation further (Reporteri)

The Special Representative of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, announced through a post on Twitter that today he met with the U.S. ambassador in Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, and the two mayors of the northern municipalities of Zvecan and Zubin Potok.

"Happy to host the meeting with the American ambassador and the newly elected mayors of the municipality of Zvecan, Mr. Ilir Peci and Zubin Potok, Mr. Izmir Zeqiri today in our office, with whom we discussed the current developments in the north of Kosovo," Szunyog wrote.

"Ambassador Hovenier and I appealed to the two mayors to show restraint and not use actions that could further escalate the situation. I am sorry that the mayors of Leposaviq and North Mitrovica could not join us," he added further.

Kurti: Important to intensify dialogue for full implementation of Basic Agreement (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a Twitter post that he had a call today with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, “regarding current issues, including post-elections in the four municipalities in the north. Emphasised that elected mayors will provide services to all citizens. Important to intensify dialogue for full implementation of the Basic Agreement”.

KFOR: We have increased our presence in the north, ready for necessary actions (RTK)

The NATO-led KFOR mission has today issued a press release in which it clarifies that it has increased its presence in the four municipalities of northern Kosovo, following recent developments there.

"The purpose of KFOR's presence is to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, in accordance with its mandate from the United Nations Security Council, Resolution 1244 of 1999," reads KFOR's statement.

In the communique, all parties are called upon to refrain from actions that may incite tensions or cause escalation.

"In accordance with its mandate, KFOR is ready to undertake all necessary actions to ensure a safe environment in a neutral and impartial manner."

The commander of KFOR, specified in the communiqué, declares that he remains in close contact with his main interlocutors, including representatives of the Security Institutions and Organizations in Kosovo, the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the Mission for Rule of Law led by the EU.

"KFOR asks Belgrade and Pristina to engage in EU-led dialogue to reduce tensions and as the only path to peace and normalisation".

Media teams attacked in the north: tires slashed, and symbols sprayed (media)

Several news websites report that the vehicles of Kallxo and TV Dukagjini media teams reporting from the municipality of Leposavic have been attacked by Serb protesters. Their tires were slashed and symbols were sprayed on them by the protesters. 

A reporter of the Periskopi news website was also assaulted by the protesters. 

Xhemajl Rexha, head of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, said in a Twitter post that “just 20 metres from a legion of NATO soldiers the car I was travelling with Top Channel TV and Euronews Albania teams was attacked, sprayed, licence plates taken out, in Zvecan. Masked mob behind swearing towards us”.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) reacted to the assaults calling on law enforcement authorities to provide conditions for the safe work of reporters in the north. 

Protesters in Zvecan throw empty bottles at SL leader Goran Rakic (media)

Several news websites report that Serbian List leader Goran Rakic asked the people gathered in front of the building of the municipality of Zvecan to move in order to make way for the armoured vehicles of Kosovo Police Special Unit to leave. The people did not allow that and shouted “treason”. When Rakic stopped in front of the armoured vehicle, they threw empty bottles at him, Radio Free Europe reports.

Serbian flag placed on Kosovo Police armoured vehicle in Zvecan (Koha/RTV21)

Protesters in front of the municipality of Zvecan have placed a Serbian flag on an armoured vehicle of Kosovo Police Special Unit and sprayed four Cs on another armoured vehicle. They also sprayed an armoured vehicle of KFOR.

A commander of the KFOR unit that is in front of the municipal building has agreed with the leader of the Serbian List Goran Rakic to remove the two armoured vehicles of the Kosovo Police special unit, but protesters are not clearing the road yet. Negotiations are ongoing.

Rakic said that the citizens will remain there until the special police unit leaves and the new mayor Izmir Zeqiri is not allowed to enter the municipal building.

RTV21 reports that while protests are ongoing in the north, protesters have sprayed the Z symbol on Kosovo Police and KFOR vehicles.

Von Cramon calls on Kosovo to withdraw special police units from north (Koha)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, called on Kosovo authorities today to withdraw the special police units from the north and to sit at the table of negotiations. She argued that the only way to resolve the situation is dialogue and in constructive fashion. Von Cramon also said that the Kosovo government is risking a lot “with the manoeuvres in the north”.

“Is this the form of ‘good governance’ that we want? Instead, we should have more trust-building measures. Dialogue inside Kosovo is the only way out of this situation. I call on Kosovo authorities to think about undertaking trust-building measures. For example withdrawing special police forces from the north and sitting at the table of negotiations. The parties involved must engage constructively in dialogue to resolve outstanding issues,” Von Cramon told a press conference in Pristina.

Asked about her statement to Kosovo Police in the north on Sunday when she asked “what the hell are you doing”, Von Cramon said that she only “wanted to ask if it was really necessary for them to stay there” and that even in Germany when there are protests she would ask the same questions.

Von Cramon said she met Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Sunday and that the meeting was productive. She said it is up to the Kosovo government to take the necessary decisions. 

“I only expressed my concern. Whether the new local governance has legitimacy, I have no doubt about this. But I was only expressing my concern,” she said.

Von Cramon commended the people of Kosovo on visa liberalisation and praised the government for the work it has done in the fight against organised crime and corruption. “No matter what happens here in Kosovo, we will make you part of the Council of Europe. In everything that happens, Kosovo has our support, but you need to see the things that you have in your hands, and you need to act wisely,” she said.

Atic: I have asked to be connected to network and to start paying electricity (media)

Mitrovica North mayor Erden Atic said today that he submitted a request to the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) and the transmission system operator company (KOSTT) to connect the public institutions in the municipality to the network so that they can start paying for electricity. “I also asked them to inform us about the debt that needs to be paid to the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo for the unpaid electricity in the municipality that I lead,” Atic said.

Leposavic mayor Lulzim Hetemi too sent a letter to the ERO and KOSTT asking them to connect the public institutions in the municipality “in order to start the regular payment of electricity”. “The authorities also need to inform us about the outstanding debt so that we can erase the debt,” he said.

Hyseni: Kurti, Osmani definitely bringing back 1244 and UNMIK in north (Nacionale)

Kosovo’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Skender Hyseni, took to Facebook today to react to the latest developments in the north and argues that with their actions Prime Minister Kurti and President Osmani “are definitely bringing back to power UN Resolution 1244 and are reactivating UNMIK in the north of the country, 15 years after independence”.

Hyseni writes that “the Ohrid Agreement and the situation in the north of Kosovo cannot be seen separately. They are intertwined, as cause and effect! The Ohrid Agreement is an agreement drafted by the international community to prevent the further degradation of Kosovo and relations with Serbia. But what has Kurti done this year? The government and PM Kurti, unfortunately and with the support, at times explicit and at times implicit from the current opposition in parliament, have engaged in adventurous actions in the north, starting with the licence plates. These immature political actions gave Serbia and Serbs in the north alibi to create tensions with barricades and for the collective withdrawal from state institutions at all levels, including police, prosecutors, judges and civil servants. All of this raised among the international community the alarm of potential escalation including a situation of conflict in the north. This was the key moment when the international community, including the U.S. unfortunately, withdrew from what was a dialogue focused on mutual recognition to a dialogue and provisional agreement without recognition, such as the Ohrid Agreement. This agreement, if implemented, is a good intermediate step, but far from a perfect agreement as was the agreement focused on recognition. So in essence this situation comes as a result of immature policies by the Kosovo government! Certainly, Serbia will take advantage of everything that Kosovo creates with childish policies. Serbia is crucially interested in keeping Kosovo in a status quo and in tension. U.S. Secretary Blinken publicly used a language that we never heard before against Kurti and Osmani’s actions. Meanwhile, we have an opposition, the press releases of which are not much different from the scribbles of Kurti and Osmani. To oppose U.S. policy in Kosovo, even with a vulgar language, means working against the state of Kosovo.”

Prosecution files charges against Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla (media)

The Basic Court in Pristina filed charges today against Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla for non-declaration or false declaration of wealth. The news was confirmed by a spokesperson of the prosecution.

Nacionale news website recall that in October 2021, Betimi per Drejtesi had reported that Gervalla did not declare all functions in local and international institutions. Four months after the report, the Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency said it was treating Gervalla’s case. The report claimed that Gervalla did not declare a business she owns in Germany, she did not say that she heads a foundation in Kosovo, and she did not declare the wealth of her husband and her children.

Gervalla took to Facebook to react to the charges, saying that the prosecution “is trying to smear the country’s institutions”. “The prosecution chose this day to publish the fact that in January, so four months ago, it filed charges against me for ‘non-declaration of wealth’. What a coincidence! In fact, this whole matter was clarified two years ago, in 2021. Now it has been made current by certain prosecutors, during repeated attempts to smear and incriminate representatives of the institutions of the Republic and to serve political campaigns and not the establishment of justice,” she argued. Gervalla said she hopes the court will make a judgement based on objective facts and not based on the interests of individuals who, as she argued, want to use blackmail and intimidation to get to the helm of judicial institutions. “We all knew that those that not only lost the elections but also the chance to continue to rip the state and public wealth, will not choose the means in their battle to stop the rule of law and the fight against corruption and organised crime,” she wrote.

MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Ariana Musliu-Shoshi, said in a Facebook post referring to Gervalla that “the minister of scandals has been successful only in three things: terrorising the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, de-functionalizing the Foreign Service, and creating consequent scandals''. Shoshi also called Gervalla to submit “an immediate and irrevocable resignation”.

Haradinaj: We thank U.S. soldiers that served and still serve in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said in a Facebook post today that on Memorial Day he thanks the U.S. soldiers that served and those who still serve in Kosovo. “Always grateful to the heroes that gave their lives in defence of freedom, democracy, and peace. On Memorial Day, we also thank the American soldiers that served and those that continue to serve in Kosovo,” Haradinaj said.




Serbian Language Media 


Rakic: We presented our demands, mayors to leave and special police forces to withdraw (Kosovo Online)

President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic said today that people gathered in front of Zvecan municipality made two demands, illegitimate mayors to leave and “be bosses to their own families” and that Kosovo police special units withdraw from municipal buildings and the north, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Rakic said demands were presented to KFOR and officials. Serbian List Vice President Igor Simic said they will be with their people until demands are fulfilled.

“They came and created a military base here, with long barrel weapons next to the Elementary School, we are not leaving until they withdraw. We expect KFOR to offer protection, fulfil their mandate and enable freedom of movement. And those calling themselves sheriffs (in reference to media reports on Kosovo Minister of Agriculture exclamation that “New Sheriff is in Town” after meeting with new mayor in Leposavic yesterday) we urge KFOR to escort them to the south”, Simic said. 

Milovic: Protests are peaceful (RTS)

Former Zvecan mayor and Serbian List representative Dragisa Milovic addressed the media today in front of Zvecan municipal building and demanded that Kosovo special police armed with long barrel weapons and armoured vehicles be withdrawn, and employees enabled with the right to work in the building, which Serbs built 50 years ago. He also urged representatives of the international community – EULEX, KFOR, and UNMIK to protect the Serbian population.

“We are here to ask our citizens to be calm, those are peaceful protests, not a single stone must be thrown at special forces, they are doing their job, someone else sent them here to do it, therefore I truly hope that representatives of the international community, who are here based on UN SC Resolution 1244 will de-escalate the situation and protect our people”, Milovic said.  

Protests in the north: We gathered in peace, with request that police and new mayors go home (Radio Mitrovica sever, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio)

Radio Mitrovica North reports that the citizens who are protesting in peace today in the north of Kosovo - Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok - are against the violent intrusion of KP special units into the premises of the temporary authorities of these municipalities as well as the violent policies of Pristina.

In King Milutin Street in Zvecan, not far from the Zvecan Municipality building, a large number of citizens gathered, and with them were representatives of the Serbian List as well as representatives of the opposition parties, reported the radio. 

The president of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic, said that the Serbs have two demands and that they have also informed KFOR representatives, which have been sent to the embassies and all relevant factors in Pristina.

Previously, in a conversation with KFOR representatives, Rakic said that the Serbs had gathered in peace, that they had no intention of attacking anyone, but that they had two basic demands.

KFOR representatives, on the other hand, emphasised that they are there to preserve public order and peace.

In addition to Rakic, the vice-president of the Serbian List, Igor Simic, said that the citizens will remain gathered until the demands are met.

"We are on our own. They came here uninvited to the City Municipality, which provided services to all citizens, Serbs, Albanians, and everyone else. They built some sort of military base here, brought heavily armed men with snipers, long barrels right next to the elementary school, next to our children. As you know, children are not in schools today, they are not in kindergartens, all the people are here. We are not leaving here until they withdraw," said Simic.

He added that they expect KFOR to remain neutral, not to provide protection to "illegal parapolice units that are located illegally in Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija" and to preserve the peace.

The talks between representatives of the Serbian List and KFOR were preceded by a minor incident. Namely, the citizens tried to approach the municipal building when the Kosovo police used the spray. The citizens then moved away. On that occasion, the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a statement in which the citizens were called protesters and at the same time accused of "showing violence" and using tear gas.

According to the Radio Mitrovica sever reporter, there was no tear gas, but the police did use a spray to disperse the citizens who approached the KP cordon. 

Several KFOR vehicles are also located near the main Ibar bridge in Mitrovica and near Bosnjacka Mahala.

In Leposavic, in front of the local self-government building, KFOR stretched barbed wire this morning.

Zoran Todic, the representative of the Serbian List and until recently the mayor of Leposavica, is with the gathered people in front of the municipal building in Leposavic and is talking to members of KFOR, TV Most reported.

"These people standing here are employed in that institution. This institution here and all the employees, it is a service for the citizens", said Todic, stating that even children do not go to school from today.

"Life stopped here. Today, our children do not go to schools and pre-school institutions", said Todic.

When the KFOR member stated that he was sorry for everything, Todic asked: "What did you do to prevent this from happening?"reported Radio Mitrovica sever.

Employees of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Zubin Potok tried to enter their workplaces this morning but were prevented from doing so by Kosovo police, the leader of the CI "For Zubin Potok" (Za Zubin Potok) Milija Bisevac told Radio Kontakt Plus.

Bisevac said that a large number of people have gathered and that it is currently calm, as well as that the employees of the Provisional Municipal Authority are talking to the police officers adding that KFOR is also present on the ground.

KFOR Region North Commander arrived to Zvecan (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Online portal reported this afternoon that KFOR region north commander arrived in Zvecan and that he is currently having talks with former Zvecan mayor and Serbian List official Dragisa Milovic and Serbian List Vice President Igor Simic.

During the meeting, KoSSev portal reports it was requested that Kosovo special police units leave the municipal building and that KFOR secures the building. Serbian List, as Simic said, did not want to talk about removal of the two armoured vehicles surrounded by gathered people, which was previously requested from Serbs.

Simic also said the KFOR Colonel was correct, and that they requested him in particular that KFOR remain neutral. “We asked them to prevent (Albin) Kurti and influence that special police leave the building”, Simic said. He added he does not want to deal with speculations on what will happen if KFOR does not accept their demands.

After the meeting with Serbian List representatives, the KFOR officer went to the municipal building. This is the manner by which negotiations between the two sides have been ongoing since the morning, KoSSev portal recalls. 

Several thousand Serbs are still present in front of the municipal buildings in northern Kosovo and demand withdrawal of the Kosovo police special units and that newly elected Albanian mayors do not come to the municipal buildings.

Serbs in northern Kosovo boycotted the last snap elections and refuse to accept Albanian mayors as their own representatives in the municipalities where Serbs make up more than 95 percent of population. 

Brnabic: Situation in Kosovo tense, we must preserve peace (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today the situation in Kosovo is tense and difficult, and it has never been more difficult. She also thanked the Serbian population for remaining calm and restraining from violence.

She added KFOR’s reaction was belated, and it was their task to protect interests and peace of the people in Kosovo, and not of, as she said it, usurpers.

She underlined that peace is the most that we have, noting that by preserving the peace, survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija is also preserved.

She said the situation in Kosovo is monitored hour by hour, and the public will be informed about next steps. 

Dacic on situation in northern Kosovo (RTS, media)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS this morning it is now on the international community to undertake everything that the laws and international obligations stipulate, in ensuring security and stability for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He added the role of KFOR was not to ‘complain’ but rather to prevent unilateral acts. He emphasised that warnings and condemnations may be pleasing to hear, but that no one can live from them.

He added that escalation of, as he said, irresponsible behaviour of Pristina is ongoing for months which in turn generates conflict situations.

“Instead of normalisation we constantly have escalation caused by Albin Kurti and de-escalation on which part of the international community works. Result of it is an insidious plan – Kurti is allowed to do something, the international community is complaining about it and then it remains as a done deal of unilateral character and they hope it would become a political reality”, Dacic underlined.

He said the crisis in northern Kosovo and Metohija should end in a way that those supporting Pristina for years should make a phone call or come to Pristina to resolve the problem.

“Let us not play seek and hide and pretend that they can’t influence Kurti. What is Kurti? A super power? Warnings could be pleasing to hear, but no one lives from them. If the US can't make Pristina respect it, I do not know what trust we could have in the international community and in those who are patrons of this dangerous war adventurism in Pristina”, Dacic said.   

He recalled that Pristina was granted visa liberalisation and opening of an admission process to join the Council of Europe.

“They say they need to reward them for a constructive approach. Is this a constructive approach? Just do not make it that Serbia is guilty of something. This mustn't happen and Serbia will not allow this”, he added.  

He warned that Kurti’s goal is to expel Serbs from Kosovo but that Serbs should be wise and use all forms of peaceful protests, adding Serbia expects to see on the ground effects of the diplomatic talks with KFOR, embassies, envoys in the dialogue, presidents of the states and is not pleased to only have talks. 

Mayors from Self-determination Movement didn’t attend meeting with US Ambassador (RTS, KoSSev)

US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier met this morning with newly elected mayors of Zubin Potok and Zvecan, Izmir Zeqiri and Ilir Peci in the EU Office in Pristina, RTS reports. Following the meeting with mayors, Hovenier met with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani.

Mitrovica North mayor Erden Atic and Leposavic mayor Lulzim Hetemi, both from PM Albin Kurti-lead Self-determination Movement, did not attend the meeting.  

Following the meeting with Osmani, Hovenier said that the situation in northern Kosovo was deeply concerning and it was important not to enter municipal buildings by force, and that this is something that Quint states also noted as important.

“This remains our stance. We spoke with mayors about how they can perform their duties and serve the citizens, in particular without the need to enter institutions by force”, he said, KoSSev portal reported.

According to KoSSev, Hovenier also said he does not know why two other mayors didn’t come for a meeting, adding that he can say they have been invited. 

Dragisa Mijacic from NGO InTER termed the non-appearance of Self-determination Movement mayors at the meeting as “yet another Kurti’s slap (in the face) of Americans”. 

KFOR: We increased presence in north, we will ensure safe environment (Kosovo Online)

KFOR urged all sides today to restraint from actions that could incite tensions or cause escalation, Kosovo Online portal reports. KFOR also said they increased their presence in four northern Kosovo municipalities, following the recent events there.

“The aim of KFOR is to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, in line with its mandate deriving from UN SC Resolution 1244 from 1999. We urge all sides to restrain from actions that could incite tensions or cause escalation”, the statement reads.

They also said KFOR remains ready, in line with its mandate and in a neutral and impartial manner, to undertake all necessary actions to ensure a safe environment.

It was also said that KFOR Commander remains in contact with all main interlocutors, including representatives of the institutions and security organisations in Kosovo, Serbian Army Headquarters, EULEX and other international organisations.

KFOR urged Belgrade and Pristina to engage in the dialogue under EU’s auspices to defuse tensions and as the only path towards peace and normalisation. 

Von Cramon visited Zvecan and Leposavic yesterday (KoSSev)

“Overall, I think it’s a difficult situation. I don’t want to undermine everyone’s good will, but this is very scary. This is not a livable environment“, European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon said in front of the Zvecan municipal building yesterday, KoSSev portal reports.

She paid visits to two northern municipalities to get first-hand information about the situation there, following the decision of Pristina authorities to force entry to the municipal buildings in Serb-majority areas.

Read more at:

Grenell: From peace and progress we went to chaos and occupation (N1, social media)

Former US presidential envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks, Richard Grenell took to Twitter this morning to react to new tensions in northern Kosovo, N1 reports.

“BREAKING: NATO troops have taken over buildings in Kosovo. American troops and American money. We went from peace and progress under Trump to chaos and troop occupation under Biden”, Grenell wrote in a post on Twitter. 

Vucic no longer leader of SNS, Vucevic takes his place (BETA)

Milos Vucevic confirmed that he was elected leader of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). After the SNS convention in Kragujevac, Vucevic announced that the party will take part in the formation of the People’s Movement for the State.

“The SNS supported the proposal of the former leader of the party and the President of Serbia (Aleksandar Vucic) to take part in the formation of the People’s Movement, and I think you will be able to see much more concrete steps regarding that issue by the end of June“, Vucevic said.

According to him, he expects that new party leadership will be elected on June 24. He thanked Vucic for his support for the SNS leader candidacy, stating that they are “opening a new chapter in their book“.

“Our policy will not change. We remain a party that is the engine of the development of our homeland, but also a party that preserves and cherishes the traditional values of the Serb people, of all citizens of Serbia“, Vucevic said.

Vucevic: By 2:00 p.m. we will finish deploying the units, we hope for a political solution (N1)

Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated that the complete deployment of unit formations will be completed by 2 pm, in accordance with the order of the President of Serbia from Friday, and that the army remains in a state of combat readiness, reported N1.

The units of the Army of Serbia will be prepared to carry out every order, in the hope that a political solution will be found, said Vucevic.

He also assessed that ''KFOR protects the Kosovo police and the usurpers of democracy, self-proclaimed municipal presidents, from the residents to whom they should be mayors."

"KFOR's ring seems to me like a ring that strengthens the defence of the Kosovo police against the bare-handed people... Today, the American ambassador in Pristina invited these self-proclaimed mayors elected in the container elections, of which two responded - two from Thaci's party, two from Kurti's did not,'' he said. 

It is up to politics and diplomacy to find a political solution, he added.

Vucevic stated that the Chief of the General Staff is in communication with the commander of KFOR, who told him that KFOR will ensure peace and will not allow the Kosovo police to clash with Serbian people. 

When asked what the Army can do, he replied that it is not in charge of dialogue and that it protects the territory and airspace of Serbia.

Detention of Sladjan Trajkovic extended for two more months (Radio KIM)

After the Court of Appeals annulled decision on extending detention to Sladjan Trajkovic, the Basic Court in Pristina has passed a new decision by which Trajkovic’s detention measure is extended for two more months, Radio KIM reports.

“The only thing confirmed in repeated procedure was a list of concrete acts and charges that my client is accused of”, his defence lawyer, Dejan A. Vasic told Radio KIM.

“No matter how senseless and inaccurate they are, we had managed after six months of investigation to finally find out what witnesses said, that special prosecutor during all this time secretly and unlawfully interviewed”, Vasic said.

He added he will file an appeal on this latest decision, expecting that the Court of Appeals will finally say in its decision that investigative acts were carried out completely unlawfully and annul the first-instance decision. 

Albanian journalists for a brief time in the municipal building in Zvecan (KiM radio)

Members of the special units of the Kosovo Police invited all Albanian media to enter the municipal facility for security reasons. Serbian journalists are not allowed to enter, reported RTV KiM journalist from the scene.

The Kim Radio crew was denied entry after police officers saw the journalist's last name on her ID card.

The RTS correspondent, as well as the journalist from the Kosovo online portal, were thrown out of the building.

The situation is still tense, and in front of the municipality there is a large number of KFOR members on one side and gathered Serbs on the other.

After a short stay, the Albanian journalists left the municipal building in Zvecan, reported KiM radio.






Palokaj: Could it really be that Serbia met all obligations and Kosovo didn’t (Koha)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj writes in an opinion piece that ever since the start of dialogue 12 years ago, “we haven’t found any trace of the EU directly blaming Serbia for not respecting an obligation. But it often happened that Kosovo was publicly scolded. Even when they did not like an action or statement from Belgrade, some EU officials justified it by saying that ‘Kosovo gave them an argument’. This happened when Thaci was Prime Minister, when Haradinaj was Prime Minister, and it is happening now when Kurti is Prime Minister. Either Serbia has always respected all obligations from the dialogue and Kosovo did not, or the EU is not unbiased in its assessments. There is no other option.”

Palokaj also writes that even when reports talk about the non-implementation of obligations, they note that “Serbia has yet to implement” whereas for Kosovo they say that “Kosovo has failed to implement”. “These may seem like the same claims, but in the formal aspect they are very different, and they reflect the logic that has prevailed for over a decade in the EU, and it prefers to scold Kosovo and spare Serbia. This time the U.S. administration has joined them too. And this is now a bigger challenge for Kosovo. But Kosovo is an independent country, it cannot be neutral towards its own status, and it has the right to make decisions on its own matters. But Kosovo too must learn to live with the consequences of its decision, because this too is a price of independence and proof of responsibility,” he writes.





NATO troops form security cordons in Kosovo as Serbs protest (Al Jazeera)

Soldiers block off four town halls to keep back Serbs protesting against ethnic Albanian mayors taking office in north Kosovo.

NATO peacekeeping soldiers have formed security cordons around four town halls in Kosovo to keep back Serbs protesting against ethnic Albanian mayors taking office in a Serb-majority area after elections they boycotted.

In Zvecan, one of the towns in north Kosovo, state police – staffed entirely by ethnic Albanians after all Serbs quit the force last year – sprayed pepper gas to repel a crowd of Serbs who broke through a security barricade on Monday and tried to force their way into the municipality building, witnesses said.

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Kosovo Serbs trying to take over municipality building in the north clash with police (AP)

Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo clashed with police at a municipal building on Monday as they tried to take over one of the local communes where ethnic Albanian mayors entered last week with the help of authorities.

The violence was the latest incident as tensions soared over the past week, with Serbia putting the country’s military on high alert and sending more troops to the border with Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008.

Kosovo and Serbia have been foes for decades, with Belgrade refusing to recognize Kosovo’s sovereignty. The United States and the European Union have stepped up efforts to help solve the Kosovo-Serbia dispute, fearing further instability in Europe as Russia’s war rages in Ukraine. The EU has made it clear to both Serbia and Kosovo they must normalize relations to advance in their intentions to join the bloc.

On Monday, Kosovar police and the NATO-led Kosovo Force, or KFOR, were seen protecting the municipality buildings in Zvecan, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Mitrovica, four communes that held early elections last month. They were largely boycotted by ethnic Serbs, who form the majority in those areas. Only ethnic Albanian or other smaller minority representatives were elected in the mayoral posts and assemblies.

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Embassies of Quint and EU condemn Kosovo decision to force access in north (BIRN)

In a joint statement, the QUINT countries have urged the Government of Kosovo not to take any new measures to access municipal buildings in Leposavic, Zubin Potok, and Zvecan. The statement warns that new unilateral actions will negatively impact relations with the QUINT countries and the EU.

The embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States, along with the European Union in Kosovo, released a statement on Sunday condemning Kosovo’s decision to force access into municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo.

“New unilateral actions will negatively impact relations with the QUINT countries and the EU,” it says in the joint statement.

They expect the Government of Kosovo to refrain from taking any new measures to force access to the municipal buildings in Leposavic, Zubin Potok, and Zvecan.

The QUINT countries and the EU emphasize that the EU-facilitated Dialogue is the path to the normalization of relations and EU accession.

Viola von Cramon, the rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, called on the new municipal leaders not to enter the municipal buildings in this situation.

“I have to admit that even if you are de jure elected mayors, it does not mean that you have the legitimacy to enter municipal buildings,” she said via video message from the Ibër bridge.

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, has announced that he discussed the situation in northern Kosovo with the Secretary-General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg.

Borrell stated that they have agreed that Prishtina should not escalate the situation and should not take unilateral and destabilizing steps.

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